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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 May 1915, p. 14

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T~rI~ YTTT' i PNTP~TLeDAV AY7.1_Ll4 _______________ IX, ID OUT IN ZION CLIMAX TO ZlOt LACE FAC- TORY COWTROVERSIES COMES WHEN. WORKMEN MAKE' Im"AN&-THATA.P- AGEMENt ;01'&HPtED- TOLD 4S IT1MPSS~2 TIIEY ettiR(W£AND THE!j ARE LltRAtL!VLO KR FRUIVO TRt-T SIOE$MAKE STATEMENTS TO TIIE DAILY SUN. Waukegan, May 5. Forty-two Incs weavers employed at the Marshsall Field Lacs works ln MZon City have lost their positions asà re- suit of being unwillllng *0 soede to thse dfter'ninâtil0 ft the management tg direct Who alli work on thse weav- Ing mach"ne nd Who &hallnet. The men praeticaliy ore Iocksd out oft he 'Plant, according te Genteal Mange? 8 H. Page, Who sltâts that nons of th00. Who are now out will b. talcen bac kexceptinq on thse dom- panysu terme. Thon Who WIN do so lidy w111 b given their places; thers Who refuse can lok for places elsewhere. Tise average salary oi thse focty-two meu affected le sald ta be $125 anonth and sorne mun as blgh as $165. Tbey &il wvan piece-wouk. Reaion for Trouible. *A yW.ng man uamed Bort Ray, en- played aIt the lace fatcory four years and one monts, vas tise cause ai the visole trouble. vhich came ta a criais Tueaday atternoon but vici bas heen brewîng for a couple of months. Under thse plan folioved aItishe lace vorks.a,a man employed In tise caps- elty aofiselng lu charge af thse machine, gels a percentage ofthtie eanings oi an apprentice *bsen be le put an. Tii!2 plan la followed because tht veavers responsibillty ls greater visen he bas an apprentice ln hisevagis. Recently a few extra big avaera came lu anduder the plan af pro- moting men viso have worked lu tise t actory. Manager Page ardered Ray put, on a machine tu asatlu lnthe peaving. Explaiulng ilta a nova- paper man, Mr. Page said It vas a sort et private civil service plan tise compaay maitaîns by viîcismessare shoved along and young menwis have worked for yeara ta learn a traite are given the oppartunity lu tbis manDer. Tt vas the ptaing of Bey on tise macIslfl0hicb cailsed tise climax ta tlo veeks' diasensionvWhIchs some af tise men have ,nanlfested. Tuesday a commIcitee veut la, Manager Page andi tala hlm tisat.aunies. Ray vas taken off tise machine, tbey 'would ail quit vos-k. Ife varned tisem ualta h.b haaty and tld tisem isav he was merely carmying out tise plan ai ne- varding a young man for taitb'f nI services. He, explaIned that tise extra vesite ta had Justlccame ln dldn't lusllfy hlm sendiug east for an ex- peléaced weaver and theretome Se muaI .remain firm ln bis stand tisat Ray stick la tise job. Wall al a meeting and air strike," he vas bold. «'You, cau'î *idý a meeting lutie' facIal-y; ils' agatusl tise mIes," saitd lise Manager. alwt Dm«n Mchines. Accordingly,. eattwo q'çlpçk, the, weavers ta the number ai 42 shut down tiseir machine. and walked out ai tise tactary la 'hald a meeting ta discuss tise. malter. Tisey were tord by Page tisat they would trol b. per- mllted ta eurn If tisey vent aut auj, true to hie promise, tise doar va. locked aggînst them and tisey haven'I been aildyted tacamore bacis exceptlng ta ge lisher lotisa, ols, etc. CutaiWn Ment ai Worlc. Tise lacs curtàan men visa belou* othlis me organisation as th~e la'* voavers. are stili vorking and1t' nild they dau'l sympathiseeu wils tise poultion aseumed isy t"ê ather vorismen. Tisero are 26 ai tise curtain mems Members of Unions. It devele atisaItishe men lately ha- came inembera ai a branci ai tise Amaîgamated Lace Operatives ai Amn- erîca. bra6cis 19. Tise bMfltr are:' Wm. Mayfield, président. Abert Heeks vice president. Jos. W. Bulard, secretary. Sam BrittIe, Iresaurer. Got Cheocas Todoy. +5e men tbis morning. aI ten ci- clock beid -a meeting lu an up lavis hall la dseuse the aitutioin. Tt vas visile tise thtia they pisonod th~e plant ta e vhat limes lhey could get liseir pay checks. as 1h15 vas pay, day. They veretld ta caîl for Iisem et 3 o'clock and planued ta do no. Trouble Srewing Long. Tisé trouble visicisfounid its eum Tuesday starled somne lime ugo visathe men madie a requtt tisaI tiéy have 1$8isoun day Insteani of 20 houri s bad boeentise Pl.. siac the tactory started, there belug tva that tise payroll amounts ta about $16,- shirts at ten bours eacb . Manager 000 a wWe'. Page rofused the requet because, as ise meu vorksd piece-woris, ie de- sired bo keep up tise productive stan- dard of the plant. Tise men persistefi, havever, and a big buncb oft tiem retused ta yack .tise ten hours. Man- ager Page then estabiisised 7% heurs as lis e iegih ai the shitt but graduai- ly orders came lu and ise lncreased It util nov tise ahitjs rmn 8% bours. Tise men's vages uaturally have dropped dowu as a result oi the ]osa af the bouc and a hait tnie over the oIC plan. But, they claimed tissy waule* less vomis even thougb If meant les. pay. Pane ai thtn dlaIm- ed tbey cauld make ap lsy plece-wock by extra effort, visaItbey loat ln tins sa that lni the tata1b they wuul$ earn as mucb as tornerly. 700 anda EmPloyed. There are 700 hande employed at the taetory andfit la sate ta, guess LACEWORKERS' IDE 0F MT. A committee 0f tnrse lace workers came ta Tise Sun office ibis noon to explalu their side af thé situation. In subatance they saad: Thse only difference betweeu us and the man,- agement is tiseir unwillinguess ta cesse putting an apprentices on the weaving machines. They have kept an doing It regardiess of the tact that there are many lace worlters visa are Idie and despite the tact tisat the force as a 'visole le runuing short lime. It does't seen tair ta tise workmen ta keep puttlog on these apprentices when adulte wbo bave learned tise tradeý are not taken cars ot. Our, request to' the ns ehour day lias nlot besu granted and we have leeu told by lssad men tisaI the work which ws have been turniug out lu the sharter day shiftts bas been Juat as good au tar7îIY W, len tv ten hours. (They admltted they are earnIng Dractically as mucb as vhen they worked ton hours.) The management refused te meet the Rhop committee or MesBsL Wal- lace, lunes and Morris, Ibis committee desiring to tal% matters over with them but was nable to get a con- tereuce. 41Jrbe whole trouble lies lu the deBire of the Maruhal Field company ta con- tinue nlot te recognize the lacewor<- ers' union. That la vbat la back of the whole thlng. FOR SALE-7Nlotorcycles. Twin In- dian with clutch, $40; single Excel- Sior, new tires and tubes, everything lu good condition, $75; two cylinder 16 iH. P. alrcooied engins suitable for cycle car-bestý offer takes 1t; alse other machin See tbem at Mc- Clures Garage, or phofle 912-Y1, Gur- nee, 111. WIily. it 26~6, 208, 210,212'iott ee SAYS ELEiIN PAPER Under the Law, It Says, Coun- cil lit iudge of Etection and Qualifications.' Because ot the expected demnd for a recaunt lu tise Orvis-Conolly commissaner vote at the recent election as a resuit ai the Orvis ma- jarlty beiug shavu as but four, this article tram the Elgin Courier le aprapas and ratiser Important, indicat. ing tisat tisere la a clause ln tise stat- nte whlcis gives the council absolutel and final jurisdiction lu the matter af delermining who bas been elected: "The clty cauncîl shah be the tions af its meinhers." This section of tise statutes of lUi1- nais bas presented a knotty legal problem ta attorneys engaged lu the recaunt conteet on the dry side. Counçil te be Own Judges? ApparenUly, sald a number of at- torneys today, It means that the cou- test an tht tour commisaloners wll be decided by)nembers af thse city councIl as it ls uow contsitutei.lu I otiser vords, tise cammissioners would sit as Judges in their own cases. The conteet an mayor muet befilled lu the circuit court, under a law wilci spacifies Ibis plainly, fI lasald. There bave been many warm argu- ments ln the dry camp over the prob- lem raised lu connection wlth tbe con. tests on commissioners. Pasad Durlng CounciliRufle. The Iaw which stateg that lthe city couneil shall be thse judges ofthtie élection a ûà- lckf -oîýita members vas passed, before ecaIls- slan goverument was provided Mt *lu the statuleis. This was ln the days when thers vere no city' counlLI3 ather than aldermnine counilîs. OnIy hait of an aldermanic council vas siscted at a lime., Under thse commission act It la dif- ferent. Al of tise me.nbers of thse cotincil are elecled at thetmre time. leturing Onoutif to Labo.. A man should nuore himseiftet vol- uutary labor and eltould net give up 10 Indulgence and i5leasure, as tisey beget no good constitution of body mor knowledge of the mind.-SocratWs H Mi C sur le: 7.mw. a - ~ a.v Waukegan, Illlnois. PRMINTZIESS COATS '&W$*ITS* AILESSIIHANHIALF PuC Wetee/IiXiiit1,Co. have been the fortunate purchasers of an e normous quantity of world famnous e'rttg- Coats and -Suits fromn the makers, Printz, Biederman & Go. of Cleveland, Ohio, and they will go on sale Saturday and Monday at Hà4LF THEIR RECULA R MUGIES These, beautiful and stylish garments are of course made up from surplus cloths, which enabled us to procure therri at such ridiculously low prices. Ï $13.50 Printzess Coata, now on sale at----------.. $15.00 Printzees Coats, now on sale at----------... $22.50 Printxess Coats, now on sale at . . . . . .. . . . . 6 ~ S $25.00 and $27.50 Prints * Coats, now on sale at . . . . .. . . . . $22.50 Printzea i;:~ Suits, now on sale 1 9 $27.50 Printzess $15.00, now on sale 79 a t . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 206-208-210-212 North 'et 14.u59 12098 16,050 35 Beautifùl, Suits in the very fashiinable colors and ma- teriais, ail thé very latest styles, values to $18.00. Special 9095 Look for the Pvlntzets label on tbi garments Ge ne sec Street, Waukegan, 111. 50 HandBome New Coats iii ail eoloir àand black-and-white îlwks egular jîriees 59 to $'10.00; Hpeeial ............ 62 coats that alwayss ieI at $630 7.,-)0~ 'id $.T;special I' ... . . . . . . . . . . Il -r ;G 0 -u7 "Yaftuk"JL & ouumge. Lever. a-T. MAY 7, . TL& Mr= I»EPE"ENT. FPJDAY. IÏ

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