T.ARP (.fl11~'T' T~7T't'DrIJrtV.rI,'L'T'r A ~l -v -i i - . ~ j.,,.s ese.a.~ , . .~. i ~.aiPaire>. aRe'Vhap. DOLLAR DAY WAS A iIUGE SUc£-SS expected. We awe mont Of Ità àeUe. cens tu the endeavors made bY the CommercialassociatIon and thp pub- llclly gîven us by the press." F. H. KRK$$S, of the F. H. Kr.e .isw.lry Shog. ,,as a trade stîmulator It can't b bee«. it la really wonderfui. The ca- B~d t*6l liai lu t£ offilaie "tl bus me. lhtIl vlif be t'e bëM~ teS it 'Nett boy mRelup. Iyho". hme ýme6a cm Wau. TVtLLE3 TIRMNf1f E CA aP WAS FORMED UP TbÙ SENT 'TIRE AI the big meellog of Woodrnen held lu Llbertyvlile on th., e, May l3th saine inlerestlnx talîstîcm were nead about the. Libe-rîyvi They showednomin nereýsling thInge. fict» vitlb' 0teumpond aa nuls to other ladgeof Waodineun nther generai relatons. The Lîbertyvîlle camp was organhced Ma~t'9, 1886. Tleri beneflclary members, Thse amaunt pald ou tit lai teaiesemen wae thes total cotrlbuted ta the beneilt fund up ia Ifay 1. 1916. from t ti etimp vas fermed vas 138,367.30, while the-tel aSi iuilt of death eci ta benellelarles up ta Mmiy 1, thtis year, was *4r.OOb. Thtis shows Iliat more wam pald lu deatb dlaimts titan wms pald th *0 ea#eeMenlsý byt The figures further show that the dec a*d amemwhose beii drow out $4,00, Ihentelves bad paldid lu t" 1h oer $3,331, or it show furtiter liait 22 deceaeed members bcâoti otftUtd but on-thIt the total amaunt pald the-Ir beneflliaries. The i*e$rge amaunt of e' l)aid was $2,046.46 and ihe average amaunt eooalluted ity ea< h member lu payment of sald dlaIm was $161.40, or ouly $74.01 for es of protection. Thse figures show one tlîlng pTalnly: Tbat lte existence of bis Woodmen of Anerica bas been a motat etonlag thuig wlten aone lu Llbertyville and other campeste amonale paté '14fOteficiariesh exceeded that whieb tite det eaeed members aot«Uay Mtu. It lezn inereased memberpshlp ail the tinte lta sucit a record can he malt inaternaI oribere based on conditions euch as thte Waodmen apersiei Detalîed figures wbicb show tihe statueai Ubertyvîlle camp orgaization iollow: Waukqm ni SolId to rndr h y the Gemmer- Thosana f btI~s orth îhiug possible." of Goods at Barpains. L. J. VAGER, of the L. J. Yallir 'clethlng Saime. I MANY IN COUNTrRy. '"A very ùod tblng, my only hopte la that tlteY bave t twice a year 'ln Strets erethe futare. rTe elP of the pressanad StretsWer Lned With Bug. omeca association were the dom- 9414.'ýRUo an d Auto. o- înte factor towards maidngJigc x e uid uos a linge suoces&. Thoy are ta ocm a -Pllmented on the work they have per. Dollar Day D eItèfthse muvm ed.> " cuccetlful eVent la the itory of the LPUIS J. Y'IOMAAN, of the Louis elty af Wauhegan when ts merchauts J. Yeomia, Jewaqerc. and business men too învntory "Il le a splendid ldea. Very suc- Wedneeday ulght.and dlaoweeed tant cOsui. W.ebould have tbem more tu aln cases eaci business boube lad oftpti. The. Commercial association done by fer Mors beaumtii.L dtey ii. epross are ta be blgbly pralsed expected, thus assuringW Wukegan orfor puttls the thilng acrons. 1 had a beml-annual dollar datif. itardly bellsvsd t could have been go ln Ibis respect every mercitant lend Wleeesfui and T huow It would n01 business manin lte clty doeclred have wtbout their assistance." hîmself lu lavor of. ln tut, tbl e. 1FRANKC WJRKE, of Burke a peet to make dollar das ln the f wêlgh*t torsbittr mdlargr luevec 1 "i<$y. Onlt rate. Tite most success- Ibmn the one0 luit beld. fui dollar day 1 have ever heard of. àl ba proven that ail thse marchgnts I1supoishe 1.merchants and buël- nesd le the healY asistanceof e islies mon of thi icty know that it people ta make this cty an IndMMriiWàà et $O Internat taken by the Com- and commercial conter second ta pone fmlfat aeoelatlon that realiy made other clty or îlegIse la the couptny. . t ncb a quccesî ______ Tli~e ieolle havt#reepived cancllve 1 i. =-e-3g;;,ale PYtiot that ail tilat fleneceseaiy for aTU"Ite m oot pamheutelgof Wakeaw Ihem te do lu the futurs la to e r fte,-i rmieto Wuea' sond t0 lbheudeavOre aofte bli busilc mon. Tbey ail feel the saute, noms men 10 gîve thein &il lhey eltould was ltprs lthe luge smd even more. gel for the 111g Amerelan dollgr. Was ii . m eandoPtlm ore. lf flundreds of people, font» troll% i4ie lexop.dtemn iiiria midedto litue d at Wau ba'i Drjulb.heday Secretary Magil of Wedansda o d ht e i. da-thes t#* OlMOrcWalassociation made the barmins ofereadollarsoret. nsdecofuklr Qdetcg teefsores lntérvlewlng tihe taking àtain fa dollar or çstd 0 mrcflst. la eveny place that he Ukln a raî OaChicg. t *EOvaed bh o fund business tbrlvlng, alier point and g&VIUglome e~heicty and et ls hieght. Tn somte places lte bentfit oft tltt dollar whlch riglit. e wrehvn terbud fîi fuliybeloge t Wuçapn.tnylng tgtalc. care of the crowd. He The &uccese was eveunnoticeable In !saw dioTlar lipon dollar rollu.n ex- lbe &trene. 'bey wero crowded.1 changsd for merchandîse. Everybod>i Automobiles, buggie &Md w&gombb.- soeeuid ta aut to buy ;Dmpthno. longiug ta ferme& fl thlie caribngs. EverYbOgI wanted la make Wauke- Peajîl cae er rm tawus 1n0aOginsa dollar day a huile success. How radius of twenty miles. One womîn they succeeded w. have already told baught tramt a lacal graver ber groc- you. ores for the entire weeisand had Poesnt eta ober homo in Kenash-n by express. Business auared " Il 0 00 0 OO@ $algh. clerki wers kept huai framntli 0 %Ime that tbeY came ta wark lu the WaUkega oas Uiornug outl they went home et rgnIAas P. m. Even the Most pesslmintle de] clared themeelves Pleieed wlth t. .0 0 0 0 0 O , tseulW. leed Tey1As«. Peelmeeter W. F. Farmer v e o'bng or ra pi ad 'ey went ta Ciicago on Wednesdiy ta teut leoklstg for b r ban m iand 'Jo[tt hie daugitter. Nirs. Charles Shei *WTWhe. erctani bWeîke. who was qulte paufulîy erder la gain the patronage of the 1scalded on Mionday of titis secs. Thie peapfle Cave articles for a dilîlartbalt accident happened when hot water realhi colt tem lunch more. VIve tromam bDrslhd nbr dollar slk sklrt.i eold for a dollar. ! àanballe aspad onb er i Other articles, eau. Warth as blgh 'ws- aae eyfruaey e #à six and sevesi dllars, were icill tather es s»o.le Dtlunay danger. for a big round silîver dolîlar. "We [Denver Coursan boas purcbased the juil vaut to land their busness," Kentucky Yearling colt. Oliver Ra- qaid mae promtst*stb meechau. -wb#I'80IT bg Barongale. Hic le also a de- w'e 0o tb" andmd ait"a more tges icendant af Beautiful Belle, the great- vscao natnrally 911 lbehm mucit est Producing brood mare. He ts al cheaper. Tis tevu cao beome fam- ietla u gvspoieo qus It the people Wini teâpfd." An. 1inle telîciads. espomseo ither merchaut couuted sone two 1 Ilr. and ira. John Crawford 0f I$uudît~ WW Ui, "bU8 u tOMo 1Newport township bnouglit t leir sou >lles- klouglng te. eut t t lwn pesl- tuMcAllsler hospîtal for an Opera- >le cuâemiera standing t dîfferent lo UIme@ ln bis ck.isI ~ Date Deatit, Anit. Juiy 21. 1888 ... $ loo0 .iuly 1. 188... 200(1 Sep. l8, 1890 ... ooo Nov. 10, 1893..2000 June 29, 1897.. 2000 Dec. 25, 1897.. 2100 Apr. 23, Ittol. 2100 J'an. 30 1904. . 100o Sep. 4. 1904. . .. 2000 Jan. 28. 190... 30)o~ Feit. 26, 1906...- 2000î Feb, 14. 1906.. 3000 May 4.,1»09 .... 31>01 Feb. 22, 1910 . .. 200o) Feib. 1à, 111 ... 10001 Sep. 14, 1911 ...- 1000 Diec, 6, a1... 3400 .luly 10. 1942- .30004 May 30, 1913 ...- 1000 Jue 17, 1913..200 Mar. 9. 1914... 200 Aug. 17. 1614. . î100 22 aIms amouritlng to .$50 fi. A LSEN~S Lê CATIO F FJIIWN VI3TEANS'«A VES Wish to Decorate Lost Com- rades' Graves Ut Cannot Loiate AN of Them. DECORATES THE GRAVES. Report It if You Discover Name on the List That You Can Tell About. STORMN PLAYED I4AVOC. Permanent repais-e oa tls om dammged ihuesn Laike, NMlisnry't n 1Ce m. taates bave uearly bi.en cons- pleted by tbe Chîcago Telepiione Coin peuny. An aesounltng. just taken b>' tbe campgan>' showsils qlosue 10 bave bee n more tIbm *70,M0, Tîte leet as-nim, Shîcît îlayed sncb havoc wlth Iclepthane wtres andi pales, ln nor-them Minois and lu Wlsconsln begmu Jan. 31 andi lasled until T"ei.3. During liait comparllvely short lime. 700 lelephone poles were blown down or broken by tise fonce of tiese orm andi nearl>' 4,040 telephanes were tem- porarily put ont of commeso. Hewever, telephane service wms ual "Ing of uieil camp. a general eé aTO 175 La $241 ,90 j Ptinte Ous [aimefd CMCMOCBSOWHYSIILEY iDOlE PLAY SOUTiISIDERS H . lIERE ON JUNE Z1ST -Succossful in His Calling-Sooed in Jiadgmen Manager Thomas McCann An. - -Fearloss h in is Duisions nucsContract Is Signed M no trigQaiisLk icl n to Bring BigTeam Here. Mai of @iO,'i aifi e fe r I os ieLOnDau REQUIR ES BIG GUARANTEE. Bohs-s u alce i fr Poitins merciaI associalion to iee if lb la pos- sibe ta declare June 21 a holiday lu Waukegan,. McCandeclared, '.Il la ual ai len the people bere are pris- leged 10 wlbaeas a game hetween a local team and a National leagne teain Tt wouidnont lie difficn lt 1 arrange saine sort of celebratlon and 1 iutend ta see If tbIs can be don.' The Kenosha basebali team arnang- ed a gaine vitia the Chicago Cube saine tîne mgo. This gain e b 10 ie Ptayed ln Kenasha on June 22, the day miter bte Cuba play in Waukegau. Thus Wmukegan fane wILII have an op- Pontunlty ai seelng the Cube bhefore Ite nelgiboring city. McCassn emys be itopes ta be ibis tol arrange speclal service on tité el0tt- tric and steam railroada 50 tisaI pea- jPie living along the north shore andi The CG. A. R. ai Waukegan bave iliovedta 10 lais for afty length of, ua Iruitu aiecuyvi made knawn thelr plans for memslal ime. Tempo-a-y lUnes verestîruug hv nopolnt,1 wbeets day whlcb vîlI be te same as 'janti service restored intamail places gaine. pasllInbe lmdecaratlng o! old sodt! th' itinloa 1ev hours mter te storm It vas onl>' recentl>' ho debermlned graves, but IbI year lhey ire iav-1 was over. 1 mate an effort ta brlng lhe Cube ng soin. difficuit>' In dlscovenlng lte1 The task of naking lempanary', a- here. He found that tey laid an resllng place at Someaoftem aIld, pairs la a biîg ono, but for mini years open dite on Juno 21 anti was able 10 contrates and are açspeallasg ta come.aiof xperienci-aithstalrma tise tele- arrange satîstactor>' berme vîihlise ai lte friands aud relatives etfttie phonu CamPan hbas evalveti a a,,er- prosîdent of the club. He.amys ltaI ticat heroes ta discover their graves. ful aystcm for iringiog order out af anc thlng la asaurcd, the Cuba aurely This le bcbng doue becauso inarters cisios and re -Ž-abising service with- vili came ber on te dite arrnugeti. of a fItllng nature as-e bcbng placed Iin a brief span of lIme. iecauee their schednle la sucs ltaI aon eaciu veterane grive, Al 0f the -reltair work lunte Feb- j here le 001 i possible chance oofbitir Those visa knoolte vbereabou's rmary alorni 5as dlrecte4 main tise.-belng obligedti a play lu the NatIonal of the locations af any ofai"Use fotv ainoffice in t'Ciles". , As fast as eae o had. nlbsisfin Ing namnes vili kindly cammunîcate tho rottorts î( if n. trouble vers ne. Hesy asnthdufiet wIlh Alvin Wi, 219 Ooutscreet. ceved repturînen vers seMt ta the bine ta arrange ail tihe debails bub The graves tnt knovu of thase Whoa j patate vies-e bteir servies er ne i l gîvo out more facbe In a short es Wre ned-lime are reaîlng ite protestant huriliNa Sna bcSntadrspa 'grounds are: rThe final vos-k in tisefield Wis te ONèxt Suay the So,5..uhsida play -' -- -. -i Tise lroley paie o a uaaebn .a HeryKa.efu.er .mva - .oenpaestamlie eu Lean gant.ataan necubny.h 1Te ive te readersbisaeschnt arIdea or smasted te trolley vire il Waeit- Aleander Allen. lie roads, v lier,- te>'Interfereti wlitfsetngoea inhecury jobthe rc t bae ppi-citetl j ngtou anti Genesee sîneet bis morri- 1.m l iue jraf.Ttidn1,ieneirn Waukegaiu'e tiret dollar day. tefi eulle" rfi.Ti oe h eare ~avngbusnes mn ersIneri-otngsiotarb>befone 0000 and several Ambrose Brao. slnung emnenget) lines by imeana ai 4Tite Nigge,' "The Clansma, qd Passe» ssarowly esciped bing H. W, Osrander. wicli service svas promptly reetored. mud,"Tise BIs-lb of a Nation' as mo"- struci b>' lte vIre me Il icîl anti bu Peler Smilh. Iuzlag for the purpase tienortet tops les yull be banneti front exhibition in Aos. AES tUlîge an 10 spubler about as contact was L.ouis Brobion. of broken joe,,fnce quels. Inss- Ilnois b>'tite termes of Represenla- t 1,hnbe eyvr qcsfi ommeti. Nobody vas burt andth Ie HnyMle.luiaelc, asî3tltg biat offeredte a vicl tlive Jac'sans bill, wlh-b passed tise 'n-lb basIleIo ver>,oer'alccesul anNortht ide crew backeoti Ieîr W. W. Chamberlain. a wlre cault i i)eattacitetibouge il SprintgfieilTuestia>'b>' a lu dard Ilhifar marc uc esaultia car down anti fixedth ie break lem- John Waters. As soon a, possIble lte eompauy vote of 111 ta 2. C. F. INGAU4Idg o ngaJie atr hewokB,.re L . g.slarted lte permsanentl repais- vont. Aunora folks atre arnsnging a 'fa- ýe mêAtv a in ame ta tavu anti made a permmanent u"ysîîs Thampeon. Wbea erniaetsomrpieaete' vnn.'a vnn sei "Suti l baexcdet rur exis i- tre . .Bre f odtc . H. Llse madle ltecosîl>' vire and imiterial iy arrangeol lus- atisers, or, as te en- cetbulkuu, Thbsexcwt e@" 4 I otre-fi neyaC. P. arnbea o udefdwodsA Wooi. usetifor te lî-mPorary repaire b.-cyclopedla put il, 'lie wlio h>' tarriage ÇoCmme, te 'eq*Wboiàaeb' liteble. ncsve-bfr udeEwrs N. F. Fals-flelt. came go muc tjuttkand tis la te an adoption o-ctples te positions of Ilcit>'given Ilb b>'the prose l is vi a n eZnCtal sourceii- V.L.Red.fai ahuge inanclal Ik<Iota he the rmaie panent. 4smdIlPsilangoscll Ion case, lu the absuce afi]%aster J. H. Gay. Iclephasue comlau>'. Havever, ever>' The rout. Ibrougîs Saniegan le 9'as lnmatieHybeeAtonyL. Wlia a Wlater the cîmîpan>' accepts e Ate trinov bieng suggcsted as a part aofbise f4> ~ ~ ~ P P 1anna vis appoînteti a specli Jms ao.jsiturao uaiatea .qrtsea"Dxead'vucbllaun an A. M. RUBIN, cf Aiea Hein stors. Jmsaof.staina nte teýre.mt DxeRa, he ot u ri "Best thlug tîat bas been doue ta mascler 10 hear te case. The plain- Richard Mucs-. lie enormnoît, expettdtures vifitout a Miami, FIa.. 1a saine narbherîa les-tul- promaesouI ortbovu trade. Withonî tiffe muqt bavethem case lu Init. of FYetiPalmner. jword., and pi-epanea for lte Wlnler te ai. Titisroule i5 10 lie fos-mally se. lte vîluable assistance aifte press 30 timys. Atlas-ne>' Fovier vas on G. H. Fbi-guon, tollow. Il lualise poiicy of lte Bell hecteti al a gaiisenlng atlICahattooga andti e u.Commercial assaciation IL baud la represenl tise plaintiffe ln 1the A, T, Moutan, systemta10 nainlalu lte cestnl'ai of o Wedneuday or Thorsda>', irould nat have been passible," action.. William H. Nilla, lq service ut an>' cant ,ALEXANQER . HEIN, jaf qu 5Alax (lammsis a local doberman, an Fnl- Jerry Bron. HIGHWAY NOTICE. Hein ib wdi>' atemosen casbt*&»-wund mus- John Staltre. respuecte due taombi UIalen com ROAO WORK IN THE TOWN 0F ,.T*enosmam orbm collons,, ta hIepoud ti a i.fe an as George H. Brown. s-ides ln arn,,. Tise>' are:WAR . out of town traul. 'lis vlmndec-s tee kuowula.iseta lbe., fias 8- tiftIf J. H. Clarket. I/'John Fa>'. PropotaisîlaîlIb.recelvet for lise 4y te Commercial association anti apecies ever caugbt ln Take Michigan. Wm. Mitoizel. B re.gaigadbidn fgae ud hie presahoulti b. appreciateti b>' TIse>'bountiilu hie lites ai norîheru Oscar E. Wiitccoinb1 j en.yTMAle. iga nt Tibuildinga ras-eolnoa.de qvery mercluint l aoa ~s lWcanelsi bXt "Wes in luibis vl- Ilte Oaiioll cecmetury>'1 Phllip Yagor. Teiegraph Raad ln Section 36; Nc- ED HffRMAN, 01 '>e. t iUar ver>' rare. JusI boy tise Peter Byrne. I RutnaSaule,. Clure Rad ln Section 11. "A succese veli-, 71àN 0ga $toTake Michigan leaibardi Wa Thomas Brggs. i joa'it e. Proposaisa yul be necelveti up ta lb,- Na Individuel cauîd bvé hfniipiait o- e. Peler 11anJ'e. David Spauling. hour ai 2 p. mn., June itb, 1915. aI lte oil hait vhat vas done by te press ITitnrsday, May' 13, in lhe Masonfc James Ml.lnr'. i G. H.Slack. office aiflte Caunt>' Suporlobondent and Commercial o - Toz$la ;he imembere ai the Orden c« CII&Éipo41tllRtgn. j Ira Hoidnltige, of Higityys, 'MBU INES bs hou ,Orkd na a ti 13 membirs ai theeoit amltig Johnd, ad. - iartlciilar stress le lad 0onthe 1. Planes al specilcallons are on file "Busines bas sown a mrital! m- and 3 membes of th Kecashlandgof liteSclattertognou»temlatil leouatnhiIL officeisoffi vIlnd lb.ht CommIssion-n gioveinsnt, rTe Commercial associa- A ver>' entenlaiuîing progrin olst-i Peter Spellman. sicss> tpt ie q~ a ieesa ibasa at ou pan andthetsPresire te be campl- lng te Rngicside Quartel and e note% Richard Kdile3'mîlt tnvlit e iteebejt& aifttee ertîfleti check for VIII> <$50.00) iqested on te succese that the>' have reader fronCiicago va gîen an#I Martin Lynch. - mes ylh @e lits *là 1iut%@ taDollars requinet i vtitbide for oucit *Ade posible ior te dollar day." greati>' eJoyed. Dancing and refresej Heroes vho gave up thelr lIves far praper autbcrlIte& *-. road, L. OCBOT.efth Oedmente folloveti anti al report a me the~sir Country'lnte War f 1812. You juigil havp a fvleuad - Wlo LEO P. lFBN ON, Town Clerk, b0Au fheer>'. Ienjayahie evening. Baddckr's oq"<*boe h urlai place ,I &à <U'a4" .hn àmsaine oftsele cationes @ , - Gnsnee, 1l1. twbad"dUsdm.te G. A. R. antbitntlsa bo are na.hlm tiIantiosee If'ho roclo m W ais>'a ( Ma>' 15. 1915. EvsrYlbiug turnes!out btter thilIlng. - ' àf.-*-4O'Ogs-I- pI--h t iWklyMa>'21-28, J "an4. DAVID T. SMILEY 1iîl ISNS i-~le osas adîîît,-tu t lie liairlha viîg bIs'ta stîl- dlent ini the laoo' dîpaî'tîîîîîît of tiie'Nnt'tlîî'îî Indianîa vol- lege ut \'alparîaiso, Ind. Siîîee ISS8 M î. iîjt lia.s lîeiîinî tile eoitilmoî,us pî'il- tie'< o(f hi w inithet' of o ist(iîk, NWie('UQ ls <'otiisel andt aîlviîe have hen eagî'rl ' souglit, wliei'e lit' lias prov'en hinîseif a'sîîaîîor liigh 1,îiîî.ip lî's, mtîjet îîîtegrity, a sli-ewd, feaî-h'ss jiîîdgî' i A N.\N in eo ei-o- seîîse or the lo-î'l. Wlîv Sîîîîh-x 'jîîdgî-? wiieri'n îîthît- eîtiî-e tlstî-it vail o,,îîfinduala n s i 'litii- eîîtlY titted foi. It,theof ie(.(, ei'rîit judge? W iîeîe vin îthle 41istîh-t ,-uî î vol tiîd a mîail w hosî' tlat-- a,-tei- is as sp.otlIîss uts tlîat oir I ao'îd 'T. Sîîile- a ehlarite- tel. andshîîshîî ;iîdlîltaiil iîslîtd anîd agaiiîst sohich we deY nynetlbi îg ONE WORD of reprî~oaelî ot shaîne ? Wlîei'e in tlii,' istri,'t ovli %,onl find klail :î o hlas been puît t,, the te'st as I)ot .Sîifle * ,bas ini t lie past to, veaia anîd who lias sî o aiîs io-îîîted onît jiistic'e withot t avoî-, hsît lîas ENFORCED 'ÈRE LA.W'wlîeî so mnvo-of lus t--itîîat the' bat- hi-e lackî'd lîî' oirage 'P'O 1)0 w'hat theY -ll, kuîo th1o' ighît andl ,t-o liOt tt'e g-eatii1,'rt Doîî-iîîg ()~'-l- f a,-tî s irat-t o, .anddalso bis vea's o (, ' Il the 0111tlî ' îîv l 1'ulîh, i . i s'îiil aî'eaîîireord-u, a lt1 -eo la Ilîti ivt4'ssanto btcl -adîîiît'îanîd eîiilate'o lo-attîsll-us laîo ias ,-îîsiuîhl,'a reeor'îlas .Jîdge S'iblul- PV'. Ilustîîis lîio t, inî a large iîîajot'itv of vases, beeiî iphîî'ld liv tIi, S4tî1î,îiî- coîurt1ndin Co, keî,iîtv, soiî'i-tý lie frqet * vt,'fi, lie- if ,-s ,- îeît'd oitlî thl atrgest îîîîîîî- ofet <va(lses b l- i < iî'lIl o vthle Stîpî-o'ii ody, buit 011(l, of i î.hîî' jiîîg- 515illU il tliat <-iiiîitv. [s thiis îlot ail ei- viabuI' î<'tt,îl udîas1141 1 ild 11,41siî,'Iî a1iiail hî le l,5ltet'î tail oi"1f 50\Ici 1 e is o\ I a4-1 î "Fis t îtîî.Il, ii' '.iv ses-ioiîîg as iiii jlîge iiniMe- Ilet vsr-,iiit foi,î-1lis tîii'ld ter-iu. Antd it is also triuc that tic' of,îîlî Miel .i. -î-o-iiiîîîtv i' thîgi-eiltlî'tffui'îît'y i lis 2-'lois l i "ias i is salars'. Bt os-ve belit've Ili, e-ll lîils a hiihi- and ' w'e& iîb01'l'iv-se the people of th-district.î,1 l î'-îguiIlus s--iisantd effieieney ' il g is iiii i lt'i î<iiiit J, li,liipliv ula larîge' ajoî'itv. AS tot,,îlî hlo'ei iiiile-iît i« t lit' t-îl-î,lît iudgeshiîp, f'îiiii iI-I t'uio titv, It'l(,ias hl,-f l1le -)iff ieet'f or eiglitecxî S-stIie l i 11,'el'55 vit-'uîs, We os'ilIlinot at this timîe dist'iussliis ievo-oîl tlî' iik inig Iloîpli'know' w.aît tlîat t-e-1 ýlîlns beeuî but so-- osil I saiv t hit we eandidly believe, aiid oui.' lklie't'is 24'11i)'liii b sthiouisaiids cf voteýrs ini the -distîc't, tluat eiglitevl'ais , q t tiIIîtuet l s'vieî IS 'I'NOU1.'I fori'ano-ON V- Iiioiiill iattî'r lioso'ettic-ieît or Dasid T. Siîiilt'>'i-. *1 Ia I m~5'sses l ut'fall bis faeultiés, alert, at'tisî'. ît'sr iii.su-d ua ecirt appoiiitu<-t oia'oiî of illiitiî'h. pr1 îîîl and.avas on tiîne, a 1p'ofomîid stu- (,ent of tihea,"iîi<t' laws, ut deep thiikeî', a justice- loving, tma-'ni'îî îuiiîtd ,Jîst thé' înait t'epeopleo f Nltllevv î,iTitandiltheetiiî'distritt ant se.at.ed 0oit the Naine Date B. C. E. B. EllottI............... Mar. 16, 1886 Phlllp Sheridan ........... .. Mar. 5, 1887 Jacob welters, Jr .... .... May 5, 1886 James C. Barbur ......... .. Min. 17, 1891 Jam-eB P. Williams .. .ep. 27. 1884 Rager W. Shterman .... ..... Mar. 29, 1892 Frank W. Protîne...... ...... %far. 6, 1901 Albert P. Staples .......... Alpn. 23. 1886 Geo. D. Davieon ............. Aug. 8, 1890 MorIon P. CcAey ........... Mar. 24, 1892 Franks Praline ..... .. ...... Mas-. 9, 1886 John B. Pice ............... Mar. 9, 1886 Jas. F. Clark ............... Feb. 19, 1889 Win. H. Sktinner .......... .. Dec.- 7, 1897 Simon Aliter ............. Apr. 15. 199 Chu., W. Taylor ............ Nov. 9, 1895 Hirry F. Routes............. Aug. 3, 1888 Robert W. OMrummttî........ Feb. 17. 1892 Roy -E. Herrick............. July 28, 1800 Marin Freehinan ........... Nov. 3, 1896 Ftrankt Nicitlas ........ lax. 29, 1892 Merlin Young ....... Apr. 30, 1909 'CITY. 4m. Iam qk F -Maffl nomn LgA"" orf4wto dt.00* 4,404W- ma-aiM 00bve >W-M w -C t "Judt o. CWou Mil mBa.mh th tm.W ii Endeavor to Have Day De- rieficlas-les cl.ared a Holiday -Cubs ~ ~ '. ~ a ' -I .ît~ î) bt'îl th igrs Corne Here Before Keno. Da \id T.sl i ,î j>o i bo . Il Vî'ottbI. ]sîi(),ît4andî)îteic5liS ach cit dec Medd aukegan iasébail fan, i,aarealafaîî îîîlh îiI iî laiilir l ,,îokq:îîîd lotliig ch 11,000 r - .»11.a t luclrefor lhemn, accordl ng ta h h it-- eModern an announcemenl gî-N-en )ont oda, hy ses« bow Thomas Mct"aun, tnanager of te &lojî',~îlit îîî lîl e sa li ,1a-., î,-ln 4îîî. ad han so tar iiti metale by Sauth ffde baqebal teani. T r. Mci- *etîeî S Ilîîssttîîîiî-l.. liw- aved-îlits îa, a iî< n îoîl'v ntied by Cann isierte that ise bas closed a under. eontrict witb lise Chicago Cuise ta itil imlO.'teil it il] la w Iîo kS and 1i411t.îltîîîîiles o(If wit from lis pay his team on lte Niartostre 1 o'iieh lie îeî-llseil soit h a î,'tîîîtj o',- îîî i ,h \\ o,.Ilithe AmCa-grounde on Monday afternoon r. ln e ,,îîatj lf îa iestîl, îd,îlIl t-aie' tributed.' 21.' C,*H.* Thomas. presîdent ut the a 8.55 Chicago Cube, sent a leller ta o Cn 32.00 Wednesday afternoon lu whlch he sc. 3.0eepted the tenu afbhe agreemePnt 27.00 sud enclosed a slgnedcnra' , 55.80 1play. 10.40' 135.701 The1 securlng of tII gante w,,, an SI.60o, expenslve undertaking as ndlcated liv 194-40 the terme of tb. contract.« 'Nîctai 249.80 'had ta give a guarantee (if $51)0 or a 281.-m, 34.0prîvilege ai one-bali ai Ibhe gale and 171,90 grand stand receipts. In case the 6.5weîlher le s.,cbtiat ltee c.nnOt 112.91" b. playcd the Cicago teain receives 38-U slmpiy lits expnos for comlug itere, el.il) but If four and one-haîf Inninge are 255.65 p1layed the visilorg wlll recelve lb. 240.11uaateIIesaea I h itr gamewere îlmyed. "310< 1amn going 10 ake tbe matter Up zzCM- wlth Mayor Pearce mand with the Cam-L LAKE IPÀ)ITNTV TNMRPPýMIDZT-1MMAV 'ýfiV 91 inil