LÎcIOF BAN4U IEWPÀAUIS LE4S ÀNi~ S (spcai Corespoutient.) .$loa City, Jane 1.-LAwyers ara 0 ail Mars, neltîjer are titey depraveti a la commouly supposeti by thc rauk Ud il ietoftte people. It la truc that mr of thean arc ui UuidUous »u9% to make gain ity trviug ta emec aiInnocent man gulty or a Nfliy man Inniocent, bt once lua bile you meet a noble character mon&glawyeon s nyan do among ail %ber classes eofamen. IgAicel Ware Packard, the atter- -v imk.-s-a s q Mo t,.it for .the!I man, te tfhic Mon Cty loaes,- * vaitougt frémi Pasadena, tot the mitidie ot January by la a gooti sampleofo a noble bn character a mmi vitit a SAMUEL W. PIACKARDO . Un Psokard yesterday aft- tOWi la a graphie way itetOrc patitoe aid iunior Mr. Packard tolti lance et abo4t 3,000 pesons lu bis audience yestenday titat ho vint- 1 aersie-ov Dr. Demie tq efflt h n ,asoin's aller-lOd ta o lte people o! Chico akuow thât hoeitat arrlved. Ho pt an adi Iay, mlt Mr. Pcrd, r. Dow-lln te paper anti next day vont ta go! $everal of hlm coaceilor er the bg batch et replea. Hoevas match arounti a table la theit l'vett chagrincti, iovever. to findt iat thc lhome. Chicago, andi the doctor Chicago btusiness mon "tila!seemate ipdina the séection ôt a cars titat ho hati arrivoti. I got ni> ïh)sye ta draft ni> boue that eariy ln the mornlng." ho saiti, "and Ma"d tué taestftheicourts011-l, vaîketi the State street sud thon dova 1 ho smne Uniesi". the peopie lbe other aie, taklug lu every store iMla i tbc mllitf,*go!a zien abuClark anti other streeta the Dm Invasion Of thope whovoutti anme vaY, but the mon ,aften looklng . tramesa crtainroatîone at MY freckieti face, tunnet me dovi. *eý Item.. woud cover. undor 1liaaiY fomd that the ealy poscîhil- WÇ. la orer ta go! thc be tY of gett lag a job vas e itea theo i,,ÇmMael Dr.,Doviau ho al- boata cama la. A Mr. Store.- at the at ais.0 f Ouat lu it arf told me titat vitan the bota osobt ~ lacame labho voulti givoame a jobeoli- flotctcnaoc suitin- iflite barroîs. 1 came homo hippy M$ »bIm ab a iMaul. -Go o - day. John 1D. Dean. Got i bens lbuo. dheebory." adtlnla bis namo. bal checrot me ui. !, e a be If08 bot e 1tMlu ai -'Young mmi.' ho salti, 'You're bar- 1 tbSacman" A Ina abardUie. arent yen? -Pretty -'b-madi.0e. asti nr. eougl h - 79%11Bot a situation. Just yen Mr ilar i at name. keeP a tiff upper lup. Yeulil get More <ho ma&," abueWta he po> mouey than laisuecoîary andi thon Ç4M toli Me vit. couw»y »Msthecboys vIi ay, 'come out anti have ba vu, the !Maivtvas won o1a gotlie.' Yen tell theni NO!' -I IH. woeStytsJuda 1. bol occlalon tethaik Mr. Demi ipl"apthcta tMd Mr. Pack- lalen for titat adtvce,"- salti Packard. id tue dtiaias soon cioseot for JMr. Packard then toiti of meetn %s.aiseW ferDr. DemIe. 1Dr - vto usedtu tebhothelr fazniy soda!,atwooï.m Mr. Packard, Ipitysian anti ho arrangeti for hlm ta k nvtatIon% ofOreracr Velira, 1 get empieyment lter at hlm brother-li'- 1ted on te pIonn idlu aw's office. lu about two menthe ho W te nouda sdn b 'aiva ousîihave a chance ta boip eut lai oti vas given <ho plabfVtOrm. te office and do titanes. l uiroduced itsté t hoaudience But tve menthe vOn. a long vay 1tVn vho traottaithe famouloff seofisuel vaa obligedtetatrutige Ptgrr ie M le toit u is mu-erhi *. Packard aid of uecurna thet riqu o ethIis noti ilavyor once1 m4 tb <hm lanet te dnift but lotde- I e u. lie spoko aiIbthei eu- wed ho preparatis et the bill j i<it baby M. Packard aid af ba'ptllet lu ZIon Clty. iluta cf orJanuary la pnogiettui 104,a prusent te te court.1 vesseSlà a suit cf brosticieti vitli- Prnc Alitet noat anti a Licoln1 lr viti a black tle iooseiy lIed, Packard leekealîke a mannmita Ia type of thc famolis American aid, Abraham Lincoln. Ho tati e masoe nobllty of citaracler, taI Dé detenmluation to aucceet ai e len, anti te sacceeti bonestiy. Au are trou hie set aid advancedi te front ef the Platferm,. Mr. Peck- l oeaite l'olIveandt heu b lite iimms antiproceedeti vîitout deiay maloeia Meiof hi lm fexcponi- boi. Neeu bora a! Sitebourne, 01s". 29j 1847. HIe vwuo Part- gtaarywbch.no doib, ateout- for-doatrea rllieue teudeucy. 9 W wr ue a Cigregatinal -n.u b' x« alue ai i icaity guMu w by :tlUlg the aoilL Wh. o! the $ut of 4Utie Samuel Pacburd vos *o teshift fM himuoif, 90ea"y hobas e okol a f eW bong 08 MW et a pon country lmi fWcot e *B6MCty Of CItteag. Whoui ho 0MuI l tue UileOlCentral dopet du sua=Md Md thUrongei stretea andt ho lad fond tîle very mdt4 of a heaft- tü et a the vud. p"orantibok- H. frneami stut te SMd pd*4i Mdseelig an express- *-àtMteacak hlm te vay. q" tto liai ho vý golng ta- adué #;4 M aket Samuel te lump ~ bu~w et 5. mluation as- avay off ddwn the illineis' Central troclm hloote country amain. Ho ap- pliedtot ail tte formera on bath 511e cf teé traick fer vork. "I kepl on. anti un;",sai Packard. vlit a otrain of ,yalbce. durlng vbic b is dyez anti .tbmeoofa!m*iny et hlmaudience vers btrougit pearedti ta hain sncb iuxurY titat i .coum D ot bolp lbu! compare mysoîf b>y jbcMiet.Ieset dovnono lte lrack. I lied vaiket mauy tolles anti 1 va seeklng a fermer vbo lîveti about a mlle anti a bal! tLier tiovitheo Inack. PrasentlY il began t10n Iut came dovu in torreuts. Tito voter poure otitivumny hock anti I vos at Inteet. --lu my abject mse-y I lookoti up ta lte heavon anti1Iat, 'Oit, Lord, You have matie one 100 many viten you matie me; but, Lord, If YOu'Il JmoI take cane eofnie l'Il try anti serre Yen lte reat of milite "*Witsn 1go tote itttapItIl as dat-k. A mai met nie thora vite vu a fermer anti haproiniseme aiej ob. HIe likoti me and ho vwu bobli a forma- et- anti a ii.yer. I Met tilaMai20 Dyeana later anti vito o ewau c9rnl k 100 Iva earnun $l'.000.1I vot hobck te Ciciago tater anti entenoti a lav office." 1 v r. Packard thon bold cf is con- v ersIon, Il ras at a revival meeting v hich vaheinghboditnluaeMebtetiat titurol, On lintance o M. Packard's boy-j ito t 110afler be hati entend the b4w e! ýftrotealala vonthy oe!mnoe l vu ilust anllug out an an office boy1 lu the lav office o! a Chiîcogofi4m . viton eme day thers vasuaicati o! ceai dumpeti on te idewalk lu front ofttbee oUihiInglieo 1ev tâi. ou l itadt la b4flt'Iedupibairas md pWt ho thou*1t.îJàt"po'bpa for k"Wag*n atudyleg IbW it vas P*lh. bwwt mn ve 5* c !trye tfl~ and flnaliy moe:to the doclon that lho wua net able tu go to Ïbe stipree coKtand piead a case an ho ba" bot- ter net to work andi helpD hie empiey- ers ail he couiti. Ho accordtlg»'start- ed lu andi ln bis fovcrlsh hute te sot tÉe coal al omptlod ta the box up- stairs he waa soon astirty a coùal heaver. He persPtrod trooly andi the ceai dust stock to hle face aid.,got laU> bis tyma otbUn ho Vag £a'odtl* obont te 100k 9!fer 'a lawyoré ée c ln the mdtoôf it àailwho sbouid camme alonÏ bit hi.brther. "ffèüb, fBanmy. ,.athat you? 1 theuôt yo rot é 'tudylug iaw.", 1Saâuy *tet èntbitnsd andi màt- toiad aomthlng abwooboê teUtngr hlm that ho baai to do lt' but ho hati thought ho would halp hie omployers so ho temrnot 1and i Bd it himuoIf. TIhniant of famotyhowavar, itsit. ed làt a iWMtlton-beIns held bablnd louetidoors. fla ompidycra bd mo ture net ad faundthe c aal carrioti Up staire andi they docldod that a boy who wouid no look after tholr litere ota by turulng hie band to aaiythrig lu order ta heip deorved a boost, anti soon ho waa detaloti to try hlmstOnt case before tho bar BE RIS'Dl SAYS Claims That Amount le Needed tô Place City Oui of Debt on May the Frsi. GIVES FIGURES TO PRESS. Mayor. and Other Off ioWas Said t0 Have Reoelvd ommuni- cations From Taxpayer. Wukegan, Juna 16. Aceorting to one taxpayer 190,- M3.23 la the amonnt that shoulti ho raleti by bond Issuc to place the clty out of dola on IMaY the it, 1916. Wbethor tii taIlisyer know. whreof ho speaka la a mattor wbich should ho settioti by an accoutant.. and flot by a newaaper juanbut the taxayer's figure preaofftod hero- with are wortity e of naderallo. and a lmmaeuuberof taxpayera o! Wau- lie& aru demmina g t kaw the true s8tatua t <le tnomwClaondtion of tho clCýY and"'It nilht ho val for Mr. Ehwayer, commssio« of amcunt anti Imace-; Arthur Elkley, corpora- tlou coupntel.and W. W. Puers, may- or of Waukegan. tu go over this figures prenant«4 herwlth. The fellovlug repreuenle a tamn- municatlon rocelvoti by the Sun, vitîit Is olguoti"A Taxpayer." IL la net necaairy for theO Sun tePrint any communicatiens unis« aigneti ity thte sane et Uic vrlter,-butiln9l mucit as Mayor Peert and ti er ctlty omaala re In reoept ef olmilar copie., Itlal salti. the Sun pretfonts lte latter. 'To Tht 5111cr. .Bellovlng titat recent statemOnte rffaring the tinanctl icondfition voult i igh iaeatlna. I veulti offer the fellPvig'dgoua, o ehouj.t > cttal condition of tho enlor î1tliW , lte clty of Waukegan on Apnil à0,' 1915: Tite total &Mnont of taxes levîcti fer corpoa'ae purposes vea $42,000 (about); af titis aiount *7764liead hotu colleceti turing Mardi anti April. ieavlng a balance uncoilIOcta et $14,306. Against thls ttono ver. outataning 6% warranta to lte amount of 16,653.80, there vouidthotbn ha $7,79,2.20 uncoflecteil tae. &vel* î abl fer corPefate p>urPbtis. - Theto t t rcaaurorreport for the mautit ondlng Avril SOth. Shtow&a. IbalLnce lu fontdae foloe Police pension. 119.81; Parku, $1- 786.62: lhrary. 1»6.44; icimoolbulit 1a t4$442.49;,s0&001l144l»; achoo slakhng, $6,974,. o" i trli'U v»03.29; è"tybonda, itbkin 411.1 424.34; clly bonds, laitereit SeIl9.:s; 9 temetery fnt, trust U8tlg*& tmonuepension. $4,447.111; mever til itrlct, $141.60; public honetit,'8,2.1 voter departmeut, $414S.U; barb6r manti docks, 164,3.61; 2%.Iireman', la g rance tax, j&27174; oloctricailuln t poctlon, $40.9. While tue euhion an audhireportil as $38,138.39, àa titclency of $19,- 392.77 Mâlta. -If 1 t tis dniflacy ve adItbetaun- pelti public bcneftb o!f13,M.01 anti acceunts payable $33,24844, ve jet 190,89M. vhlcitluate amena! thât aitoniti h ralieti y bond lm*aeo plmthe.Cty ont cft435<es -ma ral.1M6. lTe *7,762.20 unncoebth taiedoie bâtdt *~cWtr fa** aBonnIas Iis Mna»Y Pa'cpiI'lbe. longs te Qie pro.enê f"iscl,'a. gays lTwo of teM trkers At- ta*,4#oi g Saoon WAS HIT OV#1I1POREHEAD. Robim;Dow o e Whit Cdùrse to Take. Thttho vwa attaclieti itytirai ont anti later t twoftIIo tikfirs frôm t <e .130* MM «n90 d0.35 fctory vas tue statemont irea ot t"ia by Engel Kuns£, an employaO elt<ho Mil. Tht aleogeti attaqk I9q*0orthng tin Kuna.ý teck place, wabuuaia nigitt in tl4, ,9akees alcon on Scunth Siteridan roal, Robent Irdc t "art tcy that iXe vas net Quteoason as yet vitether or not ho vonit sawr ont a vannent fer tho etrlkonu, the agib of wvion i says are kaevn té hlm. 'lt la *taéa et o! ilanature anti othor acta 01 ongl s"hosat. 'tiat arc e'rlkng IL d, f8c.t te sele cn- uittle tiMlfcity. Ifrlte menouve waîkot out vlobedtetoconduct tem- saelves lu a gentlemauiy nianner 1! mglit net ho o bard te reacli terms vh<h titcm. but actae etU hiknti do amt tend te bast"a a sttlmennt." Kun% formeriy Mniled lu Mexico. but harastat ioliagsblo money 14 1 Mexican land, goog <Core La teks cam or Il. 'lTevanar iiet hm la 10 whitLho bot Invetol andi upon 1*- tunulg hlieuecaMce tate Dom plant anti aefd a&Poioe., On WotinaMay nlghba&bout 6:15 or E: 20 ho ontari te Oeke saloon. ho saye, *ituet dowx et a table le résil tho orenlng papti. One o!tlite itnlk- ors vas attig et Uicsaime table but Kuns titi net knov hlm. "Say, you've gle My Job," ho aye lte stnikiel'W salutihl. "*Tiat In't <ha ,"y ta taik-lf yon have a clvil quesUtio ask, l'Il an, amer Il, 1 bolt i bis," Kunisoitl. "'Ono tilng 1.1 t. sother anti ho1 finalaii tnuk me on bbc freheal, e - Mostat mnni& nia e vas a muet bigor man but I tillai' purpose ta ho bit by hlm If hOéva btte my aiseo.I teckel upsaginat the valsenLtu! Do 0s40tul attac'f me front te i1W ThII. elbev trlot te 'kit me ogala n u I iloppati hlm. 'lIS anotitor mm came in hlmeaistance and aisebr0 te bitais. Tiheallier man aleuiVUa une etth be trgter. Thera ver. othora la the saloon. Whoai tuey my i wai bei.ing iycv ine of0th" cameltu tasitanceo f tIc- tmp Wng. lb kopt me ibuiy i CdLngte b1h,.. Vlnaly tha trot man affiick nié but 1 Inokedand ie 10fiot vent througb a glmasvlaiow, cuttlig bism. 41ct tbla time a polic-toasnatn'e të piésu tihte lit vas stop0ql, Rober! DIoledeaIthia uuosi dult hO bat rotelveti a Up that soMa of thc erm lasilanle o tIe"aifor"I Kuax but ho seys ho tango!t tovrx bh. lHc sai ho toIt confident bow- crer that Kuni vouiti hoable La teksi oi ca o f hîisaeif. Dcv maua h.olbas Uicnams.feth*l m05 radciUp lunte del btt la in-, deitéva! ceunie te talie. Te aveN ~8 eclashes ho police are atm b ora m« te tpat lght ant moiraliet the mt inéte *#aigo té veekanti bt <ouave :a. t»*Ar .~n8a. 10<reporttlit! orerylli b &loâeaing quietly et thes times. ^UT 00 START ON 0,0m IILi.Tifip gContlnued froml page oi&e) localeait fl aJIcttiao"'d Pex~ borax trom lt piahe Ze~I U befare hie rceturn ta WâukSn Dra. Faiey anti Taylor :viii tii-ly gev Citaimen cars, wiite Nck-WotBa< viii drve a Jeffery, machine. vhieb ha purcitaseti fon the occailois. "110v long do you expeclta habè gene?" quonleti a reporter of Dr.hq iey. "Oh, about 60 days," r1plled bho. "Il a inte atlong trip I expect ta' take in e machine," sai oitCoonerTay.ý irW Utltitetyvile, "anti 1 vouldt! ohepnhisd, Il 100ok ui ail Biumert complte theo trip.", T't anats oxpect te go tâ M#e lirmioe r iae c outit orartit"st thua thoy wviii hoforceti taormoi tI* daart. They have puroseauq£4,q Maii baga la viticitte mi W on hbie drive acrose tV., U eiý Il bai beon te Intention bf Vnaa Polo? Anti Taylor ta star! on the tr a veok go, but theoart wavalyd until Olace Wolaol, a fftanýt a talé Frait, itaticompiotot hl$m ag amlnatloaia. meNe ôib te SetfRay ai 4»mlgh, #hSofl non theo or4er 0f% 'Cheer Up, etc. giv e,~ laràO pin," i- ad SachrleI6cKUX 4 Tort anbomber eat 0<eol "< uover m 00 W4 X14 >oa it a bai 4gt1 bm ht1rememble TIfUYEW VCTIMS POSTôn%1t~FI 0 f FURSLU66EERS CIIICAOO AUTO fACE Tell the Pblice That'thé Attack Managers Of Big Auto Meet Took Placfe r~aEJ. 'DeoW hè,WI PtC &E. Dêpot i.ý test off Uritii June 26. ANOTHER IS FIGHT VICTIM. chicago, file, june 15-(speclai to te Sun)-The faiolovIng statement Mat PrestOph of Southti b 'ri-astPanlIg Chîcago'u Pràt 500 Mlle dan ail àýs eveai Mn auo drby or oe cekvas lesued dan oadSaySSev'al ~en bY the ChîcagoAutomobile club under Pitched IntoHlm. itose auspices the big race wau to he iteld aItte ncw $1,000,000 Speeti. Waukorau. June 14. W&Y Park. foilowlng a meeting at the Thtomas DYan anti a-Peu Murphy, club bouse tenlght: Whto safl t ey live la Kenosha, coter. "Cicago, June 14, 1#15, 10 p. M.- edth ie Police station Sunday ulbn i tîag lu thc tbroes O! a strihc and ompalne tht tey hd ben0f the employes of thte surface andi anti ompOMM$t itat liey 1i i e rcto ies rgecoutil. !IIi;!~ l uged bY tour mon. They galdthe it 4àwitaat sec lionarap o! aegadicultureem VÎÎiÎÏ bha bîo.. ousaof thead- f5W. et pre#m oue for var n a Titey coulti ascribe no cause for the Liane may not ho normal before Bat- ?.lubva meaina ho d- sauit, as tbey sali thoy vere walk- urtiay, June 19th. 1 au referee, bave MW -ïdae h hu ng lon mIningther ow buinestiecîdeti that the race shall bo pool- LU ba when hait the people et wben the four maen leapeti out anti bt-i poneti fromn Saturday, Junc 19, tu Bat- Ar'e th r tearing tach- other te gan te, pummeil <hem. They succeedeti unday. June 26th. et ton o'clock a. m. Leh1ko vlld beauté lnitho armnaIlu maklngthemr escoape anti hurriet Tite Chicago Automobile club, pro- ~,have the protection 0o! aIý e once to the police station. moteru of the meet.- la tieterminedta 1 iPoliceman Callabau lealieti upon hiri POtct the InteTestraifthie great num- Mue Plt Cunry ît-t. Matorcycle anti hurrleti to the vîcînl'y ber of out of town patrnons as moul To f Pnah parlautra decet mr-whilloPolicemfani Cocu andthelen 1Onas tho local ticket boîtiers." TO %keP&MMen adecnt o vitwo reportol thc kttiwcb tdlawi, A IIARRY VlISSEILINO. Reterce. Çll Wachine aJl te consitierable par.seancit was matie but they cutifo $10 muet bho mlllng to subondînato te locateti. ir.Pm. ~Ir Party anti Porsonal luteneste to "vrsad :"Be co0f the. covnlry. This sla Mat Pretocb, 1440 SoutSheridan Zan»mno-ad, te namne of a rival- la "Me art . a alaeto od e oteplc tto t9 Viraîntla, la tram the Indien word èIO contprwet #as anlaeto f dri , o atcplc tto h~ Nawuacblmund, "tho place f rom which aii cunty llIet~trset d.-dn- o'clotk Suntiay nlgbt andi nepontot irevo re driven away." The Flunt la gon Roma several mon tati attacketi hlm. Hie Mchigan, mas calleti hy the indiana exhîbîteti bis bantis anti face, quite Permonigo, "the river of Uic OInt." Tee Wlsu saBird. batily scratcheti. lie saititat Tony fCMm tIie ahundance cr U'loeatoneono "Cm YOU tellme, sir,' askpd thec Hichier, 724 Market sineet, hati ben Ii anâ. Ifumitoldt triver, lu Nevada, adroit pmiitandlcr, -wbcre at. boleat lu the party anti avennedt tbt Hicitler vasa nausti by l'remoutlain mror 0 »qa ta it adwr u ru for it hlm over te tead wlth a boerBao ubltt M sqaemeI" "I coulti," replieti____ tbb expeaiencoti ant i dsîlînelonedti - bttie. Policemen Lerche anti Calle- M 0. "but 1 moka IL at ruie not toaua. ban vent ta the address gîven but simple. aven questions wholly dle and aa.. ere unable ta locale Hîchien. !f tity hyphen offenti thee, Vleck lit doualc." - Rîcitoondvîlie Tîmea-Dis- Dopende on thé Man,. i4my vouai eai have any man site libua if ahe pursuca hlm vlgorously ghuhor eludes him--eltiter doea, àoare two weys tar a voma te go! vbat se. aute..M'iter chai. 5!rall . la worlli. on mn fromi 1 la*' saânie moufln. lbdependu an «h ~ ~ ~ o 93a."Pm 'Day." by Derls Prayer for the Day. Forgive us if ttis day we bave doue or «Ii ianytiint te lncree lte pain of lbe wrnd. Pardon lteunukinti mord, tbe Impatient geature. lte bard anti silait tieti. lte fallure Lu show sympathy ant i kldly iteip whore vo badth Ibopportuully. but mîsiseti IL; anti enoble us se ta Ilve titat wO may daily do seuuetblng la loioen theto ido of human foi ro, .anti adti t lte gun of bumAin bappiess.-F. 1B. bevev. Sure Wu&Y t te Lct à a Me-ted MIgn, 'h nequlres no peculianllY ecute de- tifctiOna te ascertuln mbelber or flot u inulu monlsd." snid Sackvillie Ne- l<nutt. "Nearly every men carrnez hlm mVOuey tl ie lmnglit baud treusore Packet. couscquently If te culer ttlz o! bit Ipocket la afrayeti con- dition frein trequent entrance Le lte <curte O! ouppiyIl tlu a cîncli tiat lb- wri-no fa cholory---lCania C.Ity star. Io An Enlarged Picture tWheGENUINE UlomlMileage PIsÉ You Visatim Decide now that your summer vacation trip is to be f r.. Let National Mileage Merchantà w'ive you our Railroad.or Steamer Ticket. Save, ational Mîfeage Coupons andi you can douk~tplesur ofyou auuao trp-because it woa't coat you a cent! NLMILEAGE COUPONS h.v enabioieewye on 19lch!taypaedevpit NAOet rcr ÉiantiMeteamahlp !ick- g.. Ie bi o tre ar lvboiat eta toa ny point abolntely vîiht m pousse, commutation tckeêts. Wten yen have eamed veM or effotes enongit, mua or brios yeor Nationau iNllefge Ceu- Douneo! ooi~tahy amc cmlugte a uroefilces Pnsys-sI. mil cl~~s1 Nalumileogocoupona fer finit state vbon you vIlla ta start, vhore ion viela claa âW.t Bilboatt ista star! hem. vitere yonut shta eo nlver wbat ~J,ofe si i "sare bna &* C" ralmay or eem pueil yoaen oprofanante. éM«ýwNaioa W'couosNe ha ur orticket wlhoomty ebandedte w zJ1 t s.revery dellar tden, vitere ycn enu cail and get Itf Mb11* yqa e! mauhietito :bîut d" utepll"ai àMIr out, cý*m leiof lrat.e a euieAaatiIft lril-, AMd, lnaitesaime proportion, If Wtite frMfreem deqroed or. ateamablp coupon>' ta 11ru = ly c, ou et -20 . fonling any apociasti sui" mie "P.olyS.ye e 10C«Foe.Anywhare. oprates, yugSm the rnomd mest. cmM cqmeoiEateuprl010 tAL1Y Nh0 imeb mauretes a r« a ~ Ctipn athitscustcies erf4 t Osa b~Kava>. a*ulI~miS . A 1 t .hMwu =0 = Irmadi * ~u~~i~oeouponW B. VAU. 4fl ans. .AN th à, -t" ab*t MamW i s t' I. a s Pj i . J. . - ---.Fwq w* E kýr~àq