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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1915, p. 15

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LARECOfNTV N1WPWNIT~'NT I~îItv sI V -. til' ~Page 5evene' -Iý ror thai blocdure tealbe taken lu caua thée lty engineer bas established the ot au lection content such as US g trades for the sidewalk atrit he laits ~D One which 00w confronte the ety but said be thought it would biea An emergency clause was attached no god tbing to look Into the matter of t ~that the measure goea into effect lm- a Jease befor. any definite action tg tsadlately. The ordinance outlues toton. E T every wtep te lbelatokn. Steve .Bedrunas submltted a petl- 1 The foliowing course of procedure tien that the City refund to him $1.001, Seven BIdê,W reRo la given: whlch hehiadt advanced for a saon ss ot eoived- Ton days are allowed the reapond- licene No action was taken upon the Concl the~ ont after hie has reelved the notice mtter as Commîsaloner Powell de. onlessotild of the filng of the pétition ln wblch slred tirne to look Into the case. ta mnove te dîsmîisa the ptition for In- An adjournment finaily was takeBs PASS ELEOTI' *fIANCE siuMlclencY or te answer tt. If the ta Tuesday nlgbt, June 1, te Monda> motIn t dislasla ilovd, hatpreceding being Nlemori-.1 day. disposes of thte matter. If fitla over- _____ AUl Bids for Chionine Plant Re- ruled, howevér, the respondent must Iected-Other Work of the onwr the charges. The ruie TWpro-O * CtCo oi.vides thât no définit cau ha talten TW Vrj'- RÇ againat the respondent wilie the mqn WOK FCONCL dnta dismias. la pendlng undiaposeil O AV L L D 1.Sia cîv~fo te ontrctnof. Upon thse respondent'sa aswering, F R N V L4 I Of culvert on *utrick et lu thrtinmae ofaieotta ttan8er SATUR'l'Y=SUNDÀY 2.-Aicount ptItIon ofAobt CnlyI te. lltetecot.icl la ralved and plîced on file.. 1 the requent of cîther party shall dx_____ 8-Reject bide for il4uld chiorine the tilne and place and before whons The naval etatlons basehail team Plant and wlll r-dvïrtite. the Proofs saui e taken. The con- traveied te Kanosha Saturday %~fier- 4.--Couneil Psez. raioution pîacîng (testant bas ten days more If granted nDoon and oPened up the bargain day wate rabis t to pecent. 1 by the councîl ta put In bls proof, and by taking the Simmons Manufactur. waterrebat at tn pa the respondent bas ten days more Ifn apn emcaposo h .-Pais1 an ordlnanre providing for hie time ls extainded after the actual IF'atompy ea , h,icamp anofte the procedure ln elacion contesta.FcOYlau,194 nocm n $.-Four cernent sidewalk ordinances filing of proofs by the contestant in deteatlng them, 8 to 4. are passed. ; w hich te take and file is proorg. Manager Hlggins, the peerleas pilot, 7--CitY accepta un sagemmnt from E. When Ibhs proofs are al I they muetsetFynth aio'spbl r- J. 4L E. for Sand troat et bsin.e laid bafore the councîl by the city sn lntesain ptalat lerk and tbe couneil shail act lu the' lot, who held the Racine Cubs 10 three S.-Listen to an sapaai from samuel b its, to the maunti agalnst the' man.- Schwarft In petkovsak matter. ne capaclty as a court in paslng uftuehodn tem seuti upon the question. and ln passing onusefatal shld ning, hen hoe ilei The ity council on Monday niglit i hhiegvreib h ai ue the bases by the four hall route 1n~ opnet i bde fur thea construction o of la-w vhtch controilnb election con. aIs as"'U nihr crigoe s litIe concrete culvert on Butrickitantns t cll out o ecr.thislscausing Pilot Higgins, who vas Street Just South of Washington street JIntise form 0f tamdvts 0of maesi aetigte gerrckanros heunyieth, and near the West schooi. The pro. te frio . dvtso eoi-n POsaI callerd for 200 cubic yard* of I te od le i the v-teestar southpaw, vbo frid the cen- eXcavation, 85 Yards of concrete anmii dence ba enli eoi hmte1ter garden for the afternoon, was 5618 pounds o1 reinforclng steel. fi ebes habecn l vefo them tise sent ta the rescue. Poshepny, us!ng Tise bids vere aubmltled as o- em rsf the onclhetepv-Its soke-ball for tise remainder of havi: or te decide iust vhat course shoulti -tbgaeaifoinnfcehmai Nichoan M.lzer-1,17g11. le ta\ýen. If they consister the evi- egie a oàlmnfc i n Nlc sol s t ae-41r76- ail four bit the atm oophere, tie Ca- Olaf Jorgenson-81,300.09. dence la strong euough wîthout r-tien seing away vith the bacon, be- JamesIl. Neleon4l,55si - couritthey msy so decide, In factf.foeacodf20. JaMonIL Nilson-41,55.8i. hoir uiesretionary :owers sce veryfr rwdo 00 Peter Criteansen-81.lsî.22. sreat. This ordinance viii gover the The leatures vere the heavy h!tt;n 8bocieraudhJsrow-907gs. recount lu the O,-vis case,.of the men o warsmen. vhO used i er Wauega Iprveen11 Bdeaî93dnac. guns to a gooti atvantage. polltng sev- Waukgan ImPoveent Co. idealkOrdnanes. eral long drives fe rthe afternoon, and 1939.72, An ordinance for a cernent sidewalk ts n-at ac tWsm iesa Thege figures show that the Wau- bttn po làsubsieo Oadtîon's miget shortstop, wbo rais for kegan ImProvement campany, btter avenue. t'tsOn motion it vas pasaëd. 45 feet tu oop a Texas beaguer. The known as tisefI)rm of X4cCugo ati An ordinance for a cernent atdewslk manufacturers useti three pitcher>. Mora, surnited selovat bDti abuttUng upon tise nortb aide of Eightit Myers, the tefit bander. vba sta-teti Mora, sbmitedthelowst id.tha sîereet vas reond and open motion for tise manufacturera, vas givesi the bld belng but Ilttle lover, bovaver. vas passesi. hokftrhelsInigswowa bantha sbsnttd b Mokir ari An ordinance fur a cernent aiewalit then relieveti by Holzman, who pitch-i h)arrow, another Waukegan concern. a buttIng lapon the eouth sidt of Wash- eti fairly gooti hall until tise Sftis The bîie vere paced! on file anti r>- ington treet vas resdt anti upen me- vben the station opened up anti Hlr- ferredte btise ciiy engineer for tait- 'lion vas passeti. man vas driven off the rubiter -md re" Cqmmsionedfr pbietm In wsein An ordinance for a cernent sldevalk hIeved by Murray. CýQmissiner ieteyerwas ellabutting upon the sautb, aide of (Sien plesed wih lise propoaals. Haesauti okaeu a rn n pnm- Score b>y inninge: ho badl figuredthe tiecty vouiti have tion vas passeti. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-R.H.E. ta pay luliste ueighborboodj of S81,2o(j Post cari!. vere sent te ail *>sp- ISimmons Co. ..() 1) 1012 0--4 5 4 for the cuivert, erty ovners Informing tisen the Naval Station ..3 1 1 1 2 0 0-8 12 Il Conmdly'a Patition. statue of thse situation and stating -SummsrY: Lef t on bases, Sions The pelition submlttted by Robert that If tisere were any complaite s iis Cea,.-5; naval station, 6; Home mon B. Conoily ln vhsîcisho asked for a e- vas the proper ie. No answers Dixon. Three base bIts, Marsball, count or the balots cent for commis- vere received. Hooton, Tvo base itse, Poshepny f2). stoner et tise eleetion on Apri 20, -Cty Accepte Easan.nt. Sîrengle, 3Montée and Wasem. Sacri- hie ontntin bingtha ho ar!re- TheElgn, olie an Eater Ral-fice its, Boyce. Dunbar. Stolen bases, bis ontntin blngtist h ha re Tie EgînJout sd Eslen Ril-Montee, Sprengie (2), James. Smitis. ca'lveti more votes titan Commlseioner road submilîed an essement for tire Bases on balle, off Myers. 2; Hoîrman, E. V. Orvis vas presenter! anti ýàs tract of landi donaled ta tise city for 1; Murry 2; off Flynn ,6. Struck out. Piaceti on file. Membars of tise com- the purpose of extending Sandi treet. V hMyers, 1; Hozman 2; Miurray, 1; mission have iooked Inte It and dis- This eazement vas submitted a few by Flynn, 3; by Poshepny, 4. Hit cussIOn vas net neceasary. Wben tise veeks ago bht e t that rime the City by pitcee hail, by Murray, Sprengle, motter of piacing lt on file vas put visiset some changes teolie made. Thse Umpîres, Gteiy and Kearns, Tirne: te a vote Commissboner Orvîs asketi document vas sent back to the seada 2:05. Scorer, Cieisluk. Attendancf, te bie excuseti fromn iiting. of thse company vitere these changes20. Reject Chlerin Bilde. vere matie. Tise easement as taken Tise ileaching Gas conpany of Ne up hy tht' council Monday nîgist met ALSO DEP'EAT WEST ENDS. Yor<i. submltteri a bld of $1,085 for vls alproval andth ie Ma-yor vas att- O udyatron ttesa Instalilng a Ilquid chiortne plant in torizetiLua execute tise contract. Tht' tion bail park, tht' strang West Ends Wauiga. Titis vau in accortiance alroati company matie certain pro- o eohwohl h otm vitb spécifications prepareti by thte vision ln vbicis iiey refused to lie hetti Wisconsin semi-professional cha1n- î-ty engîneer, Wallace anti Tiernan, liable for any accident that in iglit pioneisip, 1914, littet up against tise aiseof oN7ew York. sent a lettpr ln' kappen on the' sîreet afier il lu used Navy anti vert' adininistemeti a sisut, vhlcis they saidti iey Isait been ai - by -tht' cty for street purposes. out, 7 te 0. Prieti of tht' matter se late tisat tbey Schwartz Complains. A large crowti turneti out ta see hatd net baillime ta prepare a litît. Samuel Schwvartz atidresrret tite the' boys itatie for basebal ssprem- Théy assuredth ie' concil tisat If gi-en council vitit regard to the' Issuan-e acy sud the' stations tean i dspiayed tiffie they wotilti sbmnit a bld tiret of a salos license tatetFrank Petkov- errorlesa bail. wouitilbe perfectly agrouable anti sek. lie saiti Petkovsek bas lisait a Manager -iggins sent Poshepny, pofisieti ouf tisat <bey have instailei saloon icense for tise last nine years tise toumrtintt, to tihe-rîthier, wisoliait these outits ln cilles ail river tiso anti fie feels tisat hie is entîtiedte tante the cisarm's eating onît of is bondi, cosntry. nov, and he asked the councîî 10 andi dispiaying a fine assortment of Commlsstoner Orvls saidtirtet since grant 'hi, He saiti that If the council curves snd tht' smi-.ke-isai vas vemy thé specI fica tIîons have basa reparedtird net grant a icensa te Petknvsek usscis ln évidence as fourteen of the that Paul Hansen of the 8tate Watar that le vouiti assiat the commission viitors fanneti the atmosphere. Nono Sfr-vey, has given hlmn some'suggest- ta se cure evidence lu the forme of ai- o! the visiturs rechéri titfrd base Itidi vbich hie vouif llis e taé5eln- fidavîts to show that some of the men until tht' seventh Innlng. Poshepnjy ctporated lu tise plans- For that vho vere given licensà vers fnot en- heldth ie chamups te one lonely bit, eson fie movedtireht the blidi ha e- tltled ta tbem bacause tbey vere not wbIch was made off is delivery lu" jacteti and that the cily engneer ise ln business at the t1Ina tise saloon te elgbtb Inning by Gateveati, inaerucie tu t prepare nev spéciica- regulation vas passed. Pollard .the bean Vole soutbpav, <litas ansd plans anti re-ativertîse for Tise statement *an madie that Pet- who twirleti for the vîsitors, pitcheti bide. Tiis action wa& decideti upon. kovsek bas taiton the Îmatter Up vîtis fine bail, displaying wouderful con- Tiie Watsr Robots. the mayor anti Commilouer Powell trot anti having a fine assartmnent of A redolutlon *as ili5èented, drzing ibut tisat tbey haveidedbinedtet IssueJ curves. but vas very unsteady vitb tise vater rate for this year et tets ,the license. Schwartz vauteil ta men on bases, having severai ilid per ceift. the samne as t bas been for i înaw If lt vas posaithe fWt 1 con- beaves ta the grantistanti marked geverah years past. A vote vas taken Iliassa vitole to vote on the matter, agaiuet bis crédit. ad the resoiution va. adopteti bysal Comuissioner Orvîs ouidliho vas In tise sixth inning, Posbepny anti tour to one vote, the mayor casting not ln favcsr of the preant samoon or- Montee workedth ie double steel, the the diksenting vote. ThI6 vas bie- dinance bécarrse tt delegatai excîtis- dret one tiret bas been pulieti off thîs cause ilayor Pearce vas of the oetn 1 ive power tO tva ment te issueI-. year aithtie station pari, anti vas lmw that a hîgiser rebAta sisoulti ha cennes. He saîi that b. for one voult i tghly applautiet by te spectators. glven., -Ha tbougbt tiraitventy par haie n laver of mýdiflt3ng the ordîn- Score by Inntaga: cent - osùlt &bout rlght. suce go titat tise matter of laanlng or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-R.I'.E. At the hst coundil meeting the reve9ing a lilense would ho Up te thse West Entis O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0-O i 2 motter vas diecussei at consîiéralie concîl as a wbole. No action vas Naval S. . .2 i 2 0 O O 1 2 X-7 7 0 >fpatoh Our :----Wateh Our wJnd.Windows fer rai fer srai Rargalas hraa AGreêt Sale For Tomorrow 9c-19c29c-39c-49c-59c..69c..79c-89c and 99c' Items Women'a Hose -fBac-k, jiiîk, and i llî-I fl 25(- VaIlîe ......... ... c7 Ladies' Vests Kiîit: lîigh îeî-k, Imlo Siiu-ves î'egulaî- 251l- i n lies' at . .. .. ..19 Ladies' Pants - Ni ( - anîd atîkie lî'îidli Ar, 25e--vaite ....... 19,. Misses' Doot Sîlk Hase -Blac-k o'it 9 50e -values. 29 Buck Towels-Iiisi -121 ',,e valueis onii l sait' at.....9 Umbrelas-&lîsî ailles -piai'i<lon.sali-79 Table Iinen - Ieavý TowelinDg 17 itîciu m'ide. iîie-îî rash; speeial :it, Yard ... 9 Toweling -R'id -lee-k glass tîîweing, a G French Gi2q~m (l>îi of îiîr 2aé19 Ladies' Hose-Tdîî <>uiv neC. it ............. 9 Children 's Éose-111.1i, îîiîk and îde h ui' nr 15< iîj-.;i ..19C iPepperail Sheets -81 .Sact......59.c Sheets E xtra gîoîl iiitisl;t tj.~- \al-39 Cretonnes ' F i g u i-id (-r('fOlIIIc; cornes in a vaî-iety id f <olors; 9 39e vaiîie. ut, yd.,29 Orystal Silk - Sevet-al colors: .50e< value,'29 var(l.......... 9 New Cloth-Tan, antd oid rosi-:25v val- nue, yard-....ý9 Sunfast Cloth - Daic iç'gîilaî- . <)vval- 6ý lies foi .. .. .. Voiles F anîi d .d olAr 25<e 1îlq Yard .......... Dresa Shields-l\llhn vt'ît's; .<-)O valitii, 9 at------...... 39 Ribbon -- 43î itîu-iîîs w he (5et gi*2<Ie 2 9 c Palmolive Cream-. i( jai- k jil i n l"39c at . . .. . . .. . Hair Brushes-iî tles set ai îijini 9 50ei valtue ........39 Peroxide---iegiîa i.i 2c bottli', on11sait 19 at ........... 9 Kid Gloves-(',tl).o îîes, o1 it'leat,. .799 Dust capsiglit anîd lai-k etlors, two f foi------------ ... 9 Ladies' Slippers An (Ad lot, this sale gl Children 's Night Gowms priîîed at....19 Oidren 's Drawers - Mîîslin; SIZ('5to 19C (; *-) valuîe. .. Corset Covers -speeial for- tlis saleoi' iîv at------------ .29c House Dresses--Reg- uai- 1.0)valîtes,79 Coat and Suit Bargal"ins 22.50 Coats and S uits . . .. . .. . .. . . 15,099 25.00 Coats and 19 SURtS......... 8 9 20.00 Coats and 149 SURtS ...........l . 15.00 Coats and 119 12.95 Coats and S uifs .... ... .. .. 10.95 Coats and S uifs .. .. ... .. .. 8099 6,o99 Boys' Blouses- Regular I Children's Slippers - .A0. vailles, 1o39c riedfoi. tis sale at ...... 9 aea f .. 9 Waists 1--t iti tiu s l f49 c -jhildren's Dresses- X'îii lIîii lt49c Children's Dresses-1. p cial t . . . . Women's Petticoats - Mlls1in; $25to89c $1 .49 values ... Women's Drawers Ilî's,a . Women's Night Gowns Fle"i' iiisliîi ý"il 99C ilis tii$ s) Waists- Valu s fî ni it............ 9 Shoe Polish Af 9c pu>î boîx orî hîttl,9 Infants, Shoes 19 S oft siles ... ...-9 Winter Underwear- Voîur roi- ie ofaîv$ .( gaI-Ilillts at ti Saleî fori.........99C Ladies' Oxfords-Lot No. 1. 79v; lot No- .............-.2)c Ladies' Shoes- 9 Odî liot lt Infants' Slippers -For ptei>'al, piedÉ ....t... 3yc Children's Sho"a79c OÔn sale at ..... Children 's Shoes -Titis sale...59 Playing Carda - ;5< N devki; speial. it 29c Rajah Drapery Slk- Fou' ovi tdi'apes5 79(- value ......-59 Crétonnles - Figutedl cornes in al col- f, ors -, 29e values. .. ,.19 Heily Batiste-l-i s al ute, on sale ;tt, p>er 9c yar-d......... Ma d ra s - Figîîred, Bargain Table of Cre. tonnes, Madras, Suiss, Scrims-Regulir 121/,e ti') ha. ata yd., 49c Silk Crepe-Tkiii and Copeîîbageni; 7x 10 -alio,at, yard .. 4 ternit, 5W vl.y MW& LAKE WUINT.YINDEPZNDFNT. HUI)AV- Bla.nkets-Gî-ay blaîîk- ets; doulî- le, .8-)(159C valuîe, foi ... Pictures-Regîî lartI u aînd 18(- pie-tures; 9 at ........ ... Water BottIes-(tIlas.s watpr hotties; 151- valiie; se9alat Cups and 8aucrs-,A speeial lot of elil)5ani saueeî-s; very spe- l <-l this sale, eaeh, 7 Granite Coffee Pots - Regular 15e value, 9 at ........... Mop Sticks-Spe- d cial this sale at...Y Glass Vases-Regulat 25e and 35e val.,1 l special titis sale,19 Fish Globes- 1 gallon size; î-egîîlar 35e j19C value ....... Toilet Paper-Regular 5e pet' roll; this 19C sale, 6 for-------... Vases-Reguilarly sold for 45v; speeial29 titis sale at .. Glas Water Pitchers- TwNo-qitai-t size;29 50e values for -..-29 Fancy Crepe Napkins- Reul 0 e val- e29c

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