NOVEMBER, 13, 1914. p&-. Depliy* AI'rest' &&efi A - yak, Fearing _Ho' WoOild Waîfftioe, Nov. 10, A Novaki-, Wau-'ii*en ?0otl18 man. via tt4aeed irnder'krveàM Mbldav tif- ti'rnoon by luy Miarif <Ci1nton fireen viten hoe s ecaugt blt mlti on thesU&glismetarmnna psil lig. t'ornerB. NI&a *itavuetae liraI to mcicur :m Laie Couati Vnoilr ti. uaP- ru if orthe sprvvI»ss vii probitl e» hltnbu torla te dMb'4ett Infecfltant sud aMI 'lOS d"».. Te tsar lat.NU titate bUst,"m Myearry ltse disase from Oà4 tara te aaotier.i Comuhiut Wv, MW@ te th ie, aherUrs i sudît tRie deplty hits teni 0t.e: ne atd placod Novik unier afflot. ,-t4ovak t t aves Inlinai to rr... at errent but bis sun vag vreaic front bu andi te vas blomsitI 1 Watt. tfeg&n. le vas ivena eseco-1 tmure sud *as informai Ibat If tne1 ever la delectedIin another violatin1 ha wiii ha plinishai aaveraly. Neiaxa5 titan dismîserd. rTe autitortias ln. tend la keeli a sitgrp valcit *bdi nu. nounce tst arrest and prosecutioil viii hi te lot of hunters viho pero!st, lu violatlng te nev ulue that vs, latid jÎlvn as a 1recautionavry more ils %aeking ta ellrinate tite diacase. Phyaiciens are nearly unanime sa that tae foot uni moutdiseai e au- ot be comumnicited toaihuman hein ti f treegi téesatlug ot meslaven but It uay conaterou Infectai fttlie but chat the réail dager les la drinkîng qubelei mîlk -?, !n aslîng Itter maie fr. t.e mut of -s ccv tbat vas infectad itviltheicdigeànv or. lP. J. Dmairoa? Cicggo vWho ba iMde quite àa study of? tae disseuse:s sulbortly for te aitove statenan. -Titi.symptont % aiu," :a i.r, '*at-e ai toiiows: Titere la fevar; titis 1. usuaily Ina. but ray roicitas bigit la 104. It May ha a.c<.m'îaiteîl vîti a Chili. )OA.or ippelite. pain ln mus- clas. bat-k andi itqd, vitit a crampliba pain ln te eabdomen . Xausea and vemttiur ara common. 'rTeprimat-y ses, of Infection l lte n onth. Tite disffnse whea uucomplested la mid. ils average dursîlon la tvo wvaa.s frontlite ouset. Sevre casas may lest six toaigitl veait. "Titis disause ia tre.usmssabia ta mn traugit inbolieii mnlilor butter sud citees anmdaiso iirectiy tram the saliva or contants ofthlie veasilas rf ',Iofeetaii animaIesagentug otrance Ibrougit abrealons Of tae ska, Il la eapeciaily flaquant lan blidran and la Ihose vitoae vont bingethem hl cantact wîîbdiseaasdcov.Tt p tasmitted by eatiug tae fleuRi af lu fetei animales ,SUIT FOR $5,OOO ~DAMES MONST Plantif f, Mrs. Ira Kemnppain- en, Appears in Coq',rt;Wh Her TIre Circuit Jutiga ChtWiaeDaaneliy aop- anaii court ln Wautag l bs rorning P.i-i 1t once tank up teév cases ou titi. court caill '11.Mtrig liel (Iwo l belng bast Us ixtwmct uIt oit tuantrn oJudife Do=Unefbly int icourt'lu te saw>rle sruaett 1he minîfleur. lb -ir ast m iptitis aiiting vas oW f amptainen Vit Ilalmsaen. a c l i i ts. mie cinippainen 15lm"lit o niais. mot. Kbs rtu.'pve- nIaie by Attorney A. V. attit. )irs. Kempt>eiaa'vl t prol sev ltat bar tuabad »vas incapateai-or vc rkit sa rpsit« lupa.-'wnlh lab Tt-,e t tae kolMst, s .- lie dil attenipt ta Pruve lt utal v.-ekcu imphYuliUand Metaiyý ant. taIt eail lait deuetaei ber sud ibteir i'î-ee arnalu chbldrt&e- illicolit tI-ni -Nits. Keaippaluen bu iteMa clirgu on te cunuty. 1 l- 'f'» case promisas hota as, luîert't- lng trne. The plaintiff latc un lbu itît .)euaad e numbar qf llnqauaq Io ti ,'îJý Jusl vba l isltalnioy vilt t -» si,lt of reanins ta bha seau. Mirs Komppalnenanud bar iryes litlIachiliran vara Iv eOlurI 'ay ,nie te vork ot soomuag ij'ue la progrers. ItlaI.fait taIlthea"eu- once of titis 1111e iu"gted amuy May itave canalders IMUt 'Wulr-â4e mmVry iîcit la seleecte4te trylte cem. The caseetHeet 'Vatm"n vicit at-avouI t itsiiiafy 'US « a ltiandii iii eh r lted lu mueh Itîgation 18 aiE b 'bava beW eae oui a? court. - v s C - Foliowing aré te otitar, " eaoi thie cati sud viticit probably viiibh -ieard t tiis terni: ýLeonard vs Doyl-Anotiter maoun case ln wvicitdamages araeaasid ofa asaloonkeeper. 'Webster va Westser-Suit for dl, E bvans va venerabe-Case agaluat ' ormér- North Ciicago coloved pou- tor n lu itict gander l tla aO . ' Kun% va Aneiau Steel mand Wlre elomniy --Pr ai injuiT. dateln Est. Lorenan :ptou seea a teast loft blo by te *t V. Blsbop. Maucitand vu OLery. selVes dlseovefed thio attompt ftn rb tie, haïk. Dlssevered This Morning Titi,.morniii i weu lrvlng Payn., catier M lte bhaukveut to open tite dOOr, he'fomnd il aIvaady unlocbad. HAl dld flot tata longi to fittd hat an et- lteti hank obbery had bietasuted. liere la *baat a sareitshoweii: That aonsbody itad stepped ino tite lohhy» he bt iank. hadouaed a glaue-cttar viitt witlc utC t 1a PlaCe 0 i'te plato gluas s er lb. dior 150hb; titat titry bad titn teeebed hi- d. asud turnèd te knobit tîitgave thlitentrkhce b lthe haïk. n*iteflloir or fliows t Ibenat in. aide, knoclted off taetnob on lte ble éet. end lnaarfed aebalge of anomeaex. lOlôd* prbablir -dynamite. 'bey iheu tePi:jm nefûmboua oicorner of té hani antd ast off thte explosive ity Ualn« eiéotrlc batteries. 'rTaedIscov. ely Otf vMIre dar aitavad boy lte' bad tried Io break thte dodr oupeu. To batterie ver. net found hoeatite belle? l a tIthe autoîsta ob hein [froin hi* car aud liter carrled ltent away vllaii iterau Irom the baub. scarei ORf. Tite tact tatIimudiately afier the explosion Pufaili aa a man runnin,- troM te iank. ladis bti ticonclu- flol:- Tiat the robber diii not expea t# expolon wouid hb e, ilouii, that ha eti, k ouuii atîract attention lhe- fare hé couid make a second attempt te gel mb lte esafe sud tat lho tet he batter malta is gst-avay vitile ho could. Titis mornlng Pufail also recaieil titi:. as ho elterpd hi5 borna, hohard te acreen door o? lite bank alai but! ah0 hbail tepped mmlototelittho Iob )y af te baui. to look; at the elock lu- ic. Titan came hi. lunch. lnterrurt- qd b,, the explosion. Auto Diacovered. But, It gama, uoitody alsecbut Pu- fail houardte explosion. Thii morn- bouse, vas round tae auto. ibanioneti by tae vault-be tilef. Ail about te 4round, wéeatooli,,proviug ltaItt. rohitarbai beau uomble to start his t-ar aller returuing frOni fha bank biut %atito bld fr101-pu ail pos effort t0 gel it golng. Again te "movie teeture" entera lteacti on. Fom, 'Ibis rnorniug it vas oni tita* titre wvusDo gabolilu in taetank, ,o. te conclusion ilatat tae robber pull- ai tae mchinary 10 place, ln tryiuîg to gel ltha car oiug. vitan. lu reellty boare vis nothing Wrneo"xcpti!lg titat ha bai run out ci gaollne. Foundinle liaCar. liesides discoverlng the numbar or te car. invasllgalors thua morning ;Ound that On te Waiitlampa t tae car veva ltae uumben 7?0& Undar tae front sait vers *tound about 400 bus. nae caris bartug the vards: "Rai' ry Ok«.. auto hira hy te iour or trtP-phone Main 4287 or Autamatie In tae tonaeau. vere found a peck. aiset o!malt, e rar cap and a rvai coat. ý Resudes llndlug te bolis atrean about tbie ground, invastgators fountt titat tae vauld-ita reitier b.d aken teaspark pleut trom big ar ii vite: t vent to tae itit. avdetly'dolmgttis ta pravent anyboiiy vunubmg off1vîit te car vitile ito vua t Prk gettlug thetak rm uais. l isposslbja.hvmeý uiarely cieaning te pluga iran ha onctudedii il hst to abandon *lb. rather tIen baep on tryiàtg et il slafrled. 'Te car van hauied Inlo thc yard oi Robtert Rousse vito in vice praaldent of te baub. S, L. Trlpp la president. 'Tecar lsla belil pendimm. devel- aOMeM*s.It le estiniati to la vortit 811100. .1 Tite detective igency employai it$ lte lninsàvihfeCompany viicicarrtea hnua uit t te bawf, vas notfeà Mud dateclVes usbeta 0 taebflae ai aça. ,Tboay ove nov vor'dng 0ON thecW ca uditlais ejaei daret-atmray tolov. This banb 1lataé »Fa onea itcit vas robheii a coupla or yem sa"o et viktli ue ltorobbft* "Vers more succemaful. tetllng a gond auni o? 91oney ft lateor' ACIDENT. 18UUfJUAL ONE. A broiten. rail callaed.IBW derail. nment Of svitch, Qqhlt»DNUiRila3of lte C. & N. W. viten tI liapad ior lte rails on tite apur leadlng tathue ue ler comuiny plant, lait avflng. sto la aeth ou la. on the i«. ? r ~p t i. resPt of attorney r NS. ~ sill ~t deiif'*epýon; defendant, FlIlS TERM Nrah 011#12810 licaman, found not~ èJS D R F Peuplé YB l"n D inadLk flroo'is-LerceliY; paroledtu the .pro- St~e' Alpr1oZRdy SOYS halloro? . d State's -Attorney in Information Morris = -11 Bethe Last Peuple Va George Ilorrls-Criminai Charges Him With Seling 01of wits Peuples avas.MShtalie Langé -As Without a License. 1 asulit vll ittnt tu bilianti murdor; -____ The George 1IL Morris, libel ,case 1i îndletmpnt nulle lirosiqq h Y sataes 'rue to bis word. illates Ailornev viiib héit lait crimInl cae tub..iony.R . L>adY. apDeared ln i5ntty courti heard ai ltid ternipi court, according, People VA r ibArdileîn..-Assault Monday aiternoon shortiy &fier Judge t toa a tteint of tate Atornay R., W it jtnté iiIndicimnent nolle Parsonî ad rUled ln favor of Louis .1. Delly, Te u. te ~ beaill h prosseti ity statWb *ttorn.ey. eijtaTo .bu'nlnkprb bave flot N'en u O»d 01at tbisterm 1> Poplav Wllsou.1,t ai -Incest; wDcb uta FLae watt cha )rge îIn 9f court wlll bave b t ov er t tta i ite îtment nulle PvOssed hy states at. itvinhevlats te wsunday g e ing neaxtPIm As oon as lhé completes lorneY. b1g su ilatd ta Snda luomtbn te Airris cas Judga liansvl fi ololg ae vr l t and hia nwinfration De leave Ïar f"idera vhera ho vas 10 lrougbt tu trialnaI ligisterni: "0tl brgdvttallu ihu have OliaOai court on Monday. The! People vs JoIUI BrOmM~i - Axsanuit a leause. DeiProft lad rcnialned lnj acl, tat tih Mre s case drsued ont' wltb inîst ut kW a oit,s murder. court aud imrnedlately upon the iluag si) long la sad tu bave b'en witî People vs Thom" S askell-Unuaf, of thé Inormation preeented an ai).1 esused lbe putîtIng ôOser of neyerai urai crime. peerauea&M vas placed under bond@ caes on te docit. People va Citarlea Ilixsen-Frau- dl $31). 'Rbeue iii corne up ai lte« Tbe followlng casas bave beau disd'iienit sale. Iaffukry terni or court. poedcfaititis a of court: People va Lawrece Hurlbut-iar- DePwoft bad pur up as a defente Plia s.Wlilem Yusaukas- ceY. . the t u va, ot eelllug intoziceting il-1 MNfyhlen; defatign fotud guliîy and 1 People va Rohpo iobert-Burglary guert' q tilt hiasmucit as titia vas Bentaeffl ta ladaetouale îarm ormd larcey» lt g e ýb Wae nul violating teSun-. Yea lulte epeteuilary. People vu Jae *$ln-Asuault wlit day edote l b longasme hadtd flot PeiPIe' Vs.IClbrles 1uein-?talîe; Inent in kili. saililatoutj. lit vas abovu Ibat ihe sold Crli AinAe. a Ieargp Raid 10 1 No War Ences ai tis Store HERE is no denyinW ,Oc fact that this T war bas had a very "" ' ' t first effect on commodtis of aÏli4ots; later there will be an adjustmnent-but' ,eu're intcrestcd in "right now." You'II pay regular prices only for merchan- dise at this store. We're reafly trustecs of your investmnents in clothes. 1It is up to vo u te sec that you get a' big return. You'Il waflt clothes, war or no war,', 80 you have first daim on our forchandedness in: gatherig stocks. Hart Setiafiner & Marx secured enotugh woolens months . ago-enou h to Iast them -indcfnitely. We b'tiight plent fullÏ in ail lines; complete stock oif orelgn tabdics bought "Wl6ile the 'buying was gocd, arid tuhe best- of home productions. We scusrd gener- eous aaOtments' from makers of futnlabngs. You aregoing ta sec whenyou visit this stgrehow wefli ve have watched your-làteiestS. -We are flot ae~ tors, anm*oqs to eroftt over niltht ït a tutn in eVets. We are a public in- stiutio pm~ting always ini a way. te lwIlp you- moit. Vou arc going te, sec the same old faces;, the salesmen who have always served you; they're hecre te, give you what you want, in the way you want it., The sane guarantees hold good-Remem- ber Hart &chaffner& Marx clothes are- always standatd- under àwry condition; buy thmr now, theyll ,save moner-for you. $1i5e.OO W$30.00 the pfice. Our boys' suits and' overcoat.- always and prices $3MQ to $10.00. .Our-greLb- = epartin ,the the best, contain les&titan two pier cent of ai. cobol. w w w w w w v Altrnp..y Orvis for lte iNtendant ' ' . qî,1 tthe statutes vitich sae*iêd tW ntOm cleariy thàt De-P">ftya ContentIon waï right. In.nalting bits rffling Judge Pert slaid IL wua-aod« hlooded ~ ~ > G C O huoineas proposition wilh nim and Th@e Llbrary board whtch was ri. that hi. bail oniy rbrP law as he Inter- ePntiv eieCted Met yesterday for me. prêète iil itlon WhIcb tt.tbue is lutt ia t io%rs.I. 0. Topsnwon Ment. q'hp t5fgjp'iattorney Ini aum.gnatonTopo Ming up lthe eue déclared that n itheeceil chaicotan of Iho hoard andi ourît ruied lti avur of DeProft that Nirm. L. il. Joliey sertary. The drair. ,'very aoonkeepér in N'orth Chicago lng or lots to dMe athe .ten11otof nfee m-ould imrnsdiately open lits tioors on i1iif atbow:tht Sunday andi sefl the, saine kind of hev- reuli stloî ii hr't jar, erage. The court declared he toulti tern, mnit. Thonipson, Mri4. Waenter; not Lake such a possible condition in. iwo year terni, Mmn. StrphMrus. Panj: to accott ln renderIng bits decision. blhm: crne year terni, Mrs. Jolley, Mr. ttady iseemeti somewhat nettied Is.DreM..N.T lio a ai ionn the (,ase and ileciareti that Ms e'pM.F .'oiîsnl he Intended Ito finti oui If a Ma a lif.. mémber üf lthe board. Ail hua. 'ouiti seii suedi liquor on Sunday. lie ines pertaining btrithe llbrarv vil! contended lthat a Man wl.o sold on 1hpreaftpr hi. traLngacted ity Ibis boandi. Sunday was seiiing without a llceue '.%r. and Mrn. Frarfi: Bartle 'Who as tae state law does flot provIde for S1unday "lRaie ndti asniiteh as h'bave been tisltting vith MNr. awj Mm Ct-ern Aie la sait! 0 ite a niait lîquor John0 Waters of 11h streel bave re. he conlends be vas seiling liquor on îturned btteir home lu Bloominjçtou, 1 unday vîthoti a license. Wben then ase contes up for a second triai the evldence shouuii prove Interesting. Mlrs. Mý C. Decaer vito underweat 1 an operatlon at the Jane McAlister juat ôice.bospital a number of days ega lIolui. testambUan" Wlii."To, ~ Nin. Henry Knlataln vito bas haf Wille---Dwub 111for so long aI lite Jane MfcAllatég he 'at-a Be"-Stautord Citavatal. ila'lgvlinI>i'vbig and wm ti - tR?~oin~' pou. n 411 the ý'WIth ii4i oSbGme treet ~ Cloths s"id Sho. Store, NOVEMBER, 13e 1914. 0