A 1 cet DoiDERY ?Attagt(< dg hekmemacit m.ai, - -*50 -DIbomuns Emy Wseb.r tour cwoi et 1» dea * jrpcslmq»W tvi *WYIÇSOAP v.asabIsi W lienpsusme e ls t iait dio cmista dm ' ont> *sUmm, off«rfor g*Sm icii T.~W tST twearfor.,Men tre ano maiikluds of fnofwpar for tb.o mo f many am and wui have ,titid to make ed1tU1po, ýgitongh . mpply aIl demands. wi Id" pie hoes for the 'particuie mm-', », ab*i ou.,Iot 09M f èlr* asa w 0 Uwl i 4und t âaIl that. you iehe 4n 4Ms and* wesr. Tue7 corne in the newêet éh-**dm Iu etthter button or lace. Our Ï> o ffmr a chlelo f black, -tan-or chocolte jýk b,-luw 4Wlut.They wlU glive perfect 109 ln, bot fît and sozlce. bave a etoeo f rubb.rto tt11 .01 the 4ý oü s in d themudlepenulble in vet. anTuesdev if -"e î. Adkr- oite,,. toeêlly *"d te ta"0 particu te tai fe I p. .(Additiond6al baNews non Paqe4) LeO ~I~cfWd*wohb on sboeson IL!E.'Waw le snfferlmg front an atakopuomoola -ibrde ci Gssam~set TaolçJWm. Vivir bu hi* o re IfiCrotpis talai ebop. T, utohlds kitasbaia onfi *0t ta"e m I&r. tteudauçeab the nieà bmim eaby th ii ý Uo Womr **aràgy Lyeon a. Morris nd bisbride "r":metg Ubortyrvllle -6udey eter apendlpg.l1.er bousymoon la lova. *Mrs. k. Gw4dnl., lire. Jomp Turner W daugh*sr, Mut Uaude of ryolshe,, skst p ridmy o! lust veek vltb rlativeso bute. MIss Marlon Preston euterteined a nnt'abor of young lady -fbied- at à Velatipe Party Mondai eveubo at hber r.edi.Bobt. 8 cott lft Mond"i o vwbgt for LosAugele., Cal., vbere 1h13' Iexpec to -tayunutîl the. latter pWb of & pril. lr. &bd Mrs. Horalla Wilésnare expected *0 retoin ta theirfaram tue èeet, alter sçndlàsgseveral mntuhe lu Voer. T. B. Beate vent to BigloWed. m@M oseIs' 0pend a DIv daym witb bit deqgbtsr, *ho la stteudlng the Bilu IU tiW. C T.ULvill am t abthebore of lIre. agerby, Tiret street, Tueuday V.b. 23, at 2 o'elock. Topic, "Whà* YOn Cao Do.,, Tb e Suondai Sebool of the Preshyterise ohqbureb. belO Ibeir regular totli omt. Su n'< t tii. h nnw.of! ny P., Wigbtibis igr "d ami ir. J.T. Loberèmm aet *0 IMorao. mdI, Tbesdey la b pffest et ib ils imqqe 0 f Mr. Sbobrtso soster *w els udWm. Dinglea of Min ibitel ovw sqamtdya 111o 14,eai~b fotoes .brotibhrIL. H. ['bo Wells le ong bere a iuslèe th i eovtolhiuIediClopu I.teps bave bossa lmenby smm. 01 »0 MWs! a'vSobool iitrio, b"«&ee vhaltjçaov &$-the InnU ,a$ 5.1 D4Mgbs 4 " " lie.vp e echool d J.] n -'N to eut down your -Goal ée-.ôfup lÇwnber 47-mor- so30Meof that' bo, ~ ~ ~ ~ u boiaa~ltr pn Im~l~.k le a cousi o atm *0 à >ij "wftflo ebUIO. The bop Wlq.#%ib. Thesâpeake*%W w*4&P go . '. LW. And.ieo -n» "Jet onEucted bY $v - boes ifeWo. iova su attend tb p lauerai. Tho do l oerlugs vre -«Y 1 1 Yllt sth es wlIl hao*tu fflkaIOýý ppuTnes<a.y lng', W Ironeod b ae posia one.Tllq Wci»l b. nature cdaaad tinte mSw and a r eypersan mn "dressai OP", vOlb. Ouned. Suitteu nruebmute wUl e ved Mi" s 0"àW5b.b* 09 Pottéda., Nov yorid. atw*b~ otus tb.re Satudaj aei clao. S *aÏ. A. Wulight of ubl at lb. iïs o! ber 4~.M.adMs G.4 A.WW* lrà. C. F. Wrlgt vent to PotémdpsnSucday *0 attend tbe fuerai. PrMed aynlpin *ib.LIIIIT*IviII. JW ochool beokeê haWlteetu ii P" & double Iider, *b orsi gamme. 10 ». vi*l tbî Iveubo& *sàna e m. eond vie the. Aes ta=. lisbaskot'bail sso' IoMoines overuà lm sBlgb @ai" Winl PIai OOnv m p or tv1moue. ifro0c .nDJOY lb.e porfrou sjiold mot mi"s tl intipsIambe1 , eTi .boye'oued roui, enceourapgluet, sudo nes be aIrold *0 root. IThe temps are evenly metched andiboth gepsssoe mledpoé b.a' and enjoyabie.,tisse aums ill notboi a ~ ~ t eeeto fii useqot, coutoiâta Wh" bâbve besaeuocommon on oui ftour tbie violr ~u WVPS -I bas booka n lerimlt 1CUI ugelui for pim ist ior., Te cours. lo apreud. b*tsr-thm lte orneput ou '"1 Yeer6" aMi O -eail Ove pombeue gerbe 8blrul-tord* lI,'~e o by "40»tes. The tfortb nuntber ot th.entertelue. e*b 2,-tbihoLre'lae u d mon gour a "Tii.qmes » ape X.er hug lsen*eanidde.auuprora..ý YllI~ pp~ ops iîe m secbs sau ne eh" à weekl>-; M.i wvhy .« ogf»Ïlfreo*iMÏn t mwmry *ud ripotabO r g&iýd 'With1 a b*uk aoount Wàý#t d wate freqrxmn*y abidè w4e A Ohý Àôdôtnt w* ïyt«im eloi s'yment* WI a remord o:f e ve" wmQetli M MJ.; B. N * n- nim iajver, 14c0., sàiamului. uion, 11.;' W. À. Pou, LY- gii 4ébms . Ml Crrt i II.gL H Spiseher. LeUtw, . B Vndswrfl .oiso. Utaht; J. 'D. Woey, Leagri. 1114 J-0. Wl.dmir Rochord, 10.,J. lt#Is 1mUkB IL 1. b. aerbom o upaieadout of1 lodleY forum, the & B. vi jpse"n wetotUbertyvp).,wou acoin ereide ,tktim Manda4é lterooa.me rouaislor wbfl* %b. bas loit tiro Lugera, tbe onti alu unlond o isrphno tta tron. ,o'clçick, sud lb. tvo oà" vobie tbe machinw.vsenat avare 0f lir. aber. kornà'@ pruno. ooutil benq told _aI lb. acclident br'Mi. Habrkore, vite, lu trylug ta remove a .11k of coin vblb vas clar ughbmber, band mii. two fingereuto belov the. Oret joint. n. dld ubt> remlcs héslbIom of bist nomrs, atlil aller vltbdrwlug hi.s band Iront lb. basket, nud mbhurried o thé bous vhou. théIbaud vas baudap&i tter iublb b. vuslaen Io hbe officeaof Dr; 3. 1. ?ayilow to bave thé. ljury 1ebs rut reports about tovo vers *0 ,,. Rerkorn badimbe band la causeSfie Habao #»M elpain mài mado hlm véryalck for»so«"aIbons,. SUN AÀvàIU8L 4LDY Belcaue ofnqmgrous roquete for copies fof eelueOîy 18w, t lbérly. ville "iac day, v" have Ïaeéd te ofié 4b'yMàl eba eveling cud It,41 the al bml ut wlsh à £ppalnlyf.,lr ly nb*u thér si Twe. nim'o '.ek ctifs r**OImUpeler *ceft. flehs y 15e1 t lMr. Walrond'a store oeA mEptvu~&DA WA UK EGAN liard an'd Soft Coal Orders Deflvered- Promptly you caln't go wrong Il, -Fyou buyfleed here LUXBR OMPANY I WEQ fPÂBLI AND 1FRUIT. CORLEU &T iu Phose9 Ç10.8 O'-I cake materla le ger tlan ever. verY wo- hymore uslble veinm iiq,,byifin es, pas- bey. bromdnai soi le thiop front ttbek.ry. ItV@ cheper antI no botier. Pries remale tii."Mre. Ou igh queity neVer vane. LIE EIRTY VI BÂKERY Pion. liard Wobd AU Lengths A VJ3RY $PEÇllAL SALE, 0F SILK Mosikry .1'i Iee ad 'Vie Luub.r os£» n ~~~~~ ON ue SOee S IIAYSILK ,OT lROBE, blk, tan andi wlite, usuaily sold 3 at 50c. speelaÏ fortitia e, 8 ar for $1.00 or per par ...... ¶ TheWeare fine values andt e, sale come at .au .oppdwtine tllce. Bùy t» um ow -for - spaam wolU asfor esent4 ear. -nhe ~qantity îe llmlted. .~Upe~i -45 qf l - 1