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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1915, p. 8

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LARKE COULNTY INDIEPEN I)ENT1 WAUKEGIAN WEEKLYSUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 36. PART TWO. LIBeRTYVILLE. ILL., FRIDÂY. M IA Y'28,1915. EIGHT PAGES. 81.50 PER YEAIR [N ÂDVAN4CW Results Being Shown Fromn the "uancme tue rr danpirub e Recent Buy-at-Homne Can- on as street, car anîd 1e1g n~iinn n i ~ rrnînsu home, but lis varnfinge e.frila A Commercial association lias lien onganizedlnb (le village of lAIte Zur- ich, 111. Theur finaL meeting was lel Tisursîa>' evening, 'ls>' 20, LIe Pal- atIme 'ommercial association bcbng preslent tu al tîcir oganizalfion. Tise purpose of flils assoûiaLioL is 1u, hep boosL bate Zurtch more andu more, (bltil may lecoine cicr a more HER LOVE FOR A 'COP' LEADS WAUKEGAN GIRL. TO A MILWAUKEE CELL. A Nlilwauik1fýé llegram pîînned ln a Racine huper esys: Miwaukee, NMa>'24.-Neillie BHa- fore o! Waiuegaîs, III , lîkel bbc ap- pearanhe of l'atroimao Bulle so vel slie relurnel to a downtovo corner on Lree different occasions last nigît 10 telliim of lien love for hlm, snd lie arrestel Ici' on Lise fourtI V ist. Se was focld $5, PUPILS PRUPARINi FOR COUNTY CON. TEST ON JUNE 5TH popular summer resont (ban It nov County Supt. of Sohools Writes la nom to Teachers, Explaining the Thle members o! tuuîa commerciali Method of Contest. association ai"e as fuiinu.s; Prcilnt-1. 1). FinIt, A Y AR O O PEE Vicepresileut iSoles Sneteiigen. M NY AEjO PEE Secretar>' -'ari Ernst. easAetoB ie h Treasurer-11 . L Preim M dl ret1eGie h Dinectons-Eml lF'rank, F. 1, Royer, Chiîdren Passing the Best Paul ShallenItamen, Walte'r llagge. Examinations. F. C. Sei,, lermais liciter, E. D._______ flnanding. <'ouni>' Superintendenb of Scisoola Tise organizaLin of Ihia clbisladi-T .thur Simpson la senliog lattons reeti>' lue te the ecehîL ruit Lo va-lIoîle chool leadhers llroughout 1the nious towns of!thie couni>' of 5auke- count>', nooiytng tiscm of tle county gsn business men who urgel business conltesLs whtcli are to e bhld June men of oiber towus In 'geL together, . 001>' fbose viso vene vînnors In toms associations and BOOST FOR Ilie townsilp contents are privlegel YOI)R TOWNN. Tiein vs lit impressed In compele. Sevenal t romn Waukegan the few busineas men ef lAIte Zurich lowoahip are 'o compebe. -ils tle resoît that a meeting vas Tise letter viih explains the man- pisasseld dbell sol nov iLt' ain>'uer lb vicis tise caunt>'contest la under va>'. la ho co,.a.,,. folew Thc count>' contensa yl libe 1101 tir Lnt i..bertyvllle, Satunda>'. June 5t1. Ei~UIP ENT WbegInnlng at lesu 'clocIt, The vIn- TO sera of the tiret antid «Im4placeà BA1TIIY iOES TO 1,,-lte liffenent tovo contesaare elgihle to competo; If elîler of the". ,cannt aLlltonfan>'.yreason, thon 'NORTHI SHORE ASSN*iume tîrce cao enter., These-con Organization Founded at Uni- versity Club WsiI Take Over MilitaryEquipment. R. B. STAVER IS CAPTAIN . News of the Change Has iust Comne Out as a Result of the MusteringiOut Order. Itolrt B. Slavon, formeni>' a lieu- tenant of artiller n>' thLe q Ited St1aes army andI more neceotli>'a capiain of the M'rst Cavai'>' . 1 N. G., vas eleclel cspà1nofothîe pro- posel noitl shore baîter>' yentcnlay sol nov il Io expeetthat IImore of lise deals o!fltheniysterinus organ-i izatons plana yl ès annosee sono. The ligîL of knooiedge came te curions persoos n Wnnet'îa, low- cicr, vîen lb vas leannel thaL 11sf- teyCi" 'of Waukegan, listeble dis- bandel anolis eqiupment. valuel at abut $100000, is to go te he ncv North Shlore baller>'. The cuuipment Inîludes four modernIlre loch rap- l-ýfine guns sod l cgit caissons. .. Keep Actions Secret. 'Tle aclivitles o! the men bal iîeeîs ItepI a secret eerince tise la>' afic, thie ba'ery plan vas startel aI a diouer ai thie University club, Shoriiy aften11e plan vas hisilopon thie prospsecive soliers, ail of vliom are veil knoovo Insociel>' circles aioog lise noth shore, bold Intimale tienîs of visaI the>' proposel lis do. Itls laisthîe fienla smiled. So tise activtlies o fthe proposel norîl sisore baller>' have been carriel quleti>'. Won't Taik of Drills. Repiesenîalives of tise tasiionabie organizationo ad efusel Lts oonirm reportsa tisIie>' wcre drilingIn tise Conva>' bulding and ocrer lad ex- plainel bIc msrchiog lise>'have donc lIn Winnetka, TIc otisei officers of the baller>' ests viiile similan 10 Ihbose of tle towns. In penmansisip exercises wIl le chosen from the finaltvenîy-five li Lise Faustftanuai, vils tle cap- itais andI1ine wrting. The ariLlîmelic vii lecproblems ln quick csiculation, sutbracton, divis- Ion sod multiplication of vIole oum- biers, common aud lecimal fractions. For the spelling the vords viii b" aken from île firsî 140 pages of the Hlunt apeller, Lîene yl l e lotI oral anl written spel'itg. If tîcre in a lie afler the final nords bave been puonouned, lb ma>' le necesarn>' seleet vonla froin anothen boktot Icile. In i'adiog the contestants are 10 clnose nue selection fnom liseir resI- er, the judges vtli choose anoller, .lcîsis viiibceawarded 1te aocu- ceastul con estaLts, Teaclers aolI make an effort tu gel 11cmr pupils tus attend, if île>' lqve been succeatuil in the tovo contesta: aIl canoot vin but lise practice vii le a splendid Ihtng for ailfisc Young people. Coa- tetants shoul vear tise riblons In- licating tisein places, tbey ylielp 10 Identifyt>'tem, Parents and, those Interested In the Young People are mot cordiali>' ,r- vitel te attend. T. A, SIMPSOIN. THRUE PEOPLE OPEN '15 BATIIIN<i SE AON '[so vonîco adla man vere 11e firat 10 brave Lie icy ciili ofthîe laite vater ai Waultegan tiis year vlien Ivo unknoovovomen and s mail suiLlie lu Har'bor Maslen Lar- son sol rccelved permission te balise ln tise beadli, In balhing soitsth ie lîre vadel nul lto tIle' ater up to tiein necks, tIen bbc>' afruc'u out for deep vafer. On seeiog tisem tarI out for tise open saldi'aliziog tise possibiliîca o! cram ps, Lanson iailed tIbm and maIe Iisem returo to sballow vater. Thisa-is bbcfirst bathing ln tise -yll be selectel fliougis eillcenc; n ftise early varmncas of tis eveat- triais, Cattala -Iter la the ol'en lIe batling seasoas vas> open at man of milibar>' experence ln the on- liss ime, but lue to tise col eathen ganîzabion. Itlel sAId the nov latter> of tiis sçsing this y4ea's bating vilI ho given certain pîvleges at season viii open later tIaisusmal. p'ort PSheridan. SCORE ONE FOR COMMERCIAL CLUB BOOSTERTOUR S Lake Zurich Launches a Qom- mercial Club following Re- cent Visit of Local Men. J. D. FINK HEADS NEW CLUB. a previ..ayors eetIng anl ae 0fte 'rish mttrof purchiaging ane riu s.raTaylor, alling: "I on- 847 trains anivel et Lhe terminals -iion offeel b>' Andew Cooke. coIte for thc cil>' aclunla vas dia- .ode ll>'SLuver>' muel as il exaclyt'nlime. and in the uollen île. rsident of thie bard, il vaà cssel bieti>' bt it vas leciledl iss just like a dli!> letier froua tbe Instances tisere vas oui>' a few voIcI tis eln M. Tlsompson next leter action 1e somne laien date. bometoi.' minutes' dela>'. est. Il i psahf taimr Wenban nit askeil abiot M lem ,e' ilt Ma>' rater te bret, " Muide.. La'ne Ii'rent. viNu ntler, SLASII SALARIES SAY JITNEY BUS FAR MER IN ARz !GIRL MARRIES ONE 0F TIRE0F ,THE LINE TO TUE LAKES REST WEEPS, BEGS MONTII AFIER SUIT SPECIAL TEACIIERS WOULDPAY WELL FOR CT. LENIENCY FOR #UART BALMq B. B. Burg Suffers the Biggest Generally Conceded That the îîenrv Iohn',on, a farnier reoding Marries Another One Month Cut Hî Saar Beng e-Patronage of Such a Line ne r rngt onidited on a care After Breach of Promise duced $300. Would Be Very Heavy. ofIcaî in ~ t iqrhreotîn l a îderalSuit Is Settled. liien Il e drove an Insi ector of thei WILL HE ACCEPT THE JOB? 1 PLAN TO BE WORKED OUT federaid rMen farelir SUIT IS SETTLEO FOR $30. frontfis feaim Jan. 14,when 1the latter Art-Music Teacher Cut $200 Reports Heard About the City 1~ mkn nI~pclf oro Police Take a Hand When thé -Board to Enter Into Con- Are to the Effect That This lioihdsae pdriwcpt liefore Mother of Girl Makes Suit- tract With Thompson. Is to Be Done Soon. Iti(ige-laiiuIlq Tuesuis. lie declared ous Charge Against Man. ho uiiîlnoi Xnow the serioilns oo Wai'iegan, Nlay 26'[The stiggpsLed plan (if liaýi ne i, I 1 ,l iLtd lbe hal Kazmera ,iîi.iaty, Whoflgured The runig knfilit igidre.ne>' buses niake regîîiar triplfli c f0 tue oci a plaIn) ai a federai vetprIn- somefLime ago in a sensational $3.. Trnhe rntn i eiif t te JOHN SWANBROUGH îlake regions or the coulity iuring thec ariaîî and chased biem froun the farte, 000 breach or promise su, agaln ap- salresof thmentscaled d e ltteWo Li hi erha engie ume imetn it oila lbut Salit that the piatol vas notloiad- peared ln the Limeliglit when ln the bioard or educaiton mneelîng helîl on the honor of being marshal of the troalont.flic part orno(t oniy the lic 'oîfiiiaî iilidge landta reieased plietc the îoîîîly cierk for a license Tupsday night, an a reinît of whtî'l Memnorial Day parade in Waukegan. \atiîkcgauniOerclianLa who feedLliat lii on his îîwi recogniianc afier t0 marry. $75) luias been loppe'd off frotta the sal-i Iheir businîess wouid be improved, lie liail Irimiseul Lo retun for ar- Sinice lier si againSt C9arles aries of thoae at he licad of îliree iu but aiso from liundread. of Waukegan raitinient. Rukes for hea.rlittialm, for breaklng alîcciai depariinents in Llie cil>' UN MARE MEMORa Ieullicse nth in non hir Intended marriage 1the day be- su boolg.AI! nu fore thie wedding. sheclias been keep- Tlie folowing action waa talhn AI 11V A 11V aD îuiîty tu lake freujuent recreation MIA1NI UFR IY LAKE 1ing comPany wtrb Joseph ans wlhregard 1teithe speiai teaclieri IL u hIIi n Lrptîte sumoier resorfa lu tlieTOTywresL5ed iî gng n foiloing the reci>mimendaLîons orfLc the& nrA western art of tihe coun.iy. COUNTY TOATTEND) I ugLt beng sweetlearta, until they eacliera' commitie of the board: FLM ASUREft, 1.3 r EA Just liîw far Ileie an nuas irnres'.- were botb ,ialed into the police court 1_____dla not known but itlarIo re as'easîf ~t ln addition iu doîng a pasegr eS. CONVENTION Ron te ornp lnd ier ein Crmn a eeetIc lasme aary Ol d Soldiers Make an Appeal to business flic iîropoaed fine of Jitneys icharge, The police atter holding blU file departoient at tesie aay Patriotic Citizens to Dedi- woîîid carry freigliL (o different 015 ttpSnarSho netfor ny a, nd I su gg te stion te sue received iis ycar, namel>' $819. tt udyShoCovn' ore adai s ugsinte CLERK-TfiUANT OFFICER-.Nliss cate Day to the Dead. of tlie coilot>. Riimr libas if (bat the . Conmmercial associationList backing Ionl to Be HeId in Danville onl couple agreed te get marrled. ('fara Thorsen was re-elecLedl Lofilie these two positions at the saine sal- THREE DA S SE IC . le orsrng> June 15t h to 18th. To make aure1 that none of thip DY' SRIE. Teplan or carrying freiglît woîiid plans would go amies, Officer 0*11* ar.naey ea.kont Successfully for il would G1DPORM RAGD han was apîîointed 10o accompany tit ART AND MUSIC-liedtîîced 1theenabie Gpeolule from hiD.eon _____oupl 0Ii or os nls.t salary from $1000 te $Soi0 and ten-i OId Soldiers Go to Methodist ,ri pol omfccunytpt t herrae ceurtiboase adsels .0. tered a contracL to Ms \liac15eMc1'ure, Church Next Sunday Night make tPurcliasca in Waukegan and h araecrlfct a su0 the ncubent etthe redued o Har Srmo. have bli articles dclii ered to the!,r Waukegan Churches Plan to 'and received ln good order. He the.q Ilie incumienL, ai lie reilucitetOflia Sermnnnove u ae or tise next day, Thts Send Delegates as Do the escorteil the couple to the home oit amnunt.,iafrbe rsrietha h> oid Cuce nth ony ie girl's mother at 1214 South Park OOME8TIC SCIENCE - Elected A mtca îafeîîîîl illeLis a fri (Li e rv i ceior anter A monîl ago tiseinrehch of pro .lss Hielen R. Aiken of Evanston t. yvar tic set aside as a las îoîîwhieb itlila cxpected tliat the passenger Te57Aanulcovnio r b is uth broheonby e gif r w the position St a saiary of $650 a service vouilliebithe best paying 1. iin oih '7s d> obo a sociantion oft!l setstiel o t onpaymetth grtyl a ~~~~~~to resere the memorica îof tIc solier Ilni udySho soito ilstldo h amn'ftjrýdi yesar,tee Ni las El zalieLl Patrick, ne- vestment for the company whicha rune signel, vio lias been receiving $900 Irad wîîo gave n> i) teur lises that tise the 1110e>' bus aystent, There a e be ll ati1)ille, Jue 15, 16, 17, fars b>' Roh.. When the case wa4 a >ar naio mili le uliîlc ad uulr undreda of Wau'igan pieople Who 1915. Thil p;àm la one of surpass- lirought up nmre sensattosal stillii MAUL TRAINING - Reduced !one lag. ratliern have lie day 1would make frequtent trips 10 the ing interest, the best ever proviel, menis vere made. Rukes stato&dtbàt tise salar>' from $1700 10 $1000 and igiven over to amusemnt' ulcailaItes during the sommer If ihe>' lad adtsI .thsprio pakr fpesdy ent el th îe wf8d111 » tenderel contract icitBernard aRloua tonds of pleaeures, la Made b>' Boremenans of getting Iliere Snd re..and ta' n ho h pfame.anSpefaesufrel roer>' 1111.Thhe mivll vas lot th rmceots mmses fIb rad1ry fexpenste, Those n01 fortunate te ownheipfulness have been secureil, among a period or about -tIre.n*à amount, n.Tii" "cal la made ln tise atmbls o r blgdt ire em 11e flownamountel b eighty dollars. 'O0l*à, Committe Meeting. !form of a leifer, a ucopy of vîsirl op. a horse atnd buggy wviuelsa nathel. Prof. Walter S. Atîsearn, professor and uhig bs tmed uit be #à*I8 The tecrs' committeece llil a pears later nti ts article. erpenaise for a day or eveiing afrlgon dcto i )aet nd vihlie slil dd 001 oIt hq priat metig jntîîrorLuiLii' The letter explins Iiat 1the Gý A. pleasure or cisc ake a train and go vriy ssMons lv.cle 11e d didnet ookf o". board meetinîg aI wtiici they rried R-. hase set asîulu îihree laya lils ycan in a roundabout nianner vhich e ens ueoMieIoa a e h edigof ait fiir ileision witb regard t1<) si'on whlcl to uîîmneniirate the soier onlIy ta unfertain luît wliich requîrca ltira. l'ficee(urtiss, of Ohio,thie Miss Guibinait> sald site vas nuit. Ing some of thie salaries, mast vlat <leal. On the iraitan w days tbcy wîll more lime that tIc average persou l el known aîîtlorify on elementar>' lafled vitli the amount of setUlemelt took place t thits Meetinîg la 00f decorafe with fiiuing services theii at,le-s t 1 ie to IL Tlose .wlio plan work. moue>' pallier. knooa nbut when the recommenda- graves nf dlmarueul niembers who are 10 'pend a weck or more aI a resort PrfF1 îeeîlh Iof11elu flous ere prsented flicheboard burîed in tlie Labol-'orest and hlentuo do not bettthsutotema PrfFC.EpinP.DfteI- tle anîîoîîncemenf vasmaett cemeleries, or isoman wlio wtslses Io sîîend au n ainlLscu o ite.CH T I S IL tle commitLee biait ot cd onani- T[le memorial sermon tlits year WEI afternuion, an eventng or a Sunday %Ir FlB.V Binkerîl. of flic Ameni mouli>'.clie racbed nu Si î"undsy nigltit ihe ai the lakes thc ime reqîîtrcd lasto00 anîevslBuile cousPany, and T0l PUAT E 9S Y JoePie , ihirma of lic irs Mthdi:îhurch nd te re- r ath.lbc j itn ita e d SO>Ir. . C,'arce f icagofor 1U IAT R, A S visile iL liaI at iraI ieen dicussel fhe îiews i tiiIfrnit of the ctiiinih. ntheit ' uer land tîcre are Mn day sobool workers tn Illinois nd EDITOR, MISS ROS.S ,as 10 wîeîber or n01tishe special de.-TIc ranks hals' ccii hinned e.n Peoille wiio lise in thie western part 00 w wtfh tle Internattonal asso 1cia- ,partiensasboutd ie ei eiminaied for sisce laest yeir. of the i' ty wlso would availtl 11m- Lon. Im Miss Ross Denies Report That, tise sake of ccouomy, the ~committee Following is ille citer ln wîîctî an Selves of tie opportunil>' in comte 10 And in addition 10 Lieste from ntu- HrPb1aio a ai ,haut decied that fil voîld bc better appea lta lireuýtild10 the palnîott i- 'aiîkegan nMnre ofîcîsif tise>' vre aide, there are-,oîîr owu state leaders. HedOPulctionHsPau b reuce111 salrie, ctiieiisof iseiiiaille lu do an as realil>' as Lise jitneys second lii n0ne bis e Union. wlo Whetiser oar ot Misa McClure and Waukega,iiIll.. Ma>' 24, 191; , wîîumî niake posstble. have bast given to lilinois lise best Mr. Beng viii remain et the decresel GENERAL ORDERS No. 1. If (liere resu>' lea aiything lit e11e Sunda> Scisool year In11r vbole lu- 1 Messrs. Slmiths: salaran et is nkovo. Neitiser of tIbm liiu prsuane ,if general arIens from Plan of establisbing sooli a service ît apiring history, ondin Lise Manage- lIsec b>' your palier lIaI yon car.- ,could le intervwtcv d ua>'.In dccl- the nattonsal andl department liaI wolul seem that Lise mromofers would - n forcoptltGneral1 Sec- ider tise Lakte Bluff Chat deail. W4 ing Miss Afien as domestic science quanlers, Wauikî'uan Pest No,.:374, wil finî t I a profiiLaiuic invealmeoL. rotary', Mr. Hogis Cork, anl our 0ew tare printing ts voek No. 1 of Vol, ,Instructor thie board tendenetl ils ne on Niay ,9, ;;t) awI M, observe Meuior- E_______ ducational Secretar>', Dr. Robent 7, sol constder ouraëlves very munis 10 ' tiltiss Patrick biaIsie la net1tl dav as f îllî"si O ME CA Penny Sisepherd, alie. Wes have aee's other evper . oriana teaclier, but coognatolat- Q O n trulavilui29,aiivnulriaie C U Anotiser atractive fealure of the comns and go lu tise course of unr six cd crulonflc ac Iia asela d-1services m'l]tel i ubised bin Lke urogrnm la tIe munie, vlicb viliile years of effort l'it are silîl Intact. lctdel to accelut a permanent pesa- Forest. dÇ' ~J ET irecteu b>' Prof. E. O. Exceil, as-, Probal> afto fromt a big trouble by telntise samne ftne of vonk. (Sise On Sunîdas 'il su:;0, there wili I e IIJRJ UI11iTL PUT sintel b>' Prof. Alilîî[toper, Lise "wiz- oîîn ver>'nospcmaes. Wl s to le mariel.) japproprîsai rui set the ticîstoriý ard of Lise piano." >'oo Isîase carncet your stalement lni . bI rcducîng Lthe salaries of flire (Zion C'ity) Lakue îoîîîîy cemeter>' NAME ON TUE BILL Wie of tLake monrt>'cari 001 afforii b Monda>"s issus? of lte sPecial teacliers the bard lui Waukegaii oii ils>'31, tise grasea____miaLse potîtyh n 0orResîîcctfully, Il lresctel Lise situation of listing rais- of those wlo lias i lassel listhele sat hmstebopo11euîpîmîî amri îetaog ISABtELLE ROSS, EliLon. cd man>' salaries sol of havtng cut camping plac ie l lebc duiorated ln On lchait o! tise eacliers 1n tise of hia great gatlîerng, andîIl ta coný otes nd ingtis members of tthe: ifdore Iu. Ter w liebotlier ilakea chos tedretr o iently ope linta large nuimber U~ N CO SI cd Iiat Ilie spectal leadhers aloulI 1 voul as, lîî' iticens 10 join uscd tueicsecretar>'te0 wire govennon ventioo. Your couiîîL>'secretar>'. Misa lic placeul ocarer the plane o! hl in t lis, otîr iftuieh nfivensar>' jfIDonne iilelsaif of thie teaciesen' pon. Ina Jean Nlinto, of Aistidli, viili le BATH-TUB; DIES IN ther eacliers in11e cL>' scole ysIthe clO"ing of lie civil var, 5 an L aîîs lill, wiicl vas doue as foloves: gI Lo send delegaes cretioLtais I1i 1 tem ratber than paying salaries con- mymaethsMomrnril day, not Wîlots. , ll., Ma>' 241h. 1915. everyooe who cati go Thiîs carl cre- S O TTM F E siderbly hgher a de for leasire bt on dediatedlioit Edwad F.Dunne. Goternon, dential viii entiie (lie lider to &Il S O TT N -TE 1 M is s Aice K ie be vIn a atten lng , 10 Lhe brave ien v o gave t eir Springfield, Ilino oi a. a elegates ri iloeg , in l ding lott 1normai school, askel for another livtuaI (ie i iitry migist lite as 'Tlits association, rcpresentiog tise rates for bioard ahdiliodging. So, if Reported Death at Lake For. ryearas leave of absence and Iis vaslo0e couîîltry,luîulvdel and under 00e idustriel, commercial sol profts- yoo cau go o I anville for Jue 1511 etRt nur SosFm tgrantel. B>' tiis action aIe stil ne- lag, vioal Ihîerests of Waukegan and o 17th, or if yoîîn aclool cao seuli one esTu nur hsFam Stahisslier position ln flic s>stemt. We ask ail ll;uru,îîc citizens Injoiln Lakee muni', voul Most nespectfuily onromore dî'tegatcs, sec Ilial thel Coun- ily Is Not Known Tee iMssPeryasedIc b eecedsneonths ifwt anierar. requust yotin signature f0 tle teacis- 1>'secretar>' lias Lise rames luflimes..- Miseals Penysgbd 0e t eet el usLinGl.a Wf.ulli UiiiTer5N>'. ers' pension bill, wliicis lias passel Lu report (n the lanville Entenlan- A elegrahi frontManitowoc,Wln.., geers lîtifut slr ep h n iter, G. 5V.HUNTON, Iin this ~ ~ ~ ~ H viioî aa"ecp ie iei.W. îIIAh. Commander.ituimese.nc oiinitte before tis ent(corIsof der udate of 'MoIs>' mye: Ilas alledluli to teslh wisen tuene îs AJVît.ý'aikegan C'omhnercial Association, june. " News reaciel bthe cil>' bIte mort- %a racane>' causel b>' the sickoess ofr dulhtR, N. MAGI1.L., Secretar>'. Thîis conventions la "the 57Lh va- ng of the deatisetLt ake ForestI. 1,. s teacher. lier neitucat vas grantel. - ___-nyt,-OE esienday of Stella Piper. 10-year-old Att on Thompmon Mater. year, but no monton vas made et tisai 'irs. losephi Taylor of Russell cil - dauglîter of Mr'. and Mrs. C. B. Piper. One 0f 11e mot important acyuons ime tistaL sconitractbcuencoloel lbteon lie 24t1 frntm Corns, Fia., for A neupeo o-ie eou oiinr'iet fIi iy I Lae b'th oad vsoting b oen- Thc board on Tuiesda>'nigît express-lonii Stuc la b stiploff at St. Au- the Chicago and Nor-Ih Western Rail- girldited anboni' aller ah. lad b,«s ter loto a cotract vitis Oliver S, cd tbeir great confidence ln M. guLaL ne and riait, ehpet'tng 10 reacis va>'calse attention La tIe tact lIaI found unconsclionLObue ba-ibub 1Tbomuson (o sct as supernncent Tliompaon aLnil also LIeu' lessire tisai home luy Jne lai. -I lid a ver>'oIo 5 asoe atswtli1e er aln a l as, and supervisor of tise grades ton next ise remaîn eaftheeisaulnetishe scisool Illesaot lbute, altsouigbiL v as colder operatel belveen Chicago sud Nfil- 'W. knov ofno sud case; vO 1; bearh thig vear. fýst výr

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