LÂKE OOUNTY INDRPENDENT. FRTDAV T>F1fl1~ 11. 1S~14 FOR SALE-linroc Jersey Burs, ready for services. Fred llerziug. Rl 3. Liberty- Ville. lltf FOR SALL-Honee and large lot in Ar&, good location. Two large porches rmaetly but on bouse. Terme cash or monMby paymente. S. L. Trfpp, Area. clOtU FOR SALE-Barred Rock Coekereis. $1.00 each. W. P. Hecketsweloer, Area, l11. Phone 28412. 1 Op4 FOR SALE--Som@ ebchice si@loi m Whte Legbornr Cockerele, cheap Il taken atounes. e. a. Koon. Phone 303-B. _______ Lib ertyville M. E. Church, Thursday Evenir COCKERELS FOR SALE-Rose Cornb _______ _____ _________ Rthode Island Rede. Rose Cornb Browîn Leghorns, Barred PlymouthbRocks;,olo .iDI. . .T . . .IbL .W . . KCOUSIN O F WAUKEGAN MEN' BreWielknDee Gro a,. FOR REliT +J5IA5~U &lIIifL U UI!I kV1. MAY HEAD) N. Y. DETECTIVES Are.. Phono 296-R-2. 11c3 . . . . + .+ +.+ .Wake.nfr.ne f.uy.in.r FROM1# BOSS TIIAN HiE CAUSE 0F TIPPINi v-(g finsoGuDdner FOR SALE-Coilie Pnu1b and sarie dry FOR RENT--Two large muoins hir light A T second cousin of Mayor Bidinger wood. W. H. Appley, Phone 212-J. honsekeeping. Furnisbed. Mrs.ie @ 1~ E L Y E DIC EIJTbn or aukegau wilii ho nterested lu this 11P2 Lnycock, urchard Street. itf E LY EXP~ECvED AUTO ""'À'-' 'Item sibich Shows that the former Chicago sleuth wbo vlitod Waukegan FOR SALE-Aflew chcice grade Jersey FOR RENT-.4room cottage ou North Tom Wallace of Zion City An- Dr. and Mrs. Jemison of MilI. frequeutil, tes hable to have one of the cowo due to freshen soon. Inqulre ut avenue. C. W. Stout, cor. 2nd St. and lesjosnth]adndtciv oid Oratton Stock Farrn, South af North avenue. 12e1 no ys Supt. Cissier of Lace burn Have Close Escape ciîggest ob te l aonndegc:v Libertyville on Miwaukee Ave. Gordon Works--Biff Bng When DgGv Chase. owYo- Dec. 7-41-u Bdinger,' B. Crowe. Phono 272-W-1. l1p2 FOR RENT-6 Roam Bouse ut Ares, Nw ok ___________Der._7.______i_________ I general manager uf the Burns Detec- Ilii, near ta car fines. lKent reafonalble. Wakgn Dc . Thli oontPoto rmn over tive Ageucy aud for ten years a mem- FOR SALE-About 20 lbo. of dry ticked B. tD. Boyd, Libertyville. 111. Cl2tf 'Thieves. vagabonde and robberi, , dog whlch may rmn aloug barking iar tber of the Chicago detectivo force, gem lsaher. Jhn har ner Hnde 1 1Yeled ma ina ]nd oic Saur-your auto as you pruceed along s coun- nas couterred wilh Mayor Mitchell geelatrs. John hart Tar1Bn1e acreodafuarain altuHaoile atur-try rond was omîîhaticallv in prpssed 1about arrepttng the position of sec. ___________________ 1__l1. Address B. J. Sozauer. 11 Nrth'dav oelng about 8:30.The cry was onuthe mind of Dr. aud Nlrs. Jemison! uud doputy police comrnlssloner. ut Nlillburn Sat. Dec, 5, wuen a dogl Didingor is saldt lu have demauded FOR AE- w eafl rbe Caifornie. Ave., Çbhiesgo. 12p4 ropostod as two rnen andj a woman Lirmee ýtlo h eetv Sie liALE-A two svreatlah; bertook attor thoir car and betore he utamlt ,,tl fth eetv b«ted Kimbailotersp; verstylau e; Jwore seen to cone into a mixup right get througlî witi bis sport he liad done bureau. b.a ulule poiri od a sottm;csnw;ln front ut the Security Savings' bank tiiese things: wMi«Il Belt your own prie. on' A. CAR DJIC nasI onsret .He lhad met dealli liinsiI Lako Forest bas Porhaps theonoly onl usd sshrt ime cat ST EETonw ahînio stoot 9He had tlpîîed the occu pant-i ut wornan dontiqt lu Lakte County. Dickinson, 4736 Grand Blvd, Chicago, Just about Ihat Urne a mans fiat th od-.rn a it h ic, III Wkfly 6t UPA T ;LA SI h01 out sud min number two went lycîti being sono-iwlial bru's)d UP AUT ; LAY IT lu the sidewalk like a roc'c goîng tuto Tie accident haîpenedrieur tie REAL ESTÀTE IRANSFERS FOR SALE-Rose CarnhRode ai desir. 'ew ater. Then nurnîer une waa on Stmar's corners near Mhiburu. Dr. Furnished by abiebioodlinea. Coclîer,$1.ooanuoi A 3U LY A IE toiut of intid persans who had rush_ aud Mrs. Jemion m ere proceedingl LAKECOUNTYTTLE& TRUST Co Tri l Red Yards, Liberty ville.Il. ct2q fIthesurnan junp into themaeivees and, iug sud runnlng alougside ut the car. ______emle ___,Wakean Accident Occurs on Genesee uone man said hie saw ber take several they seorned to enjuy I-he spart tIke su'Di .11-ayW ee u FOR SALE-Desirable residenit pro- St. Friday Afternoon-Manu lsns at nbe man wtîo waa the acu ranay doga do. Their bark drew a, hiîsbalîd thoOrylle McEwan, 80 acres Part In Lihertyville, Aiea and RouiLd Ctzn SwAcdet oln'for a Il I-be rumpus. d down the road. li soutiîwest quarter section l? sud Lake, ILL Terme ta Sait. B. D. Bh..d, I 11n a Acdet v this t inea crowd Iad coller ed Thats where lie made ttre mIstake. 1nurtilwest quarter section 24, Wau- Lîbertyvii., ln. l2tf Waukegau, Dec. 5. sud the mixup cotiuued 'for sanme Dr. Jernison rnanags-d ta avold hitîiug c<oa toii.shîp. W. D. $6,500. The spectacle ut auto being picked minutes, hy-slanders fluaîly puUling gt-utiefrsky a dg8 udt tre rv onelu!- E D Duff sud wife to May E. Mer- IFOR SALE-A ieui vacant well locaI-ed up tenderiy Il a street car and tsse4i man number une and bis wife as It ]y ho missel] calcuations and got un- le,. tract uf land ln section 3, Ela bats ai Waukregan, Llhertyville, Areal ta thoelde of the Street wiI-iout dam- turued out ta ho. away from the manu der the front shoot. Ho was a largej towvnship and 9 acres lu outhwest *nd Roond Lake. Build and have Blousle agng ither the automobile or the on the walk. It waa nut until the sized dog, ut the ehepherd type, and'quarter ut sectioni 35. Fromout tosn-ý tIsai jObI suit& Sou.Cali and talk lit sgtreet car mas witnessed hby many prostrate man had arisen aud had thode n îî o lre rsenut heah ner -Over Wlth the contractor. B. D. lloyd, pedestriams on Genesee street aboutf started off acrosa thre atreet that two into the ditel. Fortunstely they wore O\ liliam M.O Flaggansd husbaud to e- LbtileII.c12ti 3:45 oclock Frlday afternoon. The policemen came rusbiug up sud took no going fast. The machine wont haIl Laura Il A'.ertll, lots 8 sud 10, Wright Se _________________________Incident occurred near thre corner off thre feîlow toJolil, man number one uver sud ttîe doctour sud his wite were j ddliiuîm tu LîhertyvIlllo W. D. $3, t Madison aud Oenesee streets. The thruwn ont. They pulled themselves , . . .+. . . . .. . . . .+. auto waa owned by Johni Tohan of baî ing gone ta cail the ofilcers ta tugetîrer, boIt an accounting, sud dis- + Attoch and wae driven by bis 13 year , firrest theother man.eus ercd tiat nepithor was badly hurt.1 Laura Il. Avertît sud husband tu + IIO LIsM Ous + Iod son, Lyman Tehan. The machineî Tho mon iurned out to ho' severe braises being uoted on eaeii. il3.A. tunson, et aI., lots 8 snd 10, wl . . . . . .. .. .. waa of the lIve passeugor type sud l \urnber 1-Erneat (issler, suporîn- But. forlunately nu huntes were bo ln.Ilock 10,OVtlgts addition lu Liber- th MONEY TO LOAN-Os irnproved reuilW" saluded wlth chlldren w ho haled en rthJaeuok lveStigatiug. ttîey fourndiailetie I' come thetco citutatattlacethe cornat Zion machine wmas dsrnaged sornewiîat. hît o ville. W. t) $3.000. osltatli. J. ý. G(IuaotY, Firet *National show. City. 1the> were abIle Io rlght It sud drupe i If. J. Bekniau and wlfe to Beonard du Itl tap heacdetws u.ume -Ti)anP 1basbrn irin aud wialotut atnorthwest cor- c-al-f hetlilsatfdthe accident sas duo uooheri2 TuboutOforltireauaumetoamAi foui ______________________ t____ Iotthe ailur t heofuhu ieploye of the ;planviîiiigaiit o I, ueut.ie c1rr It1titiitJuuipm-r streete, Wauke- tonoeth î,irah tthe street Tii, , cik îî îitî diorvuinstion tu"kic k a MARRY IF YOU ARE LOf'ELY-The car.Ilotti ut the cuuveyaîîces wor r e wsoranpru md t,> ,,- tlýi- t, n14i-,z 'luit ai tt,"tir.Ipriisori "" \XX 1)'.$4.000.a ileliable (tunfi den tial euccessful clulýiba@ ging imrtli. AI a point direclly inî O;SMr. (îsétr. ,fiaît 1-i ceatune iying di ad as a' Fr ,îîk Oilcie snd w fi- Ioi .ii iJur- V large numrnîamit wealthy eligible tuein- front ut tie Son office tie youth SAid. frtîf'i il altihe romd sa,. I leur i.o!' -orie de of the rond-lîke, !,il, anit wite uit P 1. 2. 1 sud 11, 1t turedbis i ar direcîly in thoire fl oocked as if Wiallace got îîsî w bat bc-, i' lii a lc.Iaii ttir ,.n. ît i<lcttifLuk W br01btSeewihnzorymri he street car. Thon the collision ro- $10 l, age. Descripion lu-e. M re. Wruiîeî, ulteit. The street car seemed tu pick as155 tauk ufr -and a lttle imore. W areadalot etrhn . Box 26. Oyakland, GCal P-12-2 up le auto sud tareitiîy oîert If fromt Vter the uffiiers hait started Io fl'kjýrd'"If tu Pter len- S ________1_ Ithe Irick, Tie niotormalu franticaID- t ife ll'ra, ( isstmr cait tic s [RULE AUAINST ALL - il.lot :i.PurIn-r'sre-subdivIsion or allilv-d the irak-es sud troight the trier] that twieletore this weeîk"'lo51et. orbadionWuk w . . .. . .+ .+.. . .. . asreet car 10 a stop, buttire au t sd -tie factom- aid ow1.1 l oig îo I 7oifli(IV M T ti W t 300I W'ANTED +atri-ady lcftthe track lr e-14! e-ai i $t.3,tt0 Et00,Peir la + ~~~~~~~~~~Tgroup i tîbîdren-un lu îi(na s,ute hini.',ZO IYMN'T1 9 s iPtrIo . .+.+.+.+.+.+ .+.+ . . . .chine sucre frlgbtene.d b tîhi- Iýxîer. fIlseenîs Iliat \\aîlavc '(ami e to EgsfI i iiel.r b' l1 unie A. Wis %VANED-iap prchars or rmuicil di l udts salit une olithIeli-ltîle' G .î îiXezaansd tri,-,] to drink îîjîl RI NING TATIN jier. ]]1le a ris iii eect ion :12, Avon MI 1 J ta 801 aires aruîiu SIMrite îtating nl l Mchie wlien se i lanîi d and sa w t'le bouze nBlusi , At anY rteiie îuwunslti ind ii section i, rimant c tiartienhars Ni agents. Aîîdri-asfi.A.. the nmassive -front of flc sîret ca ,li lorv iiiîîOXîaletd mlieu lie vs \Xiil îIutomî in fect aI limc- ri-at 'i nlî tecis $11,00. Ineenet di- -1-f withiu a few iuchei, of ber. uîilktng :long ihe sîrcît andl sam. JLas, "',,,ai Training stationu sud Eurîlce- A \\'Igiier to L I. ('urranien lndpencn If',. î~11If After the accident au exainlnatlou î lrand bis mille .Ius;t hat ie i lîlu I. as lssued tbrouglî the lu- tii,. 1111anr,, elstat))lei mueyed hti wassmade ut bath tho auto sud Ihi---ad(rdt umo tmsuti h esai , i îeîa eîrueî > 1ti WANTED-For our lîve pet Show ail car and sIrange ta relate, neitheer1 adù dIotkrwbtthrsa" ftwniicleptnn f varietios ut animas sud fowls. Ap- showed auy marks out Ihe collision. jhurt is that lie fllowed isler sud Ithe institution. estatishesa a l-r E V.Oris sud n île tu ý . -.Ahart. T. ply Lyon's bascent, Waukegan, ni., The auto thon stamted ou Its JuurueY !bis wîte, madie inaulting remarks sud agaiiiit emliloyrnt of ail Zionites ai 'part of lot t. block S., McKays 2ud ou' Wkly i-to Auttocti sud Iho sireet car bogan 1 even triod t it ii at bis suiertntend. the training echool. The orderwhc adiont ska QC.$0. N ____________________unLItS trip ta tire norlh ide.w amestonocWakburn.u Q. Co . $0V . P_________ ut. lu treuil ut the bank. Cisler was romietly put luI-o offert inrluded JmsCcbr n let .V WATED -TO RENT-4f, -80 or 120> v-uld stand It no longer su ho landed the uicharge ot a group ot omployes -Mc!ntyre sud wite. N 110 1-2 fret lot ni, acre iarrn. %sii ent. John Richards, JIN ('SI 1I~ a blow which sent M'afface to I-he at the station, ail of wbom were, 4, Conv-erges subdivision of Wooster Mo BV 7,Big5 1. l4 J HNC OKDEwslk, hlood epurting tram hie mentht Zionites. Their suspension foflowed LaIte. W. D. $10. Ka Z-N80-h-D1tu acreeb0F4YPlioID FFVE nsd ...,as if lhe had been hit wîth 1their refuai a abra shit I-o vaccinaI-ion. il . W%. Speldel sud site f0 C. A.$1 . o.-r OF..P OD F-.,,amule Hetought Iaci, 2Cabbing a Thigrauwho were suspended r Kiddlo, lut 92, Green Bay addition. farm- Pne h iit - iii'oer $100 , ur acre, Addeos lBox 231, Liske Poresi,,111. el WANTE-0 t,, us a- in L.i4tro 1e cash yl buY I4;-), W (i rî,bt, I661h (IE- + LOST and FOU ND FUUND-A strsy borsu-. imer m-n bave same by proviug prOîmrl) îîîmd îao. tog for 13>1. notice and atîi barg, -Winu B.Poterson. Ubertyvif le. Phone 2m-281iI LOBT-On Nov. 29, a 05 blil down SOW.. Vindsr retn I-o Independent 01- &"&" rusive reward. l2pl ng, December 17, '4 Hello! Hello!- Yes, This is Santa Claus. Where amn I? At Decker & Bond's Stoire The cmbis rwsitdquartrs of the town. Be sure ta corne in and see me. 1 have something ta make eyrerybody hvp. Mme. Stephens' Beauty Parlors Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dress- ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatment Schauble, one acreInuM' 1-2 N. E NARRIAGE ICLINSES. -4 section 28 Cuba townshîip. M. D. _____ l0ý Lydia. Voelc, saie .... ....1 tien. Schauble tu John Kalai aud Albert E. (Soodell, Milwaukee... 38 wife, one acre lu WI 1-2 N E 1-4 sec- Elma F. Carroll, WVýeyauweka . 34 un 28, C'uba township. W. D.$10. John Ratio. Chicago.............. 2 Jobhnltobertsoansud wife to Pred 1 lau. lt t1, block 'Ili Robertson's sub- ilomeus Bou'uf, , -nie............. 31 diion at Lake Zurich. W. D) $425. Sidney G. Benunett, Zion Cily... .4 Frnil Fran2 sund wife to Otto Frank, OliveE. Bull, saine........2 lo , block 1, Robertsoua's subdivision Iluqtat W'ustrack, \tllwatikep ...A2 àtLake Zurich.W D. $1. Maia îlerling, saine.... .1 ('hîi.îgo Title and Trust conîpany tu...................1 V' C. îautdlog. 7'i 3-4 acres lu S. jEý FaIIl, Ene. r--a . .. 2 1- muctirou x, luIlI township., »fusa IU MitîiÇcîî. suEt.. neAd $1. \O iliali . sintl]. st .uî. .. 1 %lary ltlueto W. V Ketti-, . in-i W 1-2 N W 1-4 E of RR section %l. Mta -la,s, Vilwauk",....... hiu-[dstownsahip. MW. D. $10. Pred lulTerruann '1Milwaukee...2: N loo i . d30, iF l i or \nd la ' Burton, came, . _. . . l tie luto 1, rrA - l ts, 4 li d I 41, lam es M . Ilugan, \O aukeg a ti. .5 7 av i- lo.C W lý:zaI)eîb Sjt ch. sarne............. 57 $5n. Theudur,- Engh. torli.s.... s. ,j llubert issper., and wife ltiWIl . -Sîtnie i)orerufskl sam . ............ Mciorinick, lut 1, block 2, l)evilîus .laîîqsWirtî. Cicago .............. 1 tutti lliion. lugleside W. 1).$350 Il Nl(u-,';all 'Y, Mlilwauke....18 Aiiiie Kennedy lu Ni-Ilie FI Ken (,,î e CI-o0up. lghîand Park. .25 nedy. lot lu S. W. 1-4 S. W. 1-4 sec- Alice. Hornlck, Crus n Point, md... .23 ion 21. Shields township. M'.t). S$.-iBenjamin King, Chicagou...........2 it. MI Clîlttendeu .and wifti lu Mary Peart Nliller, saille ................. 20 r.Rowan, lot 36, and N 1.4 lot :7,Nix. Reuben Lloyd.,lHighland Park..22 )n's WO ot Side additionu Waukegan.LEther M. Moreton, same .......... 21 ff D, . ~Thomas Hedermau, (Chicago... 3t SrhRussell and hushaud to Sid- AunfA.Jacksarne '.........5 SaahJoefA.Sdifîn, High~land Park.... .33 iy J. Russell, part lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, lda M. Johnson, same........... 33 uoran's subdivision lu block 10, Mc- Chaun Kim, Chicago............. 29 sy's 2nd addition Waukegan. Q. C. Alvina Sehoitz, saine... ......... 26 Toy Kim Wing, Chicago .......... 32 Lena Miller, salie ............... 28 ________ (isoler ai n MsCieerjm ersworecnuosed oftfhree men, al of Lakte Purent. W. D. $10. Toli. tract of land lu section 31, War- JooPhîno Daufzmsn, SI-. Prancis, .26 Waukegau, Dec. 5. lI-to the tray. heîng of considerable fhem beade o? familles lunZMon City~. Der. 4, 1934. Alex Tweed I-o Joseph ren towuship. W. D. $9.625. Max Moîchor, Milwaukee -..... The lri deati r romi yphoid foyer Insistance lu geItîing bier husband Tbey wore given I-ho alternative, Wîîmîugtun. lots 1, 6, 7, 11 and 12, Luella Austin et al ta John Geinss lierudeMiller, sinake.... 27 sinro the îîypoclorlte o? lime ,trea't- Tweeda&tramtI-hndguolmanmsubdhvisiton, ehyOlhvertSho vacleredMorwoxukaete.Q..C. $1 Ment was nstalledhere abot ta fromthe drunen man w4Tweedth& Wiemishgtd bc vsubdivlsorunoxetkeiQ.part1. t -, section-2 sectCuba. Cub el I-i.B.Piocherr, Wauwat ...s.-22 years aga, uccurred this îornîng at sou-hI I-a drag Ciseler tu the walk. dîsehargeil trom I-he service. RaI-ber Thomas Sage and wîîe. et ai. i-l) ownship. W. D. $2,000. Mades Rohling, kenosha----------- 24 71 .v.wle ouCu, gd3fThe arret followedIhan viîlaîe the lave o? tiroIr reol-. D. R. Anes, lots-I1 and 2, Kuebkers T. C. Monroe I-o Mary DePCotîdres, Anus Edemose, saine------------..26 yasod asdRaaiteJ lu laPolice court this mumuîug Wallace giou, I-bey chose tire latter. Tirher- ulvaoLervîe.WD.$0 tract a? land lu sections 27 sud 34, Edhu MLopow an------2 J - se hgiiaL. L. Laeîtr sud sifete-oF. L. Con-Aont. nsipWlD $. non Surn s aine.......2 neAslerhfîîbab out hoee wing e as I-was repentant. Csle uth thrld O u upension is stated ta he lu-ditt sud W. G. Moorhead, lots 8 ta 12 V tonhp W.D$1Au. -W Rce emîloved asgeênerai furernan liv I-e baud was not venarnous. Iu tact, hoe defIlute, block 17. LaIte Bluff. W. D. $3 000. C. B. Egglestan snd wite ta N. M. Emma I..hnert, saine-------------18j Chicago Tîleîîhoue cumpauy. Ilé hail- wae forgivins- sud, sîhen it waa point- One ofthéfI- mers ofthI-h nstitution, Decomber 3, 1914.-C. F. IMalshhak Joues. uparI- lot 6, hlacIt 14, Highland L.on M. Wagner, Racine---------- 21 mode ltsehomre In Waukegau -forIhoe'ed out that Wallace ihall een lu jal declared I-bat the mave was made lu sud wite to CiI-y of Highland Park, Park. W. tD. $1. Ruthu midoh, aeaW..........1 ast selon or eigbt years sud during over Satumdsy nigirI and Sunday, h Ibe h uItereaits a? healtb sud safety. The 26, Deerfleld township, Deed, $2001. N.MJoean i tC.BadChsiaKltr Rce.....2 thait tihiolad made rnanY trleuds. waswilI-o thave a emalfine of presence of the workrnuamongist the to-L.0fI h 6 -lu S.GorgeW. 4 eion aN. M. Jouesto ainfe a toC.B sud Crstiark, los t aine ...2 watem. Win., whore lho bas s brother $5 andl reste adrinistered sud walved geiaCt eOrmuuîty of attaches sud ca. wood. lot 13, block 52, t-tgland Park. W. D. $1.1'oy E. Duffy, saine------------26 sud grandinother lIving. Ho nover I-be fhst roquent- o? bavIug Wallace dets of the station was couaidered as Deed, $1. Margaret J. Lister sud huebanti ta George Iterrîson, Milwaukee ..37 bail marrloti. W. R. McGovern ?ptudrpaebnwhnMsCi-areaue Edwaril Brook sud wîto ta Jacob w tlla Gilbert-,samne-------------..29 Chicago, s cousin ofI-he dead man, fPt mtr ec bn be th. ln.ameaeHay Jr.. S 60 acres E 1-2 N. E. 14 J. Lister, part lot 8, lu sec-tion 16, Oscar R, Lystluud, Waukegan .... 22 ln leaukeganed htodliea, msy hing Iof-hee scun-edeipsecstion 35, H Aittioch tIownship W. D. Waukegau. W. D. $4,000. Sarah E. McGrain saine--------..22 eral arrangements. The romains wîtî beon hUliiated senmciently, elphatie lu their declaratione I-bat $5400. i P. A. Bock sud wlfe t-o Predt. lHer- John Hooke, Chicago-----------2 be shîPPed back ta Whtewater where I-bey wIll not submiI- I- vaccinaion. Jacob Uirkaud vIte ta David Hliss seberger, lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, bloec 2, £dith Ratine, saine-------------24 thfneai_______pacte_____00 Main #êtogn2uad 6,El SLykke, bOVauk PaiieManu Lkk, auen .29...2 I- h era u a lc Une fl-st ChI-isImaB treeg bave madie tieritIownsbip. W .$9500. iv )9 asn an .......2 j ?Ih ek PPearance aI- I-e Waukegan stores. The Indapendent lada aiL. John Kalal and vite I-o George iW- D- 110- AlVin Hambricr. RYan, lowa... 22 ige Eight ADVERTIS!I NG RATES bc per lune escn insertion Leis thon 6 lines, 26c fiirst insertion + FoRaSALE + Oe bave a nuinher of fiue homes f- sale or ent. )ymuud & Austin, Liberi' NORTH WESTERN UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB Ai cou, maI- beau mail ,o bavi htn Md mu mu ta$1 t"a la l ite I-e 11. 1914. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Phone 100 LA Ir OOCNTY INDÉPFJMF,14T, FUMAY. DECEM