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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1915, p. 15

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Wa.t>w ,epotsa~ 1.ti e dlan- fortunate for the Individual aud for IlM SI= , theJ1UV et I l »tally' x iàmuoa râcmaty made la thia daM» Hfead of Local ftIO'h SulWEx. muguy* t Lviniwstlack t4em1 w pIainq A* Ne$wte Two, sii* o.ecx~ t ______a ayum t soi c f tigt4; VIS*'ou- .e »4r. ilt*ums, ioyaity, proaxptus t iliLs - AGSAT R 'nd cl'O ou, B e. 2. 0Wwenld the duel systesu ai- feçt thepublit c acools? le 0f ô or f Tesç if ,thee Ove so-calied occup*til»i1 l rN 5elèt On gepafrmn mautactani.sl .9. eisê, bnsime, borne ecoaoelc-an- the ~og oe. . D a s t -~wîtisthese iti. tise lit. P2547 "?pgp5wjt40e u affe01ns. what ~I.eSe> t erelr webîp la tu D even t he>s ve froe u aviig 4,15 4W4.0. t-M W tw blii; owterious Influence, oeeuponIleVie hr? 4p» 49r# t~ ~s tbl te O flsia4Wtl- 1'her. la uthlng more lux commun bhe known as the unit syatem sud thie>uAMI titaien any two of thê livtit thora sharn, sand because [he question ai- la between any ons of them n sd the1 fflh.-tebel leae of. ID WOgiakê s15t. Tise, wîth xanarie efintise the Waykaffn towuslp j4aW Od obvions remuit). there wouid sclio6i for is opinion on the two "orne n division lu the interest of tux- ji Without hesitation he ates a ouyers fil secondary sehois. One of stand for the nuit systoubilil ais :wo thinga would happen. The pres- gneit the dua1 syshem, njllainiug nt higix achool would disappear or It 15#diy his renions for tieseaned, Thl, -r-ild be reduced. by writhdrawal of M'sage ef sIther one~ of thsse blle atudeutis snd support. to an acaden>y R ffeet Waukeffl, and for tisat for the weii-to-dc lu preparation for th ,fofluwing ;artigie lu whicil lhi.ians sud sciences courses flul- i- Wt, K.olk Mais. imeelivery clear. longe.1 fiminug tihe hwo systeme which are 3. îîow wouldîCie (finat system a[ Mon r onfounided 1' by. h Isynen, wili Mrend i wtb ne I<iUW etersâ. eûtaociety' Do he eholeas aimpiaere ~ Eariy ceeayage aloî,g vocationai Do te @hout. e admniserei a#I~nes eaus Invitable stratification o? Filmieet, educate away frosu the Ii-.t, ;eclety of the mont uncoiupromislng hP Uictheboy wlillsave (o nai, a i .olibecause 1h la occupational asxd1 Ibo when he ie.obliged b blave selsool? ebgnlucidodand Whatever tuailbe the attitude of (ortlfled b>' educatlon. Segregatlon of egisooluien, popuis sentiment certain- 0-ifrnaogvtainlue o h Iy bas tioedxioward the affirmative idrnaotvcinlfnefrth 0f h)a uesion Âcotdugl, [urepurpoae of inducation means lu the las? ofe fllpe uion.reseut lgllatre e Iialysis a stratificaionhbannîtupon bUs thit al e or lndeurse 5n_'nshead of upom native ahility aud In- o~ iaueul acrilxiOurselcoi divldualI nitiative. because soine occu- Me sulrit sud 'tuai sysien., pations lenfi uatui-aiiy to the accumu- . qunit sçyotbex îuvldes [betatu Igt0lhon of **Pajth, a-hile with others It * ilail be gie. te s01ools8aiferilug la Imposible.t 700etiRKI courue., teclinicai lu char- Sncb a stratification needa an cm- 5411e,. lnithse present bihîgi ehool syn eeror te icootro lit. Net only lnlit lu- toma. Thera asl li eestabliuhed ;n compatible a-th aelf-governing people, 5*001 districts electlag te coume un- but no democrscy co endure undter 4Er hi. art, a counili on vocationai thse Inévitable &train. Most of our ~IbUo 'i4 ll sait cousst of thse roubles are social snd économie, sud aing- tie principal (lu township te base our eaducation upon eccupatin, rslct, s ere) ta-o employer» cf la- wtthomt fsterlng or even permittlng aud ha-o efdIbIVres. This councli the closent personal association la te 1 I bsve thé right te ait withtb ýa>" w ameng our chiîdren the seeds of I; elleucation sud te alte part our Mot dangereus dîseutions aud te 1 discussiona pertaining te liera, Cuiijvate theni dey arter day In tue 1i eductiien. Thse state board tifecbool-room. To do huis and tisen to -iousi eductia, tuai decides a>; xpert a sef-governing people te Ille tfs what. courses phal h oWisdereci togeter athersiard lu pence sud bar- Wihintuthse scope of thîs set. shall bp mouy ls to s0w the wipds witbout be-d nAposed of thse shahs suîîeriutendent lng ready te reap file whirlwlnds. 1 etpublic instru~ction, ta-o employers 4. How a-iltfic dual system aitert g<, inhr ta-o employés sud tIwo pt* ltaipayerà pocketbook? Ma uX, ea ed lu educatioual work it would be dificuit te concelve ofM TWI board cf education. under thin, a more costly a-ay teo bring about vu- î4lik may malte provisions for evening cationai uducation titan by the dual ost*oole.. short couraes, continuation> systeni. Teclinicai raining la very gwoss snd aart-tlme cc-operatîs>' uxpensive:. think cf adding 10teîth LB wpiens th local Industries and welglst of presenttaxes another 83'»-t Inae.Thun, ait employes of te em. tise a-ri cf ahich couid easiiyt AeipSteel sud Wlre Company' o, bu taken care of wthiu UiheîresentE ê(U-Publie Servie Companxy or aiy a">col plant. Private enterprise couida [jdsre.ceuld Mate un ont et indnced to finance the "Cooley ieftclece-botb tecbnîcai an plan." Oniy public taxation ceuld snp- étaei 0.-In scitool. a-bile earnlng port such a sciseme, sud, for fiuauiial Ir livelheed ln thse factorisa or In- reasous If for ne other, ether it weuld 1 trial plants-ti under thse guidauce breaki doa-u or. If 1h succeeded. tt clps& toeupioyers ef aber sud peae of thée non-techulcai educatUon OR t~yesi cf the ebtlidren. It la this fsct hta ý,1e ual sysienbul, ll, fesherpd by leaima us ho assume that the fllshpd Cooley of thse Chicago Commerci produet of sucli scisole tin actuel prac- anb sd henSce A, ed i "Codle> ice wouid be ah hot a superlor lindt stands for ver>' mucli the samne of appreutîce.0 r g altb .thlisImportanh dîfference: il 0s il it oéUaa aicl iusttuted entier Thec ta-e aytes apppoacîx vocatione à ýct >,.MW bal, WjM>ly. aeparais'd sud vacationai edlucation f rom difer- u ii ttreliy ideDendentoi fte cnt If net from opposite points of visa-. W00119scicoel systeis, ansud eid l'e Theoee if allowod ho proceed. wil A440 1'tered by, dilferdt boards, dif* ripen lin, a complts systam ofasie- St, superdvieioftcers and dîffer- quate oducatiou for al people and for teachera.e ail. caIltuga: a-hile thseluther ah lient fore compUrhng tise SsseMEus. f wouid but provide a liecisi training nid agreo upon certain preoma"ie»for tîose wbo are "hound" 1te, service.v toopn woc Vo ma>' remesop, fi> 1.4>..c~qp.-oth eienxeatmtami MqO i1ry(p.4e sud. 4Mg hceols O asa-ia tn _r, fol14i ildreu Wbehtla hast the lswelfarq of il esc fuîuN ll M McJO lxvlalla tise blggest &;o ledetarmltig bis ca-n future. iu tlae*w, luifi a deinocracy. No mox> F OhMl K I'I bhia paternojsha cai bp advauhaie- -- ply urafinenton thoaur democratic j3~gi>eâ>îceemetit-îîclUi- PreWdentýO, 1lflio4ô oçYardt #jt ot r $M tltffl. xd jItuuUun Sol'oOPInngU anbh 4criniiname sgslnstln determAnlng Yaff' d è w e r bha. bcl5tgeo I mn i cnl. A lot oe t steeraibs the icnelgis- 4.) egreaile of imehies bouda e OfKenoha te taklng a vsry lard acli trahllicatien aud clansaactive I irat ti récent efforts ofthie <jsi<iies ftio g~k Yardci plai» of Chica- 7'TO ps t#q CuqIe%. plit, wahile, It. gote ns la nd ln the ueighbor- Çtigtos olx pr.8lxo. pment o hnt 9 Feish. tlane saiee .01101 slis 'net bellivusa- ti In, 4 sifq ba théRock yards are tu be remt- Il long erw a ho beec m ug la- G fons Chicago te K e ô a. b t I lI I crèi!'--a kIio of traiuina,.thata stbonght that somet4tq& ln tise nature tAOnlSicaw,, .iWi. ui4dlepo ~a luch rnb>' b, openIn luor near a liqB sud wa-hilaeâ l eitlnb te titis city. 1h la a4mir tted tisat tise *Nasppesntio.asips. awiteW, Tiser.are -iuwI! jcfadvantages lUîaý the duai presilent cftiseé big Chia*o Ce'pre- ~têm, poseses tien a-sU recebli>'u Idnosisa sud ln 1.) -it ixpa-aseaupçp ithea dails-I oniereéltt alt sevorsjvieil knpwn, ntlcc ysteM and a-lu, ne doubt. Ir«ji qui ,xp .,JLh ucis r.d file employer a bigis grade of jfpq,çlqgt Mc- 4>fv Tse >land wvieict lad swftqhngfaculitiei I The) Produet Of tise Suai sYs;- 1h la saïS de t opi~t sf rnay lie more Immedlahei? eOlflixa i tracttcfoty acem of lami lelog tbusiil thdu 19, tue PrMl hf s tii. hMain lineoiftise North-Westernt 't syateu, wmbbplace$ s ':.p ef- l at li or asort,. dialpuace. fresu Ciienga. On@e Itet thn nefrailttate smeu of thse cj» whe 3j.)1. ladeaignedteho a-t he read>' iss4 ieen asp"reghed ln conpoctRsu ff x prt ofthtie. buiss ma& is OI IIS *ii thse 'tà*, salil: 'l saa- the PreUl-0 - h . r li u ld ahe retUrE o . tise d à t tt (ha U Wjo Stock Y àT & tce r ' r jk %- ýî ,1. i.-hi... -hJi..* IliQ1lug à& ma t e -us tise l4nd vag-ho M flROUDLAW Utjnkn & -' tp y'yo'n's Corneý ploying One Viotàt es Law. DEFINES TABLE 0F SPEEDS. Fine Provided for Not Tieing Hom8e Whon Loft in Road- Many Other Penalties. !Iiany people ualng the puble bigis- a-ays do not inea- a-at tise penalties are for road violations sud waa cou- stiluhes a viola tien. A fea- "donts" [pertaning ho our puiblic hîgisays and tise Penalties provlded for tise, a-b "don'>" obserte them, as gis-en In tise staho law, are herea-Iti appeoded: Don'> destroy or defacu guide boards or other authcrlzed notices. Penalty, $3 to $50. Don'h depoait on a pucblic road six>' a-eeds, trais or garlînge. Penalty, $,I ho $10. Tont throa- or teave lu a public road su>' bttles, glss., boards co- tainlug projectIng naili or any otiser sublstance Ilkeus- ho cause punchureix lu tires. Penalty, $3 te $1»o. Don't obstruet tise publie road b>' feling trees thereon, placlng any ai> structlon tisereon, a-ihh a funce, pi- lng or dlgging nt diteis. tur'.Ing cur- aent or -eter so as £e saturahe 'or asai road, or laave cuttîngé a 51 badge thereon. Pethaît>. $3 ho $10., and $? per day afher rsceipt of notice to remove ohahuctlon. Dont pudposely dentro>', linre or obatruch au>' sidewasît.public bridge or cuuvert. Penalhy, $3 ho $100, sud liabiity for ail damages. Dont lenve horses uuhitched et> public rosd. Penslty', $20. Dent fail le hur to tehbe rigit ta allea- a veiicle approscblng frem $5. Dent ailfuity or uxîîecesarily hinder. oistruct or duiay anothur driver or traveler auang a public roati. Penauty., $10 to $23. Don't failite stop >'eur traction 'en- gIne on meeting a carniage draa-n b>' iorses or ether animais. Penalty, $t1.0 $50, sudlilabîtit>' fer damages. Dent fail tonltep a trust>' man lbo 1.0 200 yards lu advaucc of yeur trac- tion englue te, prevent thse occurrence of an>' accident. Penalty, $10 heo $50, sud liabilit>' fer dahmeges. Do't wa-nissntexlcated, drive yaur ca-n or anthers carniage or automo- bile on tise public road. Penalty, $:, te $25. Donx't' ernpoy or continue ta ample>' a driver of chauffeur who la addicted ho drunkenness or tise excessive use ef spirituoualilquors. Penalty', $5 for encis day sncb driver laeltept lu em- pioymeut. Don't drive meter vebicle or motor bicycle ln a race on tise public road. Penalty,. $200. Den't fait ho diapiay a-bite llghts lu front and red iigbht lnrear of moter vebiele ftom ausa-h hooncae iour ie-- for sunrisa.Penalty, $10 ho $100. Don'h exeed foloa-lng tables of speeds:<'Ineel>' bulît up portion li cities, un mules Iper hout: Inside ruai- darice p'ortion lxx cille. 15' miles pet beur. outalde residepce portsoiol cilles. 20 miles pxer heur; On an>' other publie tad, 26 mils lier heur, Pen- alty. $200. Supervisera sheiuid not pay euh an>' moue' forbuis exceedlng $ZO0. wltli- ont tiese ame being llrst given, ta Uic county nuiiurluteixdcît 0f isigisays for bis O. K. TAKEN BACK T-O KMOSHA. Was St ying on a Farffi Just North of. Wgukegan aid Said He HMs a Job There. Wauiegan, marcis 29. Roy' Staçey cf Kérn,-2talisad a qua". rel a-lth lits p arçnha r day morning and bue declded te run awsy and cast Ixis tortuniez n 0seotother rit>', dat- urda.>' nigi' ah 10 oclock thse - the ipecAir"iMelvgd word that tise boy a-as mlasing anti thexeuslef wa xpreased b>' the Kenosha autsqni1. hies that ise migist have comae lu tiis direction. Thse Waukugau police tût bus>' t once, sud diïvlnig norh on Shelia road, linailly lecateil a ittux se wbere tisa boy a hal ten refuge. Later tise boy clalm11l tbha 1bai secured a position ou ibis farm snd b.d beau, pranisuil by tise fanmer tisat ho a-oui4 be sent tu oscfhôhi and haiten cars of for tise work hé a-ou iltda about the place. Thit arrangement a-as ver>- sahsfactory to hlm sud.h a asgreai- 1>' dlspisaed a-lieu ha aWIN ceupelel. to go houtise local police station. C1~F .#~T PANEL Sueo f,.tbâ Members of the Pesent. Panel Have Been Exoused From Service. A number of Petit jurera 1tu com- Plete tis rel 501for the Iresent terra of court a-are dra-u on> Mlnday anti Sberiff Grîibu a-a suy sers îng tise notices toila>. Tise> are to appuar ah tise term whiih ee8 ns April 12 and tu ail PrelRisblity wJli not be obllged ho serve fer mare than a week, poe- siihy for flot more histan tlîreu or four deys. borne oettiienintiers off tise lest ianel a-are excused sud 1h le hO flli thisasvacanclesa tis>the addition- ai veuiremen have been dra-n. Judgs Dennelly willl bu ieru ho pre- siie lu court on Aprii 12, as Judge t'dwards bas disposed of ailtishe cases n a-bich lis aas net lnterestud bu- fore bu a-as elevahed t0 the bar. .ludge Donneli>' aas detaîned l n an- ether part cf tise Ceunty wahic-b pro- vunted bis bsing ise e ucoen court this weck. ICOe o f Il.>' iasson tise cu are lnhsreshlng. Foiloa-ing. are thxe naites of tie venîremen a-ho have ht-en lrawn iHeury' Siue, Benton. George W. Broa-e. Newî.ort. A. B. Combe, Avon. E-. E. Rase, Warren. J.. Coigreve, Waukegaîi. Pred Erakîne. Wau'Xegan, Rtobert Fulton. Waukegau, 'Km. Speore, Wsukegam, . W. Stupe>'. Wankegan. ('harles- Harder, Shields- Henry Martîna. Shiselds. Roberh Vlpejsd. Shields. Frcnlt Eger, Liberlys ifle. Pauxl Rna', Lbertyvltle. Frank Norris. Ela. Thomas Caroas, West Iieerfleld. John Courad, Deerield. A. Pearsou. Deerfield. laiit Whlch Blanches, An tish re n efordinars- prIntiixg lIns dues foct ileach In> "Ring prluted maheril for liew.p*per, a-Frencl'> firm bas ptentsd as speciliInk. Th-black Pigment la a campound fret> tanbarlt extracts actula on ferrous sulphate; snid thia la lPCorprated witb resin, or minerai otailsd rmain, or boiledlin- 19eed cil. la rePulplug tise paper theo liD la biencbed wlth an acid soiuhlcn Of s hypochleride, chienine ga or hy- drocbiorlc cr exaiic ac4d. tise puip lie- lng made perfactly a-ite. Dally Thought. CivilizatIon l tise eternai aacrilo of one generation te tise net.-BuI. wer. WELL FED, THEM STEALS INN3Yf3 ~City for »iibUli,,ff o, water, al- THISE WHO AIDED lhougb thse aidinalicerate provided FROM - 1ERELWHO IIDEDeN by act ofth ty a)oflsltg :n-rr A Vo,,] iamp mde s Attorneys for the clty assert Ihat W N TO- e M DED rebate in sonne fortuhy advan',, In the rsd" o' Aldermnan Alfred mut e ade byth water companv E. flamiIl of lh F,rest white th, Water Suit Involvi g tyad fteodinerteiuhld famlly %%as a,nt M ~ouday, they ail- WateandIf heomnnnu rae l upUpd lielî,ed prc,., r. h n a ktgood meal. W trCoià' e.No p The inatter ha& been threshed out Aýbbut ant ho ir lWr 1w, returned. slp- inl City of Chicago. in the circuit court of IAke county .oi Ped ilto il'- as, 'arrleil away ilthecase of Flndlay Ballel againi.t cloih'ineI Oc 1\rnaii a gcd watch. _Whl»»i. expected to 'e the last the water Company but no detin4te He esuaped. thapter In> litîgation thi latcoee settiemetit ever was reached. Non' nine years was begun \Ionday before the city has declded to taiete 5iat- the lîlinols publie ulîties commis- ter up with the publie utilites (,cri Two hurudI r,* al, Vct to sion, wlth the Introduction of expert' mission. Lauke F'ret tîop,î Iail xjobjs tesî>nxcns- of engixîcers on tise >alia- on farms ait road s . They lien of thse piant and thse service rates had ieard laboir'. ,r, reeded. of tise Lake F'orest Waher company. 811> Tisougisi. The petîtioner1lathe clty of Lake ">e~ds tjie sird "cisuerfol;,s" W'heu <'ii f c!,,Iî ITheoiiîiatx sawt d wha anuibe tenForest and conpisint la made sgainst lrniy 1hmeos a contentexl .i, a-ba a xunber l~e- n I,.ordr- rats ftisIl>meuRan apure heart: It xc. io>a h ri'm e rt e Ts o comatr oma . kînd and icving disposition; it t -oua cd thern out cf ioOii ami tli, o Terate charged b>' thse aater cm ii Ini lit>' and chat>: 1hlnienn;o i- corne bac-k and lotek for eork a unpan>'for tise iast ine eara a-an ereuo approcistien oet ehers îr,"s. at a tîmu. 3lany cf tle cren were twenty-tive cents for 1,0()o gallons te modeat opinion of eef-W M. from Wackugan. consumera, witis a specil rate te tise eAY Arrangements for the consolidation .No 1~etl zhnpm~ u4 iJieyk.i0e. of the Firat National battit:cf hake vice adtebihsadElo,. fptti' Forest andi the State bank of Lake &ivesSespetatmya m uei> bou*1D d lvt .U. Forest were completed Meonday. The ren o rmfr.BsdsE.b. NgBUf.u~U g s new lastitution willl egin business on ye o we opm .., u hi.ul April 1 wlth more than $1,000,000 in ont-bulifurbra n el~~- deposIts and $130,000 capital and sur- hlenieldo4Oiwr.Aykofaîàtsbpua plus. Its ofilcers are I.L. James, .reola noruasnhyouhudfltItalt.UnvalSia Dresldent: 1Frank itead. cashier, an'A Send a Postal Card TODA Y for Freelluosatatd DBo. George Anderson and George Findlay. vice presldents. Arong the directors are, Rtobert Thorî,e. James 0. Heý U iveral Battery o T rnk1.Iiîrie, L. 1P. Swift, A. Co Rtuseli. E. le. Carey and C. L Krafti. 48 Se. La Salle Éirot, C..Is~ Meaiafociar.rso.f au i dao.1 f wqu tq Mlr.. Emin11a '>1>- l~. WidItw 'of Io irSAMee r de. W.uh..«» rn-'? 10ov(rtilr 1'l . I Aliguliof lbl 8 WU >.o e y ci> dled last jîcrIl al her lholx.. 4(;:1, Malden avenune, <hicago. Mrs. M[L gele, had beeu au liivalifi 18 years, qi -........... ... Spring Term Opens April 5, 1915 Il' Yotu Alîji to li'.sîîitce.sI il litiI~îîi~ yolu intist first eqi i l -nI b>o1dîinin.ît anpraetiei >l bi'-uiiItr ining, stîch ae we are offerilig to- Our Experience Our Teaohers O«ir flbed 0111- I.Jrect Apldiî-atiiiiis if saille- t> Hiî.4tiss lcqîurementit, audth0 dcrand forlouîr graduates bY fil-ns al i'>'er thé state ai-e f'ivgiîuiî 1'iîsoîs for 1) (eoming a student of this institution. Sexid for 0111- f1-ve' a;liîî.alid asic fori'aiuy Speejal information that yon xîîay ivisti. This sehol lus il soiiieliýat renîia Il foru-I 'it'lii' <'ii IlIl iiiiilîg of Younîg îsei for i- stuspositionis. SevveîaI av lirioi' oui - iliîg ter-în; îay wt te ot uit onuiol Wraulk.gan BushgCol

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