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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 May 1915, p. 16

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T ATL ftlTt~Z'~V 'hTI1~D~ UI'~'~~Url'sA 14 1àtM * 2., .. a,.-._________________iP________;____m___________________________ poieofficer was ordered to keep a R C UT T' watch for them. Officer MahuT E R IIJ AT 1'ÀA arrestei John Hiennen, Tom Hennn3" VA TA IN-À JeHelke and George Bar'-o on sus- pichon of belng the nen, but they A tter John Broas. of Libertyvllle, ere afterwards releaseti. Broda OS 111, bail bfiriended tw!> men by pay- saying they were flot the men" -Ing tlir raiiroad fare fron Wauke- _______ nsiders Advisability of S&n te Racine and bought a aupîter Seýectng Somne Leus Dis- tor îhem. they showed their Ingrati- tinguishing Color. tuile by attemPiîng to roi) hlm. sait] FROHRMAN IVAS ON N the Racine Tinmes of Wednesday. adil- ILL*FATED LINER OFFERS TOO EASY TARGET. ig: I'The attempieti holdup took place. rbo lv a eSlce t 1:26 this mornlng ai te corner c sCir- ol ffc i Feurteentli treet and Grand avenue. a oo - ol Afc i Before reaching the corfier, Broada f Recruits in Service. anti the two men, who hati heen to- getber al evening, were iaughhng and talkiag. Then the men sutideuli tarneti on hlm, and grabbing hlm, de- mandeti is money, saying that they would kili hlm If he titi fot tom Il ever. "Broada began to yeilloIudîy. andi hal cries' for helP were heard by George ('aiy, who lîvea t 1403 Grand avfoue. Cary telephanedtu t the po- lice and wllhln a few minutes thre afocers were on the scelle. The mon lecamne frightened when Broada ho- gan to shoot. sud ran south toward ilfiepnth sitreet. Thc'y dît not suw cee in gettivtg is mouey. "-le gave the îî3llcea gond deaccili'> tien of bis lwo assailanis andi every Oiple. Frohmaa. If a stggntted plan is pot into ef- f"ct tht', naval recruits at North Chfi cago may soon dîscard their pnl- formas andi appear In a lesa canspicu- ouq gant. Surgeon j. C. Pryor, who la already on record as favorîng tisé i lanlshment of lanyards, balloes troosers ant other habhîheents which malte the Amerl#n sallors' garb Is- linctive, hatt now submltted a report recommending tbat the wearing ai white clothlng by naval forces ha alandonet.- iThe reason for thli:1l9 that In case nIr warfare te ahile . tulforms afford tîte enely tonn easy a target.' Other .ntloflO clothe thltr salions ln colora WAUKEGAN'S FOREMOST STORE néeetioftnome dulfler colar for cloth- Ing becomes apparent wben the Salk- ara form part of a landhng force. The order may go into efect cea»oo. less distntv.1 No Mime te Get Divorce. Just wbat o or will be adopted ln The Lawyer-"You reully tvant ;a dl. case the ardr ab6Itshing the white vorce?" The Wife-"Yes." The Law- clohin goà Ito ffet i no knwnYer-"AlI right. What about te ail- clohli oosloo ltet s lotknwnmonyV" The Wf-"He ca't pty but It la ppaaible tbat drab or gray anY alimony." The Lawyer-"'Bl mai' be sqbatltuteti. These colors Wbat a tIi-a practical laite? Tlait. are more 41111001t to dlstinguhsh andi My'ativIcp, adain, and go bock borne wthout qufaiili would be the mnsane andi wattutil he gets sometblog. af savin býuùdred% perba h...lIou flti' dollars, please.' sands of lIv.. la a reai combat, The - - .wu Nec.suly of China Cilots. A point ta b. borne lae mmd by the. builder Io thg. ncceaiqlly of a clhena closet betW.een the living rmont andi the kitcîîen, large enougli toapblt everything requireti for tbe service af meals. anti equippeti wlth a swiflg* Ing door at elther enti. fnurîr.g Omnoasf to Labor. A man mhuld ur himaui ta vol- u01ry labor enti uSoult not give up te, Indulgence and pjleusure, as they beget ne gond constitution af body nor knowtoIge' of th# wnd.-auoiît Blesiseti are ther Who bave tdie SMt or n*iilng frieuti, for fi laone cf God's baut gits. It Involves mafly tbings, but. above al. thie power of go- Ing out aof ne* self andi seelng andi appreclatIpg whatever ls noble anti Ioving ln encther-Thomas Hughes. Urltlsh Empire and ChIna. -ne Britishi empire lhsn an area *of 13,163,712 square miles andi a popuoa thon of 434,286,850. The Chines@. cla pire bas nn ares of 4,277,M>0 square :ailes, witb a papulaUjon of 313,400, 690. LAKE COuiJty'S LARGESI SPECIALIY THE bargains that we will offer for $1, will surprise you. There are too many items to enurnerate them al;. Make This Store Your I-eadquarters When You Corne to Waukegan, Mid ro'Coate-Ail .0 sizes .......... 10 Women's Long Liee .1.00 Coat-Sii(es up o4. $2.00 Waists- Iîît'hîdiîîg silks of ail kiîîds ....10 200 Beautiful Whit.e or Tan Wash- able 8kirts-$2.(X) valuies aid............ Mû00 81k Petticoats - A t............ $2.00 Crepe Kimonas 10 300 Middy Blouses-Witli the îîîo' 1.00be.nîtifîl eîîîluîoiderv 100 1.0 300 Children'a Dremme- 0 1.00 slive til to 14 ....... One Lot of Women's .0 Spring Coats .......10 500 qf the Mont Beautiful f1.00 Bulmier Waiùta......... This,'Store WIl Be the Chi'f C£enter of Interest-en Day Dollar l1ireIli' let1J)ilî oîil (x(l.' juIarter <ofliik' (%liî- taîîd elsemllîeve, î'ill gtierthei 11111îîake tiiei' wh \lHill -o iii gilîîas Illii îîst î-lulkable inilier- DAY To This Store Every. Visitor in Waukegan Will Look for the Best* Dollar Bargains -anid w 1(1 n it 'utof the ilîglit1 luw idueeîîîents w t w îll nuake, you.i vi lit)t woîider xhy this store lias beeoine generally kilowîs as the Greatest Eeonionîv Centre il N orthern Illinois. TIhis batterýy of it-eiiepudtous dollar opportunities -%vilii ieîlude every line of unierehau- dlise at this store tliere wvill iîot be a need on whieh you xiii sot bie able to save front 33 1-3 to 50) pereent at the leaht. This great onîe, dav sale %vill lue ouiiîîost wouderfiîl day's selling. 1)on't fail to make 11îof utit. Wed., May 19 7 WXlitieîî's Slîoes-75 pair, laee anîd I bhitton; higli and hw- puinps anîd oxford1s; Nvelts aînd tuis; lîigh an([ Iow heti, dîtil patenît, tan and vel- vet tops; sinali sizes predomniate; originaiiv sold for $30.01 to $4.00-oîse big table ait 10 Obfdren'aS hoes-A vivlarge v~aricty; dîill aîîd patenît; atIi siyes in the lot »lut iot iîî anîY 10 tuile ;tyl . .......10 Muslin Underwear-Ole luig table of nive, fresh, eîisp undîîîai . gowiss, pettieoats, eînbiuiîrtioîi', slips-, ail new goods; $1.49 10 and $1.98 garineiîts. ý...10 Hondkerchefs-'~A ilîi-gî îîh nia- teria1, lplaini and eîîîb-oid- eried; 15e quality; 10 foir...10 Hose Onyx lvîdrtop liq1e boise; regularly 29e pair; LotW liye pairs,. ..i....... ..._ I.Houe, Children'a and Girl-,Silk lisilOe the reguilar 25ekiîîd;-i- solt( i tz(ts to seleet froîn; 10 a pair s................10 Gloves-Chaimois, suiede gI o't ii black and natul-al plain 'nid con- traix i aek; 50e gloves; 1.0 parsfor................10 Union Suits - Bx"(laîsrt poi-o-kiit, kîîe-h îîtgtli, 'shor t s1(,<ve(d iunion Silîts; Sîzes 'N 1< 34. 3 50e sîits ... ...10 he-d. iveetriîîîîîîî'd, tajs'îl îîeek. sliS;-! t50e si ii t'u S fil............. .. . . . .1 0 Sweaters-(lîildî-enî's tij(j infants' gîrav sîîsl white;1 i . y1f.50, -$1 .75 sw îýteI tfi. .0 Women'a Vesa and Pants-W'ith anîdî %vtottSI'îxes; tiglit and 1111 brella style pants; five . 1.00 garî'îîents foir. . . . .. Umbrellas- A heautiful, neat, plainî and triîniied handies,' eover- ed xNitil hliglî-g.de eloth , $1.50 uibrelias a....... 10 coe~tes- CoId Crean...........35e Face Powder .........35e 3 Bars S p .. ......25e 2 Boxes, Taleum Powder .... .25e Tooth PUte .............. 20e 2 Botties 5c Vaseline .....10e Ali fer .............*1.501 Muf in Gowm» and Pettlcoats-4i9e ad79(- sold regîilaîiy; 10 aîîy two g.-rnîeîilt......1( Brassieres - Ifegular 54)e brassier -Butittnis- in baek. 31. The Printzes3r 105-107 NOR4rhiGENESHE STEIT, AUKEGAN, ILL Wekhave arranged some of the most woiiderful ba~r» gains ever offered at 100, for this sale, Wednegday Vour Dollar WIII Do Double Duty. on :Dollar Day. Be Sure and Corne tu the ,TRIEP:RI.NT"ZE S .whlch are 'ou lilng ta the vision of the opéo0log forces. instancesý have bees recorei where Ainerican -110- Wee obligeti to amear mudi on the Ir wbkie, clothes te rentier theni

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