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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 May 1915, p. 9

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LAK »E CO-UNTY INDKPEND)ENT. __ WAUKEOAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 32.Z w. LmBERTYVIIJJE. ILL.., FRDÂY.MAY 7,1915. EIGHT PAGES M *1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANItI'ï ANDREW COOKE, NEW SCiIOOL BD. 1IEAD,_ROSE FAST Waukegan's New Sohool Board President Holds High Posi- tion in Business World. ONCE OWNEO__RAILWAYS. la the Man Who Figured in Big- gest Railway Deal Ever Made in Cook County. Whto la Androw Coke, the nsw prosîdant of the Woukoen cty achool board? lHes the son of Atty. Hoiner Cooke, a graduats of the Waukegan higli sehool. a recently aslmitted attorney t1 the Ilinois bar and one of the most succeaful young min vbo ever caiîîd Waukegan hls borne, vhen succeas la measured by the position ie lias at- tainedi n the business vorld. ies the young Man vho, a few years abo vhuilie vas vice president o ftbe N. W. Hiarris Banking compmny. Chicago, vas ssiected as thse man vho shoeld act for a big crovd of finan- cera vho purchased the entire set of eiectric rairoad i nes lu Cook coun- ty outaide et Chicago proper. Hîw 'Twas5 Dne. The Chrles Dawes crowd, when thse mie of properies came on. difi not dane to taire oven the property in their ovn name for some eabon or other. go, Mr. Cooke. then recogniz- ed as one of the taunch young busi- ness men In financiai circles In the city. vas seiected as the min vbo sliouid acl for Ilium. go, for tht-ce million dolainl- this smre Andrew Cooke jumped Into the llmeight liy stepping forvard and pur- cbaslng outright the bis propeties. And, tisa vers transferred tb is namne and hoi reaily vas sole ovner o! the poperly for about tvo years. efl esst fte minerai situation of thse dmnugll fetures of th«4 dsal, It va d«mane itvsabia for Mir. Coche t., b. away frora Chicago for a long tirs. andi le accordinsiy vent ta 8wîtaîriand, where, for a year andi a liti e ok up bis rîsidence. f1 vas vble his asothen vas bis guest there ltâàt sli passeti avay and later lier body vas lrought home. Modie .100,000 E. W. MOJCIINS IS VICTIM Of A LONG ILLNESS;_AGED 66 Well Known Waukegan, Man Passes on Rather-Unexpect- edly at His Residenoe. HAD BROKEN COLLAR-BONE. But He Had Been a Victim ot Bright's Disease-Few Men Better Known in Cty. Edvin W. Hutchins. oesof Wauke- gan's best knovn objet- esidents, dIeti at hi. home on Sheridan Itoati at 5 o'cllock Wed. a. m., his dginis cul- minating an llImais sating back ai- Mosîten years. tram Bnlsht's dis, esse. Athougli le liad been 111 a -long time andi althougli a traineti nurse lad been attentiing hlm for tvo weeks. is deatli vasveny s"«den and unixpecteti, as vhen tise fanuly retined lats aI nighl Tueaday. lhe iseemed to fiel brigliten tItan usuel. It vas tvo veeks &go luit Mr. Hutdhuigo, vho for a long lime bad bien In a weakened condition, axons during the night and vhlUs vaikIng In i roons, k15ud ovin apinst ths bid ad, In the fait disiacatai is collarbone. Hi seemed to get on Mar- ly veli, hovever, but on Monday aftr nonlie vas overaken by a chiliad even overcame tisat later le the day, therefors the family filt ail vas vel as Iliey relt-Ird. This morning the sutiden relapse andiend came vîtI aimost no varnlng. N r. litchins vas bornila Msdfield. .'aaqs. Maris 1911, 1849. andt tere- fors vas 66 yetrs olti. Hi @pent is lioyhood thers andtinlu1868 came t0 Wau'iegan vliens lieentsred the Sm- ploy o H. C. Hutchinson as cler Is n lis store. lAter lie himasîf startiti a mercantile establishment la Dar-in, WW..vhicl b.otmanfrom 1871 to 1874. Riturnlng ID Wautesgan lieassociât- ed blmeel! vith BleuIe and Folx, later vint loto the vlioleaaîs egg buinue andi from 1989 ID 1900 hoe vussecre- tary efthIle Waukegan Building and Loan Association. tbrougli vbosein.u strumentailty and aid mai17 prsons ef the cty today own thir o.. homes. During Iis time Mr. Hutlh- Ina also vas engaged In the niai es- UAUR 'JCK'RAYOND NEW PRESIDENT OFTH LEAVE IT I HAND 'JAC' RÀYqOIDBOARD 0F EUAIN DIES, CLOSELY FOL- OF THERESIDENTS Wh OIGfl WelKnown Wauconda Resu- dent Succumbs to Long III- BY THE VOTE AT SPRINGFIELD HOME-RULE IS NOT RE- ns tHm udy MOVED FROM THE HANOS 0F RESID)ENTS 0F WAUKE- HIS WIFE DIED RECENTLY.M GAN TOWNSHIP-LINE-UP 0F HOUSE SHOWS FEEL- ,. 'w ING WAS INTENSE-THIS IS THE MEASURE WHICH Demise of WeII Known Man SECRETARY DANIELS 15 SAIO TO HAVE STRONGLY AD. Recalls Family's Arrivai VOCATED.Years Ago at Vole. Trhe bill whivh pr-ovided foi- the establishmnt it f ive I'~ C. Raymond, 27., Orange street, miledryzon abot te N rdi hicgo avalTîaîîiig Elgin, lJe1the only remainiug member ml iyzn abu h o-thCiaoN vl"-i lgof the Raymond !amiiy, nid pioneers. Station, anîd ther-ebx' inake XVatkegan and Noi t liiiaivocmet hssat u14. "dr" - ihoît te îeope <f tu eoîîm rnt haiîi aulitwas ýa brother of A. J. Raymond of to sav iin the îsatter-, svas de(feýated ini the Iloiise ait ."I)Iillg- Voll., vhoe dt Sunday after an thvld Wedîiesdav iloolî hv a v-ote îof 72 to 65. 'i1liness of several weeks. Thus î-ndeth, foi- the pr-eseîît, tihe move to iiike atî- H. C. Raymond attended th1e funeral kegaiî and North Chicago hîiti-salooxî territor-y svi tiiv eg o f hils brother, vho vas 62 years o! isiative rouIte. age and hart ived ln Volo aIl of is This "<lv" 'ole billhflatliv hakiîîg of Sîo-i-taîv oflite. the Navv 1)aîiels, Comu njdant Moffett of tie Naval The Raymond farm, vhich vas for- Tr-aiiîing Station anîd ail the aiti-saloonj faetioîis of' 1111-, meriy s bomesead, centains more Itois. It %vas this i ll whie-hbIroughit Scisators O!soîi, lail- than 300 acres oC fertile Bot. The ev and Ilili tii this section last Saturday and a \\veýk 1190 Raymond family âime teIlilinois and thiat d1ati' foi- tli- plîrpose of nmaking pcrsopl. inuiiîî-y inito t-oX up Ibis homestead vhen H. C. the niatter. Thijs eoiiiiiittev exainiîîed nav'al huils, tlîey Raymond vas a small lad. His broth- called at saloonis, andh lateir thev made their -1it as a er vas boem on the homestuati and sub-eomînittee. Tlhe>i-repoi-t did îîot favor the passage of lias alvays Made It bis home. the billii question anid it is uîider-stood that the ,eîtr v agiessrieA .Ry feit titat the five-îîîle zone wasiî 't neceessary to pîceveiît moud, Mrs. Mary Lusis, andi lira. Hel- dî-iîk.en Cappel, both o! rayslake. these nîaval lads f Pttlfl gettin i ________ H. C. Raymonti relateti at Elgin In fact, oeeof!theOl vas leardtie0o!f1the naval station vas srougly for, boy bis family hartile! t New York Bay that hi, feels the oficers in charge It le because of tle fact Ihat not iling. and taken boat te Chicagno.<Fron coýuld control them wilfi the specifie any restrictive tiquer legislation iu the there they lraveled 10 the prisent egsa-next tmo yeara faded today wheu the site o! the big farm at Vole. orders on drink than al1the lgsa-"wetF, won hoiefitst kirrnil 11e ors ln the landi.1 bouse ^y a vote of 77 te 67. The roil Deatit Foiiews Wifoes. The ilve-mile bill1 vas knovn as the caîl camne unexpectedly and the "vet" Il la rather cincidentai that Mr. W. M. Brovn bill and the tiefeat of leaders declareti they ýaeme caugbt Raymnnd's death folioveti so cog'ely the measure in tle houai means ils with at least four of tîteir members thut of blg vife. Mrs. Raymond i ded desth from vhat eanulie hein aIt missing. Muesengers were sent over several vies ago at ber home ln fiprisigfeld. Whuie the senats per- Sprngfield for lient andt Io appuar- Volo, laving heen Ill for some limte. son.lly luveatigateil the merlin cit becd in thele. seate ln tle next 15 Min- Kr.ý llaxiu.WLfit 1te tique wau ual measure, the bouse members are sald nies, The "veîa' claimeti-à ,slit' veil but le began ta grov verse Ioi- ta have relied rmuchi on vhat the uli- strength of 82 votes againat al dry" ieving hie vîtesR demiese. Tins. commitie lbâio say of!IL1. legisiation andi fur iher ove mens- vithin a very ahort time, Vole lest 1The Brown lijkis one vhich Secre- urus. Iwo o! ils pioneer resîdents. tatyThoas uaye ofthe1-4 an The attendauce lun1the bouse vas Mmi. Raymondi for years vas super- Ordier League vorised bard for, il 18 nearer complete Ieanat any session viser !rOm WaueOntia tovnsbip and the oee vicb calCd forth the aid o! 'Ince the spealiershll> duadîocis was hile lie served on the Lakes county '.5.. Scott flrand and nîbers. limoien. board. liecame veli knovn lu Wauke -ue " - f-amsvn uut vla a nd 1krtit v- .,y ....a .aU Eventually M. Cooke returned te taie business. It vas about ton yians Chicago vhen It vas lime for the real &90 Ihal bis aliment came on anti hoeWitat Backed It.b ovners te taise ovin the stneet car vas torced te do practicaily nothlng Teci!rie b at ofit1 properiy. Wie Mr. Cooke naturaîiy ln business maltera exceping along Tecifrao h aLMfeàe la reticent about sucli an important reai estate linea. transaction, It bas bien eporeti that M. Hulebins' marrnage te Ida Cor- a conversation somethlng like this tdella Lyon, sister ofthle lt George tois place lu Chilcago belveen Mr. R. Lyon, occurret lnU 172. To them!0 Coe anti the Dives people: Oive cblidren vere bot-n.as fli4vs: We are ready le have you tut-n Mary Loranda, presideul o!t1the cnerth ie electnic protteriy le us; vhat Waukegan Wemau's club. le ynun fe Roy Edwin. died lu 1878. Andi M. Cooke's mepiy la sald ID Prances Ethel. teather lu Waukegan ave ben: "Itla soui undredthonbc- aoni. Whereupen the check for tisaI sum Edwiin Lyon, Milvaukee. wu witteziout Mr-, Crietras- M. Hulehins vas a membr or the ferredtheIlstitis la the #lu" te bthIsWauisgan Masonlc Blue Lodge. niai oyners. andi liss *Vearllce au a Punirai }rldayaI 2 f nomtise boua., fotueas read i srie. ote, Preabyterian chinois. la The fatt tliat"the lfianciers W care lectet i hm as the man vIe, shonld ago Ivo o! bis boys were assaulted s hadethsbg elfor themn shovsa ïu N nïeNu near a saloon anti notbing ever vast at a glance tls position lie hebil n EM .~ i~ j~doue about the case. H1e feula tînt the city lu their eyes. th11e removai o! the saloon voult pt-e- Ncw An Expert. 1 R N V l I u vent sucît occurrences. Mnf. Cooke laler etîreti fromn the FOR M AL LÀDHcw Waukegan Feit. Harscmayanti formeti a bond a'enadNotChcg as at company of bis avu, vhil lieotdi- W iiuSTOLE $32.00O le tatIs, th@ unbiaaed aides, recteti for some ime. liovever, le tildut feel Ibat It la up te the legis- later severeti hie connections vîlli lt anti incesthon has openeti an office 'Lavwrence Tenhune. Racne lad vlio lature te paso sut-h a lav whicl voulti in Cicao wereho l cosidredanvas laisen ln custody aI lhe Great Makte1the tutler >' ydry' vilbout the exer Ccaobnrs hteis cnditisne anLàlsa Naval Training station tor the people havlng Ibuir say. Tbey fuît Icesas ucharesouht n al prtsthef t of $22 !rom Deective YaLny Il vas clans legllation because aller icesas ud re ougil u al prlao! lus city, vas arraîgneti in the mu. lovus iD the state vote lliemselves oî e ceit-y. ous.nicipal court Ilium attennoon anti en. If theY vial dry let-itnry. Hven many Receosubi esatbtgafe ees le reti a plea ot guily tb bhe charge 'dry peepefiere feulI aI tle people lie vas calieti îast to testi!y ln a bis o! grand Iarceny. Jutige . anledint aheuiti have tle aay ln thus mater bondmater nd is fus or is u".sentenceilmalesrvs one year lu bers ratlier than the state leglaiune. Ices vblch oois hlm but a fev day. thestaates prison at Waupuu. Eveny Therefore the doenet of lthe mealure lu ail, vuse $5000. furllist proof o! effort vas made la sa%>i Tut-hune go. vili net corne as a disappointment ex- bis standing lu lis cliosen lueno!oflng te prison. When arresteti Ter. cepting te those vho voubliehovili. work.hune vas a member cf lhe TUnited lng te bave claa-eglatlen dîrecteti Mir. Cuise nmre mentise&go pur- States navy. The district attorney againal Ilie èommunity. chaed he ete Fahne fata earcommunicatlt y the snavy depant- ln short, hy the action at Spring- Milîburu, a place cf 400 acres. Ie ment, but Commander W. A. Moffetl fieldi, il ts apparsntiy Ihat by a vole muet have paiti close be $50000 fon aidti tat unden lie clvoumotances o! 12 te 65, île leglaaors feeu that tle ptopery and las since lien mak- lhey coubti net taise Terhune bacS, as home-nuleshoîulti net lie removeti lus extensive Improvemenîs on It. ln- their polit-y vas not teaeopt auy- from people oft hua tovnship uven talling, among other Iinga, ,A luge oui vlo lad a hati record-Racine thoughlt imgit ielp goveru the naval Iractor engins for vanS in thîluie.aTmes. station lads, but.liy theit- action, tley lbus Wakega ha as te choo - ave again put it up te the people te bard preaient as tis pressai lime, a successes las came lad 10o Wauke- decide for tbeaeli'es vIeller llsy man cf Ils ovn producî. ans via las gan vhere le Purclased lise 1 la ishte towu dry on vitlin the same more lIme madie goond lu ths vay or homestiati fronm bis father andt Ibm manner that other lovus o! lie samIe businesas uccusa, ans vho h«basbcoms Iiivested isavtIY ID farni 8-la ndel h1 5are pivilegidte bdo. vealtby antioeeWhlo, olloviig hlos home rOunby. Springifield, IiI., May 6,-liopea for brouglit up their bill, No. 822. istreug h a iterof! Homer C.ooise of Wau- enlng the Sunday cloalng lav. OnIy 1isegan. in Lake- County. ____ ___ ____ __ - __ ___ ____ __1__ 1 seven mtnutes were useti in discussion before t-ollt-al starteti. The Eghth distriet iegisiators voteti as foliova on 1111vs uuday closing lav: Shurtîeff, aye; Vickers. Graham, nay. (Il la bellevedth ie local nipresenta- tives voted sirnilari>' on the Naval Training Station dry-zone blI.) JEALOUS 0F LEPER, HE BOLTS DOG POUND. Franks Miller-, adtiress unknovn, 1. very Indignant becaus eofthle affront put upon hlm by thfe village a!f11gb- landi Paris. He w as ant-isteti on a trivial charge, anti because Angelo Lunardi, the leiher. otcupies tle jaIlý ingea tate, 1iiwir as locked' b the dog pound. fie vas go Incensed that lie broke ont anld ran away. Buy It Now You've got ta spend it anyway. The quicicerc you put it mnto circula- tion the quicker youC will get it back. Good 4ogc1 Folow it 1I i LAKE COUNTY DEL' EGATES VOTE FOR JUD4IE O. N. CARTER Wauisegan. May 5. Lakte counlys delegation voteti soliitly for Jutige Orn Carter for re- election le tle supreme bench aI Ithe judiclal convention belti lu 'the Redi Room o! the La Salie hotel aI eleven o'clocis today. The fellovîug tielega- tien f rom Laie ceuuty vas preeent: W. n. Smith. lutige D. L. Joues. Alty. Elam L. Clarke. AIl>'. Leslie P. Pensons. Justice Roy Masen. Statea Aity. R. J. Dady>. Atty. Benj. Miller. The nomination speechi for Jutige Carter vas matie b>' Jutige Chatles CutIlng cf Chicago. Thi chainman or eacb ceuni>' delegation vas thon cahieti upon for romanise. Each In lut-o matie a short addtresa. pleig suport fom Ils conty anti spoonti- Ing 1the nomination. Jutige Joncs pet- formeti this acl for lie Lakse county delegatton. ANDRUEW COOKE1 Waukegan's new schocl board president, a native of lthe city and big land nwner near Mlllburn whorî he purchased thei Peter Fsritnery farmn. He ha& attained a iiher degree of succoui thon any other Waukegan product ln tAhe financiai world of thte big Me. trîpolis. g BOARD 0f REVIEW IS NAMED FOR THE COMINiSEASON: William R. White of Waukegan and W. M. Lewis of Lake Forest AreSelected. BOTH AR& WELL KNOWN. First Time Man lias Served From City ot Lake Forest by Persons' Appointment. BOARD'0F REVIEW. Chairman-sUf. U. Eger, Liberty- ville, as chairman of board cf su- perviscea, ho la chairmen cf board review; hoe& Republîcan. Republicun member - Wlfllam R. White, Waukegseh V Democritle member-William Mater Lewis, Lake Forest. The above members conatitute the new board of review for the year 1915, Judge Persona having named White and Lewis on Wedneaday afttrnnon. Mr. Eger by his position as chair- man or 1the supervisors. becomes a member of the board wlthnut appoint- men t. MIr. White has been foreman of the suiphate of iron department of the Waukegan Wire works for nome years and i lli take a lai-off from hie duties to ill the board of revier tank. ilMr. Lewis vas formerly-head mas- ter of Lake Forest s.cademY asud vas but recently eiected mayor of Lake Forest. He alsoo le, y appontment. secretar! of the Novy lsague and spii4e at a meeting ln the Waakegan the leagues vork. Juat nov he bas been very conspicucous lni Demecrallo Il se happena that this la t1e fit-at lime Jutige Persons lias ever narnet a Republîcan fom Waukegan t0 it on th1e board; members of 111e board lie- fors yrom lie ceunîy seat hirve bien Demacratie: Il aise happens thal Ibis la the fit-st lime 1e ever bas namet i man from the cil>' of LakteFot-est te ait on 1the board; otier Shields tonu- slip Membens have liveti outeIde 1the cit>'. Under the iav, 1the jutge la oblIgedt e nanve a member !rom the tyn Ieatilug parties lu national poli tics. Professer Cornelitis Betton. heati o! the depariment o! Biolegy o! Laise Forest college, bas tendemeti lis resig- nation te taise effet aI the enti o! ibis semester. Professer Billon vill STATE TO TAXE CHARGE 0f TWO CASES 0FLEPROSY Will Place Isolation Hospital and Highland Park Patients in an Institution.. LOCAL CASECAUSES STEP. As Resuît of Highland Pej Case State WIII Form It jOwn Leper Colony. Springfield, III., May 4. - à meý method of meeting the probletal 10 «aring for the tvo cases of' lâply nov kov to exist lu Illinoisv advanced toniglit vben Dr. Geofrge 4 Zeller of the State Board of Aslmin*J tration. after a confermnce villi 11je health authorities of Highland PsVp, lef t to laiks personal charge eft h leper there. Dr. Zellîr viii place I -n a state Institution, and *Ill c.91 the 'Chicago authorities the sme r4t uge for the leper nov cofinedtuh Isolation bospital. Titus, to the relief of the Wl'ni States government. the village oe Highland Park. the North àemq Lloyd Steamsbip lins, the .ewlièr Cool, and aller Interealate uan4 ous t> mention, the state of 1l~ la about to organise an exclusive lep colony. Ils charter mombusslibp constat of Lunardi and ones00«,Ï.! leged leper nov lu Chies' sdI« hoal>tal--Ignatius Ko aosL. . In 1898-9 Dr. Zelier vas as army. ficer ln command of a lsper eolto.y f the Philippines. lHe ilUmted â~inu beforesatartIng for Chiago.tis*i* Illinois proposition viii bo.. leper colony ln existence i ed States. War Stips Depu<tatioLss, Secretary C. Eh. Clair ntmqotpq 0 sate hoard -'f heaUl said-toMr.t' Highland Park iauthortlts oue, lndUce primoers to'go'teQ4 un thdre V»as a ër present. liei ae14 tise " up'.r vnItUff States tisorities, *u di ilreo lie deporled i b'th (North Germatn Lloyd)W1 brouglit hlm WtuAmerica. The Zuropean var msaimê ie id the steamshlp liae to go «III, commission. visereupon tiseuee ment vashed lis banda ot tis 'Ï not to take fiUp aigain util tbi» vlan it learned thal Htghlsid proPosed to lurn Lunari l boa. ué the unsuspecting vorld. 1 The state board o! health had, le- tsrvsned anti lad sîcureti anuis ment fnom the clty of Chisgo Wl the ieper nov ai ths Chcago 180al hespital provided i ighlandiPi voulti pay $15 a vi. Tis vws higb for Highlandi Park, Da. sais, andtheIlsnegotiation %D 1thn4 PI.nty if Rein for tmr The state of Mislanov lutoev sti anti pro~oast bcanestfor tise ..Ilinois la biig eaough t10-sos Ivoofa Ibeas cases&" Dr Zothr toalghL. 'We have iuat3t4be UI Institutions, plsnty of ro a t 1iu Allen, or hait a tiosen athsr pae. We shah attend tetheIlsmettes- sàP "Leproay. tram My cga k d, la only llghtly cotilo s, me : neeti vonry. Ws shailtry tlek th1e pon tievils alive anti happyvi. ouI burtlng tle feelings of aoybody4 Moeiler anti Darrov of W aukeUa4 via lad the contrat-t for the cenol verS on the Geneva t-cati lasI seadsim lad the loy bld for îhe vork to i; doue an the Burlinglon road wvIsa lip bide vers openeti by Counly lgisa Commissianer Herzog ai Keidosa1$ urtiay. The moadti sble nine ffêit* vidîl itula lhree foot miadi ahoultien on elîher aide. TIi 10v b, va. tonty cits fer excavation,.eêb: t 'four cents a square yard for the OOIM croie andti lty cents a lhuaI to« for the macadam aboultiers. taise up vork lhe tiret of JuIy at Cor- Jutige Etivards ie!t ton Beliidml q neli as set-rebat-y n! the College et day b oitil court tor Judgs DoMUtel Agriculture. vbe vas talien sicisanti awu a11b te open the Wyek'D s orkL. las veW Judge Pt-ost o!fltockford- ,vSUiia Shet-iffG ~eqa LaRussell Jutige Eivants vaut tiser. 10 islà ou Sunda>' iQuo , ÏÏ' tarller de- hlm oui. The younger Jurlatfitis sI talbe of tle nmuiet- câ but vasu- strengih a hanyt>'llag in te auccesatul ln securing au>' clsv vbich eut rush o! court verS 'andtid miglml le et use lu Iocaling the man y, 1te eIder JutigealCeel> a»-, vIte midi the fital attacis on Ingov the Mtct iat tise>' bve a youfl Hanaeu. te fatI lacS on.

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