Waue~a WekIySunVS. N. CHIC A*O Skeletons have been unea.rthed at Fox Lake in thel ALDERMAN. CIRIEF-ý *hape of human bones. There are lots more skeletons____ that miglit be unearthed at Fox Lake but to date they've remained buried, but, from what one hears about politics'North Clicago Stirred by le- there, more of them may be dug up ere long-and, theyv'li nonement ia Case Whero.Firel flot be in the shape of bones either. i r...là---!-.. The warming served by the strate inspector that stcps'l be taken by Waukegan merchants to get rid of miany of j the cats that infest local stores is flot only timely but it is. important that some heed be paid to his suggestion. There are too many cats about the stores. True, they keep ziway rodents but they also carry filth, a fact which experts nowl are claiming more and more. bleIAlerau Xç e c ei yvea Checks IMade Oit t. Auotbcr, Fred Alstermarc, Who Noyer Received Any of the Pay ait W ho was Mot Nember of Fire~ Deparimeuit. The instance where the Waukegan boy's knowledge of' Serious and sensational charges, in.o.ving Alderman Andrew Lun "first aid in drowning" was without doubt the means of, f1 ani. C 'go ndp ..il saving the child's life who had fallen into a cistern, should fNotChcgadpsil impress this line of teaching on pupils more and more.';otherficlai te aIfityre ho- The fact that JUST ONE LIFE lias been saved ini Wau- 1,dtocrim elancion.Tru hme kegan as a resuit of thiz instruction ini the city schootris!~ta 0ciia cin h quite sufficient to repay ail the effort that hiati heretofore chremd1gintLn ata been spent upon that line of teach.inB. ofa graft. It sa contendedi that con- _______ -trary 10 iaw lhe huasbeen drawing $20 s month as chiefoth ie fine At that, Voliva is entitied to see a supreme effort madie deparîment, in addition te threal- to have the persons who nmutlated the taly sheets in Zioni ary aitowed him as alderman, brouglit to justice even if it did happen some time ago. hiichr, according ta generallys- If ~ ~ i~.... '~ . . ceptel theories, la flot permissibte If te sateenthas eenmad inan open meetinmg i ý under tire Iaw. Zion as is now claimed, that "at least a dozen residents of j hunu eaetered ulion iis dallas as ai- Zion can lay their fingers on the ones who mutilated said de(rn fa to ~ara anTva years tally sheets," then SOMEBODY ougit +to be CHRIS- aga this -oraing luna tire North Ciii-' TIANS ENOUGH te reveal their idenity and bring them r ago tire cprrrnir-t vas plaeed apon to justice and thus make an example of those who woulda salary basis. carih member receiviug stoo to ncb n ouragens at, fr, i's ~ th 24) lier nionth. Alttough chief af the stoo tosiib a ouragonsactfor its kowntha 'trerantrr.Lujir idid flot aeek ta col- was one of the most flagrant attempts to steal an election 'l- r ui s rai ittrectin. realiziug, It le that has ever taken place in Lake Couinty. - i-rrii, that lie.could aot do so0 opealy - +- .aiiii huis draw a sairsry on tva clty Officiais of the Deerfield towns-hip bigli schocol hav ihrsicaîi it Ib chareed liai lre r . - liait he naine ofi Fr-ad Altermarck, adopted a 'commninty idea" to their higlicolwil à:fone lorr ilt oe fae is weil worth eniulation by other schools ini the state. airu tiwreoi]onit liee une departint, There they have an enormous gyiînasium; it is ton fine altrorh ieti ierur served air the de- and too large to Wç devoted exclusivcly to the 400 students parini'it t'tven. mronth the warranta who attend the school. - SQ, it is thrown open every 1 n (i iicIs for tire aemirers af tire fire dc1,p: rtrriritt are rmade out sud sent 10 evening, for use of the general public-the public who Fi;-e(,i ief Lirrii tîy tire ci ty treasurer pays for niaintaining the school. The athietie instructor cf Northiz-'tcugur. Nr. Lunu distri- isa paid suffiient so that lie is present evenings to assist, butes ttirse warrantastana tire mem- the ADULTS, who, wbile not students thus take advan - 1 [ ý r th, ii- d'iie<.nriitt Esrma tageof te Drsenc of he fne rom ad eqipmet. n dorsca is <çlek. casiies it and il tageof he pesece o th fie rcm ad eqipmnt Irea gars CIaotlatire city treasurer. that way, everybody in the conununity has the advantage ,r àoilthcekmaeuto instead of restricting it to student.s exclusively as is the" Alslerriark lias bren andarseit and case in Waukegan and ini the average place. Haveu't they! reurner ta tî' City' treasarer. bit the happy idea of comrnunity use of a schlool in High- Tire denoueiient came on Tuesday landPark It ookslikeit.wirii Fred AIstermarc, empioyed at land_____Park? __________looks_____________________(lie Îoiurdry ta Nantir Chicago entered -- - - - . lie cilice of lily Treasurer Curt D. DID1 AU). BARNEY STEVYENS TAKE TUE LEPER FOR A RIDE 3arney Stevens of Highland Park, Former Waukeganite Said to Have Slipped. KNEW NOT T HE LEPER. In 'Oenerous Mood," Stevens is Said to Have Given Lun- ardi Auto Ride. \I liItlir Alu,rniarr Bit non J.. sm'. Vers (IttHigthlaund lart., forairî air W'aukr-gai rtock Arigloiî unari laper wtra Is ilernedIn iiP<<at iovu. for n aautomrobie ridae Mrînty igiit ' ar n g. îrr ,ith i dnnatd' inra f or- 'mgn jargon. Tire alderurani. sirîl(ttuniy ecogniziing ,lire îteatitv cf tis gîreat dumpeit mur hurriedtv rani tis car aitirhe lai*s itoor, sard oveirrirg vide iis ttrnttl e' vdait tir i trectionr of Wsîrkegaa, lie sas touadi liiigbtland Parkaa i lare yestenday- ÏARMERS MEET SATURDAY. tttonuUurad Iran pagp 'G") Czarin ir. r siroirîrijuin fcr tir e ir'ti lie 'oiildlire ta ailiers, wvi re anouals'r Innrturiar r. Frnir vial t se andril ira ftir'-,,kiraiisiinug ireansd thare iii)- i î iirrty r-itl,. an- snfavronfaititi tarîi <un lhrnî-iiitire irtea sinrr un1 nuitl fi' sticuil eipthe sotiritas ail ai- tari t IPireyt 1w iifarman knowr, idl welI hir'business is juit virat h. rualîrs ILi.le ilawaare ai bis oppon)r tunities andr reatizas If lire anta ta Viasitter. "i linitrnstanid yorî liave a check fan mrre." ha sait. intact.1 "liera il is"- Wacbter replied, baud- dition rt ira' uni-r the eheck. irehind Atstermarck scrtiuized it ctoseiy. John J toldad it sait placet it ln bis pocket. clos, ls Mir. Wanhten wiieu questianed about the Si. tire malter totay admitted thtat Alaten- nobhing miarri irad mata a ratier detalied Recenti> statemerit boy var Mr. %Varlrler wss aiet for details sud still lin tlireiatter amnd St first dectarcd an broke lie dit ual rare ta discuas il. Hoveve»,! Ibis tami tira reparler lxrt it up ta hlm la thýIs fortune. way: "'rai are City treasurar; you, as City' treasîirri'. annot couaratentiy iter ina to i, p. us tire tacts as they r xist andîlaus yrrrrkrrîuv hemn as a clty i,îftin*llt." wireutîon , Mn. Wacirten sain: A IsUirarnritain me he neyer bat beau a meraber ai tire tire department ru Nantir Chicago," Mn. Waciter said. "le iaformeit mc that about a year. vitirthinltenîtion ai salina tima ca aamoiteratir alc turier, ie stn aaoha hait heard that varrants of al;OmOile i qute esie he poit.stu dsutfoitaw arodern hiacical this unit vere being iusued lahils 1Irusines rislnacbpais.<asme anuitthatlir alathgoule ta Mayor TIre sidermati gays Ibeeas uatting tir 1 venture tire assertironr riat a large C'iilstensan, askuna that lt be stopt- trat -neittrar aitnrîitrîng nonr den> in il lpen cent af thire aati-rponr average ped. Tira ulayan, lie aays, tltihm -arl ri a hie tale irî goori advis aieur relerned i te ire sanheuilanatiralere varîtit hano marc ai lit tuîg I[noîrut. Llttirrne eu-nniaittirerabut îîrov sud ha suliposeit that be voalit hear IlUtir"'Itr'liin tofmnlati ta rrat loiran sldeas vanthitesa If va vould nothiag mare abrout ItL A tev daya M'hIb e li'aldermian vas linn a n- r-iad tira bulletins sari îoîîov liein ago ire sailit itcame ta hlm ail that oll ioo rîuu theri ru- ariice tiiere voutriattuei-o minu>'oatirs, warrants beaanng bis name wve -Tleres i(,liilg n l:at rtriv,.' ticlis Ponfaramiers.Ifwecannot lire a:theîng nade ourtaitdiFe determined tb i;aï inIlihlad Prilai ) tiraay liLicntyvblle meigdtitlt nestigatc frimsetf. He saiS hhat aftr r arr absencethnrugîi(ruithebi-day rous tir'- rtnirirofaigeiIaniat ia hc1Igaehlm vas the. finit "S'rîcîatvs llilrg surir. %Whereliiitre lbandi wagon oarrlii-suant, ie aven hait neceived front tie dity rtir ;îîn ii n u. --Amu ifvi-canai îtaytir nisiand suit ial as mare to the point saiS No "Gentenous Moodl." tPart cf thisn tw Plan ir11 tiera l t telhiaI ha nanan hait endonsed any tof - ly. srruiatîrit;- air i vurr re in lust-arn ta rani'bc anale, tira ather chac'is vhlch have been tu- agerreroas imo( ait i igirî"--(silgur- A FARMEFR. aaiit maathry for nearly tva yearsi "Niw ti rt ,îmtu;t -riu.î1i andt vbich hava alvays corne baci en- rarut. ' returrîitire alilernian. INSANE MAN ESCAPES. dansadith ilinil. Mr. Altermarci "Sc priît lii th tîç-r if aitl ike. or mysaiara ual pretuaredin tasay Iti; grurriladvrtising, But vint î ICrurrI i'r,t' tram irage one) who fored the narne on then. .Yeu. that'9ýicroi3 out, 1 an ay o myownknovtedge liaI 'l'ri bflu son traIva ltitvi-.'irrtI lar' " lii ;rrr s-i Ir 1 tstarmarrin is nat an the fined- teritiisin t lugirisui Park'-u uA t, v nigtri. agon tie tarti-itpanimeut." Atuderuman gtevnus rtrît na nirîr- iil- of tiu iffiorli-- rieurnailange Vban uuealîanuaitfuther Mn. Wach- ltnuith ie stneets of IiicilandîtP.r 'o nýriloinut ir-aniy cane-it u irtriire. tanrniacîaraui tiraIsoee'fev mouitba tiutvnuglut iiti ulu<ii tiltii',, nunnsiurIl wai cou- aa Il questian ai paying lie rire giSIrun. i i efiti-ri ýOnlo4 ".iîrr la h-ra. nl -;lr aa'e cnari 'niti as tectthed a fa-c. ibrah imeta tnt t vuld t h b.posai- threa lur tir oylu's jil, hi- 55w i idn ;uroini. lite fon hlm la rereive a alary tnom Lîruarit îmur nh uoissui li înlai- iinse'n ira vl-tvasources. Jmet boy the matten vas i'Ollalui. înuttonu-uîreiî, t"îî - '- r, iri-u- s elulu-ithiarl rarogit Mn. tVachter saillihe id flot Leper Goes for Rude. p tliace ion hellw ta1 ret-sive knov but that ha dld kaow that Ritn -,uud tir .,Jtîhlm an lauîalii. Irrunaent Aouai be li tiraliane ai bIs checks hait been made ont moathhy 10 lie traItit Lunardi jiith ie si-at be- usiiter anui a %rditofai"banil>"' vas Alstenmarck andt accordiiatoi that sida hlm Suitsut off fan anutier rauuil ru-urnait. mnsalieettihm e dni a! thre tOwns 11-is nul tria' ttug OPlIitSlc0 thsle m0ey:>.thu h.lfo Lsr ispitbuIs flotmiirn-rira Wien - ptileamure 'W'ougt This haolira moal sensatonal %Charge1 Ils. lapedlis alds ogtler i! We laueexceeds Its limita #,ai alîegaui grafu tiraIbas camte up In seairale o>'Sui iibrrd rauîhineu. ~ ~~ j'SotIrChicago In soute ime and fi le îka tbe smaner yUl be ni" *5 ali ltsguh Sm dme fultY la sxPected b.- cause Lunn las'a part orý tte present administration. Taxpayer resid to have declared however.'rta they hitend to look loto, lie miitter and if they find that tirey have heen defraud- ed of $20 a month for nearly two years thy wiil take whatever courise la demed expedient. Reflecta on Administration. WlI i t X121N13 BLAST VCTIR IS SENT TOf CO. JAIL Widow of Frank -Stanley Sent to Jail on a Contempt of Court Charge. 1As Lunn la an appolnlee under tlira IReceived $2,000 Under Com- Present mayon, lMr. Christiansori, wbo i nnain HsF dt laacandidate for re-election, the de- pestiI Hs aedt no:ement atius tnie la creating Settie Several Claims. more than ordlnary luterest and. li' fact. thras ira bave heard ai the ecm- Waukegan, April 14. CUMtanei ar mui,-ored Tihe wl<low ai Frank ?~nley. wiio ctrstncs rc uc 'oredup wa îiild ln hlaat ai teièsîgar re- ýabout It. There iii no doubt but tuaI finery a roupie of years ago, vas ar tbe expose will won'< materlally raiglied lu coîînty court Ibis monrilig againat Ciristianson, whose husinees snd aaked te show cause why site Methode sud ciouded vision an thingsa soutd flot be cited for contemplt. She was unabteioetagîve any satltfactory of a similar nature bave pravokell reason aud was remauded ta the. cus general diaguat lu the city witb the lady of tire aberiff. Sire viii bc ohlg resuit that people aeneratly lu Nort ir ld ta remain lnjlit until sire produces Chicago are troping that a reat busi- mioues ta dispose af tihe aims at- tendant upan thre dcath of lber irus' nesu administration may ha put Imb band force tnutire clty the comlng election. IUnder the roarpensation aet tire It la apparent that such a courselireirs of Stanliey recelved about $2,- couid not be folowed by Lunu vitir- (10) fronithtire nery. Of thus the out the mayor havlng ruli nowledge widow was enlitied ta one-third and of It. tiierefore taxoavers are won- dering vhy sucir a questionabte pro- cendurne vouid ha Penmiited te coatixi- ne ail tuis tiare vili official sanction bhbnd it. TIIREE BOYS ARE ARRESTED ON THE CJIARE 0f T1IEFT1 NNiairir i.s Api l Three susîtiiboys.aureotrly tinel y.ars aid, have tîeea arrested iry the. local Proice arr a charge of havlag stoten cappen iteusils forai tire ra ef the ltunch wagon oa Geaesee neet. The>' are heirrg heIn aitire etr police station. Tbry gave tireir names as foinas. TONY JOÇITSt ag-ed 9, iUil hinrolni street. GIIORGE 1)iRUtA, aged 1 l,; ti08' Eighti irer t. AL.EC STONE, ageit t4; 1012 heIn haîz aveaue. Tire Stone boy is b glie tretîîely as an accessory. t i said lirat lie laok no reai part ini tIre heu itoatif but mnerety tiie]ta assist tire airer boys la disiposiug of the capper. The boys ail live ln thresasme neigb- honhood. The thefttoo a c iae the eanty part of!thaeaiee. Tire tva tboys Bay they touait the capper vessets used as coffee, uns. One afi hiese wal smashed le Pieces no it cautit ha dis- posethoh )fmore readil>'. The otirer vas rit by the police, lîracticat>' Both urns ver. la good con- and iad aimpty been irtaceit the lunch wagon temprarit>. Jobls, a brother of Tony Jo- a ov serving a setence in Charles semail for boys for ivo Cathoiic churches hate. iy a gnanthfathir or the Joclus ikifled la a rsitroad acciitî Imore recently the boy's tatir- re iris leg.'Tire palire triai nity la iiaving ita ahane ai mis. SLANG "%Ilutton broth ln a hurry," isays the customer. "Baa-Baa ln the raib! Make hlm rua!" shouts the waiter. "Beefsteak and onlans," says the. customer. "John Bull! Malte hlm a ginny!" abouts the waiter. " Where's my baked potataes." ali<s a customer. ..Mn. Murphy ln a seat- skmn coat!" abouts the. wailer. "Two fried a gg. Dont fry 'em too bard," saya the customer. "Adam and Eve la the garden! Leave their eyes open!" @houts the. waiter. "Poaciied egs on toast." eays thi. customer. "Bride and groom au a rafttlu the mIddte of the ocean!" abouts the Waiter. "IChicken croquets" says tiie cus- tomer. 'F'owl bal!" abouts tbe wait- er. "flash," says the custamer. 'Gen- tleman wants ta take a chance!" shouts the. Walter. "Tlhave asauton."sys the aext customer. "Another saIrt!" abouts the Walter. 'Glass of mili," aya a customer. "Let it ran!" shbouts the Walter. "Frafifurters and saueriraut, good and hot." ays a cuatomer. "fido, Siiep and a bale of iiay!" abouts the walten, "and leL 'em sizzle!" Dalty Thougl It la onty the, youngt ~caiiirote mnch reward from men's praise; the old, wiin they are great, get to0 far beYond and above you to care whag you tbink of them.-Ruaki. NOTICE. . I have sold my Flour and Peed store to George B. Lewin, who wlll continue the. business at the old stand. Ail accounts due me can b, pald at the store as heretotore, and 1 trust ail maney du, me viii be paid ln the. next 30dy.CHARLES H. CHEEVER. FAIRICS... Gaberdimes, Poplins, SUIS, Manrdsh Serge, Storm Serge FAIsRics.. Gaberdimes, Pop- lins, Serges and Noveh7 Cleihs Included STYLES.- Wide Shlrred Giriles, the New Viare Shirts, the Smartest Trim'i thé linat cbid as entitl$d to tUe other two-thirds. Tiie wdow waM J named as adminhstratrix. Lant fat iiland neglected to pSy ~~ t U~M !~ A certain debts snd thon close thie es- Lote and was cited iâto county couirt to explatn why. At that time aie A I DE SD * Promlsed to do no without more de- li m A lay. _____ Time dragged along and she made r.any ud Elewf 0 no effort to close the estate. On Mon- M.Fan Bud awie0 day she was eited Itt court and wask the lte Dr. Chartes Warrington MýartE, given until this mornIng tu show died Tuesday at tier réuidence, 1 cause why she could flot be held in4 contemPt of court. Sh. spent tbeAahlald avenue, Witmette, afi night ln the, county lait. Her tiares. Ieào n we.Da.wsU year' aid chttd who had accompanied iieao n ek Dai a i ber to the county jai was taken hume ta pneumonia. She waa boni In Be. by ather relatives. toit, Wts, and attended Rociford cal- This moraing wben arraigned I n loge- Dr. Earle died In 1893, and latait court the woman dectared that aie did flot have the money, but did flot aeek Juty a son, William B. Marie, P11sseS to exp)lain what ah, had done with away. Services Thursday afternoua thc $2.000. It was plain to see that In late résidence, and bunlal in Robe- it was a miont dlsagreeabie duty for hiît. A daugiiter, Mrs. George I. Judge Persans to performn when he 2Ahad-vne Wd commltted her baci to the. cualy li. W'eaver, of 812 sln aeuWt Tears came to tiie woman's eyes but mette, survives. she did flot break down, watkIng back Mres. Marie was a sîster of Mrm Lo tihe jail with a fIrm step. Chre A.Prid, omly f Receatly the woan was marriedChre A.Ptid.tom ly t but her husband dld flot take muffi- Waukegan and theretore ws wel cdent Inlerest In her case to be known In Waukegan wiiero 5h. 'Ire- present at court this morning. Tiie quentty vlsitedl when the Partridçea woman wll h. aiiiged tb remain Inlivedi Intiec cty. Dr. Franc MaclQ, Jli until suffiient money la ralsed for Who niarried J. C. Btddlecom's si ier, her to pay off tii. daIm. against the 1estale af ber lte husband. la a hait-brother of Dr. Chartes £ýrla, EXT'RA EXT1tA V. rns Normi tovua gramt Beach niglit util 93 yela avo. 'Mn, e tre noet ber h Wntir raidi J .a il>' w> r b a t -ho 1 iiegan, M rs Mrs sinons tIaerE, near The>' le roi but ai lake f: an' sI1 Mn. ai with s trip. for' tii by anr£ te Lait 'Wht2 later I ductod the fa: House, nayp. rondrie ait ana While fariner ru ntact bter t aine hi liant ci hurlai plan: 'lie a.g tees, a Mrost M mng twi ing tire 93. SHE Chari Wit Pal Sherl rago la iirongbi baok t( hum up ls ciant tity of couple for ils Police gan. C go and ii.d un ment ai Ml Dey iug ta aie Ban in tire yeaas TJhis assemblage i neludes I)ractically evcî-y 25.00 suit we have been featuring titis scason. A notable representation of smar't styles even at this much uedited pri'c. tSelect froîn thei eariy. About 20) Coat.s in thte înost attrac- tive stylest shown this season. The lover of riglit smîart, or- the c-onservative mod- el ('anuieli be ph'ased in this choice as- sortrnent. Bt twenty-live dresses, eav'h a delin - eation ofthtîe htst wvord in fashion. A I)argain wonderfuily appeaiing to ehie dressers. Crepe de Chine everywheî'e is shown and wili remain the seasou's rage. COLOBS-;.-t San.liln Check, Navy, Grou~ 2 --- of Smart Coais in Reg. 1~ G r ular $18 and $20 Grades $1975 COLOS.- Delgf a ie@, Light anid ark T&arn5hem,ln. G u q3 ---of Sauiple Cre pe de 09.8 roU Chine Dresses ($15 Rind) $9.9 COLOIS.. ieisi Sand; peu,sBvy.biack Thursday, Spring Rlats $1.48 a Those Shat Were Originail, Prlced as Hfigh as $3.98 in the Let I3 Aý cleaianle of 35 Hate at a price which repre- C. '-,nts the actual cost of materials used. The group ineludes a varied range of colore -and trimming of . tets. No woman wil1 find it difficulli-to, beplea8ed. i 50 New Bats, Just Finished * by Our Workroom, at $3.98 M Nobby modele as fashion ie dictating in the prit s. cnt day styles. A handsome group of chie, sailor and Louise effects included ; 6.50 and 7M5 values. Handsome Imported Eponge, 85c grade, 65c *A fabrie especialiy suited for spring wear, at a reduction which will attrýact unutuafly. *Soft and wi'inkie proof; fast dye colors, lncluding pink, Sand, buekaskià, Belgian blue, wisteria, etc., 40 Inches wide. I20c Pure Lînen Crash Rgu lar 25c Engli-sh ITowels, Thursday 1 5c Nairisoolk, Thurs. 1 9w An exceptional bargain: --The wcIi Pure white, aîlky and soft Nainzook of known ',Humiîdor" toweis of the best im- the beat 25e grade. 36 taches wide. ported quaiity. Hemmed; neat combina- Monday, 19c yard --or $2. 15 for a 12 yard tio borders, Monday onty . piece. IReguMar 35c Splash Crepe (40 inch) at 25c yd. A ncw soft crepe with heavy embroidery effect. A pretty fine of moUd colora of thenew. est. Practicai for sprlng or summer wear. A exceptional savlng for Monday home sewvers. UUTHE GLOBE P 4> Dio -Presents Three'of hs Nightiesil Offerings in Apparel, ?fonday, A OAT, a Suit. and a Dress itein-tlîree of tlin ost t stonishing values, c, M,,fl ly. that it lias tvet- N'en otîr plvasture to extend at this time of the seasonl. --- of Suifs that Bave g Gr up 1Been Seii for $25, at I8O5 n