LAXE COU=T INDEPENDENT. FRmDAY. JUNE 4t,1915. Fly Time Coming Get behind our screens. The safest place for com[ort. Corne and brinq the measure vith jou. We it angp openinq. See ouar patent Door Catch, holds ali doors shut. Duwn by the Old Depot. Bren there 20 years. Phoýne 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. VERITABIE "VIM=CLOTIIES" Our store these days is a trysting place for the iveliest Spring styles ever sprung? ,suits that are jubilant witb dash antd distinttiveners-Bine 'Serges. Homxespuns, tropical weightrr. skeleton-lined and un- lined garîîr-iits for th,- warmî session ôf Snîriîer time. buoy- *ant with grace and guînption. SSnug-setting inodeis and loose, Sswagger ones: ail the fetching fabrie-etflects-v'im in every liue and design. These clothers are eloquent of Michaels.Stern energy in tail- oring up to our standards- and yours. T. AX REYNOLDS Opposite North Garage Libertyville, Illinois Deapr in EVERYTHING THAT MEN and BOYS *WEAR STAVER AND JANESVULLE i Buggies, Surreysetc. ~A Large Stock, 1>ices Right Corne m and look them over 1P lTS Schanck £ FROM CMANCK'S hrw r IT'S Company 0001> Libertyville. Job Printing CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT OdCid6 r/yv i//e Yiems- xxxxx xxxxxXXxxxxx xxxxx To insure publication in the Indepen- dent. cape muai b. in the office noisater than TuesdlaV of eacl- week. Adver- tisers, especially are askecto take particular notice ta this effect. WEATHERR REPORT Weather forcast for the week begin- ning Wednesday June 2. issued by the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, 0. C. For thre region of the Great Lakes: tienerally fair weather may be expected. Thre temperature chrange@ will be unira- portant. For thre u;rper Mi@sisippi valley anrd llainstate. The weather a-itlisb gener- ally far tirrougirout thre period, except that local rains in the northern portion are probable about Friday. The tern- perature will rise loa-ly anrd pa@s above thre normal early lu thre peroid. (Additionâl Local News on Page 4) Mr. and Mrs. Frank lugr-itr itChicago, are vioiting waitb relatirr-s brrr. Mr. and anrd Mrs. lRay Ardrene s pent' Srrnday a it rs. Ardrew" irarenîts at [tes Plie i Mirs. lenry Hcde.r iof irirîgo, waas en tertar red ati rl~ ,' netf Nrms Nl abri Ellis une day of last werL Judize 1I T. '-rinîJpy etf Vedstok, aird Cîrarles ilîrriani eofIVaukiegan, were Lihertyvsiii,. allers Tuesday. Thre Tiria Ciapter of the M estminis ter Guild a-il> ureet aitirMis Edna Shaptir Joseph Hfeuer le! t Sunda 'y for Chicago. wlrere ire ra@seecured a pesîtiOn with the Chicago, Duluth &ergran Biay Transit Coe. He will maire regular tripe on the Chircago-Duluth division, rrhich goes tirreugh Lakes Michigcan,.[luron and Sîrperior and wîll returu ber, ertihe close o! the Luake trip season. Tire Ramareus truvelîrd ailit tie aay te Fox Lake Suuday te taire a lîentrrg. It aas a regulur bush leagrîs combîlat wittr eur boys ou the short eud of a 15 te 14 ERS. CHAS. APPLEY, WIFE OF COUNTY FARI SIPT. PASSED ÂWÂY SÀTIJRDAY tirs. kun Alirpey,,a-lie of Cirarlem A. Appley, tire superintendeut of tire Lake Couucy Farra at Lihertyrille, died ali tbut finstitution on Saturdat: nlirt alt1er a long ilînes, as thre age rof lis years. Mrm. Appley, mauil irerilluese et in a hirir euded lu ber deuIl, Saturday nlgbt, bad alwaym taken a great Intereet in carinig for the aged and poor at tire reuuiy tarur. She a-as a good assqistant to lier hueband lu dolua the muny tîrlîgo ini and about tire b brniee!ftimlir rrtitu. trou, alwayos nluii of niating every- une r-ortortable andlhapy. Inlu ire performaneo! thfese lîrtîs arts ofkiud.ý score. A fulaccorunt lW fot ues ire irame the rurttrer-et therîrail, useesary but Impossible asthtie score and waa greailv iored lîy tire InurNes e! -as kept by a deaf mute uni] ire talled tu tire fara. Sire thouglît more et lier the teaur gues te Keneeha arnci a-e ope affaire and rery esidomu lett tie arur for fer botter resulta. pleaoures. The county content t oftu wrnuere of tir8. Apple ' vuidera-ent aun operatlrru the towushitr contensftet irpîublic soine twO years agi) alter wlrrclr sie sciroolé, will ire held bers Sturday at seered t e e rurir improred. lu Frirru. the Scirool bouse at 10 a. ni. Only tire ary Ibis year sbe hecame se i) i tat sire flret and second wlnuers of tire !owu rrruld net leave ber lied and for a-este irruteets are eligible amri nIi be uiirwed betore sre pamsed awayv er sicirnese a-as le coirpete. Aritirmietre, epeilrng.reidlng v ýery grave and peurnanebipwa-lire tire tudirsgrren- AnirtA wlr -as bonut traucendu Tire i.oteet s public te arr ire ar e i .^l 1 ISanrd Nas iriseoft tirtreen rniterpsd lu tirs worir ilf err-,rel. hrdren, tbrcs et wlrrrrrsurv ive lier. Sirea-as rirarrieri te tlias A A piler il a-as tated lun s e ivmri s au,.tiat Jaiuay1,l7ý Tovýà.at f.r admission a-ould be îbnhirizcil for totire Janarr iage I r lisTa-eridrs atter eirrrrrren- -eient pregrairrr. ,. ired in IIanIwitoth. Cmy b u t u i. a 'fo V ý' a n k - a nr at a gr i r v îrt tt ir, I . ir. t , m n r h li ne r tx ir e m wudtoiu 4 jfr t rrriîrî ruiw ;e tt l'rî» incearîrl tirey ir,, iat ier Iîîr : '1 : 1 1 11 4 i r o fI r a , s en i o l a - wt u n î t i-, s - d , f e w efler ri- , i n e r o iî, hl ti.-rricethelia i ter s.M . le li. ,- hc rr,.,aît r.,. i-a',rr t ITieriri Vof aukiesira W is ,(] îinue uni are epen e tire tri b! brrîtier, JonnSias iii .,fhrrîg Aom CUeiamp, StI. .A., rer t Ex dcIiiir ýTirelounerai was heu I trriii St.Js-ri osit weesirTueeday eenrng. e auri, R. N. A ', a-lit ir,ld thurc terrirtal latiroin chureli Tu.-ray intiring at A pris aie dancing party was reir,]ut day service next Sundar , tire uay set 9t3, l Ret:. Fatiier i.iiiir,-lfliJuhicrg. tire auditorium iast Friday svenlng A a@ide by tire ordere for ihut purpose ltrr~ u rd i i Se faf ny large number attended. Tire merabers a-ii ureet a' rireir irait at cersr.'aukege1.yr 10rig lia. ra and a-lIt go f trrrhiers te tire, Miss Elizabeth Hotterkaurp of NI. E. r-bi, aers Rer. T. E. Reara LOCAL Q6 . À. I ELD IlS field, ies@pouding sorae time ut tire boute wiîî preacir ou a epecial text for tirer. o! tir. and Mirs. Henry Doebler. Tirey will go from ti-heb.rb t. Luake- EXERCISES AT IVANBOEî Ed Kunke iras returued boras tror aside cemetery wirere tirey N% ili deeorate tiarinette Co., Wis., a-bers ire spent seastire graves of tirelr depari, d Neighborrs time ou hi@ farra usar % zî'rankee. and Woodraen. Tirs exerr-ises o! tire Libertyrîlie t. A. Worir et oitiug Milwaukee avenue was Serase!ftiremerabere et tirLibertyvilie R, a-ere beld ut Iranhnre tiis earonu r-liimerion Trîstîtar morninr afuter an posi G. A. R., tok part ini a meriorial Sud ieperr leurn e rrcr -Ilu ui-il b h ,i r i,-aut irorehéiou r% rinr t.oir plirre ut Luake ta-eeu Lltertyville and iranirre escir raine. gForest ou Saturday. The ruarci te tire yeur, tirere being tirty-one oid soidlers tir. and Mror. Hurry Nicholas ofAustinD, cemetery dedicated tire nw pavement lntr vnreeeeyadtrrycre @pet Snda ad Mnda a th hoe icir irs ireen recentîy cornpleted aîoung lu tire L"keride boes A rery large nura- spen Sudayand ionay t tie hme eerlleld avenue. Tire prcession a-as ber atteuded, ta-o large brus lban and Mo! ierprneni.adr.H . made upc!f meurbers of G. A. fi. frera many private rarriagem golug f rîrr ber@. - tiason.several surrouuding tirans a cvulry from fThe prograra, wairtrr as rit a patriritit tirs. G. H. Chard snd grand danghter, Fort Shreridan, a compauy of recrulirs1 nature tirrongirout. waa opened by tire Florence Croirer o! Austin. visted frora tror tire Naval Traning Station, Boy 1vure-eisucu mei eeal te ray to nday a-ltlr trs. Ales Scoute and several Laâe Forest ergaul- sl uarr -r ie n utb Nirholassund fanly. Miss@?dabel Ellise etertalued Mr. aud Mie J. B. Allen and littîe daugirler, Dr. J. Latimer, Joseph Grunleld and Beryl Dlly aIl of Chicago, on Mouday. T. A. Reynolde and Hermauce Wireeler went to Moline, Ill., Tuesday mornîug te attend theStateG. A. R. Encarapraut a& delegatee from Waukegan Post. Miss Kitty Reilly, a-ho bas been teacir- ing ochool near Round-up, Montana, for thre paet two yeare, arrived bere Satur- day to spend the suramer a-lth ber paren te. LaMt Friday erenlng at the home of MIes Marie Englebrecbt thre Junior clase 0! tire Bigir sciool gave the Sinior clams an larewell parby. The oesniug was plessautly pent lu games. alter which rel reshraeute were eerved. Chicago papers on thre 29th told of a j petition being filed lI the ffderal [aourt asktng that thre Ralnbow Msdn- ulactraring Compaeny of I4bertyvllle be deciared a bankrupt. The Petition lwas PlIed by Brldget Killeen. W. M. Wrighrt o! Hlall Day, had bis eI't armu iroken jusit elow tire ahoulder i n a very pecullar mariner one day luet eseir. as ire a-as a-ucing several of biIsmen o trearin rounding up smoe o tre tire large barn and a trong rope etruugj ucrose part of tire roor se tirai St wonld ire easier toe atch a ce tain herse. Wiie watcbing tbis muever tir. Wrighrt iad leaued over and rested hie arma on tire topé. Suddenly eue o!irheheavier horees pluuged 1 nto tire rope, tire Impuctcauslng Mir. Wrighrt te be tirrown te tire Ioor breaking is erra Tire baccalaureate sermon for tire cs o! 1915of t.o L. H. S., aas eld ut tire M. E. church Suuday evening. Tire ser- vice waa a union eue and tirechurcir aas crowded to tire nimofit. Tire prograra iregan hy a pipe organ proceislonal duriug wicirtire Hourd of Education, tirs !aculty and tire graduaces touir the places reServed for theru. Tire speclal musie of tire eveniug a-as glven by milas Paye Wlker, a-ho gave a solo, reiti Mr. iqra fDur.,and s S manst*. ,a tirs. M. C. Wilson ot Chicago, arrived -r. . . .-a uan mopnst D Mdonday for an Indelinite ssay ut tirsout electlon iry a qn.rtst nmade up o! homeo! ber ister, tirs 0. E. Churcill Mimes Addle - iller end Mary Boum,i Mrs. Chrurcill, -ho iras heen conllued te Atiur tiller and A. C. Muarray. Bey. ber bed forthlie pat tOve a-eeks rith Bau gvs tire ddress, his suirjet beng sciate bouatio, i reorte noe- Chaeter Building or Bechtng up aclat Imprroemtaal spre m-Tosearda ldeais," wreicir ho handled lu a whet uuprosd. piendid manuer. Tire ladies o! tirs W. C. T. 17. are plan- alna for au ail dey@ umeeting et Laks Bakery Bale et Waîroud's alors Salur- Bluff Orpiranae JUne S, tou hicir airera day atlernoon. June 5tr, nuden auspices aeweleome te juin. Tes lunch and ire of Worau's Gquild. il pnepered te sea-. Tirs parcy a-lAI tae tire 9:22 car. It la saggestsd tirt et ai A chance to kuocir th irehgi coet o! one tekse germent for tirs children. lIvingt-coure te M. E. chnrch Tirursday. tirs. 0. E. Warner returner1llast Frldey June 10, or.your auppsr. Only 27rc. It tram Prairie du Chirte, Wln , wires@air irad irsen taking treatments for riruma. Concert and dance given by tire Lyric ttamfortbepast tires weeke. Rer lieti Male Chorus et Ciicago, ut tire Deerfield la much Improved. Mr. Werner and acol auditorium, gaturdoy, June 5. thelr daugirter, tir@. Vern Gerred. a-ont PeoPle Ieavlng Lirerty-rtlle ut 7:16 tan to Prairie du Chine and uccompanied hbnr ftunuaet 12:25. Concert tickets a-ltb. borne. 35 cents and dancing free..I Tire tre departurent waëa calied te tire Dr. N. W. Sirelleuberger, osteipatiel home o! Abrt Lyous on Northr avenue physicien et Waukegap, iras &gain opeu. Wedneesda mornlng about ton o'clock e nofc esbb oae utr hieamaI ie o ch rof cuae iy tire Dunend- Miller building. filsoffice irours césimne, burnlug out. Several mei) got w-II ire frora 10 to 5 on Tuesdeys and UP On tMe roof relti bucirets o! walatr and Frldays on iy. cIt had tire tirs put out beore It could do _______ amy material damage. .A S .a ,, Tire mjorlty e! tire local stores und a large number o! tire home. were decorated wIt a-flaga and irunting iluor of lire tiemorlal Day. Tire dîaplay o!flire stars end stnipes ou sucir days serve te saken patriotisur anS la a cnitom %btie abould ire observeS by ail a-irsever M 1possible. ut 11 . E burrriTîursdey. June 1(0, ut 5:30 by Laidies Aid. Supper 25c. MENU Hot lIfer-iitstidaple Ilyrup Hot lies!Loa Mdashed Potàto Radishes Onions uoSe it, Mr@.,,Paulay Vanlir. brai Hui ,is Carrie Chard pîaying tire acrompanlment and tire lranboe niale quartet sang oeveral seletione. 1T wo very lnterestlng readinge a-ere given. Atty B. IL. tiller lntreduced iry lier. T. E. iteara. gave tire talr o! tire atternoon. Hie speechr aas on thre Day, Itq meanlug and its natute and waa deciared by ail wbo beard it t b-ýa greut credit te muri. J. E. Balard called tire roll ef tire nid soldiere alter a-hicir irecailed oun-O E. Churchrill and T. A.. Reynrrlds for sirort tair, tir. Churcilil spolie ut tire Monu- meut te tire Uuknoa-u iead, a-ici stands lu Wulîlngton), and tir. Reynelds epoke of tirelue atnd tbe>ýiaracter rfthtie late Captul Fitchr o!fOrayslake. At tire close rfîttie prograr tire old elAdiere !ollowed by anurabero! Ivaunoe yeung ladies bearing thre reaths and flua-ens, decorated tire graves, placinit a wreath, a bouquet and a flag ou tire grave of each departed rorarade. Tire graves of tire Liberty ville departad @oîdiers wa-esaiec decorated a-uir floe-e aud flaga but no partieular exercisee were ireld. Quite a large croad atteu.ed the tent show .rUncle Tome Cubmu' laet Sutur- day ulgiri.1 * MEMBER 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE 0 * SYSTEM" ASK THE MAN WHIO CARRIES A CHIECK 5 OAnd he wilI tell you that be woulcin't think oof doing hi& business in any other way, be- ¶ o bause at is simple, safi and convenient.:- :: Paqygour Bisb!1 Check * Ow 0 Lake County National Bank 0 0 Capital, Surplus aend Profits S$100,000.00 e * Total Resources,- 750,000.00 ~ THAT DREAM 0F VOURS About building a home can easily be realized if you will let us suggest plans and furnish an estimate for you house. We carry a complete lime of build- ers materials at reasonable 'prices. HARBAUGH-M ILLER LUMBER COMPANY TIEILEPIONE 50 132 Sprague Street, LibetrtyA iiit', Iiiiij. One block eamt of St Iîaîik'rr Hardware. CHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTS, VEGETÂBLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. IBERTYVILLe, ILU A. W. LINDROTH M ILLI E RYW. are nore showiag the very leteat ln Ladies and DRY GOODS A large assortmnt in beautiful sdesign. Hats Macle-to-Order a Specialty. Prices Reasonable. Ws e aM e niee fla fLrise'Unidsrwear, Waista, Chevea, Col- Ian and Cuff Sets,. Helsy sud Notions ut Low Pricea. The Parisiana &rwst froin - $1.00 to $3.00 Early lune Peas A!fine eating meadlum sized pea at 9 centa, or 3 cana for 25 cents. PHONE 31 Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food' 25 cents, special at 20 cents SOUTH STORE ahihg. Two. 01 r; lin- a- ail is fil( iim art F. A. Bes The Bron The ln th, Thre Feu' Theil The 1 000». For part Wani DEPEN weekly. !. ROCERY SPECIAL FOR JUNE Prices on ail these items liniited te quantity on hand. Best iYeIIow Granulated Corn Golden Rod Nartha Washing. Meal Powdr Presh lot, 5 poumd bag for 15 cents Per package 4 cents, 3 for 10 cents I OiIfl[( ~ flfllIIfIf Ony the IU110 I UIflRLO rnl etCos. IR CM represented IN3l10,4-R W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY VIVý "M.., I:A tý- wbý