LAKE COUNTY ENDEPENDENT. F1IIDAY. .UE4. 1915._ M4URDERER FRE. TWO AWARDS ARE FERS PRISON MADE BY TUE IN= TO FREEDOMI DUSTRIAL BOARD JOE SMITH, THE MAN WHO Largest Award Is Made to An- BRUTALLY MURDERED AN dro Luzar Who Lost a Hand AGED COUPLE IN WAUKE- at Suqar Refinery. GAN, IS GIVEN A CHANCE FOR FREEDOM BUT DE - Two Wauikegan .melit feIeved CLINES IT -HE PREFE RS awards from enîploverm for Injuries stained as a rpsîtit of the hearings LIFE INSIDE PRISON. helti1' Thurstiay afternoon nefore the W l'th leurs In his eyes. Joe Smln th. state Industrial board ln the super- a negro who w an sentluere eti y visors' roulat n the- i-uîrt houts. The i-cli! years ago in Wauî(egan for mur- boardi was coutjosed of Joseph J. der, Saturday told the superintendent Healy, arbiltration agent for thetaltate of the Joliet peu ltpntiary that bis industrial board, together with two woîld stay ttelinîi the prison walls other repreneuntatives selveteti hy the that have sbl etered lmnu "0 o1011, litigants ln each case. railther than go Into the worlui oui- The largent award was madeien aide For the past nineteen years Ile Case of Antirc Luzar, who lont a Slmilt hau heen Pmployeti ln the rat- part of his hand when a rable lroke tan rshopti where hie has earneti the at ite( sugar refinery on Nay 8th, naineIof!II ar" amisng the 2-50 men 19.14 As a result of Infection whîî-h s-mploYed I)ere oser whom hielhansusw et In Luzar lost his entîre hanti. tervîsnî, i-caun,- ot nîriet oliedience The board awardeti Luzar $1.424 T_.,1 fo, the urtiern of The offcer4 ln charge. the amouTnt heing what hie las etitleil Biselause ot bis fitielity antidti1ietIoe ifor the Ionsatof hisentIre haiti. tht prisn oît ,llciaî wanted lu rewaird iTite rflnery petople take the stand hlm fo r, t lv îrannferring himtolutuel thait tht,, are not responsihîe hecause liuttor v-a rn"' Iut Smlth nwould flot hc lottblin entire hanti and sav that litenitl, i *Wlinth araiii inbis em if thitis awaîrd stands thy wili appeal hi- dir ci-r'd liTalt "TIperIntndent Jltie case. Oitthe other hanil, if Lu- <Ti or-e th,-ralam ltpcou Idfno t ar at-ic ,1 $ ch Th ibe aminitfor c:-i- aiuitg ta iiii,îiîihol)ic l- ofns t uiva part îîf Ili,;liait I 1 tin uilt tat %I aestii <Gri--.î.P<il-toIlpaTIlv sw1i1eItIýitaionrce if 1- iIi-sîîîtl ie nil s.gutl loTi',e oi knî,an las et îusi inhalt Luzar lii J tîi., i ii i iTil,-t ii-e t , -ili t l os nhown Tuo\ir.ttcals' )w- T i-i i- t1r. itI I l laT ii i -tTow s- han ,trait -i , bi -t r li ,îîr- \i.iN ibi k i,ss ih. iilIiTT te lier $'7,110 'irin The'a, aîb t h i ii it1 l, i' i, iii ieliT \r tteaiy it-nds Ti tu- il. a a.t 1-11, iiîi iùo tit h C' i tî-ii, , ic ec if ilîy oil 1ii a iti< tii iii i t,?' Tit1 r ,It l iT for ii SO i t ur îî,ir l T - îii-rr pi-i TU "! ri l iii li i , us afliii rn I,t r i, n; do i ii. 1, .1- -til rP.--s ý, ii l liotriit's lIii-stiî-î i tI ,, il-! i-i x, i i'i'- 1 - - a 1, Pit ,tTi ia 'Fi-., l >ric n %tiiîiîlimi asIaril CrrtiI IiiiTI 1atIn.ii i 'iLiiati s aiteail,' u aisoft InitiIz-is wa)Iîi'i ',i i-\ e ciiî tfliM s iii -hiagiiiit Triîis Jakrzr'susi Tii-' < ;r'- . 1i , l-r '.î ,i ut i n I llît e TIawas-" latter îiti-n a nil-at hiii iîhi (rît j - ni 1 .'iii thf'lîttias 1agreed Feourte( nith sires-T Thet hitIîif bven 1 Pîcite.brPc itasnni Iwourkeîl j riîîîîeclhai lbis haittsiniîatigied ln r Ille ratian shr.p iiineiren-îî s-arsl ai tcrmeal cutîing îesi inlu '-. aîtîoi ]ave \lnssuhli <ircen" eOltrr Hp.le sas-s his hani Tii,-wa andii stî uperin tendent fi s.c, ni if that lhe -annut use TII.t!e vieriisurprIseTIt Smith a-as tld in, wsa warti<-d$420 damages. el hilaes to lis work andt think the Two other cases were n liasvernue 11 ,ter user. i ulaltilunither Cnne were thti Dtiring IliTalit. Tili it Ille lrîil Y ilnrîatfor tirai sati wl-r - lie hansiiser Item nistide the prison iosiîo.nuciititpitiîisitl, r. lItis walsIla u t onr l 1)urlng those few a, s r.'ailvidispiî-aned braîelie momentsa for The frsi tithi. e. csaw 1was îî oî î<rmed of ibis tact as he an a ltomInobile ohiz liv. That mwan said It utiid liaPs ras il hlm ait un- lui utia year ago Smith han iteseýr i iisa trîi litre. 'e-eu atiy oter a Iltîc anti hasnene r t iti' of Thet ier tanen o-a.,againni _Pe' n aýit lectrit- sirtet car .nhPIi ' ii' heu' îal i cttîaîîv ant i,.iti lehr T, cis ight rCarn aguo he he i rtît t hIeP ylotie ece Company. ,tie It the penitenliars Tht wartiîî_______ t rrmii'cd iiir-wnrîlhîni if i'Tîthaset isI mihpromfi.d lie woultiHTNI<dI% fili le an obedilit i lrisner .IIow wel S l R NDELS ,a ILIRE i- un kpttibis tpromise ln esîdeneti ie th act Ibal the wartiennst sveral ARSP A N H iI- edorseti peiions for his par- R L Y N H "on, hut oppîostion 10partionlng hlm N.Willailiitfilwhth'rSmth BASE BALL POOLS ýouillcure lu leave 1thieprison aveu If gis-en hîs ilîeriv 1Ilîj silice pard ons ~ ,~* C bave fi'liedi. the wardons wlnh lu gispe stimateu îîîat te îumuer Is himn th e lilierty uf lIvIng on the lonoir Between Four Hundred and Parm wshere lhe would lie able 10 an- FveHn edW kl o, mur oudoor lîfes. Fv udjdW el. t'ntasn8 lassuh <Green persuadies Ii.i lis leaive.' Smith will nelthutige --BASE SALL POOL LIKE trom belilu Tihe gray atone walls that LOTTERY" SAYS HEALEY. hase confinat i hm the greater part "I couirntt ee any difference i if lits ife. Smith la the oltient prison' betsneeu the base baIl pool tickets r ln number of yearn lu prison sud and the olti Louisiana lottery," te seconti ottest Prisoner, belng said Chief Heaiey of the Chicago ceariv sixiy years of aga. police tiepartsrirent. "The playerf Smith oturtiereti an ageti Couple ou hati onty a chance of about or n @rsnîl ase nue,. W'iîkegau, titeir dptiet a thousanti We are going to rîti lîelni tht ent brutal Imazinlnaei the city of the base bail pool Thle murtieri lient hinmu ilatte ticket dealers." folio-. neither blilg able 10 resist lus The îîiaviîîg utflasehliil us lia-i .iîiac'i îrrîîta îîcpîîar divinmitili, CARMAN AUTOMO= BILE SNAPS Off A TELEEIRAPI! POLE Accident Took Place on Sheri- dan Road Saturday Ater- noon-3 Boys in Car. A large lonrlng car owned hy Mms. Omnar Carman of flîwaukee rond, anti driven hy lierphson, Omar. Scrasheti nto a til-graplipoe on Sheridan i'oati jus t south ot Waukegan limite at fQur 0 cloclc Saturday atternoon. Tht pole was soappeti offIn Iret places but ,fortunately hae Iliree young imen ln the car ascapet ilnJury. Nverett Saylar tof North Genee street. anti another youug man were riding witli Carman. Tht radiator was crîîshed andtihle mtd guards baut badly. The auto was proceeding soutit lwenty miles an hour, accordlug o witnesses. Ernest 'Wite, a local dirayman. was drvIng north on the riglit or east ide of the street. Two siher rigs wers drivlng south on thie opposite ide of the street. There was clearance lu the ceuter and Carman sought <o drive bie ma- chine between the vehicles. He would have succeedeti had ti 1 ot been for thie tact that the roati was very slip- pery. The car darteti toward he left to escape hitting one of <lie validles but refused to respondt o <lie wbeai becase of tha sli-PPery pavement. In- steati 1< started <o s(Id toward thie curli. (arman clampeti on biselirakes andt <is seemedt o make <lie condi- tion worse. The machine skitidet anti "trtuck te telegrapli pole. Tht shock causeti tht pole to suap. Tht wlnd- shielti was shattereti but fortuately noue of the men was hurt. Eddie Smith, coloreti. was arrestel Monday ou a charge of stealing $12 lu cash anti $11 lu chescks from Mrs. Arndit o? Elizabeth avenue.,ZMon. The 'Toy was brouglit 10 Waukegan. Clarence ('alvin , wan arreateti at Zion City Montiay for sliooting n ZMon City, bis rifle was taken by tht police andi will lie kept tilI <lie case ls beard. tai ot sorte four or fii t tittdreti perîtI pie in Viaitegan. The hope tif win lilîig onîe of tbe tirgp prives or esen runli>Tiof -t1 iaIer nues s -prrling nil' lit Ci !, t idicementt Tîti-re ire ifferetit llaces o lere sHiis tait l, ie itmhased. Thev sel fur iîis-rcents Pcdi Thene slips Pcnlicouîai ti-utaineis uf dîffereni laiehbail teanis, The pla 0rwb s lecîs the lîsIof teame s hi, b rhash e-h gretient tînnier tif rîun for a gîscît week gels the largesi lrize andi nu on tiown te ist. The arrangements are suchithat a player canuot select te teamii he de- sires. J-e merePly selects certaitn numbers nol knowing wliat tliey rep- resent. A couple of tinyn ilaer lie la furnlnbed o-th s 11sf of the teams which bear corresponding numbers. Eacli day lie watches the nunîler of runs secnred by hi, team and at te sud of the week he totals te number Thte prîzes are awartied aceortiingly, The mont favorite local pool lias Ils heatiquarlers lu Canadia andt lire are players lu tvery ci<y of any size ln thtis country. Several local people have won prizes, one young mtan get- ting $20. Inquli shows <bat a nutu- lier oif young women play tlie ganne also. AIl who play tieclare lil lnreas« their interest lu tht standing of the teams. lu some citien an effort han been matie <o supprens these pools but il la declareti ly those who conduit lhem that lies' are lîgitîmate andt <at te lsw cantt bnci hem. Nul since tht Louisiana iottery han there liten so mucl iinterest express- cd lu Waukegan lu a contest of this nature. River Forent.,liy a referendum vote,- decided yesterday to do withou< a village manager andt <us save $1,800 a year. Titres hundreti andi six votes opposeti anti eiglity-two cast ballots ln favor of retainlng that position. Farl M. Mitchell, former village manl-pi agter, bail resigneti to accept a posi- tion as village manager of Sherman, Tex., at a bîgiter salary.K P~iÇ~p ~lPVA1i "bpThe Wonder Car IN This is the car that 38,000 happy owners have given the "rough and tumble" acid test of real automobile owners weair An automobile on the road for 18 months in constant, every-day use by an owner ceases to be a designer's theory. It becomes-cither a great automobile success; Or it becomes-a great automobile failure. Multiply one model by 38,000 and give each one of these 38,000 auto- mobiles day in and day out rough and tumble road wear, and if this car stands up and delivers, it bas be- corne one of the rare great auto- mobile successes. And that is the Maxwell success today-that is exactly the " Acid Test" that the Maxwel bas passed through, and that is why the Maxwell is the most talked about automobile that is built today. The Maxwell automobile is today one of the very few great automobile successes the world has ever known. And this is the car we urge you to see. Tis is the car that you owe it to yourself to see. We want to tel you about its bul climbing triumphs. We want to tell you about its speed and endurance records. We want to show you and add up for ypu every one of its new features' Read T'his List of Fxpensive Features. The 1915 Maxwell Has These Features An-d Many Others. PURE STREAMLINE BODY f, lige.,i-aemy. ieaital lieds, ttteti with d-pi îitauaphatntr-s. ampfil ler-g ui, adîtnablt,'frontI Seat asd the tient fuurleen- tisai tinti paistetiasuittripet i tnish. Ait NiaxoIilîbodes are- îrstuc f tpr.eand ýIt. etiiiîuited olita teel-citan,.l etio-nid transi iifertng the greaieSi po-sbIie strenigil with niti întîrmeight, SPRING SUSPENSION W'tlbett a daulit son ii lti ite M.axwell he east-nt ridîrsg, light car made. WIth ils aiti vi i, andiv itetîil f-unt îrînce and tire, iOate- rIltiît rr nlq- el-s-- bi of th, s-yn li-et r ucvii etj,, iiiý %axweli cuhios tiasat-a c- rn i ih-jra anti bumo f t oagi nids. h a so ii - i,-aliteasti eusa riditig thal bsn 55511 i îtthe dfee ,c tu .sr firt ride, THE POWERFUL MAXWELL MOrDIS 'Tf IiMont Powerfut. durable mater of il. > -iadr AMple peser ta ,rgîîtate any ii iid, santi-1Or ltiitay ut y-r e-- cTliii il AlMuet troublePr-ne, every part alccenal Nt, .anti siat lamae.ilta1.a.Mter u -0-Y i?,feo-,m lir il-esp-r g.iliu. day ni ;- day ual, th- y-,-i. aad iteieveposel- ieý If une ce lis t.Irli Y..nThý axwliel te-day une et thts ery lbat lu rirpend.ble elcce DOUBLE SHELL RADIATOR A beuifitl.tronblep.-of. hlgbly efficIent iîtîîrEseri tsar t but tbe sheil coustrueteti -l lizh-grude coPPer. Ih o41t sot ecroit, and eati Prutreeti against bi-cakage a hey pieasei t aleshetI anti spec'laf'nhoek-absorbuug îlesire. ou eael site af te trams Ihat prtets i agaunt the many stMlns anti twists uttIhe TrHE S'rEERING GA lrreversitte v.annanti gear, the auty sais Pteertng devire. Maxwell uses a g-ar tuateati ut a rtîe Titis naakes atjustment ver' Blifipîr,as tii bave merely ta ltrnte gear uricquarter aay anti yen have a new surface, Just as g9-1Ias a complets new steertnc unaît OSiAKES THAT HOLO AND LAST Oue Qt-iIa- .h et huraing surface ta evary t--am-ie iailii uIght Thta'.rmore tita. litent anov viîr car gîves la-day. Maxwel 1-k- -es i.,tîraugly itepeutiabie, enetasetiand î,ite,d duittîatant iitr. anti have special aiil-rilitt ils-ees baxwel brakes are tv easy la handle. The lilgitet pressure ,f' ihe m.t srd otir c-r contes toa ateatistop. The Maxwell Company&s Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owneu's No other automobile ia backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than ,000Maxwell derner -in every part of tis country-are always rerndy to give expert advice, to make adjusauents, and t. supply new parts at reasonable price. This splendid Maxwell deaier service organazation is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operrnted Service Branches. Sixteen great Mrnxwifl ServPice Stations are s. located throughout the country that a Maxwell derner. eau supply rnny part for an owner within a f 0w hours if flot in his stock, Maxwell Service ia orne of the great advantages eujoyed by Maxwell owners. Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we wil give you your car-flot an excuse on deivery day 1%695 BW5WRY OA S A MXWEL ROAD» - l.. ±ITEC$55£L uThle 15îtiif if the Puddinug is in tuie Eatiig. ' - The Inde- pende-nt'., (tlasseified Ads have bet-n prth'eîi hy Ihutidreds of 3atisfied customers. Atsk any user of these little salesnien. ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS 'r To Advertise i the PAYS- LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT :CH.1 Ili. ,il t il. hJ ire Man snteed g roe.» tir than [et COUD- ee the he oniy .comas rd,-E* rK Paae Seven