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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Feb 1915, p. 9

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L'AKE Cou N-rTy INDEPENDENT r __ WAUKI3OAN WEEKLY SUN OL. xxn..-4., eà a8 TWO. LB RTYI.RLE 1n&. Y.ÂTFEBRUARY 19, 1915. FU P U TBAER IN ÂDVA2N. mKs STÂTIMENT 0f' ifs FINgANS Spned Statement From Lake MNa BoIkvdUphks Attorney Wefoh and O Afct.A DENY A WET-DRY ISSUE. i'$Md Fwfllhesa Comp1te a00 DutaleStatement of Expe nse nYear. WOAWID O F 800D >POISONS;O MAY PROIE -DEATiJ kmsrtéd That Woman Who Attended Her at Birth of Child Was flot Licensed. MAY CALL UPON DADY. Latter Declared This Aternoon That He Kas Not Yet Been NYotified of the Case. ie Hb@ailton or tie lAie Couniy lu. As a resuit oflibi bath an thte Jane degisîheut: I McAiiaer itosptal Tuesday nlght et -Par l r:-WMliiyou kIndly publeb 1 1 ~10 ociock af Mrs. Stanley Wanuka, 32 -ii. -oullew nx Maefeut la the Interneat -'Of fai play sud ln ripiy 10 lthe china, euera aid. living ai 1319 Victoria On 01 the. liv, George McGtnnto ta sîruet. North Chicago, It la neporied YOuW issue orI PebrUary tb. Ourn rsit t Statua Attorney Raipit J. DaAiy WU te.vas10fôrget sud torgte t» is iiibu askel to probe maothe appar- 11gentleman, but "watchflel ently suteuiic report that an unlc- Vbille oni s bing 5tipiimalmîvîu audl ber vten site ceel t0a apita « . W0 a-igave brth toa achilI a iltie aven a aiiUMe' e hicklees extravagance, an- week ego. The deaticntloaeshow,, 'nomptese, sund a d@"eliute ttempi. tuat te omansa deeth was due ta ta besirubtioui vilage for nome LIII- blood-poison. *iW Purpo e tail 0f vbacb ve pleid @O htapast etoogl s ot; guliiy. W. vire sot otravssant *On iablanformatin ta sethahi as the. folowaug figures viii showi. rthebmdie uoatondeai as. at niat a&W$ a Pinlsg.,to basupi. t ime ieviiatne..ii an vI .age6thM charge n.qtires 50o-pîr ika hasnaoicense te pr>cthce mldwlfery sud~ ~ ~ ~ ~~II. us vebecocveanbibut tai lespîte titis tact she bas et- iU7«" i ind ar a very oimli ÏM.tiided sevrai other women lu ber TM olloving stateunt Asi amr". Te hldws o a ltte:over a et te Vllae Um metin onJalu.veek agto. Adyo w fewr ar atb Mis. Wanuka's condition bagou 10 be. Agacet fIivea1 corne vorse. Ou Saturday abc feut date dgllflg lcal go much vomi that Dr. L. B. Joliey at Fm ....... 81727.28 Not Chicago vas catiln luou the AMoM trad ont- case. UtHs dlagnosis shoved that the Lgitin taund ..$ 804.22 voman vas suf!erlug ofa seins cse Street sud bridge 137.86 ai septicemha. He ordered tuatmsiie 011 on atrot .. 297.62 b taken 10 the bospitali mmodiate- 0V5115g bill .... 67.60 ]y. At that lIme Mrs. Wanuka's cou- *AIM E Wtgvali .. 25.62 dItion vas such that lits emmd tu Extiiag lever 134.50 bang by s lread. Despite ail that vas Gen. cou. tu"n.. 11.91 doue for ber abe cotinuel to grow Public bun lSgs angd on Tueday siternoon ih ~ ~pW . 14.75 W ai aqen tht ibe, vas dring. Be- PlaaS iai:. 2.97 miles hem bumbsud Mrs. Wanuka iai.. ~ ., 19.20 solafibdren, the eldesi o! vbm am sbut os. 10 Yéarsal. S ncabm. - 90.00 Reports tocay von talie effet Internet en. bond 36.75 liai ýStte's Attorney Dsdy bal bimn WamTsat humailu t4- asked ta makesuan Iistigatio. Ir 1913 .......... 17.00 onu believes the statement. ibat corne Warrant a àas und tram North Chicago there la net lt.e linoteabed 7.00 amifhtest question bt h., It-the womn. 81861.89 $173428 Tism liai. a balance Iinii. treis- Il et0! ?S 9 viimme sMAU oui- stsmilsg accousis due4tue village. W. O*Mp isimt l lîmot $45470 t10innt te Nr 1Flie theeueioroui fiscal rear, au d iais edlti the1661.89 voul "aketue total expindlture for thea Fror thi precodng rear, ondIns May lot. 1M1, -tie hoand lmeuéd warrants smoung ho 84m7hZ or $206114a mire th"n ve m"sE sped tilme demal roar. Wouid any fairm mrnefnmn sY'i we bave boss vastefuor doeeteiy lanméet 10 in tue vWala e.ndbt? Tho nl a bond lue anoualng to $ 7g.00, and thon. la a virrant ."Id l'y our local beuit for$8634.08. 'ibIs wuS~S a for sideOl I hmprvamaut Ï& a*Obout 70 pen cent shoud cone I là taxes. The bond bas bien0 .Yàsalg for fi" reirs sud vill probe-1 ~I be 15ke op by a nov boul. Ih 0«"OtIisif 1wtue proet bard.à Î_~'4~sl fdr IlhtniMthe vilage, os, ~ Il~eare criticise.l vais ot maià à, " bord. Umm aenaameeting vas Cai- 4, qui gsqd faut vitue sole Inten-t ticn We maigu taie, hitvas James - eb Welà'iewon Our iovnshlp figtj oeââëýahUnu.d to show ils Intemait by.ffhe.g as vIllge attornysor o om- passation barolr diaqunt tois six- penssmteand tram Lie villa, M. Welola bis the respect sud frendsilp cf lite mimbers of tue board sud as ctitsesiiftue village vo fiel under obligatIon, .te ian. Thce taiiinient liai ve are a "vet"1 bard le maile meroiy for affect Theie vii or dry ilsu. vas uci inte n at our villege. lection. Itvas a tovnsIxlpi vote, Omoie mnhirscfthbboardt *do flot belleve la local option, sm 'mtotalf4b stalners,, and ail ae-ei 0=1l iniconssotin larocioon Indirtovst tic A uter iemie vtel bljag if the nev tovaubip. eh unolgbum& . eat idf»lsm ge~b Ahe r s W tb cu" o vlio attended NI r. Wauuka bas ne liceuse t0 practice rnllwifery aud ban bien delug no ln violaion of ttie lav. The state's attorney declared ibis a!tennoon that titimatter bas sot; yut bien calied 10 bis attention. Hesald that ifthe charges are imue tha the voman la subject in a beavy fiue. H1e lntlmaied thai be vouaI set auseauo as any lnterested party celle the mat- tir 10 bis attention. Mm .Wauuki'a body vas'rmroved 10 the Petrocius uudertaklng establUsb. Mont lu North' Cicago.Fu«srai ou Tliursdiy marnlng ai 9 ociock At lte Ifoiy Rosary cbnnch. JUOGE WATSON APPOUNTED. Springfild, Ill., Peli. 7.-OQoveruor DusSe today appointai Albert Wat- was. of f4tVenon, luIse of the Su- ,preme Court ta, fUI the vacaucy cca- saunai by the. deatb o! Ludge Alcuze ]I. Vîciiers oIf Est 8i.L Iais. Judge Watson vas save n lasd took bis seat viiith theilier Judges.* Mn, Watson vas Ilacked for the place by Senator W. DuC Piency. Mr. Watsa on ai Urne as atati's attor- ney o! Jefferson couuty and bas prac- ticel lav for more ibis thlnty-five resus. BEEK "S1LVIR JORIS" RÉCALL. Superhor. Win.,Pib. 16.-A petilon for. the meail of Mayor J. 8. ("Silver Joe") ICoukel wvafiel viii ithe cty dlemi ioder. hi biarges "genird n comnpetanc lu offi." Mayrn Koltel vwii test the valadity of tue. pe4Iton fileltv o yiars ago vas foliovel lir is re-elacion sud hla l a vue to bave a nev vote. pmrgresslu ntue lust 1evr àsn i-ad htw viiinlue. 10 prosmoge Is eplie of tics. vbo critlcime but nser I Ut à baud or gie enbourg s te aile this progrmssibmle. liguaI ILIN, Pres. RUSH EI uSSII. D. ILMlA><ZIU plu T.. 9&UN. MeINow IFIs-R FEEDiNG CRQPS 18 UNIE FCEDING 11006. ýMAIJ.WLLEIYIlb . NI90 ILAJJD Mc= ' SOLU AND UNDER A CUNE TO BE.IHEAD NEW PLAN JIENCE NURSE OF IHOSPITAL Richard Cole Is Elected Presi- Takes Position ai General Hos- dent of a Reorganized Com' pital Made Vacant by Resig- pany OwningStructure, nation of Miss Welch. Tuealay Richard Colo, Mns. George Wsukegsn, Feh. 17. Meuiton. Mns. Omnar Carmen. Alexan- It vas luarueld y that Miss dur F. Beaubien, John J. Counel W. Glys McCune bas bien seiected as chiot nurse of the Lake Ceunty Gin-t il, Keltb. George Connel. John IL oral liospital te teks the position tram1 Caunel. H. C. Burneli, Lou Erskine,!,viich Mass Grace Wiich has juil e-1 Peter Hanses. Toitias Jensen, Conrad signel. The annuriusement that Mins sud Hrt sud E. Mi. Ruuyard bicame Welcb vas ta remagu came ai a sur- the ovuens ai the mausaleum on Grand prise sud ber geinslas regrelted. She avene ner 1-mulingsCornrsla a surse of great experience-sud bas avene nar paudlngi Crues, ell the position ai the general boa- thnee mises oitetWaukegan. piai even ince ft wvasopuned. The ThIe mausaheum cantalus tve hun- heavy atraau under viicb Miss Welch dred crypte sud compartrnînts cfibai bien Iaitarang cused ber te liii wici ose-hait lave bien soit!. Ibat a roat la needel. Thle evuens of the stock ot the com- %»MCn ée eé U'h blghest recomnudetions. She t. s pany are rnastiy made up of ovni.s graluite of the Illinoia Tralang ofth iecrypte lu the mausoleum nd subool ton nurses. graduihug viti tue tbm purchase ai thte stock vas made clasi eOf1908. Shu comea hlghiy nec- ln enter ta secere permanence ot ommeuded by tue auprltendeni et the nurses efthtie Cookt Couniy boopl- maintenance cf titi msusoleum. tai, turougb vbem Dr. A. E. Brown, SAs formerly argasîzel $5 vas set auperatendent efthlie local Iustiution &aideu o aihesalie ot îach crypt as vas able ta secune ber. a maintenance fusd. The nev aours MSE McCne actel as assistant su- agreel le lay asilleln a trust tond puintendeni cf the 'tilwaukue coun- ý$I5outof te sle o eah crpt.ty hespîtal at Wauvstoss, Wl,., for $13~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~w oic iislcfac crp.tayeans. SIte aise an baleuassis- Thia nom wilI b loasuel eut on reailtant îuperlntendent ai the Durand eîtste securlty s0 ihat titi ncornu vili Contagious hospital of Chicago tor provile an sdequate, prpetual main- the lets iv a rr. a position vhicl tenance tund. The scale af prîcus she las resîgued te accept the local yl o tonhe pneseni ha mainiainel Position. as hithenta nunnlng irom $175 to $200. Miss MeCunu tsc(es charge as leal Credit fthe titiansation af the nurse aoftitieLalteCounty geuirsi boa- company muai bu given ta Mr. Rich- piai an Manley. Thon yuilh o n ard Cale, hy vite efforts tite bllera changes lu the present staff. of île crypte have nov bicorne the ovuens et the stacklth îe mauaoeun IS IALA AL proermty aud the formation oft tut. PTA A AIS ling, mainteuance tund wyul eaiiy ho a monurnenita oeeof Lake County's A L OA LP Y I grad 011 mou. Mn. Cole bas bien A L uA LP Y I supervisor af Lakte county, hebuhuit ieUi the spiendal bigîvara coù Blvlee 0IN f LAKE àCOi treet and an Grand avenue and nov bu han ongsnized ts beautitul lame ai titi bal loto' permanent suddhast- lng fom. Ai the meeting bull Tuusday Mn. Cale vaa elected Priailent, Mugene M. Runyard vice presilini. Alexander F. Beaubien sicretany-treasurer sud thé foloviug lirecters: David Q. Hart, Lou Bralini, Il. C. Burnett, Ta- hies Joes, Richard (ple. Thi mauseleun t. located au Grand avenue Ausi vont o f the nev Lake Ceunir liospîtal. It la huaIt of cernent sud coutains s patent vetilatiîg ara- ion, Itvas campetîl about tva yeins ago. James Tisant vas tie man vio con- cliai the aIea of erecting a nauso- leum fan theeaccoemmodation o! -Wau- Sitegan pople ud . puneaaud the ireciel the structure. Toblas Jon-, ses vas ose oft heie al mon vlti Mn. Teuant undîr tue 011 manage- ment. 11èm..Tenant ovidently bas oîf îl# Inlteneits lu thti nausoleum.ne ln, ~a musoeun huildon antI j eriectef Imair *Il over tht. country. Lest yr ho ituer acquln.d &-ite or'obtainoti anu option on one ai l4bertyatle viore rhe pitanuet erecting a mausleun but to date no dîfuit. stipe have ivor boss taies tavard connummaithe ii Formai Announcement Made Showing That Pay-Patients Can Secure Servict, TIi commtte lu carge oethte Laki Couuty General itospîtal iii te an- naunce that the itospitalIho nov open and realy for titi receliIg ef patients. Aithie preseot urne titeme an. ev- eral rooms titat are net accupied aud mer oct hi occupel for sons tîme, sud eaitng that et timas the Jane Neicllter hespîtai aol titi Aihe Home, Lake Frt nd o ther natliutlona lu the- county may ha cravîel sud aise rialislng thai ilîne may b. nmre pa- tients vlio pretîr te go to iithcaunîr institution Ion cari. lh bas benu decIl. ed hy the committee, subjeet 10 rati- fication by thefulbuoard of counir supervissaai tom irt Tmeuiar rmei- lug. tiai sur reputahie plysiclas prac- tislug midichue hu titis ceunijr vill hi biarnihîr volmomel viii tiei pationts to tis Instituioln, aud VIII b. miovu every courieay sud attention possible, subjecit ttie mules aol nimulailosof tue institution. It lu disUinctir unlemsiod iat al par.patiintsno eenterel viii ho requhi' -bd te psy for hbein service stzlciy lu adiance. For furihen information nsgardlug admission sud pilis tor service ap- tr 4 - the aupeulâtendent, Dr. A. E. j" ,' 1 Wankeg.Mu . I, Slt MeDONOUjU SENDS OUT INSTRUCTIONS TO TUE TAXPAYERS Points Oui 10 Them When. the Taxes Must Be Paid 10 Save AdditionalCharges. 0VLKNMtNTIS TO USE WIITNEY SUDMRNE BOAT At Least This Is the Opinion Friends of Waukegan Man Have Bained o! Matter. Fred Brown Wbitney of Wauicegan EXPECT A BIG TAX SALE. expecte ta realîze great tiblgs ftram the submarne bhat iie bas just pot- This Is Based Upon Report ented. To local frlends hobua con- That Stiecials Are Not Being fle the tact that there are eertain Paid Very Fast Now. the United States gavernmeni cantiat loge aigbt af au constructlnglils nîvw County Treasurer Lue Niciionough est suhmaraues. Re bases this an has sent out rnany natices f0 tax psy- the groundo that thette featûresarae ers tel ltng tliem when their taxes are sa valuable thal bouts vhlch are not due and warning themn againsi deiay e<luiîppd witth thein wti bue much ln- te avepayng he ddiionl cargs.ferior. The Lalke Submrnler Boai to sve pylngiheaddtlona ch rges any with which MIr. Witneoy la 1It8 figures show that lefore tt4 ta connerted, hia% the conlract ta con- sale the addltional charges on ail lots strucf severai new type atibmartne tn 1C, cents and 2,6 cents on al lands. boats for te government and the Alter lte sale enîfre'additional charge chuces are %ery strong that f hey ilii for lots wiii bie 49 cents and 6c, centslioftéWhnety. for lnds.ln speaktng or modlernt arfare 'tIr. for ltida.Whitney often bas remarked ta is These figures are,,sfîown fraeinte lriends liere that the say or the followtng excerpits tram a notice that dreadnughîtsand the suiierdread- Is being sent out by Mr. 9cDonaugh: nsughts la at an end for lte submar- Ail ruai eouate uPon whtcb taies rp- tue wbicb an site la nat unlake s guai maindue nd upal on he 1th aadI slion, have readered thoa but maindueandunptd a th lOit ay tile lotter titan pilies of scrap for of Msrcb annualty or at the tite theIvi ncile li the warshtps may be lu Town Colecter maites rotureaf hi baile vitit boats of their aime iboy books ta the Couniy Colecter shah, are poworless ta rsilai the attaclts of lie eeme delnqunt; nd al suhîte lîttie unernles wicbstrike eai bu dernl duinqent nd il sd ieir vital, tram under vater. due and uupald taxes shah her lu' Thot the differeut gavîrnameuts are terest later the ist day or MaY al the beganuing ta nealize this tact mare rate ot 1 iepr cent purr mnutit untilsud mare taabovu h y the lact that pald or tartetted, parts or fractions lever ordema are given far batti" of a mantb hahbut i reckoned as a slIps and the number of submarnue. mentit. 1le belug ancreased steadlly. It seemas Special assessments draw 1nterest ta lie concetiddÉbat vans o! tbe iii- tinti pal. ture il ie bufaugît by submaini.sud Addittonai charges ViII bu made as flyiiag macbines. Iu tact seueraI of faitava: Ou May lit i eacb descrip>- the battues lunithe Europeau var bave tion far special as viii as faror ;al been caried on lu thus mannor. tax, for rnaktng tist fer printen; o May 8tb, lOc eacb lot s an eac«i:h S U 1OT fi 4 tract as prlt.r's tee for pubblhng L F iT2 satlI lot; ou Jue lai, 3c for eacb tract or lot for rnaklug list af dellnquengt VO ES LAST TIMNE ruai istate tu be fuled viti thîe Conty Cierk for lulgunînt; ou June 2iai, or Vitinever rosi estati la saId ion taxes sol asssments, 10e eacit truasd 3c each lot as CauntY Colectoras ti for aelting; sol 25e uscb tract or lci as County Cler'i tee for lssulng cer- tlficates af sale andl5c tor making lust of delînquet lands and lois salI ta bu filled. vth Stete Audttor. AIl nedemptions tram ta sale areý maIe at the Cauuty Clrks office, and, ail inquirles concersiug thte sarne shoul ho adîresaul te te Ceuuly Clerk. Represunîstives Grahiam sol ViIi- ors of thiN tite 81h district. were smang the 86 mb. via vote a for Shanaishan rapeakter. Shurtlseff vas asent sud tius dil set vahe. Bitaushan. an the final ballet gui 86 ballots vitile Shurtîgif. still i t lit lime a possible victor lu the iglit. se- cumul 24 votes. Untîl the final, vote ton Sbanehen vas madeowvu.hi appiarel as if Sluniieff, aise of! iIs district. mlgbt any minute bu lte cue wbom titi cravl or Iiiiy-lallylug ieg- istors migit unite on. sy Or. O. Mino'. Prefeuo f 'J.t asnquit. saturai; In others It te sone- *rlnary Science, Uni versity if wbat lncreased in frequency or las ai Ilinois. regutat; thora may aise b. foyer sud Tbe plg. 1k. other animaIs, suffire aczty, hlgbucoiîred urine. a: tamis fror dérangement aet141, -Plis causes of imadlutimu Iu the pig etomatb. If ted for a long Urne an c'ai. are vnt of ikirclse ei to une kind of food Ih la lukoly tebo ho slct 4llopd, or faid of a 10cr qualfty: bancs vith andgestion, causlug lots of atmaouaenagti.stmab petie, dulineas. and lons oetfai, 4 bg1Vqt this the. pÏg should b. al- tii condition as favorable %ori lie'de-, icved to gua e i aige bâ muel0> velopmeut of worme or ulceratiof.!i uectaaly te tlii.te iii. '"P, the, stîmacb. Ih la ibirefare. necu. .pag, s i tei - lq pi't". sary,ln order ta keip ith. pigtanaoed ith. aduI. t as lesW'Wth1 e it boaita se Ive ia mixd diii. or cou. mun on Desture vibre h tcam dit and plase change offod for a uvw dans root au ithe iarth. la dolug thishit Tiare are a numbor ot diases a sgets rocts of plants vblii amre a- otiiir parts of the. body vieham are tf ooofthe plg. It aiiould b. led cauf by afsulty dagesthon; îucii a& reguiarly on nutritions fd noie diaurhée, vomila ,lusir anddmian dis- tob lunch -of t. isses; and a nembit if o0eirs. . Trisinwnt of the P1e Syniptome of 'Indoieiie. Theg triairnent: If tiie pag le con- Tii. ymPtoms ofI ndignetion are:. t!boktsd, <lie on. ounce of Epsoui sai The. appittte las uualiy naere or lens sud a tiaspoinlul ot.glngir disolved lmPalred and -somestimie vawkin al-la bit!a pant 0f vatîr ai one donsIf iogtiiir and lu *thé euecameiain. ther0 lasdisunbea, lvi ivo table- tuers la a mobd cravlsg for éat uf ofl forcastor ai or a table- that the. &ni" i veid iiitosub lu çpqM siiof ttucture of nbubarb. After beaiti; h vlU co«me Sp te ithe trougi, tho _hygio bas operated. iv.- a te.- take a few mouthfuls, thon ave âif; upoonu sl a ofai tnctur. 0of giager la nmre case. hi vi Proe ite nos. M4 gouan ai a doe. eUniens. a againat ithe <round sud may vida. or day, f he i.animal vîlI taxe a Utile squash; OWaeiles ai viI vomiup a fool, give testrains if suliate ce gour.emellhng laquld mllx i viia5 ai- 1ableusad a teupiofsl o!<roud anise le iialf-mattcatid food; ithe bovel5 Bt'a d6selanthe food tva.. a dey, If nay ha comilpaief or tiers *&y b he il.slad Iotroubîed viii votaltaug. disrriia; au cirante casestboe ersas%ve lvidrapset thé tke aor lpicae *fliona couali sud ithe pismay uRsi op flv. drape of carbollo asIM1 is a. tram buadache; or i may atmior 1e sveiisael vaten vîi h. touaI from giddlnent sud aveu tel1 ove; as useul; ton drapseto! itinomuilatle yen pigé Indigestion caues file. sctd in a Utile vatîn <lien ivico a The animailu hLwdtc-I-U dFI I-9" tuniie or grow. but unuali loges Di Ail i. aboye mentionîf quantittes su sometimes bicornes inui*gi .1modlalse are for pige six noutis wtth vooffl muclés maiod "~d upvard, and baIr the aboya @hbomeu. The.pulse, lu nome camp, Qùâit« for pige ibis, menthea 011 BMRT EiRATEFUL' TO FAMRS FRTHE INTEIRST UISPLAED President of Farmners' Institute Declares Meetings Were Very Suooessful. BELIEVES FARMJERS PROFIT Heàd of Farmers' Institute Points Out Features.0f the. BigMeetings. The farmers' anstitutea ulat ivan. long ioked for, sud that no doubi gave eacb one beeang responathility for fie auccesa af tbe vrns meet. ings, 'gave tbem more or lois uniash- loess ln regard ta the succea of thein meeting. t wlsb ta ssy tha t tbey, viii ne, havetei gratification of knovlug that tbey vine a grand succus. And i vaut ta tbau'< aur vice pnîsidents. Mn. Guy Simmons, !Prnuk Hanlin. Emi Glas, William Dillon, R. B. Svhfi Audrew Effunger sud thein co-beîpem for the efforts tbey put forth lna& o 6uring the gond attendanci ai tueur respetive Meetings, sud i vant 10 ex. tend rny sincene thanks ta every One vho respondel to uhein oel. by tir Presence at these mneetings, or gaie a inI word lulb.thevsy ot a host, aio to e boees vbo belpel enter- tain the audience. and ispicly 'tue/ chilidren wbo ngoimailagly espol to tiola narne ci. 1fiel tint ail ihae tbings tisa You bave dose siald for more tusu you may realisa tiiexepî-. lent progranmnderai ait aci pie veul baie hes a fsiiure.vhthouit ie, goal attindanci. i bave Attenldman lusWu$ee. but 1 :nevor sýv a mn aaet4~I ..c. suid snômuni ntsiUgaee a fis-t tioning ithe speakers. 'liS ismuSoti vire. enitene& 'viti iii'Ummusai ý sud I think loti a bietter.u,.,ois4. bilves audience snd .speaker. ,ire Importance of liedhng Ouir fa rcp as Mr. Manu puis il, viii hi vitia n the Urne ve cas gir. 'ta its siDA'. Mnîsurpoints brougit Oui hy àÇ%r. James are wortb lookIng Into msftd of ail kisias lu bagi. Wî siould re- member especaalily bran sud cotie oeil niai. Camparlmos. Tie reports tht caine fnom tlI bausehoîd science zmeetinsg wiffvy gratiig to the preahdent, Mm., Han- ang, asu ae lafed ovin the la- teresi wbllb bas lieu taies vbb organisation. Titi meetings ai Uertyrile .ater noin eud even, v er. @taner@ le you wiII pardon the espruesla. I huard rnucb discouragernenis for c0W meeting thire sud I wvas eUat nervous about IL. 1. P. ?mmso p: "You had a bIC crovd.» I basu IM say Maan kmay vhat be le tailtar about ail, rlhi, end. as ve b.d UaY f rom North Prairi. !. V»1@4 Pff rie Vuv, Wlauoauda. 1 ilI liai. tuas t0 say as an its succeeslanthe afimi- moon. I1vlih every mmsn là"a county couid baie isard 1fr. Dwflg glvg bats vîes e n foot sud mouti l4s csse sud the story of lthe dairybord fromt the Urne tiey amire quannlel until the present, tIms. Dr. railhl sbouid bave beau heard by iverY>4aY. 1 fiel ve can not b. lai ciritul aet the time of such a criais. We spIioid re momben that tien t.aan sactuelsIDs tige in catuin luis country, sad te many a lamerlai voul Mes= rtli t0 fleis houm, cattil sud tfiel. I belleie tuât If wvi barcmone <90d books treataug on 1v, stock andt lai alaIments and vould gsi togti«era nelahbor.sud studY thes» quesiesa tram au bouemi stanîpoit atai v would not hi anythiug the vo f Il Tours for bitter Instttute. JOHN B. BÂPRETT, Pres. l'armera' lUa.L aXe CO- Buy It Now You've gat %0 wnwaY. lie, ymp I»- ~f. ..~;. luire m À nue u- 1. uàilcnlciiu le 1

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