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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1915, p. 11

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JUA. lV - i '- 1F#.,.-JU.E 111t bent t he ool O UTY OF VOTE" TO UPHOLOD IGNITY OF UENCH o Roi, I IMfON. lIaving moiti my place, knowrî aq i James Kelly farm, tire nîIIeý t hlwest or North Ctic tago, anît <uitj id thiree-quartp.rs ruiles Iortir o!f ndutn Iwitt <cli ai irîiiic itlJ(ýtI)n, Tok rhheet <I - wpeningDour a o eVoiigrew, wiwr inrerest oeing 5 nanifetted in a ratier iiterotig manner. Becau8e of the many machines now in use and because of the. many rail- road crossigs brie ha. to pais oser in driving acroils the country, it hs seon that it àu far safer to get past one train thgn two trains. Limilt the number of cars te a train and the. resuit wîlI be: MURETETAMSj; more trains means more exposure tu danger. Tihe fact furtiier la apparent1 %4t the railroads haveespetit milions of dollars building bu engines for the exprcsa n o f hauling larger tds, and, te limit them nOv tC50 ars after they have prpare for the increus4 baulhng, would flot only be un- farbut, we beUleve it woüld ho found unconstitutional if Cathoidto the. htghest courts, 1t's alotig the same line of th@uetauI 88 f finis legb1atUre stepped into the fore and told you, as a maerchant, that you could employ so Many band&, yoe MMuemploy la many bauds, etc., regard.- loue of your personal desires based on business conditions. Troo much anti-railroad legislation will Èentually bring chaos in rldlroad cirles of this country, whereas, at pres- ont, the United States bas the gréatest railroad systems of any coiwtry iU*e world. As per him formai announcement In these columni, Cir- Ôit Judge latre Edwards lias been attendfrig to hie du- ties as circuit judgo of- late, trying an important murder t rial at 2ckfOrd. Terufogr li*bus fot beon abl, to de- >oeany lime to "caieWguing" if h. would attend strict- ýY t his official tank. Anad, he's paid no attention te liii mpaign bocauseho bus utùck to the bencli. Thus, it is te 11w votets 6f Lake county te show their appreciation Orfâ idises appli"tioe to ies officliaitask hy turning out ând VOTDMGO9JUNE 7th WUICHI1 NXT TUES- D*Y. - nd, t aI ia, )'dgé Edwaïds and no other judge thçuld K4VE tu malce a camtpagu. Th. dignity of the pfic.udoeut justify it; tii.y should flot he placed in po- t Q9 of *4skjng the voters te support them. Their work oit tbe bench ia.ether satisfactor orlit isnot. And, as ivêrybody concades that Judges Edwards, Donnelly and Prbst have been irreproachable as judges, there's no good reason te wiah te supplant a.ny of three by another man just W givehim the Job. It isup tothe voterasof Lake county te et out and vote Tuesday and show their appre- ciation lt oyal Owd honest judges who bave seen fit to pay strict attention to ,ie important duties of the office. We have had little $0 .ay of the fourth candidate who aspirélé te. the judlciary, but we feel tiat, under the clrcumMtances, "ohng that anl three incunmbents have made good, that Ute s et4uicteut easonte elevte lia ich wdialc 4wi oft tbree. m, kiD tA.TheWUîLBE-DGin E unees g1eDne le n fi4dt w.ithl e hreJd as;teo Ihre'. te Md res n o uMppla t e.Lk ont Tbv çircft udge Itann t ffod tetakbe tl the hce ver- ~nlt1n sntehIg uex octù ehbturon.pRelief h wpoeuld Il"~ h ran Ight. f. wterdn nclayh itxi to ~QVTêIDVTE TeSDatedfo tuhe oad cads lngte46lu ii iUielbU1 utesMof Juiorbadis ne aut ronsecp hant Orchlfand maf- SbhoolsExhibitW»ridY ork tctier tsefu rcs aIdtespe lION ITY IOO bat amohe, leandmyothef VÔLIVA A!thie E10 iasoti a tfhebre eret oldthehiitIon. Rl ands prn. ÇIIILD EN cipalIM. Clar oterydnnc l aylttiogWre The irhbiton f wrk dne y te lilusvtr a e vcles<imit atin cf ott tuefsor e th re g rdadhose merta arheexits. ahe a. Pupdei I o# .TeReia ape o maisfnm eM an. dni, coeebiUg asarae trmd. andet'brees gent enivesee o to p mý,W&I 4oen ad cildrn mre,ýàk Cleand en eti rMdost o ib th woelsthcafsta ee. e etm VOIJA ATP~Ip AFFIR. etonbuta ofie aDi sofslu- ciusd ingmtethlh achool t andth i isrn- Cit Mr la arenea, lylr w 1 No, 9J <(ook <((ove, 1(Oait lester: and <iltie, articles too Ruineronls (o mïen- t ion. Snle qfarts at 1.in. e, arp. flsualtetrms cor sale. JAMES KELLiY, l'roi, Il liker, Aurtionjeer. FOR SALEý-2OO aores, bal! open, bal. atetimnber; 490d buildings; grows fine, sifalfe; gdOd sChois s tation hatlotite. $9.000, efferuta. Address, t)wner. .1O 0. 4rd,'biorg e, vrginia. - Wkly it 1h -- _____ Nearly 90 Per cent of the sales are made to men. That isn't strange. In the simplicity of its construction, few working parts and per- fection of its operation, they recognize in the Electric Wasn~jMachioe a mechaniçal application of the principle of -labor saving, which, secured by means of various appli- ances and devices, multiplies Jffi- ciency in the shop, store "or office. The other partner in a domestic firm, however, out of her syn'4>a- thetic understanding can telli1 man buyer something he d oe Ct know-something about the n4ee destroylng, back breaking lapo the Washing__Mamchine takes over. It does it in a haîf human fashion, too, for ail you have to do iii ruîn in some water and soap and. then watchit. The machine does the re8t. Price of Machines $50 up Fise coati' wortm et eictriclty seIl sy r er.isse*ltS wuaiag fer& .miIy eofcin. Figure liat agins thé Public ServceCmp~ -OF NORTI'IERN i L:t<IOI h - Vote for the Republican Nominees for CiruitJudges Nominated unanimously for Re-election by, the voýters of the Seventeenth Judicial District of Lake, McHenry Boone and Winnebago Counties IElection Monday, lune 7 Your Vote is Needed to Insure a Resident Judge for Lake County Forril utsatîc Eictrîc Light' and Power Plnts rAdapted rfor use in Country Homes, Far m Houies and Stables, Summer Resorts Hotels, Mils, Dairies, Schools, Camps, Boats and for PortableXlse. 1land 2 36 .7 Pilsh 9Watvr B utto n 7't and 48 (Jeneta- 3 î-iAuto- Mtor M (iito il ,lt v 9litNa iv s >îiuî lteliii e et eti if tueFyîîio I iteta iltSsiiî twasle' No\\ ~ill h ai il ai plait e tiseatrie liisitt anid Pîiietth'Sîîstin N\ageli it oiijitliil Nvitlieîit tu ise o idt iiitetuti eiileti ,tage Blattery, itîrnisîtes eîii vetit diriect i'viii tht 1) vîiiiui ti tg) bvlitt i .>* t i vi . II ile appliait-es w1lignhi iîîiv Ig l tilii.gi, tiltîs savitîg tue gleat los or Iettiiti i t hrtl liilI bat- tant tilt.i eessive etîst or t ltew itigl-Ialteiijes fiont tinte to titue. The la lit 1itttiît t illyst1 ei, vlitlanîd tegiilated, lias a emtîstaltt Valîavit vaid n;litle lusetiat ititervals o ,et tiit~itiîgslyý, burning frein 1e titie iinded laînts anîd ilways at tlw Itigît tsIf lljiew* withotit diminîishnng talga- vi..It is gl'AIRTED flixtîîrnîtît.n titiv vtif lliglîts antiSTO>IPEi'I) atitîiat- iýli 'v Ytli îiîî ii t ffthe I 4 iglit, et istiii l yeausiiIg nuo(<xIine ll5 vil A stoitage Battetv \, îll Itsiîiw ilîd ilettîtioate wheit ilot inti useal iill iiOt) (t îier <et (i iiaid (tillen-ult s a\a:ilalîle, îlle ~te Ille loss:amid The F'a1îtehli toîinal eSstiktetiiI iýti fîtruislitite ligltest jmsdilte eIiieîvt tlte ltwtetsi, letiî iigtlietisi11, ofstandtarud atlites sitl ati i gtl(ttul tise iii large itttîlliltlil t <s. ie MFaîteil Systeiti fiîîtîîîsles etni- relit af)1 10> ltsaie as lised lîv (Mlelieval Liglîtiîtg (l(ue 'tîaîi.Bat- tev l -Ylants gneltî ise frotitîÉ2 t.32 volts.) TIhiîs platnt is mie laltîv ftattutit ttîtaitii<lo, as tile list ct 1,~uîîa;ti 11)\v.11(tiil tteiîst tif'niiaît and ip1k eep is verv tul Thtis tiiavhiiîte u il I itîtîisîtetîeutfor i ve I t wer Iii ashitiglta- tajîtil elevatot., <te., as ae s "îfttîîislî hvfi-veto ti inli, titastet,etlt WRITE, PHONE OR CALL R. S. BARNUM the cm na oba thé. lbmi- 8 Mf for the the >e MI. dno~ lipse ha"h rt ' big 0 ,as îiws '310 -'id it A iWh hdgto fw. WAUKEGAN, ILL. 1 1 ' « il -- I ", On JuflC 7t1] a judliciai elëetion wiil bit beiti In"thimi. the Seven- .... For- ,naoIdable reasonsi il tias bee.ýn " teentli, dIsURVIf.It etolli4 îot hIlle tessary for the three riutJiug judges ilon' ny diiryte lu ld Court la Rtockford " whiohae lsfid te <tffice with credit te mlce a politicui catnpaign; o Tuesday, June Bih, 1915 tciîulitiioug statince May 21W ,wtîere " the dignIty utt i. moffice eshoutd lbe uthetti by liesê e nkeeffliig ouIt,!or lteI bwngpoery ave been presiding over filetrial tof c 1h camaii ~ irsa sii I up to thre votera o! Lakt counly tuo GET .leo oiolg rpet wo meniebarged ifwlth murder, The O tT cANil'<OIE for thetreit jidges witlîott beiig Iegged 1<, do i , Tiiîee cioie cows, two witb cue (ue wilIlprobabiy nt e ttîîrsiiiired un- " l'bered nt oriécunipiaint sgainst any of (lie tbree juidges -i's jusI nao0il aller esiection day. o case of remeenbe,'ing ta VOTE ON JUNE 7TII. 0 by Ilieir Bides; t springer; 4 riiole This bas preventeti aud wtt] prit- 0beiferq, 14 toonîbs nid; 1 bull 1t-,vent my aeeing the votera of Lakte 0 00O 0 00Oa0 00 00) 0 ô0 00 00 o0 0o 00 mioi ol; ron oreoeilio1,00County ast1 badbopedte tdo. monuls ot; i ran brse wigbt 1 do flot consider li proper that an -- l~bm.;I1bay horse. weight 1,600 Ilus.; 1 aspirant to the office cf Circuit tudge bay bhorse. uegt 1.06iSS bBe i1bay shoulti announce hi sYmiialty for or Tii.peole wn avlcory henliesenae cnflred areweigit iltîbs mae (rejudice agalnst Iaws that zuay corne Tepolwo a t h tesnteCnimdmr, ýg, ,0 bs;1bymrbefore sucit Judge for lnterpretatoq on Wednesday nightth appointment of %UfUs M. ]Potts weigbtt 1ItI lislnfuit;t bay or construction, nor do I consider lit as superlitendent of insurance of the st<' The l"inter-bos weiltit 1200 IW; i dozeu, troier for such aspirant to be th(e sels" had fougit wi ail their migtt b Pm'VertbIsa con- îiiickeuîo; it?.îInchî wagon, oeai-ly ne; caudidate of any Interest or class, Since assuming thie duttes of (bis firmtlo and fo a ime l loksas i li> Ahioo 1 .n- inci, farta wagon; i aarrow ire highoffie, Ihave sndeavored te adl. ftllatin an, fr atimeit ook as"f toy hS# ad uc-wagon; t express wagon, poe and miister justice fairty, Impartally- ôeded. However, this official, who lbas heeffchami 'ibft 1tblstii) ilaibu nd expeditîouaiy, imowing neither4 th le peo1le8scàâini a denind for state supervision sur îe, pole and tafî< î Hooser arfi n lali, anot ignenforlitte Of fine us*nc te roi still remains at the ielad of the drîil, nearty new; 1 fleertîîg leadI lett,1i d nte t4ortant depim t and those who know him ane confi mcwer, nes'; 1 grain tîinder; 1tulre, as i have dotte Inth(e past. den h vi kmnun isfiit orli puli dapie iepuiverizer; 1 drag; I hay raire; respectfully rellneat yoîîr active 112t, e w u 19 fo th puliedesiethesupotn forme yoerelr. but niyeting . Ii p t yl~t 1nec ,aiswoce nhma suliky cuitivator; t single csu ot on t-e yI Métt aft n tiy t pu bby 6' ée cmpaies ho sie n hi a ivaror: 1 2row beet cultivator 1 tubers te vote, for uniesse a very large ihty force Wh hwlll hing them down te earth instead îavy rack; 1 gririding <((me; i1 sulky vote Is cet In 14149 Couily, there la ~fpermitting lthecompanies te dictate in a Mrost arrogant 'îio wmaikiig tIlow; t corn sebler;danger of McHenry County havtng I rianner as bas always been lie case iIllinois., Patrons t fanning nitl i1 c alp;t,sai l two Circuit JUdges ant i ake Countyll «f tire Insurance companiies lillinois need Mn. Potts just -(laper i 1 iîay furk, r(ieiitld ,u1] Agali 1 urgently aslt your betp for now ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e abu1shda te edagvenr siset leus y barne.s; 1set arin on flirge.ncy exista. ___aouabd s_______a oyrnr.hatîrîrs; 1 set sîngie iarnemse t1teavy Very reaPectfulty, l__ -breast cottar; ,t kemr,1 yCLA.RU C.EDWARDS, Auto owners bave a personal interest in the 50-car bill 1I feit,2 setistsk o rýl:1sadIi y- Cn1294 fr irnt JWk noi durnpdfilf t sadntet eh&dtdas -for Circ It i. TELEPHONE 427. T!AIM raTTKITr TýM"wlbMlPVT VDTTIVA'IV - Trmr ýf ni r ý .1

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