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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Mar 1915, p. 5

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kAX. mARO» 5 W1S de. 1~ ~sge 0<Nudt.sud 1 uéo'l de bute vei wm bittea5 »w boas Wstrw 'sotlesm Ol 0<01. li aose u itheobutee Mr toioilbe t ubalos 6 es m Mmsuugeesbsodor. oely Iesa poual P~sta84t t miailDrug tor DM»eDrmgCo. 28-J Vms , ..'looss vwstel an Chi'lcsg a.. O Vese0 afaVlpeWb4,bs W"s 91-fS mauy uhs. lied hmsusk là bbhom la Iba$vout. Tublra I:b*shsllttbeomisMsd hurlI itý lueb %semoe". ls'. yens" aslithrme s gle, *loba*sguaîote s vlmh boutle. LitX Is toms-Dtuce li t CoV. Mm .Jacob Peck, S i.> ss tehen h. hoepli s tchi"ssouél esseul,te reduffo en operaton..d Su sduf vflu itruneoies s selouso"«&- = 18s1= W». oy boumtbý ous for buteTessita. Femrsi aste,. M. I. ekarOL e utta ts yste cenietry M& Peuh se s mber 0ofiii. Royal *u*$Mmsu sd iMysle-votru. Rie loes a husbeut chres dàietoendu lioom hopu ost 1of ilste tw mouns &wt osr u wui»W valied tlbetn imidm*sIa tos. bumm uessthouugt »p. No9w 5mttblsouse k té rut. sud Utse. . M. bDelIiasud eau c! #ofest Ulsa, sus gueste of Tom Veblinad femIli over Suaday. 1Dil ye nu ne er eodor ta ht INI Dimsfioi g-bo09cars. Se.ma oc. amocherpage. MlAguet esen o! Long Lmtk, won f cierobers Tieelsy. NgiW Mande Turner rstnrned [rom ÇlieM ogolodsy evsang ater vstsg 10bige* tlms. FoaNt-no placeasboreyon cen buy agiegteýWglosud ntlfo f .rth os Land oto.citin MM K . E . Hupdaigbtor penc s f»b, luguIhuN rbsive sud trimsdMu Mmie Bygid Bd deugîter thel . B4 brun umaltbWi bsem t Wads W0az o mi mi*eig gé b so lrot. Tiei. es Store-lAie. Dru ixs MIM Boumlon Turnet ontertaise vera o bar ebooteatsi Moda, svsiig. ,Are Ionualug th. ses Comaisaiti 1 t&tW»Ury. ltb h. very latent thinge lu ss atoury. Th. Rezai Store--Orn Tb@ St. Andrw's Guild met as Ub home of lira. Waler godirey fat Wed ueedy miernooui. The cottage prajul metng sas ield atUlre. Allas Thomothi Weduedoày ovsniag. NOTICRI Corne, se. aud bear *bout tble Chet 01 Joesh ste i.Graco Eves*515 e cinîb, Prairie Vies. ROT. H. C. Powell of MIi cago wlll b. here ne$ sunday tu con- duct both mornlug and evenisg ervicl. Tex Collectot i wDih betsRound Lako every Tuo.ay lbsga»mysiaks Wedsdé aud aturday. John Uison. 2le4 Nowithe Time to 1usd Stock and POUItrY Food. eqeInternationasl sud ruieln-ail reliable and garn. tu.No s te lCie to car for ithegg sCsno hih prioe.Yo sgu'toflrdnottotry a paoksgen gg groser. W. Are giviiig, doe or egsin trad of al mo oyeveslime iif imtaRocks bock , sp*te *stwbyavoof ber triaelem b obe e r litttde. 1. M W s tel m iu W l. a -tebmie- Jou.pa, Aie' ucd fa~t ]Park. > vtsttd UIeam boesTuesdY. sauLgmsWood 0f Nss tot City. wes ch. vutlesd vgue&%tet hboiseo lits brother, D. M. ldfflwood. Misa enom Ket of voesWe tbs vu*-Med guest ofe.oss, ae i Gwoe ad 1fl ouet Ni udlrs. Raipli KIsMd Ut. sud1 lr.Wm. sutcisos vu tere tb eeod1 goqutW Mrl. sud lire&-L uilh. Jobu -Carmll e ae abtrdbdayerttY libusBaaul Dkfl idPark, .o tbs week-.end tuait cd gfies ath W.. i Niase jbulneofo! Oblogo spet savérai duy e IOlget téhbe o! Va. oe. liTa. Bem e Pegow le qut. filIet bot xis Ecomai* ouak sud Il-t..Pater. ae o 0< lpu'sb. susch eoeed amue t09 W. A. Whie Tlbs tesebers aMd 1cere o1chu St. pool& Sveoplal eaui mt al;t us boums 01 lMIMR otubergor Tues Me s. UacoN" etsntertinesdthe -.500"club "usedoy.atw5SoU. me. sud lMra, Judsos lus. Mise Tilhe Mtebil of Puaie sIVe, nd Mie- i»eb >lteill of!Ubettyville, ser gumet te hoise oi C. 8. taston tuis Mdise ElenorMeyer vW» tbo guet O Miée ie sMcadls t fCWlcs, two days lut Wreo. The Dores. .oeety 0cith. Prusbtden churc i lil haire a bekery smle sud social i obt the bome of lire.Frank Petema a Tbnredsy eveng, Mies U*rgaret Vdder returned Wsd- nesday froin Aiahase Wbere she bas bosu vtutlg the putet Clrs weeke. à Mdies Noimie Silestroin wac te guesta of, Mi" LIlilan sdcliii, Tnsse Mmd Wedaoey. lmlam ~eaPylse etettelusd at carde Th buseetshow t1turda# evenlng wu a pose»ses. MS.r themlutetl Ma Millet 0< bsrtyvdbl, ved two eslsaloe; àdolp& Motrect ive a ceiq um dtel mi sd bt S lbs ave a obois play, "lire. Ilske i>l.k Te." it. goclryver of Gomres, was s Wads- Worth coller lait Wedneediay. Mir. Cllins of Lbertyville, wes lu Wadsworiih lent Thuradal. Mmre Nelson of W&ikSge, bas been bore the. pat wsek eaklsg cars of ber isother, lits. Rl, wbo hoa. bos vety udt but at present wrltlsgin mueh lmproved. litr. Robes trois user Bond Lake sas bla ont town leut Sturday. ik Friet Shea ses la Cbmgo on buslulerà os e dy let weok. litsr. Lysa Vîncet of Ourse, »peut ioA. ith ber parents. msd lite. c 41 I I Cou'vsspondont Agent 1 UONE 22-W "S go lir" sUd rmkAn mmun Wore Waucosda vWetorsoedaylest w.k. .Jo. A&mas. sold twoplpasossMd s nrgst.) a Grayalake Mao baturd&y. Jo. msy.bet ois 1Dtuwboy s solo., RElph Wallis sud family are spendicéa the weok with blw brother Arch-e sud fumly. Lester, son of Archie Wall.ha liedb. baud bsud snd spralu.d lest W40" day whll. pleytug with a grind stous. j gay snd Bort Paddoek aretnU190118 two est. 0f limpetoso wbitilb thoiii lmsi brme 'l.ou thoir far. TIi. 1bmset Poctaet t4c Opera Houe letWsdmssy eftnleg ses wel et- rsusa'. d&et topera Bouesud Amme aist W.d . arch 1. ELN3RY ANAF" PE lmN .O 1N SM4 IS: ÀRRISTD was Semneiwed From Wauoon- da Reoently for Makmng a tduisanc of Hlmself. wiskefss. Feli. 25. gherlifGriffu bhig moruiDg relv.d complainte tomspeople living on the. milul*"me roed to the effoct tht au elderly issu ho appoare od w li ls* nu, ss aunoylsg thesm d chat bi.I cause of hie Peastemo. they tôuud it -ne 't w lmposible te drive hlm away. He hsd vlattbcd several boumes and hm created consîdetable terrot ou the part o1 the soMen. Tiie ahetiff sent bo tiie Scele la is automobile and 10usd .shu Gilimon, aged about 60, sho h. tOo&C luto u- tody. ýGilimon ss someshat loeth to go but llnally ssbrOUgh bock tu Wsnkeflan d sas Iocksd uP lu the. calmey JeU. Rt was oely reestly that 01138«l "Iglhd the sevlnget a forby daY sentence la the. local conn utyJi. IH wu5 antedby the. authOatie t ,WUW w.d hu carged lic imd mde a gencral nuisance <Of hiMeelf tete- Aller, aevtng hie sentence lher.bh. ansouced Chat h. sas golng w iii cago te opes a slioIesaio dru hue "-Gond by and 00<1 bieu You" iq,~ sald, as h. shookthbbc herlff's baud. libertif -Griffu la of tii, bellte! ht Gibson bas bees lu au Insane asyluis Bt nome ime. 1He do.,sDot hnos siiet to do stii hm 55. 1He bas De exact t eason for keeplug hlm sund yet If j e turne hlm out ho la hal, te Cause annoyence ln differut plaes. ti WIuIXBIWI>N L ILPorter. J«M a e iy sudalIn jameSnt te MateilIt Seing Much Used >"ga4, ou4Bundy teoattend *a JasuerailThis 8 S0880B40MItitlfS la ai5 bl ephss, MBlelboae. ForMi oolets. liss.Nelie Gtudesu N ree le lkbraid la mcii usd ilu6s >skayoppsnt Susduy situa tboltmother. thre nsusi lat ellisut Wi1e Holmes spent Suaday la WadO Scustmet l forma pocket, sometimes T Worth. ile aused te band a iong tuait, meus.- ims Itlale iel e.asboit, ut hruglt' Ilobert DeLauy seu a Chlego vitortmp@ 1the fChfabrlc o! hfrock It ose day let wsek. adorais. Na.dloesla MaY the bnaé e Tioméa Sreug swu in Wauteuu at bell' kanlesd plseed os et cheC Gatnrdmy.li".0 es-atiers are the. ses note lu mîllin-c lire. But Winters S. reportedl as bing ery. They are sostly colr.d, and the quitea. oatm muktct. d.Wblle thc lit, sud lir@.Ed .dame 01 Grays 1lake, log ansort s a ubae araooeid verscailngon rieda tzuay. S Ied very amrte. Tmer, are velvet Mr. iedIl» acimod01 ookg».bats of datk colore te match the suise lir.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n 'u ie clml <Wnes.sddreeo-Cros bine, Itusian spet Bçnudey slth ber parente, lit, and greoe imgeta sud datk sine, tete lir@. Louis Sciieqor. de nefre, bross and d* tune, sud, Mt. sud Uira. Rey Kelly epent Sunday et coorue. black. ait R@Wl.Crsam and Butter Tonès. Bt uesll.on.e aniot but lh. tmpresd lby lira. . G. Dltweyerwsesa Waukegau h prevelcce of! musm isud butter visitor onUond,. toSs ute i s lwUeortetruc09kmsud ____________ blouses. A vrY etout »w sfrok for Pais Beach le o! dc.p ceas batiste Nete@. slth a short, akthcred aklrb su 1 I will h.e t rcaesalaors, Gutue. alter5ate band$ et eO6Sltfilet 1Issetiolà Wednedais, sud mc Wetseus' - Sd sus tuoke s-»nby boud. Tlhé cream and ecru ttock la dropped ««e 55te store. Wank«ga. Sattidays, te shito goldcnrod ,talin, hioli MM«e collect taxe.-BDWIN BÂTY, Colle&- the c«uemy ton.e of h batiste *adl ter. Warren. StsU1C lacs vrY dehicale.WICICtus frook _____________a___ épint seMla sab, a leuhofu liaIt timsed slth vunk roues Lk. Foret la tivijis ot & »W sud patent Y#&et alppeslth stock- proect lu subi towi ud I oUllsge slll 0 use o! «ML combine - a nOdbbOOItbuet«. To Hold Hooke and tyee. Eetetooethu etudutet» cf, e If hoohs sud eyus se butonhlpel ý ý ý inbW siy iMnet puB off. Tirs Forst Col1o90-411.6 a a.mb, ore- î ch $uto«w'bldt gaslzed lu 190-bas"» 14Uulpud imly, .shle 1t; tekee Isice or more ssay or Lake Fotest teigbbgv- tii a ulN 1te"ta n butii.Munie lug thirtY.oue p"SI lu «t -ovet.oud.cIMtwY. Ad Milvthmie they loom tedtly. Tty buttonhfilag yWZeim. t 4la rlflos5d te ffla hileste place aPM yen wll ho convint- Asie ciu 5l.unsS bn kad-couladt!c. u~s1i5< . ldependei4's euli de brIng va. '1Wojqpendent: Morte100lt SaSUsu eit 4esom»they* reei IM Opa%. d Omty, eokiles combne&. muoile ély é Mi@s Olive Melol sel bome onet C. 13.Haml udPitul Avery and tlîeir familles lelbed lu Graysleke Suuday. lire. Sitb QOlibw% wha bae en in Wslisg beeltia for ometime papoesay Wet Frdey etW bornmoe t Idonaville. Tb@ funeral eet*hotd at Ile bome SUs- day afternoon, sihlatqrMent St FOI Labkeo cmeter sé té,..a huebsu tomont li. 1>..oidevoîed site and tw im se tieusdou? gympatby. lire. George UIle n uite il and con- flood to ber bouie. lire. isyder li esniud fr(ni tbe Dicke cottage to bot cottage on the wsest ban k ef thie Oak& D.. L Idser sudwIf. spent Friday sud laturday luaChieso. Ftaulc N&dr spat iset Friday la Fraot plekwilsg.Uùb lecturer cous- bl.sd Me is leftw à" OterWsimout sîCli ait. bta u l i reday nlgbt sud pla.d tOaerowed boums. Hie .09i acvsllhm ee wormid sd the ebldren sers delgiwd sltb tbs -agitai pet. formmss»d Pet@, Iii.e et» g nembueof, fri»M sde eardeaietthoit hou gmsrdây .eablgg.c The Ladies'AId soslsty met this sese Wedsseay itll Mma.JeunesKerr sud did slsg. TlieY aM Pteparing su entortslumest t&c ho iven ln the serc fatum t E. L. W&Mlvrs e c te, uBulinge est ek by U»e soqu lUnesof n@ ueof! bis sstre. lir, sud lire. Ftaak Bemîlu are gettiva nettied in tbelr ew bost iis sre. 1 Jobs Crlbb la enbcrtainlng an attutt of cue grippe. Wbiie bolpîng la che sort o! beerlng down thls bou i ondey muie of th. Ilishere 14,1, triktug Bd Cbtistenséri, uIlaS huginelutmgiy. sleavesayoug vile, who vses NisUlotMmPester, aleo a litti. daugbt« a yeer. old, and ont be4rts-so ont to theux ln their bout o! deep grief. Mise Flotence AnsdersofLaesFores#, fpout Suuday wlt b ler jpotber. litansudlre. Dav. Youugpgve a parti, Prlday ovesng. Carde ses the peet M>lse Lzuje Stewat, of Garner, lit, sd _ re. onbem *Pd li"e 44~ra Gorbes. ot Wsntegsa.Clarence sud Robert lime Dougles ofLake Villa, &Mid lt, sd M ru. Muernisof Ruseell. ser. ch. out of to5e surate et lit, &ud lre.,.!. Gordon Donner', wedding. lits.@ Cota Andereon retunsd to ber borne lu Iole, Kmn., Tuesday accom- îpenled by bot slster-.au4aw, Mme John A. strau, Who sili sueud a tes. veee sita bor, UMlarjorle Cauin opent a les dai sitli trissdeset Grayelakt ept n Tbe GaroeoW. C. T. U. wsllbold an ail day mceeting lisrcb 10, wltb lire Roce i Wlrtb., ow esfor the Lake Bluff _OtpbsageV. Ptcnlc dînuer. ie Miashal E. Donner, daugbter oc it. So su my eftJ.mB.oner2 p.m. bu Joh Bmidn Bonet. oo in, sudM lire.h Gon Boer. se.o.nW ofrd pe. Jofen Sonnereon . . Th brder.m rosettu S mdsd . The bride w as amtt Thk roe ttr i. ereouy "efrontusus e. Aesroho ue orty rebsmt lit. s ltaeBodl OMIn asr goets lot .abd sh. ot ssdfliglarau autooble for va shoreat "iSulposeti. Thor bride d groom bea usd ta tbî 'lThelbiyeandthero ive l and sinb.Ma iato ai their lds an bIe f ero!t hueroom'a pr enlusne mfutre »gromtupetinthe Ded bofctubae. couple. WINS IN SENATI ftmendmient Put Through tc Enable Commnyent ti tend W&Weno, Pcb. 26.-4 faim cred l bill, provldlug for go=sen loas tufarts osuers, wsa, itci te the marcultutaî approprbtios, hil "ody lu Its hurrled pasigh tbiroug] the Seaste. Ptosomtcd by Benator Moëmlser i au ameudment, the pr<ivlUlsiQ Ws Il coiitotd lu th. ,uPPIY bitstiom a roerdl vote, shile tews soeturs sut la Uic chember.The bIH #Àlel su liassd s short bisse later. The licComber smend*t; sonl ouetlu the. TteesurY Dogglfment bwu et c farts credite to hk*d go, crmet ftnde uhrough nati6eallau ms fam mottgage sume. TMteo ka 14901d i-ua f1r ton yn Set tpe c ls*ersl"du licnot les tii& $0* m5urq ti3às $10,000 to "wtv4nelu. 1 diik'o! Uuited filta.twoitrYuy 4 1 ete mt bonda tote a*bfl pernaot 1usd of $10.OOOAWte Co «t such loaes ould bel antiore. i SPI3EDINtmi i MOTO CYÇLIST lITS A BOY r Report fth cf tono NISPEEDS AWAY.1-dr Little Son of Contractor Oscar Sandstrom Was Knocked Senseless by Shock. 2Wtlu*iegn, Match 3. A ape.diag motorcycîit & truck al tes year 01<1 boy on -Mosday night an. thou sitboqit saitlg bu tnvestlgate ,ho* lidl'y thi oungster bildbeen hart b. opene , tbtrottle on hie = nui~ and'-apeeded sass bete bis dttycould b. )sarncd. The eccl* tent: haPPened os MeAllater avenue et about flve o'clock. Bernard, tii. bsn year old son et Cpr*eti>r Oscar Sasdstrom of 824 licAlest s venue, sas the. youn star who se.huit Heobl 96= tedto croue the atreet ut George avenue niiet sudd.snly the. inOrYcle se m;p h lm, aptirescbhg sîthout eMY wamMtug. À somm sho sltncesed th.e scçideut declarostii. motocice5 a pg fally dtmallsau bout. I Theforce-o! bbe collision thres the boy teoeeaiide and re.deusd hm n- Snsciéhl. 110w .e ecaued bt'cen4 boues 1 tg U osu. Andrew Usai bappened w o s eat at the time sud be rusiied up, taklng the tnJured lad ln lie Brins, orrytng hlm i boisoe. The. boy ses badly brulsed aul cut about the taes, bandsesand body, It was suis. tise before ho remaîned sousclonSese. 1 ,Tetapaa, -dld sot bulld bMc- Alister avenue for a motorcycle apeed- way-I Mr. Seqdotrom. the boys fer lclared bodsy. "Abd yet motorey. cles, drives by Young mmesWho sem to lbsve no thouglit for thi e tY o! olliote. travel up suddosa tiie ireet, et a fifty mil. clip. Tis lat about the tim n luthe sprlng sb.n the sUeOedlng starbeand unie"s It Ia stopped nos It vill continue aIl neit sumhnr the. saiee as nal. The people on thie street demend that bhey b.protectel aaipet tiiese motorcycles." RATII13QUIETR WEEI( IN REALTY pilteDant to lSa%. RE$OURCE8. 1. LoàÂv. Loans on rval estate........... ..... .59.9 0 1,0.0. on colateroal seurlby. . 975.0 Other loans and discountt..... ..49.374.00 6.4 Publie service curpoortion bonds ....4.00.75 Othet bonds audscurltles........ .5 M1.050 Furnlture d Ftures ...........2.42455 2.42455 5. DIU% FUOu uANS: Nfatonal..... ... ,. ... . . .. 5992 .01 oCSon HAND: 4enr"uey*.....................2 .0 Silvet coin. -----42.96 2JÈ4'2.W TOTAL Rmsousefl ....... - 900.29 S LIABILITIFS. 1. Capital tock Paldi 1 .0 ...*25.09000 '3-tINDIvibtu PROFITS.................. L.l23 Le». rureeithrest. eueas and tex,, ad N71.44 3.4 Tino 0eittea......... ...7.21.)b SavisOs. oubleonstu1 notice 25.401-W7 Demand. subler chck.. 22.70897 .3.4 Bills payable ...................... 4,50.09 4*0.09 TOTAL LU.BlLtTti4,..................495.25 1. 0.0. A. lillteelI. 4Comble? of the Lake' Villa Trust & Savines 558k, do noleuinir sweesr iet th above itatm e . ru. t thebesSof Mv koouledge su*boiie.-- 0150. A. MITCRELL. Cesa. @TATE 0 N0F Xbl. tOUstY <1 ai k. me. Suluseiiad" o sru oubse lu ibis thday 0 Peb.. 101 Put v goPultrujla best oe.itlsobq~i oedl r«t sale B.. F. B. LOVELL CO*. Businessof thie Recorders office fot tiie sosieendlug Tub. 27. 1915: Number of tranieTsu-73.N I E Number of lcSss-17. Total number ut Instruments fIled I just reeelved a car of Woveu and Barbed Wire. -90. Total &mount of loan"-61.636. Busineshbalibesuquit. durlsg the BE"t>W«,, la500-bot louiss, 275s A see'ktch. numbeu cf Instruments Iled sure a littie highur. e The. only fer deala et1 importaneadO té W R bclng bbc sal. of! bt of Uith e P wood tarislu sections 15 sud 26, New- ussq- port towsahip in Win. 0. pope of WR.- metto for 114.010 and ch. Ch"s .G ts qDWIS ethat viii gave froizione tb two bt«htg Raugiit famsiof 15 mm du sectiva Of Séed &" wég MalDqe. _ "* U6 (Freit township and section 2 WW couda towshibp te PhIllp Peterses for a nominal effleuatlmiPeter- Ais» a causaed ofRW CAURS *sM anreo iseW. sou hosevet givng bick a purchbaee Ibave ch. agoucy for these ostu ' t t e baf o!oeuty.' money mortgage for $16,.6S. John Ott aold pmrt of bis ternilas8 B quarter of section 30, De.rfieldLi townshiip 10 Fred D. Cleame flitrasl& nominal consldoration. Clemena P. Wledser old as undi. vided haIt intereut laUnlsd er Buf- " fslo Grove te John PeP. Jr., for a nom- i fal conalderation. The Lebimsab eat soit! 3 lets la L.ak. Villa to Frant M. Hamls fo p *aS le f.* $1250 sud MonetU .Pal"s (sIdos) sold bo Helen R. ONetlil 0 sutosl ch. S-2 of the N.Il-4 0f section 29, wlarm towshipfor a nominal con- sideration. Pi T In Hilghland Park Francs. M. But- nil solI te-John 1H. Horles a60 litP A UN T S lot on = = esodavenmW nar Ota street for $3000 and Helen V. a X . Bolbonse eold to Otho B. Morisu for fo rP ht. . 2 cq r os Sfheridan road sent fho« tbuses -. vise avenue = mai aplace. e- fo s u us~ .icqsr As usuel Weukousu toses h-SaIe bas 5c l« been quit. teUic umy demie béisg lie sale by tiie 8.cuaiy Book of a lot oM Pra"nhsusteet juat euet Of thé ot sebool 10 Edwin 0. 1lUsIaert for 1M an .em sold t o JaseJ. 39 W JN9 ax lm fer $1500 a 3 foot lot on Wt atreet south of Wtoh» n h Master lu Chancery ol eJh ou ley lot on joter eofOaklsy avouas and Gilette aienne for $27688. FALS MARIMiE Wire Fenoing Oheaper Thau EveS PROISE L A )SBut priese May 9o up. E"Y Vi SGreatest Primary Cause of b~EC&Ai W-nui 8MQj W Downf ail Given in Cout- Drink CausedMany. PH(>NE 80 L8ET IL promise of marriagolata he greatost primary cause for tho dosufallof *Om. d. eu, accordlng to figure. made Publie lby the aiorals court lu ChtScgo. The Thoodore H. Ourst. Proaldoat. W. B. eSmlth, Vice Preldumut, id nformation waa recolved tram tbc his- F. W., ChurchUl socrtse snd Manager <1 ortes of 518 -casesa shlchhbave corne Hom. .WiteS.. sb.éatm« eumeer iii betore the court., Thete ser, 247 bh who gave drink as thé eecodary cause T L P4 N for thoir downfall. ______________________________ a Causes glven by hmmoral somen, ias the prlmary reaspe forthoir dosu. QI'CI&TYTRUST1 fal other than the. promis of!E U M T ut riage, are as follewss: nsuffi et >oeT= 'E TILS re sages, 108; lect of parental estralit, A T A 0TM U R «O se 60; love of dres, 34; due halle, 10; frequeuting aloose, 5; drua, 4; parts, 1<c.pm ~$12MO00-0 ld 3. The seeondaty caus. thor blin a drink were: Ineuilicicut Income. 48; WAUKEGAN - LLUN9Ç )v- leci of parental rostraln, 48; dane1 ka halls, 136; !requeiitiug salOMs, 81; ____________________________________ dres. 84; diuta, 14. The figures of the. court show 41 of Mt .hegrlstartd towork for $1 a we1k-------------- Or and 'oe reelved tue ame sages et u la- ch. time eh. becaie classel a "c- The Plroofof the Pudding la in the sattug." Mr moral, meé,gretai ufbe bT a~ ~ ~ ~ r èe at$ u lthlCl.~pendent'u (Jlasuified Ad@ bave been.p!oves by h nover sorteil, Thore worm 438 u atilified cuatomers. Ask any uaer ofthte" ulS 1)v sent itehbushsmcbcol. but only 0ne Who ever graduated. 1:.-------- ýjj- 1 W. ý--- .- -la ,

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