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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 9

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M»AKE CO UNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEOAN WEEKLY SUN __________ PART TWO. LTRERTyvrLLE. ILT.. PTT>ÂY. JINEIl. 1915. FOUIR PAGES. si»50PMR YZAB tW DVANOEM 1)MINi DRIVER DITCIID WIIN lR FLEES AN OFFICER Frank Haif man ai Ch icago la Hurled lnto Ditch,'Rounding Corner Near Deerfield. L J. WiIMOT IS MO0DERÀTOR FOR TilE ENSUING VYEAR Waukegan Man Heads Con- gregational Churches Ater Election on Tuesday. OFFICER HERMAN PURSUES-IGOOD PROGRAM RENDERED.1 Latter Also Is Thrown From a1 Motorcycle When He Cornes Upon Upturned Auto. An excItIîg chais af an automobile racer pursued et death,dolying pace 1 by a matorcycie of 12 horne paver vas vltnessed Sunday by renide.tois ef the village of Deerfield and adjoin-, lag territory vhich resuited la thel Anal upsetting of hoth the auto andj tho motorcycle. The driver o the auto vas Fran Itoffiaan, Jr., of Chicago, and a friend aecaompa led hlm. eThie driver of the mtorcycle vas ~orgo Herman, inarshal af Deerfieid 'Hoffman came into tovu and Mer- shai Herman gav hlm hitting t upaet fait clip. Sa. îlartiog is matarcycle. ho prepared ta stop thie epeeder. By the tAm b. vas under vay the auto bad peàseed through tovu and bcd taken the road ieedlng through thie woods to the vent of the village, knovn as the river road. Bo, Herman toob after thie machine which car- ried Do nimber and vhich vas going 45 miles an haur, eccarding ta the marchais speedometer. OtUIng in vis-w of tAis car, Her- man lev hfie horn and yeiied ta thie man ta stop. He bept an. Expacte un Litati. Herman foît that if ho bept after thie <seing driver, ho muet eventually got him hecause tbere are so many bcd turne In the road that ho eltber muet slow down or hoc'nuet upeet zakig the turu, Hie, lutter helief came trie, Mtter lbc d seen thie !eiiov taire mverciturne ci a mos reelnsipaco, Ae finally Touuded a curve himsîf ueto i ylag in tho ditch. the car and ovriD the buibles et ans side, ho ~avtva mon. He bîmsîf, comlng on the upturned car no îuddeniy, shot lita the ditch and lauded Intthe lirucA. Ptcbiug himaesf up ho hurrlod ta the tva mon, ans cf vbom asired: 'Whore am l?" Ta vbieb Herman ?epied: "Right nov yaure In the bruah but swon you'Ii ho lanthe lack- up.-. ,He helped the men up and found that iioffman vas hurt about the hoad. The other vasIin a dczed eate, The pair vas taWsen back ta thie village and luter citer they bcd recomposid themielves, Magitrats Ssm Hutchinion fined Hoffman $9, vbteb he peu aind vent back ta Chi- cago on the train. Auto Sueashod. The auto vas budly im ailid. In turing the corner, oie vA«Ime bd aumhed. and. In turning.the car in auddenly as a broben vbsel vouid do, thie otber thres vheelà inapped off. 'That the mon vers Dt bIlled meered e vaîder ta Herman, Hoecys bis spoodameler shoved they vore travel- Ing fram 46 ta 51 miles an haur ail durlng the chas througb thie vods. ,SEEINQ ACCIDENT IIOBOI3S FLLIE; ARE MADE TO AID CRQW" TAie Inquest over thle uuknovn mai *hio vas struckbyb a St. LPaul train ut GurneSondai marnlng, feiled ta devoiop facts shaving vho Aie vas. Bis211 romains are beiug hehd et ]Lberty- Mlleii pendina further effort ta eitah- Bab bic detiti. TAis verdict exouerated ths com- pany and crev cfter tAie latter tlId et tAie tacts. TAie fireman sav a mai abead o! tAie enginseand polai the balilrap. but tao icte. TAie victim was clive vhen pisbcd up. Hia body vas liited inta tAie ceboosa' bud tva haboese ho bcd leaped from tAe train vben it came ta a stop. vere caled hacb aid madie ta Aild Aie dying man W*ho vas onconsciaus. OrAie train vas rushed ta Itaidout and li2r. MdartAn calied bt tAe vlctim <led T-efore Aie arrlvod, S~on tAie mn' pereon vas a ticket '-aChicago firn Conflua. Win., vbteh lhe biBd ot uuel and 83 ,cents. fIe Àr IMM.pca forty yeirc aid. Lge Attendance at Forty-1 ~eventh Annual Meeting of Churches of the (County. The farty-seventh annual conference of the ILke county Cangregationai churches held at Millburn Tuoeday was weli attended. The churches vere vell represented by good deIç- gâtions. Thirty Waukegan people ed- Joyed the occasion, going out n buses and autos.- The general theme for the progratu of the day vas the 'Church and the Community." 1eslie 9. Banner of Miliburu, îervedl as modrator and Mm. G. M. Kiehis, secretary. Inspir- Ing taibi and papers upan the topic from the varlous angles vers givoli hy Rev. Waterhory. A. T. Jack, Mno. M. R. Bedgvick, Rev. C. A. Mller, Re,. W. l. Zabel and Misa Laura Oorham. Miss Lena Minto gave a very inter- esting report of the Btate Congroga- t1anai conference heid recently et Rockford. The annual sermon vas given hy Rev. J. C. Armstrong, D. D., of Chi- cago. About 200 gueste partook of tbe I bounteous ropeoit served by the po- pie o! the Miliburn church n Masonic hall. The felovvhip of thes noan houir at these meetings is civays an e»- Joaehe feature o! these conferenes. when old acqucintances are renevod and nev anos formed. Durng the peet year severai 'nom- bers of the association have passed avay. Doacon Mnta af Milîburu, vho vas a charter momber, and a devotod attendant et the conferences during thé 46 years, vas greatly mtsoe.ia- na Frank W. Moady. who lu thelAter yoars vas ons of the mont active end enthusiastlc membere. Mr. Moody ai- vai t k a active part n the meet- ings au(hd eerved as modrtor and eecretary. The ethorn vha vere lÔv- Ingly remembered vere Mrs. New- camb o! lvanhoe, Mrs. Mater of MAUl- humn and Mrs. Watorbury of Wau*e- gan. The. follovlng officers wers choson for thie next conferonce vhich 1iii be held n Weukegan: L. J. Wilimot. moderatar; Miss Vvien Banner, sec- retary. Rev. Safford, the pastor of the Mj-F humn church, proved, as ho alvaye does. c royal host, cnd bath pastor and people wers heertily thanked for thelr goueraus bospitality as volA as vere thos who helped ta make the program of the day one long ta ho remernbervi. Three "Sitting Judges" Whio Swept District Monday and Were Re-Elected by Overwhelming Vote AVERAGE COST 0f ELECTION IN CO. IS SAID TO BE $5,OOO One County Officiai Points Out Some of the Items of Ex- THE TIIREE JUDGE3S WHO TIILY rAR.-WHE&E 'THLY WL&KE BORN-WHAT THEY'VE DONE-ETC. pense That Occur. Judge Claire C. Edwands. Ias tbis vote, ho rocclled tAie tact lhA, cauntys judicial victor, was bora in ysîrs ago ie worked ou tAeis es gang Avon township, Lake county, Autiltt Lake Villa as c toreman et the FEW REALIZE THE COSI. 3lst, 1876, aad tOinsAIke lus predeces- Iho wud es topbisaind thereht son.,loudge Charles Whitney, is a i a drembd Aie tact rend bcdr In Waukegan Alone the Cost of Lake county product. lanxioosiy showu thetr siateinent o!bis Elecion s Sad t Be ome eHo s thie oidest son of former Su-inîse by gilng hlm such a splendid Eeting Over $500o orn- Pervison Hienny Edwards cof Avon, and vols, tigOe$500. lived et tAie fml oen ho It vas Au oas o! tAie eerly Peerce femly hoe nrth i radministrations that Clairs Edvcrds Ther arefew eope wh reaizeGrayelaee ntAlil ltîen yoans ugo vhen had hie first taste o! Judicial vork. Thor ar fe peplovhureain 1899, is vas cdmitted10 tAie barn[Ho vas thon uamod police magistrats whct it conatt hold au electian lu a and tAie tollawing Xe ie camen tao! Waukegcn aid bsld thie job six city or counli. If they vers ta ho Weukegan viiere ho opeénU aï 0f- montAi, vhen Aie nosigned. luit, Aie toid that thie judiici election heid în icseaithtAe rear o! lAcne cand Tait-otte * muet havo beon tug by tAie JudicAi Lakecouny onMondy cot ovrla tho suite over tAie Fnît NatIonal bee, fan, time bae seveted hlm ta tAie Banuk. Laton Aie tîrmed a.arnehip Ihset houer tAis cauaty rau tender a $5.000 tbey wouid lbs inclined to lie itAi J. K. Or'.ls and they occupied man-the circuit judgessip. vsry abepticai about tAie trutb o! tAie tAis position o! l-cading cntminla law- Judgo Edvards mcnied IMis Han- stetement but a couuty odici yens ai tAie countv ton six years when niet Erskino, daughten a! Mr. and vuhsfrtAie tact and eaye that e tbey dissoived uni each coutinued Mira. rFed ErebIne ar Waukegcu six voueforc iafw r h tm prccticing clone, yecns azo. Tbey have oie son, Er- It vas Sept. 28th, 1914, that Gavera skn, aod fivo. TAiey lost ans chiId of coît viii show that tAie figures are or Dunne appoiuted <laine C. Edverd etl tAie cge o! tva veeks. flot et ail extravagant, lu tact, Alto tahAe Circuit judgsbip taMIl tAie va- Th dashoel69Nrt cs vrS00t o ld the e4 f e, tiInnc.,,,,,,,,,d b heb., ,, f .e e Osasses street, Waubsgan. Wsukegau cloue.1 la tAiefirst place thons are ton pro-1 cincteAIn Vcobegcn township. Ina each precinct voting place thons vers ibres judges and tres cierba. ecch draviag $5 per day. TAie pcy of tbese election officiais for tAie ton precincta comee ta $300. Thie day's program as rendored: TAie rent ot each pollang place le $8 1 ion tAis election. This edds suother Monimng session. 10:OO0--Devotionah servces-B«ey. A. W. Safford. 10: 15-TAie Church a Positive Fac- tor n Comouniti Life-Rev JOc. H. Waterbury. Dscusion led bhiUL. JWlmat. l:3--.Churcb and Commuiti fram a Wae's Vewpint-Mrs. M. R, Bedgvicb. 10: 46-Practical Mecie o! Brngingu Non-Attendants Ato Co-operation vitAi the Cammunlty Churcb-Rev. C. A. Mler. 10: 55-Dlucuson-A. ,T.J"4~. 11:06 -'Mutuel RespoueAbllty ai Church and Commult-Rov. A. G. Caruine. Dscussion led hyI rvng Psyne. il: 40-Appointment of Commîtteos. Sang-Mrn. Dr. Jamiion. 12:0-AdJourument. Dhnner and Fellovship. Afte.-noon 8.rvicei. 1: 45-Devotional services-Mini- ter tram Hall Day. 1: 55-Our Churchou-4-Reports. 2: 10--TAi ChurcAi aid tAie Yqung Man--jilev. W. 1, Zahol. 2:20-TAie Church aid the youna Woman-MAss a ura Gorba.. r2: 30-Echoesstram thie State Con- ference-tMs unas jean minto. 2: 40-Sang---tMrs. Scott Levai. 2: 46-Annuel iermou--1Rev. J. C. Armstrong, D. D, Supt. Chicago Chig Mîsionari Society. :30--Cormunioi. :50-4teports ai Comritteeu. Ad3omrnrent. $80 ta tAi sat, t caois$3 ta heul tAie booths ta and from ecch precinct. ThAs adds an- other $10. Oie ludge n sacb precAnct Asai- oved $4 fan celling for and retorniag tAie ballots, n addition ta is mileae. TAis cdds about $70. Lt lea ecessary ta have c certain emaunt a! supplies, Acldiag pence, sealing vax, bellot hage, pens sud ilu, taliy shoots and hooks, etc. Ln the ton precicte tAie coet seAuil amounts ta, $20. This bringe tAie-total up ta $500 aid tAie cast o! printiug tAie ballots hen not been tabou tonconsideretion. Thetie are thirtî-eent lection pro- cincts Au Lako caunty and lu mcii o! thom thes expensos count up more than tbsy do lu Waukegan hocause tAie miirage la longer, etc. One county officai todai doclared that tAie estimate ai $5,000 as tAis co3t oi holinAg tAe electin las not too higAi. TAie state sonate on Tueidai passed thie sonate fiah and game bil, vAicA nov gaeseta tAie bouse, and the Oison sonate bill creetiug a state board oi movig picturo coneons, slmilar toaa bil wVlscAi Asou second reading lu the bouse. TAie sonate passod c sonate hill reAmbrsing ovuers a! fine hred cettie vAiecAi erse t tAie lve stock ehowanid caugbt Ih the foot and mouth epidemAic. Aloa tAie Barr- bi for c $200,000 tond ta pay expenses lus case of another epidemlc. Charles Whitney. lis et once ehoved judicial timbor sud oa !rom thon bis friends bega mcking plais ta have hlm eiectsd ta tAie office vhen tAie electioa came on. TAis thor sltting iodges, Doaneily aid FYost 101usd mon and their friends vorbed togetb- witAi Judge Edvards and the threo or for mutuel ntoests. TAie resuit ou Mfonay sbaved vitAi held the tres men-they van out ea hcndiiy aven tAie toutb mai tact ho barely kaev ho wcs n tAie race. Judge Edwcnds is a young ma for ciw i biiywIh nue ruit judge but ho clroady has permanent place on the hsucb as long as Ae desires.2 He vas educated ln tAie country echoale et Avonutil ho vent ta Wheeton coliege for a ysar or tva. thon Ae attended Nothvesteni for at a ier an d Veiparciso for tva yecra. Wbile thons ho worked as velter ln a boardlîg bouse ln retora for vbtcb ho gat bis hoard and noonfI He vent tu Kent Causas aof Law, Chcago, for a isar sud Chicago Lav fichool for tvo yer, froîn vhich schcai hg gradueted. Worked Way Thnough School. Judge Edvards as c iaung mai trying tao, ducate himsesf, vorbed as e cierb ln a 1ev office and earued $3 a veeb doing At. Ho rolloved this vorb for the two yecns e Ae as n lav ichool. HAe application aid dotep mInation to vin ie revcrded todey by tAis tact that on Mondai ho vas elected ta a position o! honor Ad trust and lu Iacidetalli e term af six iers et $5,000 a yecr. Sbaving boy ils ionde regarded hlm lu his home towas, t Asa Itorest- iîg ta note lhAi, Au Avan, vhere ho vas boni, ho recelved 255 votes, or ai-1 most tva tao oe aven tAie othor tva candidates, and four ta ans over Smiley. Aid, n Labe Villa township, Edvards vas givon 101 votes aut of 101 votes cast. And, as he Igoked et SKETCH 0F OTHER JUDGES. Jodge Dounelly las 60 yeane aid and lives n Waadetocbk, McHeny couati. Ho vas couti ludge ai McHenry coontiy Yascnsgoaend aiea vee a mem- ber o! the hig l1wevArm n Chicago, àf Pahm, Caihoun, Caialiy and Glen- non, Hie ettack ai rheumctism caus- ed hlm ta retire from the fi-m and laten he rau far Circuit Judge and vas eiected upan tAie rsorgcnizatlon ai af tAie district aid upan tAie retire* m«nt ai Judgo tipton o! Weu tgan, He hoid tAie ofc lce, being elscted deepite e cauple a! bard fights put up agalnst hlm, ad, ton sighteen yeere ho bas given excellent servici ce circuit judge, Judge Arthur H. Proet o! WIane- bago s 62 yeare aid. lHo vae state'. attoneiy o! Winsbego counti tAres terme, previaus ta bslug electod cir- cuit lodge, vice Judge Garven, vho dled. Ho served two full terme aid part or ju( nov enteri Ho, ike JL excellentj Judge Don o! tAie hi oounty evE lAie bench. Judge S toninerly a hcving liv develope tl zod n U native of! onice froi Smiiey la Htenry cou Ia inay et tAie Wi bcd flub borsesAie2 o! tAie oui can oa il fered e bi Dtcely. TIIRUE JUDOES TO SIT EN BANC ON A ZION CASE MONDAY At That Time the Matter Which Is Beimg Discussed General- Iy, WiII Be Settled. SEIPPS IN <COURT TODAY.1 Man Against Whomn Informa- tions Were Filed Will Have Hearing on Saturday. TAieZMon Ct lease case. involvlng tAie proposition as to whether or nat tAis long term leases vblcb bave beon given ont over stnce Davis !ooîded Dona are subWet ta violation. viii ho decided n Circuit court An Waukegan next Monday vheu Judges Edverds, Donnefiiy and Prost ait su banc. The question invalves go much that the judges dinat cars te trust ta thoir individuel opinion. Voliva Biled a petitian Au court bers lan vich Ae contended thet tie Inde- pendent drug store owned hy W. H. Fabry and Brad SImmons.lAs running In apposition to tAie terme af the Zion City leases wAich prohibit the sais Of tobacco, etc. Ths lndepend- enta dlaim that the lad ou vhlch the drug stars stands vas purchased cf e former receiven o! the ZIon estato and therefane t vas flot cffected by tAie long terma leases, A fev dais cga the Independents appeared la federai court An Chicago and asbed for an or- den reetraining tAie Volive peaple fram hringing their suit An Circuit court bers. Judge Landie beid that t vas not vithin bis jurisdiction to enter euch an orden and thîs autometicalli met tAie case for hearing boere, F'red and Irvin Eeipp cf Lako Zur- ich, againet vbom informations vers flid, charging them vîitA disorderly cquduct as thie resuit of a femily rov,4 vers arrcigned bore tAis momning and wore reiecssd on $300 bail. Thoir1 case cornes up An counti court Dort saturday. VOTES TO REPAY WETS If BARRED O U T Of ILLINOIS House Committee Indorses Bill for Reimbursement Should the State Go Dry. Sprngfleld, Ill., Jue 8.-The houses liherai committes tonight voted ta re- port out-rtth the recommendations that ltVpeso the Trendel bil pravAd. ing that vhen cii ct or tovnsbtP votes to hecome anti-saboon territori, ail persoDe sufiering property or e - pancililas as a recuit of aucb action shall ho campensated by sucb cAti or townsilp ta the amouat af thes actual damage austaiDOd. Thie committee vote vas unanimous, Attorney Levy Mayer of Chicaga. vho dretted the bill, vas present and eddressed the commttee An hehaif of the meceure. Liauzr; ýroperty Vast. lu hie speech Mr. Mayer presented some unusuai atatistics of the praper- ti Aeld nIlilinois by dlstiliing and hrevtng nterests, vblch, ho declared the constitution of thie etato provided, should fnot ho taien or damaged for VIGILANTES CON. MITIEF SERVES NO. TICE ON DRIJUST Charges Made by Chiddren Against Prominent Man Causes His Departure. COMMITTEE CALLS ON HlM. Citizens Committee Delivers an Ultimatum and He Agrees to Go if Store Is SoId. For aine yeans Ernest NNcAoli bas hosue building up a nice lttis drug business An Lako Bluff. Nov ho muet gAve Il up and lbave tavu hi J.July 1. Wtb hlm viii go hie vIfs and tvo montis old baby. Sentence vas pessed on thie <rug- glet lest Thursday nîght hi a com- mittee compoîed ar toi citizens af r Lake Bluff eithtAe Dr. Gea, W. Novtus home. They called McNlchols befora them and told hAn ho vould have to go. Hi refused, Thon thai oxplain- ed whet vould hajepen f hA idl ot obey. Theysacid theî vould begln court praceedings. 'Ail rigbt," sald MoNichais. "Give me e month. . MeNlchole, At vas said, vas accusid a! annoying Ilttho girls vho cerne ta hAs stare. The fathers o!fine ot the girls vers an tAie committea. They dldu't vaste any timo taibucg over the charges. "Tberee ca buich out bora tthave bcd At An for me for a long tima," Ais expleined ta a reporter. 111 bavac letter 1 gat last Octohor from osa man vha vas ou thes committea. Ras tald me Ahe vas gotng ta aet me socs. er or Ater." "Who lsaieo?" "He Asa aChicago bueLm maxmi. Mont of them are. This felov i:an, oeteopcth, Tbree othori halte, i meutal heailng. They haven't azy use for a drug store. "Lots of chidren cerneta 'nîstore. TheîIlibod me aid I1iib.d .th*ài .J, picked the- Up aid isoeai fai samotlmee-Just lAbo a tatbwierâW&ed But I dldn't mean enytbung hyIL At. ar U've got e bid of my ovu. "TAiey taid me thoy vould ft. At no 1 coudu't seii anytbiga elec boes They've gat lots .af .friands. 1 thought t over and decided Atlva beet to lbave. Business laislov nov,- anyvai, and f 'l get a gond prtce 1er my store l'I ho glad In go. Tit vrong, thaugh, about tAie littie gAra, WAiy, luit tAie other day thie echac toacher berse sys ta me, 'My, lthe obUs dren certaily do lAbo you, lMr. «o, Nichole. TAey're calyu ipeablng er you. ', * 4A Membens o! thie committea sai that MeNAcAiols vas alvays viila ta, troat chidren. ta candim»d e creem vhen they cime lato bis plaee.. Thie druagit An a mcm about thIr- ty-liye pion aild. Booudei Dr. Nevins tAie memhme of the committee are Dr. jaes W. 1 riDger, H. S. Buiting, WAllIicm . Vanderbloot, Attorney Hm OeWWgat Cook, Henry Huit. Vernn W. Bebel, W, F. Parry, Frank 'r rrty.a"I Mo Berg. i COMMADERY IIELD ITS ANNUAL EuslinCf ION 0 Oi K3R igo Gervers renrm and tmus ru is ourh ermasjude.pubieA use vithout compensation. Henry C. Smnith ls e eed to s bis !ounb tenmbas made.nHo saAB tAie total taxable property Position of Commander-. record as Judgs, and,. lAbolaIllnois avned bu those engagod AD Annual Report Ready. nnelywasregrd asonetAis manufacture aid sale o! beer, ainsst legai ligAts lu Ails vine, distllled lquor, aid An alled Wuea omnei o on etoe hlugsbeate taInteroste vas approximatelu $100.000.- Kil gan Te mplr al ercas.sai 1. ~~~~~~000. TAie total nomber ai porsonsa m- meigadeeto fofcr n SmieyIt a rveaedwasploysd and depsîdont upon tboseeam- meetInig id heonu fal reot imAsuAt s rvraodvaspioîed Au tAsse occupations iluIlinois wTu ie sht. ie anueth e d tuo a resdent ai Lake county. lai100,000, TAie total ai lires, iciudivr- l'nsoln AeciAiuc ed et AntAoch. t further tAie hodge la erceptionlly good. Vol- bat n 184 ie vs nturl- ng licenses, pcid bu thueeIndustrias lavlng in à lit o!fAoithecaa eleefi: as Int884b ana heona An Illinois ta tAie Illinois authortties Commander-Honni C. Smithi. eke ouny, avig bauasieabout $16,000,000 sunually, and i Genl,-GuerdonU .Bravcta. lreiand but ho came ta Am.- addition tAie internai revenue taxs Capt. Genl-Bdvln Burges. )m -Great Bitaîn, Judas peau hatAieVUited Slites"bn ferment- B. W-Wm. .Watrous. 1nov coonty Judas of Me- ed lîquore pnaduced An IliAnois during J. W.-TAos. A. Newubcrn iuty. tAie fiscal isar ended Joie 30, 1914, Prlate-J. n. Brevster. ver. about $49,693.000.« Treasurer-CAia. M. Oebans ,wbias, vAile dellverng milb Recordr-W. 1. WbadeL radsvorth depat. reC9Aved c Thieves ou Mondai night saught BAil. Bearer--Paul Ecebor. Noaday marnAna, vben Ale ta break iota tAie Mooresgeneai star. Svd. Bearr-F. . LMcc. - smo clcrmed et tAie ingAngaie Roîdout. Mn,. Moore erd them Warder--Richut ri nchaeIL ino bell cs e Ae as lifting a et vorb aid erousod tAie ired mai entlne-C. V. Otreed. lbk to tAis plat!arm. He sul- vhs> 1mB soveral abots through thie TruMee-Dealy C. NpaitAi. GIL roiten rAb bot novlas dolag door ai tAie place, frigteilu aaa Breveter, IidvAa»Crees; .D.Wu - .~. B..~thie burglari. - -- adcii . r, Ugbm is ~i ig aid i îoer. fiscal ecouat. a Apni, 10, for s total do not exempt 'v reg- charge si are ha st An thie asebail ibegan. clubs under ho pay il. DONNP-Luyi ec. "»DES;

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