ST EAK .SATISFACTION When a nice, large, juicy, tender steauk itares you in the face you fîtrget you are tired. 'Yqii (dig ini and slaugliter it. We selI that kind. Ouîr stuakts itake the ordirîary, cheaup, toughi, littie article, thiat mîa.- (jfltrades ~tiioi or 1erterhoiip.v, look likv a piker. Our steaks are the reýal titi g. (rdvir one ai et, fil outr i-it-I oý.y Ie1artilleiit y tl il tbi dniai t aiatt The Model cash Grocery F-J and Market u absotyvilie W. baie the Exclusive Agency for là THE MODEL CASH GROCERY and MARKCET PHONE 3074 LUEWRTyvILL BMme.PQItMpenT ONLY. y Phroe10 ID ~. Specially: Farm Lands bond led n.asorsably- B RING ini a sketch of the house yoî, wouild like tît build. See wliat ar. r-aligeltiiit-4 yoîîcali mako witlî Iuraiîî & Durauîd. I)id you ever consc'iîler that uituîey patid for reîît uîiglt be tîied toi ward owning a homnîe of vtur ow n Utier ftie reîiting -ytem whli-îi tIay ýyottr îrî-ît ytîti lut.' îîotliiîg Ico show foi lia'ing spîelît it. Bîild a bioiusei iii Ii inlrtallnen'lt iplanianti eventully (111hil -be-rides. yoîire livinîg iii it while pattî iîîg l'or it. Beiieiiîer, that is the miîi effec'tivte way of -pjreparing for a raim îlay. pi~,e we~îe a - -e.- - ~ -- DENY CHARES IN McKEOWN STRICKEN BILL PASSED, <IlVu ITA6 DAY NE1-TED DOND t AI WITH ~ IOffice in Kaiset BIG F16UT1 IS ON: NEVER OUT MiAIN' TOLL BRID6E IN CO.! SUPTO IS 4iRATEFUILIEYVL, ______ELHANAN W. «(rt r intied Froin Pan o Oit' A. F. McKeown, WelI Known tànnrprioo iii nAil tAhn A~id-i , r1 , it-- - hoOt la f- ...t arrier oifiLake t.U. ad (;ni- it io ihti idlJviJ t ~iitu miil vtî * Aîui I t I fr'ttdttlefltlv ll rite scnt I cago, Is Now in Hîs Bed. ir tl t , rt îr ed on Recent Tag D1s' trilt îlmittisr lot i e tn'aI l otc trt it, ri . 1- , r r . il,, i palltlo t (Iat f$rlecl VIAS MONT. WAR*S AGENT. 'iiriîit t t,".ri,, WAU KEGAN GAVE $1 35.27.i fll ais aîcr-ars ivy bit. reqrttia-t t ________il_ ttl'l tit 4iit I-s i, 'ti iljtvt adiîn it istrator. t ltptri cfo"t rt,.- li *!iý1l. Charges ConspiracY. The Man Who Made Many Big W, lit îhi.î i n ti. , Interesting Letter to Miss iud- The-suaiti l1 alic'gî-.c iat the stale] Deals for Montgomery Ward Yttvîrq v"vruit j son by One Who Failed Catiterin (rît',tord flot only Cli HAtuY oGt agd sîclred and cutîfeleratedl witii ber hiti- and OtherslYow Strieken. tAItSV totl'l\t e agd band ar-tinig as ailministrator O o ia dI Pcctrittt t rtrti. c estatp, and fradulently secured the ai- rini' of A. F. McKevvrv - t trt maritFox Lake liave obt-oit i v n orwarti ERîitor Wý%aukegan Sun: lowant-p of ber eaid daim o!Je$2600 whston, yasagnpr( mc itit consîderabrtie attii-iet oto f heo Dear Sic -We detiretxo 1 ,tv-sto and the saie of the lit mentioned (tnd ie teai-P aof purtt II thicagopsaeoch ,1w ieivudgý j n houhyut l h iit tract of land for te satisfaction orfad]tlws tNrh fîtaolasg rteli bit ol tx .uadwrogtYUt i h sstt the ame, but lu addition titereto by rwiiere lte 00W owD a biglitiace. wilipermission for thte caiFtctrttion Of eil Inany way ta m%'.ke-Tag Day' a mensof fraduient reprcsenatîonS s, ere hoea inhiagobeit hined (0 l te toli bridge for (hi'. section oE L.ake si.ccess. tour mont hearty andi sincere inducements and promises site.induce- ait a restit or a stro'ce puflered some County being governmezit wacrr, it thierks, and assure you we greatiy e d Mary Annu McNaELnaa. Margaret limre agit.iwas necessary to pecur, permission appreciate, everythItni 'bat ha' boe Suydam. EIen Deengan and James H. it la said ho te PertectlY itelPless of the government befu)re te bridge doue for thte benefit of the onue hun- hucerto ite fut e o! two ousay dand taIlite chiaoces are ho neyer couid be construçld Perwriss!on (lied and forty cilidren under Our dolrs.he'ritherbiocrea titatthereagain wiil bie able to leave is bord. t dols. no c bnillerges n hatvere fo r . rmeKeown ia vel known tu trom-the L5*e CountYfliottentor sai- care. %rae nid two dtOa htid olr.fobaîLake county, abas for Yeare been pervitira s secured srime luttle To lte mayor of Waukegan for lis the e i w ousnd blieve titat the personai reprMatative, of lte lime aga. cryo-patnInerwyo they alar hefre rawford be taslate Montgomery Word itute latter's Tebig nqeto ilb i heart oprtofnhe ell ura, t chelalrnd CatherindrWOdth asidland transactions la Lake County. Ti rdeiiqeto iib i i-eio ftt al u o I claied nd retndedtirit aidMr. rscKeown wo» coeuidered ane of timesgaverrtoor feople wh0 pasoin s l endid article commending the or- $2000bwsteoni acuio nd Pt Tener the sitrewdest i"d pttrcitasers in tieti5Iat direction for it wiii maîte a more i-anage and "tag day". to î'I, insac and ite ae theliat int iPetoli c- section and made Imany Important direct route between te two points. who laitared early and late t0 colect titious and faise.dasfrthsaselasr Wr. At thte present time ilt I necessary the coins. to the secretary oif the Y. Accordingiy they ank taIlite salid McKeowns bg barn on thte place sal t Cîhrie Cawor h sldwet cf North Chicago in said tue be ta make a round-about trip around te M.C. A. for bis services. aud ro overy sal tc CaherneCrafor bysoritthe largest barn Iu Lake County and twrr lakes. By being able ta pasa dir- Mn, wornansd chilid who worea admnstrtr els tet haes. the tairn i Ioconsidered one of the ecîiy serons te two laietes(ers wIll 'taigewe want (o aay thanit yau." TeAnswer Deile ti.Chrie . inot lu the iocality. i-e usod lu be a saving of several miles. Titase AIl wlll bie pieased 10 know titat the Crawford titrougit At Beaubien speud cansîderabie tinte an Il but of dlaims taIlite paid cdaim aiiowed late lis Interests kept hlm in the clty wito coneti-tct te bridge will charge total amaunt fromt Wauiegau was by the County court cetf $2600 wonas sti of te lime, moderato toita provide for the iui.-$11:-527 aud aur receipîs for lte day bouifide dlaim, taitte raid Pal tial conl sud maintenance of the ex-. aere 11,229.61. Tuciier lived aI lite home ut Caîher- lIICS fDlI pensive structure. Yours sincerely tre Crawford for man), yesi-s pi-eviO'iis UAIR1LJ S V[ [LU It la probaitiy to laie lu the sea- LUICY J. JIJDSON. S-upt. ta bis deatb snd thal ithe took cSi-O of Monils1 ta oit any work on lta bridge ONE WHO WASN"r TAGGED. ithbe a y oglerMitonaI cn- J i r~~ A t tiis year and If titis la lite cas3e work 'Te foiiowiug most finteresling let. sideration therel or site sitauid have wil lasbe tarted thete irait thing lIete 1r. Indicating lte loyaity of pnoeof ail of is rosi estlate upon bis destit f CT Tbp jring. teb supporters of lte orpitanage to titat ail the heirs of te said Patl HATE II1 S CMi5OI4Ofoliow thte Stns effôfts lai assist tat 'rucker cousented 10 lite fiing of soid dlaimi and admllted litaIlil wass aIIYe jflJlUf ' istitution rias received by Mias Jud. just daim; titalit e $2.000 obligation ThiVioatin W'- UO11LD NOI sonfoliowing tag day. wraenlerod mb of tbe freic wIl and OnY Voltin 8 That îey WueaIlOt 0 causent of aitlthe ire of Pal Tucit- Uo4 ad Fald t Erect MiIk Mise 1suJ Wai<gau.ii.,Oc. , of saidliactuat wy ai dter taail Houses on Farms Ail9I ME TIN S; 1 a;am~: Wel as 1 did nat gel sid iteirs sud thet no fraud or indue-.I N 1CD^ " Slge.1togt1wudsn yltl mentr o inluece ras rouht n U ntmile down. I was iaoklng for sonne -any of theui ta induce tbeu tao bIt. O________ oSDY. uetî o corne 10lite bouse but no one galettemsope.e tat asite dld nol ae adm bsad1 e cnive tb secure te appoitient Of1 odm hubnIcben ber buuband as administralor of aads I aeteMI os o-Brigo e aysS r-te looltoul ad be ready but no one estale.________ pleted in a Few Days-ln- tary Orvis of N*ew Road tagged hlm eiliter so 1 wili send ours cu spector Continues Work. Was Dissatisfied. down for i have alweys bien. la any' _________thiug taIlite Sun bad for the orpitan- FARTI IS FLAT,1a-I n n1dn' att eoto Tite owuerp of te two dainles whicb RECEIVER IN STATEMENT. iag.-, and sa I dh' avelnon 10 be tt SUN EÀR VO IVÀ sýo toped ron brigin tioira numiter of limes on 1 ftuow titat evs SUN NEAR? loal LIVAco :.n, hav Receiver Peck Declares Wau- ery cent guice fr a god cause so et- fIVE t' p OO Imerde baste ta compiy wstlbite regula- (hrrE FRM 'P~ F tins laid dnwn ity State Inspector conda Road Lost Hundreds cloped findt ane dlar.A ______looney. 'rit wo daintes in question ao llr ah o . Aund, ta te shove lbIter.Misn Jud- aelocateti near Five Pointa west fotsy Tak. WibrGet üivoeBe fNort Chicago. itlal said tat I wilh Ralici L. Peck. te receiver for te__________ - ?ioît. sioke in Ziou Temple. Chiiago, aie excepiîon o! baving n mit aukegan. Rockford and Elgin Trac- Sunday ou 'Miodemn Astrouomy - Higit- bousies te îwo dairler werel lt lion company. te Wauconda rail- Wooo Restorutd. (riliiltus aîc Exaullon' 10provehepltifrondito. o b] as Issued a statement relative Woodwork whicitlins grOwn dlg or Ciiimsta auto, opr, et l odtin nsffairs of te compauy whicb lu- wth tinte and lte 80umula11ticu cd litai the ecarlbth iflot roucnd sud tat M'heu Inspector Cooney w-as here clud ira arng otiter Ihings, Ibis ref- dusî may lie restored by tiret cimeDn ! il dc.ual otrt-t Iti six week'. aoho visited titepe lwo ereuce - 'Proof" of Arguments. deirieosaud] orderer] te 0wners 'iTe. resi for te recoi'.ership la thorougitiy witit keraselte on a fi» lie citer]lt atwn ont atol~tîioros~acrac irat erond bas heen oporaiedrit aIanel clatt. masy@lte WusitngtaitH»i irt-.îIi hefocoîteîtitv-. oins 1 eli0 kI mssli ta t acrail with I several bundred dollar'. monl'h- a"' lsit ouid tbon be polahed with proo it cniitton, ndtoshow flerue àpIdc aldt"ref---, . *i o 'e moutexcept J a- of itis a mixture of IW-O paxtaof turvefltln îlrat if te p artitwcrrt round: Tite owuers tgreîtfl ta do in but ne- year. and] certain of te ofltcerq are to one af inaeed ail. ÂPPIY titis witI t1 'y it st y DURAND & DURANDý Lîbertyville Phone No 2 Lakte Buff Phtone No. 456 Real Estate Insurance Collection of Accounts R en t ing BOYD'S STUDIO 15%1 Discount In the Studio the "Xmas"' work begins the first of November. A discount of 15% on -ail work wil be given during that month. Atmtraiias Mîttlihatve ta t'. ar *hîctî,kiron Iheir feet. Ttur,, rri ctutd lttOtstrcitcl andt rirceîd from tea'.-în '.'thth ie i-ai t t'. lirlilitg 10 tile., a 1i1titîtt t attîtoîî tails irer] airaigitl up tt tcrt liclot t oIitelot'. ib inte sama t ii tittO Utiot ofie tait way arou ciiirliii rt ifron thei tîlrna rt \tltà ir vtIiagrarn'4 on a bltack tbtardi ttc turctraIe is argumntst.. Brande Theory Siliy." -Tire '.itr -ffotrlslitstutI i wa'.taigbtî rîîd sorîcotl chittdren arc. laughl, Ihal te worid is a globe hecause ships dis- appear aîtd hecatiot you cal] saili around il. 1'. fabire."deciarer] Voliva. "No one isais around te eartit, be- cause il 1'. ual round. They just travel in a cii-cie on a flt plane sud corne hack la wtîere ttîey slarted. "rThe professors at Northwesteni and Chicago uîiversities wbo believe sucit 'tuff do nal believe te word of Gar]. i coitiigu te Copernican te- ory tu bell.'.'.iere il came firn. Il is a deinninspirer] lheory. Deciares Earlh Fiat. "Thite taithi lt ansd ta. four cor- ne. ý,and]lils.boundaries ai-e llxed by ice. 'rie esi-t resta or water anti God nover ciester] more titan one sun sud oîîe uoon. This talk abotut milliooif !suns it ail rot. Tire mooîî has. Ic owii igitt sud titi surn lia'.lils. tîr.Thrie -tan 1'. oity 3, 00ot)tlles".firnite ri-tianti not 92, G Otttf miles. away. as the Infidel teaci itîgit ofmodern science assert. 'if a man wanteîl to liglitI a itou'. w-tuld be Put bisi'.iglt s mile awaYl il would bho itntas aitsui-d 10Put lIa su tîcli a long way off. Modern as lronamy Is a deitision firnite "Ifte stars were bigger titantl( eartit they would smashpi tobsmlther eens wben titey lu. "People may laugi t a itis uow, ibu lu ton years 1 will make tem laugl ounte alter aide of their muge."' Independent: Mare readeru titan al cotsnty wcekIles comblned. r. 1d- -Is i ka. e> h î'tone rertrtt-i ttt iti tn. îe Inluaddition ltuitis are rMaints.ln a 5 l every trace Of lte liqul.d soIm. ta ""Oe> re""" o tltstrp- lea'cou'.idei-cîle amoufli. whiicit are part have disappeared. Repeatad applica- from itel ai, e tabe brughmli duend tW'.'. t '.'.v t tttrsiinott lions and conlinued rubbiag w-lu give itîre. Thest'ti.r ar] (ho desined titere has. ieen a danger for Borne-a ricb glass ta wood tntm or Mos ic-c t farrotrîr Ni-i c-.i.t the day fill limre thal '.omie 0f tipc' ttt--tli--ied any furnilure.2 ciIdtiout. -ttiilit Me'.l'es procure ______________ icr iîgut. tt.tat.tct lteonerlia t îtr-t rsrit itit i ht.a oniee Afarmer plates lie lias pracîicaily9 rt t'. tf tr- vi iriest-t sarled ltth. irat ti t'.tttt ii h' o ,- tt l ociral rid ilis foim of goplci-itby te use of cri ticcuotrInmii'.it '- sd wiii. is. e Iittie r. stit i ttlrai t-tati wo totgasoline. lile caries a ol ansd a tent ronîtretevi tiltno a few dat ielctiiitecji wtl il eItotintere," 1.set a'. boii iof rollon hatting w 1h ibinawhile Whbtn troso îttllh iv tire-v areccntpilot ' - trrct ofiberelrrvers. t Iwoi-king ii inte fild,]su w-h-n lie sees - et te dairies wil tri Pcompliler wit titrltt 10rtttî te roar] Ifitossile. ggope nIlt.ttoa hale lietpon anmd ai; the siate rîtît .t titiwil agalu otTi'. w iili teta'utart iiiicdiate redte-cgsiie pnswdofctatsr pr-îmitted la I)rrti2 ttclr here for nritit nof te oýprSitO itzeii.e'9to te place'. itlnl lte citofIte tole and otîtr rspec-t lit-i nis i crininlutrîîc antatttrpr')is~Iccn ii. m cveail wllls du-t.'Te gas fumes othe repecs 1w liiros re l! hatvý3ý tht wll akecarai-ehe retetav'. rtian ar] la othe couir] bu asked of titem.Mn. Corincy orricte credilors bottltai of litebole. lu attempîs tu gel 13 veii pleased wont tue condition oa! llorring tbthli ate OiOmaîler. te aIr te gophiei-cones lathe 1op of te varlous dairit- as he ts flnding lWarrinîgton Re.iow isys: teitale, aud te gas dues te nesI. Nlr - Knowe (wlta asketi for the ie- Rernove cotton ln about bal! an hour tem, lie w-ii it thIaveo b risitlasei% eer i aiteger]î'aîttere have een inany Ibis lime aite asI lime for on serjou.q dIsagreernus arnng lte MDR . iA. RAftIE.M. D. ltat viit tite grater part of tem directors andr officers .of te Cornpany "' 5* AI1 I LL**~ r.ere fuad lie rornpiying %it ail iatd te'.ecretarv itas iecorn o 50 OrSatik Hid#. AEI neurmns (i iepae ee itorer] tatieho on'i attend the reqirmets Oivth pacs ute eelîn. 'iThe camîcauy arcarding ta offite Rours-2 4 p. ni. s!igitI change'.%wrrt' ound b lie ne- Mr. Knowe. aira 19. heing aiierafed Suuday Exceptcd deetssi-y witi bactu lbovlsiled t'5 is ,r;to's of st-riai ltîudred dallai-s oeouN.29-1 lime.'The conditiott of the daixitis Part mout,te amiouril reachlug 'eehn o 9-- s'.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~' a)iooi ac r r i.ioîi a $ci) 1nJa 1 f itis year. Notes as whle s slitto e seudstlith@ere1 l.,iiuryt Superintendent of iteen ln year'.'The local Inspector mone.N ola py litem. arroi-ding lunlte Diamond Lake Sanitarium wi1i1 accomarnrit' Mr. CoOney oily tetilian. stock auîounting tu $700.- t w-uile hlieIs ic'.îi-tilnrI (ho dat-es0lo 'tttias i ieioid ndrattempîs la poil forrneriy of Baile Cresk andChicago'r'm wl-rch BOiiity t'%tttteg'.n w-it-tsîw a'fler stclrîkunre faile]. %Ir. Knowe - wanti-ci s i-t r tao s'.e lte rem- Mr!. Coonet t-teut tr Ciicago Wodines- nants. -day nigitl but wa- esttOcted ta returu R . B . E P K E P, ytiimaflei-uaolc wtcottlho nteusirla1nS E E SO O nsIarI again on flite tur ofI lupeo. S EK E SON F RGENERAL e_ _ __ _ _AUCTIONEER Bad News. RTRDMN~~ 111 rnali Peler. il isguiseti as a district RE I lisIS ER Dtes triranger] andsese made * messenser. was dîliveilg play tel&e-mtotwoytr@ * 'grains tu i'. si.iters. wito were li.n - riiii'i, o vr-tdemonîna- Phone 267-M-I LIBER'rYVULiE -provising dispaltcr of a more an less t___________e_____________in___d____ starîling nature. 'W.hen ilscante LiI.tiOc.iirettreltinsdwi flansltui-n, she rear] aIoud front ber 1ttitoR relation ta te convention . 2 8& 32 N. Fith Ave. bit a! yeilow paper. ai iey sm. %il usayi V .hn-CHICAGO - ILLINOIS le ialud walse of woe Raii-od wrock. ito. iv t _-lit tire inleroîtîs of seeuning 10-Course Table dc lioe I w as nsta tly klled. Y our laving ai ad quti cIepension for relur ] m In i- Dinner Sun uiys& foidays e. 1tsbnfe tr%. liteir wi.tctws sud orpitaus. D~ 1. Titi î-ccttt rut iro wilinhorheldeundo lil th Lil Rtaller a Large Order. A 11111e boy scas apier]by bia bus* mother la ltelepitoue the grocer for cor- tain bouacitoîr]supplies. Thi iithe way te message euded: 'Please oiWgc and gondr ton cents' wortit o! anmicrac kera, sud pleafetohâe out &il the eepbants. becault ii.babY ta afrald o!ftem." The Inriependent leads ail. te att.ittt'. rf le M etodisl Epis- coalai ittrchit. iai ilwllhave ou fis priogr'.tni afttker' te chie! repro- relt-lt( oti'. " o f Itite alter large titroti'tticit.wiiciare engager] In priuctttlflu a iteiton plan for tbe Inat ion'. 'Teabject ot theumeeting 1'. the iautchiior a!the canîpaig lai-rlte se- ciuri of $5,0oolt ooadditional epdiow- nnl îtt iiitg te yeari-1915. VOCAL AND INSTRU- Talking Machines Ail Ki.&i French, Germen, Ialien and Spanish Language Outfits. Whetl*YOU trant & machine or records. rail oip Wi.etka 693-W or Centratl 3,7. JAMES 1. LYONS 25 Wcflltae St., Chilcago ai Fsatead iing. er Block. ILLINOIS. COLBY Offcc in'Triggs Building. LIElERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. Libe rty'.ie - Illinois ttr on 1tr . -,2R H Çttirce Phone 1' MARTIN C. DECKBR 4TTOR'RY-AT-!LAW IllC.eo p p. IOta St. Electrie Station JHure Pitons 848 REW. Phone 13602 NOILTH CEH1CAUO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ubexty-v111. Itois PEONU sa DL O.0. . TTBRFUELD. VETUEISÂBY SUEGEON AIUMANT STATU VUUI"AIIAS. UàberIlyveIlle linols. DR. I. V. SMIT11 PI4YSICIAN AND SURGEON douo8 o 10 15ar. I3to 4Cand 7 tu .UM Office overai lY urntture Store. 1 LIBERTYVILLE. ILLIN4OIS DR, 1. L TAYLOR Office in Flut Natk"oaDnk H.iiJimg gotrs:-l to 3:80 *Mdto 8 m. gesideanunBroadway. oppoite Park DL GOLDING DEVMIT Boum 8io 1§ &M.-1 to ôp.M C)yer Plut National Bank Office Phone 194., Des. Phone 157J. UAbertyvlle, Ilisole DRL Il SMITH DENTIS'. 3VU5 LAS DODU?? NOMAI.SU mini-S lc 12 a. um.sud 1 bS& p. m DAILT. iAbervrrlflê Imola CHAS. N. STEPIiENS, M. 0. H014ROPATEIC PHYSICIAN aMdSURGEON Phois 100 Office ove, Ou Co. LibNOUNilE. 111 - Dr. N.W. ShEoner WAUKKGAN. INSOIS Wilbeat Mrs.CL .SNe,s m O Ord SiL. Ujbertyvillc. on Tau. and Friday, sftermeoou sad venisg. OR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OSTEOPATNic PHYBICIAN 215 Madison St., Waukegan, 111. Office tlcums 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 P M.; 7-8 P. IL Sundays by ApPointuient 0ni7 Telephone 228. JL. REDDING, D.V. M. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduato ChicagoVol. Colieg office et Residencei 1?79 Grand Ave. Phono 1186-W. releptione 1450-M ai Detteprepared ISsu et, experte. *ve? 10 do jour pork. J. M. GIraves AUCT ION EER 144 Ehnwood Are.., Waukuan, RU se. -me befon mshing Yomrdt GENERÂL ÂUCTI ONRER 1 have itcd much exprlence ln faiM sales-Rate 1%. SafactIon go«- anteed. W. H. APPLEY Phone 212-J Libueyvll PUBLIC AVCTIONEERING closeet attention pibd b 05.D1 auction islesand beit reaite1.nbo= lItg Rame.1 Ail kinda of horse, wagfon. and harnece for sale or exeange at a&f iane. HENlRY SINE Phonos 148 or 48 ZIONCITY, ML NAIlIAN E.GATZERT Auctioneer U« R Sock sad Faim Sales à Specialty Phone 46 - Libertyvilt jindelsendent reader? MN ON. IPisoe 307- See the New Style Folders .L 1 -. 1