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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1915, p. 12

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OMAthp btim h" as à ong' orWai9, ev thougli t dispela the. veracity of tfie F, bit recalled that it dd NOT core i1k " ta me in likea lamb, and isging out Mk.the 9UpLtie litti, animal. ~onyProbation Officer Helen Wilcxo 1n la pre- abtili in favor of a state cudr. I~ j l ch~w ilidren under 12 years of ago àpt f,~ g~ the tmalonei after 10 o'clock. This bill w bi quit. a- ~CIchance in the state laws, but -it 'would mean that Itrenforcement and general observance would be soen under present communzty regulation. t ahardly to be exp.cted that the. St. Paul rallroad, Ïaoit even CONTEMRPLÂTES purchasing the 0. & M. ~tc, would carry a half page advertisement in any ïpe heraldlng its plans to the world. No, such Odffn u'It don. with brasa bands. Neither lias the St. Paulle ýWff l the vicinity of Rondout and Warrenton been car- Ïi.d on with the brasa band accompalment. We are glad to note the proposed change in the. Tice roada lawluin Minois. The.proposed cbange provider *'oerule" for counties and give a icounty te right ecinÈtoa of arbitrarily permitting the state bes h don. if any state aid la oxpected. The. ~Llamany features that need.d cbanging-and in- buo la started after the. amokera again. Undaunted tbrulng of the supreme court that interference with 's smoking vas interference wltii bis personal priv- the anti-smoke folks have passed an ordinanos hhe no te! ill hold vater, but wblch othiere de- 'qm Ilb. fouÊd ùncoqtIttinsMutcmasIe tu it- "Ç?!4 B msbuun o us 1Iteea A caneof the tourt consdering-nom.b6dy"in contenipt if effort to try and enforce alaw whlchin practoaUy the Its scope as one wbich the. court bas ruled in inter- VUth prBonal riglita. Yu, somebodyl'u liable to bad tAnto the law wict saIl1 do away with tbgw ¶flty in Minois ha& developed in the senate. il lm ere pased, we are afrald mwrdrs would selu -of dupýictng, in many cities, the. records of 1«« monthsin l Aurors, wiere . lves have been ta. -!ru wù ifth y amounted to notblug more, than dee L: ead- f re>eafln the deatb penalty law udigfrom the. hundreda of murdera each Saq i a death-penalty Iaw for hold-ups, rob- e, sbould b. pauaed. If treatment of tt he umuoupulos "cýtoont oue" ..No, 16V8 tighte pthie atU'lngthat protect AIÂOKST PLANS 811 ONTEMPLE; ?SEES'IT\TI'ING 0F FUTURE test war In ail btatory la days for examînatlon the drawlu o t rlght herm in von cty,", that temple, drawn according to pro ;,V.111. at Shiioli tabernacle' he by a iovoiy man Who la a greaý #frnon. "What la the 1la. ekd Voliva and answered lt arcijitect Ini Autralla, and that b 'npl~ "Itilt make Zion Cty a willsofle day beTbuitht lathe daaplace of refuge for thing la to ses tbe temple bulit in ZMon City. Dr. Dowie had a lot tg smy lu~id.id are you on," inqulr- about the temple that was to b. muât a «resaing bis audience. at Jerusalem." en are neutral, perbapa. During the afternoon service Sunday no. inch a thins as belng a Young woman Of 16 Years who was ý,Tê0rê la a n eutraîîty in visiting Zipe City Saturday and Sua, yoq U wll" d po->Eug- day, played 'a beautifuile io, n .pro.Frefich, prýo-po- the Wiolin. Miss Helen Carney halhs )tbrougheu$ the Unite from Legoliler, i t. evmBas spupil la Inipouuble to bh neetral. oft1- J. Hire, wbo la the tonductor of iaile a Oire here that wili the ZMon orchestra. - ý (r.. Zion Çity treim the ordi- 5h. has been consldered by -muet- -4"i the police power, that no clans wbo are competent W judge as .gartb would smoke etber as the best violinist who bas ever play- or la company." ed In Zion Cty. Her tone was excel- of Zion Cty temple, lent, the bowlng was gracetul and ber "os day VoUva expecis to technique beyoud crlticlsin. onith temple #ite,, whlch was Durlng the evenlng service at the tlu Yeys, and whtch viii b. Zion Home Auditorium she agalu pla- t'wth flower beds and'iawns ed two selections and ber vonk -gbýftubbiey titis Sping, voiva throughout created a great impression -" bd In My bands for a few to ail musicians. a DACOUL Waakeaan mart27. W"la CeaI Compmny bas just OyOr toe Biard MeDermott, "MBidplîistrator, $.80 for * aSept, 1913. et Paul Bel- Ibo money, vblcbvaas aov.d b. orkman's compenstion mut tW the vldov lu ta,- ýUla ofe the saddest that ber. ln a long ti. 6f" bO- n.lu Hungary. A short h»' IMVlng for this country a I.d W, e &et sail dnle.preluy Young voman stood on hewIa nd waved a tond fareweili Paul had 1ram- laed lier that be weuld work bard alter arrivlng lu America and would send for ber as sean as possible. Atter arrlrlng in lhs country Bel- lavwa came te Waakegan and secaregl s Position at the. ceai dock, He wvas JoYtul, and vrote hlm te bis Younig bride that be badl taken the iret atep toward makîng is fortune. On. nigbt the watcbman at tb. coul dock teuud an Inert body ling on tbe dock, lnthie dir. ligbt It looked as if be vas the victlr. et foui play, for is bead vas crusbed. At thit n- quest tb. verdict vas tbat Belov$ Probaby bad tallen off a trestie about 18 test abeve and truck is bead on the dock. The delalls never came ont. LawYers tok charge et the case and the.musuatio bas juat bema palis ewIq pý urrov. fui Youg dIv1olu£mwsayIHungary. Suit, r CoUt d Exta so thaï if alterations ar e îecessary for the rush that this store is -aura we eau 1-have it ready for you t 1, to have the rernalining days-before wearon~aste Snday.THESTOEV FRWOB Easter. Splendid service assured. Tour a*.r4 Appa-rel-FoeosSyhs Best Ass set. LowestPrics-YouPilFi6 feel gla D) rather do business with a store where the spirit of service rules. and becausewe know, ýt we aim to cultivate herethat spirit; we want you to enjoy your experiençe here;' to d that you came. You don't have to buy'anything to get the idea of that spirit;itisnbad on the amounit you spend, nor measured by it. Our knowledge of wodxten's clothes, as expert speclallsts of values, aèf styles, of materlals, of the right things for -your requirements; these are at yor disfosaI. If yopibu we give you a guarantee of satisfaction, which means ail hat you think a guarantee shotid mean. 'We would rather have your good will than your money; we dont jexpect to have either without deserving them by oùr, service, our styles, and our values. Prememîec ilihQ lyShCosfoWme That Com-,bine -Stylé With' That f LowPi You'l find nowhere else in this county so many, and such beautiful new Spring Coats. and1 Suitsa as we have here. Many exclusive style ideas, in the very newest materials and the rnost fashionable colors. Suits and coats that for -style and Iow prce aeflt qaled' elsewhere. We can please you in a new suit or coat and give you a guisarean ofstisatinwihitta UrFashionable Suits ln ail the new materialg and colors. Ehu- pire, b4elted and Ngirfolk styles amid mànvhy tiinîd itiodels. Sonie senhli-taihre styles that arc refined aiff exclusive. Skirs are in gored or ir cular flare bottom stVJe. A recmarkable show îng; specîally preed at 15.00, 16.50, 18,50, 22.50u and 25.00 Setof-NewSpwiag Suis Valnes le $20, au ......... 1249 Mfost fashiojiable styjes f»ýr Spiiing wear, in plain anîd faney tr.juîîmcul niodels. Materiais are gaha îd iîes, fiue serges, ail-wool popliiî, ti)gg(cry1 serges and blaek-aîîd-wlîit<'tli<s New Empire, Eton, Godet and InnYoterstyles,;isC12.9 A Sale of Beautiful New Waists Just in Time for Easer iNew liiodets ini erepe de chine, f-repcie- teor, iva8hl silk, cînbrojdered voile, crepes, etc. Many charniîg styles that' have ail the late style touches. Réal $2.98 values; special at 57 YOU'11 E#jQy Oas of -these 1.30 and 2.00> WaIsts for MmOt DaintY styles in fine embroidered swisses, silk batistes, voiles and tub silk waists. High or low neek (convertible) styles, with three-quarters or ful leîîgth sleeves. Excellent $1i* 50 and $2.00 waists-special ..... VV New Coats for Easter ln tovecit, black and w hite checks, ser-- ges, noi elti iweaîVes andi hosts of other i t I e ltiitîîstyles. i c "' u w ide irange of sha~pt's aud col- ors trou> the wide fiarîng short iranuish niodel to the tailored semî-fitted mod- els w îth i4anaîd helts. Sizes for w o- melî an iîd sinhal 'onien. Speeial v aluets 7.509 9.98, 12.98, 14.959 and 18.50 Special FAster Sale(0 of C.ats, $8, $10,t. 5 amd i81.00Vailses.. . llanidmojit.styles inî ,lI the famé- ableli eoloî ",, tcut îdîg ail-w lite anîd l>l.î-k -atid-%vhîte check inotîcis.Ma- tcî lais ar e fiîîuserges, coi crts, nv elty mixtures, chin chilla, wool'pop- 2 lins, etc. Wonderful East cr t)ffering; special..... 1957 New Spring Shirts, -a Speciai Sale Saturday $5.00 N7.d.Is for'$2.95 $8.00 Moisis for $5.00 llre's the best mkirt news of the sea- son, for it elîtails only brand-newv Spring skirts that always.seli at $5.00 anîd $8.00. 1Miterials a r e gab)ardinies, Frechcl serges, tussah and satin cloths, circulai. fiare bottom styles, sonme have faîhion- able side plaits, others have front pock- ets and yoke tops. New sand and putty shades, new gray as well as the new blue, navy anîd black. Saturday; two great specials Select Your New Hat for Easter Tomorrow 300 new modela, creatiogs froin New York and Chicago, along with others from Our own aktiliful milliners mak. this a won- dertul pre-Easter showlng. There ai-e large shapes anîd mail ones as welI exquisite- with flowers, Mibons and or- naments. Ev- fasfionable col- or is ineluded 1these chàrm- a.50j 4.50,' end7.50, r -- - N Ï 1. j. 't <,1/ J' 'Them All at Hel' 1 ns Arr maint chemil Wauh theila 'tînut Clinit te di Watt. Coty. viii Watt. Whi M"iY ft i Vo of spe, or net &Dy JO caald i D fot 810 pue et Dr. >d turiloeg analysel charge vîli com hom nie vomi br 1w- ulve a ltion ui lotie la P» Mar tofY and lantther ftod te 'b ~mnde titon o thfierait d"Im stc avold the usde ber The rep b. conduc Iaboratory Imenti vii attention IL Tiis l Isboraîory Part of tit hat physi mmuty wl Piviieges Drv. Wai W" Of t Omoe and Id in go 3iatum of Drs. Wi vers presf Medîcal as l n the *ist Wh On. ef t *unty ha, boratory, aria], cheni minations rimle, fece te AISe m ait MINi ândled ln sr cjpture Icuns. Wasserma tr«nage 1 ngements tDm doue Sy sacil nihe mena( Fo to four nrhalden me; autel id. for ai Expert di t , f M l t re, t tbree yi ilt sientil wtioJ vii

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