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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 May 1915, p. 11

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TJAK1il flTll V TNT>1 A, l ' JMT WR.Tn Z .0 MAT 7 1 , 1 . 1,).rPageLIU DIES IN TuE He$, PITAL 0f glTik 1MYSTERIOUS CAUSE Walter Hill, Farmnhand at Area, Victim of Inexplairioble Case 1of Sickness. TWO DOCTORS 'PUZZLED. Postmoriem Is Ordered Be- cause Ca*e of Man's Sick- ness * Not Known. Waukegan, Ill. May 4. Water Hill, aged 30 years, dled ati tbe Lake County hospital this mari- i ng at 8 oclock and, because twe doc- tors had been ufable ta diagnose liii aliment, Coroner Taylor vas notified by County Physician Brown and he beld a post-morton at the Larsen- Hoiiand morgue to determine the cause of His demise. Hill had been worktng at the George Brainard farm ne'at Ares and was tairen @i< Monday. Dr. Martin of Libertyville was called but tbe man's condition vai, euch Ihat ho vas fun- able to determine what aled hlm. ii condition grew vorse andi hW' as thon hurrled ta the ÀLake County hon- pilai where Dr. Brown examined hlm and he, Ifke Dr. Martin, was unable to determine what vas the malter. Tbey did ail they could for the pa- tient hut he grew worse and flnally auccumlied. Worked There Off and On. Il seema that ilti ad vorked about the Braînard pace for a year at lu- tervais. He had just recently returu- ad atter havlng been away for a time. Wben taken slck Monday he explaîn- ed ta the Brainards that he had had a similor spoîl, characterlzed by Chili!, tat fali but that he bad recovered al rigbt. He himself sald he dldn't know what cauised IL. Poison Su.p.cted. lnquiry shows that the man's symp- toms lndicated ta thooe vho sav hlm that he migt have taken poison but nothing vas found ta prove sncb ta bc the cage. Hill les belleved ta have relatives near Dundee, but. friende ai Ares do neot know th. oddress of any who migbt be concerned in bi& case. FLYINfiMÀCINE TO MAKE A ÀCALL AT NAVALSTA. SUN. Harvey Beilgard of Lake For- est Arranges to Land on the Parade Grounds. Hiarvey ileilgard, who lives at L.ake i"orqeet, Nlonday arrangod with Coni- mandsnt Mloiftt of the naval training station to make o iandlng vith is' hydre - seropiane on l. arde grounds of the station Sunday after- noon next. Mr. Belgards machine la much like the lc(ormick aero-hydroplane anmf skîms the vater or files Ihrough the air, lie llkely wiii came up the laits on the voter f rom Laie Fdorest for ai ieast part of the distance and then rise over theb hbcliff and make the landing on the parade grounds. The trip should prove one of Interest ta boys of the station and aise people generally. Ih vill b. the lirait lime a fling machine has ever made s land- Ing ai i'ncle -ams big training sta- tion. lÀkeiy a cordial roeeption vilI be tenderod the aeronaut. ROeT.DADY RUNS OVE4R WOMAN, IN. JURING lIER BADLY Mrs. J. Ben of Belvidere Street Sustained 3 Broken Ribs and an Injured Hlp. Waukegon, May 6. Mrs. J. Ben, 4ri3 Belvidere street, 1vwas sertously lnjured today about Ion o'clo-e.s ven she vas run over by o tesam of horses and wagon drivmn by Robert Dady. Dr. lalowsky vas surnimonedl and he found upon ezamd moation that she had suffered tbree lirokon riba and a badly brulsed blp joint. 1 'Wbat le the matter vlbb youn old cal' She lbokse dsconcbai. het. days," "eap bprt ber eJingo fr01- fufly. Brunsghome àa mouse>-hrBejlt iweek. 1 toi« hlm Blol lb doIt. Cet$ bai,- le.-otlvib Courber-Jour- M ~ BILL FR0 VIDIN@i FORÀWTfER JUD(iE1 LOSES M tiF VOTE Measure to Add iurists to the Downstate Circuits Goes Down to Defeat. MAY CHANGE__SITUATION. It Is Declared Judge Smiley's Entrance Haif Hinged on Passage of New Law. Thé chances of ibis, the 17th judi- cdat district, andi other districts ln Mfiliiker, dled of the dîsease at the u lýaie County Gonerai hospita on Fr1 TIiiq SIGHIT Of ta ndnm o hm r n aher. RELATIVES WILL cn1iticaI condition. Th mjoiy f heePatients tiave RESTORE REASON bîcen taken la the bospitai vitiir te bost veek. This vouild tat liat Ble htW mnFudi many more cases nlay te exeteî ej ef TatWomn a * i shortly. It fis said aialter. are sey.- IIJId Is MI's. Mounsey oral ;peuple 111 of the disease In Northi Raises Hopes of Fishers. Chicago who are being cared for In their homes. WIFE IN THE SAME PARTY. In the case of Nlizlicker he vas In a dying condition when taken ta the hadlpltal. Ho *05 euifeing of hemn- Believed That Mrs. Mounisey orrlioses. In an eoBrIt l save hiM tif May Be Able ta Shed Light Dr. Broyn uave hlmt an infusion of nFtofFseFmiy Salt valer and Ibis revivd hlm at a onFtofise a ly lime vhen ho vas practicatty pulse-.!i O loua. Everything pngsible vas done a.I Plng up bis borees started avay. 8he happonêd tobeb.ln the patit and vas struck 10thie ground. The next mGOment the vheis had paaoed over ber body. She vas carled Into th bouse and a phys1ian vas summoned Immedbately. l le thought that pos- sihly she may have suffered Internai Injuries. In sPeàking Of the malter today, Mr&. Ben charged that Dady delîbsi-- ateiy lail driven over lier and ste an- nounced ber intention of startlng an action againsl hlm for damages. Mr. Dady naturally deuied that ha Inten- tionaily voulcf do sucb a tblng. WAS JIANSEN lIT BY AUTO RATIIER TItANASSAULTED? State's Attorney Dady Today Admitted There ls a Strong Possibility of This. ALL CLEWS__EXHAUSTED. Says There ls Not an Iota of Real Evidence to Pin the Crime to Anyone. Was tugoif Hansen lbe victîi of a brutal asýauIt, or Was ho merely truick by an auto. hotile? Those are tva quezttone whlctx States Attorney Ralpb J. Dady would like' to have soived te bis satisfaction but from present indications lhe man- fier ln wblnh the Ruselli man met lies fatal injuries vhlch resuled lu hie deaîh ln a Kenosha hospital on Thuradoy morning. may nover ho soived. At least Mr. D4dy bas about given up hope of aoig tb. mytery. He bas vorked on the case per- sistently sînce It vas Omest broughl to is attention, neariy fomly-eigbb hours afler the unconsclous body. of Hlansen vas picked up fnom he road t Russell. He bas been asluted by the sherife office and aiso by the of- ficiais of Kenosha counly. but ln spite of te searchlng probe the affaîr le still shrauded In the deepeet mysiery. "i have talked persoually vith evory iterson vho might bave had any connection vllh the case," ho sald, aRny no one ajîpears to knov any- thlng about IL. I am almoot ready to believe Hlansen vas Injured througti being truck by an automobile. 1!. ta a strong probnsiuity aI eat.' James OHare and Frank Murray, tva of lh. mon wbo ver. arrested on suspicion, were released on Mou- day, being given lnto lb. custody of Sherilfff Stahl of Kenosha. who prom- leed te b. responsibie for lhem. It appears likeiy that William Smith aisea may lie releaaed ln tbe same manner. The stato's attorney odmite that as yet ter.teant sufficiont evi- dence te proie a crime agoluot any- one.. -MWth regard te the matter of em- ploying a deteective te look loto he case Mir. il-dy said he Ihought il would lie uselesa pons.. Ho sald it wouid cost the county $15 a day at least and h. did flot thin'i that aniy- tbiîîg wouîid corne of itliîe le discour- aged at theo faiture la secure resultt. .Nir. Dady sald Ihere vas absoiuteiy nothing te connect OHare or Mur- ray with the crime. If stîcl It vas, and tîo for as Smith le caucerned he says luiere le no apparent motive. !Sheriff Stahl in speaking o! the re- lease of OHare and Murray said: -There wae no ovience ta connect Iliese tvo boys with tbe killing of Hansen, and 1 could se. no roason why they shoulti romain in jail. 1 look the malter up wtb tbe Wauke- gan ofliciais and thoy egreod vith me snd 1 promlsod la bave the mon iii court any time they vere demanded. They have not given any bond te me. 1 lmpiy heid Ihem lu Kenosha for an hoUr and Ilion sent tbem bock home. I kuov uothing ln regard ta Smith. Ilbla possible that the Wau- kegan officiais bave nome facts In regard 1tefSmithi lbat have flt beau mode public. I dont knov vhether Smith viiili e released or net. He lo a residenl oftIlinois and I bave flot gone lot bis case vith the Waukegan officiais" New Usé for tssgupy. A scientific invetigator or Eurffl bah dlseoov.rd a f.tbd ut d*UIho ing fungus disease and honsebolfi %mote hy lb. u1 o f hèuw«; 'W là. olosofi spaces the moeury sa employ«1 in the torm of vator. la, other oâff it lie tsd laIn stab1le f" vii mai iy Int the circulatlng fluids of lhe plat,.'The gI-ovtl, et the plant is not ociy not dicturbed, but in ln most bave added a fourth Judge ta eacii of the seventéen dovustate Judicial circuits, ai au estintateti Increase 'n the oxpense t,> the Mtate of $100.000. The chiot apposition came tramu the dovustate representatives. Repre- sentative" Le. ONeil Brovue led the ltgbt for the bill. Ho tocced the bill up by defeatIng a motion tu rocoss. made lb accardance vitb bthe echedule of tbe rubes commiîlee of the bouse arganizatban. Wllb M. Brovne voted mauy of tbe Democratic menthers froni Cook counly. Wth thnee or four exceptions, dovosate members urged that there la fia cMing n.ed of addItionai judges anti that the dovnstate did not expedt thom ln rottîru for tb. six nev judges granted to Coak couoty by thxai ses- sion. MANY CASES 0F SJCKNESS AMONIi CILDRENOf CITY One WelI Known Physician BMarnes Condition on Germs in Air-Rain Needed. Waukegan, Aprit 30. Fuir liii lasi ew veeks Ibere lias Iteen murh ulckness la the city an lb. part oif boites.lIn tact. phyticlatis say Itlias been a long lime since Ibere bas beon mucb siekness. In nome tases tlIte .icktess is or a simptl. na- bn- sitîi-leIt otbcr cascsiis u u ile se lou.4s Ont- weli kuosin local pitysician blmnies, Ille conditiontîon te lack of raîniati. He declares that bbe air le fuit of gernin tuf ait kinds anti that. titis conditiouun isvbat Ilu causlng s0 inucit sicknesB an the part of cidren vbo tire tînahle Io wîîbstand te aI- tacks. Fi-e expresses lb, opinion that, a few boas y raitis wouid puify lhe atmos-iîere Iuu sueît an extont 1h01 lte scores tuf cases of sickness vould dînopîtear speedily. On. disease wtîiciî lias been quit. prevaient banslueco a uvelling of the nock glands.It sanie cases th.e swîl- Iii vas su pranotîncodtiIbt lte chil- timon aîtpeared ta lie sufeing ot tuber- cntar glands. There vere an unusu- ally large number otfltem. cases, Then tbere are Innamneroble cases o! severe colds. .&refemence lu tii. records of City Phtysicien i-oloy ushow blierobiave been on unusuably umaîl number ot conta- gions diseases Ibis Sping. lu tact, the number babeen no emal as 10 b. practicaiiy neglIble. This le due The h upe itint Mrsr-tohnriFlsber- and lier soni, \ii ui.uho wcre com- panions wiliî NIr-. Wili aiii ounsey on the of l-us(u re auîd snd Wha verç siiiposed tIo li-i triiwtiil wlth ber, may sîti li e ai-t t tai ucen raisi-t bocause or the îîrîîlility 1h01 a voman in Liverptoot, i-ng, almsboune la Mrs. Nounsey. nîniler of George .Mounsey, Who formerlv snurked bere in the Mackenzie dciii store, and 1 sister of Mirs. J. N. lackenzilu. ii- Ibam Mounsey or!Cicuago lias gone la Liverpool 10 make nitrenul lie vas accompanted hy liis son iriiaw and daîgbtec, MnI. andi Nlrs.tC. L înn. Hopes Mrs, Fisher May Be Alive. If moiber esa sîteland ireiaineil iýost ta us foc ainiost a s car t1uannut iîetp vouderingi rif tIrs. tîstiers fate infot imitar.' -aid Eltel Miuiitsey. NEWLY ELECTED PRESI- NAM OFtiRAbU. DENT 0F THE NORTH SHORE SANITARY DIST TNCASFI S. IS MADE PUBLIC This List M-as Been Published - - in Annua-Requires Action o f the School Board. Fifty-Four Members in Class i This Year-One of the Iarg- est in School's History. W. J. ALLEN Who, et lhe morning session of the North Shore Drainage Board, was unanimouaiy elected presi- dent oft1he body which ha& te do with bhe drainage plans of the north shore district whuch ex- tends soulh lu the county lice.. D. H. Jackson suas elected preol- dent ast year. Tii. tuies ofIl t-insu from the high -chool nias Ilst is the same the Annuai andi flot heconie grodu liy the board afE ias tiîey appear in tical 3 cer tain to [aisured liecause lb. four ypars ia thernto1 i adiplorn Ibal the graduaie ecbooi board diff publislied ln theÀ There are 54n Ibis year. This lte langeet classe uated fre)mthloib Tii. biel toliows Irone Cook. Eduiond Sayle Warren Siver. iternice Smith. this year's gradualinc Waukegan township .9iearned today. The Pas that pubi-ished ln 1while the seniors do duatee unîbilno eiocted education. tbe nanies in lte Annuai are pruic- t b. selocted. This la ýtîeir record duiiàg sg suificient 10 09111e na. Il le very seldone te. as selected b? the iffero f ram the list ae, eAnnuai. mombers ln the clans al1 cansidered one olf oes Iliat ever bas gina- local Institution. Kennetît Funaton. i-arvey Miitimore Eleonor Mohrmgfl. h.Melville Nordling. IL Elcanor Nariander n. Bertbai Svausoh, Lillian Thomson. Aigene Woodsuan. 8. Helen Lllchfeid, ney Boot rIceLove. l3essie Mackey. vn. Walter McShan'e. Agnes Moran., ly. Clora Morrison. t. Murreit Oxman, rde. Richard Petons, au. Clara Peterson. ore Olive Renohan r. Agatiîa Roemor. 1. Hedwig Ros§ei. ly. Earl Ryckman: vson Midreti Sange?. Gertrude Pfanneu4wi Francis Papuo.uni, iterdîce Rosotibli. MIiidred Spauldini. M urrietta Wasbbunli. miilo Thassght wben vo ait sdvieu- ____________________1_ .Nilrs. ishier andîl t c a nwt-re tut_______________________lIoot ai iieut Mr. F-ishier ln VEittiaiti. Tlicy. Ardeila Tryonu flhIIAC'flmner. reitortv-ti but, tuît Ibeir i ruln Aboul ...oeases. eilWa. StaT tWD; les neyer siere fotinl.' rWeln Mitchell, otue or the Mach UIC .said: Wliat ste cutl i ui-eases are only Lillian Adamo. HÀN 'SDE THIS grant Tbur-uiaY ltai tbe omon, gymptonus ofr coliuîjiuuis Aituins the Edvard Blovi koovît n the auiiiiiit-a- Iate Fl- moano.;.11,y tii li- re,cîuî-totaa (uer- dnu Jtrowno. STLLAMYTEYpatrirk haul sîokei vague and halllng tinpon andl lie i-i ripet for atv ofi Richard Browi vith another lire, At tub limes shtesae- Harriet ('onol Third Man Is Released in Con- saîd lier name wa.,luttnse * . 5h. Florence Durai nection With Russell Affair .aibe onu suiiruî ieUncie Eben. ladys Edwart streets of Linverpuuolanduttaklentu thebbc De man dot gocsri ud lolkin' louis Hadelnt -Turned on Tuesday. instittion. Site nias oisessed iîy a fob a(ilsce," said'"ncle Eben. Io gin- Emelie Hathor fear o! wter. erauitn s feller dat prefera conversa'. (Carson Hoovez Long Given Up as Dead. i tion tut mark." Juifs Johnson. A UTHORITIES ARE BAFFLED. If 1he wvantreatlinausituantiîîr, Estber Konnot saîi Eiza totitscv. ii-catastrophe 1 Ç'iarence Lavu * s ae unre er ehdCoFtiy cultag e'. elen IBurke.1 milin arSmth, orne (if h u sse tllelong given ier up a audi itutoli ttuuti i-1) ut ii tuttiii luise In lr(are mynlerneted n con tan-thlesearcliers bai ni-str iîe-ableuIt- a iîîd a caltai- - tii-.Irci t' - siuiti l ie P oar rClke mytros4e05ai ,fslgoiHanenber body. yiU11g itai u tuttiituîiî ro- Lttis ErnnuI was reieased tram the county joi late ý ."If Ii 15 v miiitii-r 1 i-tlie te soutiffeth, rle i ~, -i iluis-cii Marc Hardy. Tuosday afiomnoon.I-e bitubeen or -u tigh f lier 'iuiaîand uudatîgiter -honu 'luit tluîr..- tuî iLua h reakfaut Sybil Yanacon. rested togetiier vîitJamesu OHare will resiore belit- ftttl. Tien v. m , roif a rutlii ttiintur anti F-rank Murray Thte latter Inn oni vbal shu- tuas liasseuil trotîgh ,t al'i bi-taîuiîl-, liiutrie- lur-lIte men ver. reieased on Stînday becouse dîtiperhapts gel sutîtît roce of Nîrs. ftuna]. i. u.nai- usrc-Ju- o ti s of a bock ni ovidonce Tiîoy er. pa- Fluber. j n.vall roledto c Sherltf Stolîl af Kenosha colin-__________________________________________________ ty. On Tueoday il v.aa decidcd Ibere was flot suffîcient ecîdeuce ta, warrant ~ holding Smith anc longer. ' Practlcally the only reabsonthb.aou biioities bati for holding hlm vas tiat ~ hetodtheeo ýurcnficig to-Make ïour Dollars Do Double 1 les when b. waa lîirut placed undor air- et but Il lias becs decided nov bliot ho imply vas t-xcited anti did natiW t h f rau e n' kuov vhal )le nm'on saclng ai that tînt. W t h f r W u e a ' H. la the but litait. Bco tamas knovn. who sav lHansen iteforo the fatal ac-f cident, if such lu i as.M . t .t- , -t Stioniffi Oiffin tit-lareti today Iliat ~ bis office os vehi ous the state's altor- nys office, lu lattieti by the mys-- tory. He saidlieuc l more Iban hait inclinedti latittik tuat sente autolul u mtruck Hansen anuitilft big body ho -t bide lb. oad . foiuiutglit he admils the injuries recolvedi v ilie victînt dii ul . - t look as If ttîey touli bave been un- fliiteti iy ou autiuoobie. Every pou- silile ciew lias tuten exltausted antid nolbiug seormu Icit ta ho doue. States Atore Dd i hiag odyP- TE GREATEST BARGAIN EV] but vlietber filvas ba secure a delecu- ive or sometliing t la e nt knoov. tor neortnieiiho-tieshei. 0 lF RECENT YEARS ter evar sonîî saIlnklie ys BE MAD E SEAI WITIIIN THIR Superlor, Wis., May 3-6uperbor anti Waukegan wiil be segborhs In pontli la the strict quarontine ues îbree years, according ta an announce- that vene eutorced. mont trom the offices af the Welland XhIp canai construionIltft co.hicb ~'q~gq~- i-5f5s~! Ales 1918 as the tinte for the com- SEILI L isié~L ~ pietion of lb. canal vbîcb v1i1 maire ,.5.rUUd5W5t possible for largo ocean *obng vos- Of F iïrn ID FEVER sois te conte direct-to Supenior docks The Inimense euze of the bocks un- ALARMS NM. ChIIA0I don construction, for eteédiug lbe ________geuerai Idea, le ehown hy the ilote- One an ,eSof Dgeae__ment. Thero are ta e e »Vn bocks, One Mn Dis cfDiseso- ach 800 teet bang and witb a nsoabbe Three More CriboaIly Ill in vidth of 80 foot, the extmo vidtb Hospital-Others Homne. of the ocks at the bottmbolng 200 At the presont tinetehle city of teet aud their lifti 46% foot, vith a Northi Chicago le facing a very serions depth of 25.ee The canai la tv.nty- epiderntieo! typhoiti fever anti there lv. miles lu iengtb frontlbate te lako appears ta ho verey reason 10 lbibnk shore lion.. 1ha1 the ntajority o! cases, perjiapo Superior bas alreatiy acquired sev- ail of lhem,'tieyeboped fron theb drink- erai large tracts of landtinhe harbor lng of untreatçd lake voter vbicli'front taelie useti for municipal docks bas bison ueteuatiy palîteti. -wbeuîocent arccsrq gnt aklng tbal One victin o! lb. tilsease, John 1hart. )uty ENT WAUKEGAN merchants are now planning a gigantie value-giving event, the rnigh- tiesi event of dollar values ever of tered. A thousand-and one seasQnabie bargains in al l iues--every store in every brandci of merchandise will of fer you these unprecedented money-savings. A Great Semt-Annual Sale -- Prepare for ht---Come to It. Wonderful dollar values for one day only. your future needs and corne to this great- Anticipate AT WAUKEGAN WATCH FOR IT! lb. siate havlng the fourth circuit but lits lite couid 10t e saveti. judge as outliued some lime ago, vent The prevalence of lyîhoid foyer Up ln lb. air at Springfield Tuesday, again la saidt 1 le creating a grov- according to tbe dispatcb belov. il - ing desîre on lb. port of Northi Chi. le f011 that the defeat of tis bibli caginns ta have the lake v ater treat- may meon Ibot County Judie Smiley ed lu a systermabic systent before t af McHenry may no langer continue le pumped Inmb thec ity mains. Hypo- is candidacy for circuit judgo as tbe chlorite of lime unqu.ulionabiy bas report vas ho onlereti the race lasI eaved scores of lires ln Waukegan veek lu aider te lie ready ln case the and Nortb Chicago people are comlng nev lav diti become operaîbve. la reabize Ibis more stmongiy every 1-eres vit a Springfield dlspatcb day. The Installation of a hypa says: plant ls not expolve and it te saifi Springfield, Ill, %May 4-2"Tbgfour the malter la to be coller] 10 lb. at- Judges" bill for the dowustate judicial tention of tbe nov counii luibat city. circuits vas defeated lu the bouse Ibis The tact that tb. main iront vhicb morning ou Ibird reading. The vole the voter Io dravu exteuds only a short distance bta lte ake la giv en vas 58 ta 58, seveuty-seven being nec-asoefthprnil aoswy eesary ta posse tb ill ithout an thos on, o lb.iciuolreaon vb entorgency clause. Th e bill vould bcwtrsol .Iolt LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRIDAT. MAY 7.1915. p ti

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