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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 12

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______________________________ fflX21Ii. Lahe countN' 1nbe&eenbècnt The belief in Waukegan le that, when the carpenters' strike is settled, the plumbers' strike will hastily adjuet itself. The war is said to be costinir $150 a second. That's in mQney; but how many lives, flot estimable in rnoney, are being lost each hour? People are always counting the cost in money--they forget to figure. wîth lives as a basis. With a severe stabbing affray marking onie of the firsti Sundays at the Fox Lake region this season and 'with the subsequent report that the saloons being open perrnîtted the assailant to get drunk aftdr which he committed the deed, the owners of resorts may expeet no leniency from the state 's attorney for the coming Sundays.t No matter whose fault it is that building is tied- up the fact remains that it IS tied up-there's practically notb- ing doing. And, it cornes unusually hard after the Wint.er of general depression? It is too bad that the matt eau- flot be adjusted in order that the beat time of the entire year may flot be entirely passed without any of the normal improvenients aiid extensions having been done as now appears likely to he the case. It's flot so much as question of WHO'S WHO, but, just WRAT'S WHAT! Perha.pst both sides are to blame; that doesn't alter the real situ- ation which brings general regret in the entire Chicago district.d SIN6iIN6 MASTER IS NO LONGER A PART 0f NAVAL STATION Order Asking Resignation Of W. E. Lamson Said to End Position Made for Him., TO DRIVE EAST TO SEE SON (iET A COLLEEjE DIPLOMA Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ingalls Will Leave Early in June on a 4,000 Mile Trip. NO SUCCESSORIS LIKELY.ICOVER ALL BIG POINTS.: Appointment of Lamson Was. Fulfilîment of a 'Hobby' Held 1by Capt. Fudam. Will Take Son ini Party AtterI College Closes and Tour the Mountains, etc. Fver aine Capt. F'ullam was coin- Waukegau, Nlay tg. i mandan t at the naval training station. Startiug early lu Jane, Iu order tea theyyoh ad a "slnging master" down rehc Dartmouth coilege at Hanas-er, at thebo bys' chool aud, a daily p NwHaarretyJaeltb tr of the prograni bas been ta lean sing- NwHmsie yJn 2ýj'Mr t. nws tinasd Mrs. Charles F. Ingalits wil: bave But Its nw thnq f h. pastl On an auto tour which, ere they re- Fant le, William E. Lamonu, "aing- tamn home, w1il have laIton thein he- Ing master," bhan let is e bi ten400sd500ml Thoes no longer à 'alnglng mes- we ,0 nd500ml& ter" t the station sud the tip sa gven Wlth thein when tbey beava Wau- out that thors' et lotable te haens ne wilb te1îasa ,a ln thli futue. ea lihth issGrt D It'a a known tact at tb. station thati Bertha Warren, Waakegan higb! singlis was a sortIaf "hobby' with achoal teachers, sud Edwin Crawford, CaPt. Fullain. Otber commandants et the station bave questianed the &r-1 af Chicago, 'Mr. Ingails' nePlxew. The gainent that slnglng la roally a part ttr ilasltM.ngl udrv of a naval recruit'seéducation, andjlatrwl si M.ngl Idiv ask wbether it'. essentiel ta b. a, Ing bis new LIon-Kulgbt seven î'aq- gond sallar, te know how ta) sing a senger car. lteAnd l develops that the position of! hyaet ec atot 1 ainging master was creaîed as a apo- tirne ta attend the graluallar, exer- ciel Jab at the local stationan sd ilantua lseof the school, Mr. 1nigaUs.' son, malntulued lu ather stations. It WUscîe when Capt. 8'ullain was lu charge tbat 1 George, beiug a member W! thîs year's ho declded he'd lik te have a singina clas., master. one who sbould teach thé boys bow ta @li the national airs, After the exorcises, Georg-3 lugalîs etc. Sa. be had the dopartmnt croate1 wili Join the party as well as snine tbe Job sud ho handed ilta W. E. 'friends, who are te be ln tho east ai Lainson of North Chicago. It aid the lime, sud. tbe party will thon $40 a mouqIh sud, there wasn't much te do onlyteach the lads the airsansd begin an extensive tour of the eaat. many af thein knew then Ieinselvos They will go te Mt. Wasbinupton, the wltbout being taugbt, But, the Job 'White mouintalus, laie George, the Once cotlnaod, continued tae01151. Adîroudacks, Green Mouatein, tNt., aud Mr. Lainson beld It down. BaoBrsieMleadate He dld not bave ta devote ail af hieBsoljrsle«îl u to ime te the position boucs It waba ~Peints of interest, their plan heing sort of aide Job for hlm. Ho wauld taelaite lu ail the lmPortatlt drives lu report datly et the station, sud, usuâl- that section. ly oaci day the boys were caiied te- gether for s short aong-fest. Soin. of, They expect to be away trom Waa- tbcm lked it sud corne dld net. The kegap about a rnonth or perbape a boys learned to slng ait the aira wltb lttle longer. s vim sud naturaliy wben, a few dais-ago tbey heard that the Job had, Two years aga Mr. n. aslla s hlpped been disPeueed with mauY waudered bis car ta Buffalo sud drovo eant jusI wby. froin there te rny of the points Tbey began te Inquire and foniwhich he wlll touch agalu Ibis year. titat te departmnt evldently had deé- This year, however, he'll malte tb. cided ta abandon the Position as -c- trip tîtere sud back via auto. cordinly Mtr. Leinson bad been asked_______ ta hand lu bis résignation, whlch ho did, aud, to date uobody bas been nanued lu bis place, sud, f ram what ls heard, nobody li'xely will be appointeit _________________ bat, lusitead, the arder will go out tai keep il anfilied or eIse entlrely stnike Il froin the list of Jobs at a training, La 05nwa an ellated min buti ThriftyshrewcLcair&i Itved et hoine. He was a North Ci.L, cagoamn, uat havng came be ' througb the advent of the station. Ho u eo l,-Maé i la weil known lu Waakegsn sud manya persoaswbo bave soon hlm in uni-h bttora u fernihave wandered what position ho' O ed u bad been filing. ie ad The question wbicn worries Ihose Who advocate sisngin g matership la: D o y o "Wili the lads be as good figters InI LOy u the navy lu case lleY cant sing " 'Te aswer whfrh oppanent: Th as.arkm ing, lg Thikes.ey .ravers and inorey *Men Of thougt' aro the Ibinkors, Ma kerç. the creators of Idées, . 1,menu wh furniai tb. Inspratioanud théories whil. "men of action" ado the aorkorgs K e ou y so wbo carry out the plans furnlshed Kee tb. Otheqs, Sometimes the t-s a aretLliem. comblenedt! nonie, as lu the cae@of Ne, poIson, Cassr, Da Vinci, who ware ai oeuesMW the same tlime great ln bell Ihsry and practice ACCIJSED OlIIERTS HICAGO POSITON. OEPt4LS WITft TIEFT, WAS -LOCAL WAITRfSS LODOED INDiJE JAILR SERKS OWN LIFE Morris Walters of Zmon City' Got Into Difficulties With the Police. WAS BOTHERING PEOPLE.. After accusing a score of people ln town of baving stolen bie monoy. whlch smounted ta faour dollars, Mot". ris Wlters aofZMon City at tast fqund II, but lt toolt the help of the police1 ta locate the misslng.,funds. When the police soarched Wlters he had the mlsshxg mouey on bie persan, re- memberlua the abuse be badl shawe> i ed an saine of the ctizens af this clty lu accusing thein of baving stolen hîsienouey, they tbougbt be needed a lesson taugbt hlm, accord- lngly ho was arresled sud booked for disorderly couduct. Mouday iight Walters, a littIe ta mucbuder 1thé wetber tramn the ef- fects af intoxicants. staggered luta the police headquarters sud demand- ed that ihey recover four dollars that lie sald was taken fram hlm lu a local store. AI the store, he said, they denlpd al knowledge nf bis maney and the police seelng that he wasn't mest hlmself on accoant of his condi- tion auRaeeted tbat he start for horne sud retru wheu sober sud look far hie money. This dld not ein to 2atisfy Ialters for ont leaving the ista- tion1le vowed that be woxîid not leavo town until lie hnd recovered the mon- ey. On leavlng the station be went dl- rectly la the corner of Wasbington aud Genesee streets. Arter louniug around the corner far a while he then1 eutered Into C. & Ni. Ea ticket office1 sud demanded that they gîve hlm, four dollars that be salit they baild belouglng ta hum. They alsa denled1 they liait any cf bis mauey, but hg was persistent and stayed tu the of-i tire haIt an haur. Taklug not a huuch of keys fram bis pockets Walters tbrew thein an the caunter exclain- log, "Ses yau've gaI my ejeys, you muet also have my money." This was too mucb for the police.1 He was broagbt ta, the station sndq booced for disorderl conduet. When1 Pria Ited States Senator Wil- ilaxu IL X n wlillbe appointaid St- torel f- te bord of the Chicago loc1l-JsO Vements by Mayor Thomp- son withlis the next few days, accord- lng to reporte lu the clty hall yester- day. >M dr. Mamop for years lved lu Wau- kegan apdiUia many frlends In the city. He la the father of L. FMNason, North Sheridan rond,. nid freqaentiy visita bOTO, searohed, thxe four dollars that ne bad been loôktng for was uestled ln bis luside poclçe.. Why theres8 your miney," sald aw of the police- men on discoverlnig the liocketbook containing for brand new one dollar bills. But Walters denied that il wua that Partlcular four dollars t bat wax lost. , ' He was brought bpfore police Mag- latrate Taylor thîs niorning and fine I the four dollars that he was suppos- ed ta have lent aud ten dollars and ladty cents besides. "Now, 1 arn leaving yau off easy this time," s-xid Magistrate Taylor, as he fined the man, *but 'lu the future kindiy direct your suspicions agaloat the peOffle of Your haone town and net on the pea- pie et a CIly where tbey are the host and you are. the guest." Walters la itow waiting for some klnd friend from bis home town ta corne doWn "id talce hlmi froin Jali by paying bis âine. Domestic Turns on the Gas, But Is Found Before Her Life Is Extinot. WENT FROM KERE TO CITY. Oblect of Her Affection Is .Said to Be Chicago Boxer, NOM Employedas Cook. Miss Lucy Bauman, a 16 year aid Racine girl who lately had llved lu Waukegan, attempted ta commît sui- cide ln Chicago Tuesday uight by turulng on ail the humnera of a gas range lu the kitchen of tbe home af R. W . LeDaron, 4872 North Klmbal avenue, where sile was employed as a dametic. A dlsPtcb ta that effect was recetved lu Waalcegan taday .The Young girls wss found lylng an the loar ucansciaus and doctara were burriedly summoned. Reports today are that she ls expected ta r.- caver. There wsss aone Ue note ou the table, which explatued the reason for the rash act. This note rend: " cao uat live wlthout Burns." The "Burna" referred to la belleved by the police Io be Kid Burns. an ex- Pugillst, who la now emplayed as a ce"k lu a restaurant operated by two Racine mlen lu Waukogan. iss fauman ban beeu on proba- tion to the local probation omeier for nome lime. She lef t Racine about four mnotithe ago ta accept the posI- tion lu Chjicago. NIrs. Dora Johnson, 1probation officer, was notiied af the glrl's rush sct and left Ibis afteruo ta bring her back ta Racine. While lu the charge of Mrs. John- son, Misa Bauman was au exempiary Young girl, wor'ing day tlimes aud ro- tauiug ta the probation quarters evtry evening. OShe bas a wldawed maitler wha lîvea on Water street. and aise two brathers sud a sîster. Depraved Germs. F'ederal healtb experte bave dAcîdel that the featber bed la iuaanitary. A Serin wblcb waaldn't go to sleep aud be perfectlY harmiessa la a feather bed Incarnates total dopravlty. Adapted for use ini Country Romes, Frarm Houss nd Stables, Siier Resorts IHotels, Mille, Dairies, Bchools, _Camps, Boats and for Portable Use. 1 and '2 Pusb -Button 3i and 4 Genera- to r 5 Motor 6 Oas tank. 7 Water Tank 8 2 3 Autto- ~? irmatije 9 Self- Pî'îor to the invôftion of the Fars'el 1 Autoînatie Light System, it wttas neces- saî- *v 'tuith ail isolated plants to use an expensive andi jîscfiient storage bat- teî'v whieh had an exeeedingly shîort l fe. Now the Farr'ell AutonxiticElehetî' ie Light ati PoNver SYstein, whieh is îlwlý-atî'd Nwithout the use of anî iîtermn ediate Storage Battcry, furnishes euri- reutt (ilt't fronm the 1)vnaîuo to thec],am Ps or' other eleetric apfliances w-hich nîav N î-equired, thus sàving the great loss of eurreîît eonsunicd through bat- teries and1(1tie excessive eost of rcnew' ing batteries f 'om. tinNe to time. The plant is automatically startcd, stopped aînd regulated, has a constant eap)aeitý' anîd can bc used at inteî'vals or. continuousi , lturinig from one to one liiîtld larnps and always at the highest efficieney without diminishing Capa- eitv. It is STARTED by turfling on any of the lights and STOPPED.aistomat- iea'llY hy turning off the "4ST liglit,, eonsequently eausing no expense wthen eiîiî'cît is not being used. A Storage Batterî' 'till lose power' and detcî'iorate 'wt'eu ,not inl use and offdy 60 to 70 per cent of Geneàýted Cu rrent is available, duse to the Ioss and Slu'itkage. Thte Farrell Automatie System is designed to furnish the highest possible efficieney at the lowest cost, pernîitting the use of standard appliances such as ar-c ii gencral use in large comni-xmiti es. The Fari'ell System furnishes cur- rent at 110 volts, same as used by Gene rai Lighting & Power Companies. (Bat- tery Plants gencrally use from 1'2 to 32 volts.) This plant is one any fariner ean a! ford, as the first cost is comparatîvely low' and the cost o! operating and upkeep is very sinall. This machine will furnishe-urs'ent for motive power for washing mna- chines, water pump, feed cutter, vaenunm eleaner, creain separator, churn, grain elevator, etc., as wtell as furnish heat for electrie flat iron, toasfer, eoffee pot, andt, ini fact, anything elie that is required arotund a farrn house. WRITE, PHONE OR CALL R, S.. BARNUM WÂUKEGAN, ILL I s Yuvr Ihectric If flot this proposai will help you. Beginning May 24 we will 'wire 20 houses at abso- lute c'ost, provid- ing that number contract with before May 29th. We will spread payment for the work" over a period of two years. A littie each month with your light bill. The same terms of pay- ment will -apply to the pur- chase of any fixtures you may select Fuit particulars -of the, plan may be had at our office. f 0f /I"ern ia. - .-----. -.... D'OU?. TELmEPHONE 427. "i 1 us

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