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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 May 1915, p. 2

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LAKE COUNTY LNDEPE»i{ET. PRIDÂY. MAY 7,11)15. YOU WANT 10 BUILD? Now is the Time You select the place This is the Plan We can help you Get resuits- Corne in look over the plans Get first choice We lead, others follow Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the Old Depot. Been there 20 yeamc Phone 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. p ______________________D It.prs.gue ýrK VERITABLE "VIM=CLOTHES" Our store these days is a trysting place for the lveliest Spring styles ever sprung? Suit-, that are jubilant with l:Il ;Ittrîl distinctiveîîe.r-Bline Ser-ges, Htuîesputîs. trop)ical weights. îkeleton-lined and un- liiied garfueltn foi, the warni session tif Sm!q îî~ii f us-bri- ait mithlugrave andti 5utlptioui. Sîîug-uiettiîîg îîodel-ianîd loose. swagger oner: ail the fetchiing fab)ric-effects- vim in er.erv lirue an d designî. t icaeIs >Merx euergy iii tait- o utu..Htolmi r stanîdards~- andI voî1rn. T. A. REYNOLDS Opposite North Garage Libertyville, Illinois Dealer in EVERYTHING THAT MEN and BOYS WEAR STAVER AND JANESVILLE Buggies, Surreys, etc. A Large Stock, Prices Right Corne in and look them over Schanck Hardware Company Libertyville. Mme. Stephens' Beauty Parlors OVER GAS OFFICE LIBERiiYVJLLt- Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dress- ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatunent BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Phone 100 -1. Ta irsure publication in the Indepen Cham. H. Avenu m [et tif , fifîîrrs f the dent. ceps Must be in the office no later Lincoln Chautauqua aii, at the han Tuesday of nacI- week. Adver- Chicago hpadquarters un Tuecday and urged the assoeiationi, t pros id. a lady tisers, especially are asked to take playgrîîund worker r,, tërtain the particular notice ta this effect. iblidren on the Chautauina grîiind. ini Addiiond Locl Nes onliliertyville during theI wýofilthe (AditinalLoal ewsonPage 4 îlomînngchaîtanqua, Thoif orms asured 1 Mr- .verill thait bis w i w îîuld lic I irI .tGaloway Jet O mcd frin 11i gran ted eud tiet a lady 5'ilrli r w 111( ri.to tiiit t slirg lin Triisday. incuertain the t-chitren of the -tIi inutlY Miss Olga Busîs visited lroîîî Skitiirîltfor Ith îtoî,l an additiîîual,)Inii tb o Moîtday witli friinds in Cfivagîi. 1tc8,o nadtýujtvo Mr. and mrs, charsWebbî and soîn A Antioî h. a ceie istors lihe Monda.v tir. and Mrs. E. A. Crane rsturned lîrre lsaisk liasinirchent tfhe svnterniîvttls1 in Chicago. The girls of the lver lfcadv cIas willl give a hakery sate at tlîe Ibis îîtie Saturdey, May rS. Miss Flore Tripti of llowners lirsve, Io éipending a few days witlf lier fîrîtlîer, F. R. Trlpp and wifs-. The two-months nId son uofhMr. and Mrs. Fred Eb-rwein i noeCl'ara Joicheîîîl1 of Chicago, dled last Seîurray. Rev. Wuî. . t'M femitor hiiego, came liere \loiday sviilug ho attend thie installatio)n serv ie ab thePresliyteriant churcli.E W'u. rSaIles andt fiuifi îiiîîscdlli itu e11 Max Loeh loîiseonl îîtîlëy asvenue les't weck -. Tlîe fauily lii rmierlY li\ed va Thîe Tîrie I hleiîer of tfî e Wctniî-.jter Gaild. aIliî]ineet svitî Nies. Warren Sisholas udt ssci Weduesday evenlug Insteaif of Tuesday. Mn. and Mr@. Slas Wright rîft laet Thursday for Norfolk, V'irginla, wbere they wili rlslt thehrunephew, las. Wright. TIey expertto hoe gone abouat two unonthe@. J. W. Crosby u01Nlinsapotie. &llnu - etopped bers la8t Friday to cousider the pusslblily uf huylug or building a hume. Re was on bis way tG Minneapolis Iroin the East. The Waukegan Commercial Associa- ition's "Buy et Home" boosters called on bîbertyvilie marchants lest Frlday isfiiim..f rth.,,,ît, Iiriîi-i a i rIzani- /îtî ID l L , l 5 Dc. 1I nulertaker Paul G. Ray took hi@ littîs daughier Nllldred to the Frances Wlllard hospltal. Cluicago, lest Fridav syhere she underwent an upecation for the removal ofhe lintonsle ndladuvide. J. EliTriggs le reielviug subsu.riptlons for the olliug ut thestreelsin thîs village. It is understoud thai Mn. Trîggs has let the job otftilacing the oi on the itreets to Mc. Barstow otfVsaukeigen. Rev. Herbert C. Divier of Clii ago speut Sunday wlth Rer. andl Mrs. H. M. Aliut et tlîe Mause. Mr. tlriverlllled the palpît for Mr. Allburt et the norniug service aIt te Freebterlan i lunch. DIr and Mcc4. AIl1. Churchill oliienego, Ili., -speut Monday with relatlves,cunima liera bt attend the ordination servis-e et the Presbyterlan churcli Monday evenlng. They returued tulOs wego Tuesday. l @ad or@ enubrgof Chiceg., Las ented tIc Lewis Whitney hoase on Fînst street and wilîl take possession about May i 5th. Mn. lseni.erg la vicepresIdeai of H. Ostroxvsky Co.,wlolesaee nercliandîse bouse fu Chicago. Arme Camp. W W. A, Ir planning a res-s adoption ur m exi sîN% elTlarodav nlgh t ansyjictiun tht-y expec tutolulti- ae twenhy ineiiberc. Tlie Wauk(egau Funister ean xiii diothe syrk. Stats Iicputy 1). E. AIsllir suind otan lîrîl neat ep-akers a il Le preseuzit. Charles T. Wigbt. fîumnur rsîdiat ot Libertysîlle, bas ng scuidou Ircharîl stlpet, paased awa3 Ilinil 27tb et tIc age of fi ýyears er th-ul isie ifhis(jaugh- ter, Mrs- Juche W'aîijzt Elir, 2121 brie IMPRESSIVE SERVICE AT PRESIIYTERIÀN CIIURCD Fn "Iliais he ruîsr Li-atiitllanid iiii. tiremmtie -serviýe os ir w itiiemss.-in laLiber ty- vill,%vas field at the Premb3 terran c.1liirchli nlîuay everiug iof tlis a i' whii Harry Maricluii Alllisrt, a gradu ate ofi the 1915 .laNsii M of iii I heiîlogf rali nîîary. Casordîaineil init(, the nu atistery il thle Presîy ti-rian lai thf The iiaguatiiîr r' vof t lie -ervice ams fit jtii n ugliîîat thle, la h as t l ie moii lre of the l'r-stîvt.v iiof guporfirîicd 1the diîtie- andîl ave the ihariea ii set açiart the yoning mi as a leader of thei 1rel igioumlis s fi men. Es ory Jersi ii jlireserit felt iitI i-.c lliburt. sîlialt iLeatit iiiliiii),alter 'Noars ilflbardivair i. tii hiase mac ui-ieth o i în t ofi iouplet iî W.ord hec been recels id ivi n il H. l .i aayoreehtoile orilai acO Sîýhreik, lolcal Chevr i,st deelr, t Ilat itle tii airk foi-tfe M aster lielias ili sen. lis-skmnan A venue Plan t ini Jearrytioa n, i umrig te -tiisi ntary -The l-ilgri uim N. .,frrlonnidanliwejlcChorus"îla3ed lîy Mrd. Flore liuranîd, the Maxwell-Brlscoe Motîir Companyeîi, the iîîemuîers of the Pmcuhytî-ry, the vhoir hlas been sold tis the 'hesrîiet Mîtor and tie olfiers iif the ilioril ordanfra- Company. The plant ivuiprises about tooL, tle plie-t reserveil for tien. Thie tweuty acres and the bîuildings ronaaluechoir rndeied tue anilietri *Nearer %ly about 150,000 square fled iiffluor i carrvinto hee-Md ia cUrnc The Bekmau Avenue priiperty waes ue crY- h soprano euhh, parts. The of the largest plants liluîleiid lu the serion iif the evenîng Was gis Ca ly ithe proparties sf the Ui ated ftetés Motor Rer. George L. Roinîsoa, 1Ph. D., fi ) tompany. Starting June îst. the cota. L 1) prof~emr ;î! Bitili al Literistîie pany expects ho produî-i- .(141 1jobsaan1 rgihibefMCnlcSmnry month at the ebove factiiry and 14.400) lr. ItobInsun chise as is subjei-t jobs erit ibree plants ln \ess)îirk, ln tercessory Frayer. poiting iout itie Tarrytowu and Flint, Miihuicaa. l varlouh exeuiles and îeacliiagsiif tîrayer il that aature. M ouday of tthis a clithle fi iiiliuruti t'ter t he auioivnelîîeut iifilie w-un tatre and uuderiakitig Im if Trettoa ut the Preilbytery if I lilago, arol tle and Taylor wes dis.siîfred, Pîîctinesis-r îîrouoînding of theco itîusttilîa lun W- M. TaY or vi tfîiirasuitina frîîîîîthfe tione. thle lîrayer if Oi rfnation atid lu -cru H[ic inhecra ys e juîîrvhae(eîlInstallation wacs s-n Ly Itie iPrHcnry li, ' co. fB.Meson at?,] the liimpaniy IdS. Briwn il e bake 'i ew Fresiyterian uîîw kuown as Tre-Itiw 2. Nasin iïimAs hut, h.Thisc portion of tlîe cerve sas Posîtruaster Tayliîroui b f. i ut lit thseilost îmiplesmivt, the two Young tle i fininthe tiiruitre su ire fie t(> his niuinisterw, bi i C. ILake, iAi'1Ihliiiea, alsu dutîesaut the postiîffiie, fie dpccldd tîi beîng ordaincîl et tiîa tinîsas anurage- xvthdraw froui tle fauiaure business, flost, dressed lu. thcelblack loti il their Saturday belaig tlîe lest day ot is (lo -minîstery, knseing belte the fouar Moto- nection with the store. Hi- was (neoOf beis of the Predliyîcry, who plecîng thelr the pertnerao!fthe conrerulfor the paeat hande un the heads oiitit Wo fiered three year@. M. Masiin recently sold the frayer srhiih publicly gare Ilisai o hie itereot 1lu the dray lîuialess ot Davis lite ot sers sce to the churcli and ils JL Masoun t10 r. Dais and @iuee that peuple. tIns haé! ssu ou the watcb for an Open- The Charge to the Pastor was gîren iinl une of the local business housse. to Mr. Alîbari by Rer . Augustus S. It wças nul knuwn util lest Beturday Carrier, D. D., the prolessur -ut Hebrew that he was tu purchase an lutereet lu and (Ola Testament Ezegeous ot MeCur- the store. mick, aud thc Charge to the Peoiple hy Rev. Arthur A. Baye@, M. A . 1.l., NEW BAÀRD IIELD a<juuct protessor o)f 6reek and Ecrîss@iaê- FIRST NEETINO MONDAY Mts@ Lla iMeCirmick sang .s __________Neyer Failetb," alter a hici the uewly Monda3 nlght the retirlng metuberm ut urdatued peston pronounced tlie lieue. the village board gave waY tuo the new diction. Mr. Ailbunt then reecied te members aeceuily sl-cted, Presîdent congratulations of the lueu wlî SeLuaehele turuing bis star orer to h le atteu.ded the serviec successor, Ja.y B. Morse, with a tew well IMr. AlIairt caume îîrrgialfy frîuii l'ltts- chosen remarks, a iew minutes alter the hnrgPaFa ing att-uded the Mt I îmon buard was called to orderby Mn. Scnae- Collegë e blire izuinz tiIo omiiîHe1 hele. Alter the old huard adîourned the camne bere as ai-ting tiastur of the Prssby- new meunIers took their seam and the terian chanc i lu May 1913, and lias irt sesoiun ofltele uw board wa called serred as sui fi for t lie peet t si Nars. tu order hy Presîdeut Morse.Athîjugh bardîL it avili et tIc Sciiiiiry, The Presideut appoluted thei ollowl na he ruade nîileadid firlirees a tIihIeld ,in truittees. - bristiai.i rkina theu-fir mih alai iui)rgI Building anîl Park lImpriiveuient-4(I ii the ppilorty-tîi.s- iiembers aliuîg lins, SmaIs Hart. liiatfsiî a iiitu liil Iiriîrsiigfi fus Finance-Eger, Titus, Wrght. eriirraL H- gathcre-iltiîgvtheraid ihluaii Llceue-Wrighî., Eger, Titus ed a sple.ndid i boir, wlilcli Las renîlecci Light, Fîre andl Water-Titiis, Egpr es eral dîllîcaît isantatas. aur-si si Wrighit. the v ariolis o rgauî ,ati(ion f thlis i agie Sanitetl I anîd Secwer-SIlaale, UCollins, gation as a wholc. Hart. )n A1,ril Il thi, ler. J.i0. K. MiClîîire. Streetsaud Aleys-Eert, Smale.liillns. D.,h.,bL. 1 .,preident OlMcf uic The presîdent made the folowîng ap- se-minary, ni-t wîtl tIi- buard and Jieni- poîntuients olvillate oticerp a bld aMe bers ufthel uhuirih here. Thie latter lunîî conlimmed Ly the board:lîîngregatlonal meeting. iseued a ralil ti Marshef 1). E. bintierrv lies-. iburt, hîichwes acrepted îy. sunt. oi Streets, AlIsyo, Watem and b1îth i îndmithe Preslsytery. Thiscal) Sewer iiept Alert Kilehman. came unnmously from the.i'oagrs.gatîon0 Fire Marsal-iî . .btmbcrry.ise. Allbnrt id îcrtainly ts iLe -li.ý Treasurer-Lysîl H. Morris. gratulatcd by tlhe neubers oils hvIe lîîrh Collector Lycîl H. Morris.i auil y al whii knvw liti, alîln Ilus î)u the reiiiuin-ndation (il ths trane rleudid work botli ler. and etai ii CoLnintbpe tho buIs mwcre aillaed ana the miluk, aad itie wtisle s vnuunity jo su reports if tIheifsrt and treesurer vair-- a iith %e ither ihurcles in welcîîîîirîg arepirýd. ii it teniiiý iibt-rc lie-. Ilid i-'îî ui i The or n. t ,i iiii iiit tppo asauiii îîîîinl mti an ilfruant filon dc, ancxtaitif ar.y tii hase thplie inefs piat lu p rof eril idii lierairter eîan lbil-I amiiîltioidiica lion belsîre heîî.g îîif-d. leaatifui sInger anil forcerai 1 ieemkf, ailoi petilin iresnted pviîeitvthe prospets fîîr a csilceshful fiue xviii Petti)r lJemu ls Y Irfýt are brigbt and clear. oauerc ion baLe treet aund viiia- îng tîe fboardl tii csndeîîîa the ilî luisi-e---- tlesiiggt. i Nirs. Fiser, a as refsrrîed Stee. , i.o i UialitUloo ins-e ain i UIthiiuilinig usIiitritteec Oak ItIlige c. iiistery At il fOthi Ana îrdl nets-o tro ridiîîg liir ile alpii i NIcr. ad Mirs.Ihiarles Treptow retu rued cniîens11ah1iiin wtasrd and] sessil bis Sundey ironi a foîur iuiîtLs soutnileru "istiiriiiîii ienduanw trecc iliB trip. Tbey spent the lime with their mccii a cey te oo a ear fîr le danglers, Mcc. Kinder et Bîshîîp. and liandluinf tIit village fonds itistead iof Mrn@. Alfred Nilavuaet 'Fait Texam. At. reciriog a is-reetage andi theo îrtcrest Trepkow msports coma as beîig ais f oan' ilgeIîd x h ak feet and cotton about txvo lushes there. Aunovilgrei-e nmingthebe neuirsu The Ray Fîîuîare & PaInt Stojre Lies the Hudif Locali mprovenentm madarangsemcunt,% woh temaul -naming Trusîses 1H. B. Eger, Adamni Ttîî tu"rrsoutheIcHoosièr Kits-heu I'ablusts to gire a spevial dNecunuîout$2.50oun sarI sale 1of the lamons cabinet during the aek of May sil iii1 -Ah. A display ad aîupears in sînsther liant o! tiI naper. Fitîy--ven niembwesof the Waukegau Tribe of F Hu u -aine here lest Fmlday "'.en ndau did tIi,- intiatory wsîrk îun four uandîslatî-s Lin îh, fuis-elorder. Thiey eujýh îy splel var. A numben uf the suprennu. ohicis ae - fresent andl atter tIie roguar huclîîs tituuaa social ltie xvas eaoye-î. ________________ _________For tI" unvenlënce o!fpatrons Dr. C. R (lalowey bas made arrangement@ "The Proof of the Pudding is in the .Eating. The Inde- wlth F. H. bovell Co. su bave telephone pendeut's Claasified Ads have been proven by hundi(redis OfraIl answercd at thelr drug store la aIl casas wher-e the PhYocian cannot ble b. àalsfed custonlers. Atsk any iuser Gif thffle little salesmen. caed la hie office or al hiesbume. 1 t and the P'ei.îIlnt as contitutig ugcd buard, was îîassed. Both ordlnanees ebove refi-rred to wiil be foutnd ia another cot lun. The îrîatt.-r il tixing the theatr.. pooli andl bowlingz alley liceuses was laid î,rer tîî Thursday night, to wbiîh time the board adîîîurtied. Wili workL by the hior or day at dîîing ysiur odîl wîrk about the hous- and yard, iiittlflg gram,. heating l-arpetm, etc. B. Plulmnibr, nib4vreýk bouse rer iLiberty- ville itakery. 33P2 LAWN MOWERS Sa:wÉs ars-1 other tools sharpetied. Aloo do Purniture Repa'ring A. P. RAUGHT lst Stree, ot LI, ii. booo ~aeeaaaa* -Wflw. wwww ~ MEMBER 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE ~ 0 SYSTEM" ~FA R ME R S btkfîd 0 Dinighiisinpes-ýwitm thios a Idl bot h oiiveiiiiiît anîd prolitabi e to take,<~ adv attage iof oui seial facilit ier foi-*~ bia)idliDg thlt-jr aC'olti l)y Mîail. Deoitsan rotfely betîtmade hy tmail,. O ~hy -1uîilitg m.1, .1. ieukra, draft- i .t < mioii-y iîrdrhîr to oui ordetýi. ihoui caijtii pay yoîuî bills iii a îy par-t )fthie Uiiitted State~s by sitîi1îy îailiig youir chetck oni this batik. O Batik iiig by mîail r-aven a gr-tuat lied o f 1 i ne on the t-oadi and il1 is absi i i tel yv sa ftv. O )~penî a ( lî.kig Ac(oiitît. TFhis batik o fîîrtîr-I'ei.~al iîîîipp .--.fieve. :Lake Counip National Bank 0 >Capital, Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 Total Resources,- - 750,000.00 BUILDING MATERIALI Cernent Lime Sand Brick Joists Studdinq rloorinq Sheeting frames Siding Doors Lath Windows Shingles Roof'Boards Frami ng Timbers Screen Doors Doors and Windows Wundow Screens Ever!Ithing in the line of Building Material Tile and Sewer Pipe Fence Posts COAL and WOOD Harbailgh- Muter Luffber Co, Telephone 50 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. CHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTSI, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. b/ 4p'v-i CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. A. W. LINDROTH LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS M ILLI E RY We are noc shsoccng the v:ry latectiun Ladies and DRY GOODS A large accortmc.st in beatiful designc. Hats Made-to-Order a Specialty. Prices Reasonable. We carry a nise lisse off Ladies' Underwear, Waiclc, Clove.. Col- lac and Ciaff Sets, Hociery and Notionc.ai Low Prices. The Parisiana Corset f rom - $1.00 to $3.0 -'q Special Low PriCe on Ilour for Cash We have purchased a large quantity of GOLD MEDAL FLOUR which will arrive tbis week and we offer it until May l5th for . $ 1.95 the SACK for CASH ONLY We want every family in Libertyville to try Gold Medal and make this price as an inducement. Al patent flours are now worth over $800 per bbl. wholesale, so the saving is evident and we prefer to sel this lot quickly and get our money out rather than bold it for further acivances. GoId Medal FIour is best for baking purposes. It is flot bI.uLhed. .*. ,. c*. ... c*. .a EVENTUALLY, WHY NOT NOW? --W. W. CAIRROLL & SONS COMPANY PHONE 81 SOUTH STORE raWirTwo. l oi RE I. - ,~if. I i - si POP PRE M. Violil 308 C a asic JL VT f .1 il à

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