At luat William Jeunmngs did something whlcli every- body approves of -ho reslgn.d. An Itemn says th1e diplomnats vers gr.agy utbied.l*'th1e entraiidu of Italy. luto thé- wàr. Hoewov., diplomats did their abit lud tSrrlng u>lap thévar. State's Attorney Dady in swingig the axe with a veng- MM. >Tb uuddus with w4lch it deacended took 1the *JÀtbo! lae r*b &th1e laese icUi oftheonsliught. QOlWlliton stands appanI1e4st the. way horrors of Xur- oput w*t canthé,poor ting dol We shoulbe pre- paýred, !or-'wbodM itellini what form trouble mnay come? De<retary of Otate Bryan hm resigned. Well, from the record lie hla made at Wasohington, th1e oouniry, in our be- Uaif, wli continue t mov'ealong just ail ucumsfully as un- def4*g%4aIce Atilie boilveri Peace, M.Bryan per-t i~bra<terpUcto b. carried 100 far--sofar, in e 1adbôuin the butt of prods of people of alil nation. 1Bo, with William Jumtq eut- of: the cabinet, nttftOWd t1peuoe se muoh but at, any rate el ~tW~OY~go6Mehô* oranotiier. At that, RrYa8 ,~~u1t*tb In 4)m ubi*tb uk would.r.Wilsen isut od -out hfe Raéxd uhoUtr&âbftet the man vio holped make -liluf, PrMdéMt f.~yn ** * O* O *O câào and fis ell klown fIn Wàukegsn i *and North Chbeago. The fact ta Wauegn oc s te Uenne vas lsued today dosflot wBIsKig.Sf1l- laictethat the. couple vas t. o nwarld today, declared auofcdislof Wiii the clty of Wautogan decilde tihé narriage la ..t for âmae I4tbetai te Instali. a Municipal lig.t- plant to the. home of the. brideas parents, Mr.1 furulslt .i.ctriclty for Bot only the. abd Mns. A. B. Codi, of Chicago. 1 qSe lIglie but privaie consumer.? iubliowing the Wiedding thie couplet M1 4 «m sosd"edas.hoale ooklng *fil tai'. a honeyron trip ater lÉto -hé natter and if lie Suds snob vificlithey viii resi"eI- finEghiautt mmis.eble viii aubrnit t to thelPark In viIch iaty Mr. PtnotWl iliv-t référendumvota, The. si snd grev up, locating at Northt Chi-1 affor déclaréeshohan liasaen the mat: àigo .&fter b.orgmulmed tii. comliany t« cosiMerable Uo t inltbut la fot wtdchibears bis nome. He »la àfl fn' opi eaulaeedas yet. mat hov the. VStor of electnicai apPiiancea dma il Wu avoul- woeiiout. fl-eqently refenisi to a. a "second .-rs- cy e n ddn, John, maind dttn." Jon riés, ber motber-in-iav,. IMty A. Murray fi1.4 a bill for di 7 e tdgyf«r a tiree months' trip eàLThe odty vst eâtiesa vont. agfainst lier linaband, Waitert spesdnmre Urne at tue ses shote. The. Kerr Murray In Circuit eourt today.t tripla SmparttaIlytaken da u t eluterest Habituei irunleenoees la ehated. cf xouPt trtMxm. Pr it oth, Àspécilidemntrrer vas Ilied tcda7 uhtàdsoi ÔWPublic Hesalth sud 3aSo- In t. 'cae of Ireui Adams, aiminis- t,~ fê Owel b4ere tuattté aluttator of the. estate of Alfreid aré lUt stimj iion thé.ruina of thedeciaed, agalViot theC. &N. v. ltal ThiomOasDBras ani mron vote at Mmd vay cornpally. Thss la a case fIn wviec -Week J$ . i.and ID. tracks daMagb à,l-itkëh~d fur thée deatit ôM t Wndu*n by thé.lire deDiot- Adaims, vbo vus killeti by attSIn - 'Iront of the Northt Western depot Sa .re$-eyod duglter Of Mr. sud Waukegan about two yesm aeo. *r. & ii fisor o Victoria sud Tii. carpentoi' district conucil for> TbbftUgbstù stadsi I'MI htmaily notifled Mayor Tiiompsaamon. -t'WldËk Ut thé ian. McAlier ho» day fIn Chicago that the. union mmm are vililng to arbitralete tvae j& J Wimotentertainsi al'question fIn tbý tlf o! 18,000cr-, id5bo>s iub t G àe'U "» fridagy' imiterâ. Cliitao OciditIéns. itvu. ~ *t iu~i.~, pr11d ait th, nnounced by thenidh oeWgas, are o~t jsi boe. T ilnsvomit bampectai. te gavera., te at.ltraticn. êat u~ àhWUThe.Carpenter Contracto nasocia-ý f'tdOfItWtihe t.trong Peabody tion ia expected tu accept vag. Uni- Ce4'ttàMr IIItU5ao Saturdfay and hi tratiOn, leasing tii. materil clause all1mfii II. ir- thâi t 'ggre- anidate of expiration of agreemnent *ài l-UiWleiean knbynn as the. te th. Joint arbitration board o!ftse t faa ato aIato t*o organisations. mors scalpsa to lis boit, ibis making a Grant toWýnhip vas te irai one ta t lt a 5 tiwagtt VIciriëo. Both iturO in ?etlftts fr0 mte out 1it àtfioia vôte sort o! alUiless, the. t.e judlii e lection. Sepervison Wilu O"~stut pffliing of té Dlil by the Stration gave the. returnet. the.Boa belti about tédhly amuspecilice about 5: 22 o'cieck. 1 Ths was er wlItle&b3ttCe 1»0 fifts', smre record -for a counatrytown -sà ~g>~ pp ~but twe Wtîukegan ptéietelni tË str The WgkqSn Cty* tesmmored rePortz là thé tiiSui oMe sa'i lu .' e- lie ýJIri cosutve-a sut-outeathej.- *est à1de jerk Sunday by 'vitRe- Mr. ani Mrm. C. P. Iafolsantheti1 (.W DAN M. eODOsS.) Misse.k Berthia mmd Grau. Warren &a& Ina a mAat al asrepiete vltii Mn. Ingails' nepiiev, Mr, Cravtord, et Ev&nmtý,n leftitoday In the higalis au- iieavy litting, errors and boneheai te on àtrip wvit il ii taiie liiem ai piays, thi. ity chiamps met NaPO- uliloughthetie»1a4.Thsy vwiiitravsi ieonWu te'Ion at the. South ieu.diaa, eraItousand mlIes - bqene tielr mond I& tÔbiuçtii. pastime a*ay àf- return. &W la upplur thé.car ter ià vas a&tbut an. the. vagon n.ady "tlou Detroit te BuffaloaiddriSve ou foi tihé ilWegrd trtp. nvenmgtt'.-a ft'rOM tiiemè Tbair peaeDfor tah. nsojsd ex.hbiion the. pureiisers of BetIal At Datrtmouth soileqe Se tlmi tIk4t*-b~ patuoaruagot it-uit for te end 04thee,- « e, -vitea Un the. mazuma, as it took ton Innings te o 9&'u, Ioog.144i M -lwatat bumnble th, migiity. The aset count 1t 4Oll I%éat Mue-iest& Jobxs. U tii tabloid 5noductioit vas 1e to 9, son.t,10.fltlO à attii. Dola alors $W, IVMsE bu bout recel qd boe.of the SOUS tlutl% »»W'7ei mvm-te Çt'pfl déatli ai Oakland, CaL., of ChuinsP0124 04 , OOUeMY vA && j- PlumeTy. vhé tItibeen a resideute t a 151t,,.W*- toi Ilsi oalof tW*a ttu t y soumote lime. Hia dpatii '-@-i.TiiV et llrs"» i. k <ltaw*4r4 Wà WMenMay but te sn- T»0s udOFa 4S t» - eaâslo# $P noncareut otteby. imail se vas ieatlair, Mét.ýwlier Balmio 4141 l i &aMnvn. the deatii toor livi l t ulv"-releéVes11Ç- % Pr Placé quit. udeniy. The. deceas.d4m »t sd User- retu ,t. ma*. - l.0î.a aàlrifo and one datgliter. HeliOlIe la Wa uaa. BIt I siadtes c à ' abrotherl et Mn. Dm1,1 Men of Mm ipe la4fQ iut 1'ukeguandmtiJouhalte, e ofHigli- Drs..Umma Fdt-, toitneriy 01 Waet landi1%;k. The.deceeed va. afor- l<igan, -liai leoit t.e ]èb* lioat mer ieudent af. *aniigau but loft wvisla@ mli.bbien II fo<'ucnti hor. niny years aga, snd nov la ai et. Aa iisb~,Oi Tiie veatiier on Sünnay vas go land. lier hom utu iiOeyplga& >; vertu tiat many awaied tbmaives . Ara. J. li. Ith ani d hm ava Wsukegsn, June S by the dentb of bier fathoe. - In Clga,, tha vsis anete CamaCari f,-cpo lit(,er~, ia & e. aloivIn li jteé1s H s Fathýer 1A Wads- orh hat 1 WIIArive 0-rnh ' il f ls-M ' nth. WRITES FR01 SHANGHAI. Alter Forty-Day Furlough He Andrev 'ltruax of 'Wdavortli, e- <eh-el s leiter from bis son, William, who la aboard the. batti.ship Hielena atatloned at Shanghiai, China. Yountg Truax, vbo la viii inovu fln Wauke- gan, bas Juat t cflpetel a tour-yean enIletUleni fin ithenavy as ait ,l.c- triclan sil viii soon return ta hie liorne laW&dgwvaruliou a otyday funicugit, amoonlagte o l#ls athar. In hie lettOn lié, stil lie vii le avo Shianghai 1040 sud vll arrive Ini Sant Francisco around June luih. Helie veil satinîiel e-lu tue navy andflltvi *iliSstifer attthtin four years unies. I*Mtiîlng iIi>lens bfol i ' t.e navy yards etai Sn Pranetco. Hia health bas net lisen ithe best for the. paît tev veeha but iie uinha that a shiort tue on land viilput bimn ln gool condition again. He veigiis 166 pounns ani le 6 feet 1tInchi ti.. The lIrai six manths o! lis second enliltmnt viii be spent in the e e- tricai achl l n Brooklyn,. N. Y., 'wbere h l vii tuiy belôre putting te sent again. Thius six montlig W asudy viii hiave a tendeuacy tc aivauce hli ln bis up. eo! vork, tIatio! an elec- tt5ciau. ln one part a! bis letten lie states tliat many o! the boy. aboard t.e bat- tieahip lielena are gofing te re-enlilt for anauben tour y.ara. Tbis speaha Weilfo tonhe treatmnt the. boys ne- ceils la tbe navy or4ber vouli nt serve another enliitinent. ,This letton vam malied May lt soid iiy WBii tirne Yenng Traux la posllbly 'lery nean San Francisco and ithil t. neui fev laya vilîsoteam thUrougli àii Golden dates sud land on Arn ericsu salI otofixlirilme in sond rdônths. -*Milam Traux vas bhem lnLake. couniy mod enlisi dfrom, Waukegsxt fbun years go. Delightful Alffai Hoid by Young 'Len t1'lay igiit theWilliog Workers of York Roua. gave an en- tertaimment lant.e -Yok iouse Metho- diat ciiorch. on t.eMlwauke road. Mn. É. i. Vernon, oe! Evabiton,' a ratier of mucit abliîty, vas the, pria- cipal ,entaiaen. 7He vas abiy asalat- e& by Mn. Omis of Waubegan, vlio- Diaysi everal fSuie soies,, md by Mn. ,Aeb -tlULei, !OfiChlago, Wvoe mmi. Ètiw#nl Wbsi!% hii autuof O!the vitivol, alsos» s Au uaany Wpele as th. chnncb cquhîl hlel ver. prenant and frequent boiSé ot suontaneona apPlause tueaili-ta enloyipent la lits elarater- iatic style, Mr. Venu leldélu. iatiir- ,est o!hils audience urougliut lte even", novlng ilienaaitemiteiy te tIirtsud patios. STihissetise second entertainment the. Wliliig Workens hbarbl- Usim mptî,th» puz»moeto!th. boys heiug lo, brovide a tmm -i- teebnlldtise car- ;,10<. sheds là thi mn.1 et ithunchi çè -eoS umil. lb.e aurer, ne- pôtit ith _nu sîTimàèeasa- p*4 1-ç litS in- band ttwi-itnee dolers aà teprooMesd iilamihaingiI v-Uh Aasma,.I.51 ý i 0% smâlim atel id Udta e One. Osadey wrtn: -1 enj MY etsuthe.upwo IL 'HIRS'-aukon; 'y. J>âuL T '1à *iWmg2 - eào hh&> ' For the. purpose o! àdi<ig limi and places-for- mwilng ,-r'l7th an- naniescý, .- th-e saIt. tie rnelopOSatB Uti mentfac pIcemviskilng tQJ!Iavp ii! reOnfls,--- '-- qinardanussd als Insltaemteà are l'us. H. W. ISAIL .agMa-Mun bIW 'Production. George Kqppenlicefer ef LaIo Par: est, .,.*4Wiuiam SnsdfiÔn o EvetOit, ill., telyeteriay th*vs>' tisyr lifv oiaaageita more thim 4go* bis ïilds, à ii.farmeinavic eh hy- p- 1e0* are practîcai farinera, andS uer' aughY Qu'aidel te speak tram long el- penlence. "Plant food. eelected eel. thoraugh tltage ' Pl. ' of trop rôott &W n m o a Whou itU*smry." delewm M. Kop- Thtis iv n laUppen tUeti ret smioz, =at là 4 lli - few years a ltnl lava b~t* mo bilt up aoi the oaci> 'Am dl4itsoule& 5wpe13 ai4 sa t L*. onsr , they r. are uSt plant. tpanticSi.- IIy 95~iag a etilisercté»us les lp~jJ M.~ tos O my is> the I m80 onuis en cre end suIltrei.4'dedon. um per bml-e ancof -thé-4a eot o! .eticomrial 8.5 "O ote nsi40 puafertiliser tm lu >v ton.tii nceas vs 8 hai- ms p10$' -306itb 300 paaei 'e iiile5- '«-e r. o o n P~ihiar && un>' 71.15 10 at e milieu on acr. $. Von d 400U is pornmsertiai er- tpSer &M -.aUne mai wucressai tii. yieii Wu'aîx tospareacre." Ma, hitmou, vloaftrannarlige tractuer Evoreit, Mi., vas anti. en- thusamlie om lis mostîta. De al: ..OMM »«1W t*a.une '«commercili fertWasj -ulivitat manre ve hlit liai bbfl ifuUlowing regmiii lubp ec* Inrmmel 1% tons pen âcne* ,- "~CornInorucese 25 bules pen acre. "«Whlt ktaiied 191/à tbusisels per acre.- Vals lnensaei 80bukhels pen acre. "Inunos. Ineance a 40-acrefil front villiti * ct 25 icadm f liay in l0m hsm y«Vcnt e40 Icada. Frtiier tsa tha@, the 1.4 leeps Iaîrovins Feun Aitr, Ieec eof btter uausatiÉ~htyBmet51vitit coin- mèrmai feutiimu ,OU ti a yew S sStreat uhein gnomal Iubtaw sud ritii. ven." QUALITY WNDAT 00- Y Li'A_ REIU lilInole Faeris oasHieh ln Extra Spropainent Iijjrqb ftaner selbis lutsue ~ emc-p 45V*bout to a Chicago Dearn MfTraie member Ilut veeli fo a- prleuMu dl of eet-Ven busils ovra lli.nelghbor wtriai., vbs asi mel la the umtrtas e n*ltsé m a *a. lui Whou# rut;tlê reIhlia. 11*4 lui jie et.e luit r velm CUhIe, 'iàL1051Mnai InferSr. lu-e grovei'dl tic î D rt viteat> o in-qute -rogsigéitsi jnih sat: 'te, igo 50- y vieat, ;soii on them Net~ a M. 9 viee'i-iod 1ui>' Lp.i, At âit telle 0it y IMvu.. lo làq a 3 tbI. aereý om viat' I~ ~ ~~Of tiuiiv*tl hO1 iat llan&- ivla ti. uo'wloâ Ihae ost ge l ocf m i0h10 flhiotli> Stil 'tifect cf ft'i= cà V t».plw"es sud ciierica.l Prolortiean1via. ~wile titI s#e10ma 1 itoe &Mt" ute t uWtJ tho4Iu-" t le l- buhos er~SZiAhfi :ftue- .!I 4oPSII th a n~1.e le cmii il e siMeffleiunU lud 200nit fg~Mq s lem - 1 t O Ui e , 4- m t Tt*b- 0 MUu~*1-sdtt l i~I I~ Charles M'T1iun Whov served as congresman tromason en terai the race as Republcan this, the Tenth district, during thenOmlOee. lie withidrew lin favor W usl lasi term, bcbng electeti on the Prnesake, tijo laier vas eiecied utar- or. Tii. mayor I n tmm suppot'ted gressive ticket over VongressmaoCharles M. TiiomBon for circuit Posa. However. tir. Pose came backludge o! Cook couniy, and. on )[on- last year and ln face of the. Progreuss.îy, lie vas eiected by a big Ypte, b.. Ive elump, defeated Mir. Thtonmson bying lin tentli position, gettioir 6,540 a big vote, votes. He tuns now lis tiie cibal nomine. tor nanyor orf(Chicago thua titi, of "Judge Thomnson." 1go ba Mr. Thomson was Progressive many friends In Lake ceunty vio viii apring, but wben WVr. Ihaie Tiiomp- bu pleamed to bear of bis succern. NOWP ABouTr- SALÉ O00IOUMM. - 'e OUI-ig to Ko w 1rthp W0bkogn, Juba 9. As a resuit ot nonao~tla béput litai agailt t *0 locli dtWgfilm on chargea of isellingi lquor vtbeut a iicens,, saverai otiiel Srugglsi"'ii bavé Consuliéd attoý-ueym 14 Wtmninu vbat thuinii tusau-iruein îWregard. TitsY undentanl tuai unier t» .lava AnS th u i> r flluaite.theOY bave Cer- tain rigits but thë lifi tis o hov Insu htov taie tAey rîl ot'sevithâùi bftoîi- lns *mlenabie ote . av. Thei. laoatuousled againsi For- mer Commisasonen Attrieey ad je- qepi »ruewlca camne am a emrprIse flot tote .druggits uer. lui la citisens ln general. poeMy avit hotit mss g--or raenal, meroui pl ormma. Ai4slu' "Ymai the o ho- outhis »yolslm mailrely eear and for tih BOu f le DOmMhle tuadâI àvU ue wlu pt ib .rt es île to liuido Oe mft -quetîesCômoie np ht tia. PlisliWater Buttoui Tar k lieera-Auo Gas tank seMlf- l>îioî- t,,the inv~entionîai iof at iuAîtoîîntie Lîght Systeml, it WILS ees- sa 1. %w îth .11il ,i;ted lplants ta tuse an ('ex(llve and inefficieiit storitbat- tei-y wltivhl11.14 milexceediîigly shor-t hl' e. Nothte Farreli Autoirmtic e tiv Ligît :and Power Systein, whieh js operai cd without the use ofai iterniî diate ýStorage Bàtter ', furuisfies cur- i-eut dii'c<t îi*uiîithe Dyniamîo tu' the lin ps or other eleetrie app e îîapxttc' e eîîît-ed, thlîs savhutg thé greiPt- Ioms of Otrrent consd"d .hoghbk. tu-îles and the ev-cessiv<' eost of rn uew- iîg bafteiies fronm time teojm. rrl<. lat i auoîatiall snrtdstopped and regulâtéid,hba' a ontitant anîteiysd cati le itsed ut iiîter-vals or eoitinuoutsly, lumnlngtii fie 'to-o». 'hitintlred hMmp% and atlvays azt the Ili ghest effieieîiyi1iout#iâqig ip- city. It is STXRTED Ihy turlii'Agvnaîy of tbelghts and STOPPED amtomnat- i e', IY hy tîîriinfg off tlie« LilST liglît, eonse.quently eausiiig ne eapenmè,whmn- eurrent iii not leing used' A Storage Battery w'ill 1l"ose ptîwer and. deteriorate when net lu Use and oinly 60 to 70 per.aent of Geuerated Current is dvtilable, dt'te thé 14'M d4n1 shrinkage. *The Farreil Alitomatid S'ystem is designed to furnish the highest possible effiçîîený'y at fhe lowes~t cost, perrnitting the tfàeé of standard & auseasej~ are tu gelleral usé iu lar-ge 1éonwniniiem. The FajTrell yetiR hM M t rent at:110 volts,, saine as uàèid bý Gene rai Lighting & ldV(. tery Plant-, generally uîsp frop i2 t 32"' 'ýojts.) (4 This plant is one anyfafi»tq eau, a£ ford, as the - first cost la comparatively, low and the eost of -operatixig and vei'y snStll. This machine NvilIf uniWh' cuftent fêoi'nttive pciwer for wasbing nia- chitnes, watcî puithp, fed cuttxér, Vtteu i'eléah»â, crêat'ida Pàf4 , - I'..-ë graint elevator, etc., a,4 wèllh asfitrnlah I1ièaI for oectric Uat irot4i~tr c~ pot, and, ini fat-t, aîîytlîiiig cIse tiat is, requù-ed around a fàrm hommm. 'IR,XWS1, PHNaeCt I eke IU th foi Or th, ne lu in T à Il.