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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Nov 1914, p. 9

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LAREcOUNTY LAK.E - - , Tt, INDEPENDENT. WAUIKFCIAN WFFEKLY SUN $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANRZ s' FAILS TO ILIQ SAFE; AUTO B-Ï-, ROBBER ABANë State Representative Reaches Burnee on Unique Mission CombattingDisease. 44 HEAD ARE TO BE SH01.ý hlany Barrels of Lime Wili Be Shipped to Be Used in the 'Executions.' ZOEHLER GPTS JOB Mfr. Zenor. the tate man ylio la 1ouing aller the kllflng of the diseua- ed cattle n I'iO County. expecta ta b. t Qurne. Lt ten o'clack P'rtday,l Nov. 1.th for thie Puuvoae of killing the anImaIsad burying tlb. . red Zoehier of Waukegan Rls rualitng work ta gt the long Irenchea dug ta make Il possible ta go ahoad wltb the slaugh- ter of 44 cown whlch have been tound ta b. Infected. Forty barrela of lime> have been ordered at Wautiegan for dlivery ai Gurnee ate today, ta be weed n coverlng up the carcasses ofi the.valle alter they are %hot. A vet- inary from Woodtock wli accota- pany fr. Zenor an hie rather unusuai mission friday. Guru... Nov. ll.-<ffpecial)-The etata's officiai animal undertaker ar-1 rlved Lt Guru.. laday. J. R. Seymour Ishihl name and h. la e prlapi the Mail conspicuaua member of the state bard Ihat han. ta do wth handllng the terrible foot-moutli diease among cattle of Illnols. %Ir. Seymour ia the offtiai execu- tiogir and mdertaker .d< the saLe. He'@ the man ltat kille the diseaed cattle by Ilring a bullet Into their heade; and then hems the man wbo ie thalt hoy are burled n a way tintt h disease wll flot lie pread. Mr. Seymour reacbed Gurnee tis mornlng. liea OraI woqt RIn tliat can- Munit>' holng tu let the contract f-r dlgglng the dttch an (lie McCullough brothers farm n whlch foly.fouri head of dlseased catlle found n llir! bord will bave tu lie buried. Siz. of Trench Mir. Seymoaur ststed tliat tlie dltcli will b, sRx feel wde and len fot deop. Ras length would lie suffilvîruta taire the total of farty-four carrasses. It la thums Beon ha1 t willi le quite a Job la gel ready for the 1uneraisýof tht». the biggest bundi of cattle ever kill- ed n Lake Count>' timugli sucli a cause. Mir. Seymour dickered with a number of Gurnee men ta take the. 4contract. Just wlial day the e uotlon vlI IJURY DISAEiREES MFER BEING DUAD- LOCKED FOR IIOURS Case Went to the Jury at 11 o'Clock Tuesday Nght Af- ter a HardFight. JURY ARGUES ALL NIGHT. First Vote Was 8 to 4 for Con- viction-Case Has Been Drawn Out Long Time. WVaukegan, Nov. 1l. After debatlng for hours. the jury ln lie George H. Mrria libeR case Ibis marning reported thelr inabillty te, reacli a verdict ad were dlscharg- ed. They lisd spent a aleepless night n soeklng ta, agree upon a verdict. Tbe case lias been oneo f tle langest 1(lied n Laite county n years. The trial started just two weeks aga ta- day. For a timo t appeared tbe jury would ho able ta reacli a verdict" Aftt er retirlng ta their jury rooma the jury ock a balaot-.filsliowed elgli for conviction ad four for acquitta]. A l1111e later on. of 1h. iglitjurons laid mwilched over and the vote stoad moyen la flive. The debête grew more bitter as ime pasaed. Anther bel- lot sbowed six ton suit>' and six for acquittai. Tlin ensuedl a deadlock. Ail efforts an tbe part of the two fac- tians ta swing allier members of thel jury ta llilnwsy of tbinklng proved <utile and aithougli man>' votes were taken, the resul was flot cbanged. The vote this morning. accardlng ta re- lable reports about the court bouse. stRl istood six to six. The case liad been contesteid very bîtteni>' tram the start. Attorney Alec1 evidenco whlcli tbey desired 10 pro- sent. Mfr. Morris was abliged to bring sanie af is wllnçpses tram ather Mastes. t ls said t cost hlm $40 ta bring ane of lits witnemses bere. A number of allier features were lnjecteil mbotRie ca4ewhwiclî tended ta keep up the inierestt ram tbe start. TRie court dtd mujilita shorten the evidence. Had hpontîo doue so t. miglit bave dragged along for several days more. Mr. OKi-fe wiîa brouglit the cbarge of crimîrmal libeRl hed prepared blt case carefully and put on many witnesses ta rebut tRie testlmony pre- sented by Morris. t was a bard case for the jury ta decide. Some of tbe witnesses tesUi- lied potnt-bianý against Mr. O'Keefe, tendlng to show the charges whicli JOHN CURY IS DEADINICALIFOR= NIA; WENT IN 19121 Guy Vurry, city englnee-r of Northi Chicago ban recoved word of the dêalli Tuenday Novomber Mth, ai 4:30 of his father John Curry at Pomona, Cal., aged 55 yebrs. Mr. Curry had been slck for the past six monthe, stamacli ard other troubles belng the dîfficulty whlch lie was combattlngs. He baad been very sick for somo tume and while t waa flot feared hie ulckness would prove fatal. t wa» flot PANELS 0f <iRAND AND PETIT JURIES HAVE BEEN DRAWN Grand Jury and First Panel of Petit Jury Subpoenaed to Corne December 7. SECOND PANEL ON DEC. 21. An Unusually Large Number of Waukegan Men Are Among Those Who Are Drawn. The grand jury for the Decemberl terni bas been drawn snd the jurors bave been notifled ta lie bere on De- cember 7, the opening day of te Decomber term. Two panels of petit Juries bave also heon drawn. The f panel wlll appear bers on Doc. 7a the second on Dec. 21. Itla a nat able facl Iliat a number of Waukes men have been drawn on the th Morris made against hlm ln a pam- 1 entirel>' unexpected when the -final panels. Nine Waukegan mon h phlet had basîs n face.' while other ond came. been dranw on.the firat panel ot witnesses denled ltes. litatemonts nI Mr. Curry waa One Of the best petit jury and 17 on th. second Pi toto and declared tiiere was absoluto- known resîdenta Of Waulegan and Tliree Waukegan men are named ly no graund for the chargea agaînst Lake Count>'. He vas haro on the the gran4 jury. I.O'Keefe. The rifles of evîulence Cur en ni oaan nlrTih. Grand Jury. excluded mach of the testlmoay whidli years bhoame a armer himself, pur- Pollowing la the personnel of doubtiess wouid bave proved most lu- c haslng a place SuaI sautli of Vola. grand Jury: terostlng sud mîglit have shed more H e mn the faru for many years and Banton: E. G. Anderson. J. ligh onthecas. Ths I wa a asethen moved ta rayslake wliere e li I- Weylie. weethe lurylied ta decRde tliat on ed tour or ive yoia mter wliRrl about ner fwtess a ee d and 19 -ear ga the famlly maved ta Newport: RIlpliCrawford. accept the statemenîs made by the Waukegan wliere they reslded unlîl Antiocli: John McGuRre, Earl itnsse ontheothr adeforonetwo years ago asat September whon, man. witldnssehaon bellethe sideo ne on accaunt of the healtit of the daugli- b Grant: E. B. Scott. oRflot hveeRi teo li vdeseter Mabel and Mr. Cwrry'5Inabîllt>' ILake Villa: E. A. Wlton. foat ew itnesses a (h oppiosln des stand thie winters bere, the>' maved Avon: E. B. Neville. tu Clifrnia Th chae bnefited Warren: James Rya, lSr. Thecas sartd wenMorris la th. daugliter but.Mr. <lurry neeer lie- b Waukegan: John DougRas,J eRllegod ta have prlnted a pamphlet it n e clmated thticcountry' and Whalen. Ira Holdrldge. which lie accused John OKeefe. inii- rmaly e'yer îîRc'ted it a great doal lie- 1 ed:FaikGrgtJh ager of lb.e allroad Mens HomoeaIcause of the tact. lotI. Hignland l'ark, wîthnengiectîng smre of thie lnmates sud not coaductlng theo borne praperl>'. The charges were ta- ken up hy the board of directors of the home and Ihe>' exoaorstod Mr. OKeefe. The latter then started ai crimiRnal libeR suit and Morris was la- dlcted b>' the grand jury. It ls raugll> estlmated tbat the trieR muet have coat fuIR>' $2,000. Naturally thie count>' dues fot bave ta pay ail, of thîs. but tbe exponse ta the county Beauhlea for Ilie prosecution alartod lias beon lrge. Thie caunt>' muât pa>' 1a speak early n the aftennoon sud for aIl tne lurons Iflat were summoned talked twa bours and 40 minutes w t- but were flot accepted. TIen t must aut etappRng. Hie 181k wss straiglit psy fan th. 12 jurons who weno ae- tram the sbouRden and his peaton e ceýpted at lie rate of $3 a day for twe tainminded coasiderLtion an the part weeks. t muât pay for the twa bail- of lhe jury was very eoquent. !Ils wlio renined wtb the jury ram He was fallowed by Atono> J. D. lie start et Ibherate of $4 a day. fi P- fn sr ,thennunuu ntwuu sakdf 1ms Dvfr t thrblloswh several bours aid tRio closing ai-ru- 1 - - mets -remoeleby Assistant 8tate' t] take plce basnoj Attorne>'cidE.,M. Runyard. Thoso vIa t but. it lîkel>' viRli e Ibm latter Pr fhadteagmnsdcaote R tle woek. badteagmnsdeaeta i - three of tliem were spînlted andi con-1 Mow The>' Do It. vncng. 7he metliot of praredure tgIbits: It was about 10:30 o'cRodk ln tle Thie caltle are led tu a pint an lie evenRng wlien the arguments vore edothîe Ion foot dilci. There Mr. compieted'. The court rend lits In- Seymour tai<emamie a vital $pit in structions ta lie jury and ai Il o'clock tieir_ hesti and, frug the aboi, lie tbe Jury lad the case. Inimal alluansd, as JIlfaits, vorkmen Fram the ver>' ist t vas seen liaI anudeavar b>' shovlag t ta, have it landti tere waa a lange mess of testimon>' nt the hotîonofe Ritlci. Titis Pmro abo Presenteti. Boli aides lied much cedure ta foRoved unti Ibey are al placeti L thle battanote ictrench viereupon quickllme la placeti On tRiae w1Wv icompenaate tlie owaer: themr carcasses. titis plan leing folaw- ff tie govennment board tioem no Ilie 6d ln rer ta prvent a Possible govormoent yull stand the. loga of tie apneading of the disaeoasd ta qulck- tanner. 1>' get nId oeth. CrCMaea. _Cattle slaugittere t iîIIs menner Tie Lake Ijount>' came vl requlre are eppraRseti belon. belug disposed mucli attentRon because, itIolaasit, of. Owaere eceive the market beof Ibis la one ef tie biggeet luglitmrs pice on ucli caIlle. la atien yends, tiLt iaa been touai necessar>' outolde Ilie> are paRId for Rie cattle eithle cf the sto5ck yardsa ln Chicago, Ibe prevaîlîng miarket price eT beef. ne- atiton executlons n the oate meneR>' gardlesa of wliat the anRmal migit lie bijng lias. of a fev issd Inteati of varth ln otlier vaya. N0o'autîmea- a b t bondi lîke thal wlich wtll lie tel values" are attaclied ta an>' oetIle. dipatched et Gurnee. 1A cow me>' lieover no vaualile es e When t ta considered tiet aufficient lyie of bloôded stock but the ap- lime wll lie neetied ta "est upu' 44 praisers recogaîze no aucli values. cane, iRtel alac seon Iliat mens' bar- Owaena cf cattle apprajacti and raaof lb. lime wll have 10 lie miip- Iâugnt,,rd by the goveramet boardl PaedtauGurace. j ill proball>'receive Ibeir mon.>' CET PAIO FOR CATTLE. j alortl>' but n lie cas. of thonse vie W.,,a,., w n»ifected cettle aree aIlle are disposed of b>' tie "tle @botad burled i vlI ho compensatet tere vilI be more cf a defo r >'toni for theInRsses b>' the national gav- 111lI le neceaaary tl attaîfor tic leg- egn0ent on b>' lie tate. The alate Islature ta caonRn en dtirIat mon- boarn of Illinoisasnd tie goverament e>' ma>' be Ipproprlated fon'it. pur- bardM are bath vworking tagether ta pose. That armerg vilI eyeotggDly j~.utazo tbê llese.Ifli.atate l e compensaated tiee. monB ot tha ~~ q "041»«Mas eat*o4btest « Mn. Curry was a carpeuter-ontrac-" ton sud worked on min>' big loba In Waukegan. I-e was a member of Lakte Camp MI W. A. and the Royal NeIghbors of Waukegan., Devîdes lits wlfe, ele aves îwoý chi ,vn, Guy and Mabet. Mn. and Nfrs. Curry bad heen married since 1 111. Accordiug to a wire froni Miss Ma- bel, the body wil bh burimd n Cali- fornia tn compliance witli Mn. Curry'» reiluest that tbey flot bother ta brtng bRs romains baci toIlîlinais. OAKES AND PART- NI3R ARREST DON fillf' 1 À DU PU à lf'a» mained lui the court noom durnngIb HtrA U A W rial at the same rate. I utpsy for tiebado ,Iejr and t otw Area, Nov. 12. (Special) - When attendlng bailiffe et the rate of $211 ifrry Oalces. owner of tlil ahandoned a day. Thug thie expense ta thie caun-1 auto found et Area altenrte attempt- ty fr th juy duing he wo wek o edroblien>' Wediieaday morning, came t>'forIli juy unig te lo we. t0 Arcs after bits car.,lie teund the1 ainaunts to $800 alone. 1 auto compauy rof Chicago which lied The princpals n ý-i case did net a chattel marleage an lit had alreedy get off cbeeply. liowover. Boti Mon- pneceded hini and taen the car baic t0 Chicago. ris and OKeefe are said la lave peRd Oakes, arcomîe)nied b>' 1h.eman ite thelr attorneys $60 e day durRng th l aims le his niglit chauffeur, on. Fred trial. Marris wes obliged tn brnag' Trickea. thon hoarded the electrRc car some witnesses for a long dRstance.i ta go to aktie luff tsi 18k, a Northi- »wotern train back ta Chicego. Thtis expeaso vas considerablo. On, But, ln the meantimo, lte Buras de- thie wbole, itlaRs felt Iliat $2.000 ls a tectîve agency. employeti b>' thie anit cf the tria. When the case la trieti go the case. The a id founti emler lin tle day that Oaes' stalles tiRd nat agaîn te seme cot will be appar- JI jtu ln detali so tho>' phonedt t Ares ent. ta lie bank people tiLt Oakem had zono there afler bis car; tiat he and 'is a Ptner better bc dctained; tal POULTRY SHOW TO BE lie>' would demend urtiten proot cf )IELD NOV. 28-EOC. 4. 'Mn alRbi later. 1Âccordingly. the twa mon, flatiig thonr taxi liad been taken bac la the Theli Illinois Pou]try lolrs LasO lybrd a electric for Lafie Bluff. ciatRon'a nIntl annal exhibition vi s o1th u ter boundar> of Lierty- be lield et Waukegan, Nov. 28th to ile., Marsbal Lîmbenry lioasytctIhe foc. 4th. Il yull b. an opportuail>' for qar following lie ip framt Chicago. Lake County blretiers Io demoisttate Uo'queslloned Gakesansd tien ar- wiat tie>' pradace in tlie line cf reste th le pair. Tie>' vere tales b&. hîgli clans poultry. Gel >'our hindi, fore Justice Lylo Morse of Libert>'- ready and ses how nian>' cupe, prom-I ville vipre the charge ot burgla"> um ad rubban» >'ou cen carry hiome. s placeti egainst them sud the>' Write tie secntary for entry blanhi k 'shelort a ton days unde ti- ,00 and premium liat gîvlng '<aIl partleu- l'doiseech. the coalînuance being lre. R. B. Connol>'. Wâukea lte 1. n onder toi give tot i li eta seî-ntery: George H. Bairetow la prea- e an alibi end su ahi eve the de- tent. tD & W. i1 gvstie tesift. mittemr.u-thon. A daugliter vasbiera Suata>day t W y nigll; tiLt he taru bxi pervisor and Mrs. George McCullouo !9ircen sud Ibat aomobodgtele of Gurnee. 3bre the latter arnlred for the Inig' vork. Mns..James Woodmian oe, Waoke. 'Minen neoet wau thatOô&4« lat- gas, UR., la the guest of MrS. jsmws mnr alti be bai»becarU 'todof Leoii sot 11l. Ir ~ tonL Hi~ vasi ar et oreope f ktW &5M Lbertyville: J. S. Grldiey. F'romont: Richard DuddRes. Wauconde: A. J. Raymond. Cula: Henry GRIl>'. Ela: Emil G. Nickoley. Vernon: CharRes Gîsa. West Deerfield: George H. Gutzîre. DeerfieRd: Rabert W. BuckRey. Deerfield: Anson C. Margan. The Firat PaneR. Fallowing le thli Rt of jurars on tlie first paneR of the petit jury: Boulon: S. J. Neden. Frank De- Woody, W. Vanderwerf, A. B. Benaett. Newpart: F. C. Dtetmeyer, Peler Gleeson. Antiocli: James W. Johnson, Bon Hoysradt, Frank Kasslk. Fred Wllett. Grant: John Rase. Johin A. Walsh. Lake Vila: IR. G. Hock. Avon: Orsen Wasliburn. E. F. Shauks. Warren: Lara>' Steuder. Weukegau: M. P. DiRger, Frod Buýck. W. P. Waudel, John Rodding. Jo. Dur- kia. P. C. Regan, R. C. Fitte, G. L Brewster, Wilfred Toulouse. Shields: Chartes Paulson. LlbertyviîRe: Budd KimbaRi. Fremout: John Gaister. Vernon: Aiman Rackenbacli, Emtl Geest. Frank Haben. Deerfleld: Frank Warren, Byron J. Stevens, H. K. CoaRo, Jr., Charles Sheahen, Frank Laing. The Second Panel. The men wbo bave been selecled ta serve an tlie se cond paneR cf Ilie petit jury are as followa:. Benton: Nluir Anderson, J. B. Fr>'. Newport: Charles Caslimore. Auttocli: James Wllton, Jo. Flweb- ber,. Grant: Eogene Biddtson. Lake Villa: J. Gordocn Sonner. Warren: James Calahan. Weukogan: Clarence Bassait, Jacob Dompke. J. A. Etling, Fred Galleway, Theodore Goldsmit,, George Harvey', J. J. Jemîson. John Kiema, Axei Ly- bock. John Mcffhape. Frauk Nolan. Fred Palmer, John Punit. J. Recîlea- wald, Ed. Salmon, Walter Snyticn, Bon Westerlicff. ShieRds: Rar>' Ford, W. G. Dalton. Ltbetyville: Lew Plagg, Henry ltclifeld. P'remont: Auguat Moyen.. Waucouda: George Baner. Cuba: Nicitalas Baker, Auguat Ma- vis. 'InoS: NId <iMlgter. DARINI! ATTEMPT TO RORBER fiETS AA MAN DRI VING AUTO OWNED BY HARRY OAKES, A TAXICAB OWNER OPERATING OUT 0F UNION STATION, CHICAGO,' MAKES RANK FAILURE 0F JOB 0F BANK ROBBINk- AND, TO CAP THE CLIMAX, THE AUTO WAS OUT OF' GASOLINE AFTER HE HAD HURRIEDLY LEFT THE BAMK A11h aaniurv mruiain siicçq Uiq :^W'ADC DV 4uiaff Rlfrsit ANU U uî T IULFIIU-M r ad INGIT'-SENSATIONAL AI otice- hean i tre. AUTO OWNER INTERVIEWED have Lots Wîdneîday the Independent ,the got hold of Harry Oake, oawntr of the Lunel. abicdancd auto nt Aria, whorî the donbank robbery w«a attempted. Oakes toid this itory: "I loft my car about eight o'ciock Tuesday evînInil rthe et Paulina and Van Burin m aays do, for my night driver te Uks and . I continue business <or the nlght. Whon he arrived, the car was net thora. Hi b eved i had Rt and so thought littie oI 0t. Rt wu& stolon <roin thal spot 1 it- betwcsn th. time 1iloft and ho arrived. 1 knew nothing of th. Iheft until thti Waukmgan Daliy Sun caiiîd a friend att1he union station. Whoever saIle the car muet have boat it et once for A^ria whîri, you amy, an attemptid john bmnk robbery took place. Of couse i havi no Ideam esta who took the ri -car. 11i myscîf wenl home (1311 W. Jack. son Bivd.) end went to bpd aflir 1 left th. car. i gat ubî thia norning nt S o'ciock and thon, about tin.,i1itiard tram you about th. attsmptid robt. Area. Nov. 1.-A loue automtobilist made an unsucceseful attompt ta rab the Citîzens baak liere about one o'clock thîs morning. but, afler break- ing Rta the baak and settlng off an oxpRoâive ln theo endeavor ta force open the samie coatalning 1he mon.>', lio evldently became frightened at h. noise sud lef t h. building without futher effort la geltaota h. big steel deposltory. And, ma'<Iag bis way ta a ilmousîne auto wliich lie had se- creted behlnd the 'siatiglter yards'. lie found lJust like the story-hool. Rliet lie car balkod andi voulti not carry hlm away rom the scene of ac- tRan-tiienefoe lie lied ta "beat Rt" on fout, but. eve u inthat msnnen he made hies escape and ina all ai51large. The unfortunste part off the affair tg the allure of a man named PualI. q car Inspector cf 1h. Soc Une rail. naad, ta malte an effort to apprehlend the man or Lt Riat moui an alanm alter lie hat hearti su explosion and lied seen a man daahlng awey tram lie 1;ank building. The act that h. was villing ta let the niatter drap aqd Fetnnned quietl>' 10 lis dlniag room for lie lundihlie was eatiag la what enaled the would-be nolber to make hlm escape. The auto la an Allen. seven-passen- ger Model 40, made ai Fostarto, 0hio. It bears the nu 1:bon P6.444, 111. Them car la owned hy Harry Oakes. a taxi- cioperator out of the UnRon statRon. TIhis Important tact wam determineti b> tbis papor aTten a reporter lied ne- aorted ta a cever rua. 10 Sget a man et Main 4287 to tabk about 1he matter. Sînsatlonat Datalia. The whole affair la perbape the must sensaîRonal cf Ita l ied ef an>' tiRng tiLt bas ever occurreti ln h. count>'. The desented auto, the escapedtieT. the tooRs preati about the grounti usernth. car, the teleplione communi- cation b>' 1h. reporter sud asu n- kncwni taxi driver-aIl these thinge mltigate 10 praduce a tbnRllIng banl roblien> star>', suitable, la act, for the movlng piclure seneen. fFAIR TUESDAY Aiw*DIGHT OWNERSHIP 0F AUTO 1$ ESTABLISI'IED.' The indqmedefit lt* Wednies dey esablseitd the oweriitli the auto whlcit carried titi rwil b. bank robbir ta Ari a. On tMt businesa cardi found in lt. ocar appiared the noaeli, erry, Oaktu, phone Main 4267, Chics,.. A reporter called imt number, mmklcg for Marry Oak*&. 'Mmm snot In," amid à velue. "Let me apemit ta titi masmgir" aid the reporter. l'Wall, what l te tF m5iiid li other voiei, that if a man. i.R*Mrtle-Witen WIII bock? Aniwir-Don',t know; ouste, b. hemnow. Riparter--What doés hi dot An iwir- îrunmataxlimiout et the union stton. Dieportir-is ethis the Union aIe. Anuwer--Yi, t slte theliice whmre lthe taxi go out. Rmpoelr-Who ownm lthat Alien car, numbir P0444. Answîr'-Oakea. Mar" Gaicie Whyt Whamt h. hUIler? Reporter--Thut cmi has bean Rn an accident In Laike Cbuty MWi i'm trying te 1i064 iWOfih- -. "le the ose bédly smihid bpt Reporter-Y*i, fmttai badi. WR,îre i . Oukga. Whe'tdia leui tee hlm. Anir-Wity i wi talihrngte hm Tueéda>' nigit abiout S4'»ian th. cornar wltir. we staitd .ai co for <aras. la hi hurt? Reporte.-Does ho 0w* ltse car. Anair--Yea. Flot .ur-DoiS hi evoi'let Rt i -t for a- %body Ise ta drivi?1 Antwe.r-No, ho alwais &I ,«!t hi.- sait. Reiport. --Whers donsis te*ip It n1ghts? How mucit la lt welth? Answer-Keeps il In a §aw âgi on Jackson haulivard. Rt.la worth &bout $240. Tell me nua about the accident Reportei'-Well,lthe faot la taI' Oakii auto w»s uaed by aime. body wito triid te rab titi bart 1 Aria Tumday allit Aiwer--(Made réth~r qlekdli InýdIcalinglthe taxi drÇee tlIte other end of tffi 191111wS t t protiot OakIn Rtcasme susalsMo dlrected aainethlm>' WÏiilé couidn't havea in Oiha0% f«r 1 ltthat .0rt of à féelR w. O courai aomn.body miglit have Iejý an or borrmae hie «Pr féaon garage, as, you know, thas hmv been many cals Uma» o n C" cage iêteiy. In caseyou msOamimesat hlm' lo,.caàl pitonemunit.cme. wat> icegan or numbier tim Liitrtlie wiil youtItilma>' wercte is nea vantagg te omsmunicati ullt us. Anuss«-Will iamt' hat h-I. sure-'u have ihm caeil y«iM> biaud an ixptldn. RaaNaq u rut door, ho ma mm U55 * awly cm Utche niu. ljat It vas about I1eoclock 1h18 mernisaboi..Pufaîl retunwedtQa Ihot .1ufall. reluriutn teishomte andrnaumeti ils lu5b. front LeIglilen, vimre ho Inspecta Sa. ppeti tie matter to. af lio csrM, es utotiithehouai ftor bhlm is moral" éaite hibé *ua stbl ~i a 14 Iaitm4m , »e bod We -4 tr to

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