"0tai llofineor hON e Idia, attt to i ino ahoratory vori, BE StOittth contents, face and uin Drs.Watersn ad Hsicled tran a hicflyadretiguti es IIIsere hyscias 0 Ete WPhse"are ethave mon a ON MAY IlreCounty. I tent Ocur Utoraoraîo,Inegs Ors, attOm Md fem hl Dr. WA- tersoYndiii have aharg n rv pyscins th* e"real ant e in cOnnect n atndi To thcae n ie nes utudte Onbe oraboratory iok s ba n soa WLB E dTHOR~OUGHO UTIFIand alh ca tsCh tresfacs the tr. S mach Disorders. cultures. etc., Iitclttding sorns treat- mnt vork ln connection vith the Arragemnt&fortheopeinganglabortor, anti diagnosîs vork. Dr. marrteanemen t orotlYeq Opanig niHaruhedar bas, been studying thea« hmIntenabor0faorotLebîequpatédi 0cil lboty for rthe liait cheica iaoraor toha ocaètihitour rears at Cook Cunty hospltai, Wgàukegaa, have been COMPietetian and lanov intructor 1hDuo0f the the labostery viii bo opoeadon May'iCicg cho1v.eeh l tl It te hie nown as the Laki County Chialg eo' br ol i CIlnIC*i IabOratorY andi la to ha under iigthese tests andi labortory the direct Supervision Of? r. W.H. vo tiallY. He bas beau 'bing Ibis Wattersoit andi M. Herachieder of titis Isoplfe e ét rteptmn h City-.Te'Fb. sioratory for the prenant 1ypople omand I11 weva avegi.t-dO W" uiii fll te vieofD. e ant te loi n ns la makhaag it a Watterson.j i va W wllo adt While 'he labratoryW,,, rve Yeu. If fnot, W idtestn Wble lte aboato'y iiiserve faction 0f pracîicing ma.ilcinego Bleuir otiter purposas Il In sitiltaI. nuch more ity doing il b a more sclon- it viii speOlalize in maklng analysas Une way, that we Intandte t combine it. Of 1SPeclueus Of bloodte ttallivbatber laverai hundreti dollars muet ha &pont or not tbé'Patients are suffaing of ln equîppIng tiis iaboMtory as Tt viii anDY Jàiduous blood i dsorders that ibe equlppeti. W e o tn 4t tdha diagnos e in orohryway our case-but fDot as »xPedlent as e4îlit vrk f itaiatortoy wiiwe can aftar va are stprted inl out flot stop titore for sPUtum Of Patients quarters on te tird floor aorte viii ha analyzati for tuberculosia Wrghtt building, On May lot. becii. Contteta t-o fronttte YurptrOnag viliiencourage au oft 'bose sufferlng vthteiia rciebgehclmnh a us omaeb djgorders vii 'Ilho I rease aur knovie'bga oftilseaise, a iVA0 etenulM thtit exact na- tat we may more promptly treat it; MMet thle disea se au Iat tite proper as il sitouiti ho tteateti. immm maou b.hadmlnlstapatj, Asaunlng ypu t)at va moenbusi- Dr. M. Hrscitiadar vitefor the laut nousa, ant i vi dolail va con ta maka tye geais bai beau professer et bac- usiness for our iaboratery; by giv!ng teriology andi patboiagy ln te Den- servIceanti treaaing You la an atiticai ntt >ledical collage ln Citicago, anti way, we bereit> maie our boy vtose abiliiy te mae itemIcal Dr. H. Herseitieter. analysas in toarieti, la have enoUre Dr. W. H. Watterman. charge of Iis vork. For a time ho 2iiiss Utnma Swenaon. viii conduct tis a rkebetween te heurs of 6: 30 anti 9 a. m., but as the vech hbrosdea% in scolie viii gradual ENJOINS SHERIFir iy iv. ail of bis lima te il. Dr. Wat terson vto lalso h« hiad imucitexper F O AKN T % ela Ibitline. WITTi ha sacreti!rY O M KN AT q»d managerOf the lab)orator7,. Mien 1 T CI Ujoksp wenson. agraduate of thet ÀC IN6 BlER <IOODS Uglvesit>' 0f Minnesota and vito et present la a dontestic science In- Sherlff Elvin Crimfn ls restraineti etflictor in a Minnesota scitool, bas tramn maklng an attacitment on an es- bé etnpioyeti b> the local labora- ecutiOn as te result of a temporar>' toty and viii bava charge of tiltaties. InJuncti0n iesued Ihis atternoon by la.otiter words site viii prescnibe tihe Master ln Citancer>' E. J. Heytiecker food teoba eatube.b ail of the patieuts An the case or Caroline Rack or Nortit Whl. tay arlundergoing treatment. Chicago, againsî A. G. Taylor of WaIl- $155ivanson comas itere iigiti, rec « g5flanad Sheriff Griffe. Thee 6111 mandeti. iied In court ased flto niy for the 'Fie iteatis of thte iaioralory have writ of injunction but aiso for thte unqce t Iat te>'have naoIen- aaîîing asade anti vacallng of putig- fflon of condueting te laborator>' for ruent entereti by Jutige Persoasof t1érown allalyses soiel>'. but viliile caunt>' court. ,Uive Pitysicians of te antIre counîy According taete stitemènts con- tIhe hanefft of t. Any phyaician vWho tained in te bill. J. A. Lelrsofo Wau- deminas te have an analysis mande can kegan slaried action for $448,81. ai- -avoidtheUtacost and lime of taking tae lgedt1 e due hlm for von d=n ~specImn telaChicago and cen bava Il anti manais futinSie.Th Fie actlar labda iere. s'as directeti against Caroline Hack -'Te report taI a santtlarlum migitl anti Josepit Park. If was Iteard ln ha conductlen1conneclion wilt ite cotntY curt Ortoiter 21, 1914. andi iaboratory, la tienieti. but arrange-nt te conclusion of the plainhife monlate wiii be madetie Rive personal 'aae lte cau5A. s0far as ahe vas con- ,attention ta patients vito mey require cerneti. vas dismisseti. At leasa she lit nikes titis eliegaîlon ln jer bill. Site 'Tsis lite rsI 'ý,e tat sucit a caims taitrough s"nie mlisteke laitoratory itas been openeti ln tiis flie dismîissal vaflot entercd on te part of thte state anti It ls beii'veti recards and te jury roturneti a ver- ftha pitysicians from ail parts o!fte dicl af $i75 and cotse gaînst iter andi. t~ny viii avalitam»ives of lha Josephit acit. Jutige Persoas il la wivliages il offers. ,aileged, rendereti jutigment on titis SDr. Watterson vas formeriy man- verdict. Sof thte tubeneuLlosis sailtannm Tti hciargedti iat Leine has nov anti bis experience viii stand essîgnedth ie jutigment ta A. G. Taylor, lni gn md steati ln examining te who has causeti an evecutian la Issue patum of tubercuier patients. against bath Caraline anti Josepb Drs. Watterson and Herscheiteer Bacht. Tite Plintiff says that she vas vers prenant eItte meeting of teflt aware oft tiis action until afler eadical association on Manda>' nigit thie conclusion of lte court term anti ln te foiiovlng report explein- unili after Jedgmenî vas entereti. ittal ita>' l ntend bteiô: flminar>' report on Lake Count>' mclLaitoratory: TALK 0F MOVINEI ntyhasbee t a! ofa linfical LACROSSEP O 1aa, chemIcai and microscopic ex- iIP Wanaion:of bodiy excretons as TOZDON I'qTY US N ~e, ee OLM.ps oiu Accortilng te an unveriiied report, itAise exarinetions of bloond,te Marshtalil eit compeny ia figur- urat miflk, stomacit contesta, cr, Ing on oponing up a shirt anti valet kospina4, luli. Cultures viii be îacto<y ln connection vit lte lace ~indled ln our lncubtor-matertai works at Zion Cilty. epcjlture furnisitet free la ailpity- Thte campan>' nov operates a big clies, shirt and veat factory et Ua Crosse, Wassermans 1 viii 6e matie iere If Win., anti. I lai reparteit, thte officiais trtinage Justifies Il, Otharvisa. ar- for some Urne have bea e tsrous or mnerente hava beau madtie have getting titat factor>' nearer Chticago, m l one in a nelgflborlng laboi'a- anti bave been considering cancan- py ac 'FThuretiya>e. m. Weldals trating Il viitlte lace varIa ts tZioln be1 i madie and reporteti on t ram Cilty. wta four heourt aller raceiveti. The Mos eNew Building. Iraden test for pregnacy viii ha Iu case titis tiecîsion la matie, Il; ia -4 * -,. ~ ,, -;e,~ : . ~2,1915. - ~1. HP1~mft, PRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1915. ~te P~-ve. * 'y , . . - I Maàny values that are mlot advertlsed wil be found in OUI store predominate in show- TH -onANK You r-or the liberal patronage you gave us Saturday in appreciation we offer the following values: SILK PETTICOAT FREE! 8ive'tial Easter offeî -a good quahity sjjj 1ettit'oaS free- W itlh cee' suit or eoat of $15.00> or over. PeU ttatarc on dis- play in Section 2, Table 5, Ready-to-Wear 1) l)ai-tiîtnt. SURtS at $10093 lPeau (le e.ygne lined pdteli pî kets l>tttoîi tiî Iîie4d daintv iflia r; tiare Skirt-t n xi eeptioti), Lat'-offîî- ut ............. .... 0 9 Speciai, SURtS $19350 blut als t mixture is;poputlar flan <1 4kàt îiid w ith peau de etxgiît otîr list i aste i tva Jop Coats 12.98 and up st «uu viet < î gtiinît ati aist c fect;t iliai d hall ti li sinRe full lhuied iltlirsare onlv half lined ov <i-t v tii gabardtine s anudlserges; large selectiî n ita aiot f pif.vi '. 22.50, $20.00, $1)5.00 and. 12.98 Silk Dresses-$16503 < îîhti' ilav ' av, saiîî, l)ltty, ai id BeIjgjîxi h î i--j.de <hit- î ititIt' to gîvt lîe iiîw vokî el- f(î#et. This is tlhe kiîid of dx-ess value ilth;t heus ila<e us tht hi.ggest dress Ilouse in ~auiau -mîade oftrieh Crepe Nlqht Gowns Chem Ise 50C 50C FJ'iîvilop1-tIiiitii <f ut-e na tcrial l inteteddt hî ar Maideo Sft sl stivtu rial- m sty-Ie East<î tdteî , ,ît J50C liii ti fi'if<iti ili uîî Corset Covers Juîlst îî t<l a ît liw Shuiii.îi-It (Al if i- t l tt't s Jatce, eiîh îoid- Boy's Blouses 29c I xvetllci it pt-i aie, sizes 111 t 14, 5pei ' l fft29 fio- toil0rl itio i..e 9 $5.50 Skirts $2.98 Made ot the- very besi wooleii materials, Ail izes and colons, regularly 550, priced29 Waists at 98c litindri-ds of taists just anî-iv- ttîl <tgalii s. voiles, laxvuus, (tti: "43.9s,. ýI.98, $1 < e Ihe Best Looking Shoes You WiII Sec Anywhere No. iiiatterilvoiî ' Ugo, voîl xviii set-11 ite-o ok s11< on )1 any foot. The Qui cil Qua 11lt' looîk' is alwavs tit la' dstinguishied troiit3050 otlitit-; piveiià' at $5.(00 dowvîî to ...... 3.50 5.00 jlt-i- is a Suijiiiex- soc that has becit a gi-eut favorite xii out best trade. You ii lik"ei e l,toifYo n- couie ini and tx-y it On. -the fitting quality is wvonderful. New lEaster Coat for the Little Miss Navy blue, Belgium blue, and* black and white check, a coat and a price that wiIl suit every mother. $2.50,up to . Crepe Waists \'îuî should seec the w oîideî fui î> w aists wx' have just reu it t i ,X ci x reasotiabhe in11prict at il[) froxu ...............39 Gloves MVitll Your new gaIrnieîts a îîewv îaij- oif g1tsitts id fcCSSary. Meliax t about ",0()() patirs to seleet fioni at 1.25 f-oui $3.50 down to..... FANCY CONIBS Xîtîr liair is to l)c consÎdered as inucl as.vouri-dress; ,t-tr iib ihing50 tut' fashionabie effeet, e.u li, - i Neckwear A tîttîtli otf nèekwear on yt>iit- suit ails i-stît fiîîished api)taran(-t, aoid we are showing just the thîn95 friii $1.50 dowt o . . .. .. Silk Hose .(<înîîî ii ail eoiori- d b1 laek; pnieed ai-eordîîîg tiituilxat $2,'50C $1.50, $1, 75-and. .. . .. . -Perfume A daiîîtY odoof tpîrfuie as you pass peolet is pleasaît- tve have a 50C ----------- )ws always 23 - ik, Our windo