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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Apr 1915, p. 8

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RATES FOR RENT-8--rooua Honte 4)b Fuel est. tAil inoderenouoncous. Phota Se par lino escn insertion ~ asas2p 2&C fir*t insertion FORT-troau'le.sti front. ae ofi rod. Gerden. fruit. c bcé oumansd yard, mrail bar.. U0. ________________________ lair treet, Libertyrillt, 111. Ph~one 58. + ý. . . . R. )loYd, Lbertvville, M1. 28c2 101 SLE +FOR Ri&iT-Uood bouse. barni sud "* ++ ++ .... . .gardai. Andlormeiuewgaeo.lnerans NAL>-Elbt iDuroc Jersey show@e, iad bowgocok store. W. B.Applt7, Ii fflm 50 to 70 Poude. W, tm. 2121. Libertyvllic. dt SL-PartÎIdpWjadottee.. 4. wAN*E 15. I Vin. ieRlege, UhIbre7 ...444444.... f'boavlmou *WAIEDI-Mle Whoiadederotutare over E-Tww W y Y g *1 ot 500e.b ler koth write ne. w.d.>y fr ~~g*" auas nsi1; oser>'oppatunïtf W014 for 64 -mcs.et. Cetra! PtroMb Mm ,biiâes ..ye. WAWTIP--Totii hh heyt, "0Jm ~ih.l'6m 2841 pex IWG O n .16 »irse 7,Muet be soeuRé ~A3*-Oadui sulIvator iras v«7, Lb«Qtvow ephone 4 21 6 trOdl slbgrom ce. M - -----fl àw, 4"easeMWiotbier hoau ;mOM WANT*FarUsron U=ili cquq Ga.C Wall, - hmplnc. c 88 t *W005 U et rlairC~ foi, ~~Is eas vin ce ora at anilhil Iregoired. aRý. Wio. , uthrpe aip-uebe. MW Le«dbl , Phoies, i, e. Meses. Uhsrtivtlle. ---------- IL l wADTt>-AsYoung air)lmforau"s 1c#r.No vafg. ooS vau IrA-e bved Wblog N[MWin. Amnon, gWaèMeehW& bi ir iT 04MM .on a iit.Ohe rele , i bi«. Mddsvir olyva UbèW*ileee B*"lsd coft M4 ver> e bauag «MW pinekeeil J~ALE--Soc Com01h0 -om G. r tEe' owd ebal Md liseov. WI 'OS AI.-Whl. Waedo4' ,~ch.Mie AaveaouIl fral weNov To eae. RoPSe, oeet ào t4fl-Pe0r.d llad vr ed - Primlitc p er t.ga -WM-QeeRls'Cf bho& ëNMO ** 49rOe frein foIra fbM 44 WL. 5MW 'Plot ut ~ .Cbea r, Art' 1~ -'et n> IltOsu servien r1200 't ~05 is tek 19. as- eotogis.*e"Mr lise. Corner Brut& $6 - Ppurt. Plons111-R. 29 ap 01 4. +. . . .+. . .. .. IFOUSO-geeteman'a grld watcb and "lo Qjeerffl haveéeau. by Provins ~> vopd~açdpàyinc for this adl. W. E "Cftti i'Uenai a cceauullclub hb" The ;iiiess lbUj By ERNEST V. Tkeon Mretwo kinde of baiesO mon-4be, business (,ET-' TER And the. buliet31ILDER. Tb#. formier uecs oniy thle ime>uiiaýe tIsau sa devotes bis onergy tOw<i4'totklg the latgest potaU 0 prodtTlrorn thst s"le, SThe latter bu a viow that o9to4a felu beyoud the immedi- àte sale, threofore plane Dot ao ninoit fur .a Iariprofit front ttce one èale, tphs dota foirgiving a QUJALITY sud ÏATrISFACTXOlN whioirwifl br1n the foundation for future lbuuiness. The uzerohautîwho sdver tises his goodt sud bi,.4pricea to you is alitsye a butines@.BUILDER. lie tola you ibis duaof businesse. Heoheares bis goo8 fortune in bsaylatg with yon. He multiplios the cuttorner f'or lctis tore while the nfon- advnrtieer le diing to his. 'Yb* aes'hant vho doua eût adîcrtlee wait..for you tb coma,' 'advez1i*s nome* tto yen tbrough hioe sdvwtl,,t nta and toile jou abet hie tore. WHICH 11AS YOUÈR JIiIESTS mOXUr - T~he business GETTER in geueealy NON-AOVEH.% Lt un etire foir logic 6n the. ub.t4ç.and sois vhy ~onir icierésu an keit uwe tn mid by th oU m **tWho adie= ïse W knov th&% *Il th. aivw«rtlksg in t.e iorid VitiiDotr t" xàS1d. m ,.th.eeaisfaction l i>voa thie custornor thrngt lev prie«. and goàd-qulity u*nerhaa. Metlgbringe enatoinore t. * uercharnta' tor. tésreby lnoeaing hbie trade. And it leq eoaud to seine 1ho4t th« * ntesobant v"o do«. .largoelbusines unmcli obesper titan thed Marchant Who dose a cunsU business. The. forawo savea on rent, 116" othr overhesd expeese. in proportion ýO the setonnt of b»unedoue. Tb*. advcrti.ementa of -a aurchsntacqesat the oemr you--vit bargéesuanmd valuw whieh oua b. obtaficed at thre merclanst store, In this alsy the deunsadi le oeted for article vbioh vouid ot be othervite purehaeed by dtr oo,,euueer. Advortieing oreatea detnand. -C;ziuubln. it witt go, quaeity eterconsdise and it buildsa good reputation for a ire- bilds i4 qoioly. A imerciset vho sdvertieca dace! mot dare ta prînt faise. atemente la his advertiaieg. h je sginât, the 1mw, sud beoidle he vould b. quickiy doteçted. Ton are ear. ta, flud the regular advortier a business BIJILDER. He MUST be. lu lte sdvertieiug oolumuseof'TiE 'TÀKE-COtTNTY INDEPENDEST are the advertisemente of iuany merchanteansd other business monn. Thoy are buainoas BUILDERS. Their gonde are good gooda. As . remilt there ie aafcty and value-fold in boyang frran, the merchbtstaWho advertise in thie papor. 'y- 'no', nubr tani ers I SU Total nomber of Isumenta fid Total " am o f loges, 876,M.0 Buinesa asa ben quiet sai.a ttough adoraI 4e tlu fIt~ret Place, amongtem belnu them of the Sbewtd. tarin la section 'Warren toweablp, bY J.ohn GlrI Tbomas 3. Wlsaon, for a eomil q sideration. Partrof te Hear>' 'M tarie lu Fremont sandBMa tovua vas eold br Ittie Andreve DMu te Wua. C. Ileer f6r 814,701. In Newport township LeRo>' J.8 ceip beuglât 110 acre la section rn s 1 for a nominal o.aldeatk ln Benton township Coerad Und 16uet theccaitr Pfleeger 75 ai ln N. E. quarter of section 7 for noineal conslderation. lu Antloih townshilp. John l4arry Pres .tu prettiest, cleanest village of 260OU la North"" BU111. moiso, Do saloons, good sehools, .5 >chrebes, An. ctty vater, tbe home~ of the Juetly famoos Abana 6ptlg tir seWerage, gis, electrie lght, 54 minutes. to Cl-lcao IlaUn 80è, 8 trains from Obleagj, g9,train@ to, Chicago daily, except Sunday. A f., deuirable redet.t po pertieu for sale trois two thous*nd to flfty-ftve hudredi leeach. Also somo vacant vel ,located lofats a r pIoed b seil. BuIt and have a home tbat Juaste diit. à to 20acre tracts.ear towu that arè prleed worth the. money. 30, 1*0 ~cn- dp ring Olo- i 1?. lus ifer ~ r a. 4 erso*bo thsezefe ehiulsai marr. i-bougtt80 acres ta -section 9 frosa 1 eéo *W. Description free. Mra. Wrobei, IIiL EIT RNFI Antiocit townshaip. W. D. $160. Ion K Jotus arenon.oe wgb.SOI2,0ecaCRl. 0>28-2 Frnlahod byH. B. Zuslgn sud vleo, et ai., te, lughDterst WrPrn laseton t.AECOUTYTITLE&RUST 00.William B. Smith,. lot 9, blockt $7, Ite. ogathPrapoet>tescla ISsU ~~~~~~~~ ~Abstracits of'Titi.. Titesa Guaranteed. B3luff. Deede 5 Ofr$.0 u ivi eodi v rfQ & D rnd Maicompls Uldg. Wauksgan. April 1, ugis.om e Cmp"ta LeRo>' D. Kelog for a nominl'. Pari. ____________ -Ricca le section 21,.B. Antloch tvp. le Cuba Char«. Frischt. Br., boulât nsstce. ReAL' ESTAIE llarcb 29.-J. P lm~ebn rto J. C. BecS, $1.00. Archeera. .qurerscto Il "ýlj LRDav, W44fs al6Ii.lentlot 4, Catherine fleey to M.LAJ. aer9 front M. Rolarlof 'for $3J300. ib Fur NCE block 4, MoKay's addition to apl- sud vifs Partil'0'37.Sa- l" ovest. IuWauconda Fred C. Dunaug of RA N EQ. CI 110-00. kagmu. W. D..$1.00 M. J. Archer a" vite to Catherne a Ulule, li. boutt the Gresa m cf cPU ____________Batisbl A. Dumnlnsd tuaband ta HeRe>', set lot 327, lake Forest. W.î»S acres la se»ttiesIsud ad, fora TW- e3-,Mogn, t173.88yacres la seton ~nomind. uonsld«ratlou. PU Ma .emon tD. a" n "OM 3'ta vénol mmu, lk . in 1" tX. 192 la Waukessa n W.. . Kelttitook a sia, t * W. D. $1006. e et8-M. 47 H îî moo.eiiC.,$1.00. ni teers deed for te RaeieS po F. W. âSum an md vite, et al. t tU John 05411*h MOIVUf» te T. 9-W* k rt>' on Nortavenue for $3.075.67. je Mlout, 110 acres ln sections 17 aud 50 X-A.N.140 MeM BtlGS3MWar- Jous C. Davis bouglit as 44 foot 18, Newport tw1l, W. D.8$1.00. i-Oli t"5. W. D_ , 820., lA MAm.LenrdPegoWudv. t ee 0pnll , 11 0-Z . NGreen sud vif. lot at Belviders and Utlca froun J. D. 'cLoss ra Ihaer, 1acresé o m N 8 P. C. Denuing. ftrot of land in sec- Bahut.>'for a nominal consldstl Mdtion r, W 75 setvp. N.le.%81 ec00 tion 28 and 26. Wauoonda township. Mrlletta Lemmson bought tha Mur- iu 7,te taotaaeo. W. . E6 .0 W. D. 5rie property on Itevuanpace for a si m . astr n bmùy e a 8 i . Converse Marble snd vife to G. J. uiOMIW 0009e5de5tàOn sud Lm*namU. se QaSK aK % lot i2,a" N% lot86sehonolgnoo ogh o rmBn IIU~~~I ~ ~ & eW su& of section 16, Wsuk.e- Wellington, lots 141 sud 15 Marbios & lutioomonttaltfn Bn - tru ~~ ~ '~ 'Convergeas subdivision. Vox Lae. W. ma1 B. Christian, et al, le Wbsinlgtoa ..m d8n ChoflahVl* I lit wat & OstéoMeWeusletruka. lot 4. 01k- Fitite M. Pelte sud huabaud 10 le .%t for $,CoImm FtlorlecerM. 0000r~ s*ncIL OWWtt'r"n.ubdivlton. W- Austeli lKXtila . lot 6, block 4, Durret buh o 400frmtlrseM wkin HM D. $20. out Bie suçàvimWauega. W Smth,2 Iota on iStarest sieur Stata ru sende -l1 *v. aid Tho ReV. E.L J. Vttmu, Mend ofatu. J. Petbr. lot l lnDir nt lAke D. $10. sud 2t ao onra!S îti M. P., Q. vreeldnta, retIreS maiero e a.thitIvîina. W. » -$M. - Emmnna B. Christian and huabaud, et t suditstr eet w, [aI. mbdStslu, arm>, celbratedi the. om-; I lorence L. SinthUt eBla lsen- al.. to Lorenia M. Hlaglehotham, lot e9.4- pietls cf. Oh>' y ears le tq CBtoIIc bergseS ed. , oiit 4. sud B % lot 5. 23, Withiugton paxk,. Waukegan. W., ÂR EI.C <E. ~ grliasc at ii. hme ti 60. and N % lots 47 asd43. OIulThnirâias', le wuvas taib'o . 2 Sul WueJn . ohneGriffithand vIteta Louts e-c'Alfred julien, Milwaukee......... 29 of P cfriane ol 5d nd oueg, including Mr». O. J. Ward sund tuabemid ta Conuell, lote lb, S0 sud 21, Wshitng- lute Emneerlcla. "me........ Il "à" 0""' W90 Xeovi hueuseasmon sud miblio RelIsV. Watt sud George D. linian. ton Cîrede isubdivtaloe. Waukegau. W. Joseph B. Perklns, Mlwaukee.26 an wk oMeisi resdtug aloguteni; tstrelot 3, 11001 108 and lots 32 and 3 .310 oi sk.sie.......1 r. $5ý ' harrt hoebloit $#.'Suth Wauffgan. W..D.D.$0Jui aesm........ I r oe si. m U MIla usarmyin 'oStefflsta- g000& eer-Ervln A. hiaeact, MilwaukLee..21 «21881;r trlaLFrtlcl' 0 .Iudi -f1IAfW fJ Edna Klugsaine .............. 18 bastion etJbis golden jublEe bas beau Arso , M %lot la2sMd, sB %'lot I l. B I Ij WID. n uElon. F. Htctiua, Halneovllle. 'latm.Pspsiuai Ms. aogtoe î .Wma ln . ...................... 18 )e,, "Mýa -uu ar- -.t l. eIMei lM. <le*o te J. C. Merylvian1. se. lier..... 1 bv sd %MS.a VMho ta IviteS il iho Col. Tteo. lot. ,mct eu'N. Ubertys tvoet. , l ~NI j sll .Sedn m .....1 1.1.1.~~~~3l fonoe csvit 3~tstet I'N.rttavenue, Wau- ~Andrev Brudvlz. Coopentovu, lotnt 1»U W* atl e4ueofP C M M *1t .. vut THE L*mlse e 2 ovh):: sasnu arts' %ae ot Z ' letuie '"JDVsut $l-L JNa' Iu ndersiaon, Amauta, North ce Prrokbhlm Oi ftitp ith-t IIVres i. Hav Srlt. .Wilon 1 teui sud .Dkto. .................... 24 àli âmi etu the ite deta tteeJMeKbule' FireS Gur',lot 4.'do* a ' ,Wlln'& LiOnS Roar as SoMffl 3a Bi- oe rtokmin, no a a. ........ 29 - M-aoqveaand aitte e »oourla tb.:ta OU abe 'W D. ffl , 1 n 1oves Jesen, sente. ..........26 bolo& Aus *m eli tates -W >' ta buata m lac900ni tv.. et al. te hop la GIvWng~SoMn nthe Jelasa eeber, Ciicago, nL.6... C. AnX mSol%. lUt 4. bloul 2, M'y M qur t actfv ro lcljnsttcs le mI.uve e le -MajOStlOTWiq*t. maer leder, nuae .........6.a _P M à,t*~ Ses chap" la letitl rkt- - wm* Ja t. ' IKD4. *W&. - lied Jacob. Mlwlvue, Win... ai 27pS meut&. Se b la M v ids t WkyU «t 5-Mm ïïwla - o tuK*t * Jeft asete autluse. la ttc Majumeo lis P get safl*. ..... 1........H2 ~ cf a KeeaN5tom t7blft i 2. awv- q-uu1 "« Ub i*. u «b M W. »ý .I-thester, Chicag, vas flulakn diu. wmi5ls Pet'ore*18Vila, ni.... n ne". t.m, i4mgcmy vian ho*seactSse b4 * ' Y~l515 <a hymnà«. jW5tg on 5M 5 N* m........... lied for eiemn"y for tcé éderui govermee twle te P. J. Nimu, meemci"en oissrvie the .gem et secrilowno t ares Erelse. mIlvanIe..Wli..31 Baver cap tle aett cevet lamni dispute, la the m«dW" 4leànnuinatm est etica emaiS t e but ce ttc ie, bte-1 LottUe PI'. «Me J ........ gorWfl Pipn lePhaS 11, »ODUaml tovnabipW. 0a $M M" tled Ue raInasboard steve' A11làt l ttc, ZMon City, la. 'vle. For Sanumber of jea FI M-e Vatt*.; Pu5gwada. Ecimof 5s" busand, te t" monde. ieto ue. 2IpA men vu c011bb515nt Fort ft'*WCharlu i« tD4» tue he. 8Ulm 1an bOO ic lIliam lu. ToItChrist=s A. Wiitffe suame, légal ------- tand dur«tngIis tIn lm 4m»OQtr e!onahjts'tâe «ç tdM.O Ptis baby msde a videimpresson akléa ite bteest quarter. section 9. cube- oanute h evc. lc 1 S liorthabsore, pttam giy ta à* toweshp, -*. D. #sui.' hlitfor severat v4lutee'and thsn PMeS Eruer, Prairie Vlsvw, ]Bt... U8 il Pios<a, icr t esmas'1006M aa.D's lotte l . isnpa to etellia jssethv m uet Vsr f4 olle ,mm. .............. 174Ci uos ethi vsIa t Caleg, hf le Mek b, Sba4s' Neelsubdivision on ho Mfellke B3ai aW utirs on.' des, sn... .......... W* Pre*~ ont amdaS ater. Co440ceevmlt. W., D.ç,l'but cour. flot m hImasifboard,. o~m%pe. UsIne W a.. , vlmdasip tarinu tei 'u e 0. TMranmtSvite te Udtir Bila pc. p. Andesume. v t tu l e Snkn, tlaksWla.. - -3Me ,« rsgperW the sUt Bimsb.A-met. i P. M r Is afle. klainor aos e t. u FslIaMfahe Wa 3 De Ka"e Wledle, Biat*S& Win ... 19 S2«-», Cm Ut'.vomI quarter nelt autquatersec about te ncIden' tUymS uILnN.Drlbkvlum, Konoata. 3 2SP2 ,Fther Vatinasn tas tbenu a souk.- tic17, Waukoffl teveibli. W. 1). eBsoP Toit',pla>'m the lpat cf Amans Loreno. mme. .... ..... 18 érett nuemerous meetings of aa nt* p~Dowlelail rIglt!' taomi&. "»0Be S.Goorga it !W'ihMîlvae, WIs... 45 1 nmoi dc nature sleg tse nortfohi ndeal1Muln 8. Wuhr, me ..........40 luoob as maue effective sud m eore * e a.1"ie 3P, Cordil egl.s'-;lon osopm *Fdý'bo 15- F for lve of g t an sd co ni> se. oeic9. lau bhetqute ortir- enabled hi. te c 1m9s $81the Jh auteut ceautel.......... 28 2 i- èeetruteUniteS States tqaarr, satlà&38Buht Aiot service., The SoieuIStbaa* e IL a'c am oe>, Chicago. M1. - 31 eeeteet lho vu5a parlait prent l ta 11, «" itouls .kfJ.'dliabd > s-'-- bih's e se 1..... Weilrliam tolnommter n ai ft Sh1' il f .ta. ~oseeM«aS' ile te tto ttansroar. , »Wmr. - ot hicao....:...1 md. & R. e ta-.ovmecretathé<if eN.flache,,lotDot. e ucsttvat ro s.hnom*t . .a............13 Md. ela D» l o n .as.1>'orh. & toerIL muerltoeata "rsetie 3 eatnaagl u ~'top> <0~Jr., Mlwauke.. U3' 278cmnuu 00e. u 4*utqutr mtmýý ztbW«&ai r tr. ' ' -B« ase. .......2 H. C. Burridg. & Son -Nursery Stock rot AuIbom ,Pergoas, Porçhee, Wail Boston Ivy Clematia Eoneymiole Ustlony Vine CWnblng BoSm Trumnpet Vine Wlstarla Woodbine Fairhê"Ym Gardens Dyvmd Eeeâ Phone. 102-R uhmtvïe.UM. Theodore M. Durai. Prealdent. W. 9. ISerit. Vice President. F. W. Churchill. Becrtar,,, end Manager Mon. DeWlitt L. Jones, 9. Cotansee SECURITYTITLE & TRUSTCO ADSTAtu O F TTTmTLBS GiuMAsrlgD Capital $12%cOOO0 WAUKEGAN - - ILIJNOIS Be ll EquIp Your nome- WIIh a.TelepIbine 1JJHEN Planning improive- Sments for your. home this year, head'the .list with an order for a Bell Telephone. We furnish residence service t» me et ail requirements at a mW.d erate monthly rate. Your order will be given prompt attention as soon as reciveci, Chicago Tephoe Cômpati A . LAmbase. Baum PriceS, Reucet on Wre Fenoii IT wiLL PA ToTO OPLACE TOUE O»uDEK ow ARIMA.N&W I" ÉrpjIJ ÇOjjj lgsypal, Lmyor * luen er ~eelv* -are Ilir Colet seen Ilu sud te declare of polit lu the rmaunini their s both fr Nabel The. stateil oeveral later i repor Ithelmu And o1er a. hustîle 'DIR a Thre ver. 1 or tte Tte -' ere the di f rom i Illio Othl held c *that e ton,.t vhiclt yster * miSai beeu one v 'Aid vet 1 Weet voted Daevi gouqt vet a Frs dry, thec * vith the d Cer * won terril Ch total' svur Thet paig ersi STbei terdu

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