LAKICQ TKLNEPe!4DINT. it'RDAY,APi9113 coe~,cn Tii w he ounry a bh wept by prohibition, i won't b.lon until thoneas ne we)t left by the Iakei and ooeang Imaglue thé town lu wrhlch St. Jo. and'Bei ton 9#Wo, Midi., Summrresorts 0f note, having voted I'dryl' OaÏ you 'buat",it? Grant or Antioch, with Poi and other lakes in théni In Lake county may vlew with some concéru the Michigan situation. That the new county hpopital l.u gettin g on in satisfac- tory shap la evident froni Its financial showing for the mionth 0 March, Just made pdblic. It seems that the re- ceiptsInlu Narch were *632.lver the. éxpenues. 0f course _charge.are ma" for county patients in getting the total expenses and earnlngs, the désiré belng to keep track of "-servies rendoedo" no matter to whom they are gîven. The, showing is consldered very good. G. whizl Boe Johnson got licked,-then along compe St. Jo. and Bouton Harbor and vote dry; now cornes t landalide agaînât Bweitzer m Obico«o and on top of it the W~ukgan owualp cftetqr a bem voted a littie tokés of $500to pay lita effenses for about six weeks' work col- lectlig taxes of thé township. Then along cornes Voliva aid "'cops off " the supeYvlorship in Benton--and the inldl moving on ut the same today. More than 4«W alconsisare involved in wet and dry electiona to be held today i downstate townships. The fate of 10P addltional dramahopa is at stake on Apri 20, Whoen Mot of the downstatq cities and villages hold theix élections. It's an interesting fact that this year, for the trot timé iyears, not a Lake county town todav is voting on the vet-dry issue. On. thousand saloons were voteid out of existence la*t April, whén women exercised their right of franchise for the fIru1ý tîme, In three-fourths oi the towfl8 which went "dry" bars would havP been re- talned if only men had voted. Thé "drys" are confident that thé womén will prove an important factor a gain today in the création of new anti-saloon termfory. 1 .-4.--- W. lke te se. evéry official get every cetît that the lav allows for dutiés performed for a community; and we dc not 1k. to ses any man who givés his services to the pub. lic b. undérpaid. BUT, we do bélieve that any effort t4 dodge thé law or circuinvent it when il. le so plain as that pertainng to the salary of a township colléctor, should not only b. tabooed but should flot b. tolerated, no matter un dier wrhat condition, an effort may be rnnde to have it1 stand. If theré was a sincère désiré to have the voters of Waukega tonship expréss thémsélves on this matter of increasl thé townhhip collétor's salary-for that's whai it aimunt to-why wasn'tt said meeting advertiséd in way as te show what was liI<ly te orne up? With the townalp contaimung soute 3,Ô or more voters, does il look reasonable, just or légal te think that, at an una.dver- Unsd meeting of this sort, from 13 te 15 voters can make hlstory and establish précédent in such a drastic rnannér? As we state ini anothér colurni, uuch a thing is contrary te the progressive Urnes in which we liye and the public cannot b. éxpected te stand idly b>' and permit it to go un chalegé. f r. ut dsiesto pthirns elrgh orle'pu t i o a1 fhsre s N T t ge ir bis~~~~~~~~~~ wor ai8és wlln o p y hi x s out o a e ixpens s w bicun ér M ost éxtraor in arc ircum snc es camnot re]j5 0 nt ti nt e usy d t cllee ta es Il5ls Spring Suit à LI Satrdav, yEîxeelismai $20- The important Points about this interest- tý ingr news are that the price reductions are made at a time when the season is at its height, and the entire spring and summer ahead.f Handsome styles in gyarbadines, French serges, t pop1ins,, and novelty mixtures in ail the fashionable j colors for spring, including popular blackI and white checks. Coats are in Empire,.5 Norfolk and Eton styles; skirts have side .I and back plaits and flare bottoms, sizes for women and misses ........... -~Great Valuies in Styýish oeufs at- $6, 86 ad $8.T YottIl ui l id outs elaewthere to equal these at any- thtng hike die pli 1<t sqîoted hov e. They have just been' rie i ut î tht de>aîtiîeît, and they are the newer <'ditj<ons of Ne w York moats. -Materials are coverts, iiovelty tiixttit'eb, <'inehilla, fine serges, etc., in the very fashionable sand, puttv, new bite, naval gray, as w~ell as navv, Ilaek and sl;hhrd checks. Two great , lots Saturday c Thé big Republican landslide in Chicago in face of the appau.ultjy-moeded élection of Swéitzér éven thé day be- fote election,, MEANS BSOM2THING to the nation. TÉhére ino gettiî away-f mtue fact that it was a case of "Re. P%" lalaiva. Demo>cracy" 'te a big éxtént in the Chi- cago élection. If it wasn't that, just what was it? Thé factfi a that the wàrklng men of Chicago and élséwhére are Îtng tiréd of théernmpty dinnér-palis that havé foilowéd théprééntaidailpréios Drnoratc aminstrtins n. b. b bcody h oal ises, atheérforé,t ihicagnto would b. watied with interest by financiers who wonder- 'éd what thé public feeling wa-and thé public showved them. Thé résunt therefore is sure to bring çncourage- ment and confidence in thé réalisation that Dé wil b. caat asidé next year forevér and laating prospérity re- turned te, thé nation which always bas had a slump undér Démoci'acy and prosperity under Republicanism. Thé fact is çlearly apparent that people are thunking miuch of this Democratic-Republican fMature. of élections. They cid s0 in Chicago, and they're doing so in Waukégai rlght now. In thé présent campaigu In Waukegan, a Republican, May- or Bidingér, and a Dernocrat, Former Mayror Pearce, are runnlng for mayor. Whill thé commission form of gov- érment plan doéa away with party narnes, thé fact ré- mains that thé principlés bélievédi bythe two çandldates are wéll known, their political téndenciés are génerally known and théir ideas as progressive mien (for théré's ai- ways a distinction bétween thé idéas"of Républicana and Democrats; of necéssity there must hé) havé béai shown in théir past records. Fortnnately la the présent mayor- alty' contest hère éven young résidents havé a chance to comparé progressive Republicanï administration as given P by ý or Bidingér, with Démocratts administration givén av fpw flér a o -vXvor:Peicè, 50, in Waukegan, in a sens, t_,«tibirr s <ihcago situation, *namély: RE- IPUEÙOÂNO1I RDENOCRAT-WHKICIr? rltdfor-)One on th .la ratte Lo' 0 earis te Jitnd' Pr4. Yoii pay us FIVTE CENTS tlown, -and Five Cents-ýaýtjOnu(a <ad week for- tweiity weeks, wthen the watch j yips. W iIsl 't any other Nvatch on the saine teIPs ptoportiîînally. Ist week .............. .05 2Ind week........... ....... .10 3rd week .................. .15 4th week .......... 20 5th week .. . . . ..2t. 5 6th week ....... âO 7th week ........ 8th week.. .. . .40 9th week ........ . .--45. 10th week .. 50 llth week ....... .., , 55 l2th week à.... ...... 60 l3th wcek........... 14th week ........... ...... .70 15th week ..........75 l6th week ............. 7th w eek .... .. . . . . . .8 5 18th week ...... . . . . 85.9 I9th 'veek ..... ............ .!)5 2th week.... ... - i...... 1.00 Yot cati begin at either en14'0f thýs list of figures anîd pay whatever amount you feel 6ble to spare each week, but we insist on one payment eaoh week until the watch is paid for. Save your nickleà and >uy a watch. Anyone -man or woman, boy or girl-.cff'4n ve en îgh to bny a w~ateh oit our Jitnev plan, or, NII~~Ç1) on the sanie plan. INGALLS1ROS 010.00 A Wondrful Sale Saturmy! Ielar,7.60 ami $IUAi2o W8808,1Serge49Dresses, cSui.v 2@8 INtývet styles, in fin(- quahity, hight-weight serge Il droes; eolorisarenavy, blftek, green, new Nue îîii n ', lYh udsoule cffeets i inbat k-and-white h-Ie ks. A i ae ffectiveIv trînîmulld E'tonî and vempire 8tylCs;sonie plafinl tai N îe~ iz(-s :i4 tot46.......... Spesial Saie of Trimmei Hais Obildrem'. New Osais lua à I Saturday 3.00, 4.25, 5.50 Sale for SaIuriay Emieh hat shows so înuehi style and val- Mothiers %vill not Nvant to miss this lie tlîat votit'l he surprised to seciliow great opportuiitv Saturday -îor At siiehli beaittiful Sprimîg hats e-an be sold meaxîs big savings on new coats for the at siueli t vpLees. kiddies. Main vhaiîîiîg styles; late niodels that Everv good style and color is inluded ar tRY ut l uof thni in three anti the.v are prieed thus wav- ra lots for Saturday's sellmng at Age 2 t 6 years ..L'. S 3.00, 4.25 ani 5.60 Aue 61te Id ye»s. . t ~~~i J I L I OI I3 Nhe Us e Sg eare taking simlar C M L T I T 0 FJ4mui r. 3 a i he rs ' S T 1 0 ENIMID~U~ o F The oly other thlng done by the Nlrtha Ali, Swedish Luth. Churci G S ENDO MMLNT O t ose n regeler bi was 10 allow OFFICERS 0f WAU-- xelGustason, Mrs . CltiWI N1 T &10C0OL BOARD FSERA ZO E6AN FEDERATION C 1 t aie'Ai- rs. vîd C fÜED; IN JAIL d TeSurffrnaoge lb-Mr Mary Sedg-1 Bi ad n DREW MANY VSI List Includes Representatives 'wlekt8 Olga Schutz, Mrs. Amy E. Joe Ilironimus of Grayalake wu System Bi1, Are Approved T R ; NE VC ,frmEvery Organization Af. tuso. odged In the Lakte county jait ii h ~~~ Royh or. O S IESE VC n h lb al e r,. rr.Robt.Dry, fi uen dnter $00peace bond è iliaed n te Cub. dal NIs. eo.Larson Wr,.W.Scott. TeWueaborofeuaenMaccabees, Ilive 84 Ms.Max sixmnh icdoe l yJaa Tise ~~~~~~~~~~Waukeganbod0 dcîe aua April 5. 3adrsMrySlirWr. ary Hasa of Wauiconda. Thse bond wau *went ou reeord Tuesday nigisî a. en. Big Choir Sings Beautiful Serv- At thse anhlual meeting of thse Wau- L.awrence.1 dorsing two Important buis visic i 1e Before a Surprisingly kegan l'ederation of Women's organ- PastorsAd, Wi. E. Chutrch-.%rs. ase fo by Tny am ablus f ollot aere naw Pending before tise Illinois Large Audience. lzations held Saturday, April 3, tise Wm. Ferry, Wirs. Win, Lintz, M5.i l esachrsension heble ats ther following officers were eted: Mary Holland.1 an argument et Wauconda, lroghe». Teathe U nsioynembiFl n t o T rte sceu io iy President-Sîrs. C. i. tust. JSocial Circie, M. E. Church ',%rs. had made the Ibreet tisat he"woulS vocaionl eucaion ln scholsBundy wre erylargl atened, Vive Prse.-Mrs. Chas. Ltchfield. Ned Yeoman, Miss Munson, Wlrs. Git- cet hlm" wqhen he started for Vot- voctioai eduaton i scsooa undy ereve ygyatedd Secretary--Mis, ('ora S. White. bert Richards. This was Tuesdey of asat week an ihroughouît the stete, many violtors coming f rom Racine. Treasurer-Mrs. J. D. Sterchant. Bat bileareoftis gratet m-Kenout, Waukegan and even frons One of the lmPortant matrs taten Cathoiic Ladies Benevoient Assoca-he asked peace warrantae aiî portance and bave aroused discussion tise Naval Station at Great Lakes. up for disc ussion was the annuai tiOn-%Mrg Wm. Hhan Mr. A n i msadM Tunr - Sdean-up day. The members express. Donahue, Mrs. OConnor. lrnmsnd dTre. ail over the state. Tise teacherseu- TAie l. bite-r.b,,d choir render- ed themseives as ieing favorable to Maccabees, Queen Esther Ilive 189 .10e swore out tise warrants anu . sion bill purposes te do Jut ba lsad 0mlli eceilezîî seiections, visicis the plan of appoinbing a committee to Mmju dame indicates-plece teachers on a 94 ils ho beiigiiy appreci#ted by edoperate with the city officiais in:1 ar. Chas. Litchfieîd, Mrs. L. B3. Nilti- t'ce Hasm continnieithse case natAl asaeeaio ie- n leaning Upth city. Details or tise more, Mns. Carnle Brechiesen. Priday. Turner sisowed up, thsea Pension afttr tbey bave fiUlsd their Çj "wreas hebn lan wiii be arrangedi later. 8wedisisNi. B. Church-Mrs. Josephs dence was iseard and thse Ca"aaqs ioitions for a required number of« ~ tbe 7ion senior band and P'nlowlng la a lhit of arganizations Hanson, Mrs. Rudoiph Enlckson, Mrs. hlm was dlsmiisted. Hinonlinus, ijl', I tears. Tisa gives the a omething te a>c ~~piPe organ recitai by affIliated, togetiser with the vice-presi. oE'as. Malcolms. ever, failed to alipean and later thse e ook forward 10 and enables tisem to ~1js n. dents and standing delegates from tise Woman's Cluh-Nt'. Addle Mnrey, Port came out tisat hse bad nid tiset- ;Ive tiseir undivided attention t P 'Uioticedhl features about representetive organizations: brs. Jas. Hull, Prs. J. F. iloemer. !tiere was nobo'y in that section that teahlg ater isn oryln ao 4î IlmÇ re pope.a- Wonsan's Relief Cops-NMrs. Mary Lady Vi*.ings-Mrs. Henry Joisnson, cti rethm Accordltgly the what wiii happen to thora when they emè Ob gi~t nd seemed to enjoy Look, Mrs. Henrietta Lamson, Mrs. Nirs. P. Roos, rs. L. Boengon. Justice turned tise warrant oresin ,et tonoid ta teach. Local teache rIflA td* tiWugiii The iteims which Lulu Hamilton. is hita 'ucWsE . Constable Homer Cooke and iec' Ire muchs intereeted ln the passage Jw" TC$Çed vitltia great' degree of Daugistens of thse (I. A. R.-,Miss yui, M,. M. O. Persons. NMrs. C. f rested Hironims Monday nigistpIac- ft the bill and are giad 10 see the ac. e"oglen0oe reflected l reaet credit an Cora, S. Wbite, Prs. Jutia Spring, Mrs. Persan inm lm n the Wauconda lu untfr, dion talion by thes ciool board. 0ýud6Ct0f J. D. Thoas and aiso on Mortimor Bain. Tse poueto tnigc Tuesday when he vas taken 0thet With regard to tise unit syetem, ths is h 4bill'ê 0 f the sinigeri. The solo W. C. T. U---Mrs. W. L. 1%r ,mttecn enmtpanig0 h ounty jaji. bas been the Sun severaj W94 W" exceptionatiy cdean. mrs.r. M ar y Amsro M r. Mary lyear's work has heen referred to a He at once made effort to gel od Limes. Principal Knoel'i or tise bligis J. e .TÙ44M astaaDk thse soprano solos Rowan. meig0 h ordo aaesbn i a xetdb olide u ,cholla trngy i fvo oftie IUt0O~I anheMrs. Carnes thje Congil Ladies' Aid-M.NL. 1 H. CORA S. WHITE, Sec'y. before tise end or. the vagi. neasure as opposed tu, tise fluai or j Oc1t@; d te' . iarton the tenon. and___________________________________________ ý2oiey bil. The Unit bill provides 34i. Tlmoý'ta4 lis s. One of thse spe -__________________________________________ tisa tise vocationai department may el i-to*W gothis pram was Caleb continue 10 he a Part of tise regular SIî*Per'3,"gJng of Kings," visici vas ______ ,c.hooi course instead o! being sep. sqêÏ b;l tilesZMon choir, and the solos arated as wouid be thse case ,.'nder thse w.q auili by )ArsThonmas, Sale of Dual syrotera. Tise Unit bill sono pro- Qmeor -Volva tien deiivered a vides %that thse state paye mucb mnney ghZ sdS4resq, taking for his subject 5k iris e tavard increasing the vocational de- tpI WalsITemdreswa ls i)rtetsI ahol.taq-te t 4th 'rapt attentionand tihe r botb bills bY thse local board may haveY* Probabty no greater d yY i lr iomne veight with members of tiese w sve service bais een tegialature when tisey take up tise 1w Me than vas heid yes Ml measures as itlslasaid schIbo ardis e ' taernacle.TfF-S O E OR W M N* $15.00 values 8.75