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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Dec 1914, p. 2

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Not a Xoving Picture Bouse but a Fictiure of a Moving Grocery House Yron1wm our Gratitude By Toting Our Promptitude. Âsk for "Club Hanse Brand" Moatsansd Grocortos - i Christmas Presents *Christmas is rapidly approaching and the @hoppng d dys are growing fewer. You can avoid a lot ofU *ieeYdIess worry by securing your gifla at home. We are prepared to supply the need in Christmas offer-e -IInge for the monfolks. Following are afew of our 0 usual select items:O * Neckties in ali colore and patterns g * 25 to$1.50 Combisatian Seta--arm bands and garters, soi and garters; soi, necktiei, hsndkerchief; necktie, link, pin * 500 t0 1.00 Muffiers and Redore 25e to $3.00 Silk snd Lmesl Initial lHandkerchjefs 25can 50e * Pauman Sippers Silk snd iesle Hase 81 a"d 8.50 25o and SOW DresaGloves, unansd unined Poaket books, combe, etc. 50 tO8 5 o$ * Canes and tymbrelun Traveling Baga, Suit Came $1 Sup $1to te Sweaters and Mackin&ws si toSO$9 * A full Une of P'ipes and Smokers' Supplie@. * Beide@ which we offer for your seleotion our regniar * uine of ei erything for men. J. B.Morse &Co* Everythlng for MenO * LUERTYVD±E, EL. * Pba" 14 ~Why do Peopl e-Buy PETROLEUM Carbon STANDARD OIL COKE Fuel wthout a fassie M1L L ER'S CREEK SHINEY SOFT COAL Scranton Hard Coal ALL SIZES-PEA TO GRATEL WASHED EGG COOK STOVE SIZE PO CAHO NTAS FOR HOT WATER PLANT Red Comb Poultry Foods FOR AUIL W.-Au. siZE Arcady Dairy Feed A PMRELAItE COUNTY PRODUCT Libertyville Lumber Coe~>~,Duvablwue 2Old Deépot P hone.47 E.A. Bihop, Mgr. Beeause nuo dirt, no soot, no ash, aIl heat fuel thatf, right. lis t s ls -t',j, nrtre at. l'eeauseethe I!aaSr. at- usifaatory loy colt Illinois a. Because, slow, even- burning, emokoleas, sootlese, ashless. Because it gets more, better cggs, rmises aIl the chicks. liecause cowe keap up line, give more mllE bighest in protein. J3.case stock is moast aomplete, lar gesa t vmriaty, price sud service right. Wa're fot satialied tI you ar SI, Ci» ertyv/e fiem s To insu. publication in ithe indepen- dent. copy muet be in the office no tatar than Tuesdey of ach "qk. Adver- tisera, ePOCiIl areasked to takae par*iuler nomIe te ibis effae. (Addltlonai LocalNews on Paige 4) Walter H. Larmea af Waukegan, wes a visitor bers Nondey. ArthurC. Boeuer 0fChicago, was s vieitor bers lest 5rldey. Nsny beautilul caludars anenow belng dlstrtbuted by local fime. Jam. mou ha. accepted a position In the Nod" Cash Groosry sud Market. Mrs. L. R. Whteey of Orayalake, spent Wednesday wlth relatives. and friends. Mm.Win. Phllp mmd daughter Helen of Gra.yelee, wlalted Mmra L Z. Protine, Wedauodu. Peter Petgos rturned let week framn Denver, Cal., wbere be spent twa weeks with frlssde. H. B. %osr in attendlns the amtings of the Laite Coaty Bloard ai 8upervlsors luIn aukeganthle week. Ulm 0Hds Broncbeon of Wauconda, ha* apéepted a postians cierk In W. W. Clanrou osnorth stars. T lh. Tinta Chaptar of tbe Wetminster Gulld yul mmut wltb lire. Roy F. Wrght nazi weat Tussdmy evenicg, Dec. l5th. lir. anS Mrà. T. A. Reynolds have clamed their home lu Grayâle ansd have came ta Uàbertyvilleta mate tbelr home. *Quito a number ofilthe local stores bave ttoe on a hôliday attire, the display *windows sud store roome belng artisti- esffl decorated. L. B. Schauck & Ca. are making a nuinher ai Improvemeam la their hard- vare stars. New stack cabinets sud eounters ar e heng Inetalled. MiessElvira Mondee roturned Sunday tram Cleveland. Oha, wheie ab@ speet about three manthe wilb relatives. Rer "heolal comiedrably Improved. T'héannual meting Libertyville Lodge 492, A.Y. &A. M., viol la ad at tbe hall tiis ,eok saturdai evpninot aI n uuue tietiu l.Gilcryl la heid. W. C. Manning bas resurnod tram Aberdeesn, S&D., whaeo b. bausliving on hie taaaimmies lust eprig.mand wtl me bis home wtb bshie ter, lire. W. M. Whlgm ham l).inter. Mms B. F. Woolrtdge, wbo underwent aM Opration esthe a human boupltal, ChiceglsI week Tuesday, le reporteS! as recverngand ezpece tt returu home widthei neit tva weske. T'he nomination ai the afficere of Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Secretary sud Tisas- urer, was held by the itebeccabe at their hall lest weet Friday evenlng. The election yl lao laId Dec. l8th. SyJla, the, 1% year aid daughter of Mi. and Unr. Barry Kaiser le very Ili. Dr. Fuller af Chcago, Mrs. Kalsr*s father, @peut severai day. bers this week vith bis daughter sud famlly. Tb@ monthly meeting of the Earnest WarteneS. S. clie li la beld Friday, Der. llth, ai the home ofaiseIe1dm Wbeslr. This le n Important meeting. All members nrged ta la pissent. W. J. Mondes bas severed bis connec- tion witb the Hodi0l CAsh Grocery & Miarket whlcb'la founded abýout'tvo Ima go. lin. lundee states bhobas no definîte plans for his future occupation. G. M. Slembrldge af Chicago, ens of the bead men af the Mahen Manufactur- log Co., wbieh le ta open lu the oid Novelty Works building, bas leased the J. S. Hyatt houesan South Park avenue. Mr. Maher oi tibucago, wha lmet the bead ofittue new lberby~ i lemanufactur- îng Comp)any, and his eau Nat han, aisa a e-ulaF. liackHtoanckawler, % ,r here Saturday n u1n la!. rpmte i fthe ne enterprl-.e Membere of tlh (1(. 1'. Ladge No. 956 eppnt a& very enjoyable evenlng Monday of tblls week vhen the third degree vas conferred upon C. 0. Nelson, Jr. A Sune lunch was serred at the cou. cluson oi the vork. The quarterly communion service af the Preibytierian church vas held lait Sunday moaung. at whlcl itlie seven new membees vere takes luto the chuicb byeconfessonoaiImtb sud byletter. The service vas givon b hlal@vo. Dr. Hayes 01 licCrmmc's Semlnary, aeelted by Rov. Aliburi. lin. AlburI sang a solo besldes the usuml vork ai thebhir, lTh. ohurch memhershlp rail hmbasbd a remaikable grovth under th. presenl ledership, for whlch tb. peAtclr sud hie eovorkere .bould ha prauti. 'liaety ls"li nsBarber Bbap. 1-t me figure OnYourbouoeforglsetrk. Wlrng. liepaîr work. Phone 27&-R1. Harvey àM. Moos. Ppe Colue lu and lot us tilI you abOut Our nsv ThrjljtSysteni forasving mon., LaitsCounîy National Bauk. el Lionel BuIs bas fnstalled ans of tbe Bull mlking machines on the L. 1 Am»an rieoU urnea. The Bull ma- aMassais f*a %ltured le Chicagoed' NotthOSlesgo for the local firsu ad aus ehlpped tn ýlibertyvîlle lu parte wbers tbeY are amembled ready for marketing. Tbe eompaay bas Ste office sud amabl le« pleut lla h Booechou building ou àiulvake. avenue. C. R. Kaeser aad sans, Oâsuad Harry vweut ta Warly, is e, lest Frlday tu get Mir. Kaisers automobile vhlchho be M Ibere Thaaksglving veek. Tbey vers accampanis on the returu trip Suaday by IMr. sud Ml irKnsley, vbo wilU @pend tiI w.*k at tbe Kaisr home. Hrlm Kalesr &ad the tva jounger childis Baril sd Dort@ mud lire. Chas. Woolnldge relurned frani Werley a few days provlous. Tha village board hb@as gned tase. cpt then." Oak lprlng road runeing throgh the Oallowu aroai proi'led the ovnes of the property properiy grade and gravai the. etreet 50 that thors vill b. noexpmo onnecteS vlth the taklnig over of thé street. The board bu a esd a Mulang that ln tbe futurs aul stroste tb&t mai be asked tta la latin over iby th. village muet b. gradod sud le good condition. Tbe hoard ad)ourusd ta Thursday ugbt to comploe tenun. Oluied businessoaiManday nlght's meeting. T'h. Nortbvesteru Unverslty OIes Club vîlI uive ose ai their bigh clse enter. talnmente stt h. MÊ. E. chureb on Thure. day evenlng, Dec. 17, vben tvsnty menhbers af the club are ex pectod to a e Part lu the entertalnment. This same club itave a concert et thd M. 9. churcb about a Isar &go ta a very large audience although the niht vas & vsry stammy ans; and thone who attendcd et that time vers greatly plessed witb th. entertalnment. A quartet fromt the Gles Club bas just recentiy besu awarded a fretrip ta Panama by tb. Unted Sitaies. govrument, vhich vilIl bcmmae st Chrstmas time. The entirs club le tu tate an eztendedtrip braugh Iilnole Ioara, Indlena4 Ohioansd Kentucky at EMter time. IYSM CW@HEES AÀD »YAL IMMMIDWEJL At tbe maniai Meeting aif thystIe" Wotqo, TussdaY svenlng the iallowing 0aim -,rl vore estod: Prdnt-P. B. Overeon. tionltar-Mlra FEger. BscrtmiU-Edilh Wheier. Bmmtr-idary E. Bond. garmbm-William Wbeeisr. Warder-RittuaOverson.0 Sentnel-J. E. Bond.1 8upervlors--E. D. Rnbbard sud Pault Ray.1 Aler the eleetion refreshments vers served. The Installation of officere vilii la bld January 12.1 Laet Výedneeday evenlng the Excelisior1l Camp R. N. A. elected the iollowiogr officere: Oracle-Carrie McDonald. e Vice Oracie-Nelîle Rtay. Chwnelor-Lizzie Glemeon. Recrder-Annasn8ydam. iteciver-Emily Lusk. Sentinel-Nelie IMeado. Outer etine-Bertba Jochhelm. Managr-Jeune Hong. Eleant Neek Ties, Neck Scarls, Hosiery, Suspeuders and Combînatian se-s for Christmas. T. A. Reynolds Clothlug Stars. rit Indejuendent adi-rond bj 25,000. LTIII1 THEATRE J. T. Robertffon - Proprietor FOUR REELS of tie boast pictures Maoe EVERY NIGHT of thi ee The Trey o' llcarts TIJESDAY, DEC. & National. Dairy Show, TIs trouelm FRIDAY, DEC. 18 The Master Key 8esm ruas ILssy Tmaeday Ng besbim ner. a& se 'Tbe basket baill amee bsld last Satur. day nlght lu the Town Halit vers e WlI attended andi vers a succase ineveryr way. The Libertyville Boosters delael the Ilghland Stars by a big margin. Thein Saine wae tast and rough, as bgth ski es ersopoeied af powerful men.. PMe 3aouters d414Do uiee selaasy Wh shool bol@ the week belore, but tbey bad conslderable mars ta content! vlth. Our High echool gaie with groyslahe wM Mé clossa Sainmasit lapossible to play. At the sud of the seomd hlths sMore was a tha. I vas delied ta play Ove minutes mars lua rder t tut" lb. scattar. 40 tla sud of the Ove miaute, extra tInie lb. score still stond et a tic. Ana ,tber fi,. minutes ai play ivas agreeU upon and durian thls tlme tbe Grayetao bbys made ans basket. Il vas@as much houer ta lose thls gaine@as tu vin it. ab both aides put up ael.anmandporteman. Ilk. gain.me. .Orayelke boys are ail right If we do say h urselves, end vs ý" ibealad tuobave them comea sian.. TleHueln.up: Graye"ae Llberty ville Dasber .........R F .......iorrts-Gotti Ideh..............L F ............Collins, Kapple.........C........Engelbrelht Poster.........a0...... . O.rfflwood Prnes.. ........ L (3......... . Praline Engebrecht pla.yed cente for the iont tMs aMd mmd.a Tory goad showing. The fial moors vas 17 tu 19) lu favor Grayalake. ' Met intoaded fer mon~ The Suudaj sehoaltaocer vas hav' bit bar ohm .memrse a littI.prayen. Whou II, vasthe. rin oaiàa cortein 5Mr ~lttle lad ta recote ho did 50 lu a verY low sud islterlng manner. "CaulU joa pek a litte lauder, deai?' as»e the tesoher. "I oint basr what Y"q aY.» , «We.Ira a prayar t nt tt eu» the unexpected if 1logIlual uee. «I wssnt speaking ta you. Woe.n and Eercieu. Moet vamen. vhether thy b. fiebj on thiný. wmit fur taa lîtte. lThe o su who tends ta b. Oeshy should vali for et leat an boun evoiy day. snd do tt rogularly a4 systemstlealy. As sha get accuotomed to the exercim. ah. should hmores the number ot mile, eh. valte a day until " a d e-a tag a" lmiles. Whole Famille, la ImmeTroa. A-Mogtue silvS antes or Sbeê sel&. nAglMU& t le raihot as*@go> li*eI geetseta oourous the emm playment ni famles. Ilteemore tho roi@ thon othswtee thst a tathar work- las la lb. scuver tream vl appenotie bis chidren to that trade e they se' ive as worklng mgo& lir. Robertson bhs booked tbe great National Dairy Show film wbh iii he b ehowu et jtbe Lyrlc Theatre Fridar, Dec. IS. Caws and bulle, tan and twenty tbousand dollar animale, and many lutereetlng features ai the great show vilU be preseuted. Ses the mllklng con- test and the winner. lSe the entire Dalry Show lu pîctures. Don't flau ta see the at ai the series of "The Trey OHearte," next Tuenday nlgbt. Four reele of the best motion pîctures made showu every uight. "The Master Key" every Tuesday for fiteen weeke, startlng Dec. 22. It CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANGE FIR, TORNADO, LIFE PHONES 154-R AND 50 LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINIOS I~~ -ni1m- Th litiî ctîcthgift r i tai xecîated. (clx -eomsetliîumg useft, n othig y <1dlikeyourself. ]ltndkerchiefH for men, wonien ani chilreuu, from the inexpensive ones ta the finest lineru. Ilosiery of ail kiuds-cottan, woal and same very handsome goads of the inest Itauian silk. Coufartable Smoking Jackets for the men folkes. Also tise, socks, suspeuders and gIoves. Neckvear for the adie-pretty little ties, coluars, etc., ,11l the xery latet hair arnauneutiq, combe and pins. Sluoes andl rubhers-welcome gifts auvays. Dress Mat.erials in many fabrics-worsteds, cattone and îilks. We can't begin ta Dame ail the tlaings in this space butb sec our ad next veek for funther suggestions. In the meautime come in and look around. Everything iii the eatable lino at the South Store (Jrocery dept. Phono 81. W. W. CARROLL à SONS COMPANY North Store, Phone 29 2 STORES South Store, Phone 31 t. t ' Now (OPen Our NOw Thrift Savings Dept. Comein and lot utel you but i Watch our future aUa Lake County National %ir Capital. BurPlusansd Profita, - s100o000.0 Total BeMOUroso-, - - 750,000.00 i y' Why Not "CoaI-up?" AU order. for cee.! booked now wIll be de1ivorod at promeut 16w pricea A cold westher nIa in, pricea are bound to go up. Burning thxe candie at both endii doesn't -inake botih onds meet." A botter way iii to buru our reliable, high-grade coal. It produces the groateet, amount of heat with the sinal1eist ainounnt af aches. (10 wntlme 700 must have Lest, why Bot bur 'h«Itie s y e 0IF LUBETYVILL Ph Iono W I CHL;rOICIE GROCIRXIMÂS V ETABLES AND FRUIT. r CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phono 30.LIETV LIL THE COST 0F cake iaterials is higher than ever. JEvery wo- 0.m4n knowe that, an(1 10 (bes the hu8band -àho gets the bill. Tfiatd why more sensible women than ever buy their cakes, pas- try, bread and other things f roin thin bakery. It's cheaper and no bother. I'rices reniain the same. Olur higb quality neyer varies. LIBERTYVILLE BÂKEIRY * * * * * * * z ~ Fru t Cl I.dei 11 hIr- rA 1 .

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