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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1915, p. 4

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1N5~~~~ raEM Four Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly -Sun Office Tephone Number t. , Wbertyviile Exchange. mIbered si the I'oetoffiie at Libertyviiie, Ill., a@ Second Claes Mail Matter Officiai Paper for Lake County. lesued Every Frday. (dvertising Ratea Made Known on Application. SUBSRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVMICE W. J. SMITH ....... ............. .............................................. Editor F. 0. SMITH................._.................................................... Manager M. i WEBER ............................. .... Resident Manager, Phone 189-J SUPPOSING. TAËE COONTY LDEPENENT. FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1915. Xddiliona/ ?/les Mr@. Mabel Shailer of Deerfield, @pont Baturday st the home of ber aunt, Mdre. Sarah Maon. MilwaukEeeavenu> lias been scraped sud cieaned up thiK woek. The Improve. ment tu the treet toi marked. Mr@. C. E. Pierce wae taken to Jane MUlieter boeptailunWaukeglanWed- noeday mornIng. an ambulance taking Suppomgthat neither The Sun nor anybody else had brths liospitai. An operation W raisod a rotst against the town officiais. paying to Col- performed on Mre. Pierce shortiy alter1 loctor Rutt the $500 voted illegally by the town meeting to arriving at the hospital. She lia been b. paid hlmfor "officeerpenses."siek for about ten daye.D.E.'.Smi Sppadhmf"o fficeth e x eing s dn et er t accompanied ber to Waugegan. Suppsin thesam thig ws doe nxt yar-hat Norman Madole met witb a very siri. would make two years, or $1,000. ous aecideut sbortl.v afler one ociock Thon, suppohing Mr. Rutt xnoved away from town. Ten Thursday wben a team of horses wblch or fifteen years lat.er some citizen takes up the matter of lie wae drivlng ran away. A witnesa of the illogal action of the town meeting of 1915. He starta the accident syo(bat lis saw Madole suit Hecannt fnd Rft.The ondmen orestil hoe,]ose contrai of hie horeeo. The beavy suit Hecannt fnd utt.Thebondmenwer stil hrewagon came lu contact with a tree, the or at least a few of themi. THE SUIT DIRE TED force o! thç Impact throwing Mr. Nadole AGAINST THEK. They feel badly but their defenso from bis seat to the ground and under that they had THOUGHT the town meeting action logal at the wagon. Mir. Madolesustained several the tinte is fot a defense. The bondsmen have to pay back bad Inju ries, thero being a long cut *IIMVSIarrose bis chn, quite a gasb lu bis boad thf1 WJ.UYansd other brutes. The young man a Thus, isn'f it btter to have the matter decidod RIGHT employeti by bis father (o more (lie NOW than to permit thinigs to go on in the manner above houselolti goods of Albet Lyons. He picturod and have it rehashed yoars honce as was dono in wus lak"n to Dr. Martins office, wbere several rather similar actions started some years ago byhle wounde were tirtsed by Dtrs. Mcartin byand Tayloir. the dtate of Illinois wborein men and heirs of mon who had C. W. Whitiug, sales manager orth(le signed bonds forty or more years previously wero made de- ,jao eticai(Co. ,of tChicago, wa@a in fendants AND W'HO HAD TO PÂY the judgments se- LIbertyvile Saturday ealliug on business cured by the state? men tii detertuinie whether local rmer- 'If may soem a littie bard on Mr. Rutf to deny him the chants would weicotiie a new factory $50 ths yar nd he ex, B T, ranly peaing i The company has taken overthe formula, $50 hs er n te etB Tfanlyseacn ntiudbusinesof Tle Food Tone Co. wbh justisce to is uondsmen, it's far btter for him f0 have the wae tarteti here on a stuali scalp uver a money enjoined before he's spent it than to force a bard- year ago, and lt Intends (o locale quite ship on hlm or bis bondsmen in-future years wben, possi- a large factory lu soins town near bly, it bas been spent. Far better to release one's dlaim Chicago. %Ir. Witing stated thal the LA ~ 4 ~factory would empioy about one hein- on money one nover hau uhan so d. down years hence aft- dîs(I bande, andi the vompauy wî,uid or one has gone along year after year on the belief that it have ttc rpt-,ve positive assurance that belonged to him. In other words, one doesn't like to gi.ve tbe needkita bese 'ien would b.- talien Up money APTER hoe gets it andi bas its use. If isn'f so rare tf. Mauy employes w,,uld requtre bard nover to have had if. homes, as quiteanumberof bande wouid bave to lie brongbt tbers from otber ces. Stucs Mr. Whftings vvlit bers a "Wltb Sheridan fiffeen miles away" thouglit Judge local muan bas recelveti a very Ht rong Edwards Tbursday as lie sat aiong the roadside seven miles recommendation from a former Lake from Rockford with the realization that the judicial con- county miniter wiîo vouchies for Mfr. Whitingo integrity and lionesty, saying vention was sta.rMng and that hie, one of the three pr*i- _I u recom menti im (o you aud the cipals, couldn't get thero excopting by airship or the un- ,)eb-nhpm ,fvtîur tinimpîri-al ittîdy as au expected arrivai of a rescue auto. T he attes r -rivee ' : ttilI t.,itdtegehi1tlt- %Nuiti, a dueo trne, but not in time fo get thie judge to the convent- bonest business Dropooltlott. p ion until affer be'd been nominated. CaNI RCEIO.i Tho chances are that seeing supervisor Conrad lias been Reguiar meeting April 5, 19151. Ceve.a onjuodColocorRuf a$50 vtedtolanti absent. I enjoed fom pyingto Clletor utt $5Wvote to The minute. of Mardi meetings wereil hilm by the illogal acf of the town meeting, littie or noth- roand andi approvei on motion of Smale t mg morn ray bo beard of the matter.. Mr. Conrad no anti Wright wbich rarrieti. douibt wMl not desire to fight the injunction whon if is moveti by Su>alie sudnTtus (lie engineer arguod Friday because it's notbing of bis to worry about. ha ineructed to eotablisli a idewaik So, 11 wll o fogoton..Mr. uttdAronotgrade on East Park avenue from t(li end gte$Witem wlb ogte. r utca o! o the pissent walk (o the village limite. rotain tho $1875 excesa tes wbicb flie fax commissions Motion carrieti. net this yoar over bis salary bocause Counfy Treasuror Moveti by timale anti Colline (bat the McDonough will not seffle with him until ho bas turned street committes lie Intructeti to place ad oYe evry entoxeptng batthela sas h ma kep anger sigu at the vladuct under the St. I overever cet exeptig wat te la sas hemay eepPauletracks at Second tret. Motion I for bis salary-$1500.. go, if's a caue, apparenfly, whore carrled. I the stops already taken will cause matters to adjuat fbem- A cotract ftor street iglting was selves now and the town will ho saved the ttloliez- preeenteti by (lie Public Servir Co. ant i pens" iem hlc aioatwenfovo.-----------reati by the crien, afler a discussion It pene"_te___________ n ovr.was moveti by lmai. anti Colline (bat It ha referreti to the village attorney for ie The nomination of the three sitting judges milans their opinion. Motion tairied.1 lection wifhouf any question. It seemed good te some Moveti iy fmale anti Wrght (bat E. of tho old-tlmers te ho at tho Rockford convention Thuirs- L. DuBobi lie refuntiet $100 on hie day. And, f11e smoothness and meswitla which ev aery bill. otlogh 1 me etiat thini pasaoed off!1 'Twas like old finies (In soine respects auditeti by (lie finance rommittee antic -in othors, not). The three mon are worklng tegethor in warrante ordereti trawn on (hein respec- a 'prtof harmony that cannot help but bonefit the whole Sv uts district. Little Boono county, through Congressinan r- John Lester, police .............*400 or, sfepped tof11. front Thursday and recognized the other 1)1emen., March saary........6 00 fhroe counties' dlaims and promised support of the ticket . Kichman, March salryv... 65 00 nomlna.fed hy tho convention. The good records of JudgeS Liis.(y ville Lumber Co., mdse ... 101 89 Donnoflly and Frot in thoir termi of office and the excel- Public Service Co., Feh. lîglite.... 188 871 lent sbowing made by Judge Edwrards while lie was "lon Public Service Co., Mari liglts 183 87 fili"siic bingapoite b G<~rj~~flm~fPublic Service Co., repaîr ight ... 38 tra" icebin ppit- y o' Dunno, sfieU Legai Atiaor Co., supplies ...... 92l to cause votera of the district te feel that tliey are indeed Geo. B. Triggs, park work ......540 forfunate i having sucb mon as these wbo are Willing f0osGo. B. Triggs, street work.....10 80 fake thoso positions, wbich, as Congreasman Fuller said: E. H. Corltt, tampe.............. 3 82 deThere is no higber position within the giff of the people Pý A. Salisbury Co., boots . 3 95 o!~~~~~~ 11edsritta ta fcici udo"Ianck Hard ware Co.. mde... 2 16 of te dstrit tan hat f crcui juge.Laie Co. P. & P. Co., priuting ... 22 70 Ray Furniture Store, basket . 45 Tho town collecters of Waukegan and Shields must A. Sodenhurg, sewen wok . il....1125 Uaturally blush a trille wben tbey look down at Deerfield E. >. Ellesworth, golti tiqet......... 25 aMi ses fth. only WOMAN TOWN COLLECTOR in Lake rP. w.moore, seser wok .......22 50 coufy o tat hlc thy ae sa ' andTRYN OT .'.'Pttibopte Co., buk book@s... 54 55 condo a wihTU ey restlin ad TA CG OL. Morediby Snaie andi Colline (batt ftîy te o nainlY. TR OVER ALL'(fl.IR T CL cenâts ha relundeti on the waler on Mise LIONS EXCEPTING THE $1,5S0 ALLW ED BY A. Locte prcperty. Motion carried. te f1. rperoffiialsIf oesnt ~The foiiowlng wers appointeti jutiges L.&Wtohpj pro cil. Ideuls anytWell anti cîrstofutelecion: for thoME , doui t? If doesn't mako woman's chances T ge-BJ.0<rimes, J. Ballard, F. B. Of winn ffice li Lake county any the leu, does ft? C -t-A. C. Mray, C'ba. Proctor, if up to women te set an oxaniple in WAUXEGAN W. C. Sauboru. Moveti by Wrgt and Tiuto adjourn TOWNSHIP of belng ABLE te intorprot tho law? Does to Wetneda,Apil2l. Motion cannieti. the local tewn colloctor hurt other man's chances for the E. H.'Crlets, Clark. job h. was given by theni iasf yoar? If A WOMAN is PUBLIC NOTICE roady and willing te SE£ THI LAW as Miss Dooloy bas AsIlu lge gainet the law ofl the Blate of at Highland Park, Wàukegan and Shields btter use somne Illinoise for a.v tperenn to piowIn the of the "$500 office expenso"l moneyand buy their colloc- of the Highwa~y Commnlssonee Notice, torn somo spyglasses or a few microscopes. _And1 MissIole brebli ien (at enyoue foui vio- Dooley aloo is huian; naturally al rnsadexpects a1in1ii714a lu lip nhy c te get ALL TME LAW LLOWB HRER. Sbe'd ho fool- telisHgiiway Commislinere of salti ick if asodidu't. BUT, in ber case, apparently ber vision Wm H. Poterson sud poetbl are acute, wliereas if appoars ofliers' Chas. M. Wleoi, ~scetibiifyEruet tL. Davis, may b diimd-Hlglway Comnlssioners. east it wss upon (lie understanding bhat lie was (o pay a retîtai of $75 for FROM- LOCAL - CHURCHES lie first season sud $l00 a season for he subsequent four years. There was _____ a clause wbicb said (bat Dady migbt1 M ehodist-Episcocai. termînaleele1.ase any durlng (lie nontli o! Mardi. r lreacbinu serviies netît Sunday wîii hli Wben Da-dy saiti lie intendet o eau-bl ohnonnzadeeiga h -le the- lease iicCann offeredti o pa sy alm î At Ireaa-lt inut sia. m .-v an lnrreased rentai. lte agreed to eéà ilPei )o h ujc," pay $250 a year for the- land, Tais ,01RSu Hwatmic *"At73 s considerei a gooti price. Dady p).ru. the oubject of thie sermont, cilii e, s-ould flot listen (o the proposition de- " Te Contents tif t Or S'hitît Life." There splte the fart (bat lie was wlling t ers ir1lemei )) litteeFj' acc.-lt$75 l li e lirst place. He saiti seuV Chac. Wnttes h ' bhat hie would Jet If Cann bave (ithe -OurbCht-e of eEWri the «e e-r ground for this season at a rentai ofviceoujete tSn Ey svening a 4i. et $300 ln adtdition (o wbicli lie lnsisted 1vie t'n Sund&A wlli ati (lie t;u45, tin that at (lie end of the year (lie fence 1Ch olr twill meth emearaetig.da alun cost $600 sliouid be given t1 Cenoig romptiy as .focîharoii da him. NMcCann woulti not listen (o suchi The Suutiay .chooi Session ts heii ct aProposition anti proceedeti at once Sna oeoo tOtitk ice tu tear clown (lie fence anti remove for ailtiges. .be grand stand andi biesclers. St. Lawrence Episcopai. t For cornetinie lie lias iteen con- oyCmuineêySna 11 sire diug a site Just north of his olti H i Comunitîn eer ntl:ia.in 4 par.c and providlng lie cati 5.cure a. . isa"nalnmot'n' ia.l additloual piece of grounti met east et onu rae veySudyecp the present site lie probably will sîgu ebtîve hoel 1:45a. m a 1.-ase for IL As tlie site stands now Aiunlyday sehool :9:a0ru It te a iittle sn.aiier ih. asted. AlIf yDy. oyt>uitnti ( he does taie (bis site It wlll mean iliat severai trees on It wlll bave te be removeti. CANDIDATES ON VOTERS TICKET ME STATEMENT A publitc statement is ruade by candi- date, ou the Voter@ ticket rpgarding local matters. The candidates on (lie Peopis'e ticket madie a statemeut regard. lng village affaire lest weet. The state. ment of the Voter. party candidate, foilowo. Ws (lie uniersIgupti nontinee8 of the, Voter@ Party o! the village of Liberty- ville lo be voteti foret (lie village election Tuesday. Aprti 20, 191i.,pietige our-ý selves, Il elerte t t, condnct thie affaire of tlie village lu a strictiy bueines-!ile manner glving the @aâus our hast elforte - ant he same careful attention we would our own pivate affaire. We pletige ourseives to publisb a Corn- pisté linaucial statement of the village at ieaslt once eacb year sbowlug ail receipte togetier witb a complete liât of expeuditures. Tomce(bat eari olficer sud employa performs hie duty lu a business-lits manuer. To audit thie books of ail officers anti îe (bf tat ail recorde are topS lu a propen Matiner. To collect ail tuntis due thes village promptiy. To strlctiy enforce (hosati-maloon anti ail other laws anti ortiuances. To give ail complainte careful COn- sideration anti promptlY aijnet (lie saMe iwben foundtui ( o egitiniate. i To Ireat ail citizene wlîh the fcame COn. sitieration andti o work fal(hfully for (lie best intereste tif ail citîz'eno alike. To extendt o no man or party of men epecial privileges whicli ail eaunetc enjoy eqnally. To lie arneeable to eacb anti every citizen at aIl times. To welcome the ctizen. Su the boardi meetings et ail tinîee. Edwin IE. Elleworth, joseph W. Hart, Beni F. Wooiidge, Sam'l D. Zook. PTTtTHrATEPS The lielormalion of Ham (Klem)-A comedy pceure wnitlen anti produceti by Marelial Nian. lu wbhl le mixes up Lloyd V. Hamilton lu) peculian etraîglits lu tlie Orient. 111le productive of mucli laugbter. Most of (liegecene@ tale plae- on (he gooti ehlp, Piilloo. anchereti off Kulangmu, China. Attfie Lberty Theatre on Baturdey niglil. AprýlI 7th. Rev. Et)%%A in. S. WHITE, Priest-it-(i.Iiiar Presbyierian. Stndat St litol 10 a. ni. W F. Wright, S;Upt. Morninlr service il a.tI. Christian Rittiavor tfiA.,p. rn Evening Worsbip 7.11). H. M. Alibtirt. Pastor Independent reader? BE ON&. Morses arc chcap, only 'the best can bc raised at a profit. PURE BRED, IMPORTED IN DAM PERCHERON STALLION BonLwrneiMs DADY REFUSED TO BOARD CALLED TO ACCI3PT $250 -ME ORGANIZE ON 22D-9; YEAR FOR HIS LAND TiIREE FOR CIIARM'N This, Despite the Fact He Had Edward Conrad, J. H. King and Leased It to MoCann Last H. B. Eger Among Possibili- Year for $75 Yearly. ties for Board Head. Weukegan, Atr Il 10., A formai Petition waailed Witb Thomas McCamn le "up In thé' air" CountY Clerk Hendee Monday asklng as much as ever with regardi to se- that the board of supervisors ha oeil. curlng a site for bis base hal Park ed tu gether on thie 22nd aitotn o- for thîs season. He ts considering the ck for the purpose of organisa- matter f rom every angle but as yet tLion. bas flot arrlved ai any satisfactory Tihe election ofr(ths clairman and solution of the .problem. subsequent namIng of counmittees la For the last few days lie bas been the mont Important feature ol the endeavorlng to form a stock company metna for thie purpose of purcbasing the mThCe names were heard as chair. tract of land Juet opposite bis lasi man posslbilties, namely: Edward year's Park. Wliether1 this plan wîîî Conradi, Waukegan; H. B. Eger, Lib. prove successlul romains (o lie seen. ertYvlle, andi James H. King, Lake The ite ln question would lia an Ideal For'est one for a bail park and lie wouid lpe- Th .cotest for the clirmanshlî fer to lease It but as (lie owner wîî WIlc. be s keen one, for, Itle under- consider nothing but a sale it le up Bloond that ail (lirea maen mentionec (o MoCann to buy it or find some a"e seeklni (lie Position of honor anc other site. He sayse (lie proposition that eacli lias many friende on the wouid lie a paying one if lie could ln. board le a weil known fact. Juat wht tereeft sufficient people who wouid be can poU (lie moat strenght remaine willing (n put thefr tnoney Into ILt. liaseen. supportera of the south aide team _________________ wlio underatanti the situation clear'y cannot understand wliy Robert Dady .110, Insisted upon cancelling thele jese. it 1o,urce4 ?/w seoms (bat when McCann signedth le 911 ' !jobPl4itingCLEAN WORK Job PinbngA FULL COUNT M 1 Buying an Endowment Policy is Something Like Deposiing Money i the Bank S UPPOSE a banker would igret to pilace *.200O.0 1 to the credif of a man s faîîîîly, issue a pass- book to the' fainily and agret' to *let thein check ont the fulli amoutît if the manî died at any time during the next twenty years. ppovided the muan would <leposif witli the hank up)wardm of xS every year; with the further guaraîite'e that should the man live 1(4 thec expiràtion of the pTerod, the banker would allow hiia to check out ý;2000, which would be considerable i uore than lie paid in. Wouldn't that be a preffy good proposition? t would-but no banker could safely unake fi-e offer- yet, tbat is in effeet the ofler flhe old Michigan Mut ual Life inakes., Y ours truly, JOHN HODGE District-'Manager e-~ A draft horse of the best quality, weighs today 2,307 ibs. Illinois Stallion Board certlllcate No. 8340. 1 tliîk colt hy Bon ls.wreîîce wil l e wort1, at leasi ý;ýî0 iiîore as a four yva r oild tliai a colt froni tlie sinie iiiare 1)y aîîy lhors'! tliat traivtls Ironi staîîtd to stand ini lAke Coîîîîty. A two year oid filly Ihy Boui Lawreueê' lias so l for 9400(, awl t1irve vea n iug stîîd colts have sol< for $ i. 400. 'l'lie Guerixi Brotfiers sold a fouir vear Ild grade geldiîîg hy Bon Lawrtiîtt- for s27rh. Stallionis of thv' qilifv of Hou Lawr-îce stai for î. It wiII eîîrely pay yoil to hrîîîg youîr illar.- '[lit git'al d.iiigeriiist iiîoof coîtagitnî- atii j îîfietjoîî,. dîsesqîes bl 4h f0 heses aiid i-att le aui t lie .laîîger îof frave)i îg to 50 %a! iabli' a li rpt- lia vv eailisé- us to stand Iii iii at lioiiie, at Rodd ney Farmis. t1ii sta son 1at flie low hrice of >1.5 to i11150 n e inoire witli to. SEASON 0F 1915 AT RODNEY FARMS one and one-haif miles west of Libertyville, Ill. R. B. SWIFT, Owner. J. B. HABERKORN, Mgr. ----------- :SSUSSSSSUSSUSSSUU Idvoi On W@- Sorosir,1 especiai et tainingf Memberm notice. M o rien Benedlct bd re.t waeaa work .11, do. Nov by test. Co. Mr. au Msr. and 1notored and F.ri log towf mis. F' Ilir boni, l. li z. St. Andi Miers Xi ,-r th-, WSiitteih t4i.m 1 gt oltr gUe'tt a i, St. wiha wre ia tei t t liiagn Stu] thetiru, Jc. iWd boue Ef. J. stock t C .i. on bus. A nu prlffed the oce A su Try 14 li'l

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