Psu. Two. LÂK..E COIINTY D~DEPE1~DE1~T, PRmÂY, APRIL 30, 191~. o To inaure publication in the Indepen- The choir of the Presbytertan chnrcb dent. copy mluet be in the office noalater are planning a popular concert to lie thanTueday f ecF eek.Advr- eld la the M. E. chnreh Tuesday even. then ueada of aci' .ek. ,Dgr May lith. R. i.incuin Long, a tiBers. esPecially are aaked ta take readeroft ornenote and 0. L. Rive, a particular notice ta this effect. tenor sololet or conslderahie church (Addtioal LcalNewson age experlence, will asesit the prograîii. ________Lca _Nw o Pge4 On Friday atternoon, Aprit 30, (rom Christ Boyochou of Beitt. Wle, wae a2:30 P. m. until 5 p. ni. the Libertyrille vi@ior hre londy. chonl will hoid a patron@ réception. vietor hm Moday.Everyone i8 welconie. The roupie will Winî. 1. Collinq and John F. Welch be decorated with maniples ot the regular were Antioth visitors Wednesday. work and the diotiay sholî~ud he ot Gp.orge Chart of Autin, visited 4),er liltereet to ail of our mei)iio patroud, Saturîtay and Sunday w ith Libertyville .%miaimans of eafpgiirîlirig credit and relatives. Peitciently haîîdllng ti Ictiofi .i bakery caWi Satîirda 'v.' May Ist ' at delinquent accounto. th-. maîîrity of the Waronds store. ondî-r auepices ol wiî nipecants ot L.ilert.vîI l.. hav.e fîrmed a man'e Guild. local credit association. Lyi'iI H. Morris habaheen apprmtnti'd socirtary and the The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid wiil meet o rgsnization has been i ece"sfuluIi start- with MIre. C. C. Buikley Thursday alter- noon, May qtth. I. Mme. Rez Wells iii Waukegmin. ;pet severai daye last w.ek wlth lier aîînt, Mm e. F. F. Sm an. E. W. Fuller ut Irving Park. epeut Snnday wtth hie iiîîiher. Mrs C. M. Fuller and famliy. Mme. Roy F. Wrght and daugbter Helen Ester are vîmiting vritli ber parente mt anvii.Wl, Peter Bo,,k bas gîven up blt position la the' laY turnîture store and wiliido landa-aping gardcning. Mr. and Mm. Frank E. ilvers@on and ion Turner are imaking a twîî weeks aMr. und Mars, >. 1 i Cambiterainî if O rtouville, Mlinu , whtî spent the winter muîntlîs at St. (George, lia , vimited sevral days ut last week wîtlî Nlr. 'and Mm. John W cich here. The Chamberiain's were ueiglubois utf Mr. and Mrm. Wlb wiii. they were at St. George, where thi.y al@o spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Andrews and baby sun and Miss Liiam Rndoipi speut Satur- day and Sunday wlth their parents at D)eePlains. Miss Rudotpb, who ha@ made ber hume iers and attended busi- neîis coilege in Waukigan al winter, im aima employed as@liookkeepen at the Reardon Brus. faeory there. MORRIS WINS SUIT FOR POSSESSION 0F FAIM A jury in the toicileentry and Jetainer suit tiled tîy Oscar Sandberg attalnst J. E. Morris, retuined a verdict in favor of Morris, gtvtngi the rlght o! possession of the C. R. Buikiey tarai for one yean to Mr. Morris. rhls case wae heard in ths comnty court in Waukegan Wednesday and Thursday of last wpeir. Attorney Beaublen liam the pittis m ttorney whie Attorey Lyeli H. Morris mnt Libertyvilie and Arthur Biîikley were the atturne3s for tho dhiers,. This i@ the thîrd triai that the Morris' and Sandbeprg'm ltiare lien mixed up lu and ail th.reë arise from tue dispute miter the lei@e iof a s al tarin îîwued lîy t li Bîiikiey . irdlng to Morris;'teetitîîîîny ho securiîl, îlroiigh vertal agreiement, a leame for iii.. 3car oit1t li uite y lai i prior tii ai ih ilIli, andulon ît bat day nîn- viipart of Lis i iiturc in ii the tarnîhîîusc, a iiî'l îling his abusetnce was set oiut iii the street by Mr. titilklies, a li tieti leamed the lilai',. tii i car Sauidterg. The Sandberg's then t-ii.poeelm ut thefir la i i týPI 2rh iiiMardi liy îîîîving a fow lîuieeliild giiiiilintil tiie.bhrnîe Wheu Morris anidfils taîîî I arrîil t rîîm Chicago min the i th of Maàrcdi with the balance of their furnitîîrc the Moirris' tound the home mirady lîartly oiuupied, but îiruceepqled tii tati. possessilon ttieii- selves. Tu this Mr. Blukiey, the owner ut the. tarini, potested and iiîed a suit for the posscseion of the tarin, lut the case was dinruioseed On the lIltb of Marcb the Sandlicrgm arrived wiîh the baiine oft reir lurni- Sune and the trouble began lu sarneît. Tho Saudberg s w,.re boutid ro gain poesseion ot the home foîr which they bad a lease and the Morris' acre eiqu aiy as Insistant that ttîeir verbhal casse had' the priiimity. fow evcr. tii,.Sandit)erg@ Now je the Time You select the place This is the Plan We can help you Get results Corne in look over the plans Get f irst choice We lead, others follow Libertyville Lumber Company Down by he Oid Deput. Bee thene 20 years. Phone 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. visit wîtn retirves in Iowa. ltev. and MIr,,. H. M. Alihnrt are wpn.aere aurtiiu be easity gîîtten Id iiff and Th t prngNext Sunday evening 11ev. H. M. Ail- ngtwIL s et lu Chii'agîi, attendlug the lsotMoie.und itenecsar tilir andt hurt wilI preach a eipeiai sermoîn to thie radmîating wpek exercîses of MeComcimshoMs.Snicgtiuaelran innbers of the lucal 1. O ( F. Scmninamv. Mm. Aiburt mia member ol the men folksm whî ail îiiîîaîiii.î lier et .liîMiislianile Hapke returned to lier t"" 1 galinig les, ifAthe Semin- aw'ay. I aidaunte,.I,-il ii'Smsd4îrgs. mi' UloheseF home ber,. Saturday lfter speudiug a, feu ary. and s oneIii lîîrryv.eîen students fItI' l'avei.litil %lirai,.lîm lbîiiemiry1 dais a ii relatives in Waii uegaii. I tirevive 111i(,riia, Thî idyevr î î sti. w iaa uiiiiitli i, îig lIh@iiiFls.d in tol s a t miilallt I iîIýi i Ig ,'.,. w . b ~ i e a ~ M r , a ndbe e ri ste . i dF t i m nt i i l ii :i o , li i w e"k H m r d it a t i i"mm m l1i i i t ibaeby sininztevne i h ie , ut, lgi-eiîîiuiaTiis Sa-imî,'îc .ta- iî,,.aul iii' 1r.ibut bor iloti",k Nintîarv' NIîîîîiîi ,ii :ý tý t - r jlt 11 2) -t:pu Il ~i ) sqs to()er Su nde rs h uiat h i .t ii;uuimiai and î i î îr a t tw , k OT :i and qu,- 1t 1îîîîî.i nt i h ini.*e rt'iindc ,,i ýf tIL"'îî fTilidiiltnsutir. .Tyo ii -d . 'nIiIii lîmuiîîîf I' S, Lî'cs eî'htm'o i-0 oit\.i.i\î-i tini'rum M--htap t . ;t t Ip ilki.salijtf is & id- trii iiîil,, iîiitî Whetber your heart is set on a ligbt Spring Overcoat a Blue Serge suit, or stcme Spring Novelty, you'II find us ready with the styles of the moment and the value of ail bine. And, downright diëtinctive as our selection of these Mic- AEI..S STFRN clotht'5 [s, there's EiXTRA distinc.tion ini wearing theîuî before the-' MANY COrne 01t T. A.REYNOLDS UIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Dealer-in EVERYTHING THAT MEN and BOYS WEAR STAVER AND JANESVILLE Buggies, Surreys, etc. A Large Stock, Prices Right Corne in and look them over MmeStephens' Beauty Parlors Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dress- ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatinent lPeu.fiibbiius briike ma wriit lion,. ast Friday whlîi lie was lu the aci iof crank- ing au automobile mt the Ri.e Mtur Ci'R garage. Mfiss Lucy Andrewe in re1orted as belngseriouiy sick. IMise Aadrews mates hem home wtth ber brother, Mmr. udews and tamlly. Henry l)oebler, who is a pattent at the Lake Connty Geai Hosptal, Waategan, le mach lmproved. He cipecta to return home in about a week. Mr. and Mrm P. E. Chiunu ad daughtem Enjogene, Mire. Jooeph Fiiwebcr andi danghter, MiesaPeart ut Autoch, weme vîitors here last Fmday. Mme.Albert Faulkner and daughier Alice opent weverai days the latter part of laaS and the i rot part oftbtie week with the.omesparen. fi, Chîcago* Rev. E. P. Nînneil ot Mci.ommicks Semuinary. @pent Suuday at The Manse. 1ev. Ninneil preached the morning ser- vic~e at the Preshytertan -hurch that day. The regular monitbiY meeting of the Epwortb League wa8 held in the church gym last Satumday eventng. The roono wae decorated in Pink, green and wvhite and lenade and waters were served. Mr. and Mme. Robert Scott retuiîed an Tusieday tromn Calitornia. wbere tbey @pent the tmet three mnouthe. Mr. Scott, who snffered a severe attaýk of ty uhotd pneumonia whtle In Loe Angeie, is mach improved in lbealth. Mms Matele DuBuis entertained at a "500" Party laet week Wedaeeday aveu- log, the company maktng tonr table@. Mn,. B. R. Wlson and W. H. Dymond were the ecipenteofo the prizes. A datnty lunch vrac eved. 1Leutenant Colonel W. B. Whigaui and wile of Chcago, spent Raturday nad Buay at te home of hie passals, lMr. &Wd Mr. Wm. Whigm. Mia. Ee" Wtogam liii a1 Chicaga, lin dln the we s t ber parent@ home. C. S. Hong .nd famfly moved lut wsek tram the ButIbuti boues on Or- ah-rd etreet ta the Gldenboeg boumeon second airet. ar. Notti llacLeng auddtannily who buhae ., oenpulng thi flot of theB. ttaer buliling, moyed lnto tii. Bnrlbutt bouse. Mr. and Mms Clark El unan and daogb. ter Marion of, motored bone Son- day to @Pend tihe day wlth relative. Mbam Dorothy Ream, who le attendlng the Elgfin Academny, aecompanied them and criet the day with ber parents, Rv. and lire. T. E. Ream. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Phone 100 M. and Mm. George C. Wrght and little son ut ighlaud Part, vlited the tormeme parenta iere Snnday. A tamiiy "The Proof of the Pudding is [i hie Eating Tht' Inde- bithday dtnnrwas gven at theWright pendent's (Jlassified Ads havi' bm'eu provenl by Iluîndreds <f home lu honor ofthe two sans, Oeon&le and Robert, wbo ceebrate their anniver- aatiafied eustorners. Amik aiiv lmm'r of theHe~ littie saleonien. sate wltinuaweek uteach other. 1 ý-..iiunr ourt lamie i iiir.Iiay Lihrail. s are agaîn turean md Morris 1ld. itumn.- Thisie the first tnuein the itory of "rl inrmie.d î'liuiiti the Iiiilkimu hzrliii lin sciioii tt wum immershamie suceeli in cattuning both honore. Ch-ic,. grili ,, ii m"-d mame COMMUNITY SPECIÂLIS'r ,au ban'îr Ihirl' on't.v tiih' st FOR LINCOLN CHAUTAJJQUA p',F. W.$î,hivkec. Liberty- vii.Poe23ii R. :WOt lu a eceut communication trou) the office of the- Lincoln Chantauîjua Wîîî SE'IT A. S I D E Lloyd Davis, a î'ommanity specialeot of~ apidty growmug tame whose homne in lun Tuesday Evening Madison, Wsconsin. wasl announced forJ the Lincolnbehheiduqtu MA Veiield i Lietvletht, summer. Reeuntiy 1MmrCA Y 11T Davis conducted a Commaniuy Wellame Week lu Eiwood, Indiana, as the resailt to attend a ut his§ wonk lu that toan last summer. "The Indiauapmolis New@' sent a specimi correepi)ndent, as did other newepaprsP P L R O C R reportlug the amlitînluthmee cilurunsut highly interssting and lmudatomy matter gvub h Asîde troni hie ability ru mnalyze local ib h conditions and to kindiy and yet efece- PRESBYTÉRIAN CHOIR tiveiy dhs2us@ locai weifare. he ta a vemy. ahi, Kipting Interpreter and eader. lu in the tait, it je in this ole that he won hies E C . tiret wide public attention. 1la the alter-.VM .sE. ' *U RC ' noua of the second day h.' wîll interpret à and lmperonat" a number ot Kipling chamacters3. 'h~LAWTN MOWTERS The Lincoiln management eays ta this entrsmlijument will arouse the intense Saws anmd utier tools sharpenemi. intereet utf eveny onetfortunate enouiLh to Alao do Furniture Repairing attend. la the eventng the Communtty A. P. RAUGHT Talk wiil be a local mastemplet',. li Street, làb.rtyville. 11. The prelude this day wiili be gîven by the 0n13 genuine Alpine Singeme and Yodiera lu Ameica, tead by the tamoas C. L. Grobeck wtîo ronducted the Ty ru- lean Alps at the St. Loia Faim. A JT THE THUATEPS1 "The Plot" (Vitagraph) at the Lyr1c Thestre Saturday, May 1 - A Pi~al lesture iu two parte, written by Willam B. Courtuey. ProdncSd by Mauries Coeello and RobertfGllard. An ont ai *9e ardlniry plat. whlcb hbrilla the audiensd keepe chemin i»penmirlgbi intlhe finish. it le a mlz.up betwesu a baud ai Rugetan conepratores ad a uiWiy appolntedl ambàadar ta tii. United Biatea. Lave toile ltse vUfan d jay prevalie. Tii. acting sud", grapby are up ta, the Vtagrapb îtsad.d' *'The Strenuoue Ut.O" (8@119) aItihe Libertj Theatre Friday, April 30. An exceptionaiiy funny @tory, wrItten by Roy L. McCardell. It le a burleequs on the feature thrillers.Lyllian Jrown Leightan, EVole <rmeon, Lee Morris sud William Scott bandie the charactere with admirable concepton' It 8-la 41 worthhofeetng. Shall*-have severai voung Morgan Borea t on saleat Llberty vIlle. SatandaY, May 1, 2 p. m., to the higheet bidder.I Terme at tîme ot sale. W. M. Harvard.1 32p1.m "MEMBER 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE I MME OFSYSTEM" jFAR MERS 0 I)oing buisiness~ with this bank find i t both <onvenient and profitable' to take O advantage of our spiicial facilities for o hbandling tijeir ae-conts by mail. * Depo@its oan mafely be miade by mail, o hy eiîî<orming .An.mîek, drafts or' O îmontty orders to our order. You can theit pay your bis ini aîy part * t~f the' United States by mirnply milinîg your chbeck on thiR hank. Baakiîîg by mail savee a great deal oîf o time on the' road and it [e ahsîîlutely mafe. Open a ClimekUng Accoutit. Thuis haîîk * furnist'es ail supplies free. Lake Countg National Bank o o o Capital, Surplus andPrft $100.0 Total Resources, - 750,000-00 mms..ofoo.mmm.mmm..mmmsmummmom.o w s L UM BE R We carryj a complete stock of high grade build- ing materials. Prices ore consistent with quarityj. Estimates furnished. Cernent, Lime, fiber Plaster, Tro%##el finish, Plaster Paris. Babyj Chick Feed, Developing Feed, Scratch Ieed, Grass Seedsi, Fertilizer lIARBAUGtl=MILLIfR LUMBIER COMPANY Telephone 50 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. CHOICE GROCERIES, ME ATS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & Phone 30. FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILU A. W. LINDROTH LIBERTX VILLE, ILLINOIS M LLN RYWe are nnw showine the uery latest indes and DRY GOODS A large assortment in beautiful designs. Hats Made-to.Order a Specialty. Prices Reasonable. We carry a aice lino of Ladies' Underwear, Waints, Gloves, Coi- lar and Cuff Sets, Hosiery ad Notions ai Low Prices. The Parisiana Corset from - $1 .00 ta $3.00 S PRI1NUG Is really with us and we are prepared to supply. your spring wants. D RESS COODS For sprmng, many new and hadsome fabrics. SPRING IJNDIERWIEAR Mediumoweigbt goods, juat right for this 4seaon. UMBREILAS For the spi ing showers A fine line at $1, also more empenave on«s. APRONS Dust Caps, etc., for spring house cleanmng. W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY PHONE 29 NORTH STORE YOU WANT TO BUULD? ê o o * o o * O o O * * * o o o o o o 'z, o o 4* o o o 1 BE~ Px" Two. là il LMR COUNTY INDEPEINDENT, FRM.&Y, APRIL 30, J915.