A IIANDFUL 0F TOWN- VOTERS 1D0 SOMETIINGi TOO PLAINLY ILLEGAL WITH LESS THAN DOZEN ANI) HALF VOTERS PRESENT, $500 IS VOTED TO TOWN COLLECTOR FOR OFFICE EXPENSES, WHEN LAW PLAINLY SAYS HE MAY RE- TAIN BUT $1,500 FOR HIS SERVICES-ACTION IS UN- -PRECEDENTIED AND PUBLIC WILL NOT STAND FOR IT' THE SUN ,WILL ASSUME INITIATIVE IN CASE MR. RUTI ENDEAVORS TO RETAIN ILLEGAL FEE. .1 In explanation bte te notice te, Coii.ctor Rutt qiven in an adjoinlng col- WMImetbe'edltôè of The $un would lste hors that he doesn't for a minute 04Pttgn te poseo e the one te whom collector Rutt or any other offlce4hioder la fOfiitla.94'sno offlce-hoider himsmif and ne officiai ia legally lespon- 4te him K Iower, the requmt that w. mule for a promise from Mr. 4j# lapmade ln good faith, itlei made In order that, If Mr. Rutt desires, an Ibuettn againut hlm wii not b. necessary. Our position la nt personal; 100% M wetiaylliigto the grndetand-w. merely are sctlnq FOR THE 1PUS1- tOmRoIf a NEWSPAPER ait@ back end parmits such Iliegai thînga 1ke 1 Il .b dons, who thon may b xpectid to assume the initiative? Thts 0ypW@ hae don. h. W. fasi t tlaour dut>' au exponenta of honotty In public .Wsj'..-DI'OR. The fact that 15 voters of the township of Waukcgan pvfIt on Tuesday to be at an unadvertised meeting at the .nJe niitbouse- whcre thcy> voted to allow the town- ~p ollector $50 in addition to his $1,500 salary for col- IW#niig the taxes of Waukegan lias stirred, or should stir a À bornet's nest in the township. Frankiy spcaking, The Sun doesn 't believe that the 4own-eollector i, ll ever retain a cent of that additional irç. àllowed hlm in formai session and, if hie does, it believes ~ iJhave to return it to the tow'n in due time under due p"oess of law, for it is generaliy conceded'. and even hy aime town offiiais themselves, that there is a strong feel- »g«that the action taken pro'rides foi' ai additional pay- UIPnt oi a fee which is illegai ôu the face of it. SI.û a town ike Waukcgan, the, collector, as lias been *w4repeutciy, iu these colunins, is entitled to Up to 0,providing 2 per cent of bis c6lections would equal tam; if they should fali under, then fic gets just that #Wint. But the iaw says be shall get $1,500-it doesn't ",v be shall get more; if it meant he should receive more twtào six weeks' or two nonths' w'ork, it would so state. #ui doesn 't. Therefore, how '1.5 voters of the town #nkthey eau get together and "slip over" anything of >t sQrt and get away with it, secmis ilncomprehensible in IWO y of progression anîd generaiiv cdnecded enligliten- ~pt. Yet the formnai action was taken and it is natural $pioclude that thc collvtir wiUllic satisfied with the art- $Iand retain tht;nîcîîitioticd siuuîî-f'ir the tiine e cig at But, wlicn cer'tain town officiais admit that the action t#ffl B eemingly wasillegai and when everybody knowis *%Keollectoxsiip saiary matter has been a mooted onle for yrit is hard to sec how anybody *ould sug gcst, sanct- in.rstand for such a proccdlutc. If the preserit colector, for whonî we personaliv have 4lhest regard, wasn 't satisfied -with the sumn allowed for »éjob by iaw in lplain language-$1,500 in the township «Waukegan for itot over twomonths' work-there were PgWy otkers who wouid have been giad to acccpt it. Ini 4ct many pre-ection promlises were mnade that, this Yoar for the firat time, the sum allowed by the law ($1,500) *As 4Ui that would be expected by the candidate. A& stated above, The Sun'lias no personal feeling . ant the present collector, and has no0 reason even to f1 t4t, he asked David T. Webb to make the motion that Etown meeting which providcd for the additionai $500 tee, a motion which carried by but a murmur aye, accord- ibg to some of the few presenit, it being expaincd by - Oméethat they were too surprised at the step to realîze wýat abeing donc. 1Under the circumstanccs we believe the prescrit collec- ter, Mr. Rutt, would make ajten-strike if bc would corne trwa.rd and state somthing lîke this: "I appreciate the to hand me somthing a littie extra for coiiecting the ,fWaukegan, but, in view cf the cicar iaw whieh eM.AY BE $1,500, I don't feel justified in taking any- aditional. As my office is open but six weeks or Ican mnake sufficient to recoen. me. for my f. nth mnerely the $1,500 and pay l'r i lerk hirm and rom which I require. Thank you just the saine, Fit-. *M Voters (soine say 13) of Waukegan Township, but- .ZjIUjSt stick to the strict interpretation of the iaw." NOTICE TO MR. RUTT. Uzdeas, within 48 houm, the Daily Sun i. notifi .edby town coffectr Rutt that ho WILL'NOT reta.in from the *ow*shq, taxe which' ho has colectait the $500 which a town meeting of somne Aftesn Pormone voted tp alow him for office expen.es, we willperaonal]lyretaiz an attorney and ask the circuit court for an injunction reatrammsg.him f rom retaing 'aad (eeaini addition to the $1,500 wrhich the law specifically stales in aft ho mna9 re- tain frorn hie colléction.. 1Thisia noihing pereonal as between the S'un and Mr. Rutt--it lajust a case where Mr. Rutt, throuigh the aation, taken by lem. than a haridlul of votera Tuesday (morely a thimble-hdl) wMl have aufficient reason to iwtain that additional $500 becauae 1(1940 AND CLARK RE.ELECTED. An' uflco few are wiser." lCqatia.ea ftom paue one) An' vhen Il came thi' day tue vote, T lh' Itiier gîlliles rinnin'. that tie <tIl prove a valuable man On Though lika lad took aU hbis coat Ibé board.. He sinýIple Ist lits nannie goal. Théeà%ntioch ticket: Ân' didna corne near winnin'. Sopirvieor-Clîase Webb. Cgmimissioner Highways-W. A. An' Andra, wise auld dog. eays1 Story. "Giin.uewad vin. ln this age Town Committeernen (tlree elect- He maun cut out th' barley bree" cd)-Elmer Brook, Frank Harden, (An' then lie blinks tih'litber e'e) George Webb. t t Waucond. Cýl>om3-Pss oner t threynr. s Conimissioner (three years). Dis- trIct No. 2-H. L. Grantham. - Ela. Conminssioner-Wrn. Unibdenstockt. Schoot trustee-W. J. Diurne. Frenont. Superyisor-H. C. W. MaYar. Commissionar (Diatrict No. 2)- Goorge I. Hertia. -AE.Rn ,4usticé (te MIiivacancy)-A E.Rn School trusteo-OGeorge Radke. Cuba. gew~baY Commisioner-William Newport. fv-4 supervisor wiii sit on, the boord fro#i Newport for the comlog termlBd, Martin aof MlIhuru, a veil .ksO*11 graceryman of that place, vas alected (upervisor Without opposition. He st4cceeds James Welch of Rose- crage vho ratired tramý the field Ibis yhar. Mir. Weich wsthe retiring citian -of tue board. itsl said ha lis te go in Fiorida ta aperate a fruit Thiomas Efivards, Rosecrans, vas alected commloslonar and John D.1 Murray of Wadsvorth, trustee. 1 In Avon. Orayslake. lU., April 7, 1915. 1 ye'l iÀ >nenciosed - ratures fra ouxirin bfoDr sain= tu- e tobo elaction. An' i maun forget an' i eoy0 le an Muckie thankfu tii >'et for sa kine- Th Icnvar of f aper iy printin' ti' "Scotch o't" in y'r bit iTah etconersin our te i n em- paper a short lime geen b>. loryof a r.. Baveil. hart dedla I ev An' I ausa pit Intil th' sama ltter mYothe . ag nd vlla Mhor. Bave a~~~~~~~~ 1a> 'a ktl omfr h e ver>' reticent about bis plan and ' a' guld fran o' mine. Sa for 1h'"dah oa dmte hti aI satisfaction o' th' guld auld l3kots vha lina vîith plana that ha and Mrs.. Bar. fertil iads ie hemeboon vaer n' vel ihad prior to ber death and ho rer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~U theeigtnat u agn p erely ls carrying ont tlmîngs vhîciî o' th' veans groan uni. An' for thi' uhe>' b.d talked about and lanned. gî'eat-frivilege ' ya haing orne thhng Mise Iiinrelretch and Mrs. Barveli ta 111 up yar guid paper. vere togaîher 4a great dent and dld ý9yn i'tl na bealater leaving sa much much setulement vark and, by the eiýo1gtE r trash. Sa if tii' qurl rplana nov under w&7.,1Mr. Barveil la j>' tii' twang waza brak yer jMakh4g Il possible for his vife'a a&- Oipe an' pit ye out o' bisnea, Intire- listant ln the charfty vosXte t carry ly, 1'1 thank ye ta print th' haie o' I t on on a bigger acaie han befara, this. WiII Provide for it. Au' 1l bie yer graat unkia for a iang 'Mr. Darwell, when ass'ed if ha vas time ta oome. Sae guid bye tlti we .ta maintain the home, admittad that. a'l meet agin. as long as ho ]ives. ha yul se. liat it A. T. WHITE. la ProPerl>' kept up. 'MIe vota: The chances ara the settiement vîi 9upervisr-A. T. White, 224. ha known as the. Hattie Porter Bar. (Two votes ware cuit for Wm. Ras' veil sefttiment. log.' Hawas nat a candidate.) The announcament, casnlng just Commissiner-Ben Cosaman. nov, viuhIn three days of tiie an- Justice. (tva elected)-R. W. noÙncement made ln te Episcopal Churchill, 144. church, that Mr. Baryell va, to pa>' Oea. E. Richardson, 132. for ail of the Improvements ln Christ Shji Ibis town abolish poil .tav- church chapel, vhich viii coat about Yee, 100; no, 63. / 17,600. ln mamary ofaie is ie. shows Wb.n Andra White, that guid auld tiat Mr. Barveil han taken ui. his Sçortvif.'. Philanthropie vork vit Iinter- Wen bt or uprisrest and bas already started tae epand me two tiforesuplervtIsor lo Itmaterial>' ta benelit lte commun. Be' nalld biheiobdpecn th'ksapot a>'. The chapel vil! b. knovn as the Aýnailed 1h' Jobeooaro th' 5,01. attie Porter Barvell ciapei. r fe tha ha ra vser.Improvements te b. Made. SsidAndr. "Is ti' voen flk Mr. Bsrveil admitted that the. home SaidAudr. "I's t' woen flk viii b. Improved la severai respects,, TfiaI baud thi' haie equation. as for same time it bad net been kept. Bloce their guid service. 1'l Invoke uP ln a modern manner. Repaire viii 'Tvull prove a ver>' masteratroke, be made et once. W' aout equivication." The final papera are being ezamin- .6 and tbe titi, vil! pansaalmoat Im-. An' ss ra, early mo au 11nîcht mediately. H. ahouted "Vote for Womeno!" Taj kiss tiair bairons he'd neglect George Ma>' hais moved tram Porter Hij business, an' gladl>' fecht treet, Waukegan ta lHighland Park; An' zat alang quit. svimmin'. vhere h. le to reside. An' a' lb' Rimmers fiockad aroand WANTED--Young lady heiveen 18 Th' comin' suprviso- [e and 24 yaara for relief taiephone (Th' renning rascai capi an' spoan. operator. Apply tae hief aperator, acraPedChicago Telephone Ca., Libertyville. An' aaid. «'This man le sBaie an' sooaad, Il. Wkiy It ha c the ia* a. h criai, on Lb. cofl.ctor.hip matt.r. of the formai action taken by these few votera, pre2f n2Ê2& takes a op to prevent him, doint so. And, 'ae». kwJ ,bodV mut look aktr the taxpayere' intertai in auch ma«otere-. fore it in tô» late and the courts have to be reborted to lataranad suchratt.ra drad along, the Suriia goirlg to, b. on the ,ob- nôow and horeby presento its format notice to, Mr. Rutt, whb, gr*cefiùll.' at thia time cari corne forwardi and deciar e owiliot, accpt t"hi ilgal fee which a handfui of votera tried te hand in. As atatedbe(ore, if, by' mon Frida>' wo have heard nothkW from Mr. Rutt to the effeot that ho wii not rotain thia fse, the Sun wiII aak for the. wnît of injunction which vo are abaoluieIy positive cannot and vii lot b. deni.d und*r keupreviaus to a few years ago the- V6Te $ 00TO, llcor lept ail or the2 per cent of À SI3ATMATE Of mgoacoliècted and terslre MUET EXPENS13S thiongh féesatugs ran Into the thoq*-BL M I 0F.TUE COLLECTOR, tarted and Mr. Rutt assumed office, Ib.rtyvile, April 3. 1915. he planned ta, take just his salary. Gentlemen: Now, however, the $500 ls allowed for I vas one of the. pupls. vho attend- Annual Town Meeting of Wau- the*pst year and next year. hii terni ed the Waukegsn acadeny vhet being for tw years. i"rances E. Clark vwu principal, and kegan Voters Hetd at The annual0 town îevy for town ex- Misses Hannah and Emily Bocot; v#e "Maun vote for Woman'Butfrage." 1ing. it smounted to $7.000; it vas cm r.P .Cak-M"Mr Scoutch vers fra Ith' Pen o' EXPENSE BUDGET 15 $7,OOO $6000 lasi year. 1 Parta er amaMr sate. A Z Boe at. JOCE J. McDOUGAIL,' ad om r.A .Bott Vera wiel ken'd o' thii'to Ion sjol M I Bourd ' Tria. At the annuel tonship meeting of The. steering apparatus on a road- ad aed washM&. Geg l e. v o t e r a o f W a u k e g a n t o w n s h i p h e l d i tnv e 4 >n a a o n d b ' L w a e a l s s d b u v t . N th le BSiâe>'malt houge, Waukegan, mn ane k arLawae 'oe y oer va nes a eitlie. My, jPURCHASES FINE PLACE.,- this afternoon, tha 15 vote,. who gwI - mi ed t v a aong La tle 'IS&EREVOL l it tero ndtethe oeilof temhm oie twa en gdie attehm a erRceelr t l q m en l or k h e lead u rte a s s r a - ic ! $ 5 0 0 a l l e o w a r k h i r e c n F l e m i g h o m e t o t h a n d at e n , b i W c o tn . ,C O l a i' E f f GEc t o 0 Waean la t henqaverls anfrstme.,iii oedtaliwte iow o- keqan, Tuesday atternoon. The driver -_____ suit of John W. *arweli'a admissilon I office expense in addition tu i.sainingvas tareathe dva s oeht D O a r Eatsect r g o Ipru siathat hphadofpuoetfrcha tdaeyaya $,0bruWed but 001 badlY hurt. Hie es-, 1'ku, Pleces of glas, or boardia suiabl peceaiproert' or h. Cîerk George HutchInson Presided cape vas due ta the fact that hoe vas Point them yeliov, aen. rMd g wark which la 10 b. carrhed on under and W. B. Smith vas chosen moder- not driving fast. black. Exipose tbem at nIgiansd 1$ linOS that ho and hie '&te wife had ator te campi>' wîum the lav. Collector wI c overeti wth moturthe rellwwn. outiined befor. aho was taken aick. Ruiasreetndsadthtiabdmpbtti te dad Mr. arweli as purcha.d from coietiwan of et ane. ta e.r hoed hs mrlonlyo .~ ,~ vii erft otredhri. s W F r e d B u c k , t h e o d S n e e b y p l a c e j u s t l l ea b nof t a5 x esv b i h . l la i m e1,hiii W a d î ab u t h a d h it hem h u r ta n d t i avenuerlonteetadcn othe0f oth the largeet amount ever collected. The elevatar vuien ha caught it ucb i,, av teu eplaacentt ot. total taxes ta ha collected when ho manner that for a tîme It vas fait it cf h~Grdi pac. tarted out vas -$280,00o, 5 ilaje en might bc broken. Later it prove<i to PHONE 1140M On It stands a seven-roam brickt the amount net coiected Io about b. bot badi> brui.ed. Tueaday Henry' house. The proparty ls 300 foet vide sîso.,, LuX fsd0-aiaorth han i inger had- W H E W II by 400 feet long and vhie it dues The iav permits tlhe coilector d 1' n he in he caught it betveen I clS LLII 141 ntfotMarion street, It han a 20- have $1,500, but ln man>' towns in thetisvcihvaunodgonheVlraPantadTehr fotatac rmthtIre n 4 tate additionai aulne for office rent raliroad. The tip of the flnger was ilnsPastndT chr Joins the Uins of lotsi vhich m'ere cut and clerk hire are alioved. in Wau- nipped off. 30W CORY AVE. WAUICEGA N, ILL. ofr from 1he original Piace. 9I 1 Misa Hlmmelre Ic n Charge. Mr. Barwell paid somathing 11k, 816, 000 for the property and bis plan la ta convert Itta a saettiemeni vork a d n wt e u - o home for the. nedy of the cit>'. He. , w Pt bas arranged. vitit Mies Ida Rimmel. reili humeje olicr of Waukegan, to assumne thie Position or matron «~ the home viioae vark yl b. right date farm is, euuip ed with -Electric Light FEW years ago a farm xvas considered up-to- Sdate without a telephone or rural free delivery. No one 'foresaw this swift progress. So few now realize that with- in a short time no farm that is up-to-date wiil be without electî'ic light. Un)ivpi-sal I Lihiing Plants waill hi' aprinkiail ihrougiîont the- t-aîîtr'v as soon as farmers rrcaie tht-y cat get a eomplete plant a. low as $265! Think whatt lii meanq!-All the conveîîiences anîd t-conm> and saftt and reiiabiiuy of t'lîctric' light, tht- saie as every ct i nati etjos.. Uuiversal Electric Lighting System i. revolutionizing country, lighting. 1ttsciterful, conigenial appearaue.deliglisev- t-ry niember of thé- family, takes al lte inconvenience out of doing chores, hitching up and unhitc) ing. . In addition ta lighting, yotî have, ample piower to ptimp watt-r, run the- sewing mna- ehitie, vacuum ncicaner. or mac-hinery in barnsu1d ont buildings. This system ivill operate with any make of angine. The battery cati be chargedl when the- engine is doing other work. Investigate the Universal System n sd see haw simple and dut'ble it is besides otfering uch a low cost of opératon. 49Wt. for Illaasfatod Soum * kl r.fias ..*.i.mslemr. Universel, Battery CON. 3468 Soeafh La àal. 39re, Chl.ag.a W. Mae l iRi.e b.tgu.t<w ts ua a. - - - ~ r =ca lm it