ýMr4 01e. Tetepome Nmber itbertyaiie r chance. ahtile ?otoilice lit L lti lleftY % i., am Second C lm a i l t er PlF 0M..LOC AL . 0 4U CNES officiai paper for lake Qeunty. L"w XvEiery Frlday. AdvertitngRée Ma-de Kuows,»A ou ptl~ou dt.ddpiC0 IPTON ~î,0 ER YFAR a y I".x frIe u Wugusv~ill be b-ll sert 1puda, pr i1h ai . ansd 7.80 . ... .......à.......... .... Rouldent MaqrAPPPOitmmt$.'OP 94a, »Ïuked by lia 013cDiTmfa 4 vmnastt-840 gsiten: Soon townslhghway fund teanw.s perVlaon lia. ebi oIieaboi*sgermon sili bu, M~d icool treuurera are couuaam" topliuI 10"ran Wbe otL sViottde." Ail aret mmistte sis.Tiuii lOt m %YU" aal rovision,but a*?1 .UB4VDle." sîli b. tIi ïe ommaand dthe UMmrm 'wbo withheld thoir oobiw,-ý oi th.e %Worth Leegue ait futersk the. legU% of &CM tb rOfUdng to »uMly- itiiSuciday evelasgat d6.". M.e plîrd t puimbthebal Au. g o,: 08040lor Wely hoopitai MMeryterni clerk ta by la* etle opuls h a- * .~ lot0fhh*@wuhp Atev o th UelctI"0. by thhàSuehyauooi uextàundAy mot,- Tii uglcttoobq 0 ' mr Io lu Many dsa m Mu a itte lot 1901o'k.P otir Mines, but Q*mlw-dms not accep apathy nor h ~k nqec . ôlo te 1mwby treiaurerandsud "ma î Cad »..j.ê1Leu Win «=» t lWmls toe violatith* la1msd the bbui.- itrtalq, *0lai umeâm &matter of rsoini 00 elm.,Presbyterian. *Ud my is t " Mattsr u>, a, they have local ot,- 80842 School 10 ai m. R. F. Wrgt,.t te lv taIu Md calli these olattous to the atm"n Il . m. communion service by Bev. i ùt tbegmad juqy. - -Dr.lMaCitir. n 9 mt.,ci4 lcteruiret the 1mw according to his whlm Cedgg*àFmEdeavorfi;45p.tu. s wgit u mnu, the. ùkoffbr. o imrioià-e . VeàlW Worablp 7:80.W ~ fà WAPreparàtory service. sîli b. held et 1 "Ut »lon'pMt whse ltesttroble m b»*-tthe. cbnech Frida3. evening at 7:80. 1I hastoolred m*tr virnelatut toubl ba brogitTheoesunal t ogregationai Mseting b9odi ijryto hl iM Mcertalny had au exciting tliinliji ul bieid alter the churcia servie ens In [n acti, h. oould malle Jack John- ouday. b (ýAttliii. ikrs li o sects soly Communion:vyery Sunday 7:45 é OtC. rartguudaylnmontb 10:8a. m. b vfthKingGeor adMorutu.r Prayer every Sunday except Vitt Kug eore avocting that pari*iment pais a hbovè 10.80 nia. w ew ~a rti promibtion terrltory, viti the zronOf Inudy ehool 11:45 ni m. la " tii. tand. iU"or that h did, the oum who Ail Hoiy Daye.. Bol communion u):oo où asbautiipreictîiuthat tueworld nu y j> 1yo . "de ie, baTe another gnum comlng. I 1fo Rofyts . EDWÂEO S. WIRIvu. Prieti.nbarge t]g ir his:IL aseif iu's vi ZIta càta«"that the propoued 8-hour 1mw for wor2m in da.,EINI OIRLLe Isîsvould wod&luitas big a lsdshp on the v.omenas i.fne beriee! ieA i loyeril" . Thora are ... y ho would be supoeeded litorrili, only daugbîer c ijr, sad Air. ' Ic-Wbo OULU work the houri wbich certainp- UC. O orrllhif Fox LaIee, ehbidt! to ufr. itu, bismiitbe maur wihlu.li.home of bar uriee ad aunt.an r c ýýCWrI: ofnthstate would wonk a har&Ia Franucia Trlsp on Bralnard Court lu 19 rtve Wdnuday atte iuonst 1:0 o iic ltRoy. T. B. sricf fe. limM nla eeling to boirow fifty million dollars in M. E. lirebili lat ite e~ul b rcearw cutyfor t"e Durchff Of var nmater"iiana u -Wllard to*Pklsa nChicago for cebont l'l v»M i. . y-v. ml"on dolaonlu dor te &B' sd ber dm iesth sla eenit of 0i imitea mairai u lno an d there a prsaule-opertion, sblch lu 'tuait sas no% L etu«ut -Y fbWp.t co.sided empeelly daugerone, but 1 tp0Ml t "eprtof__lm pumumnouia har t la w t lu sSI o in » uas 2au#tli lyal colng tll S UicOtupllatlona inalli consel berlesta.ci < blWthum«ruwo *bgâmondoDafs of plil bi UmseMorrW bal mmy irfede hberilu îî Sm ieBa-fast becomntu the bgnfer of ' Uboryvle snd ws s ovud hi, ail viio50z tekues ber. Sb a sa anaber- of tlb.o -~ Libertyrville Royal Nelabbor., bavlng roblào4whosUveJoined aboutthirteen je aago. Rh. Vie iaIs, lto,~ch ia e ported the& RM n ss88 jeans 0. «so Q. ~, On, v» Ilira, ibu IM The. rominewonbrolaght t berbty-... is sip vs o Utsalat 1 7ý ... ubltiiisQuit, ss nier 0f he Royal Neiabora e taly Vil tirobinm a~ibas ielia. b.o Mdu uzu, fore Of hlm I'utbe immm: seçe I.01DC gt 09 in l to help tient by gMug tiem facus Are. iSsa Bocî, wsue0f Job Bo, gotommii Up tanu.. ied et bier boume oun1gb etresel, IUbrq~. vHil, Frlda-y evenins no!Inuivs eh, athei .1 ot'odvou ar r âe f56 ;nère sud 25 laya. aM "WrM 11fzs Mevlier WonboranatLogig Glir, f m dde ' "li7Up" vt.oW W DU M t WhOu i it.11, Fabmiany 7,1889. ber glribool laye o detiuute tun ioler Ihm eit om ta to the. Oouuty bWall apelat aî place. Ou MercI S oc u =Ulm sto Aadit tbho . did tÈ 4,187P, te abê eeuulted lumerda-acteu dira te 4o6 unill idai iu IO lyi PU Juus obn Bock am he couple Mad l a" tolu mÉ. . éé. e lh'bo. fng bout ted.ics te tu f <Tet e Utâ làt he Wdd iiirk ville, shere tbuy lia,. inlve d. ob a1 ** oitybas *bg teodowvith tbminsdomu Are okletstosuber abos.d Ip~i h ma h~r~tmMd id iesowte lie oouty the baud, oue brodier, Job* Nevellsêof Dmol t WteVI~I4o tui no exousefor >ta M- t lyfura1hrAia0111.Gnbro *6emmndue.tru itOY~rC%' iDay, m..m WXe", 01 Keulon ; tbo ttoaq iu"i éore.1 M « iDr09 Wbasing, &O Waua doubted14by d«b" byW bom*: vo o of aslgbou sud frie.d h.a aum- *M Who Issugi th=n; =noau'oung[ lie P<>WM o ~buot thé Ub.tyvWe iN. E. enrrb .Sus. lul msh ai "o râtite tiMThncme lW wu u, b té oue 1 $*at"ho fel u s *gt sud nier aiviceot bisO=oun uMonday aitersnsui1vi T. IL. n...u ~ S' bi ta ra*ierbad dsqbe, woulutho, Il 1» kbai oltiUs. Tbc re1ave voelaid taha 4u ypuaithe fes over te'* couut? TVoleiM. WOUt. ret lu Lekeellee.etor5r.rel ~uhmsa *tgt t il »91144 wlt h inusla lths atani ADFMA% o Smumud despite oplnlote t cotwy, WIra v 10icht,-basiou? b Medse hP! W*l IWasn't It fonltmte tuom ier ofouzwy oid our mena*=*etba P~~rerWstoeld u dvspersls IXure*uhgi te t=u40111111 Bock te *11 shows t e hou la MR 4ie4 sowhevo 0 qbai iMic EXOU qp I 1 ý lm ir.qés idS iehve~ M ~aabe tued IAI teÂMt at ove, te omr oet tu emb i projitan asti os T te 3. sb #sà IMOeUg reb" btutd I kPOjOuans ietd, -R liteBe have. gtd a vii. elIs L tuaitii ount sholi bve Iumfor o mia u tif mti sd oton te co yO* entuber ZIcI en o»'ueboe1% VL' O iilht-Uilab vam a.hi0 ig» y b Whi$ L -à. Z à- tdu oemeýhar$ Mni, a"rr 1 iole IAutin,i vIsuog léputate,idr, sud Mn . ý vrfs hotu tqAMr, sud jOr bdaveté, Ur., a Kr s r- d U . B.RSsaad sd'Ur. a% lire I . sir» theudéde ii.iunee* lb.lrdngh, It*Y mAiay irne.aRw Frides of lugt, Wck. Thi.eub.aq afectonvili b.bell cd SatýuedsY, 4P 17, fNr the election cf PNd5IW d tvombere o1! lb lio Ther. té oul4 otUticket 10 b. votscI, lias. Cadlaetye avlug 111.1the pelUtonI) i'ç« pqesllent, R W. Dalkmi for msubefli » bard, A. J. - Àb" and lir.'5ry Jgt, ailtesklnÈ rd Tii. tLibervvtmie IystieWorkeroi WÏ ro to Lghim #tftt on Wednedlay oea ia, APali 24t1, ou lie 7:22 car, *heaS thy vwu u. -sShteIi t..Fornî ahý 8198114114 P&4 lodges. Tbreu tbro Iodgee bave a couteul on for tb. larOme nmli., of ses menibers ho b. fisîti st tbat me.tib , 9,Tie i.Lbcrtyvlle lodip wll do tIn soit. V. Mi TH tlg i.surlug subperlption for tbe siwlukjlng of the etrets ul, sucl tible VN.ethe. oiing eau bbi« Ti.re la l bg pushbil ailb. hevuiffl board vW1i ndertaite 10 look aiter. tli allug.i ô,ftlatru t iis ear, et lent il l'a bme reportel hat the olling vwil net b. allowed tu b. doue by e Drlvift concro. ,%lb. Villa-ge ul i urulah tui rater fre, for the. prinkiug of tIi CHARESt.eP 0u0 beundfl ncisd fifty members n ~i CIA L sD.P te WaukeISSe O. E. B. ami Ltherty- u11 Woga a ls s few, otier elgbbonrIsg 104868. attendel Ithebhg Bent la tbe Wavriegan temople Thoura ày cveiUln, tie Libertyvlfle llg _____e____________ Ming gueula 0f honor. Diner wuî urved at 6:30 ho 150 gucelts udnti vok, f AT THE T-Arr- ) aveY candidaesfolloscd. Dr. An )roe anud Mmi uta* sang a d. The second :pisode of "Tbe Bisck Box, duel. Tueeday 0evena, April 18. Tise l Au Auad. & arbaraesild eiuep, vaîi tsorecluniversel speclal protmsyîg t t kr Tery commun lu Nortieru Aties, RidIen Baud.." 111i l hh Ilubtril Tes ebJppetI to Cileeo by,,xpress Ioa; yThe-e aremore punch., lu Ibis Blaci VW. Il. 41rvard of lUbertyvlle, who Boit mystery than lb.e verage pughilia fflW Sevial ranches lu Wyoming wher. could Iciver lnaftyround bout. You- Oe becp vascapturan sasnt he beileve Ibis shea jaUe hie UnlveU. Abirlyvillemille trait by Air. Barvard serial. et feit. The ésep, sili b. piace laulb.*,TIDeathus Do part", (Sellg>.- àucolu Park ZOO- Chicago, vic a lelu arfy .rong two-re.l drains concerniol hArif 1C Pry déVrY. tu b. sold by velorsodwses@. . KthiyoWlinlem 'm- Air. Harvard atattes that b. ba Wbster Oakme and l Ib&ianlary su; id the slueptuhe Mes york Zoo for porteit by a langct makê o!fliai 50) sernal0-910 08ag-butthist Ouùrelens a muet lntereetîlngo. l' MOunt of the font sud uouth imîas, locations or tb. scease hbave been yod 1) Meulent laDLake eoftY Ut tshe e eted sud excelletly photourapb.d, es autiodie oa ol a»ilo10WIl tu b. It le .troaig la buman nature and hm. m 1Ippel to 'News Tork. The. Audsd bappy eudlog. Tisapleture vîli enter. aigba 120 poud,1h t eticon..tain auj audience. At tb. Liberty IgrUble latereft;as lhe eiisep sas *Theatre lMo.ay, Aprîl 12. reaâ ugtu to bn, very las people, fi ________ op. kuoslng tguettlb. sud animal vas e IA~~ A~ oint kept Aettlb. mile track. WUA5agi Îa Aas T'h. Lake Foret Colle (lS iseub, vri à A UILY 21 TO 26 Te a concert et lb. Pine$ Methollet Plscopai ciaurcln lu Ulersyvlle Tiants. The Lincoln Cheutauqua "Il open la %y. evenQg, APdl' 151h, nul. the Uibertyville au Jniy 21etand tb. cloelug piewofthI. i.E. nday echooL. day sili be J1117 201h. ble altenty-ofcond aseon for tih. Somuetime @Ine the Lincoln Chaulsu. ramicallon sa e proFmie. of bing que mauagemsuntanndunced Brooks' MMi sucees« alu s,, lbcclub la com- Baud for the. Uberlli. Chaulsuqua Xd of twenty amMd leunler thb.titis cuina cum"ur. Tbey nos su- eslIon of AM. J., rious, the teon onne. for lb. lret day of tb. Cbaufiau 01l1 of lb.blgà4Aditoom eulircala que ticelebratel Craven f"tir franc skcgo. BWeu.he vocalisa. vii.do lova. This compaiy consista of tie àbaadoemtewrkiueeil a redrftiir a-nd four dauglutere. The. girls bu Pute ou .peelsit*0crkentlrelybave playalmusica nstruments di bent from tasesu"aprouyneadinge tIbar laljer clou early eluidood. Tii. NusZ moscalmOluller oglaimaou&joyungeet of thc four wsaseexpert trap bon Ilure la vitat lclb a cornet Iruanud xylophone plaier ai nias àlst nd apluint 'A van iroarquejeas. lBsrsorkie"ltob.oneoftb. belug lven wvMéa indietlnclly coiiet. deelchIlI acbitevseut. Ber tiire »but shici at he, smm dîne ogers alâter. do uoh., Imsrumeneateias goQert of lectbd uelcalvalue. Os e l iollu sel piano sed varions hotus tiaeMaturea1sbi.sorn lu a secoud At ateastb.er joIns the gIrls luaa &rM Leuler. K. irSalrs, sic fMlstlb.concert shielà bas cor,,.! tb. dlS.eract t., lias 'tulle] thé. wor of lb emonua Chutouqqs circuits lu Iowa sud other htohmu and, preesto a moet strilog sIalce for jueand tela«Id to maie a toluctlon of!>thc e otpt singer. The gret luit evoryviier.' ark o! lie readgr 0f the club ton, laWlîh tus e ompauî Dr. Willim A. mthlng siel teeatlr* Iifeenl GaufelIappars on tii.oponin; dey, ) the nsuei.iiis alîrsias.boing vouciied for by *,-oa.r Wil WhOeavo myse t *f lâr FELO UU1Mw tlis ey vi b.e hebt art M»19t Ol9FCERSý >AT EMN # t * 6* 0 eoscmsafro. l.te Lola - ~o"e ae n4ijladiceta-banner Vian. Lihertyrlle Lndaue; Mo. 956 1. 0. 0. P. ta%4o&prcÏrrai for 1915. à Installation ofci lisom sMonday']Full anOOD ou the 261h. uina. Alter th. e Xoallallo a lg ibeon va, e e.The following OAIM 0F TIlANItS hers vere lnutwlled:Ws vli htnt b . rheelatives, bitends .q o-R z Lovelace a-ndeqoatmaes, ai-o as.Ladis' Aid F.i.-L. B. Anse oltet i b eor ceveu of R91gb. c -Wm. W.Irlandl Parb, IRi * elenLadls.' Ald sei.y rNas -Les FIa-g of Ares, sd t;i; DisuaL ake. iends 1 N. 0.-TIîea MioBride for their aympathy aboireandi goral B8. N. ifi bOa-ý8 M gIfaut souristebereavemnK To ir. S. V. 0 -1, F. 565eP1 ichane o!etBnssîu, Sûr ber beantui S. V. 0 _41r. T. B.BOUm snge, a-adeepeclalIy do *W. liaahe-ii Far.-lfred Jong.usoa Set. p aim RSeder for ltebioed aDD-E B Olewhe veeof couort spohe abehtmofanerai 1. 8S -C 0 okoilk anseSbis e~s coelst touck hob.un ept . .-J. A Oasevlhii lié souros utriebsu fmil, dbung bsp-P E. Ovechon étapont tsoSepts. un". Robfft Aystbby. (By T. y., $WAX) *b&Adho ip rivedgiîthie uhkalg PortaSlue »OddetI affsliy b ithe officiai guar<iareof l 9"« 40 ga e.at .ared tw brcca right ibrouglu Ot t. PetueutotQ eanlgbst st eat7bttnl a17 ut à Wà tu ~i holà a mi vaé .cmelt o so i. tta Sait Pterlieaae etsntve y -vi0 Jvste ntc ~aar qutbgod antkit.t 'HwO bouty ont if, and taaily-..ddJyuiJve 'hemu sdi provldeG for?" 'i,' $Mld Jouas 'Yo u enver vwu very IAU an sd there s- t% . hicia tuof aytl left sitar tluay Msyfor uy sooden bvecoosqi" "Mortgag.o oh hir*hoe, slnid ɧ4tainPe. . yeeadmlated Joue. "»id you«*ey amy LVI IM5ÙRA" .4. hia- lttqulellor ooking thre Sos îhoroueguiy covvd joues etraliiî la the*y0, "Ev-ah- sali" aaid Jouas," 4l"i ailteuded te take out s polioy but lbept puttlug Il off an o ih e I over du itl i." The officiai Cuatodioun ofQ.. golden bkey bout hb ued ilasorros. . 'n srny," - hoe oat4!,'but I1eapgt peau jon in for YOD have fillad lin t MOUtimportant daty of manas-tb. provW«Isofor the. selfaa of bis iannily." For àtî te id14Salut Iuood 'ff r p p m l a 9 && oiâ â , o u o W d 't "a Iy s Jo q th »m u l e oplqiov ih «wisZ : îd ào gul p lgat the rough *tuf[dsivb bol:wSd gave y ou une clore chance. Bok e outilfor yoars and do luat- ybn bar.elaitu'Zu, sud thi e l ime you CômeO tbis vay l'il slip YOD a oupthbat viii enfli. you te an orohdétrs seast.", . *Wluen Joues Caule ont'of it theré uretro o octorsansd a trained Dures pumpiug iim fou of oxygen and b. bnes tlabhoeawu for auotbay speiliof ear$luly existence. AAieoou nSlue recovared bo Likcd ragluldosu e hoeb.ICHIGAN MIMTA L ageut end bad ià fix up a nice tel polioy sud Dow evury year ho e ys bis uitie premiu 11ke. e mon- Joae.Y ian':t tklug AnY chances ou beinug eluuned dosu the chute to the. boier' r0ooU tit.,n1xttliîe he teokles Saint Peter. ]MORAL: Il sOmedma s tka au awful joit to màke s man sec the point sud ah that there are migbhy fes Who get a second chance. OJIN HODGE 'nae Area, Illigpois ,h!or Ofice 12R OB., 296-M.î IROCTOR, Agent for Libertyville District Mai Read This-leTen Stop and Thitik Mir. A. 1N. l i.D wsrwctàeag"er s a ge bseemeaiaatu. ing mc ne t % - f ev Y csk, ha--s p u m as & --s L. h evrelsi car t6 blm usom by eue ofbà" sA-cmesiaa swly b"ld e uorvy. Mr. Ha-,dles w".purula-sa m ofsE bes.cane ir& M ibth e k s &to lhs sea-M, s-pu"f bytave -W a Miii. eme 10,000»ee a beu of Obi% Psa-aaa-idl~Ne VaI*mout. la sanve u mu, sais et be& &"a-adMlaoua-bh% etea &@agm yselin amm .ed ew. nM tva-P my Che r " a ne has ms a eset deug shieut â"Y n veag L, af« a l »e msa sUit. Mme rua-sin oepeset MW MW un bave aa mutily le s aivaj #aue Em lre lte 8il "s P« mom of asla, -ad eM asi0 Umm pameteree »Wsad sha.,wu* Ikr4v mmil àJ aveseUMspesa eheme,ý Aanse.«asMy « bas MWe la .aubled.of 60. W" MW CLeh bas à» dM P, fi i elasla crdsrlu« esbse «%a-W& h m I ev»l b. chaa-«seLs ofsâen0 w mi« Wes«ainsse There are thousands of Chevrolet ownera that are just as wel satfrfied. ao Mr. Hardie@, bettr that you buy that Cbevrolet n0w than wlah jon had in a year or two, it 'sili sot cot any thing to investîgate, Write or phione for a dernonstration. ÇARL A. SCMIIRECK RIULICAR TuCKE Wett Known waiukegan Rosi. WIN I URRT VILE den Sccumbi to parY*j The town eleton Toedny r rultedn irst Stroke 33 ?do& Ago. dim election of the three candidat"e on Samuel Klr'r, veil luovu former the. 8epnblieu aticket, destlug theirlr umber merchant of wauk»mu n opjlonellte iy a two te one vote. Oly Oflly eurviving ae ftihelate HZ4 tw'o women la tîr George Klr'c, for maii yes W s te th e V o ois te v o te , o » ne c m en g e r r 1 5 11at ve e t S p i gg Ua J4 trom u js ballot la the jirt pree luci and lihe o h. d st it, d s il o e.a M u th i e cW od prec es. lau1the râet tre I W a uesnmn l t* M deY aftor. prernthUe tragt Republau vote nou>n. Am $th.Moset 18 Tura, H wus 57 ad ts Demouî ad hM9 W&B borcIn "k«IbU >W' i1Ut. etra ight . I sh@ second P se n ct th ra M r. E k ,g s dot il e s u a a e w . , . 5 4 B eP u b u l c a n s d 2 8 l e om o r à t o ic M o d u e t e & a r s i n h t r l 8.àghtballots. 1 U'laich ob. ugtled a 8 menthe Ne % % e to ta l v te b y p re c n t . i.s e fo l o s.: a t id a y lu t . P e r tw o s am b a la A mF i r t P g ' c i p , c î i s - c O n I to U b a u . b e e v q r y a r a , ; f r A.eleor L 0 r a vee leho bu bean . u c W. 8 Dia y,, B....R .................. 60 ad4hW deas a-awu lom m e r <~ U . .Meurs. D ................... 1 9 -fuSill ra 1lt hoh bllOnsa 0longa Hte werQCom aiso nr- be iII ee d uuj 'ue r a ble 8- L IDevis, B....................... 67 0110 OctOrS igae hin U m am 801100 Tràti_..K»rk 1. MIffl dby hloi C.PU*Vm L...........6 7 a mthr anu tiae.ater, , an « Seond P,,clnct mur . I 'bksud Mn. Haum. W . E Da ,vkRa......................... 8 totih r lie 8dlteetn YOM ra ag, and. t Geo. L. Moore. D ....................8 bu d0th ofs of thé eltrs muetM lgbwayCOpmb"stnr=- aected lutoneer men sbO Ubalu, L *lr ...........................2 008138141la lthe tomber trad,. y 'taamy D.UIM .................1 YMM MdUal beau iden«O& VU. W. R, Appley, D.........î th ii.e' r~~vr~sy.H C. J. Koirt, D.. * ................ ÉmSUnont lte.. sw, lielliel le rc o &'ru t- .the o àw oi ffol ho a s. PIui*rdbt,' 19 ........... 8 K.irk hbitothe4J w Déniai Morle., D ...... ......87 WOohm n id- thé loyl IMMa PhOne,267M2 Libertyville, Ill.