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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Nov 1914, p. 4

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Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun1 Office Tlephone Number i, Libertyvilie Exchange. entered a4theii Pootoflice at Libertyville, Ill., as Second Claés Mail Matter Officiai Paper for Lake County. tesaed Every Friday. Adrtislng Rates Mlade Known on Application. SUBSORIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ;7W . ..SMITHi ............................... ......................................... Editor F. G. SMITH ....................................................... ***ï- ,..,Manager M.J WSR..................................... Reaident Mnaer Pon 6 GIVES PRAISE TOEDWAERDS. Referring to Judge Claire Edwards, the. Belvidere Re- publican Baya: 'Judge Claire Edwards is having a strenu- ous term of circuit court at Waukegan, where the crùminal court calendar is large and lias some very serions cases. "Judge Edwards lias been a very busy maxn since lie was appomnted to the bencli to f111 ont the unexpired tcrm of the late Judge Wliitncv. Hie bas been kept busy at Wau- kegan a good part of thle tim",, but spent two weeks pre- sidng initlie Boone county circuit court. During his work liere he made a distinctly favorable impression on the * Boone county lawyers and otliers wlio were brouglit into contact witl i ui. Called upon to decide many intricate questions of law lis rulings were prompt, showing tliat thenew judge is not only weil grounded in the law, but bas tlie judicial temperament, can arrive at conclusions quick- ]y, bas cicar mental vision and the abiity to state bis con- c1usidns witli compreliensive clarity. Socially lie proved to be a most likeable man, and taken ail in ail, he made au excellent impression on al witl wliom lie came in contact on his first visit to Belvidere in a judicial capacity. +1 HAVE YOU A SUG*ESTION? IF 80, GIVE IT TO US. The L.ake Couîîtv îIlueedent is Lake eîîuntv's big FAMILY PAPER! Yes, ît's a fami] 'v affair, and therefore its owiiers arc desirous ail the tirne of naking it just wlîat the tlunsands of families in Lake eountv reafly want ini their hontîe. Naturailly sonietimes w-e nake inistakes-whlo does nof? Bt\etvawv onaett airteios 011 try paper that eau he printed. Wc tîv to imrnîîove it in every lime possible, but even then I)eriial>s we fail short in the opinions of soute thuîîking people. llowever, as it is our desire always t<î have it THE BEST, suggestions of rcaders frcquentlv îvill help inake improvements. And, we're n ot above hearing and accept- ing suggestions. If lyou, as a member of the Independent 's big family, bave any suggestions wvlieli yon feel will hlep improve the paper, won't you just drop us a note calling attention to what you think would help make the Independent OREATER, BETTER and more popular even if it merely is in your opinion. We wa.nt to please every bodv, there- fore everybody's suggestion is receiv-edlunthe iîidlspirit it may be tendered. What good idea have YOU for the Independent'simi- provement 1 AÂloèal paper sas that Marjorie Flood, the Warrenton .girt-"eiId throe and a, half clow in a minute at the. Chi- cago dalry show."l Wonder wbich haif of the cow she got the. fractional portion from. That state board officer, Dr. Crawford, who discovers eight cases of smalpox in Zion City ton days ago and now admits there are over 40, must b. of ratiier contented na- ture when hie can say.: "The. situation is being handled quit. uatisfactorly."1 An increase of over 30 cases in ton days may satisfy hinm, but it doesn't satisfy Waukegan people, *ho, through their officiais, have demanded ACT- ION BY TE STATE BOARD 1 The men above Dr. Craw- ford',evidently are of the saine mind, for they came to tuas locality today in post haste upon heaning directly f'rom Waukegan officials. Dr. Crawford's handling of the ait- uântion in Zion lias been of too conciliatory a policy. In fact, it looks as if the. Ziomites hal himm buffaloed," and his actions have been dfrected towaa-d pleasing them rather tilan protecting othera. DOUBLE-HEÂDERB~ eB i FRIDAY, NOV. 13thBa k tB l Grayslake Ml. S. vs. Lbertyville M. S, 1. il. S. Sophomnore Girls vs. L M. S, Senior Girls Tihe boys' basket baIl team o! the Craysiake high achool le an excep. tiacally trong one, and as tihe Libertyvilie bay@ are steadîl>' improv». fns, a lose, tait gamé ie aseuréd. Thé girls' téama bave airsady played one game in which thé cophomores were winnérs, and are ver>' deiraut af heving large crowd ai ladies lu the audience. Thé girls play a guod gýze.ad you sholdn'trnms t. Two games for thé priceoaione. LIBERTYVILLE TOWN HUL Adulta 25c Sohool Pupils .1 AW. LINDROTssuRO.T)ONE F LISERTYVILLE, ILL. M1L L INERY and DRY GOODS A fise aaaortmeni uof Ladies' and Chidree's Winter Hats, very lastest styles Good Plumes, Ribboesanmd Trimmings. A nice line of Pure Wool Sweaters, Hase and Warm Caps. We' se»i the PARISIANA CORSETS-Ail Prices. The minutes oi thé last regeler and eleet, and a change to clear, colfi ajourned meétinge wiere read and ac. westher will folicw the cessation cof eoted ounmotion o! Sîale and Wright, thesé astarme. This wtll laat untU _________________________ thé fitth or sixth. Frotu thé sixth te _______ hichcarred.the ténth W~lil be a Period of riaing "Waihingtan at Valley Forge," 4-m 1 tir. Biecb ai the Pulici Service Co., 1témpprature. faliing herometer, re. production et the Lyri,Saturday niglît. w"a present and shov cd the. hoard the! newed storma cf rein. whielh willl chart bhowitug the voltage ou the streei eventuallie turn. to ffnow. coldW- Mr.andMr. Hgh uges f Orne, igh srvie.ther and a clearing will fcllow i h ~r. nd irs Bub Hghe aiOure.,ligt srvie. ak. cf Ibis storma pertod. From thé) and lire. IntsiAnses ai Auioch, wére The treamurer and clerks reparte were téuth to thé fifteenth will é noe é visitors hère Thuroda>'. read and atidited lby lhe finaneec ran i.estoru. which, ]lit plisej= a. Mr. nd rs. as.Nels an fauif mittee and accepted an motion af Ells- sors during thé month 'ulll ho 10110w. tir ad ir. as Nls ad enly worth and Smale, which carried, a,,éd b>' a change t o flder. Thtis con-, bavenovd frm te Hatt ous onV()tL« ye.tinuai succession cf rain 'followed b>' hilaeeaveutram the fltt hueonf C. ia>.a cl-ering and a change te coldér wtlj Mmiwukeeveu e a hefaraiC. tetsnowing reeuluton waspreseuted Persist thrcugh thé rémainder of thé Boychu.by the finance eomuitieeaudadapted onmentth, with éther etorm perioda cen. tuai on thé 26th and 3Oth.Wahr A mastérpiec li m'&tîan picturF- motion ai Ellesorths and Wright, whîcbcf hé0 am tve mte . "Wahington et Valley l'orge." Francis Ford and (irace Cucard. At the Lyric, Baturda>' ight, Nov. 7. tiré. Sidon Clarke entertajned ber aster, tire. J. N. Stafford tram Cincnnati, Ohio, Batutday evening. Thase enjo>'. litg the evening £were: Mr. and lire. Aaron Sitafford auid danghter Alice, Mr. and tirs. Dean îienuett sud daughter Mahel, Mir. audltirs.afarrison Dunaeth, Lulu flohdê, George Baguier aud tiru. J. N. Stafford. Ballow'ee Paesed off ver>' quietl>' ln Libertyviiie, li tact @0 quiet that persons Who eset up late in tiie night ewaltiuig the usual happenings on Halloween night wece disappointed in having wast- éd the houre ai vigil. As far as eu ha learned, there was] not one single iu- stance whérin miochiet was doué. S. D. Neison eoid his barber @hop on Milwaukeé avenue to Chae. E. Mison ai Round Lake thé tirât ai thé week. Thé new ownér ba@ been lu the barber busi- nese in Round Lake for severai yeer, aed Io wéll known lure as hé bas heîd poe!i- tions iu séverai local shaps in thé pasit. tir. Miason yllesake several improve- monte in the shop. Mir. Nelson opeeed thé herber.shop le Butler building about twa yeare aglu. fim Uccesor l clave hie tauîlY tla LibertYville ie thée nar future Tableaux Sûpei eadinge Shadaw Pantomines Frida>' Evé,, Nov. 20, 1914 Basket Social Bugse5cool ELECT,OFFICERS 0F âEREDfffIiF. & Y. CO. At a meeting of the new directore o the Meedih Flower & Végtable Co. lait Frida>' nightl as tlie gmenhouse new uuffirenu were electéd. Thé men chusen fur thé offices are thoraughl>' experienced in businese, sud nu dout wHIl h. able ta pull the conceru miall> through. the crisii.anid place Iton a pa>ing heais. Thé aificers eiected by thé directors ane as 10110w.: B. B. Eger preéldeut. C. F. Wright, vice-preeîdenî and troasurer. John Dollenimaier, sécreter>'. Thoe tockholders ai the compan>' wil hold suother meeting at the tawn hall on Seturda>' événing ai this néét. CHUPCH NEWS Presbyterian. Moirning-svorship 10:30 ar. Sabbath ochool 11:45 a. mi. Sin. Roy Wright, Superintendeet. Chriatiau Endeavor 6:45 p. mi. Topic. "Out of Rut. " Leaders, Banche Trigg@, Marshall Waldo. Evenieg service 7:30 p. m. Bible heur study ai the Lité ai Chrisgt evéry Wédnesdr.v evening at 7:45. R. Id. Alîbunt, Pastor. Methodist-Episcoval. ýNext Sunda>' Préachlng services nili hé held at thé M. E. church, bath servie et thé nuaiMtime. At il1o'c'ock Rev. Ream wll preach on thé tapie, "Bread Cast (Jpou thé Waters.' lu the evenlng st 7:130 thé subject o! the sermon will hé. "Courage 0ur Vaut. aget Ground.", Thére wilI ne a ver>' Important sud lnteresting Epworth League service neit Hunda>'evéninget 6:45. Sub.,«-ilson. 6r>' OPPOrtunities InOurCities." Leader, Mir@. D. A. Young. The choir ot théeIM. E. cbnrch wili meét for rehearsal this we k an Frida>' even- log et 8 o'clock. Ail members urgod ta attenud. St. Lawrence Epîscopal. Ber. Eiowàsln S. WaIIIr, Priest-in-charge Bol>' Communion every Bunda>' 7:45 &. m. Firotfiuudayin month 1:80..m. tiornIng Prayer ever>' Sunde>' except aboyé 10:80ea. m. Sund" ' chool 11:45 s. m. AIl Bol>' Dey@..Bol>' Communion 9:00 s. M. Haîf Da.y Church. 9-30 a. ni. Germon Stinda>' School. 10:30 a. mi. Church Service. 1:30 p. mi. Englilh Rende>' Schooî. 2:30 p. in. Preaching. 7:30 p. ni. Preaclsing. :80 p,.in. Thursda, uidwsek meeting.- Psor, L. E. Thoman. I.ake CountY's hig weekly-INDU. PENDENT. carrieu, alisvoulg3e. l' neuxece Resolved, That $3o(, 20 hé taken Ir, m I ecember. " u the uoappropriaied fund and added to About thirty members of thé W..- the contingent luijd. kegan O. E. 8. went to Libertyville E. E. Ellsworth FIrdey evening where they were guesteo!fthe chepter cf that placé. Roy F. Wright. They sPént a delightfufl evening and tloved by Titus and Coln that the the Libertyvillé lodge Proved 1tselt' bill of the Pnblie Service Co , for 8eptem. royal entertainere. ber atreet Iighto hée ut 25%. Aye- Colline, Saisie, Titus, Wright. Nay- Special 4-reel production-"4Washind. Blile forth. ton at Valley Forge." Written, pro-1 1 The foloing bille were read and dueed and ected by Frondla Ford and audlted b>' thte finance committe. and Gratte Cuffard, who acteà leading parte' &llOWOd On motion of Ellsworth and ln thée riali@tory Lnclle Love." Lyrid sosie, Whieb earriedi ail vating aye: Theatre, Saturde>' night, Nov. 7. E. E. Ellsworth, idée ......... 2 70 J. Lester, police ........... L... 400 AN APPRECIATION F. Dueuierry, labor ........ 10 00 W@ wlsh to thank you ail Who 8o D. Limberry, oct. oalary ....6500 ganeroueiy aei@ted ln hlpinig Us *0 Firenien, Oct. éalary.............. 24 00 liberally afler our lame by tire., W.wi.h E. B. Coriett, 8l ni. salary ...50 00 to assure you it ia greatly appreciateij. E. a. Coriett. expreés ............... 44 0. L. Huhiierd aed Faunîl>. Geo. Triggs, stréét work ....39 60,_________________ Albert Lynchb ......................B Nil. MILLER. Afamer, 0. Heath..... ............ 7 50 ADJUDICATION NOTICE. J. Brizon................ 6 2" PuicUNotice Io eb re bm thOe Suh. Bert Hall............... 1 b 04) scrller Ex-cte), of th. LO,î Witt and Testa. 0. E. Leter... .. .......... .26 10 ment of Frank B. 1Mor>ln. deee..d. .111 W. B. Studer. ourpving ...........fil oo ateuite Conty Coue, cf Lake County. s" a ternitiiereof tu be holden &tthle court îHouer in Lak.e Co. P. & P. (opriîiting .. 29 30 Waokegan. in Matif Croty. on, the irent londay Paul Ray, bruses ........... ......... 40 of Jaciiar9 udxt. 1915. sIen ana dîere ail Aý Kilchman.Oet. éa:ary...... (5 (00 DrSnéalo c lztium i $aiencd t&amar Treptow & Taylor. olive ............ 7 -o 5 otifIeted ui ,îe, 0ne,n LIe gmne tu sid Court for adîuidlcatloii. H. àMutIler hiig. Co ,.1 orp. ( uné 21 24 a*MIMA fI<PP. Reeýutuîu Public Servie, . It ~ lig.hte, waukcvan. il] , -v,.tbvr 2 1914 $183 87 et 25% ............ 17 9No.60a M.ovet1 iîy Titus îiî,l Collinse that J.W______ Butler b4 notiticîl t. put in ew blîivli je hie walk cin ront oft lue prolerty tic Motion by Smale and Titué that thé property owcere owning prapert> abut- iug oit the alley norîh af the C. M. Eiectric tracke and @estofetMilwaukee Renew Your 0Wd Car- avenue be notified ta cemave aIl obstrue- htceae. tbf. iroinithe aile>'. Motion earried." ' h elI Notion by Bail and Wrighit that the Let Us overbaul your motor bond of H. B. Eger for layiug weter and transmission. usIns on Emlt, Park avenu. :a" New. Replace worn or bro- hor and Firat etreet ho povseil. ken parts. Mu)tion carried, pli voting ayé. Repaiet or révarnîeh tIoved b>' Wright and Titus ta ad- your car. jauni. Carried. Make it LIKE NEW. E. B. Corlest, Cerk. GET OUR ESTINATE and NOW la the TIIllE MARJORIE FLOOD eoalaslcostntwt IS CHAMPION ChIILD Just's Garage lui.&. MILKEMIR 0OF STATE-1Lre letIqlýl .Ilni ______ N. liiisei-:- 0000000-------- Warrenton Girl Wins First Prize at the Dairy Show in ChicagoFriday. Marjorîv. Flood ' 13 Year old daugbt- or of Mnr. andl ire. IL .E. Flood af Wauieeton la the chamapion girl milit- en in this part of thé country, havlng won firot cnize at the big dalry show lu Chicago Friday Oct. 3Oth. fly obtaining three and a half liaund.9 of miîk 1in01n0 minute, she was annaueced thé champion of ail contestants, there heing six le ail. Thé other winners weré: 2nd-Genet Hogfman, Duee-She secured 2 I-2 pounde In One minuté. 3rd-Craie Goffnian, Dundee-She secuned 1 3.4 pounds mll'i In minuté. By wlnning firet pria.. MISs Flood gat If b1 esides thé honor of wearIng a big llacard about thé show Imitent. 1er .she was the champion child mille er. Last YparNfXamjorie won second Prize ai the dairy show and thua year shé delernained shé wouîd win firet -and sie did. This nmalues thé sixth prix. of va,- loue natures thet MarJOrié bas won ln thé Past year or no. Oua other note.-, ble achiévemeut weg that Of a Year U9o wiaen shé won second prise lu an essay at thé fermera,' tutitute on the' PePer: "How to Mgjke tarin home. more héaîîtiful."1 Mines Mgrorie ha# WOU cake prizes, cratorical prinés, etc. MISE Emma Vos. of Mokena, Il, won thé woman'e champioushlp li thé mllking contet. She dréw five and Beveu-tenth5 pounds et mIikluoIn.n minute. Last yer eh@ won thé girl'. mllking content, getting four and thréé.tenths poundi of tallkitn one miuté and e haIt. Deanié thé Sixteenth, thé champion Gueruté>' cow of Great BrItain, w»s awarded thé banner ai grand ch".a pion Gnéruse>'. She la ownéd by W. W. Warsh. Nrs. Victoria Fostér. cf Highland Fli. Tbursday filéd bill for divorce agalcet hér husband, Franklin B. Fos- ter, charglng 'lesortion, Shé recités they wére marriéfi April 26, 1885, at Lambertvllle, N. J., and ltved togethér until Nov. 13, 1910, whén se says ho le! t der without any provocation. Four chlldren, ail now of ugé, Were hemn as an Issue of thé divorce. Mrs. Fonté says he lîushand le noy In Denver. Lake Gontys big wekly-INUDe- PENDENT. Stoves and Ranges We have a complete stoclk o! "Stewart;' and "Red Cross" Ranges, Cooks, Hot Blasts and Base Burners Big Stock-Rlght Price .Schanck Bros. Libertyvillie TEN DAYS' FREETRIAL ql You can try this beau- tiful Victrola FREE in your own home. 1h nakieig smali nonthiy payîeeto yiu will soan oye e N'ietrola- thé grenu mt of ail inusical jestruanents. And i b r î t g @ t a y u t i e v e r ) , O v t ( < mîîsic of every kind, Sung andl p 7ed je tise very best ivity b>' the very lîet artisteq. '['lie jle- ai plaic lare the, siew dan- r-em iinj the homîe and here tihe Victor 15 absolutely ledis- peaable. lriee S15 ta S i i.i Try the New Dance Records H. B. EG-E R liowpintie CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT i e ANNOUNCEMENT It is with mnucli pleasure that 1 annoinicue the' appoiint- mîent of Mr. TnNODotUE F. SWAN to the poition of Assistant District Manager of this Geriernal Agency of the OId Michigan Mutual Life Insurane Company. Said Agency lias been considerably enlarged by more territory havimg been annexed by tlie Comnpany. Mr. Swan wil work in co'n junction with the present management with offices in tlie new Citizens Bank building in Area. Hurrah for Mr. Swan and I hope every agent and friend of the' Agency wlll write and tell him s0. JOHN IIODGE District Manager. r

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