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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Nov 1914, p. 15

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l6PASF~ -.: -- A t '-0 nd" Ir- MrmaT~'dm lfTT À V- LjAKE.L CVU NTY n DIJN "IiLr, 1IIKIM., ma"e Iodaine es, lhkoaInR LxE L OJJT a il as be lay.ars pait, nevertbei less tiiere are mut! vomen lu the cl' LIAV3S10 01 0 YKtIII~U~J'!'3IiM ~ The. merchaut couducis a large es- T ONT FFIN I - lablelimet ln Warli<gau viilchin cludes a dPanimeut, r6taill". r«dyParisus Dentist Who Haà Been ~WoMen Go to Local' Stores, 10 vear apparel tf oj van. sp Hr Srn ees e Talc. Ouf GarMentS,'Wear lng ofthle matter, he Mtd eeSm ek e Ther, Thon Return. Oenms lady shoppers corne iu- spofl(jS f Cail. to the repsRtment and after examing MERCHANTS FIGHT ACTION. te tock' i dlsplay oleutines select IN ARMY OR THE RED CROSS. a suit, caet or dregs sud depart. As a ru!e tbey pay èor the garmeut. in Response to Cible He la Told Local MercI, nt States W hat "Several deys later. however, they f on oFac u Many Waukegan Wornen coine tralpsing back with thesarment. oCm t FacBu Followed Acf in Past. demandlug lisir money baek. Ratier f0 'Corne Aone.' ________ lisu oru their enmity or loi. lielr Waukegsu, Nov. 16. custom vwe accede to thei requeta. The. calo!f rance and FranCea Týh.t thpre are nme orne slu the Tie list of excuses giveu are v arled, uteed of surgeons sud men lu lie.a rmy sud some of them utterly iidiculoug. ha. urouaed the, paîriotisrn of Dr. city of Waukegau mtIdiala u en. We ofteu Sund out aler liaI tbey have ae-rnt.tfoerCigou tlrely uev cutfitinlutle way et a suit. heen seeu vearing the germent% on fwho. vSith, hlm forer nd daugiter cloal or i.for a uay or Ivo t ver- hwt i vf n agie eii streets, sornettiles for a durstione mnh g enhdWuý louare mmLy preying ou lie local c v morne mutha mgo".eaiedhavekevs' aloi,., la accordlug ta a etteies* cfrtud the. returued garlieft so~li me gtelthaiug ba mnto lic i an *, rminet marcent of the Clty tm etn wyfo hi ua hoMae a-J;eý »ie ase, 00>-" mensa ve. nairtg luroada lnu l"reuh teirtery. Dr. lï&lley&I.Ua0th aves tomorrow for Parle lu tender bis services 10 the goveruluet elthie la the. arxuy surgil- cal corps or lu t%@ Red Cron, of 'hc .la a member. Belng a don- titsdseonm, h. does not know viiere h lie *11be n eded mont. --But,. ru reA«' ta go viiere they vaut me", said I;. **.alley-Srnlth as be declaredil i.ttons of retiiin- Ing wo the. coutry tvhicbh hehad de. clame alleglancé viien be weut lu Paris yeam ago te prat.cC. Tender. Hia. Service. Rýecelàtly' teiuig laIt the-country of hie adoptle* ras in eed of men ln bis profeseioni, Dr.. Hailey43rnttb cabled te dM4 ouIt is service. vould 3be, acceptable Itnd If ho vas needed. lie recelveiS' giotit 1c1ita ibis ,s!- fect: UnelOrefd Panama. There are atil large areas lu Paça- ria li*tan are uiiered Sud unknowfL. .R Re the ' I ep art4 or nau. tae or eq oý la thel lori y r lu ac~*id rn, zrth shore residenta. Jth ommutera uneSIe t I3 lowver.orne -Péennu e. la0in thé tîlr tickets, or Lttleout, tb.y unse R L ?ruilng on.erather dangru eultlrge engh proportion to lie witluig ity. Buppolus the. raîroai ooSpey. tin forego the refend.nd ke op the.16 Feared in Waukegan Company thse tcces rnoutasue h* ym tt q<. - or Ma ' Raiso flueCodt of that, if th.Y mon -Ui ýt hd, lm ii *le ae e Ae Mvonthly Tickets. bave lu m'ae th*. origil mcofAli tl uerligt eci ht - rnontbly tickets! The. prestumptlon Si year. mgo the Northbeateru wifbout tha th cmmisin cutl nt râve.t aA*Ig anybody's p.umissiou, raimed COULD BD. STOP SUCH ACT? t.su thi. rie. u prbthe1 the priée. o otbly tic'eta techi- Question Is, Whioh ta More Im - rraudwti hdaea .mi i. oto 5rd ikt portant f0 Commffuters? The OeSg rates-2 cUItS e aIlle, cit». Thum, If thi ernpany coal Compny'sPas Poloy. Thun; tbe question really la: Wbat do ibis vithout azy aritrary railig wii lie cornpany do if forcd ed uon, magaluat Itthe question la:- w at Mun It do if foi'ced to arrange matterse That rtiling of Lthe uîîîltiea COMMIS- Ply ih thle utllltles'board wling? tatthioa~l cie eut of Walkegin £ton onl'teqndtqg of money on North. Witthle ÔeomPSny mit bac*- mnéi001ansd otiier subunbe la kepet athle saie weýstern uiinthIy tickets tg the, Montthle ruliug witbout enademvort. tlumark et thie eud of ltieyear' important thîngafafectlng Wankegm als keUp for Il la tmre otiier a--er? -- - men'a pocketbooks of auythlng the. Waukeffn cOrnlteri woiildiiefi Lbelya Ous commîsalon. bas rul.d on to date. It keePflg On paiiuu the fu lbU"tbl'lI Th GOd Wo gaeUSliPav poaislbly means a bit avlug té Ithe ticket rate vitiiont ettilulrefugids igeUlbet athi re i@"~Ioa commutera who travel out of Wauke- unumd rides- thétat face iii. eWe 105-107 North GenesesStreet, Waukegan, Ili. OSCAR UIN. MMuaaer The Keàl Solution to every Shopping Problen, 'Be It a Point uf Style or Question OU Lconcmy Isý f0 be found in these girTLIANKSGIVI NG0OFFEIO From Saturd ay, NoveMber- 2 lst to Saturday, November 8h This Store Specializes in the Famous, COATS AND SUITS Known by Women Ev*17wh@i* asathe Bont bMoney Ca Euy Wonderful 'Coat Values--The We've E Ver Offeaied Ail Over Aprons iu dainty patterns of percale. Both dark almd lighit colors, 33e Fisunelette Gown. -Extra quality of flanuelette gowns. P'ull eut, daintily trimmed.. .49e, 19e mdiaut'8 Cm.bmere omsilk heel -and toe; 25c quality,.17e Beet You ean buy a lovely Priiitzess coat here now at priees that are redîîced greatly from former prices. The newest cape; belted and fiare styles are shown, in both lined anîd unlined niodels. Materials are lustrous plush, ilindo lynx, zabelines, boucle. caracul, chinchilla, Arabian lam%, - bic cheviots, noveitv weaves, etc. Sizes for women andi inisses. Six most weloxe at, $498 $7.98, $975, $12.75, $16.50, $19.50 PEETTY STÉIET A» PARTY PROCKB. Lovely models, every one, of them. Combinations of serges, wool and satin. Redengote and basque styles, s0 popular just now. All of them are richly trimnmned. Three great groupingaspeelxially lowv priced at $498 $6.98 $9.95 HomB Dressesof heavy giqghain in dark anmd light colos. anypatterns. Our regular $1.00 and79 $1.25 values ........................ 9 GOOD SHOES-LOW PRICECS. WVonen's aud girls' shoes, patent and gun metal, high and low heel; cloth top.; spool heels. Also vici leather with rubber heels. Regular $2.50 shoe, at ....... WomeuauPaten Luther Shoe-Cloth top, gaît-.29 er style; $350 value ...................29 Chilreù'a Patent Luather Shme-Hi-cut, red, tan 89c and blaek toi. Sizes 4 te $-, 425 value ....... Girls' Solid Leather Sehool Bboe-Sizes 8 to 11il 100 $1.48; sitcli 11 1/.. to 2...................... Wome' FeIt House Sippers-AIl sizes; special48 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 8 Child's szes ................... 39 NEVEt BEFOBE SAVE LOVEC- LY RATS EUH PMIOU 80 LOW As TIMEE $1.%,$379,$389, $495 flandsomne hats of silk velvet, in up to the minute styles. Ail are exquisitely trinuined with lowers, feathers, plumes, stiek-ups, etc.- Not a hat iu the lot worth lesu tian $4.00, and many are real $8.00 and $10.00) nodels. Childreu'a Hats, corduroy, velvet and plush; al colors8, 49c, M6 and $1.49. Ostrich ]PlUMe, black, white and colors. Half price, 79c, $1.29 and $1.98. Interesting Prices on WAMIS. iseautifl 511M and Lace Waigta-Ncw styles in shad- ow laces and crepe de chine; others iii 'ussy willow taf- feta. Ail- new ecolorings. Speciaily priced at $2.98, $&.95, $4.95. $1 Lingerie Walsta... 4ft New styles andpxetty de- $1.0 Wol inigls. isa $1.0 Wol 1ign Wus each .................950 10 Dozen Regular 60c Flan- nelette Wai.st, ight and dark colors, in titis sale..ý 29C HOSIERY VAL- UE. women's W -o o 1 Houe 25e and 48e Boy.' and Girls' heavy ribbed hose at .... at1W rcs Fur-Evryknown kind' are here ýin-,gpet array. We Ihoughit, etr1 in the season for pce11.these: Lugie Y41iJlg Mu-Black and bro wn Coey .. ECxtra Lare #Iilw Uues- Satin lined -$M.8. 49 We've Cut Our Pricea on~ Printzess- Suite to Les& Than Haif E-verv suit nust go; we iîecd the roomu for Christmîas[ stock<s, and at these plices we don 't think they will lazt very long. Ail arc the very newvcst shade and long copts. Beautiful broadeloths, gabardines, cheviots, serges- inthle new brown, green, baupe, black and pîuicolors. Do not. miss this-the season's best suit oppo-rtunity. $20 Buits, $9.75; W.50 Suit&, $14.75; $3750 Buitt, $1&W5O Thnk .iin --oka. Il Epvery Type of Good Glove Awaita You Kid gléves (Dents'), $1 to................. $150 Cashmiere lined gloves, 19ecto ...........49 Boys' and girls' gauut- lets, lined........ 49C Boys' and girls' mit- tens ..............25c 75c Corsets, 47c. Splendid coutil niodels in uew style models in the new styles. Prettý trim- mings aud hose suip- porters ........47e .A1-Wool Dresa SKIRTS, $1.98 Rosi $3,00 value New long tunic styles, with plain button and braid trimnmed. 0Oth er s have the accordeon plaited bottom. In black & navy only Best value ever of- fered; special at Many beautiful styles just received; special at 25c, 39c and 59c. Brassieres. Splendid élîality square ba-k style brassieres. 25c quality........19e 501- quîality ........9M 6%.- quality .........49M 200 WAENEE'S $1.50 OMI8T- gpeclafly Priced st 89C. Tliis one ofu thse corset bar- gains that èome so very seldomn. The eorsets are ail new styles in a. pretty novelty of coutil. Low and medium fur bust; long. skirts, high back, embroid- ery trietned, aud hl o s e supporters. Styles and sizea- for every figue;.0 special.... Sret bags- of pin seat new popular shape. (Jom plete flttings. Values tô - $2.00 ............ 9k. Fleece lined........ Veda d PUxti ...... d25C Chlldreu' Sw0bterCaa-t1 98to ..................... $2.99 and.... at sca i low pricOs. Women's ?Sc Unïion suit$,. sev- 49c eral styles ............... Womeu'a Extra HeaVY tFleec Union Sjulta-$.OO quality . 79 "montr'." WOOl Union Suite 1 W1 -$2.*98, $1.98 and . --- .. 0 , eys' and Gigls' Keavyleecod 44)c Union S"te, white and gray, Carfare Refund Warm Winter Un4letwçar -NOVEMBER 20.1914.' n5 A-/ t

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