WRmAYAPJIL 2, 1915. l ire. 8. Daiie aud RaroI vwers lu ~f6¶7q <S#flV Cileago Ionday. Edfl u Fa. 0UE, o m Il Joe. ýPoster la remoisling hie bonm.. ~~ sorgs Buruetirais arted a nov boum. Qrdi.T.As'fed*Ws*. la ow lirm.t$Viovlon sud MAi.lia 5UflVeiiW*~&~hfgSBto55 Beet.I>lsIbaving an addition buil taoboutei.- Wbomspur hwovunot - __prosesiug? bouses fiturdar aevstng, April 10. Tlctbtonautas eb.droi t ors. h B. W. Churchill sransacted hufnoéseet Stoveus Pplt te eret of theaseis. 3. J. Lofflbaughr tran.acted huoinuee as lo« Labo tou"dey. MIse Rama Turn*r visitaid ber brother eit oeb oday. ClaieDoolttie va. brougbt bomne frorn the MeAUtiater hospitaùlut iThir.. dal end la doiug tory nieely., Mr& Aima Fniou lae bing ber son 1*0o0" ain sknl i Guru». Aiý r. »dMiAr. flolon seuli thi eois-k aMi ahi uhor ebildren Chai and Franks, lbevlag lus roîrned front e se, oral9 "eka riait lu Fiorida.0 Are. Jo. Turner vieited ber mon John asad fiias@4Auîiocb a si êtaday. hile1 ve.k. Ars. ardinlor rtrafd8aturday tram ( a i., veu viositvith relative* lu Autioeb.i Lotisuad Clouent Wlitmore of Chics. go, epet Sunday vîist isteir orad. Mother and sanus. Air. Wm. raine and Ars Wlkingou of VAe" Fox Lako, epeut esturday bore. Bave jour Emter Photo* taken as "ud'a Studio, Uàborty ville 27c2 Luit jear voesld vs had tise bout1 woris sboa.inu t o-u as voabgt1 0.Nov Wo »Y fit hcauee knov it by teet. Try a pair. 8. L. Garfield POUDTebeplcw ieeyou eau boy ati lthe goodir. S. iL.Carrteld C.eff Prof. r4iorter af Chicago, vW«rout àon- day eveing eonducting the rebearpai of "brpeAuna." Mr. snd Ar.. Evert Cuiter of Eiaot Foi Lake. am olt Stnrds.y vith their sou nioyd aud famill. Oraudma Thomseon @put Friday witis be eChaa sd amily asIbe uid home- ler go: FotBlli. ire. Dan Book lae pending soverai dape with ber sont Cbariep sund familin Chicago. Vo bavasà fl lins of iueeetlsldee for ipraulog porpom., oueh aie Arosateof Losi. Bouleauxmixture, Parte Gom. Urne Suipher. Nov lathtiUre to apr*Y jonririse bfors Sirop bnd. The Roxai Store, Dynes Ditg Co. Min. gode Wbteore.d est Suuday as t"s Augnat Haensm home at Long Labo. Ar. JeesLougaabngb, Are. Wu. Blles sud Nies Roiter were Cicego viellai. mmre.Roes Garwoud of Waobegan.1 cailsion fianede hore Rondap. Formaldebyde le tise bot sud cheepeel msa destroyer a fariner eau use on ie gran. Cou, in snd vo vilS give yu ftell narticniare boy it ib need. The Boxaii)rcg Store. Drue. Drug Ca. Tisepostoffti le inov iaeated ln its Dv Y homo aud 0rayelako no esaa pbet- offie linmap Weil heprand o1. Tii. Aaeouic iodge gave e banquet Thoredai aiteruoou sud svening to thei r brother Maeoce front theiseghbhorg e. R. B. Godfrey ai Cbsrie's Ant" pou vinover stop laughlug. AtOGraye. la eopera bonse Saturdap evouloir, April lOth. il Prof. Shorter, vhoin iadretiug the . piay "brtsAus" sud le one of tise9 bu JeSdramatitober@hofo!Chlcao, saon tisai Grapsiako bais plendid maSenaI ta the mot,»aigond as ia louait lucile. mach largr tien (rapeiste. ilever Stuady #or MIuIMey.c tattettceshow liaS la the* 55i1E dameof AuMnigencollaaeoabout me- bu& tise gnadustae aPdothe tis-It liftk à a profeesion. At tisa pnsee.it èeabis&bout ive per cent of lia ouies. greintea beme al"W-,&e REXLL WEE beu.881k eglis Mas theai enit aSwiteasud Cm"a&aaiuRKXAI &B a altiis aeak REXALL Stere avoy visse . a it meka ya esle IRl " ar a sl en pou r'. 14a't fogtodropiuâuslmgRKXALL WEEIL SPECLAL3ouvEPfm CeeugTbunday, W" Iltis * eadao.tliag&il tireugi REXML WE W*.mc voai"veatia lne perd-.. a beauhllp-e".oflreasSuckhs- Cr.lu a ng suddgo tiret<iols T p EXL STORE tDRUR EDIWGCO.4 OliverwAitievesud famiipmoved limt wosb Tburediby tu Attocli visre hebààb chargeofaitlhe.Standard l tipwma beutinet.Duriug tiser'Ov ersi ay bors îbip bave made inauy vrm freudo Who regrestheir departuro. Ar. Sianson, Air. "Ler'. resluarant beiper. movsd ino the Loir cottdge last veeb. Ray Kerr a etudent luintobehmlslry dopartmeni at lndiana iuniveity, i@ spsudtng hie Vacation W th hie paren te bore. E. J. Lébmnansd famil, a veois sud et tiroIr bouse bore. R. Weudiaud te putting upa sud store rormnh ie rear oi ti @hop. Rer. Huteiuon ettendedt n«ucOmeut exercîms et Ev.l Wdqesdsy. B. bai comploew qulred couresand viii nov h.j for tise ommer. The Royal Negharm »lay. Meus aClub" vilii ho gven by lot lu tis earstablo hall ou Fnda, Apri! 9tt. 1'1.binisau '«Shi si sud houud tu Se. good. Came se A fare Weilirecoptian va. teu(k Oliver MAibsîb 'et a mneting be day sfternuu, sud lunteialfot abse vas preesnted vîtis a rtc Ntgbar pin. Sho viii b'.greel ln K. N. A. work. NI lrpOive Webb, viteé oiArch vabpoertd u for appendicîli Jane AcAlltr Hoapital tant I Atpresoriv a 1iinx isgetirsg alit Wm. Cremim of Giray Lako vs or n Aiibnru Thureday. tire. A. K. Bain spont a feu Chicago and Grapsiate. A. K.1 iioluîby @peut bmnray vbîb Aira. Cremine ast(Irapsake. Koy E. Davion ai Belit, % the veesk oui itb hlé sieters. V.B. tiîraag sud L. S. Banner. Alire. E. A. Martia tramted Wi Chiago Aondsy. Mess,. J. kt. sud C. E. Douan [ad la teviclssty af Piessant Tueday. J. 8. Douman boot e vainable1 pait voek. apeat lie a gersgs bebIuther tise 'ous- W'AtCONDA WILIAM A. ROSING orespondent .Agenil PHONE 22-W1 Pagiticlks traumacted business i Cbicago Moudal. Airs. margaret RoueY réturned homne Saturd*y afteratwo weekf. Ujsa witb relative@ an MdefinêmChicago. Fred louahami fChicago, spent batur- day and Swday vigitîîng rélatives and IrLeo nounr WWDand vibinityv jup> afoues of ChicagO. traneacted bueinem lu untr village Matiird,.y. Dr. tteed sud Oie Oison are on tise sick Alvin imbail vai a 4'hwag vietor C. 03. Huson oliin, vas acebler bore Priay. The itlte dàbghlerof aMAr. and Ars. Joe Davis was on theo olialaet veek. Ara. W. A. B umon sud siter, Ire. B. Ford, @peut Aonday in Chicago, Ars.. Oueinn viited ber daugbter in the Chicago isoapitai esqt Tueaday. Slam MLcClintock returned [rom Fioide ou Sunday aller spcndlng the aintor there. sain $&y@e lshing la goad in lantea. Lyie Lttbi-r, the rural mai carrier, viii have a uexy car tu doutver mail i vi thie coming veeb. Frank Cnningham and E. A. Arend afCisicego, aère Round Labo rieltore; tant Tueaday. Tuesay. A uumber af our young p.-'mp. spent Sudap eearu'et Aiceery. Mii.. ieene Lent (A Df ih.-lci, @et gunday at the brume utfAMr. aidAre. R. C. Kent. Mir. and Aru. .11. b>on!'. and Aile Elenor relurned Sstnriay im.,om Wauke- gan. Ars. iBarry flaisn"d Vister] vtîMr. and Are. fi. E. Bic hebbcast part of tbe week. Mmrs C. L. Pratt la epending thLsvesk vils retive@ la Chicago. Vitor Carr. wbo bais1,-n workiîmg lu Gary, Sud., for tise paet two weobs, retnrned home Baturday. Rugis Airtîtuaud femily hamv îroved to a farrn near lieflory nerison on C'. W. Bnshi, travelingf auditor far tise FranuMB irde return.d tiunday alter d bis re- C. M. & St. P. Ry., vas a Round Labo sevea a.vetiCm.g, ah hme vsito Suuay.A large crovi Stteisded tihe tiret moviug pture shov ofniltt ealon ati -Thse Oid i - .toLbsd pavillon last Saturday ma! talent G G'SLRE J ngist. qeveouig, -- im# esEtelia Grâce was a Chicago sr', play E. Barris vaaChicago v istor Mon. v iitor Wedneeday. moo c day. Vcorauorot Long iroce. viitei lered Are. There vas a large atteedamie at the v ilsAir. sud Mis. W-:-.. damer bnaday. wid Tues& Ladies' Aid hebd et Air$. tien. apPle'. Prof, eud Aire. Aoor'. and daugister tise camp Thuraday. Catherine yee.Cie'agà viitors Wedues- ld Royal .Thoe. via speut Thursday at the Aid day. ip miqssd frojrs Wakegs W-ebreAr. F. Cerk,1 Aire. Gillmnore. tire. Witisamn sd Ara. ili. T. à. Seymur spent the lait nf Ray. 1lb. vesb in Chtegoent tise thure otber M~Ar. and Are. E. b. Faulkner @ilent Sun.- daughter. Aire Frank Harrison. day at Rouec-rae. , ri eb s et Sun lay tiser,, yul le a Opetiai1 -- GUlE hi ebEater program aI tise -hurehb Fvery- L.... _____________ las at the ane iuvrtod. Tue Leries' Aid society z'.1 vitis Ars. rhun.day. %il*@ airy Amanrm vas mperated on Eiisvworth Metcaif Tbur@stav aiternoon. 0 D n,.eiy. lest Tuesday in Wenkegau huepitai for ~ RibCitedm îe e ags as e viil- appeadicitie. Sbeitegetti"."9alongDieily. 1e, ra Cl CDisiicaFe'md on er Mies Dorothy sud Donald Mrsi ai returD ifrom Batavia. Ne % ork. l aya in Es-asseton, are epending theîr Eate The udxt meting of tise 'r arren. Cer- Bain sud vacation at borne. lery aocity vilii h sed vitisArs. Eileu Air. and Lamb Wedineeday, April 7tis. fl-~Gumme., sîndents attending the Wanire- W., @peut jR SS I lgan igis scilreensîoying iersprlag Madames vacation tfine eeb. There wvll behoau Eseter soiablhe je the Speciai Rester seiw -ew wvili ho held at 1buamnessecLurcis on S&urdap eveniuc. ».prili3rd. the liurueo Chrigtian ciurcis. san viil- rit Prairlo borsesthse Tb@ lust course.of entertaiirreuîs vilii ho b.ld t eou.Watei tor tse date. Esitersesrtice ai tho, Cburch Sunday Apr. 4 sud tire Suudey Sehool beur viii ho gîte, ho lie cildera for thesir enter- tlasntuansd a sang srtiesof lie sauge of Fanais Crosby itheseovsniug. Ail an. cordiaily Invitai te attend. OBITUARY David Jamées Ailtuoasboni ai Scotelh patente at Canuadaigue, (heuasse couuty. Nov Yark, Lctaor 22. 1841. lu. tise sprnig of 18-44 tLe f.miby îaved ta Ilitinoit, iu Lako connty on land bogit fron tise goverumeu ln u thioch tovu- ehlp. tise site ai the presont boreteai. Hon.kh elleb,,ras been ruainlylilved aud hon. ho dled honon.d by ail who knv hlm, ah Si. axe of 73 year., 5 monthes sud il isys, Aarcb, 25, 1915. 0f bis Sbme-braibera Jiha, William abi RobOts oul4&Wblhi&m ai Borktap. Calfornia, ls nov living. Bie ouly *inter, Aira. Chues Webb paseed avay same pearsa ga. Iu Augnet 1862 ho ouilted In tise 96ti Regmont, Ca. C. 01 Illinois Vol. infante-y and certedntif AirtI 1863 ahen au menoat af brobon beais, troumtise @ifecîs of visici b. uavor fni roovered. Be vwu isouonahiz iiabsng o va. au arisas patitot'aud aivape chiseied lise meinonp of île oxpertce Iu tise services of lse coatry. Beowu a mrried ta Suogu D. Smithl, Maiy 20, 1869. S3even cblirsu ver, bom a bthea aifvisom te'a, lin J. sud D. Haàrold sur-vive. On thie 5t af Mannb 1865 b.,ad bis future att. unitad i vtho Ae ililiru Congrega- tiosai churcuion oucueui of aifallhInb compauy watbth tbrtj otisere, aoetiy 1yonng people, i ote recieloiai the 1provled l Miltiura a bàtis . For mn y9ars ho wvSttlmouelp ootsd ,ta serve tho cinrei q# decoir sud tloite vent bacisovon ibo vput sud nocali ibe ltcttbat bh Ai ouaded oui om ilty pears of mernb.riblp af the ciureb. The fumnras uebouul deondapvits hupli iJoues arl.try. Ber. A. W. gafford oMdReds. Potash la Pesepeif. Ifr. Kiether, Bvà ieudtitbas d:e eevrei that the tici layer of A"ie 0ovortng th. ruine or liwculnetu ani Pompeilicontaine ag. qumottie. «S potah sud argil, a valuabie pui. cutural fertiliser. Ha boîlvtershe ragla n aniVfenvlns la nliehla Pot- ui. h t teProposi tisthle lellaa savafiment s"aexploit tire totlis islmetaeemmertlslly. Ever7u<Juynrvit.. Tbe aocieiy at Ar@. Reeves vas wi atlended. The nez% meeting wilii ho itb ire. Hoyard. Be sure sud came to cisorcis neis ganday. Ait.. Doris Nurrie eutertaiued lfitesa of ber Irtmedalest Saturday <MOioon. It hiug ber tweifti birtiiday. Tbel bad s poanut mut. Mldred iter van fblet pris. sud EU. 'Winter the boahy prise. A Il bai afine lime. Ars. R. G. Munrie was a Wsukegau vistor Wedneeday. AdilesVanVIe @PeutS atnrdep sud SuudaY Is LenoBha vith Ars. Ornie LoeDes. Jo. ierviile vas lu RusseellSaturday. Arsud Ara. Brt Robinson returusi tram their weddiag trip Saturday. Tise Hendrickoon temlly bave isoyed tu Dexteî Corners. Tbey lite lu ltb. Cr.spiy tefimetit bouse. Baterai of the termers acre in Chictaga an miikb buses. anc dayfasot wesk. C. Auto. Sons Ca, Deerfild, Ill., bave a fulilUno of Ladies* and Cbildren'a Waeh Dreses sud spîing Mllltsery. C28Ui Ksap 51s5'. The irost proventivo againet Iblioees à@ tu st&tr ithtlhe doop-aatae u vitimonofthe esmuetnas lof ate WbstOyar mon @&Y Of tise vord, 1litla OetnIny no etage for trIttis; tu a, oaie visera ail are at vork idiéua -a ie-d only lu vreek snd mina.- Job*atnst Siakie. Charles Stevens '.terlsinod hie@inaîber lhe latter part ai Isal wsek. A. Murrie eud iamily of Labe o Fret mavod 1to eir n'w hLain rsGurus. iat Ars. Leurs Corneli spent aslow day. lan Chicago last veoý Ar, sud Ar@. lark Chandler started ion flot Springs, A rbaneu liut Aonday mornting. Have pour Faster Photos taben ah Boyd'a Studio, Lirtyville. 27p2 Father Foley was a Chcago viitor on. day laest ve-k Ars. Fred Wilby a a cing on friends bers one day les t otek.' T. G. Dietuieyer and le.rsilp vers Wais- kegun visitors ronc day 1ai îek. Ars. Loo Lux aid Emsma Waddel yen. Chtcago visjitore iast Tbnredoy. . T. Ssrag vas in Waukegian aturday. Are. Frank Shea is among tbunesan lie atck lieS. Aire. Bert Winter aise. mbueheon sick for sestral veek s, is much imrovei ai tise preceut vrihiug. Fred Rhea, viso wusequlloe seb leso asok, la reported as Seing botter. 1 Maltaiaer, Joe Ainubiof bas isoon1 tont ta Ranuey anid AePatlsreon, vha vas ut RUnney l5 to maints, ut Wade>.1 worti. Farm, Lako ForesI. Adiree R. R maepndanî aie-rsag mý msooo- imie, Evanston. 27c2 T~N ~ SURPLUS lnder It. Policteaditishe aaw Au neither the. Modem WOU&"*S IlELPS WOODMEN orthe Royal Nghbor bae bt à* AND R. NEIMBORS theesmontly ammt e Up by death dlaims, and are roly a Annooncen tent o the passage ln surplus ln the benoît fnnd, thsae t-. the house at tepringfieid Tuesday et apilsuslot large enougi to offuetor bill taxing the reserve fund otf fa- even te nearly equal tise tanrgio ternal societles created no little ln- Ilabiiities onder the polIdqes. terest here. say.s the Rock Island Ar-t This would relleve the Wûodc>ýU il develops today, however. that 1 oa eghrsa ela the ih iiiflo ad an taatin i ly ail of the fraternel lusM*9 thebil wil nt ad ny axaionte cettes trou paylng the tar,jc thse two soclettes whose bead'qoarters at is i scosdrd are located In Rock Island. The bill provdesforthe axaionot Oe ta Oard te proteet them tfrom tax #en proide fo th taatin o th fr- ýsessors who in the peet have atteint.- tomnaIlosurance funds on the manie cd to ta'c the surplus. hasts as aId lune Il?.insurance fundsInsedo en dabc t*II are taxed. b alnt t e tne a0drawbellett s aR This meens that fromtiesrsu beaeefto the loal pcttlo su ln thse reserve fond muet be deducted they will he pieased te see lthe"M the Insnrance ltabllty of the socty. nacted toto lev. ---l ENJOIN COLLEUTR FROM COLLECTJN6 N. culI. BANK TAX Stockholders' in Petition De- clare That Stock of Batik Is In Liquidation. (Utrcurt Judge Edwards Saturday etternoon gmated a temparary writ of Injunction i drecled ageinBt Town Col- lector J. C'ayton Rtutt and ('ounty Treasurer Lee McDontgh, enjining tiseni rom cniiecttîîg taxes on the ptock of the. defunci North, Chicago State hank. 'rhp. petitiomi asking for lhe Inluirction vas filed iîy (t'rnE. Osyler samd the otiier stockholclers of thse baok Whso are: John Nelsonr. Julia Dwetka, J. Lther, JoB. Deekiewiez, W. Peoek. R. Gregorszewski. S. Cvc- tan, A. Asma. Mata Sians, T. Zelenik,1 0. Mi. Wlkitnson. J. Krokls, J. Bajorek, M. iuragevaki. M. Svetel . Reekten- Wald. P. Christenson. F. Kus3cekski,: A. Dudek. L. A. Wler. R. J. Erskine. Emma Pearson.,%%'. P. Wysockt. P. Stolaraki. F. Opeka. A. Pucin, .1 D. Geebringer. Emmna Thomas, t'.1D. Weehter. Jog. Lulewiez. E. J. ('aliey. Agosteafson. J. T. Hayes. J. H. Sayber, Wm. Hamief. L. Jakrzewski, J. Janas and P. J. Drury. In the pelîtion Il le charged that tise bask tn In ilquidation, but thet deepite tisis tact the assessor piaeed the stock on lits books and, tise eounty elerk ex- teoded a lax against Il. Il tae elmed tiat the first tbe toekholders of the benk knew about il vas when the col- lector sougbt 10 colleet thse tex and Dow tbrçatens ta sel the stock uniesa tise lix le paid. The court issued tbe lemporery re- stralolng writ and piaced the bond at $1,000. This wiii be turnished hy th. pettoners and tbe writ wîli he tsoed and served. slapptng action until tise malter bas been decided. LAMIYS CORNERS Littir Alie,Nadelbollr basnmmsamma. tory rbeumatisem. Air. and Aire. Borae...Nelson of Wsmrke. ga, @peut Sondey wvins Ar. and irs. Jame s nfflby. Aira. Anna Lamb le spenrtlng a tsw day. attlie Harold Ailur,> home, Loon Lako. Airs. Eva Esty, whoisikat lise home af ber daugister, Ars Bisie Hook, la ual hetter. Tht. Warren Cetiaetry association ilii meet Weduesdey marning. April 7tu vits Aro. Bien Lamb. A large meeting le deoired au@lisere in important husinese ta corne belon. tise meeting. Air, sud Are L B. Ailler, Aira. Rerriet Panier end Ars. Bien Lamb aiteuded th. Woodman and Royal Nelghhor mesS. 109 st North Chicagoansd reported e flué trne. Airs. Nettilion of Greyeabae, sisited Ars Eibsu Lamb let weck. AUCTIONSALES Ail auction sales pubilîshedin 1h. Independent are chargad for ai th: rate of 5 cente a.lina ahen an order for auction bills accompanies th. notice, othorwise tise regular rate of 10 cents par lin. viii b. chargod. PRIVAYE SALE HR8Et3 AND FARM IMACOINeR.Y- Pair. mes, 5 yra aid, sound. veight 2850; one mare inu bai. 5 y rs oid, sound, weigbt 1250, three.bnrso grain drill, harrowe 5 mettlons, pnlverlzer, 4 borne; eniky plov, 16 Iuchs; vakiug piov, shovel plov. sulky eultivslorp, 1 sud 2 roa; baud cuivtleor, maver. misunre opreador. grain iindor. Pora blnder, polato panrter, poleto dlgger. 2 @est ,duble isarnos. Cen hoe mn ou Klime zl--1 l uw SPECIBMNBALLOT TOWN 0P GRANT. L4KE COUNTY, ILL Annul E leoton Tuesday, April 6, 1915 LOHP1A J. PUSHriOPt Town Ckrnt (PETITON) DY PsTnTION)(a 9qo4 For Highway Conmissioner For Itighway Commnissioner For Highway Commissiomscr For Highway Commissioner For Hlgbway Comaisalouer Pl ROBERT MINAHANO [ MARTIN W. FREUND E _ ______[ _F For ]usice af tise Peace For justice ofthtie Peece For ealice.ai tise Peace For Jstice aftie Peace for iueco 01 111A Pmse j Toiiivacancy To fuI vacacy- To liivacasscy To titi vacancy T i aac GEORGE W. KQETH FI W. K. KIMBALL [ HERMAN A. MEYER [ FERD W. SCHULZ [J W. j i t Summer, odn Shoua't Cook the Cook Getting dinner ready in juIy is just as com- fortahie as in Novem- ber-if you use a FLORENCE 0. COOK STOVE. The heat goes into the cooking, not into the kitchen. It does your %vmork welI and reliably, and keeps you corn- FLORENCE,- 01k Cfer te fortable. hl requires less watching and regulaing than a coal stove. You can keep one or four burners at an intcnsely hoi or rnerely simrnering flame. Corne in and let us show you how these Florence. Automatic Stoves work, how simple and reliable. No Wicks to humn out. No Vak4ei to leak. Once started, each burner will keep goipg at the "me power until you turn it out. PERECLYSAME Steel Haif Barrelo IlOW Cm ou ..Prveomt Smet By treating your seed os with a soin. tion of Antj.Smut. Use and be con- vinoed. Xvery boule sold undet a pos- itive guarantee. Order at once. .Electrie and other powor wa8hing machines. ifyou want a Rec> Car-buy now wbile we eau make quick delivery. Graystake E.J. DRUCE u=42r Prices ]Reduced on Winreneui IT WILL PAY YOU TO PLACE YOUB ORDEES 50W PERONE 80 LMEEEYvILL