This i la a-(ood Time To iaook tT!p Your Seed -iïý Ours la the Pureet tAud Best Ou t,.CV TeisopubIlttl *o4fa.T lentçff uet *ç kst. r W:ONM. I *SP. ïb i 4" t eks *lu srtk'IlarInbtte ttg E*Pt. ,fAddtlona Local "s aon. Puaà4) et: Â mo webo t Mr. md lira. fBirt aed -M"*bbIeweQotl ix M~Tayl o ffie m -PMI; va4oi'bîr Î4(uq ýwcoQL Tb$ msular Me"99u01et lIe iebst IForWm c-mhbu berna po W, Ise wQ ýàs P4 0f it~U Who hm è »eW lai a Tbe àIrdoMe Bodieor 4 ed4a le$ M*. #OWIttdm bbu*OIWIIU l* O ymo u -bai sa twg Uabth,f U e ObowmI 1es & îtptus54bm fIýo1ti etqSoé5f 4mlqeq si A;W hr~,w h. Thi~,el ~kedde wg~ Thi~ vifleus iiti~1tl~~ ami a h~ I Vtte sh Deise igne1t iV~elot. itwelve yç oMd om i ne VIb"ISSUDi*la >e 00. Bee dm" e t 1 trm the home famm t T. E. lEs 0 it- lmeee laid et fNethl Ehi gieter Prepeelihe o.bugbat op eta e ooà of the mett om m i MMmot bb. hos. bou ml 'oattaq - 1 va". lrt;ixthe L,1.. Sbop wU 1s4el wnbtasr»W#*b tb L4. IalIens* S.i u.kgtrfe wi'W uy 00uil tog*,iuesamd i*lkao doubt où* ew o1 ul-r w ~~ U4 o oo Poe1 lB t a1~u Iiu. da C n 1 #«dwhistrad ce ê.' ' ouIm Vli, Corn d at r«& ui Pkom~8O VN0N4BL* fND FMuT. rr~rx Oolbm*s' lopY aûd& 0oveIu Pt ina a it-,clam e*üitgtore.' i m~p*Né- *.tiobto ta 1e ou'o le ~<Wau&upflset thu "u40to Ist h ei1 1»" e5dpldftburg. *tmt < .CARD 01 99 outlaeovd .oq Xp toêMotera, mb g1t louei 4TT& 'a e wcoasu. vêwas. pe 1,- PUOMI% 4 A 9Sa I W styeets bIe and eum- (>~Po 0wns, .1*p.wVoe ty 0,very *t1 ssueýw -fe r<je c en isluxmu ualitUe, 411 fine vaIwm etI*5.fçOc a. Be . iaie buaagotbrot omias, et the êt '*Tb$ Obici Lt4e. à ueluel Li Une ofAusfn Ilindewor, boçker 4y1e~ from 25e up. Ocwblnat!oa ~om '(5e sp. 8.v~*aI haaduzDe otylai >n IDUSUR aud ulluo* gow~a froxj~ 50è, Up. 4-. 's by f~ aix wu as 'n fi t) JNOIS I I I v.u~ $LOObu.