ÀAKE COLJNTY INDEPENENT. WAUKEÇOAN WEEKLV SUN - ~ las,-n -, i..Y a 'le $150 L1PER YEAR IN ADVANM. SVOL XXIII-No. 10«_ PAIT TWO. * ÀIBERTYV-LL1E. ILL., IDUAx. 'NO r~VEBIni. 27,1914. uxrq5 ~OITP 1111 BARRY "AIES' lRD BRUCE STEPIIENS ~ASSATCIF0 OIEWIDE JNTEREST IN L V I WHO IS THREATENED E ~~bIIbi) LUCK BRINEiS MERCY TO BE. DEP. TREAS.L WITH PNEUMONIA. CRNSO TOB Here's the "atest about Harry osies, O COUNTY 0OF LAIE lIEU) ON DEC. 34 E the Man vho langulshed ln the iake;ro case o sauto vas found!aband0fledSo tFreSue isr eoRprtFomC nyAeTat re at A«feaaier the attempted ba S o fFre uevsrGo Cut r ht')'2u berylatly, Chcag papr sying 1 tePefisof ewpot NmedFarmers Generally Plan to Thei AV P lA.; :tf ie of 1311 Jckson;fr the _Psition boulevard astmitted befare Judie Lao tePsiin Enter Contests. and Buy l theSPeeers'court ody$0 tahamight have4een IDinII resi tY-eghi miles an heur when. arrested GEN DPT HBFt ___ __ _ Tw enty dollars and coati;," sa d the andsO4v e la Cu Thl ff ne Tey 1 court,. Muvahl lto cDnuhAmitsStepesIs YugPol oHv i- In as Thy~lkoneThe WIIi 'itlie ,,v hda ot trou- oB Assistant But Griffin played Interest in Growtflg mai, Be liaIe<Before, Judgefo1en'si as.nfctm er IJust got out of jail lu tiret s te e ' crad Cr hsYa.lc Contewpt of Court. 1 this hearing". I-l THECAESARE;1Oe~l . n ewlir:e ea:l kd Bruce Stephens, formeriy emlpoved Repatts ornb t enya r o ceet the Security Bovin denkad a An heur afler 1 van arrested lu Ciii er emploYed et the gag office, Io te be ea Thrdy nd rda.Dc I cage mY car vas stoien and 1i rrced lit depuiy county treasurer under County lean 4wil else i ndth nbrid o ex- toWaukegan. i vas arresied as an Treasurer Lee Mci7onough.an4 ileip nthnubr'fx-IL Three of Them Are in Cases of autobandit vhen i vent te clairs It. Reports are tisai Sherif Elmer hhtan iteethe0eo a I Dafiaus Ilés$mn.....AIA jg i aS n jil eve das bsfor go G s ~sssan inter. Athougli anme parts of the Reinr VItin'.--A's"in 1 wouin." lsee as eoe e reenul e pdeputy chenu funder THOMAS TYRRELL. * J. G. Smith Estate. 'Il eut your fine te 1$10," remarked Sheriff Grilfin but nebîher viii affirrin county have suffered thiesusmmer for S the court. unor deny the report.r 01an at is ooai ri r But tisat lont al," submitted1 Mr. McDonough and %Ir, tephens H AD 8e g4 D crops this year is above the average- a la à rather drastie order lacued an Oakes. "Thoe auto tisieves ismasbed adit tiini the deirutyshil> ln the'11V$ ,0 ir îîb oeslni ape tom lday theuuy dge erry ln. Pe- cntme a lot ta get It l hpPsd bicktrea5irers efae bas been arranged lt*V5U Y; I and the champion corn and ats of the L iliffesent estates te appear lefor i's ere. Besides. 1 haenut ieorked for au slated ahove yii. JljvIF O 5IJNuf ucrei -on thse ret Monday ln 1eember and tva veeki. The county oficere go loto office show v ili be somethbng fair te see. crpi ether settîs of eseates which hsaEt "Your ine le $5," announcsd Judge on Der. 7tis next. T SAOR lM Ngiance ai the premium liste sent a i( fienpudn fr os us îm r elu.Gettîng Bond New. i _âyershows @anme înteresîîng val, .1. gie agoo renaorhy tey OTreetiad i. elert steDonoùgh sla now classifications. First tisere Io the dili- abauld bave morsetUme. 0f the ulue IIA 5so fteetisit h rwr' cea«lu wviîCis tations wsrs Imade, I '~ 'M AUgttiiig is bond Il gned b>' hie varlous At ..east This Is une ofth sno the enre tohegwrs *e«are frosti Wauksgan and tvaI l EA lU O JN J5j friends. H-e doesn't know exacti> y ' ~ ijueior and echool classes; there wiiil frou ou of iL>wf. boy much ýIl wil he hut e.pect. it viii 5ensational C5aims i i etrl on ipia iecieseted Tenvulclcases are as foi- diA S V1 VP bef close t $700,000. of Mrs. Thee. Worts. lng the entire iengtb of the armory o i~> loa: ~Jf 1~ d ~ t secese that the couniy board ai_____ about one hundred feet long, Ibese JiOSE"M ZALENAK, vltim o e l A~~~If H 'tits lest session should have namled a wiii be deslgnated as belonglng teoane fieRAsc TRaos iti ireI. LAVE ANDJ) IVUL C».i mmittee te meet vltb the nev DEATH THREATS CHRG 1) of tihe ahove classes and ail theen FRANC TRESCvictrn a i'5ifl*_______treasurer aud ix bis bond but the mat-_____ tries In each canse of tise classes viii oey expioaon. itmo ei.11b hwlnfnonsci.Teju FRANK< STANLEY, titmn afe er vas averleoired. Nov thse financebesou tsvnecin 'ihJ- sry pbeBi ~The Farmfers Residing in Avon ciiiiehsbe aldt a meet- Ater Abusinq Her Repeatedly, I ior.,clansevas put ln ibis year te su- Wi JAM2 S MITH, omritted 1u- Township Complain of Sew- i ng on Dec. fith ai vhicb time Itle She Says, He -Drove Her courage Young people ta maire a study MRS LETTILSMITH4, hie wife, ,h, age Disposai System. lexpected that thse size of the bond wil Fo osLcs~o of corn Judgiug, these youug people died in mm*rne y. he decided upen and Mr. Mcflanough _____ re priviieged t0 select their cors JAMES ANZELMC, accldentaily ne. * iii flnis the big tanli of gettlug the anywhere ln thse count>' but are sais- plyslntd by 0- ASK FOR AN INJUNCTION. requfled signers. In spite e the fact tisat Theodore'psi om'etsi v eetos ANOREA ANZELMO, WIIO disd ~ _________ The namiug of 'Ir. Stephens meets Worts, a wel known restdent or Vole,Th grer'caei cnled t marne tiesl ne"wy. 1l h etr ato rý ony h rwr'casl ofdt ln tmsof itheae cases It la said Sa1ht eaePoltd wa itis generai satisfaction in Waukegan intewsenpr iL', ony those whom the name vauid deuig- the admînuistratara are nt ebl eSa ter seAlwed ilue W -and Lle Count'. Sle 9thse son of bhid real estisteand persanai iroier- - nte, tise schooi clase yl b.suppliaitO for us delsystertisailbavedte Overtlow 'former supervisor George Siephen, of t'vie I Ove M800 and although by the scisools of the count>', eacb viii tb« bave baa unabile te cet vithout on Their Land. Newport townshsip and le vellikuovis1 he badl an Income exceedlng $600 a have an entr>' of caris and cote. 11 csoertof eai b ttorneys luuts lyad ony IY ear, he forced hie vifs to go ont and eu.Boune of thoeeattorneys lneIn the an for nui'ysMexr- I owsig »ieoyt mrir j. The grovers' clans la the largesi; = 1 tgl e asetie up the statea 4b h ai frMryyaswjld ahn yth a a»vr iretth-ie7te -nar enties ÎsuSJ ,aithât the matter has dragged Wasskegaa, INov. 2. prove valuable te hlm aud viliib. au At lacet Iis ta one of t4e sensation- tiatCdjs theg'n slOgg fifthe lantt itise or four ysara A bill for injunctiols directed algainat aId te Mr. McDonough. for the band- al charges made b>' Mrs. Sophia Worts. i ide nto yellow, white, pop and 9 la aome Instances. Use Village of (iraystliandSfthe WIa-l e i o dvrevibvs 1te oos* ine orsbii Wiib Ues. cases aui>' parti>' set- consin Condeused Milk coupsu', w« ilng o such greet emasuts of county n e bl Trdivrewihwa id colo rnal:rsecndtsingfeor dv- EH tied thse eccunin of the caunt>' court fOed in circuit court thia afteruoon tundselbea task yhich leno eailione. ln circuit court Tuesda>' 4»'Att>' R.ties emna;scongthe sabgve our ub- iHl amre luttered up neediessi>. lu the > ttarne>' Martin C, Dockser as coull,- Mr. McDonough, lit ts recalled, made deurblI majri>'ofcaesthecont' uds el] far OrTiiIdP. Baisas and is ibree A pre-electlou statemenit te esuper- Extreme and repeated crueit>' le an- di\,isions; ln sacis cf!Htsse subdivi- ie Aient out notices ever>' montis te thesson, Ban AXBaron. Edwin O. Bar nwhc oagedtet' other charge made agabusi ber hue-, efre aresare fersudivislustr aduinlatratara ln the different Ssatses. tonran d Henry E. Beron sai t lithevisera uvlh i gsd at'ebaud by Mrs. Watts. Bibe secites Use cate hr ae tr udv eta jogn hmu u rii is atovu of Avon vith Use exception ai merely the regular saler>' atloved b>' follovbng instances: white, yeiiav and black vils tbree bc * dispoae of the matters bu baud, lu thseLat narried vbo reides la Chic&. the board of supervisers, thug dolng That ou Memorbai day, 1914, et Usir î rbzes bn sacis subdivision; the entries ibm cne, n qustio notces ave o. *'ave>' vltb the mooted question as to home ln 'alo, be sîruck , ber mn'b bhe esn uetion butic ave goays It la relatsd lu the bill ibat tieBar lvso ls fc adboy niurn are te be a peck. There are thre ho=n icoril or forgoten. roua ovn a large tract of land used >bîte.ecUetesrrI ei> ber severel>'. primes ofered ln eacb o! the vissai te for teruing and dair>' purpases lu ths snttied ta. TisaI an epember 15, 1914, he classesthe sprlng and, vinter. Thers al Sbstd is 4miltrios ai t ptloa i vas.Tbogi Uei tris,. Notltlng on Sheniff. siruck many limes, and aise huried a t la au appsars.nce on the dateest b>' the>' deelarsruesA alarge naturel 1Sherif eleci Onililu vhs nasked if dish et ber wbIch struck ber enkie. ah re e wo ec subdivision.eofth a the court tise>' viilbaefcted for cou- ditcb beiveen sigisi and iveive foo ot a u ht Serb Ge n licting a deep eut. lltrepiesl absbi isin t taupi t f court and villhalaietuedc- vide and beivesis Usre sndltr fotstthe re otvn~ia hii un That an Noveniber 14, 1914, lie kick- The juniorallausconilued ta carnsth cordtissi>. h taenet tisought. hoviever deep. ls to be i chief 'depsit>, said: «l ei and choked ber and Oinaily Urev,1 exhibits and like the grovers' closeeal that sucis a stpciel iibg n-ecessry fr Il in fsrtbr relatel Uaitishe village haven't made enf defiubte arrange- ber out of Use tbouse, locklng Use door is dbvideà bta subdivisions for yeîîov ia cae triere edmninstrators cannai of Graylake bls colantselta b Ois- meute as yet In. tiis regard." Mr. agaipet ber. wie o n ono te ooa4 get t isuattorney' te sel the>' are Ai tructed tva large tiii.severs orGenepsedteaueoio-c, hgyshtteeaeol aewT liberty ltu rtaiu difereni counsel. drains vblcb euPty tetetthe litaisab ret f tsst h su piu he Insstaces en ae a crulanf d hbe.is ati consla tetiser colore __________ a point near vbere litenters h a nUse 1 ta osd dent wskow nto her. OuNovember 14, ibisyear. ingle sar clasees. This promises ta st of tise Barrons. . this matter. eud'ou mais> other occasions, she ea>'a be a very futl dispia>' and esiould Pl Oonet tUse.tne draina Is r 1 teise ;Sbsriff elect Griflle l packlng up bier husband bas made threats againsi ret a keen rivair>' among the young mi plnt o the Condennel Milk Cosmayie househoid effecte et biga home on ber litfe. On mac>' occasions abh. gays eple ofthtie count>'. 8e IiJAYS 1IIi SIA iT and tise aiber ta thse Village of Grays-e eh an s uet profane, hbsees antidii-pop- ei lake bItelf. t la cberged is tise ibiCaunt>' sireet getting read>' te move probiaus lenguage.Thscotclseviisearea I'1C'A 31 large quantities ai sevage are back tetheii shie' quarters. Ansd, Net oui>' bas he lurned ber outie e choclse i blagtu1 -emptied lisetaUse drains cundUt anit sIlt the third tlme be bas beau gays, but -bie bas lociced tbe door afite carn and cote, As about ebghty ta F K ,FO Tla ian ntanices Peuple bave beau ai- oeoght dola tiese ne thi t is e hause and gone ava>' bimaelf, ninet>' achoole viii have etisl MOUJTIBAN MN W UseAntheUhttl5 lcitsd me he fasbeen eleced leaviisg ber clties anti ther beoug- tis class. Illadditionuheschoois viii ri minis vater and levage kas beeon d-t h fie-el etn âs ef- She recites Ihal her sunbassd ova ne or kes adne tisr Sprtenglislatise.natur-l dptcblaisi Andias qulckiy as Sherif OGreenirs i etate te the value of $3.000 and pie fcoo SrgiedNo.4.-ipralgcauses t te ovsrffav frequeisil> on lnear ave>' front the quartera, thse bas personal lroperl>', iuciudusemon-jIn each ciuse there yull ho cham- vit asai s'.are tise vieva of a grat Use Barrais properi>'. Nt oui> la bis y.ln tise batik blb.heamourit af15,000.1 pions and tise champion exibite viii ci mais>'stock men islIinisî, Pisîa. extrensel>'diagreeabis becaue ai. Use Gaiffode bu t ise cae o baeldsShe gay's ber hushand bas tbreateued agaîn be Judged for the grand chant-z Haner af Tayiorvliie. former chair- oo utteBrrn lig iaihi taminu ta dispose a! ait ils belonglisusand ta pions a! tise show. extreusiel>' unscntnry. grounde. Mr. Green han reuied the restrain hlm from ibis sie prays an' l mais oftise state liv stock commis- T5.oy alege ionises' Uai Use village Orvis homne on West street andi villIinlunion. In ber petitian se «ake t le pianed ibis year te have tiseI sen, sud a veil kuovis tock breeder of Graysasie le makisa arrangements teeatoc.netoOi> for a permanent divorce but show judged.before hItis trovn apen r, ioda>' declaredt Uai tise va>'Inu viicistaput I ia ter sysemu and tiu*sa>'moveteraiuc.lnfosoclr'te.tbsaebdta>epbitseudeiiarven the state cutborîties bad baudied sthe vi tl itsrinreet- ir ede n ui tSbo~furnîture and uroperi>' andifor Aet.Wednesday moruing,iis arrangementi fio.wof vaten and selvege and Use>' Simpson viii mare no chanrges ln ibeir mois> for ber mantenance. eesays totand moutb diseane 'epidemlc la fear Use conditions viii becaise valse offices o anfr ase knovu. Je>'Morse ber husband's annuai tricrne ta bu ex-mraktes lhnecessar> to bave ail exbib- opea taeUseeaverest evtlcinu. than tisa>'are nov. For ibat tens5ion cesoft$60and tisai haW.leel able uts piaced by Tuesda>' evsniug,ntise>' Tise spres4l of tise disease-tirouzh. tise>'»Ai tUsthie ivo defeudants ha and John Bulo*j are deputies lis tbe t upr e.Ts om ei> r ehudb u adlsWueasnt oui ties tate. Mr. Hiser nay, &vethe cted ta appeer la court et tise Decem- clerk's office. M. imea asnoas eirnown ln the westerns part of Use later than Monda>'. inovaeuetai la aUsepar aiUsebar terni a"iImaks an anevwer ta tise sitant. count>' aud tbe iesusatiaisel chargeas' rosait of de>' o heato f the ulu fer lltitbn. ___m__sade lu the bil l ied b> 'Mit. Worte conelgnumenis shoulti b. addressed ta boardi and tise quaratne tisai la ua __________camtes as a surprise ta Use mati>'Coris Show, Waukegau, b. sure ibat FORMER R.ESI1)ENtTth diadvn-friandsofttise couple. name of exhibitar i la lisi> vriiten,a tae f hestckmilir. . OR ER REUD N If eutr>' le tabe returned. so Indcate Ton ays ook f Mihign. L ÀD' N. L TH Arthur Young anti Co., auditoire vso an the pact<age. "I vt an At haut ionlaya afier Uethl Fe h IA5T U t L U auidted tbe Lake Count>' records aet Orsi report-ofartan utbreak ef uh. fot INU WAS DI JNAIEI) DISINN__ M XICO tise tUme tbe Ames shaniage van lis- sthé uouth diseane la Mîihigan wu covereti, have Just oamieiel su audit ~ ~ QQ recolved boitera an>' qsîraltn van Miss Mary Gebi <of W5if lm lirI0fthe Illinois Fair Association books, establiibed ýb>' Ue live stock commis- SATURDAY,, NOV. 21, 1914. received yard af Use deah of ber mno- _______ MARRIAGE LICENSES 0 Blan,", mr. Hianor nid, viuie bene ou Capi. Cook af Use Vluiteers te- Uer, Mia, Bul>'Gobi, vhlcis ocurrel a vibioda' . "Durisg tisaitime la- celveti a cli ioda>' ta go te the Mi-l'l- Jngt tUebuea e o hn baKelly. farmisasd oi Wooitock, Q afecitedcati wireceived tause tory' reservetiOiiai fort FiSisetidtahehoen. erso lli., le la serionis conitiot rou sare- fertd cttl wee Serian.George lu Rosvell, Nev Mexico. cotte posanbing andi alc0oaion.Aisaccord- stock >yards i Chicagoansd Uselaféec- Tisorg hevasgiven a large qunatit>' Iflotis vandue ta a4 S.earl break. lag ta physicians. John Botte, aise of Chares G. Newman, Mlwaukees..27 tiou spread ibrougisout the smain. This f lotitlisa incuding Use foloviisa ar- îng davis. Mrg. Gebi vas Use wlidowWoodsatock, anti Samuel Besunan have Àunie Kofi, nue............... 26 dola>' van vbOl>' uniseema&r. Wbentcla:» af tise laie Daniel E. Gobi and as bitisoen heldountil Police maks investiga- Herbert Ounderson, Mlvlu'cee . .. .21 tisr vas an outbrsa' 0of iis dîsease - Be,eist>'-Ove aibis aifindei'ww. eslded la KenaShl much of tise pont Uaisoù. Hertia Mau, nome ............... 19 k ive-years ago the sliale lIve estomea- liii> coat». idixteen or noyauteon ysars. She van DChristan DeTaung, WaLukegan ...23 - Mission bad out a proclamation entais- Fifi>'Paie' trotia«5... seventy'.re yeara of &Se. Sha, Ieft Wcxkeaau; George Gebi of Rosycli, Floreuce B. Wlsidden, saue-. ..26 lilaling quaratine the nexi day sfio. ?Tweisiy-five plDaimfso$5Kenaba tUsie Ots m Alie ta gotthUe New Mexico; anti Johin GeisI aiKeno- tick R. Rose, Chicago-----------..22 ' tise fret repart oi tise diesvas ne- This Mflrg Ot$M 0111110 awagon. bome of ber son la Nov Mexticafo aaanti Charles Gebi ef VpCaiiver. Illtier Sornuson, Raclae.......... 19 mirai, Ifr Use prenant board be c re Cp.Ccs-a eIiise hi Uenterc Pc sifleil hc 1ne eileaveS ue glalsldren Edward Otto. Kenosaa----------- 23 wit igna~ul prompisens tise sprnaé of ,s'tuMed. H of557 a n ca la la taiulng-is allé leBisel uvr ad tvasiters, Uri. R,.1B. Obeever imarie Eider, nome.............18 the. Infection ibroutlistiestate yould for lotihig LaMd 1001w., me tioegddv. il hdrom4a..;D GelilrqsidnofiKonasba and Mis.Willtasî of Ai-.1John T. Paimertoa is. 4 ....... 4 bave beais provented. .iladisposin ettof atim. North Datota; i maryGehlet mater, Bouth s Dkols. <1à htàb Orace B. Ayer, Zion Ciy.... 4 EPEN VALUABLE. SKINS ARE STOLEN [even valuable skins were stoien ma shed at the rear of premiseB !pied by C . R. Griffiths, 2800 Ga- el avenue, Zion City Sunday ntght. re werer 2 coon eltins 4 muskrats à5 $kunke., which were vaiued at .ail ,d? .hich were hanging up ln limaS shed to dry. Th~ alleins vers the îII of trappbng aioisg tbe lake front dparke o! Zbon Cuty Ibis tati, and Cattie on the 1. M. Isabester -re about ready 10 be placed an the Farmn at Antioch Have Foot tket. Ir. Griffith ai once notiliedth ie po- and Mouth Disease. - i in Zion City. anti a sbarp locf<aub u seing kelît in Waukegan auj ather STATE 15 TO SLAUGHTER. ighhoringtowns for.anyone trylng - diss Os5 f the lors. Officiais lnspect the Herd and LINOIS PROPERTY VALUED Announce immediate Plans- LkIONS ABOVE LASI YR. for Killing Caille. Springfiehd. Ill., Nov. 24,-The board Aniiocis, Nov. 24.-The second lierd 1equaltzatian oosnmiuttees, vhlcb of cattie ln bake count'habaeun-a acîlcali>' completed their vork to- tecteti vustiste fot anti manth dis- Ly, have atideti $46,000,000 te the as- ean, discovered tiret sous. tines asti value aoflîrapert> lunhUIleoi. àe Increase on railroads le $9,000,000- Iesfas agoe on Use McCullaugb Bath- Last >'ear the board made au ln- ors' place at Gornee. -se a! $80.000.000 anti vuih tise Io.Tise latent developmestz la ibis 'ase of tisis >'ear, ut bas te its credit sra cies atse total increase aineta vas reorgas- deddssei h jd of $125,000,000 ua Use asseaseti Tveuty-en cava liu&a ber k. uattan, or $375,000,000 actuel value. longing ta J. M. libeller bave bee found tae4>5 lntected ith tise foot cal dÀi(E ol EH> 15 moutis disease. Aa ate veiOnIUg ~J5 111111101 d the cowi, sud piacelth»tise ! éerm fam nderquarntfie aae me- 1ÀKINQ MACHINES el tisa h bal rnM ta bisa »% tonrand tit tise>' bd orteredtis Is TO DNETRENClIES ie liatetmolwi as cas go visei Use 46 usaI venskilS ed ai Gomres. inthrop Harber Engineering -Tbe stae mass laid ho WOM is Co.Cloes ontactfor tunsta Aaiiah touorrov tA"Imau>i Co. lose Cen~ct ter cii af Use 27 huaI. 7 DitchingMachines. l istaer l the mmaa ie oflUt lG DEFENSE TRENCHES tebol gplant T'hfetaadm AND BURIAL TRENCHES. ge' h ute0muwb » )rdec Frem .Warring Nations '"»- is Pb lce la nder I5mm < Stire Aotivity in- Municipal @& .tise uiin smvsiu erera tit Enoineer Co. Plant. iietrvs afo esltlt su ~ Zian Cit>', Ill., Nov, 24.-Buslnele la tractmd Use dises, cacheot b. 2«.i' gotng te b. brtsk for the Municiahli iid. . n'gnesriug compan>' of Wiuthmop qarbor. Acoordlng, ta reports jui4trne- !lveti trou User. tis mniMsai, anor- II~ A* 11 1 1 sr isas 11151 been recebved tfrou Ar-,1iIllS A ~ 4 eentina. Sath Amsertea, for Ineven 'sncb macisines, asti according t là A II àV I ciaeunent matie b>' a Wlithrop Mai- 111144 <fW 5g ào offleciai, negoilaions are naw b.lag nade viib oltiser Use Freucb ar Bru. MU WIqgam wu~a h govetsei for ai leant thirteoie N I iiWd VY 4 machines wvi iviib. ospectcly>'Used ®r diggtng tranches, sud viii b. butit, -luis a guide visel i h ll ii sabie. nteresting Featw'es Provkde te machines ta tbrov Use diI t aihe de of the trench hbcis vwlUferro a fer Visitors fa Wauea bulvark ta proteci Use soldiens iram n eebe 4 te ensu>' on Use dring lise; sud vii o ee1 -t ise airs a slope ta Use iront of Use Itcb so Usai tis paiers acn ha>' Ot VROS BG FAUE~ uti b. pratected tie sansli m e .As, U I FAU£ 'be rear of t i tcis vll be adi abrupt ____ rai vlUs raom in Ih for soldiera ta btand erectifU neceusar>', cuti >et b. Visiters From the Country ~ nroiecied frou tise riflefine. Tisese macins ivii aise euneti for bun>'- PfOIlid w a t o d ~ Ig Use deati. Tbe aid procesa ai pick ndItrotTem sand ahavel la slow, andi mucis time and _____ - sudi mans> mess are used thai could b. 5 Ileapareti elsevisere If machines. sucb Belby la choya the progisas am.»% as lise Municipal Engineering cou- raugeti for Use bgMa taiS $ssiivl ai pan>' turu oui, vero employeti. rm fme'lctuessio tesebl e -sports'tram Wlibtrop 'Hanhar, h la re'I»iuete nt lsbU runoredti tisibusies agIl to lnsWaukesaDeceuber Ird anS fis. bom lu tisc vilag..As fifnlaanuici- Mcal. h aoya»Ut a i9BIGTi M., ballon Of ibis, H. 0. Bione cul coui- beLn lsa iisd fortise mec>' vie q"a ian>' af 76 West Monroestreet, Chu- te attend: ~ caga, bavo laid big subdivisions lu- metiaiel>' edtofisaiWlibrop Harbar, Thureda>', Der- S. exteudiug trou Sheridan Road ta tise 10 A. M,-Houasbald Science hert- aite, and, fioou WlaUsi'oi. Esbar tai nihut, Ms. 3Pam, Dseatg., tho nantis baunlrles et S" City.i Aulel-moqirtl ready Uhss. sreeta bave loess laid ontuie ose eooý un blocks anti mas>'buiilding lots bave -Tse Balane" Nul, issu purcsaïsel, vith a probable boom 10:10 A.M.-A Goo4 Rends Metng In tis, building fine isexi spring. Lyrlo Theater. T*A oVa Teks Forcs Back. 1oaeRs oMc"j" A number of uen visa ver. laid off ceeRsiCututo ii ai Use Muni ipal Engineering cou- irated vis aêteraltee dS Pan>". plant, a f ev ve4is ega have b>' reeaittveoi t tie US. been necalled, andti iis maruing tise versai Cernent oerarW maçblner>' viii begîn ta hum, as tise 10:30 A, M,-i'ruera' institts, lm glani treucis machsines viii be ruabeti se qly> as possible ta supply Or- Tiseater. M. C. IL. i~~ tiers receiveti. h could net b. earsd carisjudge, lM. Atfoo4. - whicis ai Use toreiga goverisentln lu, cao.ima Ie«uemtW)X tise wan yul ouse Use machsines, but la blanting, DttPot Polodw 0& , la probable that bath tise Firenscbhcand B13tiish gavernmleuis viii maire use ai 1:10 P. M,-ioushffl Us.%m' large numbers of Usese machines as partuent. partim br*.J~ from the present Indications a pro- ai. ie s d. mronsofillis- langed inlge le expecteti. Iluola -Pseruti s W ful% ' GOO CHANCE TO WIN A 1:10o P. m.-4oefl lPc* stb, Ite PRIZE ON YOUR POULTRY. nri hecter. Âdmrssm fUcid Pnsaeà"i Ooeito*S. - Tisellinols Poulir>' Peers' anso- ai'tiuo5. 3. Toêh. 4L dlatIon's Niatis auaiexhibition viil i nla 1004 U0mue, 11Y. Se bcbe sit ai Wakeaan, November 280 De i Malle Bosa. 1.us X ' ta Decetabar 4, 1914. Enter your tarda Pievuol5. assistt -te cul bave tissu juigeti b>'judges oi est flUM id Rg5vy 0eei.0 recaguised abulît>'. Entis close Nov-, 80.aiotcs suber 2th tisa midulahi. Panutt, i- 1:230 P. M.-ftrmere lastftlM Y.itX ge ose au d pet sto a nd dlom esficiel O. A. Dr. ilet ,,A = ganse birds viilis Oe n tiapla>'. le Mr.iAtwood, 0Me15M, catiouns re for c muccomaful exbltioa. 1"" iDi..7v 2. ý-- - - a . , . . 9 - - t -1.9.. . V \ld%17LI-Arialoli -)17 luili M"ille "£LubW.