LaeCountyIdependent Xfewnl 1m JDIES ÀTDISHOMNDî(CIca Mal N.)F88 One resutlt of the wave of rpb Waukegan Weekly Sun ofmmCiber«'vi//e Rthe JIRVRI.d Ivi ltative Charles M. Thomson of the 1th Offie TlephfleNumer 1, Lîbaerfyviiie Exchange. I gatered 46% hie Pvstottliie et Litertyville, M., as Secnid Clase Mail Matter John ,L.b Hughes, a well kiown', resi- In Wasington hle work bias been of ____________________________dent of Libertyvilie, died at 5 o'ciock the arne excellent character ns that t)tlia Plir or aeCoUflty. A commnmiicatfion rîmlr.Jb Tay hlur'îday evenlng, Nov. 4, as the re- which he did when alderman from the (esel Every Friday. Aderticlng Rates Made Knovîn on Appication-. 'or bearigng th thate Ieome ottr aitofa stroke lie sustained thrBee th tala exemption porothiion cftO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE aplîcars ln part t wo of this iemue. bourg prevlously. Three yeare ago Panam t nlemtondptovisuin oPrie - Dr. and Mr@. A. H. Churchill of Oýwego, Mr. Hughes had suffered a stroke oif !dent Wilson ln hie Mexican policy he W.J. SMITH.. ...... ...................................................... Editor Ili . opft Tliursday with flie phyvsiciens paralysie and lie bad been confIned showec admirable courage.. ln t'ils F. G. SMITH ..........................Mngrpr t ee hywr e'maie ahchme ever since. He waa a aud other respecta Mr. *homsonls re. .................. ................... Resident Manager, Phone b7to rind. f-l gresîdentof tfLake county, bav. cordcalled for recognition fromnt te b' lite-longVtera 4f the district.but iýe had the Chbas. E. Mamon hes mîîved frorn Rotinud ing been barn at Aiitiocli 64 years ago. misfortune ta run as a candidate of LAKE COUNTY AS BÂROMETER. Lake to, thie place and bas iccupIed thi lie hai l lved in L.iertyville elght a party whose tank lied bien iargeiy Iti oiebeta:Appley bouses ou the corner o Milwaukee iYears. accomplîshed when it made flotair. antnd ese notenu.ceable that:e.. sn Ic revoit lu 1912. Years ago, Lake county was the banner Republican andd M.NThmsonrr3'bc avenue. b couty n Ilinis ugl iReid iof Washington,. [*c, eand !îargaiet H1igliîe, wace hum et George E. Fosn, wio lias served man, T R Nvisiti ig r -latives and fri eds ti Anti ic ii. linoi , (in '~-ît21. 13.50, and te'- - as represent tive of the north couny i Illnoi cr edla h itnto lde tLbr.vle l. o.4 94 hoie ln Washington and who was de- THENvicîiiy. r 11-idlia th duuîucuon~ deu e Liertvile. ii .uuî 4,914 fcatsd lu the landalide cf 1912.. Re. Along came the Progressive movement two years ago lîaviog heen the firet printer oif tii Lake On March 19,1871, lie wes united 'in gardiensaof party, the north shore ma- and, proportioflate to its population, it i8 claimed that the Coutty ludepeudeut. uarriage to l i rang ~ien d ruslded nages ta *end competent men ta con- proroioatePrgrsve vote i Lake cuty was get On Wednesday the Nlemdares 'niui u G. on a farm reur lillirn iluilîl l)ctuu4er Press. In view of the great interest 0Ray1EiA. <CranelB. F *. dgja.190(;, wlieu to ~î-d tii Lilertyville. now relit in the sfrengtlienlng cf the ethan oty her county in the state-some pepecaim daEAUae navy, the returu of Mr. Foisa, long the erEl an epe H wau, Stabiey Eeton, J. A. Treptuîw, He lhaves ii oiîiurii t le luss ofi a Rlndcliairman cf the house-ccmmittee-i it was greater than any county in the United States Roy Wrighit, F.J. Wright, George Kuion and ioving fether, tiiie.e soinisand two naval affaira, Is cf Interest to the en- ACCORDINGLY end Mies Helen Wright wenttof0Ciicg daughtero, R037 I. f LaSalîe, Ill.; R. tire country. Ith en ettatLk out fal lii ftetoatn aie, efrac 1Gy of Ation . Il tri o! Libertyville, coutis f he atend Pa mttraihOmiees. Mra. liaude Kenniedlyof Antiochi, and COMPLAîNS 0F ROAD. state is a sort of barometer and that was why everybody IPfsadelufratelm Lc.M.e'arl of Weukegahi, Ill.; is wife Tc the Road Commsstoners oif Ub- waebdLae ont t e@ho hePrgesiv ary Mr@. Alliet Kikliman arrived bere lest hvn eatdIi ieMy5 1 ertyville or Preniont: I would cal to e. owtheProresiv patyFriday tram Swltzeniand alter bavige &1@0vina dcpnethIsliray5 « il.their attention toa aPlece of rmcd on 1wtoka t T L ake c etonoue ntredl a cutryor@ee a hs is fru .roh H . tD. Hughes, the Town ine Just north of Hondees uANDs* thTe5dsay'SFerectiom. n. osvoeoA,6 te îene luthe atou'r She wera Gues; and thres istere. Mrs. Jane piatform. lif ls a roair that t used a-m ANDtheysaw!Forfroman nornon ote f 4,68 onflis eces o iswr.tle etWhife, rayeleke, Nrs. Margaret Pulien, good deal. The soutb 1-2 mile la al- two years ago, it dropped down to about 1,700 this year. 10Sizelid lu June end exiuctud f0 ntocb. and Mrs. Mary White, Milîburu. gm ost mpassablu affer a rein; onu Thu, armetr aae cuny how wer th Po.l"e back lu AuzuAt. Mrs Kihhmen er- Intermet asmae t the oid ho. lias la turn out across thu dltch and Thus baometr Lke cunt shos were he ro- ved et New York on thelineur Potte- go aloii< Bide of the fence hn places. gressive movement has gone. da. front Hoilaud, flie passagerequîrng _________________ t Ir a liefectd th e. tbiou Yes, the only place the Progressives have in the world lourteun dae. Hifait. F EKIIl today is just as a stumbling block to Republican sUCCesa. A good illustration of the fifl of tlie TON TIIUMB WEDDING HS . EKIH ,,, l v commily around Aria. le fact thaf T ADTRU Antewythe had it "nhanded to th iloer the "the bank le thie place for their moncy, À TUE aENIl.MILaR AtereS land, indicates that they should realize it. No new party was lrouglit out Wedneeday morning AIENM.DIL.ATIONNT. ever sprung Up 50 quxkly-none ever died so suddenly alter the attempted bank robfuery. The Ovin slzty crilidrei of Liberfyvilie, Putlilc Notce la herebN lviii 1h51 the son- < and so effâctiiaiy. They can look back over their short iock o the cale bing danuaged @o Ibat f rom 3 tii 10 )eCui of age wil ie a eies iFurcuter. of the Lcsf WiliI ad Tfsta- A meel'batove ho th wrcke th n cîîuid uioit e takun from Itfifor compete imiltationî ,f ae ociety weddîng. mnit o Fan H. ihrvin. ueceeit ill career ad erlyglg, flieerrnivl o!eflic Deiold cale Theeeveet will liete li-d lufthe Anîitorniuatteindithe C,,uty Court of Lakue Couuili ty 5 a , use until teÉ ia 1teDiod@i hs-terri thereof to e le eure thOe Court Housin î lu not o hyhle in any way.exrt everybody eemed to catch fthe et M P. m. Tuede), Nov. 17. Th e m.gninalCotyonhefr Mdr 1 "epirîf of the turnes' and the patrons sutertalument leq îîudi-r the uaehemeftiit m,.&, rt, 1915. iheuicliiande ail It is interesting at this tme to rocail that The Daily qruictiy depciîvted lundi sud whie the 01the l tiret tlirei- grailes îîlthe publicen-. shâîliuuî,-Icliri eut v-idt ertte .re Sun and the léake County Indepeudent were the only pa- liant ma f i,-ned out8ide aid, flet mure se alwvrenuulîriicu dren ...itlfo vireaduictiotn.rvultu nne pers of Lake county to actively support the entire Republi- otaeepti saIuutyofmnyva ostitt ted (hlwl .k FIA'P. cantike tisyer. 1.cien.~a eailable eroiiîiuîindii fui baud l4flie part. 1îM.îÀ luO 11,. Eueiulr191 cm icetthi yar Inidn l eeyRpblcn si- busîneuis. Hy threi- oi-locktin fthealter- Thene will bu- ahiiiit tweiitV loym lu ant was eetd noîîn the cale was repaired and every- dresm suit. nmd abo.iut lurt.î girls, aIIit ' elected.i nrml gav.thîui dreseed lu iiiali lulule. uîîd îhîu beiamui îîucnîe agati.maid@, graeduiotluur'-uand suou One man tenders the suggestion that penhaps the in-AldWoiae t e uiefft fected cows which have been hit by this terrible foot and THU BLIC__ train chilîden fur tlîie play wIll drill the -C mouth disoase, may bave been donied plenty of sait. He r --TO UAVE NEW96NÉ tieoce.Thîs ertalemeuf lias hein - fools sure that pleuty of sait is necessary for cattie thriving givun in carions ueigliboriuig places, and - and adds that mauy farmers nogleot this foature of their The Libetyvîlle Publie Lilrary ma@ bas aimayelmade a bit. It is comical ___________ peuaid four years ago and bastîrospered beyoud deecrmifinu. The bride and Renew Your OId Car- beyoded li lope of ifs lest frends and groom acd tflininuisten wlio mili perfonnrhtm haet Iïae outyneed ntbe ahamd ofthe mnit eicted ta' ha« men.arme t cdvocatis. Theenterprise wao theceeremony, bave not benu elecfed as to county offices. Such mon as Judgo Persona, Lew Hen- eated mnd lias heein otered by flic yet; but fhey wlli veny young, not Lt lUs ovenhaul your mater. de,11i rfiLes coog n T. A.imnpSOn can Alpha Club ot Litiertvlle, whose mem. aven fli re yearsofo age. and tranmflissin. bereiitupntodotei fnduyand weil look after lie era are inferested ln beving flic hest The ohiect f this pila enolta rai@@ Replace mono or lino- to theeducational advauf agis and flie iglivt fonde, but .wbatever snm la made wili ken parts. interestai of the taxpayors. That the public feels just like lirary steandaird for our people. lu thle lie equal.v dlvided liitween tfl i un tbnee Repeint or revarnish« that about it is nd.cated by the overwheiming vote thoy liegituuiug whep the club mas looking grades. Tbreauuicetiun for adulteis 35 ytiur car. were given. It wus a splendid endorsement of them,1 of lu a home for the lilirary, Meseta. Dectîr centq. and for chiîdren 20 cents. Ail Mako if IKE NEW. their abilities and of their generailyy accepted popular- & BnZnd offerid tegivce placel tu eir sets i lieb reecrved, and tickets wililie C.ET OUR ESTIMATIE fty itwa SO E ickt.drcg store aud bave eo-opuated wifli on cale a tîw days lu advancc at bof b and NOW la the TIME it.In short, i O E ikt ibue clubilin viry way poeible. drug stoires, t Epr ehn;adcag#a ut flie library <uic coul alts ovin six Eetmeclleaniscniechnges as It is gatfy to tie that s0 young a man as John b*dred volumts aid lbas ouî-groa-u ifs r ___________ raobheas ino iiltpf.t Boyles bas been able to attain a position on the judiciary in prisent aîciitmîidatious, F. o sîîmL _ (JIIPCII MLWS 7i an Umis outyCly cuny. r.Boyesis neof tfinie flicpresseing ued of a'lsmboni,-fon Just's Garage linisl an Ilinis ouny, Cay ôuny. r. oyle soneof het lies been lorced upomu ils Iienda. Melhodist-Epiccopal._g "yv' young men wno spent some years lu Wau.aegan very in- Naturally lu flie unergecy flic club At flic M.E. Chiîrch nrt Suudey ail Rghtneent toheUberf,'ille Hotel conspicuoiisiy, thon went away and rose rapidly in the legai turcaed f0 flic village fat bre, the mzard- si-rvice will lie leld as usuel, lu tIc Largesi & Besi Equlpped lenfN. Illinois estr inal p1eucclou thv. e uipu thfle »----- 0 profession until now, within a very short tume after hoe loft, 4~e bas been elected county judgs. His determination, per- severance and general qualifications masure bis success in the position which every iawyor always bas hopes of at- taining-judge! We hope and fool confident hoe will make good._______ With Shurtleff 'a re-election to the bouse, it occurs to u~s tbat, because of bis alignment with the various forces who go to Springfeld, that hoe atý once becomes a logicai and possible candidate for governor two years boucs. Mr. Shurtieff 'a streugth tbroughout the dsate cannot be deuied and bis ability to get votes in the Eightb district is demon- strated each tiue lhe runs for the legisiature, for hie always leads the legislative candidates in the total votes obtaiiiod. A man wth bis acquaintance and prestige in the state whc can carry bis own district year after year canuot help but attract the attention wbich eventuafly may briug the state bonor upon bum. Roosevelt, for years the idol of millions of people, was sboved up against tho wall in the East at Tuesday's elect- joui slanxmed in the face, thon kicked in the stomacb, after which hoe was picked Up and tossed over the bri-xA, hitting the bottom liko a basketfiil of eggs-KER-SPLASH! Yes, the eastern votera especiaily, and those ail ovor the nation turned on their former idol in such a manuor that the biî Mooser, if hoe bas the sense of comprebiension hoe used tc bave, wiii. quietly slink into the forest primoveal, pick ul bis trusty shot-gun and pipe and, passing the romai-uder o' bis days in solitude, wondor why it was that tho people o: the United States didn't continue to "appreciate" hi: abilities and efforts. The lack of interest of the women voting Tuesday mi not be ascribed to their uttor failure to be concerued in ai éeoction. Instead, it was due to the fact that they wO!, permitted to vote on too few offices, noue of imporance in fact, in the entiro list. Were it not fur the speciai regl tration featureini Waukegan city, there roaiiy wouid hav been no reason for thoni to turn out at ail. What do th~ womeu care about wbo is elected university trustes o clerk cf the appellate court? When the tume cornes tha -womsn vote ou ail offices, thon wiil they show the sair - .amout of lnterest that is displayod by the men-not quit as mmfch, perbaps, but, so mucb more tbau whou thoy ai go llmfte that tbe comparison wiil b. astonisbing. and orogreps. lfr flic lelp mc hdias P neded-aud fbey did not feu thel. The M lbrenyile nom tii tind ite borne in flic ccw irvllage hle. As soon as flic nec- b cases and otherrui)ciesqary iurniii-hiugs are edy it c iiitic placed lea a front ' nooni on tflic uond luon o!flthatbuild. Ir iug aud mi lic open t uie publie Tues- days and Seturdays fnou 2:311 to --::10 p.m.and 7to 9 p.m. i ()nuo ofthi:contene o obacs duvotedC muni tume lenflicintenestu o! the libnary, maires flic follovinm ple f0local busi- nemssmec eed publiceliens! acfors: r a -Up to fhe present finieflic libnanyla bien nialetaine id hncicllly. alot wbolly liy menibersbip tee@ and doua- fions troni fli Alpha Club. Tic expert- mutlias proved that wé are e reaîig peuple, end f bie le no lonUger acy doulit s totbe cuud and apprucief ion o! a Public Ltbrery in our fown. Ie if Dat finie flat our business mec and public hecefators sbauld Inferef flienselvus len flic pilauthnopy? Thisile e Roud finie l- for f hou f0 tome lorward and rover r tbemculvus wîth glory-by lielping f0 g oateour Lilrary conminuenurate ifli th flcgrowlng requiremunts O! Out popu- 3,lafion. We. ouglit f0 bave new depart- -i mente tilleà ifli bots o!f ravel, scence, ief or., poef.ry aud ivery ofher brandi, o!ofknowledge. 'TP elI u iit e man p read e and 1 iii ell you w lat helem.' )f ttevenyone taire lold and lielp lu flue f nterprisu and if mi li e Onu more f "boost fur Libprtvîlle." LS BASKET BALL Friday eveing. Nuuv. ¶ti, flic M. E. (lyniltealc o! Lîibrfyvllle c-ct to Aria ýy and pleyeuî fli struuig Aria tealu, de- feafieg .tbeuuî by a score o! 34 fo 27. n Tlic galine s lest and refluer nougli oe but set flut it iras bghly excitiiig. Wrner and l)irk Taylor mire flic stars lîîfr Lilirfyville teani, whleJohlffoi nil Fry ivere about even Ior Aria. The lune- 111)bowis fiche t mu cen do as fthe re Aria teauu clingeid feur men aroucd c@i wueli flielnîtlitg short o! a niovieg lplefuru reniera could gef if if ail. or Are M. E. Gym jolinson....... if F.............Warmr t Kelezge ..... .F................. Taylor Bl ouse.............C............. F. Pnotine Fry..,...........L6O.. ..........W arrenD b.e ... P. Protine-Nation Baskets. Taylor 9, Warmcr 7, Jîubnson re 5, Fry 5, Knigge h, F. lirotine 1.- Fric fhrowe, Fry 1. Marks, il a I lirîstien. lilih, C eîing et 7:301 p. ni, flure %i I b- a short song servît-e beluire tIh- sernîu1 which w-il lie on fuie stut. -Nuit Ificli Lowvard . UAu. - The pulicu 15 îordilîaly lavit cd. TIere mîlI lic ael EtimonfluLeagiue mer- ice of si,.iîeî nfereiuf next -unday evre-, ing et 6.45. The sulileut lue, '-Thej ClI ho l-lroicServie."'Leaders, Ethel W huiler and Adal i Ncholas. The choîir cli meif for rpeursal flic me on Fridmy cvcning et 8 o'cluiet. AIl îuemberc urged tfaettend. The gymna8luni et fhe M. E. cburcli bas opened for flic secaso for the boys and: girls and yoneg menand young wmnin of the ci.umtueity. The rouon arc open altercoons mcd ci-suinge o! Moudcy. Tueeday, Tbursday and l'niday0 olelu cuite. Mouinîg wuundlip 10:30 arM. Thunie -A miuisfering Feifli.' l'lîistien En- dcavor îufaleatioc folîuîmung the more- feg service. Ibhrustuauu Endeavon >6:45 p. m. Tuipin. Nlugnify ftle Chisitianu Endeavor I Pielge," Leaders, Ogla Huse and lois, Frele rie ks. Evli-ng îîrvicc 7:30 p. m. flue choir cîlI reculer fliccantate The Prodical S, un in place o! thie ucuachuurchservlee. Bible bluîr sfudy o!flie Life o! Christ uvery Wednesdr.y evouniz u t 7:45. H. M. Allbîînf, Pastor. St. Lawrence Episcopaf. HoI1yN.Combmunion cverY Sunday 7:45 a. rii. Fi r tSu ndaY i il mo0nt Ilu 1)31()e. m Mirning Prayer cverY Suundey exccpf abuire 10:30a. ni. Sunday cclooi 11:45 e. un. Ail EHoIy Baye. HolY Conninuo 9.00 a. n Rr. E[,,,Anilis. WîIITE. Priesf-iu-clîeng Thîe N13 sfic Wîtrc msil give a basket suifaI et their hall, Tuesdey uveinif. Nový 24. for fie licuetit ofO. L Hublard 1eand feutily. Ail Mystîe endfherfnlcnde are liited. ue2 Lake Countys big weekly-1NDE, PENDENT. Stoves and- Rano We have a complete stock of "Stewart" and "Red Cross" Ranges, Cooks, Mot Blasts and Base Burners Big Stock- Right Price Schanck Bros. Libertyville TEN DAYS' FREETRIAL q You can try this beau- tiful Victrola FREE in your own borne. B lak ng m t utili l, t)g oyiil.sîthe ir e 4"t veii n te hntue iiaind ,ve the Vicutor iii absluiteiy indii Try the New Dance Records H. B. E GER ýJob Pirinting The Northern Illinois Agencq The Michigan Mutuel Life Insurance Co. Is a sut cess: ît has a lartge volume of business on the books enoughi to make a remuarkably fine sluowing for an Agent-y orgauiz.ed in October. 191 I-arud is growiing steadily. In order to hiandie thue bîîsiiiess systematically, the Com- pîany lias deeuued it exîie-lieîut 10 establinîlî offiees at Area, Illinois. cWe have two dandy roouils inu the Citizene-' Bank building, which was ciîiipleted last Ppring, anîd witlî hotlu soutti andt west frtonts we get at least oui share, of air andutiisutshinem. They are lîeated by hiot water and liglited by electritity and there is soiiietltttig about the îplace tiîat sort of makes a man glad tlîat lie is omue of the' big Mieliigait Mutual fdtiiily Our phionue inuuîber is i- put it dlowîi so youll nîtforget it and t-ail us up ut arîy time, andi while w>' generally liave a bunch of work to (Io we will fiuîd lime ttî visit witlu mir friends should any of thent fail. Personally we feeîl rather pf'ofd of omir offices and willI hi glad to have yoti coinlif p anud and look us over wlitî'nex e- you are int l)Wl. JOHN IIODGE District Manager. CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT