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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Apr 1915, p. 9

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j ~AKE UONTY NDEPEN DENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY- SUN ______ -! - - - .-- - .. - i r>--.11-. ail nTC11r PART Z'WU. Lwmn. vuai. jw. 1a t s. '..m..u -..- 11REPUBLKAÂNS WIN 1RSULTS IN. THE COUNTY P À CL3AN SWEEP IN .O N FLK US TWP.0F WAUKEGAN O N OFLK TUS ItttI 1 1 Socialsts Put Up a Poor Show- NE1OAD0F- PEVSOSMKN an nd Ail Republcans BERT TIIOMPSON i <Eected Tu@.April 6, 115ew N AND CLARK onWihEae D F AT ER Yman,:ucceeds Erneet Simnonsaew RE-ELECTED IN NO. ___ ___F RRY IN trd LA E SMALL VOTE WAS POLLED. B NT N LE T N lake (ce-electeti, unopposeci)V BENTON ELECTION: Avon-Andrew T. White, Gras. H R IT IT Develops That There Is Not a For a Time It Was Feared the 0____ Benton - ert C. Thompson, j 3IO E DST IT One-Sided Contest There Soclalists Might.Be Able Zion CltY (new man; defeateti Su.1 toSuez n Exciting Contest When Towns- pervisor Hiram Ferry). Hot Fights Seen in Shields and as Was Reported. t qoZ man Is Deteated by Voliva Deerfield-T. M. Clark, High- Deerfield, But OId Super- The onhpelcInbll nWu Forces Voting SoidIu. land Park (re.elected; deteate.d visors Win Out. OSTRANDER AND NABEL IN. kegan on Tnaaday was on, of lhe WFrtemn. C .Myc(c. W BE ATOH SP moat quiet eveC.b W.JMeyer due-un Han-y Maypole Is Opposed by Ms quietaver tutlije Rep uelcn- EVERY VOTE WAS POLLED.1 eeced; unoppased).WEBNW ATOHSp questonabl tha the epublcaniNewport-Ed Martin, ibr PreentMayr ad Cerk ticket wa practically unopposled.TeC tstMrdbyFc That (new man; vice Jas. Weich, cetir. Ed Martin Succeeds James G. Who Aspires to Job. Socialislait a ticket ln the. field but Evtery Man and bWoman WTa Cl).KngLaeFct: Welch of Newport Who Re- Tie report from Fox Lake printei l was conceded tramn tie tirsit that f *Musiered to Arms.' (rehleddate d M. H. Ftz. ie rmth iIs liait waek te lie effect liaI Hrr liReuiangooueenastI gerald). Nexi lulitenton. itle ntost intenseV Maypole wo einucr nooplosen toi,. lance of their voting atrongtb tint I liy F. 1,. Kroft.) Waukegan - Edward Concad tf yor ot that village proves ta haveteScallE oudb owdudr io CiyAlr 7-te lcio <reeld. townshipi election lu the county was ei ed ore tsfra Fax l ae.tiird The result u w'bia l. pedc- tZion Cty vestccday wae one of tlT%1 George airetow (re-elected). iniiltelds wlicr anl effort was made f elvd oie roi Fx ak, her eoild Thtes rei . A. Huten (ssew man), t i efvat .taiil King wlio, for yeara t iatitree candidates blieu eti thasrgt Ti oe field.: i retet ir e Charles Crape (new man)i. lias ticen a tîtuet efficient supervisor fit Thyr:SUPERVISOR. tnest waà for more important anti Coo atsdr 'eeMmao.len Women Total 1co-o ' HOLOOVER MEMBERS BOARD. frointhlut ltownshiip. A determined e f-. Woillitanîe, vilaee r. Conrad . .......... 582 119 701 blice issue was far greater tian Say, Benton-L. H. Tuttte, Zon City. fort .a.s ltuticlied ta0.get, fim, bu t 'rerpr u ii-"ooybsVan Landoyt. ..86 15 101 lelection wbich took place elsewhere', Cuba-Fred Krachner, Barcîng- be lait the satisfaction of gettlnga b«ftta e ou against Nlaypole AS8T. SUPERVISOR. 'not exccpting Chicagos mayoral con- tonajorlly of 197 !iilte town, losinf bt' su a iithshvetiug isonllutbt. .......... 510 94 6o4 test. In Zion City tbe issue was nul Doneerfielti -Andrew J. Walsh, onie precint ta bis otpiîîtent, Mc. Fila- anWie will tuyohavetWO ison e............ 507 94 601 a moeepotti'-:I party, but te su- Highwood. -Mri îgat cad b ac e ieNoctht Chîca- deciare rnbdpuon vroth artw.....;47 9 61 preme lsse s te maintenance of Derfleld -Mri igai go district by 17 votes. nowspaporm li sentilng out niaI line Pankoke .......86 10 96 the principale for whlch Ziots City wae Highland Park. Mr. King was on file tegutar ticket t of polticai taik. . Turppa..... ...... 82 14 '36 foontict. For thje indepentient- candi- iEla-Emîl A. Fkcke, Lake Zur. anti lie carcied Il brouglita1 victory.V Omatrander declres icaà decdediy IGH. COMMISSIONER. ýdates ftasccre office meant tat a h. The result:n ln the race: Nbel Insista that hiem Kristan ........... 512 93 635 wedge would bc forcedti tat woîîlti Grant-Wm. J. Stratton. ingle. For SupgVlsor- rnigadrnngern an COLTUTEhave for itsaobject te splitting uti of aide. James F. King, 740. fionda o!fo-bt f these men deuare Spauitiing.....525 84 609 Zion Cty as originalty planneti. l ae Vla-Jh tat M. H. Fitzgeralti, 547. I their trengtb la uci tat- tbey will Early ln tie day it won seen titat ohrwritcidpndn aty ac il.Comissioîîr- boi Mapol l t-e eecton a taî vte as oln l bepobe1 hoever, they may altack the Issue, Llbertyville--HS5lry B. Egec, Li- boti MtMyoei h leto.aaalvt asgigt eplelNat-b Atkinson (won bly about 190).1 NbotellOed bis petition, not bavlng andti tîl causeti a littie fear on tic 'stand for a wie open towo. andtiltb- bertyville. ,GsNrh \V.Iofan opaeil, rmr.uart of Reliobîlcans thatte Social- Ing short oi a Complote abolition of Co--ri . os Nrh Wn.ntIofmner. t1 acny The news ent trot Foi Lake also fit;,s bing ativantage of this . tWIt te. Theocratir party witb Voliva at Chicago. oiisonrt111vany sitol iaIMypole bt presenbet ibe able ta sendt heir entîre 1vtirth le bead sfandi absolutcly for ever'!' Vernon- Afred G. Maebhec, Henry Vlckerman (won by aboutc mveuai Important resobut-lons wiîchst-egtt-ot-be palls anti possibly wîn principtesefoîatilddwnb Prre m.19. wore ~~~fldl.MIJohtn Alexander Dowie when foonding Warren-Go T. McClog, PtrJtsn Weereforreli ta coauuntteea. but aa i ctory fronthle Itepublican cni Clo , Ptru ensn li0er tem fron tho vllage doclares dates. As moan as îî waasmen t-tthet City, Bo iet- the figbt yesterday. Gurnee. Tute ti-daste ay wigUs iere was mone grouna for bis fear.lausaaeti. was nul merely the soecur- Wauconda-Eugene W. Brook@, Fred Henning (unopposed). hhey warews om runsfrt y uto ricpe-- auod.VERNON. 0«ornprbing ta malt lîqeors. And ?lendm of t-be Republicican didutea ig of aller bte pic3b. acna repolrt trouatae village declares liaI got busy andi iuried a number of Every possible effort wa put- forth _'ýbirt l-ed-George' ROCkli - omtiotoulif-"- Malpole bimaeif iild nt intraduce votes lutte pabIs. Otberwise te1 by the intiepentient prly ai hey well enbach, Deerfieldi . oi o 02. the Malt reaolulon il ail but saine- entire vote woulti have bain much j knew that thîs election meant- bfe cr S . Fos te 7 iody elmo presonteldit. silr deatb 1tte indepentient pirty as aJutc- Anud t-hua Fox*lake la agaile tirre,lî ln years when thie Reli;utlcan political power. Tc lose te election RE-ELECTED SUPER VISOR Everef tfi. Masoti îîuîîposed>. ovra lecinwih lynfrtattce aopoe yte eortemeant absotute deat tat- the Intieîend- Truste- avuffan elecglaPvio n lc. va fot-e tatIce lla otset moylie Docr a.loent parîy as a poltical organîzat-lon FROM SHIELDS TOWNSHIP. Frank G. Mitchell (iînopposed). ferent expressei but Iis yçar wlî n in iy LIBERTYVILLE. Sociailts as the only conteiders for tmg bmaetsyth nlo- eDY ' IT R - fie gcis h eulcncni r wiluititis parbylite able t-o raise itC Aseessor- 'DRYS' VCTate; ffic e op mllRe ubItqcsa cnd- eati and attempbt-oa run agulnst lie W. E. Da iv litl.,127.6 TIIRIE COUNTIES a g tes e patho. It l cieracypowcrfui Theocratic machine.GereLMoe .l62 rahuu go t-ot-at lstes on's voerei Even frointthe local complication, -'Coimilssioiler- usalt-atlie mn' vtew hicit bas arisen titrougitht-e refusa? E_ . Davis (uiîipposedl. 131. W ON TO COLUM4N frasitn spr sr st-besaime, of t-te city cierk tuOie certain faultyTusc cos Tire cont-Ici wera put lto t-he tict.gTisw Dt te stalgit petItions. ifila aforegone conclusion C. FakWigtht. Lfi. "dry" columa and about 60Bailoons tickenvt e.u a ottecaewttthat blîre ia absolut-ely no possible IDtanîilMorclsoîi(il),, 53. were put out o! business as a resoît teue oe chance for the indepentients t-o gel a t be w et and i dray e ection lan iow n- w lhin a m ile uft hf e ci y election. G A T Th Tccotes 1a banisb lie saooB> HOTF 16HTI I N 1 cluslsely Iliatthie Tliocratic pnrty lRobert Miiialîsî, ii108îîî.îî. 18 wu. wore Franklun, Jasper anti Marlou. are In lite majority by far, anti even Inien, lotIit 126 lhe titis thug incraaalng tîcîr food wujDSTOCK;MA witlî Winthrouî IHaror against- Vob- Maritin W. Fc-uitîu. 116 111(11,-14 wo- front 52 te 55 of tho 102 counties ln Ivas candidates t-bey carriel lte tixy -Jutonel, 0 Illinois. fU IIVT ED I i~ ît a sweepinig vîcîory. !utc oeelee) E Olier downst-ale clecUions m wlieb. FEALI4II.ITHE1 RIL 'rie folown sa adetailetifliIot f George W. Koetii, KI. belti on April 20 andth le drys claim tie ballots cash n the respeclîvd' I W. H. Kimbal l wituîdrew Tuesday that thora lu a goot chance of addlng *~ ~ wra mornitîgl. te eie cunle. as uailiins-SeiaorOion1$DengUp2O~ T'heocralic party: For stipei'visor, Hermtîit A. Meyerc, 62. t-en. te thebr courmna. ed hy George W. Conn, Jr, Bort C. Titomiteon polleti 38 ut Win- Ferd W. Schuz, 67. FortY-ebght townmhips, Iirti o! Prominent Politîcian. brop Barbor; 751 precinct No. 2, and, W. J . Simmme. 8. which wre dry, vot-ed on tie question 591 at precînct No. 3.Titis shows that Jms "DEFEO yeaterduy. Reports raceived up tla Thotulson beat bis opponent, H. W. JnisF. K'ing. DEFED midalgt lndlcat-ed that lhe drys ast FACTIONS ARE LINED UP. Ferry, by 103 votes ight ln is own Supecvisor Clark defeatet iWni. only one township, Atkinson, in Henf Precifidt. For commiesioner of hiugît- I wcrc properiy sigîiî-d lis a notary pub- Wtle fHgin akb bu .ry counly. wicb waa reporteti tahae Tect fWoilkla acn ways. Cot. Robert- H. Aitien pllet i uic. However. in spile ut soch actloft 200 votes. Xite lui Shieldis wlth ref- bain chungeti by a majorit-y of onbyj wiat le pramisedt a be the hotiesi at Wlnliropi Harbor; 723 at precinct te vctory couitu scarcely bie more crence ta Mc. King, a tictermineti ef- one vote. mayoralhy fight-lever wageti in titat No. 2 anti.574 at prccinct- No. 3, wio comPlete, anti E1. 13. ollngswortîtioc, a id oustlt tprio [ Aden township, McHenry county. City. - cn on t-be peopies arty anti wbaatisie fii-îtoîedlp rt utli amae 1 te fot t splen-s wet befere. votait dry; Dundee andtS enator Oson la the present mayor was supporfeti by thte Titeacrats. For can now crawl 1111 île ubale of ob-<iti majority. West Dundee, Kane canot-y, la again anti un entrant loto theefielti agalnst scbool trustee, Thomtas NcEwen po il- scurlty.Tbotemnuupstieece. votai wet; tankakea ramaîneti wet; hut la George W. Cona, Jr. Mr. Concd 24 at Wlntitrop Harbor; 749 pire- The______men________ I wcce:ed ijunville, wol; Pontiac went dry; AI. 1fiaemin wbo twice run againal cinct No. 2, anti 585 at preclnct NoA . ucclor-tcltrfligi: gonqun McHenry counly, rematusai Coagressaman Crauley of tint district- 3. This gîves a total of 1283 for <iIFITI A TIV (no prvsor-MarlinRedcc <on we sddCarpentersvilie, Kane coun- tor congreas, Mteeing hefaat, iow- Tiompaun: 1261 for Alkîtn, anti 1286 F IT AC VE(npoe) ly aeec iime, for McEwen. IM OCAmFÀR S I oPulo; rlNG ohn (le oa C un> Vlctory ln Three Countios. Connbisa beeon nottuînat-et by te On te Intiepentient- tickt, H. W. poe) Franklin counly was put lbUsote anti-OIson faction andthle campalgn Ferry polleti 136 at Wintitrop Harbor; __ uîrlor~C .laly dry coburna whea Barrents ownship, now la bebag wageti withbdtertin- i!659preciflut No. 2; 488 precînct No. l-ligheriay CmP.ssione Wlla the aaby remaining wet spot, austeti allon. 3. For cummssioner of highways, John Griffith of Lake 'Forest H. Kcîîmtsss. lie saloons. Jasper county weal dry Senator Oison la a figitîer andi sa ('aalcs Stlcknev îiolledl 113 at Win- AgiAp as nSm i- siouTuseH t.aecul. wit-i Ue winnlag of Sint Marie by l IoCana antibils triends;thbey are auiltcrop Harbor; 654 at precinct No, 2; Aga~ .in Ape as in oDeln- olTuOPstee-TICKT. Lgshle tie drys. Maron county becaine dri lîneti up la battle array anti, as 494 at precinct No. 3. For Bchool _________ Titese îickelNOPPswEre TICETS.lltal wbea t-be townships o! Cent-ae andi everybady knuws tbat- lie McHenry trstee, Mtiss Jennie Johnson poll'sd Teetceswr lce ih Sandoval voleti ouItie saloons. count-y pliticlans know exictly haw 140 at Win(,hcop Harbor; 660 at pris. John Griffiththte sceil known rea, Oppîositionini vaclous lowns: Cetralla was t-he largeal cty la 06. lu play politics. ti s cencededt Iat cinct No. 2. 488 aI precinct No. 3. ,u estate tan of Lake Forelst, wba a few Antioch. wan iy the drys. Sînce Is Incarpor- tiere wili bie an extremely warma tinte These figures show liaI ThompaonI weeks ago bougit t le Phili Sheridan Aîîiicli lias a new supervisor, ern- at-oa fifly years &go filbad been Ilquor la Waudstock tram now on. carrieti the daX by a majority of 97ý fartn of 160 acces un section 36, War- et Simons baving retireittirnttte territory. Col. R. H-. Aiken won easly by a ta- rea township, bas now sol t-he aime fîidthis ear because nf poor bealbîs. Ciarnpaign count-y became 'tee- The uarriage o! Misa Janet Ander, jority of 95, anti Thomas McEwen by ta Thomas B. Wilson of Chicago. Cuasc Webb becate thte Dominees anti ttal" wIaan Stanton township was on, daugiler of Biabop antiMn..17 0 votes. Mr. Griffit-h bas aiso bogbt t-be ait- was ciecteti wilboot opîposituon 'rues- swung avenirtyte women's votes. Charles P. Antierson, ta Dr.Gerge During thte day E. B. Hllingsworth Jobniag fartn of 115 acres, la secton day. Mc. Web s well known ln An- Tien. albuisoen no saluons la Chat- Bayer ut Torant-o. Ont., taok place at triedta knock out several votes anti 36 Warren, anti section 31, Waukegan, tiocli, bavutîg spentitsI lite Ibere. Titis paign county. bt there bal beeon ev. igit noon la Chicago Moaday, ln Use even refuseti 18 who were legilimate fretn tie estahe foc Carl Bendîsen andi us bis ficst appearance ln a couaty o- ral l'ctitmtorage" bouses la Stantan, ICathtedra! t OS-60.Ptr ni Pt s- votera anti wbat isa tilI morebIlegiti- romor bas t-at bof h properlies will [public office but it la geîîecaily felt J Those war put out of business yes- op William E. Toail, amiaei iy Dean mate lie also refumed. ta aceept affi- be Improvet i wtb ine residences la t enday. Wated S. Pond. read Usa service. davîls wben pressentei antilatter t-leyi t-be near future. <Continueti on page tour) FIGHT PAGES. Vb A qftffl ON ELECTRIC UNE 60O UP ON AVRIL 15~ Iost Drastic Change in Fares Y . . P R Since the Road, Was BuiltI WiII Be Made Soon. WILL AFFECT THOUSANDS.j trons to Buy Tickets-WiI '20 Citizens Hire Counsel Ask- ChargeMore on Cars. i ng Writ to Prevent Housing Waukegan, April 7. Leper at Jail. A niodest luttle note appears in lte1 wnîdow of the local Chicago and Ml-. CHARGE MENACE TO FOLKS. wauikee Electrlc raiiroad ticket - ce andi waiting room on Washington Ocae mn te hn treet, statlngflna escdu o That Victim is Permitted - rtsfrpasseuger tares la to be- oB udos coieeffectiv e, beglnnlngApt Wakgn April 15. 1915, and an oncing that anyofle in- t terested niay consuit the table which The city of Highland Park ýwAat !a on file liuih office. Inqulry reveals dey made detendant in a mont unusual the fact that very rew people know injunction proceeding when Attor. bhat a change in rates bas been con- neya representinlornoe twenty prop- emplated. and therefore no protest et weso h iyarae e has been nmade. Wllter or flot aucb ety t e itv aop ad . aproteat wouid avait anything la fore Circuit JUdge CieEw~ n dubtfui for the raîiroad company an a8ked for an Injulictian te iaîtrlit nonunces that the Public Ultilities coin- the officia:& trom keeping Angla mission bas nanctiotied the flCw Lunardi, the lepromy victlm at the City schedule of plcrates.rfompttn hMl ASun reporter examined the table poul d saino't rt for hlm ad- te find how the new rates wili affectthbudiguteetefrhlad ~Vauoegn. I wa food tatinthejacent to the station. The Injunction najority of Instances the fare had Iwiil be argued sme day this Weekp been lncreased front Ove to ten cents and, because of the tact that tiie Unit. on a one-way ticket. In other words, led States han just lnstructed the olI' ocal People who go ftom here a 1ofcatahtte majorlty of the cilles and towns alonÎ, ficastatte ust fnot permit to the north shore wiIl bc oblîgefi to pay1 man'* removel tram the City and ffc Oive or ten cents more eacit way than ballet that ho thus W-11 noae e before. kept there until atr the wai, PM, Between Wtukegan and Northt Chi- sent& a mont unumual situation Ini the cago, the naval station, Lake Bluff, north shore suburb. Lake Forest, Rondout. Llbertyville, The clty has just erected a mmaii Area. Beach 'and Zion City, the ratesi building 'for the purpose of. Previdi wlll not be lncreased, providing one a home for the ler but the «rnO purchases a ticket but where the fate i and vater connectionsa are faut yet >a ta pald an lhe train an additional Oive and the reilueit for the wiit abX t4it .ll L.~us --dieg taa &tb<ey be prevented from, puttlflg Useu statement given out by thie local In. The property ownera who te ticket agent. stralned the attorneys are near4bW * The following table shows the on e- idents-in the loclilty, nmorn f wiioue fare rate to different cities on the chlldren paso the Police station daiJ- north shore under lthe new and th. and wb. lhey will argue. are lai ýoid rates: 1danger of beng exposedia a ut ct SOUTH4 BOUNO. the manner In whlch, the victim hqà SVaukegan tb New OtO been permitted frondera. Thei. t. North Chicago ............ .q,.()5o1 îorneys handling the case are: Jamço Great takes .............. . oS.0 5 I G. Weich, Waukegan, and George Area .........................25 «2 Philips and John Weich of Highland Libertyville . ............. .20 .20 Park. Rondout . ................. 15 .15 The attorneys sel forth In their blil ILake Bluff .. ..............t'>. l -l)asking for the wril: Leake Forest . ............. .15 .15 That during the past three wee]1a Fort Sheridan ............ .2t) .15 the leper bas been slttlng outalde the. Hlghwood ................ .2o . 1 rolice station trequently. l{ighiand l'arý. .......... .25 .20 That beusuad places of piper wItli Ravinia . ................. .25 .20 which ho ruhbed thbe mores causfed by Glencoe. ................. . .25 the diseuse and threw thent on lie Ilubbtardas Wood-t .......... .1 .30 groviu permitting the wlnd le arr Winttetka. ............... 5.-10 thor off and thun brlng a menace te Ketîilworth . .............. .0 .35 the community. especially to childrefl Wimmette . ............... . .35 who ighlt pick ni) the piper. l'~atttoi............4 35 That the lePer ait on th,, wagoua 1 EnlnN ORTH BOUND. îîsed hy the street gang which 5fl Waukegan to- New Old stored next door te the police stiticif Beach. ...................o5.OS0r;anti that street ,%orkmen cme aloug Zion City ................. 0I .10 ýlater and useti the wagons about the Kenosha. ................ .0 o .25 jCity. . Racine ....................... ..Tbe defendants named ln the action Milwaukee. .............. .95 '75 are: The new rates that will go lnto'ef Msayor F. P. Hawkins. fect on Aîîril 15, brlng the pissenger City Clerk F. A. Warren. .1fareg on the electrlc Une ta a point City Marshal George Wlng. practlcally as blet as ou the Chciago police committea ofr euncil whiq randi Norbh Western. andth ie belltM tati beeu given power te act in leper uirevals among many that thase wbo matter: George R., Nichols. Alfred bave used the electrie Une because Mtoses, and James L Fearlng. the rate of fare was less than on the Chairman boardi of healti, Dr. D. Northt Western, wiil now do mont Of 'NI Bergen. their traveling on the steam insn. Itý*Atty. Ja'mes Weloh atates that, là ls thbe bellet of many that the elec- thbe United States there has beaf i bqt briecline la weakenlng its comîîetltive one similar action, a leper case lu ability by ralsing t-be rates. Mlaryland, whereln. b, states, the lai- Lmnder the new scale those who jonction was lssued on request ofaiiA wish bu purchase twenty-tOve ride sens. tickets may do en on tte hasts of 25 In vlew of the federai governmeiit* five-cent tare tickets for $1.15.I1 order that lhe laper be not removqo oter words, a saving of ten cents on tfram lie city, the only lblng 1,11 for every twenty-tlve rides. Twenly-flve the offIciaIs ta do, accortiing ta te ride tickets to other points on the praperty ownera' claint le te leolite uine are chargeti fer on the saime hlm ln some Jaes populited pot. aoC basîs. 1 the city. Tbe presient site ia n o.Ce The ncw achedule provîdes that, i troi avenue, the main etreet la t» charge of 25 cents ls made for carr9'- city, more people pasaing thie partb> Blng a bicycle of baby carrnage on a ,ular corner, It la suid, liban Y thOr car. Doge wiiI not be carried unisesin the communlty. Jmnuasiet and muet be carrled on the ifront piatfom A charge a£ 25 cents l-eta t be made for eacb dog. On lim- fweeli live and twelve razmis. t alied trains doge wili tnt be carrieti cbanged. Cbubdren under five wAtt yuuiess there la a apeclal baggage conf, continue to ride free. tpartinent attaobed lu the train. Lai) On the whole tii, cibaga..-la.naa-a . idoge wili be carrled Iree. tbe most draatic mat% ly lthe elactMi The half-fare rate for children be- àwý line in a loQ9,ýtiMe. $1.50 PER YbAkc LN &IJVA£qqirj.. y immAv APRIL 9. 1915-

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