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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1915, p. 7

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__________Page Seveib Wauea e*t VOTE WAS TAKEN JOHN SWANBROUGÉI EXPECT 10,000 TO ON TH1E OFFER 0f IS TO BE MARSIIAL ATTEND VIKINGiS' CONTRACTOR ASSN.' ON MEMORIAL DAY CONVENTION IIERE OnIy One Votes to Accept - Rev. John Herbert Edwards of Bggest Convention in History Waukegan Carpenters Tell Lake Forest WiII Deliver the of the City WiiI Be HeId Reason for Opposition. Memorial Day Address. Here inAugust. With but ont, dissenting vote. tht John Swaîîhrough. 'aho has acerd In Tbe 'lîîtit(Ic-ndeitT Ord,'r of Viking; inembers of the ('arpenter&' union 0f:li'e (ap~aCiy of otarehal of the.-M enor of Xîia have a rran ged a îict 1lake For et mt Wl th the Waukeigan1* a uno nThur8day night In the local la] day iparadestfihai have belie t eii it'Tf Tti i t iitir-,for the- n'xi hall anti voted to reJect the offer Bute NWauitgani for tiree ast frw ypars. tas datsh tî1hTTh- mlte4 liv the contractors ta accept bren glv.-n tire Ionor again ti isa yrar are - t irîttîh on the tîaît. a two anda hait cent ralse for the and w.ill have charge of the pîarade F'ttiiowirtg arerne-tor f ileti Tilg.s last elghteen motief a three year tlt-v bave arrangrd- aweement. The vote. was 237 aganst lier, next Monday. lT acepting the offer and One vote In The Ilemorial day plana havlte , -ii -]irTo tti favor If Ri bee~~lt-tn completed lua detail, but the olid ig'odpol' oea ;re Because h e Foresttand Watt -,'noldierrawhoae eeving vallant sup- nx ody kegan Iocmis are go close tgeho tare reAtceillttt-T b- i was derided] t hoid but one Plection. port from the Women's Relirf Corps, , tl:r-rctri n.tt. 7i That te men understood the propo- tire fauglters uoftire G. A. R and titiire a pt-ori a i b.- gunet- mtion very ciearly. having gone mbt SpatilslitAmerican War \'ett-rans, ateatorn îi igin Iftihoroughlyliseforehand, -as Indicat- ttift)-h nhgileo b, Pd hy the tact that there a-as no dis- i orkitlig onît the details. Tittîti Tht-dî-ottt itt ti.ist lai. t'fission on Th'irsday night when il Tiie- tbserv.ance of %Memorial day tttd a tway oit, 4,i r _%gjý (oaminie bto ait, a vote, The Nvote IliîWaukrgan iie year aib.e about a otrîtt t nî a-as no surptrise bet-ause the mmerlTt te a iiprlosvar - 7.t- u. t lt-tiat'lti-no biad îredicied that tirt t, wîttld lhe t-tîttîîiT t-e 0fttîîî sodîrna aitleht- iinatiremouaIn tieiret taI i-lis 1,t-tg taitif.--, ors le attaoiuteil - tofair," on.- of the titi',îîîrnlîg and talîl plat.- lotars r]t d a ,i,-e\ ilg,<tii îi,,îi ioitt- older rnirti bers r-ttthe Watt ý.gan Io- Ih rso ledprelsl e,1 (' ,al derarri l - lt.outd iti akeit l ; ,, Tii- i l i Iilr téecessary for a nmariticw ant-, îoý paradetill iifarItariy lit tlt. Mti a bitre a <artentr Io titi soth irî,tgh aa fttitllttl i taill i-'h. ofî' t il. ,gal on ýo ý1ý i] b ýontra(Ior an he ut-at sttiSote îtt- g, antihFt Wit-,, il',h.l lie y,ttttget- tilt-o S iat w'a' tti h, ritd- tî llttts t tI i t,to al îteotplet-ar.- -rd T, frtt Mitti .-ai aiieat 1d men do theitr.-lias bt-rîta uiove- 1 ff, to loT.frnt.th affai A co ment on foot tttr a ilong int.- among 11il aiitttation ' \î tI o ti-e te contractorsft) w,-et Outfleiteoder liattgitttrsIf Tt i,» l ,andtttit pubtiicIo aitTrnd. members antI gîte a-on on]v- ta the Spatilsit War A rtîraîta alsotilltin i Tii,- anial ii, ît-whith s t , i vti ngpr men. Tht-y leel t hat they' tht- int otf nta rt- slt It Js-t iie Thar î -îaiF î i t i îtittr2 t-an drive titi-m more tand grt more t-ti'sta Ilm iait ia. gA il aira tiFl etî rit artti o inr -i17 a-ont outtf I li-m. Whait art- the- tld-<fbrni:na asbttr r.Iarngm tshleo vren tr memijers itdo If thry trilîîo a-ont itt.-ilrtt-itt ' tbeerîî iOieliî ttmadeIt- lu jtdiîl il1its itt- Ic-il a-e ranI d(lie'to git t-tt oftilrir il- b Aianttdtai] ri-t-t- thr pa le it'tkling-,hat- gtt i bt"ii.-a-,t 1Iftglasait] thfi -qn)îtaihy for somneal, l1^tir uli opees:'ýemi of the aid. r ntenliP.rg lu 'a-at lam A M ltth lofît t in iftt fltarî itttnIrî-aeper T Tere 'aili lie gamPt iausIng th.- 300ngrr îitineitrrs vte . 1r ' t iit'andtti 'lt-rs îttmonmrnt anoi'racrtes f ail kittds wîtk ti agaiflat the offer. il Il,. t-urT tttî'qu4tar-î'ta iI t- det' tirutîose aho v. tt,1'. One oft1he . Weu lnot gte ioifif Iîta a!] n and t iti tle Mt aiIl- a eshort st,,-îatîrt's 0f the. aflernetons Irogrant sumner., another imember- drrlared. l h ai We manlaged ta gel aioîîg through tt Itl tt leinoriral tiay lrogr-ain aillic a îug ut war tlit ahi'h a tearn the wa-intr wilhoîîî aont andi 1 guesuta iii tiMi ,ke i t'titnt.-dîatî'it ftrtar-tl onpiosetd otrVikinigs wiil pull against -et-an manage to go thr-ough ihe In hatert, C Arotory on Counly street a trant coiltîoted of carpenter-t. .'nmmer- They ranI t eal us mb n li t-t,,îtît illt'rtert i-iîaarii-. Iastoir fItf titI tht- greatrat înterrit tla hiem' a lb iheir factice.it"Fî The expression of t arpentera In tie Ei-ttîal rhtri-h ai Laite Forest. rtprrssrd bIn thehbg contvrntiona v.hic h WstiitePgan seemta tu ha Ihat thry 'amii] ilii.-r titi-pricipialaddrrss îtf la tu i.- heid ut-r.- uon 'ugnat 7 a-ouid ralier go back ta work under tre atternriio Ther.- 'ail bcr cl s-Dril and intiation t-anis of e.rv thp oid agreement thraitund.-r the- ttiltttry ltatires t0 tite progratit, -uri At dilg iodge in thr ntal, wii hb- rira- agreement evrn wlh the prom- ,e i.-di 2", cent rais,. t .adiiig the t-o thet'- il air(a?. i t . TII ogether wtth hundreds of Peace Efforts beiayed. Pa imi, icitati o-t otiier niemitýrs That lite titotsanti The efforts la bring about pesce peoletiti laii attenti ls a conserratit- have ceased unit] nexî Monday, 1-s 11vihat fimie the Carpenleras Dis- CIEIHI SEtte, tîtemiiers if the ilocal or-dem trtt't Councrl i v.iiihave receiveti and SLEUT I S ARCi.II te lare alnd lbrv 1.el cont inccd te ah uiated the local unions' simost nDE LIiLnî îîîrr -ilb, nearerrten thousand. inanimou a otelu refuse th e conZ I ~ ~There 'aill iei.-a big Ftreet parade on tracture' otter or a working agree- Of - L ES RIER I ie oitcoing day of 1h.- tontvention. mecnt for the nexi lhree, years. An a officielireportbe AR RIVESdI taTOhN Thr" bansof imutsie wyllhe in lin. As-tuTOwages, the contrartor- t aandl_____at it--t tric pars. Pal on the 21/2-cent increatie for hait 'À ral ivils- dectite strmt ota l'liei convetiton lasI lt-ar 'a albit of a three 3.-ar period. The unions8 Saturdavs lie came In search oftilai TfiiýI-fordl and t'anty front W'auke- sSv Tto cents an hour ilm tire- iowest thev t tI onsider. ",aititargMt-i w'it, deser-tun antd gatî at rndrd Itfa-as tiîent iat Wai Deadiock Nol Final. TIl i'it.-tcd flic II-parti- hr sg ilt k. gtttva -t iittetiaïstlb.- eting- Il Ii fei by hth id"s, ho.srî r,Pr. San otf t itng In 1h1tilt All -ifer ilit tor the- conët.-niluibtis t-ar. that the ceiuractors t-vtntuaiiy mas'oan tours tl itwîh the chitefof po- Tite Prtîratt ltas flot vet been Com gralil more and ihal the unions might lr . ritt hth-l ntergtti-e tt rtiatsact . seIn accpîan ffeir of a 2it-cent locreaselieh Pe%9 htblaoth ih eedutIrcnsart eakd for lbe ful perlid lnstead ut the 5-trat k, bt it e h- aIinot (Io anvîhing*to h o--o'0(perate t t-e eteol of d.- cent Increage theY 00w ask. The final wardt. arrrstlng is man unti heebas oraîîng the- fronts uf their stores. The compromise must cone Som eahere had a tal it a-lits bis iet. l.- is not itradouarters M ill b.-in the Biumberî7- betw.een iavtog r,71-',rentsa Ian tour from lune 1, 1915, unili june 1, 1919, sure ils bis man, butlih.-says lb, bas a \'trzrl itaWIf il v l b.- helargest anti paving that amount from Dec. ta-utderfiti Intuiton and itis ant, ln- tontt'nton te itfty rver has bhitianti 191C, tilti Jne 1, 1918 il la helieved ttrilion leIsh-t t ist lhr man and si al] tan at-sist In exti-nding a wetcom- hy many Ihat te ultimate compromn- if mumt bh.- 'rivale Ite'tite's in ig taîd to 1h.- nanv vt stiors 'aho ise a-iI be a wage of 674 cents an Iiîo aoceft bigsOicre hotîr aller June i. 1916. utolaawnefirhg.ilcm. The vote tv local unions Tlîurs- lie canmr t0 luis itv Saturdat' dis- da ng o tepropoed agreemnent, guied, Nol a sou]l cotite l i e hadWLLJ'CANE votng n wic bean onay ighanyting du(o with the slrong armnW L '.C A G waqaa For. Againat uof 1h, iaa v. vn i'ommiaaloner of SW CfN iPO T Locrai No. 4:14------------ 265 PublicIlIeaith and Saly Powell had W T IN PO T Local No. 504--------------.O 452 bis doubtta oit irst st-ing hitu. but LclNo. 521 .--..--......--l 197 after an hour's tait wth the s]eutb O U T N T TO Laite Forest and Wauitegan i 237 T P O T T O Mtembera of Local 504 refusrd ta hec__________,sue iewa ise the prinled ballots provideti for detective. lile had a badge, creden- a secret voie, and each member fiais and a disguise that wouid b, Would Solve Long Question as sto vlu 0ta10ib counted, al deciaring PrOof ta the moat doubîful. t o oRleeCn titit did not need a secret baliot. As lhe lnformed the police that hi. estion of Rffie Con îtext "lait ta this cily would lo,-litî ______of_____ ic Don't 'BawI Out' the Operator aîîotbr diaguise iî a-l lu ie bgîiitg A rumor among the rallroadme if Your Phone ls Somewhat the- cuiPrit any Information la tht- bave il that the E. il. & E. a-lu change Noisy These Days. t(dit disguise la describrd. ita swtching point from Waukegan tit sboes, ta-o sizes tac, large, were t10 Eplon. If your telephone la noisy these solil and heeied ailh rubber. Tirait, î'îon la sonte- tbree miles from t:ays a-ten the sunitslaahioing-it lm hi' explained, le so his cat-like tread Wattkegan and If, according to the aia-ays ahining tbough YOU Cannot a-oî't be heard by the persan or per- rttntor, tite E. J. & E. do"a change lts ee t-and h, noise soumids hike sons le mlght happen ta shadoa-. point for switching it wiil sol'., the there la a thunderstorm golng, don'ttToIt couidn'l have bold bis correct congestion question a-hi-ch bas beau, cail up centrai and baa-i soanebody 81ze, for lie wore a suit about lhree up for sa long regarding the cloing out, Il may be Ihal the reason la limes ton large, nalurally giving part- op of th, railroad crosslng a-hile the seve,)al million miles away. pie the impression Ihat ie a-as a n'a icirng la being done. Scientistesaay that te nolay con-.a-hoie lot bigger In btaiid lan hie Mr. 'Miler, the local station agent. dition on teiephone aires might ha reaily a-as. deniedt Iat hie had heard anythlng of- expected at tîmes during the nexi Hia umbreila, ta let you in on a ficiai about the change, but admitted couple of yeara dur-lng the "maximum secret.,uasn't an umbreila aital. He taI on set-eral occasions hiehail perlod of sunt, pos" Every eleven nocdif l as a travelIng bag. Ifa-as teard aonme tait about Il heta-een the years or so 1he- suit stpots a-ilch are ber-e hlietept hie revolver. handcuffs ralroiad employes. He.- ates that he n reality greal slorms In the gaaea and a dictagraph. Of course, you beUleves il 1a0lbe merely a aIld rumor covering the face of the suni, grow cnuldn't know that It wasnît an um-. anti wtbout base andi foundation and Mors, titan aIothiler imes and ihey hreiia tecause t a-as a regular de- a-i not helleve It untIl he lias heard create a great deai of stalle elec- tectl.ve umnbretia. Even the bandie offIciaily Ihat Ibis aiii actuaily take Iriciîy on th, eartb whicit affecta têe.e- aas made of ruither. place. ;)bane aires andi bas been knoa-n 1a Aller a pr-vtae conference with the The rttmor bas spread through lbh- enllrely iay out Iel.-giaph sylitema. police brada lieieft th.- station prom- different railroad yards and the em- --maiting Il ftnipossibl.- 10 senti mes- iing to retuth l bs wek a-it a de- ployes say il la true. Ssages. iailed description of lbe man yiat a-as Titis la the oniy means of solvi1Bg Thte marier la of inter-est as show-.a-anted. 1h.- congestion question. The streeta, ing thalttere ar-e thinga a-hicb af- The diescripîtion Ibat lbhetietectivo are hiock.-d for long periodsaitaI ledet-n or tteponsericesua oa woid I nn.-Out of every tetu 1 lime Miiten treights are being switch- are far beyond lbhe oontroi of the li-. people in town. The Police are await- et. WhItie the saitchlng la goIng on zens oftheb. eartb, ing bis promltpd return. tiraile mut a-ait. 2. 3. 4. 7. 12. 13. 14. 15. M axwell Wins Test Over 40 Cars Resuit of the great Yale University Sheffield Scientifie School Test. 0f the forty automobiles tested at the famous Sheffield Scientific School laboratory the Maxwell stands first ini economy of Gasoline consumption. )hI M<~~ ~CIMAN IC*L £I rGGDPM E P49 .. ai, CONScC-y Ma&y lot 1915. Thé Mua-ar Notai- Car COMPaiW0 1079 Chapel Street New Haven. Conn. Gentiement - 1 am enelosing report of tant of yoiir Mewell automobile recontly rade la cur -laborator7. I *hould lilce ta add the follewing co=nmntai 1. MELABILIT! OF TEST. à pre1imirary test ras made on AprUl lgth, uzing a tew car whitih vau rather etiff. The showing was no good that v doide4 to make a second test. This vas mde on April 3th, uolng smre car. Oni thie tout, the car shoved louse tiffn.u and the performance vas bitter than on the f irat car. The second test vas eupervim'ed by aur malt oareftil experte. and the -0 l15,I olleve ta b. psrfeotly rellahie. M.ILZLAGE. The effia lency of the Mawel ustou>bile au indlcated b7 the. ambir of ailes on à level road4 la ezoeptionally high. Mils milagi reoord le botter than that cf «W orie of forty automobile@ tested lni oui- laboratory to date. z. hI)TOE ucm The eff laiency of the . to and oarlxretor au indioated by the pound. of ~i- cline uaed par heur per horse-pmer at rear tires, lae ezoeeinely gode and Inii ateu very perfect Carburetor action over the ioe range of ipeel and load. This record liku that ou mileage pur g2lbon, le the bout onu that ve have ha4. Vury truly yçUra, ASIT"PROFESSOamECAçL'ENGIRMING. The table furnished by the Yale Sheffield Scientific School Power anid Fuel test made on high.gear of Maxwell stock Touring Car on compara- tively level roads by Professors E. H. Lockwood and T. Q. Boyer, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University. Nami' of cor Ownicr of car Date of test Weight Of car- wittî driver Wind reaiting ar-ca Rolling reaitancc, declutched, high Rear ratio, direct, measurcd Tires, size, front and r-car Tires, make, U. S. Non-skid Wheel base Cylinders Carburetor Ignition Starter Gasoline spec. grn't'. MAXWELL, 1915 Model "25"5 Biever- Motor Car Co., New Haven Apnil 30th, 1915 2,000 Ibs. 20 sq. ft. 36 Ibs. 3.55 to 1 30 x 3.5 Irmflated to 70 Ibs. 103 inches Four-, 3 5-8 x 4 1-2 K. D. Battery and Simrns Magneto Simms-Huff 0.72 SPEED- DRAWBAR PULL HORSEPOWER FUEL Miles per Hour Pounds At Rear Tires Milea pur Gallon 10.2I 42. 1.2 33.8 19.8 60. 3.2 33.2 30.1 90. 7.2 23.2 40. 132. 14.1 19.3 Corne in and see and ride in one of these Record Bréaking Maxwel Wonder Cars. Full 5-Passenger Touring Car Call, write or telephone, and we will put one of our demonstrating cars at your disposai. BROWN &S MIT Hl. Round Lake, Illinois $695 15 xr LAKE COU'I"ZTY LNDEPENDENT. FRMAY, ýL\Y28.1915. 1%

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