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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 7

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LAKE OUNTYINIIEENDEN. FRIrageMY 21,1915 BOARDIIAD RIGHlT JUNIOR IPROM' FACED DEATiI, VET INVENTORY TA: TO HIIRE TIHOM PSON WAS DELIGHTFUL lIAD THE TIME TO KEN BY TUE PUBLIC AT $2,400_SALARY; AFFAIR FOR VEAR TBINI( 0F OTHERS' SERVICE COMPANY Us but The 'atone cent$ xrtras. s. prices. 0. tise scialis- male ce anti laver U. tise la tise 7. trot hie tht- oct- ho vould bring forth tise fart tiat Ivo ballot bacs batlbt-en îtpelred. So far as a recount lm con- cerni-i lwlt says, be does not thick il wouit ibe fair 10 exxîtect hirnt tu ahitie b h iat might bt- siown by tht- bai- :ais as hie aays ht- la convîicedti iat ihe pt-mon vbo opeused tht- balot baga bat au abject ln doiusg Bc. He aya, hovever, tisaI he la ptrft-ctiy vlliing to abitie hy the shovlng of the poili hooks, viserethie votes vert- check ln as tht-y vert- counteti. Ht- thinkis any 'iser plian votulti not be cn ustice ta hlmt ,%Ir. Ornus says be aiso isas affi- il daits to prove that Robert Conoliy k iad ie-iral automtobies ln is strvice ilurina eiection day, that lt-euot only paiti for the gasoline', oil, etc., but tirat demolitheti. I arn anxiousiy avaîtirrg word anti on hope that the rt-port la nor tort-, for my sîster hati tht- biggest bot-I tn the town anti bad ht-en doing a int- business. Tht- var seemed to have Jeneittîrd theîr business rather than barming l," saiti he. Mir. Flsbi-r bas not receiset any rePly to the cabte hisen-t, tise ise- araîuh coiupany cuving no assurance that ut vouiti ie dt-ivered. STREET CAR UIT A WAGON 3 BROTHERS HURT SOMEWUAT lc aieo pald for tht- chauffeurs vbo ranse m cachines. Ht- ilsoitis t Aboutcsert-n O'cioc' last t-senint lit' a violtilon of tIre commission form swhat ndebt bave terminateti ln a laW. moat seioua accitient accurret just "They dlaim n tisir petition (bat nortis of Gent-se street viatuci visen tîndue In.fluence vas brougist to hear thres broîbers namat Wtslaenr.- upon jutiges anti clerka af electlous," ieg tn a ligisi wagon, coidieti vus a <rvîs saIt "Look art-r tise liat of of- arr-et c-ar gong uons., iciais antist-e if you think tissu-t are Tie' brotisers, vitis E, Wisehman auy tSi-rt- visa ouiti stoep to be tant- drls'lng, vers going seronsatise street pereti vitb by any candidate. I bave set titi fot tomn out lus tinte ta avoid receiveti affidavits front ml tisese offl- tise street car. hTtla claimeul by tise ciesIn visicis tiey state tisai wbile electrit pt-aple tisaitishecar gave ami- they vers uot eveus approaciset by pie varing: tise driver saastisey titi me that some o! tise otber candidates not ses or' ksar tise car. pesteredttient contlnualiy. Tisey con- At ar.y rate tise vagon vas struclt aier Tt an basuit that sucis charges andtihie men vers tbrevn ent. ahouit be mate against tisent. Witis E. Wiseimnr receis'ed inJuries as re-gardi to oiht-r charges madtiiey are fohiova, accorting to his phygictan's eqtsally insuittng. Tise beariag aboulti statemsnî: Injured leg, InJures idsiej hrleg ontut o la rlgbt anti vio la anti broken nib, bt-ad eut someviat wroeg." Onet bretiser receivet mir.or cuis Judge Etivartis receiveti wort totay, wbtle tise tiirti receiveti bruises of 'tiat Circuit Jutige Richsard E. Burke, 'amaîl cenaequence. a very able jurst, viii hear tht- local Thse wagon vas di-moIlised andthiej case ne-t Wetsèstay. As yet tise par- horse waa cut sorntevîat, ties in tise case iave cot filedt tieir Tise collisioni reaulteti ln tise glass stipîulation anti uniess tisey do goalnthie motormansa cage Seing smash- shortly Tt may be Impossible for tise 'et anti the fragments bit bu., bruis, case tn be bt-anti Wednestiay. Tt la flot ing blun aoprevisat. thougist Probabte tisat tiIs conditioni' vili aris@, Tise Indepteadent leadu &IL arrivet i ttise county a1il vitis tbe_____ trio, tht-y agaln bctaîe10carry tise vontm e.Hwr.E ase oc au ansd chair imb tise wontan's cent- Rv oadE ase o partment of the jali. Tiere se nov ed to Nerve Himnselt in.Serv- ts, getting about tise craniped quar- ice as Thoughts Drift. ters Je the cisait- viere as.hespenda aIt of ber lime vht-n net le bed. Ht-r It is seldont thai a Waulegan min- deforrnity consista of a very apa. itr bas hrssn caiheti pn te pas ent abortening of tise lîntus. thraueis an orde-al simN a is ici Ailtbrei- of thte vomi-u are Wmi- Rettor Howart itr ret Christ kegaur resiiuta. Ail bave l1usd le Elfiscapal churcs. Waulegani, vent tbe city for years exceptirg tise De- tbvotigliSutnday nrorning, vissa, offi. Loof girl viso rame front tunet-. rTht-clatfAa mctise m n ng services, hi% Roi-Il girl vas bore ln Waukegafi ant ind andti ioughta drlfcsd cons'canlty lirei SpesalIt htr ilt-. 10tht-etisdide of hia vifs In St. _________________ ,uke's bospital,(Chic-ago. A hait botur litfore tise servit-s be- gan a message that Atrs, Gaiter, viso FIGHT WIT ANvent throachu a serions apes-ation rn-rn c-nrnt- iaurday vas ne o s; els Thse von OriLK,~t1~I~came as a ahoîk. l'or. qStra evnî tn a rein l'oursafater ise NI(iUT IN CITY JAIL ebai ltfr er. e rcleivod a vli as gettilig aiu sptendidly. Thte, Sunday morning, i aiît- tisa Word that Waukecan. AMay 15 ase vas worse amîi. nai.uraily tht- About midnight Sunday Officer rector vns cerribiv upsec. Jothn Klenta hsd the- worst ttcbt vitis lurng tise pravt'ri, durieg tise le'- a drunker. man tisat any Waukegan sans and turing i anr.oufcsmnts. officer bas bat luà sorne tinte, anti, tise congregattan îîaiely aaW tise visen bis prlsor.er fiualiy laustetinlusairain their paster vas under and, policet quartera anti foundtetahave an witis bent hé&d and lnctrtain voic-', unsheaîîled keife tri bis pot-ket vttich 11e eudtavort-d ro maintaîn hiei coin ise eidentîy vantedtiet use on the pasure, untier the- rircurnatausces a atficer, te latter feit tisai be isat a niosi trying effort. Tbs service vasi dloser esscapet than ise realiced at tise sisorteneti by tise oruîiaion a! tise ser-i tinte, mon ln orter that Mir. Ganster coutl Frank Jenovicti vas tise prisoner. catch tise noon train for Cblcmgo.1 Hi- vas vuit rank t Sopic, isat been After be nmadt-enîîtanation as to tiseo li North Ciicago saloons near Tentis reasous for oittlltg lite sermon prat--1 streec. Tht-v tht-n came Into Wou- ticaily every eye 4n tise causgregtion1 legan and got Int a figbt. vas dintsnet anti, an Ihe recior vent( OfiRt-er Kiema vas calieti and ho 10tiste aitar for the- t-osing Prayers,1 tu-lt- te gel lise men ta iieep quiet bis voice choketi anti he announcet i andi go borne. Tiey kept on ftistirg "a fi-w momnets or silent prayer." it anti ft.aily tise offcer put Janovicis provet one nf tire'rîtoat touching me-r untier arreat as lire set-met tht- mosti neuts tentise caretrorthlie cburch. persistent trouie-seelter. The pris- LATER-Mrs. itatuter vas report-1 aner refuste 1 subnttt ce arrest anti et mucb improiedi andtihie rectir1 tises starteti s long figisI, lastlr.g un- conducted tht- cît-îtiangervice at Ihe ti*tise poltiepatral arriveti. 'IVeui ciurcil. tise wagon aru-iveti both effLcer aSel prisomiai ers aimost 'exiusteti. Indopmeunt i-reati by 5,000. c triose wo (un g ana wetanuy tis' tamît founti themaelvi-s rettrning in tire wee mmali hotîrs of tisentorning. Tht- atm of eacis ciasa bas itee trlit rîtake tiseir prom a lîtrie better tisan tise one bhtfore tisent. to malte it "the lt-at proffiyeî -' Tht- Juntor ciass of ibis yt-ar st-tms to have reacseti its atm antifnuat be brantiet as thea ettt Yetr Tise 'demratlons, tise muaic-, everytising vas perfect. Maich of tise succeas te due tii Chart-s Aideus, prestent of tht- jun!or cias. viso appointer! sut-h able coa: mitteea. STEEL OFFICIALS ON SEMI=ANNUAL, IN- SPECTION 0F PLANT \%" atikegan, May JIj To'da.% sas tht' occasion of tht- at-ntlginnural tispec tion of the Wau- kegan plant of te A. S. & W. crm- party. anti, at ftour o'clock Preaident W. P. Palmter of tht- steel company, roceriser vltb tre boardi of tîrectors, arrised from Joliet on tiseir tour tbrouais tht- district. Tht-y vert accompanied by District Manager Gedge anti Assistant Stone as weit as tise purctsaslng agent andi other officiaIs of tisetistrict.L Preaident Palmer anti bis aides havi' ieen going tbrough tire pants of the C'hicago district ibis veek, iu1pt'ing tire physical properties of the' compaci- Ont-rt-port isecante carreîîr thar President Gary of tise 1'. S. Stcel 'orporaton s'as to he in ltt' parla' but titis provt-d untrue- irere sýe ro att-t-icorporation oM.i t-tal-s lresent. Thte i attons arrivet iSt4:40 and nuade a iturrieti trip Ibrouai tise plant,. liavi ig acainln 1tht-Jr 3peiai t-ar ai 6 oclock. Titere vas no speciat Signittcance to tht-Jr niit being ntereiy the officialis' mnuat viai. suuieroiaion of t'nited States arniy of- ileers î iiihthe cemditmt l onih rent-n 1l*v rnveated ha tir. . R -'owzi-r. ('oit tlt-nrtiralflie iiiluhe th e stu becls. tir. Forazer dt'cisres Ihutir deailr vii bp. liiutantant-oua. A represetralive of lte Aar De- partmi'it arrîved ln Chicago Saturtiay andt cotferred ivit r. Fovoer for fine Itotirs. t deveioped that goveruntn ciiernrîstihave ht-en v'orking for a year Io pt-rfi-ct a beis aintost identi- cal %'iIh Dr. Fosazers. Secret in Compound. Xtuin lDr. Fowzer -'ioveti iov s Ceet-aitr orelîrotior cornpoîîndinc pro- ilute- ait. stnuo.'.îutîtîtarîl of r-stit ln thue srparal J fonttte oftfhe prin- cipal constituett, tht' gos erment rt- resî'nltîlr %e saiti "\%'e Irai e teuon the' tdat- tfif a tioznttittes.-- "i ntîiittDot ttc tiraiîlh)t tllatty tions'e eîrylhuitg oset inîî the bonîb." salti Pr. "owzcr. "and def;- prorductiont of te bonîi. Tht- tnatiîfacturirg tir,, t-es; it' set-rtI -1 an. clati tht- 1'nrîteîi States got- ernmeîît 1; iîîreastiîagnuy honis. This. countîry ian liai e ilfor a titits otf sîtifrî ouit t-o-t sny foreignf nation 0111iuty he'cluetuticai properties o! tise honni. the' nreîiot of Ioatiing andt sltioting il frrîtuas annion la sone- thitic îhicî tue expets s-ilirequin- î'ousfiterabie estterintent. This îurob- lt-m. îîowvelr seerms to have alreatiy bein r uleiby tît-goverrmtnt. Tvie cointainetrs antd a thiîî att-t-icsiog hiavt' htetperfc'cted. Th,- tbody e! tise man viso vas du-ovned in Lale Catherine lait wvt-T bas flot yet heen recovrrd altboitb S 'ontstant seau-ehisas ht-n ' tt up fotr bînt tver @tnce. lusCisicago Saiuriay Wiitian Cran- ase, farter o! Waucontia. vas ad.- adjutiget isausrupt, hiabiltîes $5.196. a&mets $1,470. robbed a prtnting establshment on the soutb side. was continued ta May -n. The probation officer miade a favorable report lni tie case and Lb. court placet! the boys out stilil tMer on probation. Their case wllil be continued from tinte to tinte as long as they bebave theniseives and &vent- ually they probably will be dlsmIs@qýd tram custody. the .cae f .John and Jý,h Belv chelia vas continued; to May 2a. Tbey refuse to sUDDart tbelr tva' sojali ebuîdren, arcordtng ta the ,*ti tion filed ln court. The man testilied that there was some. troquble betw..,t hlmself, bis wlfe and ber @Ister and stated that If he were given the eue. tody of the chbUdren and were allo,- ed bo lve sport from bis wlte and ber sister, ho would support thent giadlY. Thse tacto lnth ie case are to be investigated. Boris and Kyril Denteif, two de- 'pendent ChIldren, were conmtntted ta the Lake Bluff Orpisanage upon the Petition of the ntotber who charged tisai ber bu',band would sot contrhib- uie to tbeir support. Gordon and Gustaf Malmquiat were faUnd to ho dependent cbldren maid vere Cmltttet.t1tise boys, Ichool at Lake Villa. F. BAIRSTOW 0MANfUrATU.EROP Marble and Granite Monuments -Çmetery Work 01 Every DescrIption Correspondence Solicited- 116 Genesee St 1. .. ~ ~$ua~*~v v.ca~~.aLus t-oah&4s ~ a~','C,. ~"~"n~ .-S; ili~a ~~at-'t~~' 'i Wac&gnlt~ State Supt. Public InstrLuction ' . h4, "î::î, î Parnellf Thayer Wrote Letter to TItr ý--1 îi iltor ti h- ltlecS-, w - - i ~~~Gi ves This as His Opinion A.lr ,, " 1a.o eac aFw as "" 11:1 tii; - i <'If rnpleletd a WERE BALLOTS TAM 1REPORTED BURN- RAID AÀ flOUSE AND 1 n ete f ord he1, siid,'n t q.ha;ýý',,,,n tirned for Before He Died. 1 i ."o Set F ali ,llisai d weeks, thet, ;of filie lîtIion "-prom".;, t'. h af, i.) -t; that fn Blai, stt ~'î'î idbas Da msert mb ohi ,rvr,, c. ic notir The fruits of a man cftent,-es îîîr îro; it-",r ta er PERED WITII AF'ER INqi 0f CITY CAUSES IET 3 OMEN WHIO 't j1ulc Instructio, 11,1>log but , ",u rInîrod1rk :trlesjad Smlm: t il,)rî i,l dinik in la.tee CO NTTO I(PL CE MU IIWO RYIIR L TE (ET40DA S a nblig Oliver S'Tl'itt flîthîs year was tlilt 1 t; r Thetr. develop flot in ilife, btaler- 011, 11iar'tino, rIo w;rtIl ac lasuperintendeftt nski tiirv i of are nMaily eents n Ia i" îhol tît of wards. ,i 'ur, i îre o Tirey r ailna a saiary of $ ' ' ' a,the' students art thegt' - Il ' I t i iq TIatthe case wîth reference 1,. '-'t i,; nirir; liii-, iow Commissioner Orvis Kas Affi- Nathan Fisher and J. Blumberg One of Them, Wheel Chair Oc- land tht', action tindoubItç l] iir", ai take an intpe.srt fi s'hi 1 h, to Parnell Thayer. the Antioch i'.ht davits to Show That Two Much Alarmed Over Gable cupant, Admits Beinq Mis- l %ýtetnsion wîîicb as wasif)araldii iriiaii' -Irmnwh idTasdyata . I-r'n Iilîr .' u Bags Were Opened. Tligo Icdn.tress of the Place. ;'at 1he' achool board i t:;' "iligtl, -' ies. iBut of this listiht , 1 ir, '; Antioch. Hia fr'uits wii foiiow t - .1 ile so; nî,î Telingof ncient 1 irT art of the week 'n:' i \ndrPw Itltand Iti utatOthL, thait - - . r, himnt ndeath. t~aî gn, tay Ilied $2" o it nd '0.1; it lut ie I r"r . t;k ' porsîet of the )t ldi Iiitar turned lit et-lber roiihi, tii "in or \q ; l ai' i n i, Atttet' îo.,îittat. ýi r .,it; ,,-'n bat a WHAT ORVIS CLAINS: <IitKrft a 'acaoiil'r .) f kii.it in a;ttrdr;'biti, i i i)tnfi'biig fNida\itt:;t iiriirbtn0fî(c'iivittt\ tCrit it ta1r vtr î * ' i r ;kran" 1-That a large tole wss sut In bailttay arried thia paragra.h unfi'r a ond and Kristiatt avenfues, North ai a salarv of More ibai; t'ik a - ari night wbi,-b vasg"i iii te ari'i 'Tr, "r ltî;it, rd oint. h,' vin'ti;a' 1î I 1t;.; or . mas r',mî containing ballots fros the sec- Lt;tidou dtc litr ile ofMay 2nd: Chic;ago. titre' olo'al ;somefl nom, are waailiiegal, according t; t;: i bilt'f. bouse, not bing but god i(air I--iduT'I tire.'liesaw ta;; httgî'trei"istîiti ,,,itheiii. iiier offI- countcd. ~ ~ ~ 1 The Germaiofficial *tntement i te'oufly jailifor a 401 day stav l.' atatedfurther tstttih'ifO tdseaaatit toI'r-'.. t~ntn alaî;;tt ts aî iii i t iit a.ieear follows: after entleriflg pleas of guiicy heforI' aigri orders for Mr. Tlionil, tl, sl lbrtnsytIsmfot u terlvs n hc ia 2-Ta h elfo h el o- Our oerations in northwest- Jus.tice 'Nebasxor fNorth Ch'icago. ary ontil]b.' was assuredil""; 'tr. lîair ils signal success. s0ill;tail of e'.teriel,'îte ar aflier t.i r',v, taining the ballots in the thrd enRsi r rorsîo r Tire incnmtrehtensttte part ot tise filal, lie wouid fiat be la;itg liiit',etf The auditorlim of rti,, pari-t, house "ir in11'w %isionsin forests, rfîit -î.i .,ilL of th, iiI; -iiti)rv it s pecuintuwsrmve nted. ing Ru(Sheia itcapuerm 400van ' taboutli e o fiiialthe olnit.;,' be n a oi 3.-Tbt t Cnoiyvelteith l more.Rusians. Pursuing the fly- Irippie. ont- v'to malt.slier sac The- ;ecrêtary of th(,..,;ardimav, tng belng soilumîrtateit tiI I ,- j r;. a, î' it tii'safetv. [lie lîV the'- iblt- .i r,..-. larh c.Ta ool oâe hfeursfor g uard rachedthe Grgio n , t oustcfie hro miyaihe tfthini i siriiftête dictate a5 ttttt-rin N ir. refiilgence of electric 'uibt;;tu ttj, iIl-.- pindtred. ii,' tilt splanbtr t o;'l i ,;'îî' ',î, tr r thrghhrngpi cafeusugtgad ecedtereittote a lringi--n it st paw iar nwic i oiitioi111 aouthwest of Mitau." h 'n'td iholst (f Ilaoticris ointe r. iii tii;ob was a ilht Io st-e. Tlir.'roîîn;iii lii 'idoi onoI igaboujitfire mat- iii;iiaii; 112, I,ii.it'a -tiiita,'« ;. auto usetli n conveyîng votera to v,,al.îe ih sb 0<ltto aI siisio'0 a ot.-a i This v-onderfully decorated, ett.,s'andi "r --1, a îaîalitv; îiaLPened i tr; o -,'i. î înl;aiiI tnoie ut'exai r the poil$. i <(Mitau la twenty-flve mites Il'îltiiiLuxof\Norrbth iase;.thar Sît" afiernoon the' erretary, . i rd,on. s hilelre sît sa 5arrangeit tha' hl c' .aktngtfor ilaper ait ,] 'i;. tic ,aîîîî' i; a -ii'rîofitis et,: r, ii CLAIMS 0F OPPOSITION: isouthwest of the Rusalan seaport liai]î- i.,t.runîiîtg the place. reei';e e an answer iii Il 't he fortriedita lfif] saîîed c.arroî; o;; r iii' oit i ii to'r Nfais;or Peari'. " î'rnt: hîrowýis o iow iî;'nat; .I ti., t.-Tat ndu inluece as rouht of Riga, whichle sthetsat of gev- i'1lie prîsoners are, orale off, aI t-,prestsedt-l tt" t tii entire hall, ;'er the wlottowsw,r'" tI I'01-all.'Il tîiîroîr ta rile fart IMIII.;, rhýý. r"ap". iii riI i'hsrituz te bear upon flhe Jutges and the ernment of the Baltîc province.) tFLORENCE DUJFFV, Iormerly Fer ia teatnn fs biadt;; p-rlitirertofth aneactradion it' ii 'aî n r;,' reril.'hual ; i,'r ,;ir' ;rriiis. t clcrks in some of the election pr 'h- ~rte ott l fSa"li ence Thorpe of Waukegan; mistress feci'rv lt-gaI ieltelhr.o-saesit aplahbii hri '1ih "l";iîitiî hîj, ia dot;;itt., ftla hrb oue t cincta.liiigriat t'ont trn trita t astim ifi 50 Ilfif theias haudncselo 2-ha c t utgs&d îrscun of 'gt afui- '- ~ t nthe u e h through affection lowi ,11Ibhepresented ai 'h' i,ýi".' trg lrîrr har'strcheotra funi Shed t 11.1 ' iitîiC'ruv.,'iiiittit. k;;,t 'iiî-hi adiS~îîn ed the ballots in a careless and 1 Nathan Fister, Geniesee street awellhiîiltet m ba, us s f ibe hoadwbibsJ'i ' î' oi(. fnirished a reuular gar;ieii Lelter Receîved Aller Death. r ir iialtre i orîîîiit,sti ni eht chair al ttc ime. TiesiUa1n9gbt.Throîughoîîî tht-se tecoratlons wer .i r ' ri'ii'ict haitleteri , riI.ii t,t hti.i rîîîrlîtht - ;onr hasty manner. 5no1551 ts'any errors merchant. IDA BHUELL, Waukcgawa girl, 18l"prlngfteld, Ai' tt whvite pond files wliicb added 1tha tI Ii i'tit'l'tiî,r haver in the i ann ulsiiismn- occurred. J. .Blumberg, Geneae street Vi eradmîtted to he an inmate of ir trhn E. Reardon. ltat ftipi tF-r ol ai n-aiilohc i.dao a u it ii, 'a, rIutgtulii.,t'rmfenrts 3-Ttat n'any votes were counteifor ture dealer. :thc place. j 'Vaultegan, Tlinola tira rît jnu ' oîiî lotiihe île;orateîtlu itîar tu; it old !i.'iiiirtnt'ni, ulirgoiliovtre lisa; îgh or t ' os'. Oral, wtîct stotîld hase been Ttieir ioncetrn was rnade the omore - MARTHA DELOOF, unmarried lt-r Sir'- a moire îi'asiiie v a rra;the haIt or a tii,k l i o cter tiI tlii' lii(tîi-ti linii ofi trehi, that the counteti for Conoliy; that defect- uit; tise imienatire) rët'eieti wordtirait woman wto fermcrly lîseti at Gurnee I1 have mat recei;-ed yotir 'citer of fast niglit 'a tir"fi,, iiritifl roi ta;r"a', lîke ail'-ae froînric 'ttat;utoigut tîr isov p> ve votes %vere counted. other rpeoplte liait rt-ad Jr) oiher Iatera 'vit ere lier motter bursietito tisatthe 1'th ingt. I acknowicdge, alsa. nilriee sho dre,'snp tte ;lans anti30sa l aiuil i.i;iv ffertd the civ -olellIail i i ,' onltî re ishe n agita i'omîisii,î,er E.lt ' rItr;hloday rt' word îo tue efect tuai S1haveli ihadl wten a gasoline teve capiodeti a fewi tht- recelpt et your telegram. j virre',sfultvrarri;'d 1h- tlitout, mliv tutj;t as lue olpieur;tlît rend ils 1 i onfor itwer ratea.Tht-n by pire- koesled thet-utare (iftf be.rsalotiat rea ott- rne at-be atrmed s- h eor Tht- ome et-na1 r nes amof tise opinion tiat tht- board 'redit Is dut-. onf 'irîent., Tht'mayor St once calter,,tntihe inentory tise company teoliniony , ltilî- ili Prt,enpit ait mnte r uh lre vr wmnwremd rsnr ieducation of tise Wau'îegan Scheel On tht- farnoti, ioor al inI, ninisoe itaee n hw nvsotr xc muto i the- quo asrranitc, htarng ,hi, 1) smtai tht-idefinile reports 10 thîs a1tT-" C'( ock Friday nrorning visen the dsrc a h oe aPPtaO-adtfycope wn n wyjCthn h etr he atrtrr annga oprdt h net be hi-Id luit tlagi, tii-nt Wet-îtestlay .tt lisher' aifllt-er andrnitler. I rem, Chier of the Norths Chicago po- t.irlniendt-nt ai a salar'r of 9$ton pt-r tbthe ntoxicating rhytttnîo fiirnimhed alîd thiraile voîtld carry outishe ment morine Inthi. lr, pite.lu- lashir sn "ra .tarie Fabe, nd 8islice. ANir. L.ux, rt-ad officers ta thse ear. andtiatoprovide further that uhe by tise orchestra. reîjîîet of the oman -ho sînce maltk-__________ an affidavit igîted hlity ily 'erk istle IntuShaveliiIbouse and aized tise occupants after stiperiniendent abli art as supervls A'. fine o'clock the grand nrarch itlgigfhad tsassed mnoettrnlty. HIAt AH ETFRW SH James larelilits viticistales tial 'ir, llurttberg's Siter, liattlie IRoe.forcinig bts vay Imb lise bouse. Many or or ait grade vork at a salary of vas iselt. This vas led hy Chartes arcordingta will Insesdilaté and, IfATCH ET FR W SH niten lie rs'ceiv-d ttii- bag contamningals i.,Iues lt t iait ity. "omplaints hart- Ieen todged agaanst $2.300OOa year. Very ofien tht- super- Alden. president of the' junior clas, îrcesary. as clty forester. take tht- tise ballots front tht- second Precinct As A.Ir. Fishrer and Ir.llIimtttrg the place anti it remntaetifor th@ Iftendent of tise district scislOtsaisantiMiassIrene Schsuman. Tbey veret- ret-,dos-n or hase tisent repatred if Waukegan. May 15. be found a large baie- %li acrosa tise are cousitrs. their roncere Ins ta d' fesni- t-ief ta taike theise itial step prncipal of tise higb sscisool.assisted by teousard Hull andi BeBsae Posstible. Todav vas luvenile court day In top of lise bailliHarry ltngs. ont- of reetedta trthet- wo fantilles»the- PIsi- whicb closed It sumntmarily. Anet. I arn aiseo0f tise-opinion fibat tise Schneider, vice president of tbe Thus vastht-mîust unusual case of Wautegan anti a number of cases tise etection jutigeslusnte second pre- ers sudtlthe RIoses.. States Attorney Rupyard appeareti board of educatton nia!ytltrta prIn- junior rtass. Melville Nordltng, pires!- the- kin taihl iras t-ltr conte to no- viers talten tip luCouuty court bt-fore crinrt and lite officiai]vto btid lire bal- SMr. lFisher ar once-îatited his fai for the stale. pllai cf a ward schoal to be designat- tii-t of thse senior clats, and Estiser lit-t in tht-City. Tise exact statua of Judge Persoa. In snie case. con- lots I io1cutodY fram lise inte tht-y ily to ste if i- rouiti net cet tnfora5. In thi- plaai thtie tinte.occupyinc Pd as sucis principal. Titisia the Kennedy ansd Warren Siver andi tht-letter ismcoretknown, tisat ta, bowtinuances vers taker until a ater t-rt- r'oucli-d up ta tht- ime tht-y veret- ton as ta visether they are amouig 19roonts of lise bouse vt're itfranaval ustuel tille of tise Persan placedIn Gladys Ward, vice prealdent of the- Il bapptced tereacis tise Mayor In date anti in snie cases tise cisiltren lurnit ont-r to the City clerk. declar.'s tht- 40o 1prisont-r. or wvîtIretht- rity station beys. Tht-y alitavers matie cisarge of a partlcular scisool. senior claa. Tise marcis vas very 8 helated manner as lt i, ta un- vere ordered sent taInsatitutions. fiial the ballots were In bis bouse aili rt-al bas bt-tn hurneti as ls onse rre-.îrisoners but, on their promise to tes- Tise presîdent ofthtie board of edn- pretty. aî'countable unieas It vas tisat Tisay- Tis paret-stao! Tony Wyneb, Jfr., the ime andtIat hbe seîut knov tort Tise inahitity in cet anavers tify toevisat teolrplace In tise bouse. cation may rt-fuse, for suftlctt-n cause. Ont- o!tise pretiy teatures eoftthe t-r. afrer vrirIng It, laid lit vil pt-r- vers resent In court this Mornlisg boni tht- bag iecame élit. The inter- tu sut-h Inquiries vben iuade- bv tht-y vert- pronîisedliberty.. Accord. ta sien an order Issueti for any pur. eveinng vas tise beautifut gawns sonal effeets. carried lt isome vitb but tise ycungster binself vho faces -nre' ls gven Ihat solne.'ont- muetaltiers calîseti bimeta hettaIs irut, in tngty, viseu on Fitiay tvenicg btfors POse. vflrf by tise yousg van. Tise large hII vhen he left tise ospital anti a charge of being delinquent, vas net have filipped Inmb bis bouse anti pas- tht-Impatiale, hi- is gretly vorrieti Justice Neisaus. iisey tld of ait tisai If tht-contract htavisicis you relier bouquets of former years vers ah- laIt-c. wbi- lte pasiied avay, bis rt-ta- Pregent.Tise case bleatu tahb continu- sihly thave tampered vitis tht- ballots. oaî'r bis relatives' saft-ty. bappeused asud thevonten tht-n pleati i tnvalti, for aov rt-aous, or tise sent, ltbere being but tht- smalier cor- lives malistIil, seeing tsatItt vas ed &gain- An attacisment vas ianued aitisoîîgbMr. iRangs doese t know Run Bg rimoes iere.. cd guiity tise boys vers reieased Tise order, tf paid. shoutd rentier tise prei-sags bauquets. aîidreased to tbe person Tisaver liit for the boy rsturnable forthvith muid wben this rouit bave bat-n dans .. lliunberg, when a3ked abouît audce Imposeti the fine anti tise vont-dent ptrsonally lhable.lise han a tegai Pritcbard's orchestra sicis for- cended it for. it se said tise parents of tise boy wJii Johtn Doyle. lise presitiing ileeîonth ie matr, staledtitaar he hai rît tre-n, beicg unabîs ta psy Ithadta go rigta ~10refuse ta suan sucis order. nisisa tiese~ic Oltishe t-vente lîveti ho.orteredti tapratuce binaas if la jutige or!flthttirti precrinct, has signeti ceived any word front bis sister tle- to ail for 40 tisys. Sincerets' youre, rpift teir reputation as the bt-at or- kosweeh n an affidavit tiai tht- sena on lise bag y tut, that, serre tinte ago hair ati Carnietin Wlieel Chair. Pý G. BLIRl, chestra Ine lis part oftie out1 UNI TED STATESi<oebebia!tsna ett of ballots vinn it vaas ttrned over I1i a lteter from ht-r. In lit ahe satd Ibat 'The l)uffy vomn, vio, iltai sait, Superintendent. Witi tise fine music those present Tecs fGro aln a tise cita clerk s'as noltishe saine as lit- their bot-t business of larte bai bt-en doeat't live vils bt-r husisanti, vsits ouldn't heip but etner Into the dance IS TO TE T DEADLYTise.cae o!GadonBatngboy hlmsëlf affixd Il, he natral Iner feeiagtioruetily1hat ay dan.s He TsTEtise boy bita-i afxei tth-naurl -efrberi-r that est-r before, tus fact, tisa' carrit-tiouI of tht-buse by thi- Nortish C if eîtgsryot ta h acscb*rgt-ti itis la vitg stalen a bicycle. '-nce bt-igte ta tise f rat SetSi as tht-y acre "making ntoney fast,". Tise 'hicago police in ht-r vissl chair PAJITOi PASSES rould flot be longer. Even tisose In I E ETiselcase vas cautinued hecause tise irolten. lisebag 0f halbIs opened andi latest word, howv-er, tri t ehatadSiehd aue i n tiseaot h aleycol adl tOan rot anti H R oyatntytIncsod lhog h ane-eatscd nte a. my havt- bei-nburned naturaity tise North (Chicago station 19-iay ail OKU AL ingt-e yugpt-oplnte he fi r___ _police are maklusg an effort ta locale ('omrnitrssocer lrit-pointaout thtIIcauset ihluncit-satarm anti sorry bhs day and Priday ntabt. Thiss orni1ng TisUHOR E LTe wsather did flot permit much 1lt.gutiiiitg nrîta vetk a st-rit-s ofisini. lie ctolti îot be chargedti saili aing cause of thet act tisat the isotel ntay the police ibartl t-îep tht- wattmnon 1I~D JI5N T R f thrt- Joy riding after tise dance ausd texausive t-xierimt-ntt lbe con- Tht-case of George Drusa anti the tanrpered vîtis the ballots becaast- if bave burnietIn 0case tht- towi vas a car In bt-r chair and, viser.tht-v O f lhIiIGNA UR ihose whm.,. za nd wnta nv di.. li .-dai For., .t eridan und the twe hoys wiso canfessedti t aving --hr ...s thi. rash.t-sasltic-0,11 en fi 5 SA ré Ulis MUAL were esurcd lESTI tord thé LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIbAY, MAY 'Pu ". .0---

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