LAKE ~DVERTIS IN G RATES *Sc parfîles escn isertion Las$ tisse 6 fines, 26. rirst insertion É'OR SALE + Vt. ha"e a number of fine herni for ýbàmS or reulý. Dgasoud& Austin, Liberty- P" sjteL-0ms faior J3eaer audi 0",ee e. M. A. i>rotise. e7tl f00 AL~410Par lv, Wiid Gee WUaiMre.1100 Ibe , sound, qq* wo~ar CZou., Everett, 111. e7t* Q*r ALE - 1legbtered BROWN aswm8 àpULL6, are front bigb pro- 4ifau S~ws U4 cf rtgbt type. 1kw. lMMWP4 FAI. P. 0. address Bo. Tt. «WthOir 'aria. Lake County ,àkUF--Qeeter White Boars and 4# eajte ebîp and sure, w pleame tibsdav tihapick e or usfpring Cr op of ~s.~eIstia*wpapersfmre. Amln e #Wdr f-#. C. whitae born Cekerelo. 9W. t.<r r., The Obbote Farrn, 271M1. c4tf ~S ALg-Dlfrec Jersey Hog-Bar- s ni iotbth sexes and four ya1gb0ars. Ail front large old -*«b. ' b7 nttuîred boars. 11kW- ]PfQt~ ARNI, P O0.addresa Box 1 e' f<.wthOrn- Pari, Lakre County, llWnclaOct. 9-Wkly 4t e9 SALE-Pure ir,-,l Poland chlina 6ew bth 55-ir, etreasç,nabipjp rwrý8 .Mhera Sésl, P.t>Prairi. %'iwIn.1 Pbàowe2W7J 2Litertyvili,,- t ARiFRSALE-1t.trgalîl 1,-,, s. e1 cu tifermra iîIIuw. 111, uh ý l2ý.. 'ýÏ,creree kàtlai sn, i, uîsitry M5. Li. ll isj' cenuber it F,,r parti. u- 3awts.4,chrass & M( .Iqer Il07 ýW Aawr*A vo., cg) p 5V.fl* ~ -........ens.... :POR SALE-PFairbaü k.- hl oree (,asoliiir è ine, 4 h.p,* iu 5<srod ssndsso , w 1 ho "d cbeap if takeu tsy [t cusiir letý '060i et* sien lu pratou at iudjelpersdet 1 041Wat gauy timme t ~OtSALE-Daied Tsusthy aud bated] ~VM.Potatoe. Oeo .c.Wahl. Liberty-. p.Phorseffl3i-J.t CP2 1 '~f SAE- smail Stewart range, Vér s. lsqusre this office. 6C2 P@lAEBU fRoi HBen@ and Pat- pe Vadouetr. Ons and Booster ~.0 aDme1 Js illiie. Tpl FRSAL-<qae Cookipg Poiler, will Iml for,% .itU value- Rave no Use for *'-u as"se leaving larus. Cati le a S ie 1% rso. C J. Kiri. tLbrtyvilti. F®R F' 4E-I.argr gais range for botel *rces~euaul.<eaouaks, oquire at aé cUls, . L&ertiviiik- 7pl j FMU MENT -TvWiesge ripssue for light 14"eIsug flum"sed tIrs jamues 7 ;t 6elit. Usvhard etreet. estf FOUREN-its> n d boàrd for two 10%« or roorne for liglit boussekoeling. ..Thîril tret arsd Buributt Court, 4vo a~kesiiuiî î Macaroni fatory. , Pb"e 180-J. cuti ,9P ~4T4-.oomBouse on Fouth tiâ4 urnsrbed if disirsd. nur *ycsd&Austin 7e4 . . . . . .. 1 . + ..;. .. .. q.., . . . . EY TO LOAi-on hnProved real J. . <ino IFrt National cw -7-2* ~1eucft @POlitlee, but9 #MmWup a" dhave Ih a tborffls examina- iW IMM& a4 .d M slowered1 W 1 MouScoe , Buae 7£1 .....+ 4*+ . *+.. + WARTED + .............. WANTE-Bave purcbssere for trous lo5te 80 acres larme. W rite stating aIl particuiere. No agente. Address R. ., Indevennd..nt ofice,. C7 CIIICAEiO PHIONE Go. COMPLETES SEASON 0F IMPROVEMRENTS REAL ESTATE T1ÀMSFERS Furnithqd b>' LAKECOUNTY TITLIE & TRUST Co. AbstractsoetTiti.. Tiffes Guaranteed. Masonie Temple 131dg. Waukegsn. Ocet. 26, l.-hcg TitIe and ___Trust . W ss a-u- J.1 1. Wood, lots 6 and 10, blo&si 1, Marshsalli WANTED-Marrsed fermier, scier, in-1Have Installed Many Miles of date subdivision lu section 13, Grant duetrieus, %bis fait, Lake Co.fBouse, New uines in County and towns Isp. Daed $240. gardon, ntiik, pork and pouitry f réé. ImrvdSr oeJseiîe . log te Mîe WVage@ and commission. Adaress '.Z" _________ Serce.lot I e , Kellogg . tMlgg' Inepudntofic.With tlise laying oit*' ef a number subldivision, Winthrop Harbor. W. D. of men Wednesday, seute ot whom bad $0 REVIEW 0F BULLETIN NO. 7 been iu tIhe service efthtie Chicago Jesephine L.. Kellogg te Walker Telehon Comanyforthre yersGreen, lots 46, 47 and 48, block 2, 1Kelloggs subdivision, Wintisrop Har- Among the bulletins tisat are isuesi that corporation fermaity announces for practical information sud belp te tIhe close of the work ot Improvement ber. W. D. $10. the Middle West farmer, Bulletin No. and addition te Ille fines throughout Et ~ onas agrtHre 7, wrtte b> Heury' G. Bell ofth~e tile cousit>' viicli bave beau lu pro- 1 decd) te John Hartel, 3 acres in N. Midde Wst ell mprvement om.1 !W. 1-4 N. E. 1-4, section 16, Freinent Midl es Bl IpovmetC 1t gresa ln a marked degrea duriez the twsi.Q .$0 Initta.,Witt lie tound te be a 1y sason ntonship. Q.TC. $10. lntaretlUg and ver>' Instructive. clsng isPOI . C. Wiibur Lumbar Ce.. te Wm. Crnp Peaiug pay." la ua sub- tiseisthis section bas been tully' Jeet ýedIhs buleti," ulaitheîaub>'cmlee.vic cent e i Kohler, lot 9, Druce Lakte subdivision. Jectof ild buleti. ad laItby copletd wich&conotafurtheW. D. $100. ver>' practicai information bassed upon la>' off tendared te gane<f>wrkm . Thae. Scbeurauann and vIte te J. actuel vork et sucoemMtulfermera, TIhe men affected arm aIl labesers. Tise A. Carlson aud vite. lot 1 aud N 1-2 Professer Bell shows that crop Ilbed- positions ot ail ether employas ofthtie lot 2, Scheurmann'. addition te Dear- lng dospsay. On the iubjeet ef compauy are unaffectted b>'thse 'dit eldi. omai, this bulletin bas a ">' in-lng. C. E. Smith and vite te Wnt. Scisu- teut. dis son f he c o Thse Improvements made b>' the tels,-maker. lot 29, Wachingten Park sub-1 is @hoyla thct ern. vbeu Il sla li phoene compan>' iu Lake eOt have division. Wauken. W. D. $325. ted. mske. a& igorOUs it&zt dma- beau ver>' extensiv-e lThe>' cec.sted E. 0. Sayles te 0. W. Koetb and1 tains a rapt& . trong subseguent mainly et nian miles et vite, lots 6 aul 6, bloqsk 3, Sayla's 2udj grovth. Il t tn enabied te muid. telepione lne into districts vhich subdivision' Foi Lakte. W. D. $10. 1 healthy moots est tato uts soit vhlch %eretofore bave been without tel. Oct. 27. 1914.--C. R. Converse and grszp sud mae use oftU ailpsttoos phione service. Tise Improvements al- vite et ai te W. tL. Converse, 96 erres wich pndredt ua crnetntXtttStseentailed tise betterment et many ot lu sectIons 35 and 36, Grant town- Wheat le ase dwelt upon lu the tise excisanges tbroughosst the ceunt>' ship. W. D. $8.675. smre way as cern. Particulaily gondvisicl i ase Includesi the betterment ot J. W. Kreusar and vite te J. P. uattar le given about eas. the service lu tise varlous districts. Ietair, lot t: Kreuter'a subdivrisilon ni "Speaklng generali>' tise ont crop et A new hune was aise extended front Eagle Peint, Grant townsip. W. D. the corn belt là net eftirait grade. Lake county Inte McHenry count>' $30. Atter prepsrlng a firt-claas cand- wsehi necessIteted the stretcilng etf(Cathserine M. Wb%'ipple te Bort bed, tae fariner sheisld suppty hic oat man>' mites et vire andi the erection Schrelber. lot 1. (ex S. 27 tt.) Cor's cmop vîtissultable avaitable plant fodO udeso pti.adto aue .W .$0 te givete young plant s vgerous fi hnrdie soeaditio n kWukeaRW. e13 $10. start. Wtth Itis vigorous start, dur-DadDrnweteRs Krn tng the tiret fev days et thesesu. alt etl,1 block 2, Slytteld'a subdiision,r sud betore te tempeature ofthtie soif BERRY IIIMJSTI PAI \aukegan. W. D. $1200.a baci incraasad sufficientl>' for bacterta Maver Kubelsky sud vite te A. P.t ta let fue organic nitregen, teBabelt 9ad2,bo' ,Cr Young est plant makes s valuable LM NÎ O IF vi'sbison akg.W.1.$ l headway. 7hie healtis, eariy growth ar~n7r i fA < R W. Churcillttand wife te LIut,'.se allove tise plant teaisead eut a veek WIT I ii~ rVE UAYS hasch tlsts ad 2, block ..'3"Pose.s Or ten days earlter tissu unfed oes. elasbiiin rc ae .D visicis makes a possible for tise gradua____ el ubisin rueLke0 3 te fill a week or ten sisys abead etoHfioesCutRln e î . ieras tet c-n thie normal date. TiIs early fillingIfH ioesCutRln Herp, visicis means quaity snd veight, Iý WilI Be HeId in Contempt lot 7, hlunch7, Wauconda cuit lot 7, obtained, therefore, by hastenlng the of Court Here. ansi N. E. 72 rods lot 9, flangcs 2nd ai. gowtis of tise trop sufficientl>' te avoldd ____ itlon lIo auconda. Q. C. $48-1.75. the conditions ot veather that aretit '14 tIW Irdras favorable te disease sud deadty te lni' Fi'ii1tîr, lehî ' f't t . DIl 'ailse. et al . lot., 156 ansi est grosvtis il 1-ii.t E'in \%",îi erryit$ttPaysbi1-k , shiSiLnig Lakie'iiifslo. Putatees ikewise are given considpr- aliimiiiv m is,' jadas shi- s7illlie aniiis ation, andsi t le cearly abown boa - ,i l ina ses' ,îi,î ici i ort aud iii1i 1tas sit s1ll ii Io . 1. fielr.i cidedl>' pîsuttoosi eltecta tise gi-catis tot ii ri,oai'iiniýt i tIle lî. s l. ii12., ok 17.,sliliuff.V aud sealtisofethtie iotato. is mil 'ITh'~ismas. th,' rusr 1t 1) (). Chiapter No. 3 la a very Important this iiiorn iig by tirs iii Judgs - s " Iin'atiivf-'ln-SP. cisapter Hore thse subacct of 'Best i a! isr. i iil l,. 1, 125 siior addiitionî ResultîsProm Fertitizers-11ev te 1.isOt pri nIr s- rr-sses-oredsia cii 'art lot ::, Slos-k 35, Iltgi iland 1 s 11,111i ili lisr tiislaidioniSoi usa- i.irs Q c. 81(l. Obtain Tisem," le given atten- îîîuîat priinsis At tibat' tume errlji-rtIl tien. How ta test tertiUizers andi iow smas iiniîsresi teaira> $50îî citors lane Sieversi and si h .lans te flt- te ue thm t bes advntae, ti'cssand $Ili as sek ialinionni At- tic S.t Iiigsanie tirilerlv y s aovef Leus uet e ee diaua e r:ternes s for lterry toot.thie case te i <rtes.Vt' I shov vey ctart su incdens a e aîîela.îscourt butthie decislon of NIa-s ('chui te llarry ('abhi, ltIon r cited te proveolisat wbat Profeser 1tise dp-s uion et thse ste Jusige W'bit. - Bell bas said about tertlizers con- j ip m'as aiîrmesi lterrý- itis said, E. aide<'hi-stnua strept juet North ofCi tain ne theories. but wvicishave heen i ni-sir tase palihis vife .any atimony. PorterstIreet. N'sailiegan, W. tD. $1. i diemonsatesi b>'tise meet practical j'rhc ot o tise Court orsi-ced hlm te ttarry Colin te 'Max Cohu, lot ail-s farinera under avec>' possible farming îse> immediatlt>Ili osty satportion et joiiini- tast aboie Q.'. $1. condition. the bas-k alimouy wvihIcis la~ said Ot 0 94CalsKen t _____________lie yull be forced te Psy evertually' t3. 11 hrtsKeumit J Att orneys for lier-v tedey confondi- sud seste J. H3. Elssler sud vite . ed tise stimon>' fixeti va5 excessive lot ln north'--eet quarter section 30,a THE VALUE OF LIME, sudaseked tht i t be reduced. Jndge Vernon townshîip. W. D. $10. l Esivards saisi ie weuld net coulîer Beirt Sebreliser tas W. C. D. Trankle I Navisere la tise vlsdom of nature sucis a sîep uniese ait tise hack ait- sud W. M. Adelson. lot 1 texcept soutisy more dlear> sisovu thissn tse soit. meuy bas been paid flrst. 27 feet), Cot-y's addition, Waukegan.a If lisa great atorehouse ef pianttood Sire [ferry etitise lime tise divorce W. D. $10.c la loft untesucises until fit econtes w - as beard dectaresi ber isaand Eva E. ('amman ta John Knelpv, 74 ter-sogged sud ompact, changes take moved te an ugty Uitie sbanty in tise acres in sotlieast quarter section 13,e Plac intheBoi whch rin abut'district visere tise section bsandaIliv- Warren townshîip ansi 2% acres lu plac lu isesou isics btug bout ln Kenosha ansi made a pretense soutiwset quarter section 18, Wauke- sournes. MoreOver, if crops are tak' et suptsertitg lier but sise ess ie gan towntshtip. Q. t'. $1.0 on fronthtie soit year sftem lear, aitis- did net live sitis ber and caled te Oct. 21, 1914-FE O Barron sudn Out an>' Provision being made te Con- 1 secplber onty once or tmice s veepi. vite to G. A. Dolîsn, tract et tand iu trOlth tvise8etnesefthtie soif,fil haeirshe said se culs net? bare te sections 24 and 2-15,Fremoant townsip. coames acisi. keep ut s sici a miseraiste existence W. D1. $- lu saui- or acisi sois, anematiesd 1lI5liy had te teeve. Otiser par- Dora t;otdberi- snd sumbansi te R. best friendisoethtie tarmer-caunot liv. t'ens of %Ira. Berrys tesitîmen> ln If.[lady, lots Xtat 12.,tblock 1, t)eer- ans Cary u tsei beefiialyen eta-itsh site tols of tise relations lie- field snd lansd adjeîîslng. Q. C. $10. andcary o teirbenficalwor ofl een lier ansi ber huHans i vinet lulla S. lfarr>is sd hushand toE lettiag 10o60 Plantfoeod centaiiedi lu bear publiieing. boira et R. 1) Ati". ducd, 77 acres lu tise soit. ln "Our selle, too, ei-w plants section 16, Neii sont township. w' D. et vatue viii grov. ('levers dis out 85 sud noue but tise coasest ansi poorestW .FlPtan iet ahy et grasses ibrive lu semie salis sau r. UN Y C O LL.Fletlo17Bnstt ubi noss I easia detîced, w le in th clofetEagle Pont . Q. _$1 ers careful examlnatien muet be mnade.-. 1.Griesnu] *.-taT. .*er niesa Besidete ced srsifenlu trB OFnoseOaNINlf 50 . H.Ker0 IF[ YV~ f11441 leot 1. Grimes subdivision, I.Ierty- bas muade abundasitproirs ison luIn lgît..z ville. W. 1D. $10. groat htOrettouiies o ilmestone inda - lgtSurina>' sciools of Weukegan SPecial ('emmiestoner te J. W. fernt ars o th cunty.townshiîp joinesi ln thse union tamiser- Pfanneustlll lots 19 snd 20),-etIon terut art etutsceutry sce ati>'fieldsin lule Waulsegan Metli 16. Waucousie township. Dee.d, $1. Tisere are tisree generai torma et odtet clîurch Sunday et 3 o'ctock. Tise Andreas Donialik aud vite teat'. A. lime, couisaon ul sed uPOsitis e sit. Methodist orche-stra furuîlises mugec, N'weomi Jr., lts 37. 38 andi 39. blIt.A flot) Prestisground limestesse rock. NI. Busunell actesi as chaîrman andsi.1 Northi Chiciago. W. D. $115. (2d) Dorat Bine. (3d) Air-alakesi the collection taken gees to tise Lin, Lysita E. D)avis lt' . A. Newcomlse lime. c-til temperauce rnuvement. Ir.. lot 40, block 112 andi lot 8, blocsç iveetuess et tiseoi, beseever, Is TIse irogramn for tise meeting: 111, Norths Chicatgo, Q. C. $32. c oeof ettsesseutials te fertitut>'. Nu IroessIonal.F sultantof good titlage vill taesthte Song tiy scisoo) ree. SMALLPOX CLOSES SCHOOL. c Place ot lime ln tise soi; nuer tan best Responsive reading and gloria._____ resute a etalusi romtiseuseet ?rayer hy Rev. Mr. Broeos. frtgrune&tesunsoft Selectloss b>' orchestra. Waukegau, Nov. 2. tetti!rsunes tsesernes0ftie Exercîse, "Temperance Jubilee," %%'ben st vas anneuuced toda> b>' sot ta correcte&. iÀme sisoubsi ha àp- andsa sng, "Temperanca Forever," b>'tise phis'lan who basi been clletds ta pii ai teast two menthol previeut te Mr. Finu and group of beys toliovedsi e ber, tiset Luella, tise 13 year &idE lise spisllation et fertilisera. Profit- b>' Columbia exercise b>' Miss Skene daugiter etfblyrle pennock. vise Ilves able resuits bave been obtaînesi trot sund group ot girls, ou tise Wilder Place at tise West sud uslng two ta tour tons et grennd limne. Recitation b>' Floyd White, "TiseetOfWashington street, haI a sure-C stoute,Oronee ton of burnt lime tu tise Way Tisat Seemeth isRgbt." enougis case et smaiipox, tise dlrec- -ý acre. Song, "Brtng BacIt M>' t'ig' by tisa tors oftise Bîauldina Corners' sciseel A Mari la freguentl>'nued luplace ot achool. enderesi tise »chautlclouae autnanl> Ni limeatote, Ags a rois. ît centain a Itecitatton b>' Hazel Cavander "Tise At 2:30 o'clock thesa flty children large preut et lizac, but îi sabottha Face on tisa lioor." vera sent bats suad teld tisey shoutdH PurIaed n ~ et mni ~ Sote b>' tiraE. fSmith, "js That sentaîn listîl turtiser notica. -Tise R puelnfto u&- f i -Somebosi>Yeu!-- ' cld vas taien sicIt Bonda>' and te. Oentge."Little Tetotalers"' group et boys. day tise doctor prounced bar case Recitation, "Tise Dry Lins," J. Mi> eue ettheinalliox. anthes. ô r vaM Tise funerai teie tatiraCatiser- ClasIt.' rsetoe.ts colsdts iîde luse M cDerntotutWhoe drathen asd- Orchestra (offerlng.) sauthe. arisnteoiabout Spauld- denîy t ber residence on Belvidene Cron" basket soclabSvsndethe St ute ucM.o B street vas tasîsiFrida>' t nine "Anterica.' basktda asocil sttend et >'tie bou- O'cbock St tise churcsofethtie Insmacu- nochu sud ote Hdred yte vere late Conception. Eîh ot M. Me.. Ruinons are allat tistat man vas there; tisus iundrads hava been ex- Dormoit& g'ansisona ucted si cat Wedinesday nigist et Orasiak posi. iutn la ed, Beatit evhila M va witie stealug cbickeus and tuaI Ita tisat Perisapo Mr. Pennoe->4* 8 bearers. bterment t'-k place lu St. die later, Investigation proyed tisa dlseasa viile attendlnu "enauctIon J MarY's ceineter>'. Tisefilnerai va& report untrue ine far as It referred nesi e eatji>lunertisventarn 1"e larget> attensies as Mr^ McDenntt te nue mou. TsIeeis tl sCot'e iîi eee ieZoia vas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ht onntts iys-sses olet Iwligaott e Illage sud inisovs vis &fhad euexoadis iatot> JOHN POWELL IS EH YEN PAENT ON ROOFINEi MATERIAL WeII Known Local Man Has5 Patented Material and Meth- od of Applying Mixture. HAS UNIQUE FEATURES. It Was Upon These Represen- tations That the Government Granted the Patent. p Aocording te word just recelved front Washington, John R. Powell Pt Wsukegs.u ban Just been granted a patent on a rodtlng and siding mater- lai. The patent le tssued >onlty te Mr. Powell Lnd1 Be njamin 9. Casier, of Tonawanda, N. Y, Mr. Powell bas been engaged ln the roofing business fer snme littia turne. The rootlng materill upon wblch he ban beau granted a' Patent bas beau used by hlm for soe littia tinte as be was Protected b>' having applied toT tise patent on April 30. 1913. T7%e material sud metbod of applylng la said o e a nsderabl>' diffarent tban ether rofing matertais and it vas on thene grounds the patent wae grant- ed Pnllowing ls a sbort tecbnical de- scription ofthe matarisi' 1.' As an article of manufacture, a rooflug tabric stsrlp comprised of an ansphaittcoated fabric having tbe por- tion lntended to be exposed te the weather lprotected aitintervals b>' ex- posed embedded grît distributed in sîsaced tesselîse alternatlng wlth thse exposad asphaît coated surface of tbe 2. As an article of manufacture a rooltng fabri r strlp comprlaed of an aspisalt coated fabri c hnving tbe por- tion Intended te Le expoard te thse wealher prete5cter aiI ntervals b>' ex- isosed emhedded grit dtstributed Iu slsaced tesetîe allernatiog witis fac- mev exposed portions of lise coated surface of the fatîrle DIES FROM EFFECT 0F A SUNSTROKEI Alexander W. Jemison, Over-, lcorne Four Months Ago. IJied i on Sunday Night. on th(- i-'au ,<'ii 1 1w (t i ii! iî is s 1r),li the5 iI-aî. -lii s .snisSusihomessî'ad s-sec sin( it i1 11"1 1 lis lias rs-iaiueu elfes us treuuî th(- .rii dri Is- i l t. a-hile us M. as no ucisît ini bcd ail the tîiume, misse ilhi-s-eq)t 1 lis li0tji- sc mioun diedt at bis home, -i2 eV-st V achîngion atreel Suinday iilit. aitishe si-cetof;6,, sn, it la statrI, liist-ailsSated froustlise sun- s troke- .\lr. .leuniuen vas s brother of .lanTes J-miaou. Jeonie E. Jemicon ansd a isat! trotiser te MIrs. John Pou- sont'. Hi- vas bhem lu tise cît> aud ll',ed hi-se practical>' a]t hi5 lite. He liad sorke Inlutise cil>' street gang forI years off andi on snd vas kuovu b>' almost everybes>' in tise cit>', espe- clti>'ou tiseWest aIde abers he a]- vaye tîvesi, fis rather biseni-Atexand- i-r temison, oeeoe the pleneers cif Ibis communt>'. Flni-rat Wedne&day morniug at 9 e'îloc'i frein tise s-tsrch ofithIss m- maruiste Cons-etption, hurlailulnSt. NIer>'s. MARRIAGE LUCLN8ES. Dlavid C. Fitzgerald, Chiicago, tegal age Tit-eea Grady>, Waukegan, tsi-ai age Josepis P. Kucers, Racine...26 Marie Trysit, came ............... 22 Johin J. Vylet. tudas>'. Vs-....22 Haildie Daniel, same............. 20 George Wetzeî, Waukegau, t-i-at agi- Kilt>' Lodesk>'. saine.t...-gai agi- Leslie S. Bouter, Miltisur ...27 Lena P. Dawson, saine...........26 Fred Scisceeder, Cisicago ...18 Atma lEi'ckisetf, Crystal Laee1 Arthsur R. Burt, Racine ......... 24 Cella J. Johson, same--------19 Chas, W. Wotke, LaGrange, legal age flannie D3. Farmer, cil>', .t-iat ai-e Chartes Phllips, N'ew York ..39 Maude E. Joues, saine.......... 27 RalpIt M. Stectslng, Cicago-...21 Bertisa E. Mounse>', Mayfalr-...19 'stike J. Shobizkas, Waukegan .... 29 Eva Stanbeey,sute------------..20 Matisias Even, Saukvlte, Win -.... -26 Cons Eastmnta e >..............23 William Milltéecz. Waukegaii-..22 A.nna Lankas, sante.............20 William T. Manning, Cicago ...... 32 Rarriet L. Van*ent. saee -...18 Ralpis R. PIbI. Zion City>..........23 Florence E.'Swýeenoy, Damte ....21 H~arvey A. Nelson, Yonkville, Wle..-22 fyraS Bieau. Brighston. Wis ...25 John StoUrak. Nonji Cicago-..22 Barbara Rurtka, sane..........22 llrneat G. Pett, Highland Park ..27 geonglna E. Stratterd, saine ..... 21 William E. Marvwede, Chsicago ...2 Mfary 1. Etluiguon, nmsna.........20 Fauny Carry. Kenoiha ............22t jkbi lIeKivlan, ...........23 rames C. rien, Douta, Fia-..43 Helena Petensan. Racine ..........42 HamriC. Woodruff. Milwaukee .....40l lennieeBisurpe, saute..............0 s John Reckteuwald, NMien Center, Bt.22 4alieBSunsit, çaio.,..............16 We are receivmgFail and Winter Goodai ail fines ready to wear for MEN and BOYS Ready-made Suits and O'coats. Suits made to order from the N best eatablished t.ailoring houses 'n Chicago. Men's and Boys' Fali and Win- n ter Underwear, Fine. )ress 8hirte and Flannel Shirté. Wehandlethe celebrated Dutchesa Trousers. Hat@ and CJaps. Gloves and Mittens. Neckwear and Arrow Collars. Boots '.d Soes in ailgrades.-,Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats. Overalis, Jadcets, Wash Shirta and *varything that in unually carried in a firut-cla.. elothlng store. No trouble to show geode or te quota prloes.. Mothers that have boys te outflt would do wcIl te catilatour store. 'The New Clothing Store at Libertyville, Illinois T. A. REYNOLDS, Proprietor ýNOW IS TH1E TIME TO PLANT- m b ,Nari > affi)n1ls , 'lil ipb,. BU LBS fra.iltl, etc Cut Flowers at Reduced Prices Meredith lower & Veg. Co. Visitors Welcome Phone 10 Libertyville, MI. Independent Classired Ads Pay. Ask an!Juser ol them Bell System Always awake. The Bell tele. phone neyer sleeps. It is ready for any emergency day or night. The. Bell telephone has saved hundreds of lives in storm, flood and fire. Bell telephone protection is worth many times its cost. Send in your. order now for a Bell telephone* in your home. 1 Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telephone 9901 ***l.** il ------------..-....-.. i escapes ihoevite advertiso iu TheIjndependent. Fron tt i.thousasiofetreaders Tise ludepeindent la prou>' sure te 1flordtise advurtlaer jost tise opportunitlss that ho e l"uekng.J 0 a' 0PPORTUJNITIES, like -ole, are filIppery sud itard le itold, unleas firmly satzad. They lida tbrougi thie lingens sud are gene ere oee s aare. To suake te moBt Of OPPOrtanities that may be grasped hy advertising, use The Iudependeîsm'ulas-u