LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN____ VOL. XXI[I.-NO. 8. TWELVE PÂGE8 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COU=T, uIL., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 13, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YE&R LtN ADV&ýcL, UTILITIES BOARD MAKS ITSWORT _ $58,OOO IN LOANS DURING THE WEEKI ON G A S INQUIRY Business of the Recoiders office for 'O CURTJKi KILING 1U U i1 1 I~J i VAI the -week ending November 7, 1914: HK ) E A K IMPORTANT DECISION AND No o rutDe% d;Ir , ;gît i State's Attorney Dady An- EXPLANATION OFFERED -1.nounced Immediately He 'BO1L IIK'; ÂVOlII jDDIEVNCE fEFOOMT TATE'S AGENT AT 'V B TTTotal Oumtir of Instruments filed WotiId Start New Action. iI~âLlLV V I J RI JA L~ BY SAE UTILITIES IN 129. ITS REPORT ON GAS SIT. Total amount of loans-1157,998.45.W SIMO TNTONE.1fE TN O TA D A D#IU IS S 1G R E9 N P C S UATIN LIBRTYVIL e the it Cy of Hilghland Park for i~l- nvolved Question as to Whefli- M O UT l DISEASE IS CAUSE OUALARM' DISEASED CATML WAUKEGAN AND NORTH brary tiurl.oses onlv, a lot on Laurel ro o aonMySl ___ SHORE CITIE - MA n maleue ierat.ion'savneora Soft Drinks Sunday. Friends of Rev. Ganster Living The Farmers Throughout Lake IVeterinary Announces Stati TOO SMALL IN LIBERTY- nomnalcosîdr lan t n Park Ride Contract Foot County Are Ascertaining if I Will Kil!l nfected Cattle onteI 1The old eit('trlL lgt 1an roet> îourty .Iudge P. L. Persnth i, ail-it akRd VILLE-OTHER IMPORT' In fthe Vilage of Antiocli was sold toe,'rIloon entereti a <-ulîng In theral of and Mouth Disease. Herds Are Affected. McCullough Place. ANT FEATURES 0F RE- ItL, Standard Oit (Co. by Edgar 13Loîîuis ricÎ'roft, the Fox Lakie taoo ____ PORT. Williams and wfe for $50 keeper. who was arresterrion ait in. BOILING REMOVES DANGER.ýMUCH FEAR IS EXPRESSED.iFIND NO OTHER CASES.M ______Two new subdivisaions were fled frmtin_________ySttes ttr Thepr f h tae Hle uin hewe oeb W.C Pr îey IR . l ady diîarglng hMOI wlttî vie. Mn r ain rcuin Government Has Declared afFarms ThatT Commisalon regardlng the gas Ilsitu-er on North Sheridan rond opposite l Investigation o lion In Waukegan. Liertyvîlle tind the Bown outryclb roprt, laiî~fi udirolgîvbw I hAiI It Is Felt Everyone Sholud Quarantine on State--Closer Are in Quarantine Shows north allereteshn ut aend hr oe CountrliclAubl raig <nthe h Iae hehelId that Ilir the law t)eProft, Do Same and Be Safe. Ban Is on at Gurnee. Herds Are all Right. P-4sotesalasclalaît ednwr-tolmerciA. H.selliingthVillgeofl_, celiied. If revers an entire pamphlet; Antolhças_____________________________ of 35 pages aid silos the final nette- 1 Loans vere mach brisker befng iaitAh' ier l rOf cnfîinigoOLTtMLK ;rl- o 9ipca>Oeo ment of tbfs rellatious îroi.em wth sft lue, more titan tlhe preecedlng week.1 less lai2i'rit<fnîiîl 5 The above *dvice was given otI:WRNGTESPASSERS cth at e e uidari, a.fronterCgo- w hich the c I fv and the lt a, officiais L o i N lat ng Il h i ta tute. today by C ity P iysician Foley T ESlnES.r ge tic r e e va rous darm w ithe have rbstfti-dSomne monfhs ago. W ,",.i tlui'fi eret tad' who laid peif annaI be too Hantera and trespassers are Igoe h alu aiswihhv TIPrpr i ubstance; s TA ii INSPECTOR !ti uiouldtIilbfRhig tie pevnte -1 a' nview of th: :rescnce of flne ot te trespe:s on the cae. efljrnd tthfo&a~th thdis -a, ftrasiK T. t'.waa conerad bt (l DIE1 oipi lTe n O S inuîa toi ti l community. mntownship, vilchhave been l îeft. in oin albfoeh A o OM L T SÀTOUR lHi!ofhliught quarantornyide e f'ome a thafIfh lias Impurl iesîrgnal Hdee sIII'E~ ii i~" i itaafon. i aillihe togtthat milk piaccd under qaaniebe- "oedyt i te o l rioal whil t he commnission l , i r il Iiî,iisial affer tie (co.urt houlti be heateti to at least from cause of tie presence of foot Tuesday or Wednesday. Ip shoal mivti..f., .,imî,recd and. fte rhint F [ AL C O LSiacf ,f r'il theIl. rîîîlie ainnunccd 140 to 160 degrees, thse pasteuriz and mouth disease among cattle. hl about t lie impl ici file(anotiinrchfng. ing temperature and ILtwould be William Barnetabie, on Grange 'wilarnetocetkii4 Hofdfman hean aeure.;ilirs DPot hrgn htibetr e f ofeeteb oleMHlcCuwetofGrne ilaragoeunegehil4 RURfteeseta hnsInteAs.S A L Jpt ofmn vi 1in thu lcl e mnte okilai eme osmnbrtsonu,.i:e sena fmaton t hcago. uHe 0f MAs ate sut.o M brothers farm ait Gurnee." peort bears on the necti of Waukegan MaesaVii ovanoi,~ t lavîî'film lite('no fui Wifh regard te ment he saidl ail ofI dere street, corner of roa leati- The state man saiti if would be ne- and ail other Il te maintain a close Schools With Co. Supt. îîsîîîîî g or* .111 1 have Io iiriiig hi-n this sho7uitib. cooked very ' inl south from Gurnee. cessary belore the animais are shot. ite omisan bewatch ethe suitefore- NIr. T.J.îîoffman, altstate su f:er. lby a iaii" edmide."' horoughly te preveit psilei- McCuiiough Brothers,,opposite to îrovlde a long trench In whtch they thecunmaaon ecus, he at mt-erînfendent andticshool inspiecter. 'ilIot f0 Hi If these kind of sales sit fection. Woodrnan hall, Gurnee. anb opda hyaeso n ter ls Ip and the rate on gas j is-ll$,tiaent fwo days ln thecounîy îast i a' c iiihbepermittcd i ake coul il b~sothof te dimew asb trwothhy eitar- ble f0 be REDUCED, RAISEO OR week wth Co. Supt- Simpson. lb i-J Thiocase is a most important one, Tlîîri- veinîateo ha agroaig desire Gurnee butter factory. Icsses ts ing doncein the Chicago CHANGEO IN IllE MANNER, and, lited a number of sillage and rural itias-much as if apîli" e fPeery saloo-on ilte lpart of Waukegan tieole Io Trespassers vili be prosecut- stoL yards. If thse cities are flot watchful, noms-1 scbooba. He Ila partieulari> Inter c-per ii flic h connfy The court ll tak.-e ern possible precaufbon f0 .avielc in every case anti suggestion T~eaen te ae ftedv thlng fil Il.edorns when they ar carSI.ed lu the oei lbuldingv that have tî-îi-d fo filicargumients of belth att or- tfli-l esif rom contaacting foot andti in offered, that, during the pres- ease among tect u Wre le.,.The tact le that, the whois northi bel eroctetidoring the past- year lie- iie>s verî aiîfcntively and madie ila inoî.th dis'ave wvil expert,,<lecture ent situation, hunters avoiti go- tonthp. clgtte ntarencf ahres parnty siep tthe cause tele iae tearfmcn( ls ilrcr uring onby allter hc had listenedtietocai lii traîii'mitted from ait animai f0 ing on any Warren township ficer. He went over every one of the qwvitclil white thse rate question lei. bs-nxioas (hfa new buldngs ihouid po'îissible phfase orf(lie situation. a lîîîiafi tf.tiîg That human beinga farm. farms whlch have heen quarantinedi Ing considcred before a tribunal whose îforiforîn to mncdentil dao f liglitiîug H. saiib lic coritilott exeýded lc ariî t l., the disease lias beenj, (ind)lrale rsetn iehrsmd vord in final in the fixing of rate,.'anti ventilation staitoitii iînati-r what the resubf earîîioli, iioIuivelyby ai "'a"( (il" TOWN BOARD OF WARREN. the announcement (bat the disease And, the oniy oral having a represen- (le v as oui h î,iî-d -i'dvtiîhi-cen.ii-'" t ri , *gti-îman.11tl nie e h culuhboh tation before the board af prssent who tual a' if tNorth Ci,î'lin, tbis oiniîii' -Pers'.ns S"aturdusi iii liivi fanster. rectofiossokwic ht enslpdi sa watchinq things,,la the gas cern- iiiîlli' mas irete i ii', ers',rî,gstock-'i t 'ei'a noiOi5<'ii- ililasauiteri(d ua Ttabvesa ora wrnng rcetl roo 'sinnn pay 'o' i ot iiiî'aiidarscst ofnai ,or i. i. trlial- il og (illeiii mtioniisig i'iedta, Te bv i afra arig IPenl rn Wsosn pay fjl lolsid olasad l lo l- rai llog iet engtefrio-ids ifh ivi ig in Pari. lgi- isut 0 1c utrao Lk ndicatiuîg bow the dîsease 'tioes AS TO LIBERTY5VILLE. "vflnb-îiîelliiiîîi o s Fox bal- îiîi iiihii iiioi, i noup sudithhnerofLk 'l li-rtiitig iillfiî-rf9 if .,If la it îi i d, ei-liiighî-dnt iiofti _eti , , ii'i 'h i-iliiiiStati- bai l -tdii ithe disease. )ie,, counfy today by Superviser George neit" aller ail. fravel so fast as maln i.i'iii-iriliasr lia? flic min \ adV:iî,fiiaii DIiîfiii the (iiirll "1vtle firattef0beîi McCullough of Warren township lilee li nee.igt nwta ,oln! iý,I in Il- re ort iil f'l maini hiri. lic mts are arge A t îîion foi r o- tr.i ral î%%'is nmadle iii . So i: i l i i 0ifever anfd :I afei i l da e tt h e iroilî- 'ier' mas fliat the lpressure vof fiiiaî'i ilightthe flcpay- ;i i.'<i a.- î(~if e- iii r'r.îIfo sas -.îrî t, in andiiiabout fber ni , and appearîng claewherc .inh5ibis C ttl an f niafe dacentCfrlesMc thc iif- i îîsîîîîers vas tiel iîaîifif î,n.,i ii aei,.îdgiiî ."îigbis saloon . ~ <,,ase.Mr. McC uough tli a rowni of fîrnpe, arc net at ail sîck. quai, lefi, giiî- flicdesired or needed îî'ithae'-îiî ihtatiîntîîîfq.î.îîSiiiai Ti'nîîî ia, îi lmotattiai.throacne.j nNiashmthamonn h-ai. thi,ej îinug Si-slp.%ii rai- on ia ua-inii iii la ul etIl i iiandil .itiilii' I, rSifivnît,'rî ila pif .T 'itfeprei lnh anent over a dozen hcad ofian fîureîrecb son en Monutiys i cash days, or ifnl norii'tecitiIlIaî orsseol iilnciiii b.îiiîî rs tîcchiafnif ' I ii'atAheyIca ctielckwtdte-dsusd ai wililo eilWa gea.orclnioralJ. hi sholifil,,ie iri t,-o('outits. Stat"if iAtv a lf iho ,.' iffgtlosed tfl i spite carlier reports. He added thougli they haie been running rlght 1 stIt nerfln- %vheu loads werc hîavy.îbuidings. a doeiv (Il lias,. îîe.erbred . nuit, li- inefîî'aliniiis-rêil i Se'h -I f -" "alii'.. ihdiese%-b that Or. Bue ldof <ryvl ft l asevas learneti that the other Suiihirtiroîîubîle of course avalo nd ndriîîkî te<ir for filicfounitaîna i rer's cir-seîîasý doubleiclfat gî ii (bIic iP ' fliughl f. 4t'.- ficontracteti frofnt , w i n Warren today and stated lubr-ni i ii as Wail ias lie ofh er 1- is s i-ih, r îî'ýue t Who vfiuîjli-adil i i randi itrew t fi(,i-,dritiîlitig iii lh lrîînîi iifeeteti cowa. The tba hes ai spector may a r- farttas inquaranfine in Warren fown- Ili, aniiiaitrvpressuref fic coui. thi fiditie i i liî. Ineludftic the ILoasmans', Haar (les, du.-,i va'.proved.te fpfior coal- iet. tis sverlîcitic uri s pirc dlrink- ir. s (11 fi'snn îf iccgurlt. (f0 itioare i] ii'<i Rr f G ain iv e tk f0 ndect te e.thr a ieadiW. acase. aef0avlio ses ofmer Excerîî ts rom (the repîort fîca rinz on iig1 frat ii iie . irî i ii Mthsoriiticii iiiunilayt l r ebi n e.Gntr s vlt npc h ed.I h tu'eaiandîîl brtýiiife a i 5 1fc<il iiiga.tWeili3srcftIs aitlla s iîe 75O irtt oint. .nîîîcb coudertuuri meantime thse quarantine on tte (fthe \fe.I iibboug h ocae frmr S if fi .ifi.-a re gi < n h. rew th eid, b i ldiinîg for ara rmnmun Tiicse'Ol c itas, contiff iedi 0 Tîat i i iable to tri, ' ha rms menti onetiho îds wth fil heIfcet ed tesls e We r.rsLLiieid fiotter tfolgap - .I bstirîm wiihil a e tfii- iaiIr\ ft-ri.iThe (fird vont ouf in i Wauke' i iitlessmore ppil- e 1 nt ioatreo teura- bec elng mde theforlesIfandce paî.îtiis ut 'iaukegaîi. for asrertining aienu'tînfir ail, teo ne ide !flie va-i nole prossed asîibrtalle ffipe ncl of bolbng tilr ine wili be prosecuteti by state koofiftles aiefrt h I)aýi-ni(-iit isfflicfwll nrulaitînhfaced Inlk, ls the gîn' aiopinion. 'iVaule authorities. mdt meitlfatrI lds The a'iniiiif .. licadi oomv'hr a carge. alsoîleaîl guîlty andi receivet ili mîtit'Immctlatfbonftraidis- di c'onfîionsu found score condîîî tire f0 idi'. fored wudt bas been sunk teo l- Plii'saniPielIie. i anas 001k safiiicma rmadYards te, Close. covcrcd. the farmera hurrîci the cows bro rrespectiie of the ai- or con- lmun'e pre %viafcr.The roula are lîghf- A (icsitriat vus granted bInthe DII- 1titvl tw(ies ismd i aieaNv i ai eMClogsadte r iltinofth alrieerIl e lb>th niaerl yteihy atuieti %s Pearson case tîrolia mo- arîîearanc.Tflldafrymen probahty T"Plicitiago.siockyartis, whlch have ,0wtee o oIfceicfl r firfthr al tffat flic fessfor iîeaflng cu lîa uonswîbbcursfrte tulaiagreemient nf the attorneys. The vut n aeniîifo1netîbbii ncninos eainance'on flc frma enfo netedalengre- isive lic iade at apoInt nfteasfknue atikîavcs eoffl-tatîiriicn continuonsvrd t)lbatahî vere alv b mdeata oit i eat neti-aclcr, n okcaesgond vr 1ntiatifof ,ît! il-h, rcrdfcrenier coIl If fhey ktîcw fibut rigbt thero ill wfil fie rliiscd for tefle flattf e strictedte f0flicMcCulough farm. flile (om fc sorag hoder i atofi, îI îroufidd lrougli the double. cd. (ifisidi'riiig f iif ositt2.îIasd ie'is the danger Thes. yarelilalile to gros f1 irrwa finntith a 'n- This ater statement wiî he heard Ifthie fprescure on pe2lç oatidays rhfmney siarbi. 'aitornpys for Chiarles Pearson foof that 1 carclevsanatd iftictcil il ewil be the 'incsnof io creat abarm, but f0 lireus Itlî mach satisfaction in the county îîuaibî unes down af Lîbertyvîtle. des- The %î,îîagî uif îerhlîld ha, reason lanra castia t e vWI ft ra rresîiîft.Chreîî il it slare the bfecause it shows the disease han eit t0 opru of ifs new bidif IIýnoaft sirceptfile te thse disease, but Ti' a lcdcso eceiI spreat fromta the original place whero tht'fbas ta-leetIo!fhbIndi tion fiethreii1 blldn ad oft po(ahocsi'ti va set 0adulîs alilanil ni iiract IL ' figlfif vfiiaisl o! the state lve 1 i was discovereti, thatbasfo e me. i Inîcafs te las six rooma v fth an asacmbby hall Pea9rs>on by Ditatual tikciînlsin orsnttrso ___________ transamissioîniains are net large attIl Il llghu-d uni! rentflafed. This A1 new frial iiitfthe case o! John Expierfs di'. are thaf hy heatting Imil Iislnrpesnaivso enogl orar inuey iat cndiio. chooil han a movlug picture machine ifrc.aaplI oiea n inte a temîîeratîîrc 0ffl1110 degreca bifîfa i teP kranti 0f the live sfock ex- bepirA RC AE In Waukegan report la indicat cd teocthe hesiot ilsw n Cff,.v as detifetianti a fine of $100 i1î'hange. HAPPENED A RC AE ni-i i-salhet-cforla fersvIcehsunervisionsiai- rnn.uîreîî Atorneys were filicgerun orgatIiii tua..Whtle thîs bnihfo'ffh1d mi-f 'George Lonergan,t30 years olti. a %,ao almine are pleaedanti even-, gis il ti0 aus fi vhilite file a bill of loi, cd flic otfimatfast oo! r.h.eARamliwebb known Waukegan youing man il'irnit ifrougilouf the syatem. ittg etertairnments arc Il andti a xcptfnns fn rase fliere iv a desire siltyadprasrne to ites f'obra o giutrI h o om itefnehdbe e 'lue utiliti reliorfti that one of thethieeIlpilleîuîis of the distrfet are ad- fipeafl. Strfed wvasfounti gullty Of leas palat f oulti seem fhat (unri sied carier in the day, declarlngs1 donsuii'i at hryil a cn- iteýhati cm g nncfi Pearso~n Vhctihp a v-as ine i'upepeliol b wl- onson of SouthliJackson street plitpi ha leLibet n a nhsb ted Ii in ibefiniebcthgeiichargehouli be allthaf if bhe yardv were net closeti vol- îîfîîîe fIt tefiai o as n ts tfr. Itoffinan waa inritci h' in urseifîZoîn iecag fa ni.-t e 0iut, lutit dîscomfort. 5'il ii tari, (fie Coiornment woîîbtiforlîli rîk e bfi n in fn is fort leg it stîti e ail one vinter. The sfop-coctu' Saifil of ohe flic 9erfield-Shiebds ]litregi tlarifiis sho bias srIlti sixbafbîng flcileihipmeini of sncfaleîm lilow th<lic îeteSaturdav nîght wbile Iieti' c-iiile mttud Boeh t iih school al i fglandi Park. ft i sift list i nt i l(,ttttî' ontv îafi on a serbîs peiing siiiîtît' tftt ieduh. frri-tfl l u igeofhe-atble f boiii iuriîel of' If this wassan. tluen ii ilbidn hr lwii(ecrs petng iIroe Lftteedunui atelpeeidte-ipiig fctlet "nciuîg If i .a'A -f i it shoult flotliavre taken ail wfnter fte iilisceautffinit pitoiffle sul ulu inet cli i-ii gel.1 i scl 'irrgai]toIlay ndî'r iixiaetit hpîctîtti finit ilbouf This flears ot the con - uiqloItasi îfnIpo n lti, eaiii r atrf.l i fc'iouirt ulrtned! fate foir a i.1iiiolittu t600 Cows Infecteti. hpei idolrg en pnonilsfi talfutis *actinîoiîîtuhrnniaiided hînuI \uiit, irfictltfmgna tfit Wiii-. s clîî îurrc MIhîetiat tue tarda t icprian liai bvee cafîoucîlInhoeh tet iofofur fi the éedof beffer super- f e- ,jî g anti 5-000 ompltie d tproînî ti, o I,toLý f fl li '-i f. I~ t î c1ii itii t pibai .iirTi to no edclîîfofr ri '-hort fime anti wi, at- îfuîuutî 'f -i- r esi- i i ic0ile oteîîîîuî I fl 'fîr îff al! g'f3a i l have 1-r i frft ifthos robaleiî 'iii fu îîîîl îfi i seartoi.lT o rde-ir-, l h .uavD n ORDER. l' siIi, oll !t helic stato tt is fvi '-i fti lu'uîîî i ' a eig- a inituahil o'it fi rîîu i taL ke Sat îîrday tieîfithtd. T e r lIýe ptto escan h a a ilii suin tesae. I is ý p ill'dfil rin ," f ti ifatigpr of contagion.i î i iii .ý '97 il hol tfotI îîîI bis h l i I - S tid y ng t I lia iiii iti s o er b ti a doiru ffi i .îanu'e-bhoatfd a frlenî en-i nu ifritfer lfgiiinii and cooking. « iIlftil n. targe ïsood- workifng A \aiii u'iui maînsuhlinrendi exten, tliisu'cr f -rliliitYpeople xioiile)iii iigippifra ie'f îîanld.iisihoif.udTfreniscsr- bf'î 'o nii- h ififieet nce ~ fi.iiI~anti machine shop blic'lu arfiuIcs on file foot-mofiitdis tltîtiii , - ihe calfout a-big ifl ie ihiinaliod loto a hl un irri, tufs foit. ,u'caîae fnvestiga- si'flicheassu'nîyronuts ant ilmans i . i f ifiii., î îî iii'Il, rovo uu oi iii cîr ii ioi"fillertcontatoscntifle o tion owf'div til eigas 'sas .iootifor thi' rî'itai e-urîîî,f s One' featujre of ibis ii1i ti 'i fle raei tclo - ri ii iii. andnii t he f i fipers hhiîur us cc foir i-, % r v'firfî if was solti, ai fîn il î irf,' f1at if will bsoih 't-ave'u'lfnv's Rtbbcul off the scahu i' 1'. tr- i moaiiitifi i lîefhpr hfilf Lontit V i ii r i. uulîff ltt uas matie thaf o-î tii ,il i siuit 0 t i,' nT f'î'r tioifli sol off thelr feet; I . i' V ,I fNi e'wuport, Il 'l l- ii efod ufififiof the ecfihr cofii i - o f'jui nl lf0fu bor i fhi -i si l intrnîfaîîg rfan ir f f lii,rent rif fisnithi, rl for their use i .i'.1îffi il Prnobir aclîl anîd vase-,îî.sma l, i if ' (ii îty hurfifiin qai biinr. ft. Ru1se ' Iiillfiit in Iiiiui. E iergan tu-ff hboat unts. uîunti d fieren t îu i 'n o ffie week, b fît.- Iti i i îsf esve r u c se, ho vil.sp. rI fi-l I u 'is ItiicaI la spîîcil ' .i l 'tli e font antid oi fl di i 'iiiiiig if_ ifs log '-uîii motî all ia îtî- Ifelî. Piai ffie ii-st guffon show-a Tflo-j is oc fr in s iîela tnmber off ilei-i l h i 'fr, igo h ortepu %i oen l inP- iY.'tfi re. ain bis (fet Ifaf theia q u lî î if aili ifne'equal t u- n i cnus aii fi flg u ii dî is rcailg slg et- ---_ ( f ~ a hall acaitîs t i I1-iWii w ritiii t fou irdIi l lia ic,-niia itii stQil ti thi arirao ii i nii îmtouIn rlibfu laeho I taiAntevlohcalage ti VadIng ant tiihn t (iout ' iii "'ii.f' sapr\n icf -f i'iuitýiit I hti siif'iitmdeahil th a erge ali inritit raig lI l, ou a aprca tin f thie o\r'esngt, co ire il ,' -ý' vaine sp.. heu Ili thbe- îaritis ord -l ii, fi ni sî'd litsi.ffas W'eillpleasedti fho mijnnf f5- 'ib ady fIel fthese re- ugafns t i .' i i ' o f tbtfil ootfualii oi i ' 'e rzng nc hel, i l i' 1r-il .ic Ilo,' is lrotîclit toi 1anges. wt. oniios ngpira; oeo iir(, n -ntqfoit th 9abways îe th îîi4f~ ~ eunn-nie 'tb:r i 1,if ot,'and the'crm of he t Fnrtlier, comîifaint via-, tade thaltheflicdstricts tiare matie markectilm-' difffe>ent mlnrfbr wb eleve that .'ýl i fi trui2ritg a proclamaftion inî1 nîif uf,tatie toInthieoflposible spei<ti fe iuitonoiii edftaI the gaiislnet liave certain andi reg-' îrouemeuîîs vblle a few continue on, the itte hox hou'd ,wtbIf rosiulrbuhi, it tallc the rcsponsilhîhs.iAlse hsitlwe r f a if ~~~lin wt Iscrsb erotîî ilv flihetecilat f ! teJae'tcts bsîflwer r ular pressure.,i ear after veur wlfb blftle cage igh- store, In the mîidbe of tic room pn tl ilc ratif-ation of the erufif e V r(ltrlydsesd 1ýýL. CIriywas caîb etif0retince the 1-Icîti. Ta bf I itIsnt 'ee'11bfrai re taînergans Injury Is sucb ThatibI romiait Isont Tlire isou-ry ressort fe belevandtino uventflathon la gond enongli. on fboardl. Notices (o flua ffert ult in "Tho inifruli,'tir. Rumlsu- sii, fa i ftîrbbylelI psm tesnbstantiated In reference te the low that tbe stale wfll bfore long demandt t he.flist lauthortlos nootito pfut sunt t,, Cfiicagoif0 kec p Out al l iîîtîf htleIlpoal li psri (Conàtînuet o-n -page ight) fliat cvcry building conform te certain 1fie hea'cy band. rs vlîo miclît mu aile the courituy.iContfineldun he if ittle timo. LIN 1 v VrpO VIGILANCE COMMT-, TEE MAY BE FORM E» IN LAKECOUNTY Farmers in and Near Gurnee PlaniAing to FoIlow lhe Plan Adoptedin Other Places. ftOULD SLAY TOM CATS. rhese and Other Small Animais and Fowîs Tend to Soread Foot and Mouth Disease. HOW TO PREVENT FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE. Segregate cattie from infected hertis. Keep caffie. shcep, hoe andi horues front ranging on aend or highwaya tnaverscd by Infecteti catf le. Spray cresote anti bichloride cf lime on infectet &rose. Siay infecteti animais andi bury them in quick lrne. Do not allew persona from ferme wh ere discase existea b visit your farrn. Thse germaernay be carried 20 miles on fthe soie cf thse shore. Kilit al ratseleninfectet &re. Quarantine ail1 cattie whlch' have come le contact with infectsd cet- tic ant i bld hoof, wlth banciagn soaket inleb(chlorie of lime. The disesse will rue through a whole herti. In u-Iew clheicrapiti spread of foet anti mouth disease fhroughout thse satle anti nation. farmers lu aLti &bout Giurnce where the isease lhas »ater is firsf appearance in LakeOouidy,. are consitiering serlousiy the adrisa- bilif y of tollowing the plan adoptei In sortue counfies lu the stafe of oTUSfl- lzhng a vigilance bandi o! fifty or more men f0 fake precautionary measureas whlcb (lie average farmer would flot talle u nder ordinary circumstaucea. Already some of thIe farmers have fucen taling flic na tter over among thcmsolîes and ti iaivsait a meeting Is toalie hiti at whirli the proposition uof forming ýsuri an association wiill h haken up. tiactuvacti anti ticideti upon. Tt bas been calîcdt t icr attention f bat Ii sonie o!flice of ler counflea the farnuers bave formeti surI organiza. tuoans in the luope o!flieadlng off a gant oral eîîlulemlc lu thelr mitint. S'arm- ers bIitheneighborhooti o! Sugar Grove. Kano Connty. wcre among thse finst toftai a vigilance committe. Thev bave gone aliroati alaying every rat, dog, lilgeon, goat. chicleen or otis- er fowl lu (hoir township. They ad- milt that white such a course ilatirai- lic in flicextrame lIatItIflasncceauary If flic large herda of catf le antisurine arc ta fbe saietifrom thc epitiemic. The suuailer animal, anti fowls car- ry thle diseuse on the"r feet. accordlng ta flic farmers. Especilly fear la ex- turessed 0o! tom rats which otten travel a, murli as lffeen miles lu thc course of a nîglit. A similar course tsaliclng dîsuaseti bu' Gurne, farmers. Severai herdsal. rcady have becu exposeeta the dis. case, several have been placei under quarantîne. If possible thc farmers de- sire to ieep if ouf o! the coller herds. Ift!e flcepitiemir continues fi 1asaiti liv stale oflîrera if wIll ber noces"sr ta shut off the suîppîy o! mllk from scierai dainles. This nnquestionably woulti cause a shortage which would lie serions for Waukegan. The same la trop witli regard f0 chickens-tle foot anti moutl diseuse witt cause a sisor. face In meat which lilb end the price Laoarlng. %lany pecople naturally would turuîfu) chirkens lu suri an extremity, fut In Cbicago blie speculators have forsein fTlis andi bave purchnseti large ifManStilfle', of clii lens which, if la safdwItllcatuse flic prire ta go up. The cnmnîisshoners of Warren town., .4bilI n 'shi-lu furnee Is locateti. bave ubi-eahIv oruleredti he afopplng of trea- tiayltc iitnrs. This course bas te,eci toliodInrîlumany oher places. Iluundrcîl of tilseaseti caffle In Chf- une-. atreniluv bacc been sbaîn andi bur- fi it ti l- fi- Tins far none o! tIi., a rreu fi4rîatf le lu Lake ('ounty lut' n Ii' pii dismed.of but thiltaction i, uî'ted-ily. iu-Tic animais hava tus hr--<eîfovever 1n orîler thaf If uir unfiffion mify le watcleti. !ri Chicgc, flie su-rlu lias licen i t. i ,iotyi- ersiui't,,boitlue uuifk as a r cer aur t uniryoicasiîrc. BlluiibinulIs oid IISo1ittc i,'ll5 the dfiuaiu ou'- a n nds ati f aasune waiiv ti oid l Icr iitni Kochlii i- istalft t îf rnnînusslonor t Vil i-o pre- "u Cernian atoitsfi is , owInEr i ift ail agrec ithrtt fei-tiie'olfk 'i ifod tIti- orgsuti-ifi . i t a f 0 0l tdegrees iqsiufficie<iu In Gî'rnîsnv frii " -uVf Ibhe i isase asi tuei.-l ,îs- ' itics ln cpi- deieîrfortîi iu iatu andîil, isOute cases wio<ln fîtolfu s a, nil silfucos w-eea. flicteilt Ltvat, ili enous witb ahil- dr'n f ban su ih i! f s. Tua sv:iio.<f the disease inI hmIti fI-. "r'uc iI ral Iitemperatuwe, derangeîî-tf eh., u~stomach anti fer- a or. rS iii iuitl,'salidDr. Koeb- fer. DEPROfT 15 NOT iFOOT-MOUTH DISEASE HÏTS LAKE AULY CCORDING TU~ U"U ~ K & ~'FE l