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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Feb 1915, p. 5

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J?.,m: h -i 1L îýîîItm«relatives aid'hinde liera Smm Barnai Gitanes, le a gaet et tire ,41iderborne tsi. l«-t. -,"ao. Longabsegh i Chiuito, quaI 49" wayitb bis parante, J. J. Longe.* Z Cre Gardt omuated b«unessl -Ail report a fiu nis et tie Mytie SLongabaagb traneaetad bu.lnse ~Cbleeo aturday. Ceire Allen vasr a Chcago vistai 980Oe. able li on the ick flet. Cauîmenclug vîibnnzIBnday, omn. vbce et lie lit. Andrevs Mission viliiha bluI et 4:80 ln the alterirn ac uti txitbef notice and commening Wedues. 4qyeb. 24. tiers yl l e cottaga miritce.everî Wednmodayavenlug dunlng hi., Tho irel on viil b et tie iborne ~i bre. Johu Belfar< -Ri. Whte ;vi1 Iaktti..mtings. Evaryone vel. comê vo ibes ta attend. B. J. Wbelock vas a Chieagoî viiton ftop that ropgh. siti ils-ali Cherry ,SBri Gougb yrup. Mm». Saie M"eofa feK il, ,is -vlttng relatives endlrisaIs liera. Win.. Spnlger tranuacted bhusineus et WaakgaaTuessia>. Attorney Chrnu I va. iu Waukegan on bQuIeke Tuaidaî. à 25 lb. International Stok Fod for 4100OOeaIthesRezai lrng Store. Druca Drag Go.- Tiue basket bal gaine bettas-cu Gray@- laie BaMd Kenosha vas won by dis GrayWelatetem lu e adore ai 18fia 28 Darlng tire ganta Evert Raut, a guerd un the borna maign. reeSlvrd a savene; vouaI over isleye, maktiag il ua-esseoary ta have several stiteal*aken. Tbe Grayeuake Woau*o Club wili IsUa iapublic dnlukiug iaunltaia iu aur tuerai a $on as tb. vaier vokoara lu vortlag aider. Rary Cramoal, ths trouble maif tii. tliphonae ornpauy vas laken ta, r*#ekegin hopital Tuaidsay ta b. oe au onfor appeudk.fis. Mme.Wn. braudtetter enterteinasi tua Ladies' 0Cuilllat Tamday. Mis.tVary Drus. altentid a aedding oi a distant relatives at Racina lat - Tas Colecion 1 viii be ah lounI Laiaavery Tuaiday sud raylai. Wedjumday sud Saturday. John Mason. 21c4 PRUMOT CENTER MiesElzabeth NMienenanthae lk el. Geo. Obenanif apent Thursday Inu 4@drow Wagner o! Waukagaa. attend- ad Ibe StaIa01obitebrotier-b34&wa, Fred1 Firaul inronimnu, Jr.. oi Vol, callul ou relative. be.but Tmeiay. Ms& Jus.Tekampe apet Taul aiteasslanat Lîbertrvîlle. Lorets Rertel vas coulinel ta ber bOo*s*b.puitvek i vtli amre ecol. Litde Frsdeicansd Belen, aidatJ ecgli lMr U. ad lMe.Fred Wagnar ~>nquit. ils vitI carlt leverî blr. El Luby oi Round Lake, @Pnt several ldoeis putvekstathie boni. ai ber parent, M. aid UMs John Hantel. Tvrtue, a boy sel girl, arrivedst ethle hame af Mn.. sd Mr@. Jos. Titus bait seturda,Yeb. 1. The grll dsiortly aller s a rrivai. ville liera là ltIle lio' tuât tii.boy viii survive The funerai services aif relerick Mussr oi CtMog, !ormneriy af tii. place ver. bell et lit. Mar'@ Cafliolle eclib ucis Saturd7is iornlng at 10 o'cloci, Rai. y.. jay offi"itng. U. Maman wa 46 Ye.pie0il4 ad livuai.,aile, six ebldo aisd onas miter, Mri. Caraine WqfflerOfi lîhoo..W. extanil aur hourtlit simuýpatby ta the beeavel on.. !slupuadet: MorereelIeramehaua asuat!veeokues oomblaed. Nqov ls the Timet to fe S811" and Poultry Food. Weruoany ILes, Intarnatiosan ad Proodman-eaII ceHableansd gauran- p». Nw nte,îm t crafor "Wih-geàt uc hgh rie.You néanIt olord not to try a pakaga of air og, owr. Wa amegivinig 4466 entzffor agge in trsd of aà» Ilunc.on8tomeay ltu liai tront Nlunpollu. Mrs, Fr4em saberger, EBtier *cd vie lara i L~n~edî guet1olKr.e U 8Of Chiaigo. A nuie ffvtn oli 'Aàlamitý 13MeComine' oecool oati 9gblaud PartkI Mies Graeebhlesairto of ber friandesanmda y e Mma.Loulua Otermnan Mii viek4od guait 0ofi E. a. Wllem. Miss Elfieda Knaak v0 guet ai ber mugter, Mre.Bo 0i Chicaga. ThéMUliiianaryi ocieti toriane hurni VIII bdemtur Re#mateatiTbutua i tn Tlie Moderm Woodsaec tbelr lu.tailation Fnl.a Royal 2eghbore vwr. %bol Mtisse.Mabel Raruehr Ameia Peterao, JmalilYi Pattis atandeil dmi.Chrilt convention in CIicaO Te Mrs. Josephb'Plle bled gueule aanuntier aifrons mile. Ruthi Lldrwaod w m" gamti 1Bol] 0f igilst day sud Wedne.day. The Dorcai eociety of t] church bell their annuak borneoailors. F. Ea. sey Pertis van elected preailse Frfiday -eveulog ieE childreu-gave a peylet ai, Jaun" utthIle teeriield atr liii movias. It vas Ing »ketch mstb JosephbY part ai Jumnbo ,urn,b Gotublton, Josephi Sayl ganaab, Flonsi-e.Corcori girl Who vas nader theg Mir. tiobbleton mwas dCoiett lOver. MidseMary 8Suis lavyer. 1Mr. (iahbletou' lhaynmoud lin.'. Tue sas 1fr. (uhc.u lta lusAn eltePirson i plurisy. dies bMildrcd MWitusi numner ai friandse t c eveolug.f Littia Wesley Stryker dfil tanniveraary of bisehi peàrty for li@ boy frinds' Doon. Mrs Wm. Staffes entert gatunday evaning. Fred 0. Mypr, clleto Eterattars sssry trid homue in )erlleld aver rcaire ties. Mr@. Fred Biedpratai daugbter, UnsrpyalBai TiLursda sud Friday. L4m VOT DDPEDNT RIÂ, FEBRUAIRY 19, 191.5. ifl7'~UTIIEI3DIATAMIN 'BELL READY TO l$209000 DAMMi§E ~e/ Sund<Cke I..~e~f/aII IlREE WE13KS IN1 COLLAPSE; DISCOV. SUIT .#WAS FILE 21>eoew The. Xnickeroulerle Co, imtparing DALZIEL FAMILY EE UTI IE S TETCRC etertained eta demie ahir large Io@ bous@ bere, prepara. R DJ S NT N S T E TC RC îoofbe geua IL ÎÂ A Snt prpoes, whib 80 fat bave Doit beeu Death of Mrs. Robert MoNeil!Bell Weighing Nearly a Ton, Were Struck and Almost ln-. r, Mir. sud -Mr#. Ceîpodm Aet ad k:wn. The boarding boume taill Near Ingieside Follows Heri Hung Like Sword of Damo- stantly KilIed by a Street ~ and r* Win.P elgbt of tIi. roome ln the ice bouse areDatClsy.esnthCurh Car Near Libertyville. an Ir.Wm til i lid wtb te. bat these wili lie Death basa lnvaded the Dalsiel home Waukegan, Feb. 1..1 Two damnage suits. aggregatlng $20.- kt atede Tii. danmegivelibystiiLady C. 0. F. emiptiedasai ait Sipossible and th" ll'ai ingleside, near Fox 1L.ake, for the: For orne llttl fine, juet bow long 000,agaînt the Chicago &Mlvaulkée et the. 114b wa a great succeti, thora belon (seventiSblpped ta the. cit?, and the work of third tie withfu about tbree weeko. aobody seems te know, the Immense couple prement. itaaing down willwt ot biîterruptid. the latest belng that or Ni ru. NMartha churc beitllnlthe steeple of the FirBt Eiectric Ratroad Coman f rthe alu.ii B number Rede Broo, have bougbt a cernent i Gobalt thhu large, twenty-two MCNeil on Nlonday evening. Niethodist churcli, lîke the sword of'deai h a littie over a ya s r Ming. Mslxng machine. room boume about twenty 3 car@ agi or 'tre. NIcXeill the wite ofR lobert Me-; Datuocies, bas beau uspanded by a and IMr4. James Sage, an à&drly i u Imyre anîd et that time it was the largeo et v as the daughter of NIrs. Robert ta, te use a figure of speech and pie reding near Làbertyvtlie, wera 01Cbuê,4o, Waé Oeo. Roslng of Wooter Lake ebîpped ice oueil. tbreaontrdadve brsîster, Mr@., 4800 lbo. of claver nerd from tbie station ominetaraund d-ibs coury sd evrDaizlel, the 98 year aid resident taba thatfit dld net coilapse and peritapa iled in circuit ceurý Thurediy Blter. Tuesday. mneta le t a uuse Okdied at Robert Daiziels bornefaset resuit la a very serions accident meeni noon hy Thomnas Sage, admîntstrater lfor uiauy men during thebe w.- s.a n ed oeât. Old age caused ber dernIse. more an act of Divine Providence1 of the Ptates ofgJames and Saraih ai4 the. veet.end lBrown & Snith bave a lateet tmoçiefor t!tat maesn vaare meîir.îta bave WS .ll er ne yAtre Mil atca ndilin tii@tor.'And, about three veelta ago. tirs. iban anYtliiug aise. Sg.H s ersne9h tofe lomaynefitryker aIelcro pYaerr. It go.MNea daugbte*ln-lav, irs. MWII- Tbe Methodist cliurch ban stood C. lieliner Johnson of Chicago. Ed Browan, Raiph Litwller and Ralpb The Farmer'iatitute held here ae.t jamMeN l assd aay tShefor- bore for a gndm5O>y years.NOos The accident la question vas ou. ni r lf the Preebs - Davit rode ont frrat Chicago vis auto. Wednesdby alturnon sud eveniing w" merly was Mise tra Biiiett of Anti- aver bas pald much attention ta tha tbe moat regrettable that aver bai, .tan.dby>h.cibul Tie.ay Tby aimit1* 5 elietendthe. hailltiing tIiied for ccii, coming frout one of the veil !big bell, welghlng aarly a ton, tor 1hep pened la tbe caunty. Mfr. and Mn.' ruan, Miles rom Chicago ta Round Lake, t bath mouon.s nd îery lItereting uteet- kiiowu familles thare. 1tbey supposedfit vas iieli pla tce go Sage baad been attendlng a par'ty iiuae of Amoteia ieid ltait tii. spedonetor saye @o. loge beid. Lcaul talent buijed wtb tLe Thugs bareîy have the inourners 1subetantiai>y that there wasnocaseLuertyvlle and ware drlving home ln y eveaîug. thie Watci for tie large bille for tiie St. lentertaloment whlch vas ali5ii ery drled their teara under oaa bareave- for worry. A faw days ago soiJ0e a borne and buggy. Their courset.took loir un. Patrick's danes on the l7tb aifbiarcb. giod. ment viien another has vlsited them. baPpened te go lato the beilfry and thoent across the treel car tracks. Ap- - r, Anna and 1 vould like ta boan $10,000.00 or Paul Avary vas ln Chicego last week the onusuai coincident of tbree ila ýwere startied ta Sund that nearly ail of pa stucktheni villaetraveling at vbat rettarand Editb lais on an lmproved farininl Avon or Wedneeday and returnad wîLb a Ford a row" being g exemplifiad .lu a the bhaells t hold the buge plaeeof tsrc !mwil rvln iwa eiuEndeavor Grant tavushipe. Addrsss "C." care a of uabout te a b.u.d an adelîîcîy wagon montmarkeddewe btl npatehv lre tne and g id la bave beau a very rapid rate 'omdal aveuîug. Lake Conuty Indepeudent, 1 Pe4 lu his buinesu.. irs. MeNçll's iueband le a farimer fhe bell vas beiug eupportad by tora Thse taocuats0 a u et lier week-end Mir. and 1fr.. C. Calugi of Whewater. la vhat le a ow as tha Big Holiow. or lbree holts tbat might hava gîven Tetoocpnso h ug .frmCbcag. W UCO DAWie, bave beau upending a 1.-w daye Tbay bave one son, William. iway at aintost any tinte. Needsas ta var bxld sumn i lte distance "Ai WAUCO DA 1bath were kilaed aimait instantly. vraiethe ueetofvltb thaîr daugiiîer, lire. (ar lMiller The tbîrd deah Inl thr, DaIzIel fain- isay no fiime has been test la iaving B andr uee- Te.îoi nttuebn .ýFi!W- eipBtb vere nid ceidants of tliei caity ,ndPak Te. Th Fîrnraiistîut bed em n-vbajeîmrouing. ly bas prodtuced a stock ln the coin tbe bolts renlaced and fastened se- sud their deathhecausati ganeral . day vai a great sure"@, large crowdse1 ariy laut Wedneeday inoruîljig tire munlty wbere ail aie vail kuown. curely. gret.te ýh r@yeiuatnigteatrenadeeigwsdiecavered iu tihe i>d 'A.iidlaud -1I \ieiners of the ciurcb siudder ta e ntuaddolrda geae be b'ehtra tedu taatronaî nuiig-- bi S eoe o h tikwa ih av aPndbi e husn olr aae r meeting at the pragframe. Mr. Mennuofai llmau n i- bidngvih aIea eon 1ate S I XT bn wa gt bveiaMeed bad bcg ashaci la aichcasa. It ls said er. Mrs. (je.sîructad lie farinera boy ta treat the,' rear Oifte lot alleir the erecilu0a I tSSU S X ADUV the suPport ing boîte givan away sornteta eaa episieo u out. seili tagrow langer crape. 1Mr. James oai n[lewbuilding. Thore was niu Ore in the. *ture wben the ciurci vas full of trom Weal eop. ltmne of ha cd Evrt culWoodstock spoke un daîryiug sud the! building ut the. time, no the orgin aepl.IrmWukgnwtuse the TIN FOceL K eai. et îttid Juboprpar faed f-'r tick. M.lneni gv irelis amyeteny. it hadlbeen ussd aieh-cdènaiy iNmiFORsldÀia aAKE____dent.___ Evet1tt fe5oTP1 I em a lyltc ensned utday niit i.anybila endite-Jumboitanth b i ortaiu t ire bouge, lu a short turne1 tàSmlybal 0 rad adbridgea, lutraîîug bis it bail burnad ta the. grouud sud the LOUNTY RtEJIDELNTwble aguesta vara iling jin t ticProji.r Tlmber Arese. sa au eulirtain- diai sa ndt trotcnvei r.Vlnte iedpletdice h William Penn. lu bis charter ai Yore takiug the bMenu ai Gilman eondncted a meeting for i lýýt ta ssving lb. Dîzan tore, Keller Lincoln rafueta helust n t h v e gis 0f forcîldtcfer naar bis mater Mr. teldff ntealternoan at the M. W, retaurant anded Wendland itcher M nIsCagdWt aigiilkyrfsdt uti h ev ce ffrn lee n cesKI ra; tae youugA. hall, discutiine darntie science and e@hop, ail close iiy. Uaod a ark as doua Embezzled $1 ,200 From lvelght sud vitit a grinding noise tbah be tift ln, voods. Farautera taàay d: urdaiip demuotrating by eookingeeveral tabole- vtb tiie ciemical enginee.aad altbongb Aug. Meyer of Barrington tvo or tirea inciies. 'tan and vaman tha lartnsbauld Lie inta Der- guarianhipofaome sud scoiîoîîical diehes. She ongan- hiirneo nean, tbe bùldirg~-ns eal tta Co vay; ber izdadietrâ.uù lbo h ninsaved. Waukeean, Fe',.. ~ieaped back froa the danger pointTh ddon, and lt î- onsî cec lba the lde States Attorne a>jlph J. Dady ta- land vaiked gngerly on ater side of Ti.Iadeudmat Inu l. e adlsen ofa ai.iscomiuniîy. Sir@. F. L. Carr vas liru. Cherlas Keller wves all.-d Io a sea xrdiinlprsdrceIit.The fluor atisBpoint la qulte ne was laid iii 'has"aP"eietaiMs AlePoeC caals etb tesrlsise t -the Wisconsin authorilles for thb.i near tie grouad, se danger vas slight. eecreiary. The ladies will hold meetings@loi ber miter aud remfaln.d for seral <m(fite ill vitb masch iii h. Mn. iDillon, aur vice tirent- daym. aturmra takelsclty f er ve e n 1t atgisthe priviiege ta makir- dent. is t hiicatiiy rommetndedfo Mrs. Herbert Murrieai Waukegan, rbarged vit b iavlng embazzled $1200 ny borne ofthfe. jaif sud psy board lb.o fine program ecrranged fur thei lui- @pent bundey viti iier parent@, 1Mr. and front Auguet 'Meyer of Barriagtoa. met as I voulfi soute place eas ed si ~ ~ I~ m e4 4 entertained a tute. The Ladies Aid served dinner and j 1r.. Henry Miler aud otiier relatives. U taabut vayaas ao cbwek Joap carde gaturday esupper at the M. W. A. hall. George Mitchell and Miss $tell& Kerr i sas mployed ln a store vblcb Mey- L Blr o eleki a oDisc a ney A. Reo Aa.%isssImo ie M r. Ida iCoggin) IJenett died et te yiilted lMr, sud lire- Wîuî. Mitihell in ardbduc t a Waco and H di- L rr !Knoi odiso uing. riveUM ",WU rsiebrated tiie Frances Willard bospitel, Chicago, Sup. Chicago Sundet. eperdaotta it ds i Belski, a wdays agu, e alde TLir e s .H5niud t ednsvrda w bt eqetl.Ir. eylbaer iaays oied 3iiis sentence ln u il. Ne sayp ii ho1 1~ 5Tuesiey sitar- apeation for gal tanai and livar trou- M@ .8 4l 1n idsve5 o.ta heflo alemeze i aafgrald ta go borne te bis vite, en eW a 9 0 bie . bine. B n n ett v a . l e d eu g ite r oif af rte ra . A p i n ie d in u e r v a s se rv ed . m o n ay ta t e u re o f $ 120 0 . H e p la ec-e m M 4 r . I W U , taiued et carde Mfr. aud Mr@. Cogain and lier ebidbood Dngv odC * . 1116e M daya ver. spent hera. Sha W@ asrriad dr.SiitiGilîbert, a bu receuîly un. ed the maliter la tia bande at the Lincoln, Ill., Pcb. l.-Wontngv OdzS d. hv U or. vîli te at4tiie tae.Iay Bnneit andi maved ta Mianeta der went an openation, io uat very vall. state's attorney and altiaugi diligent tua citty thc commission tort of gai- 1000 MOM 1 Ffo WIh iay and et hiecotl'eholctd aotyo,4 puttehngadIn t lire. Laler they moved tea atain Alfred Richardse 11sufeing tram e search vas made for the fallow ha crament tosiay. avercamlug a ntens* F, mifl ad *es ýry Tnesday laenair Barrinitan and tatelve Jears aga seevere attack ai pueun.iie.cudntb ae. coates theiafp1opositnet te cange sud setled lu tial vllaie. viiere Mr. Bannat 1 it. J. . .Mehon dîidautlier haine Ha bas joat bana lacated ln a city cryu hi rpsto yamjr , Mi 8, & f» L it ieicd andiail ab«q ire yeam ago. The fanerai la Chicago tast veek. The.fantllv made la Wisconsin t appaire. Jmat vicee10' 0f 127 votes. Thc vote atend 1,420 . IL4Uc I ,deviotedbe virs heid tram the.home ut Barrlugtan fir elbore eafor some tinie sud waeha le Mr. Dady says ho duos net wlsb for thaeiiroposttion and 1293 a.n t s LIiV#Uj, ins ai %%ýfiutttece. ~Mttieun at Evanst fici vg ell knovn. $ho leaves ber iinsbeud te stateýatthe, settinta for hiei A numben olfiendegava John ('anlan, J r., a peasut urpries Moauîay aening. S. A. Baie attendal tihe Cement shaw la the ity Tbnreday eveni. Alvin. Meyer relurned ta uchool ah Chamapalgu Suuday aitar pending tie pat tvaves visiting bie parente. Mies Frances Bielertadt vas tb. Suuday gust aiberraeiter, UmIsaebl Biedrtdt ai Rglaul Park. tMesMargaret Kennedy, llaskens, Rose. Povare ai Lake Fors@1, vers tha week-end guesa iese feiloecrolaa. The date af the Ilutreilhobolai bteeaita for 8aturday evecng. Feb. 27. Mies Ia J. Crawford oai ila, Naine, te the gue.t ai ber Mater, Uns. Rami RB. Moor. Carl Seeistraul of Chicago, va. the saut 0i S. D. Naison Suudal. Miss Lucy OCounor, vIa ha beau tha *'Our Lady Acalem" ai Chiago; le vsitnS lier parents. Mr. and Une. Jantes OConor. liv. saff6rd vas a Gbiicge visitor Tnuday.4 Warren Rook treuctesi busInéesil Chcago Satrdai. Lloyd Whts ai *auksgan speut Sun- day vith liii parent.. Warren Clveland ai Cileago @peut tha week-end villi bis parent.. A week oi parties: A fanavell parti vWu givea Tbursday eteelg at J. P. D)awiasâ'u.About 80 e4lie4. ÀAsur- prise parti v40 aivaqP 9 uml; ta M. end Unm.W. 6 7 ",7a oyater îuppen vas senti. 'tu gave a paret q ..:Fi~,rla.St Urdy.--aggei ~I~Ia valu- tiue siit et ehner ibueis..A paeti-vasiesn bll ah Mento W.b'a. Carde ver*eplayed. Mir. Meno Webb visel dMms.glali. "sI Hapkinsast Rlgbiand Park the paut week. Dlly Thoucht. Whsn ion have ho bha atviai d du- Pevieed icur value ie merly Bndm ma; the phumenalman Wh via m davI the bis 1«teetheia'ona vi oau d8o ie taïk vitb.# hean; tu BiialinluWanconda canetery. 'Four sud aine childnen Io nouru berlue.. 8ou-s survive: Jaof l1 ilunesola; i.èslte, Mn. sud lrs. Fracuk Harilnou t ser- aI Jantaita; Saufard. ofIlova; Lovaîl, ai anal days villi relatives atSing Grave. Banningtan. Rtobert, the fith eau, died ar a ga ins.Geo. Burnet a@ ba uequite iii ______________ itht he grippe tha past tva veeki. - ..~j E. T.Sieparilsoan sd Paul Aveny f E iý rH vW er.ai the doiuty seat on busiaes Tb@ vedding o JohinSielly and Sopi àA mu, Giorgia Avery visited ber parente fBOOM toak place at St. Pltlck'aPuirb ah Orayslaks oua day lait vesi. Tuesday morung. Palier FPley officia- ttag.. The couple are taking a tript Iova, vialllng the bird'e cousin. Tie basket social sud carl pary bell Sahurday algt vas velF atten4ddn &bout $80 vws rîsarel. Mies Nobel Dellupeysi vaa sChicga vistar lait ve.k. Chas. Caubmonre sud Frank 0" et.ah tauded the. aiment abov Monday. Quit. a nunther veut tu Waukeas Frilay ta attendtha lounarai fthefr al friand and niglboer Thomu. Taylor. Mmre.Thomas Straag bai b*eausick ior nearly ae vea. Thie Ladies Aid and the Mounnt liat Gsrnuteny @Miety vil test viti lins. R. . IMurria Tbureday moruing. Fai. 25. Robert 14çlis le quit. poorly. RuyNellie vas a lîvaukea vieitar Thuraday. Ansa Garis vae a Kanasha viitai on Monday. trannt Van Vieet oi West Allie epent Friday vith is @inter. M ni. WiI Melvllei19 u thealeciiliât. John litai les la laid up vltb nbauma. tient. R. 9. Lavin o a asna avent jSaulay aiglit wihii Ans Corris. Tenantes for Cenurlis. Tva cemarkable mense ofubroken succession of enanbi vers mention"d ah the sala of part ai Sir David DOlves Broughan'a Cheehire estahe t rae. Inglaud. Il vas statail tiat thie Bar. hon family bail beau teuants on tha astate aven tva tuudrad îears, vhile tie Cooka fanili bail beau tenanta ln unbrakenasuccessioan fan267 Yaars.- The Independient fi the oountyla on. Iy lia~i wookly-thes iwhy every. tskltet. W. B. Miler, tai -lletanirtie totan of Lake, Villa, viii heetaithe Lake Villa .Truit & Savlage Blie ryTuaiday aud Sahunday. 21dB W. B. Miller. Tax Galeclor. Notice GivenofPublic SaleefFersanai Propenfy Notice le bereby giren liaI on Fiday, tii. 26&b dey ai Fabruary, nai, bewvean Iue honnietfi1'cloct sud 5 'clock la thie aitarnoon ai said day t tiie ]&te r.eideaca ai Robat F. Dey, ,tir.. mlles norhbvest oi Lîbertyville andl four sud a hait mile. suoatof aiGralake an the forimknawa a. tite Frank Day tarin, persanal praperfy oi seid decedet. cou- setiug 0f the folloving article. to-vif: 1 dinvlng bores. 6years old, vhl1100 bo.; 1 van mare, 8 yeare aId, wl 1100 Ibs;1 1 vank horse, 12 yeeriu old, vhi400hbs. 1 mare. 4 yeare nid, vt 1200 Io; 1 cot 2 îears old, 1 colt 3 yeare al, 1 pany 5 yaans aid, wt 800 Ibo.; 1 colt 6 motbs al; 16 mlci eavs, t> unew milkers, 7 epingoa;) i Holstein bi, l.2 peareaid; 4 beliare, 5 caives, 8 pige, 84 clchaus; 4 490Me,1idrag cari 1 waiir cultivaten, 2 v-hkiug piove, 1 titres setion drag, 1 riding autivatar, 1 pulve riear, 1imanure spreaden. 1 new double barnas«, 1 double barneas, 1 siagle banneoss 1 top buggy, 200 bu. asti, 250 bu. hiarleî, 400 tu '. cor ariI ru, 10 bu. seed con, 45 bu. potatoes, 12 toue boy, 8 stockacarna ,itake, 50 tons elage faid, Cook atave. lé mUkieu*cansd otban articles yl b sold jmt publiecsale lu aîcordla&nce vltb an arde ten iii.CoîutSCourt of!LLks Coutî, Illinola. terme o! sala-Cash or crédit 0f not mmorena 12 moathe lime, by tahîng Bute. vitigoal sscurity of thapurchsars atialei. Alotie follaving article. boiaugint te kr tDal, ta-vit: 1 Raisteîn bal 18 uth OtU; a d oluielu beige, 2 y«.r oid; ia$ 40.1er,blay rack, viii b. mal on È e te)ln. 'Mailndo E. Day, Admnneratnix. K. L. Dvws, AuctIaneer. optltin l IB ia hefllov bas ual îet beau piacal undar arreit. Paariug tiat Schisike migit figit a rtura tai Wankagau ta stand trial the .tate's attorney le takiug no chances end laj securing the extradition papars aht lic saimatinte ha sacures ils sirest MnI. Dady sais ba daus not care t eay anîtbing aboutl lite casa unôl Schviske bas mean pliceil undar ar- reel Sud brought back lo Wauimagan. CHUTE PLMIUE'S COST LIS MLIONS, SAYS WASL STORY Report Shows That Federal Government's Share Up to Jan. 1 Over $2,000,090 Washington, D. C., Feb. 11.-Tic De- parîmant o! Agriculture issuea. aatl- meut îestarday sbowlug liaIticheaut- break o! tic foot and mauti diseasa bad cuit tic faderai goverument $2.. 129138. 0f Iis eun $1.840.328 repra- sente the faderai governmnet's siare fecteil harde and rlmburslng the ovu- ens for tiair losa. the staie Payfug the reinainder. Reports sioved tiat up ta Juna 1. 101.176 animale bad beau elaugitarcd, about equally dlvidad bevean cattie and avine. The lose lnIlîlinais vas Ihîtarain doubla liat o! any otien stahe, tha numnier o! animale kllcd balng 36,758 as compal-ed vitb 17,896 la Peunylva- nia, ticeccond tate lu point af Jose, and 10.111 lnaOoa, the thhrd stata. - LouelnIlilinois Great. Tic approxintata valuaed& the ani- male ln Illnois le astintateil ah $1147,- 000. The valua o! tic animaieslsaugi- tared lu the catdra country' up ta Jan. 31 la rougbly $3,400,000. This figure repraseats only the ap. praisail valua o! dia exposaI animais. and ual lia cont ai thc von aof slaugi. tan. burlal and disinfaction.> The quaranhine regulatians wia becanta effective Fai. 1 are stilà la farce and il lI hauntil thea iseasa le eiltlre stampeil out. Lake& big veexly-INDZPWNDEIFP FEBRUARY CLEARANCÉ MtA Cold Bisat Lanten GIobseaoh..... ....... B-qtGranite Dinh Faro..' .qtTi P uddig. Pf ..... LaeAumnm iues............ POWERWASMIIG KACHINEwrb>ge tubd, foilgplatfoii, qoWiat -.. .... r NUW snd SUONDANDSTOVIS TOM WALStI, eW" C*jag Buy Wire Fencing NOW LOW PRIcuS. COMPLUTU Tocir IÂMRCÂN WIEPENCEC PHONE 90 I.IBBRTYVU£l IFadi j fIRST CUSO 4I-ODATE sud SAI>4IARY Theadore M-. Durai. Peigeisi. W. 9. Smith. Vice Pnldent. le. W. Ch* ltIJIISecretsry and Manffrr H«4. DeWltt ",oe, con. Cotinie TELIEPHONE ai SECURITY TITLE & TRUST 111 1

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