] 1 ýFMKAY, FEBRUARY 12 1915. Pg he communicate It. De not be afraid. Altr euin he4s.e ga In scripturalUtimes lepers In the/ Afte seuris te getre " oalOrient were obliged to keep aloof from some MOenmight have been contentGeso taurdaai laite, O oik'mther men and ta announce their ap- o st tsk nd llw te sperisrs reordofbeing the person to see the proach ln the highways by shoutting to ass#me te entire burden of orect- fetrbni akgn Mr. Stafford "Un-len! That was in a hot climate J tes hospita lis A as laimed this distinction for several and in an age when bathing was not ttreln.me spn the ptally hisn years past. He says he saw Mir. Robin the universal practice it is now. The z1vthe su ermonntheehospital groundsReaidbreast on Thursday of this week.i Geo. Von L. Meyer, Former rich man who was cured of bis lep- 300uneggrso ag oe ha bemihtse toittht henn The bird, hie says, was sitting In a! Secretary of Navy, Takes rosy followed the simple prescription' Molntyrwas fully proected T hi ires NrhSeidnra nddd Fig tFs n ril ofbtiginteJran mbcn Oounty bÀo l n severat decades, pand as a lying-in depaortmenlt, and Asje reeved hearty cooperation 'fromt Street N 8 osial. no NsemthmndShei lla n d Fing blasts. .__ ,rti:lescap man die Jas by h sl the te ØtL r Coo1L county, away from the noeseand any other £11 theontrauctor, "ech striiew to "I id ncntotaitdthepot he mnbater"pescautioanofMkeepng ean.th iml it le.bO air to sensIder, dIsturbance of the Sgenerai hospitalive an exceedingly good jb.a he W RERHA LOE AL.Mr tfford ar"ecaus te yo dntt DEPLORES LAVISH EXPENSElea toudir " the entlbr#. siii.in work. This làs Atted up with the lt. 4ns gays that thebuilding speaks for b elieve me a couple of weeks ago when te h aiiiso s ideILnosetia Td.I dd.iüfhe isntexgeating. t loUbainfas1 said 1 saw a flock of wild geese Pans Gives Figures on Cost of the i coplî ld re su h ( at anay td on there la the n ursery roM for diiS cult tu se e w h ere a y m pro v- over th e city ." B i S t ati o n - F e w P e opl e «0 "w ninFcaried. ,for than the newly hbonbabioe. The building nment coutld have been made ln any Main, MF#ië ch, He th.digto c ial teegram io g al Fie s KPeoplUSE The overhead expens re. wIll accomodate os:x mothers. part of the structure. Leaped t in Time. •:the Sun from Elgin, a divorce was Knew RelFgurs C-«, th e ail nd the -additional One of the béat featureslàsthat i The building là a e ,sanitary emW-eaFb 0 rne tdyt r.Ewr .Bs a 'so eligtthat it la possible to there is always a good SUPPly of fine cient, and as roomy a could be ýue A most unuspial accident took placeleagnshrhsbdaesetofGrevnL.Myfrmrec- arefor20 s wll e or 02 ate wih deqatepresur. Wththemony epenè t O't on Franklin street rnear North avenue Waukegan. Settlement ln alimony for tary of the navy under the Taft adt- Whe i iscosidre tat hebuid.Th buldng sTshear11Y reteproof a ay oubta the ouny hserigt hiaonnlwe aorr.ign $900 was made and the case thus is ministration, in an article appearing glas authorised at the junte ment.sit canbe madeTeol r!n;h htge omaeago optl n a trench in order to locate a leak disposed of* finally- ln the North American Review, gliales of the board, It la sen radiy building la in the kitchen rute an.Csto Hslt n a gas main, it his pic' against TaFrhorews rreteoFrdaWsmelntretinofctswih egad o gralporesha en ae hs etirly surrou ddb a stone, causedl a #part by doing sol nig " ht r aret9:0 'coc o cmpaint o n aeotcinPu nCogauain bave It comleted at the prenent ment Wail.ce1 The county patid $7,500 for the old land the gas ignited, causing much ex- iHey :30roeselwho couc ts aofon the Nnelagenaartranigvtaio.a Tm.Mhg artln oordosaeonoi ae Brezsntoimtnast. The ceodaItement for a timse. ta en at Sheridan road and Madison attreent. North Chicago. Incidentally he gives 'O'†K$TE U Modern gquipment. mogdoaneinonelatb echioln cs ftenwhsia tefwa h oka sae rmbigProese complained that Short vwas figures on the cost -of the Institution RFlS9T, eV CGR rew bospitale eaooruoorutareuoibtamaib. $17,296.99. The equipmtent amnountediseriously burned only through great creating a disturbance. Short was sent-which may be new to the people who £ uf» GV CIAS e os pito-a l an beast uche one slab. to $3,228.94, maIsng a total ofr $20,526.- speed in Iocomoation , for, the minutetntasre 40 dayi n the'counaty ë»n ganditptefoate ipm entgha Eeypicrfhadaednte93 hbacaec'se big tee-the flames shot up, bhe leaped fromtthe i ncdto.seveeys lve erewithn tree rRfuroilesof l en geaes efot n hi rgad asbuilding le nickel-plated, and the locks tire cost to $21,390.78. ltrench and made hie get-away lin a Wr a enrcie eeoh the station. been in the installatio ofa a yUl are all made b h al okcom- Theý following figures wIll prove in- manner that would make the soldiers Itoappearsbtoube the truth that theBaeC Tui moer ad hghy Ecentsuteofpuny, one master key being all that ls teresting: in the trenches ln Europe look like'death at the home of his sister Mrs.averae peron ha a vey vage con lit o toona she.fid CountsnGeneral Hospital. Lake sansoe days the gas has been daynAnderon WinlamK ansasof Nil-ception of what the station really cost WueaFb 0 ;;:ant. Thls equipment le from the ly, extoiling the many fine features, General contract .......... $12072. P4 aigfo the main. Workmen hurn but well known here. He hiadt and what it costs to maintain It.Vr-Te ri alof aningebabyIir a osnf enanMri the principal one» of whicha have been Plumbing and heating ..... 3600).00! starte-d in to locate Itý A ditch was'gone ,to Kansas to spend the winter osfgrshebeneadndiatheomofD.n.M.F.C ,of Madison, Win. The dresi#gs eum te.Electric wiring ............ 909.95 dug. The leak did not show 1up. The with his ,sister. The body lats to us fimay shave beuhis whichdled to the ihmof or . Gn.see sreeha and instruments'are all sterilised by . ~~~~~~~Painting ...... ...... ...... 715. 00 l ength of the ditchacostinued. At las4tbogtleeadte aert ibe h cafno oadrbesr ' use m » otiv tmger.Ti nreatd by a ovaWercie Crdictise . this mo -ring, the workman knew he'burn forInterment. Just when the confusion. prise among rend-of the well known gh reser bile. hisinure a d ngofwecomeitfothossenhoareTotal ..-...... pmn. ...n296.99 was getting near It becaluse the odar! reains i twil arriv e intkngeas olwigae h teso cs scouple and "Docl" has been receiving th mstpefet etodofdeerin o cedt orths eg nddEupmn.became so much éttanger. 1tr avntews rebigdlydenumerated by the ex-secretary: many congratuations right and left. tin hrey essngt teins tIn o wiWaueganes prou..--.. l $35.7 Cniun wt. ted pi. yhay nwfl.Date fe sta blaihent-1905. Mr. Nightulohas beenu ecIving ! WUe tr psIbetintnMasha n- GeaI edCo unt a elfe 1eproard.fMattress a ......Y ........ 173.01 1"pick", he was breaking the solidly Mrsi. Ben Spaulaing as erarm Oiia cs fsieGf.many congratulatory messages via fro ifetin ha ais cn-Qrat reitisdu te ntrebordofBed Linen .... .... 06. 0()frozen' earth and his tank vwas about Donora, Pa., visiting lher mother NM rs.phoneiandlevenbyopersonal calls "thtly.from Impropler sterilisation of superviorsfor their reainues@ inPlos ....... 6.4fnsed erl.M.Spudn ssprinten- Total expenditures for buildings, 1Friends of the genial.doctor,,,es- drsig n i.raet.appreciating the fact that the county Blankett............ 189-25 Down camle the pick for anothe dent Of a wire plant ln Donora. public workis, improvements, and ma-1 pecially wire works emplòyes ant' of- eooms atr ie aloeipped wth as ndofreed o mpuchandinstionSterilizer and opertIng room smash into the ground. The point hait1 The home of Mrs. Ernest Lehman' chinery installed ln vqLriousbuildings ficlS Who befd of the arrivaiof derisd wte, ppe diecly o he ndals fr tei prmp an dcisve fixtures ................. 1095.12 a rock or something imetallic, for, a divorced, of Chicago, was looted BRat--5,59,56.8.the babo showeredcongratulations opeatng oo. ll f heplubig atin he omntte amecon-tar)Bartdett light for operating sakwas caused and immediatelylurday night when $,50in jewelryTtlmaneace-cuin e pon him and insited on him produc- lisfurée are of sohad porcelain, and of vinced that they were taigase om ......... 3.0teewsafah4 gshd ignte was stolen. Mr. Lehman and hisl Tngalthe cigars.-ý thl datestsien . osfTher Pe l[so ith righ direc tio Te boarduea-Instruments ............. ..100.06 fromt the spark. ipresent wife are known ln Wauke-ipairs--$313,306.90. But, toall entreaties to "net em W s11 dresingr oom, fdted cscoletrgie tat utefexndtre qf suchma Desk, office equipment .... 22.50 The workman leaped from the ditch lgan but the divorced wife has no ac- Tet cost of land, Public work,up", Don merely replied: "Wel, the so ha mnororinectd ass alrejalmunt oftmoney&wreired m.Car fieeqimn1.. 1.0asfs spsil ndmngdt e uIntances in the city so far as improvements, machinery, and Main- babe's there all right, but ther'r no- be képt fromteoeaigro ro.tr ugetbthehey also realizedT gCostumer, office equipment.. 8. 00 out hbere the dames enveloped his îknlown. ltenance ,Including repairs-$2,904,953.- thIng doing on the sfnoke." that such an Institution la somethingRfgeao........ 280.13 body. He then set to the tas'< ofi Joe R(yan of La'oe oFreBt wsa-4.Oefinhaigo h atr theeouny log hsFnededandtheDishes . .. . ... .. .. . ... .. . . . 47.01 checking the fdames. He began throw.. res.ted ln Waukegan near ildnight Avraeyery4ot8rmanenneOine edhe ctrindonte andinted. Th Frs Foomembers possessed the power of their1 Silver .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 15.72 'lng dirt on the blaze which was ris- Wednesday night on a cha:g- of being Il vee yearly 62,661.38.tena e idn' eiv twe the doctor dw n niti nteBa dn n ooulz r i fundthreth. conitindas. mde h uidTable linen ................ 20. 00 1Ing but white he finally succeeded, jdrunk and fightIng. He was given a s iclind toerl-positively declared there was alnewr enk dinngrooms, refrigearatoryo. ns otte paise itha e buld-KItchen autensils ........... 13.78',hle did not do go before the ends of fine of $7.40 which be agreed to pay if Mr. von L. Meyer i nlnitt r-baboeat theKnight home. This man, cooks panhty ulaudyand nelabrato rnomitee uwho m elahevyTowels ......146.10 1two ties of the railroad track lhadtbe-,allowed to return to Lak3 Foresz and ticise the expenditure of money aclsiind a idednd u o aongithtgoth usuapl antcesa ur deftewokhscomte Curtains and fxures . ..... 55.35 come badly charged. learn the mone-ï. The poi;ce took bhip constructing the Great Lakes sttOn. uelndtrue to hisl word, the next roos atg with such lant, edSoe ew ascmposed Kgof.C.a.keyFoestWindow sadles ........... 73.90 The accident was a ost unusual at hswr u ilh i ohsleblmstezaoseso h vnn e alet the Knight home aos, arge ryandwbavthilarthed tb Ael!,aJamesT.F. King of LakeForestElectric ixtures and lamps. . 215.69 one, and again lemphasizes the fact promise. gressman from dtsith ictand h t ld hy ewa heemHua liigrotilefthendbath forthe hlp, ndrouhncét.Emonsof auenCh foner2500that danger lur'<satiailltimes, even Msidi .Gbectîieo h e em h rdin fbl nso hown a .handsomeUlile younigster iving roitms or thl pf oioletc. Tommbofuch cicannte givnthe rChair .... .. . ... 2.7iwhen sedfningly there Isn't a chance1 Y. M. C. A. secretary, and daughter,1 a lavish sale. He soayOne-half the whhnetdcoéyintsraean .lothe barsntr is f rouet asl dIs embertst omteefrterCleaing supplies ....... 9.3 of anything (r the sort happening. Esther, are visiting at the home Of expense would have met the néqire- codh ed s he cuekIditendraithechn a l s od t h e a s e m e nt t éa n d e h r o m s t r n g e f o r s o p r o c u r e f o r t h e o r , w h o w o u l d e v e r t h in k t h â .t a fl o w M r s . G e o r g e L ill y o f A n d e r s o n , r i n . m n s e e r i x a t w o n re d t ta l kb a b y l n g g e t i . 6ttd it atrp o heseersotht outyth fnet aosilébuldng Total ... ........ .. $ 3228.94 lof gas fromt a main would be. ignited , Mrs. W. S. Watrous and Mrs. Grace the subject as quoted fromt the hbeo d re.Te u edt ard of itand ce aL r this deoorcaed shed wth a ose DOThat culdbe ecuew th the cmoney. Grand total .. .. .. .. ..... .$20525 . 92 by a spark from a workman's pick CIloeisrSteadmanhave returned from menodma.ga,,,tne:. niht oun hboar f nd la‡teenin. When esird. Thre i postivel no he hndsom newhosptal, omplteeClifortahwere hey wrerclled y "Amorerecen cas is he trinin Thedocto taled fr a mnute gav cbalnelor mie, rate or any other in every detail, well appointedl and as the death of Mrs. Cloeis, formerly off station outside of Chicago, establish- svevaigw'asers and then finally, as of the numerous pents to gel: into the modern as any tin the countrylaisa aANY ATTENDED R0CERY CAT$IN Lake Bluff. Mrs. èloy Hawkins Wat-l1ed in 1905. The original aite was a men a lwayi do, put the receiver ;n his building because of its construction. permanent and loquent monumnut to, arous and daughter are back iln Lake ýgIft, but $3,646,000 has beeon expended .Ife'sbande and "*permitted" her to their'ouccess. They were on the OP Bluff after a visit with Mrs. Lougee buldings erected on a lavish scale,*answer questions. On the terond Floors.roud arl an lteendavring to in Madison,%IWla- quite unnecessary and tnot suitable 1Just about this time, as the report- On the ~secodforsfonthse that the county secured One hun- -- rs. Frank Kern, Libtyvll, is due to the zeal Of a congressman Of hospital proper. -The oflBee l ocated ýdred cents value for eaver dollar ex- aFF RiR'IN TlUTB E EBeseMcrd and Mrs. Peter Licht- the district, a member of the naval teitr h ra b on dts door. In addition there are pended, and also assuring themselves reldt of Area are visiting friends and committee. One-half the amOunt whrenon heosáid: "There, that's large, lighted and Weil ventilated beyond the sadow of a doubt that relatives here. would have more thant met the re-whtIasgngoakabuht wards with tolets and bath attacehed, every dollar weniNa4to the hospital or First Meeting Held in Benton Commonwealth of lilinois Tells The Chicago city government Tues- quirements and have been be tter'vbaby.1Nw sgltha Ik aby's mb thsen nres og k rodom, et kPitetepequimn.Wbelygtte Township, at North Prairie Storekeepers and Butchers day for the firet timte, oeny queo- adapted to what a training station lienclsean svea pivtebstposil vlu frthe money MthdsCh hoGeRdofPs tioned the authority of the state pub- should be." "Just the donae, litle thing You roomas. The soors are made of Asç^ spent they purchased nothing that Methdst urch t • " f et.lic utilities commission to regulate ee a.Ct n uk-js bouetone, msanufacturend by Franklin R. was not absolutely necessary for good contract ordinances with transporta- ee a.CieadhsyJs Muller of Waukegak, and are eertain service ln the equipment Of the build. MR. AND MRS. MANN TALK . T'®he in.ttes of the cata are totion companiles. The constitutionality fne bouncing baby girl," sa rs.NI ly a work of art. The base is comn- ing be stamped out, and filies are to be!of the utilities commission will un- NO REALDANgER K"l"t passad of Mame materiel and are con- Crédit Due to Dr. Brown. The opening meeting of the ÀLake wte stersl facmag doubtedlly be tested ln court proceed- "Yen, that'sall right, but when did tinuos, thnou rgPer et Bsa tatiOn.nenmat but nyBro nmeanssleu rint County Farmers' listitute at North bBthefarewelsta te of "store cat" as a(f Bresultfof th6eent fare tht FEl RYrepre'r-. ° private rooms foe patients and nurses. dent of this splendid Institution. In Parecuc usa aeecu-wihfrmn er a ae i Chicago wIth all transfer privileges. fil Mrs. KnIght with a laugh that al- There lis another "olto bathrom eerngtarnBontewrtraemn othvrmt riwho ar- ilcient nocturnal war lupon the mali- Princeton, 1N. J., Feb. 9.-Permis mot'dro.wned the baby's musgic like OUot nthis fluer, inluding station-Andsi ifnuta tr fronthwortex-raged t the ein n fres t iuroetthtatackd h srng Ion to use Alexander Hall, the Prince-te otmeadehequeeflons very "7y wash bowls in the rooms. The 1press the great credit which is-due tended from all Parts Of Benton town-,hold of limburger, the sugar barrel and tont University auditorium, for a asscle erly and ànalfy extende4i an Invi- rdoms are aill inishbed in Georga Punehim. With al] due respect to the 'ship, thus showIng their Interest finithe flour bin.reThe great and mighty'meeting to hear "Billy" Sunday was Leprosy ls Not-Contageus'and tation to the rieporter to cait and -sees wýh maplle domr. Another large and board of supervisors it must be salidtthe Institute. ·Inatehasdeceedthat the feline war- reusedto acommtteeof sudens toa g for himselfwhat a fine baby was now ceinmodious lIsen clost la located on thtD.BonwssheJa h hr ut aebe ls oa rior must go and has takent ýup the1 day by President Hibben. made the conter of attraction at the the Ar, wtoutrovi orthegwntsoflaunched the General hospital plan. hundred persons In attendance amd i asoft o fending eranemalth. nne The Humane Society is to hold a i-Knight home.. glirfrmswithou aing. t o on When the Board of Supervisors pur- PresideMnt Barrett naturally was much livebs bteofen din anthat 0c1atm are card party Friday ait 2 p. m. at the tmutaegiven -"the creeps" to Thun, with the mnysterystill unsclv- stairsfor anthing.chasedl the laike Breeze sanitariumn elated by the showing. The Wednes- ta e ies em n home of Mrs. J. P. Arthur, Geneseo embers f theEmorConraCu ed, the reporter was forced to hang up Additioal Equpment, and convertedi in to a countytuniti- 4ay toeiting at Lakte Villa was ex.- eat carers olft to eigrmaowndeStreet and' Cornvavenue tahete n i t igeo hland Partouan tha Clts the efv anndeprtoh tution, Dr. Brown volunteered hie ser- dected to' cette as much Internestand i knwv ha ateyeerybody l i ai. Thhtwthea wohdlenonwsvbantdsrrnerteasin The building le stage-heated fromn iet ssprnenetfrn d ra slreo are tedne Ices therelnt n inul t wtheal arage frheproefrasb dtorsotman d suffot enfom wsabt to thein teryteossrang a Kewanee plant >situated in another lVanei aayoe hth a t h ot rii etntemay get tao aded b atei lfundis to maintain the good work be-whatwasaspposd t a badfac, r in town hethe ytelepone bella building, thug eliminatinjg nise and then receivingas county physician. men met fInthe upper PAXt ofthe sorts of dreade - tr.ing donte by the humane society. was ,PvIeti fafllyl hoh. R ed rngfoc , da1oieofaote dir:t He inimediately institutedl sweeping church white the ladino gatheredit n Ultimatum to storekeepers. Announcement is ree ase fteho. y Ate sverlm .s .aßr -411 plump fli tuaes efrom t;herfrspaIng thge institution im- the basemeant _where Mrs Frank J. 'SO, the. -tate authoritie' have is- frIends nthsctyochemraae et0phyiciaa d ocrdl ti $ "eâclaned the voice, "did celebatèdrin o J. Mott Tron mdiately 1upon a payring baste, some- Mann gave demnonstritidáš ln domtes-l sned an ultimatum ta storetkeepers Isso Mary Mantrer to Aussey Hamil dansstecs a sltd u yufnwta o ngthsabb aNoi eW Je ,ho thin which hadl not bufors been a- tic science and household science. that they must not have cts about ton Robnett, Past Assistant Surgeon, there sis noheaoge noet fe thshue t tea f tting and equip- complIshed @Ince the sanitarium was The women were much àtteeted and their place of busimmsý,. .U. S. Navy at Los Animas, Col. Miss luneriaylThereisnodayngertofleelet icing up s aseterietr e ngd.'launched. gleaned valuable gldsgestions. This *Iil be one of the most wel - Manifor made hier home for some tiepau flpoybekigotann àd s that's what 1 hear and l'IR The beds arm made by the ArtB- It was*while ln the performance of Mr. Mann addressed the mon "on corbe bite or news received in Wau- 1in this city with hier sister Mrs. Ra membersu of the Exoora Clb.,ë- kttofng utabut it. What do"Ye stead eSSp"Irof Chicag;;and are ofhsduesa superintendent of the soill and alfalfra", and, being one of'kegan in a long tame. 'A few mer-Bidadhs ayfins ee ea0hslfn fte lhs tn- ;yog ião u ot ath l.affair." dié latent pattern and design. Each sanitarium that he conceived the ideathe most successful farmers in Illin- 1chllnts have the good judgment to re- 1will be Interested linlher marriage.. ing hveimaesoresuring stame nts "Wil, ait th e a t Doc ha ha i Atewtha ao rsttht sof a county generaf hbo»itàl. is ois, his remarkis were listened ilto mosit 1frain fromn keeping catstin their stores. iThyaetrsdetthe Naa st la lr.aipdti yr his friends about a ar; f eßdsotht n leatüglong expérience ln handling the couin- attentively. O0thers would -do so If they'could hear pital, Los Animas, Col. llAlnPsy r oh-ng gçole»i gtaaywt Dtl4the moattroes tiso comeS up. ty's. ilc'i t stod him là gooà gsta. D. L. James, McHenry county soil 1the commente made about the >ma t+er.Mrs. Chris Thompson of Chicago Dr)tolitamAeb ner f potheé> ' et's et hs c all oh* aT nest 1A I orl e "ned e -tsupotWithout .consulting anyone he Sent ndviser gave a short talkitWhich also It is known that some o1heegoc pntystra wt rsmat tDrthe Univeralti,ýf theois déÁcret: That baba is the tle tathe backrests id o cnvs.i tarium, blacing them ln a separaste The good roade, the firweather, the latter did not ca"e to buiy food!MiessJune Woods fEvntonl,_- or nlydéclthis:mN.Lptosy sno Th e ilate' if si hehsia YMO eh e isasdpple ih t'wo gcod_1wvard fram the tubercular patients, 1etc thS year seem to combine to) which hadt been trampied ons or slept mnerly truant oficer of thisct v feaeromt dis minfectio leon l oand'the bable was. brought here tri the Mol lngets nd onehygiei o-The experiment pravedl to.bo an un- makle the Institute a success beyond in by cate. The stte order'aolish-1 ed with local friends Tuesday. contagousd re TIsnfe is noytuaKih oesmetm hr fo'rter # ne f the g feitres ofgualiad succss. 'fe ethbfo in-previou-years ing cts-is o madeeffectve-at-nce-Aelatedbirth epormtn: Aasoaantma g . it " Dr.Lhoyd rs.iKnghtmanaher sster6h1e be1