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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDEPENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN \'l1. XXII. NO. 38. TWELVEC PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAYE COUNTY, ILL., FRT-DAY, .1JUNI; 11, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1 .0 PbR YEAR IN ADVANC.E STATE'S ATTORNEY PRIMARIES FOR DR. BROWN AND SU= $809000 DAMAGE FiLES A BIGi BATCII SEPTEMBER SURE PERVISOR CONRAD SUIT IS FILED, 0F I N D I C TMENTS Springfield, IllNANOTI21ER- CLASIeWauk.'a i. ogressional, legilative, and ilointy lif, Corn Exehauti. fiank of Chi- - -prlmary nominations willI made la rago, through Atorneys arer Two WeII Known Local rg Septemiier, 1916, as was for.'casted 'Counity Physician Brown and otanBusodyfl uifr gists Charged With Selliflg two weeks ago. Supervisor Conrast iew $8s 00daaesaal Med W Without a License. The Republican Joint caucuns Over a Sick Patient. $80e0le.dmaus 1. PostGere o _____night by a 2to 1 vote turned down aru .Fotr eog o HIHW ODME~ RR I~EDthe proposition ta have thre prîmiaries -ICOUNTY CHARGE OR NOT? gart and Mi. H. CuteIr. togetirer witir HIH ODM luAR INDI the sprlug and the September date the C'utter, May & Coînpan> concern.1 Infomatins gaint 20Foxwas ordered luto tire coimposite eiec- Mooted Question As to iust, Steele residesait Highlanîd Park and Infrmaion Agin 20Foxt Ion bis, which now wili ire pushed WhnaChreI 'on I~this accounta for tite suit ttelug filed Lake Saloonsts-Sunday to passage Pracfically the asoarelid Rent's in Lake county. Tt ie reiated tirat on Selling Is Charged. pubicau membership of tire two Is the Question. i Pebruary 8, 1915, lie defendantsen houses attended tire joint caucus. tered finto an agreemnt wîth the ttsAtoryR.Ip J. Dady Th e presîdentiai prîmaries aoi Waukegan, dune 5. plaintiff wbereby theý imighît establilsi sprang a surprise FrIday p.m. was agreed, wili ire helti the fràt rounity Piryician Brown aud Su- a system of creditIt. Tqi charged that when ho appeared in coiJnty court1v filn9 bl baei ofcrîina in ITuesday in April, coineident wit tire pervisor <Corad irad another clash on April 22, 1916, the. plaintiff advanc- formqain.Inoatofin wre llm townshiîp eiections downstate and hile morning over thre admission f0er ed $7300%on promlrnt % rînotes lssued frainInomtoswr i t he municipal election ln Chicago. th ouyhsîa fGog ranz: hy the' defendatsinb wiich they aila1 nst the proprietors of two lo- Tirere lasasine talk of an effort ta son o~ f r. anld rs. William Kranz, agreed ta pay thir oîte on demanil cal drug stores charging themn hoiti the state prmalries the last week Of Brnooîside avenue, a young manatixprcn nre O Ma29 wh sling lquo witIntlu une, but iis is sîrentioueiy op. who has. been sick for seven monthe 1915. the money was lemanded. it is ceuse. Pour H-ighwood men were îo)sedý There la everv îrobabiltv the and who. turing fliat lime iras beenicharged, and thre def-iidarits refuseri charged with the "mre offense. [ S.eptember date, as tire aw now at home. P'art of th,' ine ire bas been sud stili refuse to pay t n addition, iformnations were fil-I tanids, wilii %e retalued. Uit and around the bouse. He looks ed agoinit twenty Fox Lake Bs' _____________adly andi seems to have an affection loCc.keepers, charging thern with of one' 11mb. selng intoxicating Uquor on Sun- IP R IC I r nit rabenhsprsuian FORT SHiERIDAN day. ic last fali but for twelNe Ireal rD T - nauhî-s of the- îwo local drug- ment. a lot ai o,îeoiatiîirhas glein A B UT T agls wo nfraiosee SECRETLY TAK EN Ilat t AYEiPTeTnA CAIATFRý,iY- ense ad TO NATIVE LÀND dtaan lirio wsnesay NEW USE BY U. S 14 idere strPets. and lire matter was referred to Dr. .ISPI BRitt'ZI<'Z- M a r ioan Kight irwo suggeated tirat lhe eGvrm nCosd sTu ig Fitt Friends TakeAngelo Ln righ himGvliet osdr uTil inomto 'îîLnritaken t h on hsia sacoun- Fort Into Training Grounds lr -ar fl maio there were five From Highland Park With, ty charge as the famliy was witirout for Volunteer Reserves. coun!4- ln otirers words. if ls cirarged out Knowiedge of U. S. means ta juslifv bieng a pay-charge lirat bey sold liquor without a license _____at tir e-lAister hospital. Tire fafh- Washington, June 2 If tentative on lis. different days. Mr. Atterbery, Highland Park's leper bugairon 13 r went ta "eDrBrown 5o <made1 plans .f th.e genral staff of the army wiîo was a city comnmissioner for four ended. Angelo Lunardi. tire lePer, a cail and lter assumef fte stand are carried out, Fort Sheridan will be- year an wh wa deeâte fo re tht i wa netan pertiv cae.cOrne tbe training ground for a United ylio e e cr- td muniacdpat ed for re- hatiferamonrt an perative case.States voluter reserve army. Thre elce~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ io ftercnmuiiaee- io asfrmrtia fwom fh Tus the matter stood for a flue. nrogram under consideration would tien. ex-pressed amazement tuis aft- was a "prisoner" lu the village and Th.mn, on Tiursday the Kranz family authorize thre president. with the ad ern,ûeo when he learned of tire step witom officiais unsuccesstuiiy sougirtIappealed f0 Superviser Conrad, de- of the War Departmenf. to organize ia' liadt een taken by thre st&te'3l* er oialwsscei dpr-caigthyfi ieptesould a volunteer force to b.' known as the tadeot aItlra scrty eo.- aingte etteptet Unitedi States voluner reserve. A trne ttiefurHgwos d to ie native land lant Thursday. bie taken f0 the csuntY hospital as a tentative bill fer presentaf Ion to thre Th, anis o th fou Hihwod eTh" "dePortation" was accompliih- county charge. Mr. Conrad notifled congresa provin1" tirat: menhagedwih ellngliuorwih-Dr. Brown of the case anti asked m Sctorganiâtlon shallbhocon- oui. a cnorge ln w tit eig iorwifhil edby a few of Lunardis tallInim friendh ln Highlandi Park and so far take the boy tirere. posed of male itîzens of tire United ori1 icns.aob othpi ae:od wii 0States befween thre ages of 19 andi 50 (bilis SENIfls.asl-aunire learn'd it was doue wtht Dr. Brown answered by letter tibat wbo ihave hat i revious rilfary train PR KI RO WENS out kuowledge of gosernment officii., lie diti not care to take this case ta lng. elther o in th regular army, navv, (fýýRiA'K IOPS. a i.l custornary lu sud, cases. OuI"Ithe couufy hospital pending a taik marine corps ir any voluinteer force t. I.iRE Paswifh tire hsia omieo u ofthre Unitedi States. or ln thre Na- a 1.-w officiais of highland Park'iopflcmiteo 0hui ur.hg croso te j.i-z S WMENNESS. onlGad ih colsrote Thsheif suceeedln ervngwere let lu ou the secret, anti these tiers isors wiich meets Thursday. scijools of Instruction whereln reiti- pledged absolute secrecy. Athougir Ths morning Dr. Brown and Super- tary Instruction la given and wiro hi aplases ou the first ftree men- telprwstae rmls viso r Conrad cirauced f0 meet lu tire bave heen hou rably separafed tirere- ii4.rri-timen and fhey were brougirt lu- telx a ae rmlt pris- Sanoffice. frrnm. ta -i>' court thîs affernoon wirere onr iouraghland faekpirysîciantthat lmpro' ided ln the tentative draft biey -ntered pîeaa of "00f ilt...secreltidid net become kuown ioutil M.Cna tl h0hsiinta f the poodlgeainta n Th.ý rbande were fiied et $300 each Sundav and then Oniy a few airo "are the boy shoulti ie taken f0 the county lisiment lunte tolunteer reserve shal ou tire inside" heard of If. hoapital whereupon Dr. Brown saad i be for sncb period as rnay be pre- andi bhiy were remaudeti ta tirecus- OfcasKnwSce. emphaticaily: "He caunof be taken :ibed bytheire i degs proddta toit, ofrte sberffutil they are able OEfG.ielub ne er, c risert. ftireaon ny recommendafion. T t i rrl e ye far ir vlunfeer reserves tu s-ure bontismeri. Tirere are two E.Guueromsinr o an operative case lu my opinion." ouid e ner. Ti ecutetrol antie coudts in eacir of te lndictmneuts fil- heaiftand Mayor Hstings, are t Nr ordinilt ftire oaani manaemuethe iprestientraandr local officiaIs saidtiafohav e been i r ordiase lu h aiymngmn o h rgdn n h ouaaiB the secret'wod en hati appealed f0 hlmt as supervisor War Departmeitt. luIlike manuer as Ireýh cases of tire 20 Fox Lake sa- nte"ert"adta efl h o hudb te re adfre fteUie '*Luard wa supose tabe n uStates. Tire reserves would te organ- :0,TKepr aans wo Ifrm-tire hopitai ortire insane e Dun- ta'ien as a county charge. ized loto .branchîes anti nuits, and of- iti vere fied. tire. were 10 cants ing" saîd Mfayor Hastings, 'but Dr. Brown lef t tire office but short- ficers. armed snd equippeti ln con- inah information, lu otirer words, .. fheItle redsl i-I afterwards met Mr. Conrati andi tormify wilir lie regtlatious prescrlb- e;I i-uc somele 0f irisithItailaoid frltaudse lu patiet-ta teti for te regîttar ar!ny of tire Uied e,î efuiat schredwlhirvlaund Park. kuowlug thrj man w toa hls0 ak IStatena0tie s ,ng -nid lîquor ou feu tilfereut Sun- worryiig hirmseif Insane over tire irotpifal but tire superviser explainet Tire legilattoti, If if should pass, las- tealit ad '~" of it ~ that ere ire dit so, ire wishedtheir would proslie thaf eacir army pont ire T'lt aands f toc agitit ofo hie f antifpsa fte eev îil"tatouswer illti u tre ox amli lultay, ook p acolecton.edtor of tire Sun to see the patient. placed etatih( ipsIo ierst Tjo mies f toseaganstwho fTiey l took mm f0 Cir coletiTues- Tirey went firere wirere Kranz told of hein of tire territory wifhmn easy ieach ,ritori. -einnan-e rtre nteFxTe okhmt hcg atT ess-! usof fihe post Under tire general - - -rgin ae:a_ A-h- - - - - f,l h scne durlng wiich ie iad 1scem Frt S. herida.. n ld Se.-ne ATOSCH 1iDW.ARD 'WHITE .1 .\IES COLEMAN HERMAN EAPING cILIN H. OSTRANDER EDIARD FICHTER New York lty vitere tire>' place b hlm aboard a sitip bount for Europe0 ast Tirursday." Mayor Hastings declared i Hghlandti Park bati palti no moue>' to tie "de-a portation" font. If was reportedt iat FIHENOLDMUEN.'HAnthony Lenciano, leader of tire Ital PETER ('f.AYTON iau colon>'tirere. anti several otirer t GEORGE PASDELOUP, et al. Itaians hati accompanied Lunartl f GEORGE KOETH Chicago anti New York cty anti iat i .1 5î J. SIMMS aideti lu getfing him aboarti ship. i .1 ILLIAM SCHMIDT Ernployod us Wstchnan. i EM'%MA SCHULZ Since Lunardi, former night vatcb- I i. E. CRISMAN man at Exrnoor chub, vas feundt f ieB AUGUST SEHRER a victbm of tire maladti>hiree monfsirs (IODFREY JOHNSON ago ire led a unique existence. 8 . A. MORISON A concil of physiciens, after man>'s SOREN MATRIBSEN examinations, tiecitiet Lunardi vas i Many of tire Fox Laies men against suffeing from lepro.>'. but that tire whom informations have been fIieti case vas not contaglous. Tire vih- have been iraleti into court ou differ- lage officiais decitie t taie 1n ent occasions but on tihe sanie charge. chances anti arrangedt 1 have Lunar- Several of firsm voe tried biefore dii iept la a private "cehh" Iuit near .udge gimile>' lait Summer anti same tire outskiits of tire village. Lunardil ot tbem escapeti Jai sentencso very 'escapeti' trou thirs *cell'several nari-ovly. Ahi recelveti ieavy fines fîmes, but alyays returneti vohun-r anti promisedt tey voulti obe>' fie taril>'. Thirastt fle ire "escapeti" lav ln future. ire vas trace t f0Wlaukegaa. virere 1 Tire states afforne>'atimits tira ire ire bat spent iis Urne la viltllng sa-p bas iratidetectives af vronoutfe loons. Ater ire returnet trou this differeuf cases for sevenal veeks. This escapade ire vas practical>' free ta go Io one of tire largest batches of In- anti came as ire peaseti. formations ire ever iras file t one Efforts vere madetiefadeoat hmmr fine. but fie Unitedi States regulationsd oovering depotafions provitie tirat ahI Jutige Claire C. Etivartis vas eali- deponteti persoa muet rturn ta tieir e Io th ie count>' cler's office virile native landeisnan sips ofthtie same court vas In rocs« Taesa after- compan>' lunviicirtire>' arriveti la tinst noon to perforrn tire iarriage cers- country. Lunardi vas unable f0 tel mon>' betveea 'Miss Anna Lant and on virat huir e iratcorn efaArnerica. MImer Smifh, botir ialing trou Cii cago. Tire coloreti people came bers The lndependent la the countys on- to ire yod anti returnedt t their home y 12-page wekly-that'a why svery- WINNERS IN THE COUNTY CONTEST AT LIBERTYVILLE Students From Ail Over Coun- ty Contested for GoId, Si!- ver and Bronze Medals. MUCH INTEREST IS SHOWN. North Chicago Chiidren Car- ried Off Two First Honors- Waukegan Out of IL. Stutienîs from the granîmac si-hools ft the courtfy ail jourîîneyedi 0t Lberty- ville laslt Salurday ho lake part in tire 1sciiola'slip contesl tiraI'sas conîluct- eîl tnder fhe direton of itîîtSu-r ltierintentieut of Scirools T. Arthutr Simpson. Tire afleudance was even be'tiît lijjait irat heen expectePd as tire. were few wiro were ehigibie wiho were nolttere. Tire interest was verv k-icî t h s a noticeable, facltirhaf %%.aui,-ogstim'as flot even lunlire run- :ii nig.ailii oitgli -tudeut s from Northr 'itgti (arriedti lauof the ftrst hou- ors, Thfir.'lnsI priin lu cdicase oas a goiti niedal tii. secondti sas silser anti t lie tijird 'as tînîze Tirearlithmetic anti speliing contests sere decîdeti on the point Of accîîracy 'tIr. Faust was on haudt to jutige tire s ritiug. andtihie follosîng jutigeti tiie'r.adiug: Mrs. Wayne ('olby of liherlyville. F. S. Esfey of Northt C'hicago sud NMiss Mar- garet Gilbert ut Milliruru. Following are tite namnes of titose 1Whto took part. tite tlrst lirree lu eacir l1sf wlnlng tire goti, silver anti bronze medals respecfIvely: a Arithmetic. e1. Esther Glas. Scirnîz scitoûl. Ela. k Leslie Sildts, Wadsworts escirool. Newport. . 3. Albtert flerscliherger, Haîf Day scitool. \Vernon. 4.oen Metea If, Gurnee. Warrenî 5. Mamile Swansotî. Howe scimool. * Bent on. * 6 Chirrstîna Wagnr. Ivanirue. Fre-1 mont. 7. Lemo-ra ossell. Mîîrrya scirool. Fremont. 8 C'iristina Tlnorsell. Girdley scirool, Vernon. 9. Alice Junge, Round Lake, Avon. 10. Lenas Spafford, Aufiocir scirool. t Speling. 1 Doris Dunakin, t'entrai sciiooî, Northr Chicago. ". Ruthî Steenrodi, Wnutirop H-ar- 8iborscirool. 3. Nîls Englunti, Hlghwood scirool, 4. Harley Schrmidt, Deerfielti scirool 3 Mars ella Keller, Gridley scitool. V.ernon. 6. Tieinîa Stroback Wite scirool, e Marfiîa Petersoti, Vasey scirool, à\Vaurntda. N, 9 anti Ioitiedi for hplace. - Alice J.n,, ,-,,Round Laeschi-al, been f reateti by Dr. Kighf anti an tire training pace for tire reservioslAvont. osteopatir. or from Oive or six states. Tire re florollîs Sayers, Bush scirool. Lih- As thte supers isor andtihie editor serve arms- untier tire proposeti plan lefttheboue, arsn ad Hllad'swould be olfiered b>' failng ueo ertysille. ief tie ous. Lrsn ati ohaat'sf rom tire regîîîar establihment. But ttiatvs Panowskl. Anlbocit scitool. ambulance drove up andthie patient affer tire original quota of officers Penmanship. was removedtf0tire county haspital bati been appointeti. preference in tire where his case wîlî ire diaguoseti fur- mottenr of appointmeut would b given 1. Loraine Deaconi. Central scirool, tie.unteer organizaflon. Nor.r iiago aowk. Ani "He was 00f up ta me as a <tounty Tire kinti of a volunteer reserve tlavs Pusk. Aicr chrarge unfil '1'lursrlay; prior toa tf proposeti woîîld ire subject to tire cali scirool. time viren I was caihedtu fhiis home' of tire presitieut for serv-ice wtthiu 3. Eveiyn IMiller, Matiten scitool, it was presumably a pnîvate case In or wifitonth tirerrîtor>' limita of tire Llhertys-le. whli Iirti ee catei,"sati r.UnIfed States, tire same as tire reg- 4 Heniry Fpker. Mattiet scirool, whic 1 ad eencalld,"sai D ulair army Tire promoters of tis Brown, addlng: "f dont thirniiiesacirere for an aru>' of reserves voult i Lbertyvilie. trouble Justifies an operaflon ant I hàve tire varions nuits of tie organiz- 5. Mary Suetiden, Everett scirool. sureiy vihi 00f operate unless a cou- ation assemble aunuali>' for a perloti Deerfielti of not less titan ftteen conseentive 6. Esiler Repkow. Witirop Hatr- suifation of tioctons tiecities sncb is days for tire pîrpose of Instruction lu the botter course." conneetton witir regular trup.Af bor scitoOl. "I ea't aoe wby Dr. Brown, as toast six tiys woulti h. devoteil fo 7. Ethel Hlgglus. Wintbrop Marbr counfy ioctor, heirstates lu taking pa- targef practice. Tire War Depart- S. Cors Joues. Ivanirne sehool. Fre- mentwoud iakeProvision for tire mont. tients who are idk, f0 tire iospital equipment. transportation. srrblst- viren I. as supervisor, tellh hmn, f do suce, medical attention anti pa>' of 9. Emma Meyer, Gritile>' scirool, no. Tirat's my undrstautiing. tirat tire froops Intire same manuer as for Vernon. tire suporvisor shaîl recommenti Who tire froops of tire regular aru>'. 10. Henrietta Gol. Fox Lake C 'For tire purpose of Instruction, scirool. siraîl go f lere," says Supervisor Cu maataining discipline snd ieeping luIndIg radi. toueh viftte changes accusring luRedig 'Tire hospital cornmtfee instructedth ie tirill anti otirer regulations of tire 1. Marlou Cook, Laie Bluff scirool. me recently te ire tire one viro shoulti army. there wouhd be a requirement 2. Isabel Palmer, Grayslake scirool. pas onadmssin o paiens u tofor a montirl> meeting of sacir baffaI- 3. Christine Andierson. Wrighrt passon dmisionot ptieta u ~ton anti smaller unis of thre reserve Tuestiay uneit iren tire>' vii estab- ln tire localîfles virere tire>' existeti scirool, Uibertyvilie. Ilsir a fixeti rue'" repies Dr. Broya.Tre reservlsts woulti receive one 4. Priscilla Fuller, Waucontia In tire meant fus, Supervisor Con. tiay's PSY for thins rvlee. Theo ro scirool. d l deiddlyanry verth Ini.serve armv untier tire propaseti 5. Tiressa Canilune. ianiroe scîrool rat i deiteti>'aogy vertie ml-scirerne oulti purchase aI ifs sup- dent, declarlug tire patient sironhd plies f rom ft.' regtlar aru>' quarter- have been taken tirore before, wite masters tiparLjsuf lu tire sarne Springfieldi. Ill., June 4.-Undor an Dr. Brown insis tirte case vas not manner as lire memrbers oftiees rersutioayy the stegpuli niar army. odrlse oa ytesaepbi put up f0 hlm as a county charge un- Tirere Io, of course.noù assurance ufiliiies commission, L. P. O'Donnell II Tirurstay anti iis opposition t0 an fiat tire legisîstive bodiy vihI taie f0 vili ire prohibiteti fromn operatlng a operation isavirat .èaused i hm fa as- tire reserviaf itea Thrus ferf irbas '.jîîney bus'"Ue In Jaocaonveîle on- sumne tire stand ie titi. not ireen approvpdib>' tire ssttrsfary of var, ant iit seenîs tioubtful If itsaol tiI ire obtaina a charter of conyon- Mr. ConradtIinsista tire patient neetis gef 'iis aPprovah. Howver, it Io evi- euce anti necessity trou thre stalle. A iospitah attention even If not an OP- dent tiat viren tire nev cOngre3s generai order afsctlng ail "Jitne>' eration; Dr. Brown declares tirat as cornes togetiter tire.' ilI Ifkely be busses" Iu tire state ma>' folov fu- some Immediale sfeps taien oward (Coutnueti ou page tiree.) strengthening lire national detense, day'.. actioun0ftirhe commission. Judges' Vote ini EDWARDS, FROST Lake County AND DONNELLY ARE > 77 ELECTEDEAS1L Y w r 4 - Z ý > Three Sitting iudges Have a ii0 Walk-Away Over Judge 1 Smiley onMonday. Benfon 1 .... 52 55 59 S8 Senton -2.......... 24à 362 367 92 LAKE CO. STRONG FOR ALL. W"t 3 ý' . 21 2 -6 22 46Smiley Made a Poor Showing Newcrt_. ....78: 0 ëf_12 in Ail Parts of the District Antiocir 2 ....... 70 79 91 32 -F i VoeOt G rn............ 66 55 90 32' VOTE IN SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT Lake- Villa....... .67 79 101 25' ON CIRCUIT JUDGE. vn........... 149 157 255 66 Yi ili lr.s.Eds.touI Sm'y. Warren ...........103 108 115 9 Lýake 504'. f26 3 S27' 971) Wau kegan i .1 179 -2086-24-1 30 Wlitiehago 4:n37 3539 2194 2139 Waukegan 2__. 122 129187-22 Ioone . 12 15 11« 111,1t 577 Waukegan 3 .... -19à3-205-243 -40 'N cHleurN...4"17 4117 4444 1001 Waukegan 4. ....120 111-9-154- 14 Totl iv()tte. 1404 7 >48 IY'66 4687 Waukegan 5i 183 185 197 27 It irati ieen reporiedth iat Smiley W-autkegan 6 - _91 94105 -il woîîid ma'ie his hest sirowing un Win- Waukegan 7 .....18 0 176 _2 26__ 18 ne bago wirere a Oighf was waged against Jutige Dounelly and tire vote Waukegan 8.... 102 99 114' 15 shows sucir f0 ie tire case, for. la Waukegan 9 . .. 62 59 65 4 Winneitago t)ounelys vote was 2,494, Wïuke-gan 10.. 269 268 288 12 wtlle Smlley trew 2,139. However, Shieldis 1-.. 75 106 110 54 lu tire home couuty of fiese two mo, Shieldis 2 . ... 33 47 52 14 Donnelly beat Smiley ietter fian four f0_ tooue sud Douneily led tire four can- ihiÏïlda 3-.... 90 97 117 1_9 dîiates liniis showing lu tirat county. Shields 4 ..... 49 126 140 95 An interesting thing and ratirer nice Libertys.ille-1f...160 -171 1 3f-2 at that. la thaf each Judicialcandi. Librtyili 2 128 139 152 29 date of tire tiree olti jutges carriad iris own county over tire otirfi'm la Frenont 8M 91 _114- 10 otirer words. Frost led in Winnebego,' Wauconda ....109' 101: 141 5 Etwarda lu Lake, Donneliy la Mt, Cuba............ 46_= 471 1 Her;Frost led a little over B&- Ela ............7 , 11 8 wards lu Boone, but ftne Lake couxty man rau a close second. Boeo gave Vernon.......41 481621 12 Frs but 49 more tiranl Edwari.. West Derflid 561 601 1191 14 Smthey's abowing lu McHenry wher Deerfielt 1....... 32ý 48' 531 34 he got an even thousanti votes, virie Deerffield 2 ......- «'55 1 &Il24 DOnaeIlY g0t 4,444, vau nof viralkt* Deerlel 3 . 26-8l48 -14frientis bati promisaet i m. ln tact, à-eerfeId3_ý 26 28 46!14 ieisown cotmty anovet i mmunder. Deerieli 4 . 40 40 S520 It la iuteresting f0 note fbaf Bd- Deerfleld 5 .... 52 70 68 31 wartis of Lake, rau second ln sach TOTALS .... 3827 4282 S026ý 970 TItREE LAKE CO. AUTOS TO TAXE TRIP TO THIE COAST Dr. Taylor of Libertyvilie, Dr. Foiey and Nick Wetzel of Waukegan to Go. At lasf tirree Lake county familles are f0 drive in autos ta tire Panama- Paciftic exposition et Sans Francisco. Tirose fo date wiro have decidedtief go Include: Dr. J. C. Foîey, Waukegsn. Nicholas WetzsÇ. Waukegsn. Coroner J. L. Taylor. Libertyvltli. Mr. Wetzel anti l>o farnil>'viii leave Immediafehy affer scirool closes so iis son, Clarence, vin a i attend- Iug La'.e Forest coliege. co accou- pan>' hlm. HIeiras purciraseti a new Jefferies auto lunviricir lie trip vilI ie matie. Drs. Taylor anti Foley wilI maie f ieir ftrip togetirer. eacb taking bis famiiy along. Tire> plan taking tenta along vitir f iem anticamping lu tire wiiti country firrougir wiicir tiry paso, fiat ls, If fhey so desine. At any rate. firey'll ire loatietinl sucir a manuer that tbey can suit tireir ovn fastes lu fins regard. Mrs. 1roley's tister, Mrs. Richard Moran. lves at Denver anti they plan ta eaul on her en routa. Dr. Taylor punchased a big Ciralm- ers six last year; Dr. FoIe>' ias r.- celveti iis nev Chalmers. Tirs> vll use thre cars ln question la maklag their loug jotrney. Tire FoIe>' Taylor part>' vilh starf uext Tuesday anti. hie tirs Wetaels. tire>'exPeef 10 ire gone àabout file. montrs. NOTE-hf firere are any otirer lAie count y people viro pan maklng tire trip fo tire coast fhins fml via auto. we will ie please t o have tirem per- mit us fo mention If lafiese colurnus ant ill do so If fbey Informà us 0f tire tact. ELECT CUTTING PRESIDENT. Chrarles S. Cutting. former jutige of tire Proirate court lu Cooke connty, vas selecteti as presîdent of tire Clii- cago Bar association. A total of 1.010 ballots vas caaf. Indepeadenf reatber? BM ONI. count>- oulside of bis own wirere ire was first. Tis proved tire tact frn tirer t bat tire Smiiey flght was put 119, againât Donneily retirer tiran B&. yards. Jutige Charles H. Donnelly. Arthr H. Prost anti Claire C. Etivartia voie electeti circuit judges ln fins, tire 7tm district, at NMonday's election, jutige Davidi T. Srniiey of Woodsfock, an aspirant f0 tire place. belng anowed' under so far ln tire total firat ho snd ii frientia bardly knew ire vas rua- ning. Jutige Donneliy le a MoHenry coun- t>' man, having been Circuit Judge for tire pasf 19 years; Jutige Pfrooteh a Wlunebago county man and iras bega circuit jutige for 14 years; Jutige Ed- wartis Is a Laie count>' man and irag serveti as circuit jutige silice * Sept. 28t1 b, ast, under appointuent from Governor Dunne. Lake counfy, like lire otirer tirree counties, Bonne, %McHenry anti Win, nebago. siovet ifs appreciation of tire work of tire tirre jutiges iry glir- iug tirem a vote viricir eacir mould teel prouti of; tire vote siroveti la no uncertain ferma virat fine voters thmni about tire abilities of tire tire. men holding tire Important office. Tire vote lu Lake count af shaoya berewitir, If being seen tiraf SmUil, dld n0f at any point, bave a "bIoi": Smlle>' beat Donnelly lu Lake For- est, tire vote there lu Shieltis one anti two togetirer being: Smile', 149; Donnelly, 126. Etivartis. ioweyer, Sot. 250 anti Prost 232. Tire drainage mat- fer vas viraf causedth ie figint on Don- neUy lu Lak<e Forest. la Waauk*ga tirrt, 21 bahlots vere marketi for Sltiards anti nobody *cia; la Weat teerllehd. 50 votes ver. cma for Etivards alons: ln anotirer Wax- kegan precluct f iere ver, baillots market! for Etivards alone, so. lit la man> of Jutige Edward'a ftiond. vanteti to maie sure of victory for hlmn, so voteti for uobody ls. The. tact isnfirat simiiar conditioni exlsted la tire otirer counties--maisy votera voteti for tire candidates eftirhose counnUes exciuslvely ta order 10 irdlp fbem tiat mucir more. iJutige Etivartis carr'ed iis native tomnship, Avon, in fine shape, gettinge 255 votes in Smileyra 66. Donne" got 149, anti Frot 157 la Avon. Etivards <arrieti Vautegan lu splendid shape defeating Smle>' about eighl f0 one anti runn.ing 2SU votec aireati of tlrosf anti 300 airead of Dlon- uelly ln 1* Cifty. Want, For Sa4e,4etc ode la fflBN. DEPENOINT rosets ¶mPc111 9c 'd. ieh. lell. ich. JIlah îirt- J's ti ci ti it ,fi B ti si si ti C, ti ti p r d

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