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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 16

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The condition of the roaij là danger- eue te, tramfe, Do attempt bu.. ee'1The committee ais0 sent a letteri made ln IAThe3Abarri«ute as emphatic toi Contractor Gee ~hI~TAIt rfI!LI'V maiela ithe baricde the. reass it.They recelveit replies from te I i LARKL C» JNTi maintain lilbts or proper sign warn- stae man 'and aise Goblits. Thle for-i - lng the publie of the condit2me meP, encloseil a letter whic b le hait -Sut. ighaysRuseiland Stoe diatCIy written teooeSlitu sud YSR Mjad 9obas been bauleit and dumpe the liftier wrotebc oesyn ýCM.HiW ,along the asde o! tho road, Vàrtly onta iewsthebc apioe har ic Nad-Bridge CommttMee It a tecaponhr-uk the Pavpmýnt. partly on the éboulders. cotracter as regardina this state aid1 Send Pointed Leter. a istâ c f terhaPd -'one-bSît ro"ilandt ho wanted te, get it done and'~DCIE mile andleftthat w tliOut aMY Off b ande ausoson as possible. RI AtON Î DE DD MUHIDS i ..M%7IN*U . ...N. t. t tn UP5fm JàL.Thm nà.,9... fk', N no earthly reason why the contraci- Téïl State Highway Officiais, or the oulderot have d ilon thse That They Have Permitted fo! h soler.e8vrf o h Condtionto Eist. ground asthe mais bave been bard Conitin t Exst. and dry. There are a few Éme on the gonit now, tilnkerlng with machin- The superviser' rondt and bridge ery, but the prospects o! rapit prog- committee, through George BaIrâtow rs seern about as remQte as lest .'abtairman, andt Supt. of Hlgbwa l eu Rtussell are mucis Incenseit over the: fThe board expresses comederable dereict manner in whicb the s5h10 surprise that the state WOUO ttemPpor- bua pefisitteil Contracter Goelitz, to i5e with a - contracter Who hanities ttarry on the wonk of the cOuntY's work ln such a shifflens andi istZfon- init state aid * road et ]Lake Villa. ent way. They furtber teed that tho The feelings el the commttee and wa Ititnta elng handleit la danger- Mr. Rusueil are coucheit In thîs Ici- eus andt the countY la vtally Intereat- ter mailei tut W. Il. Marr. chie! engin-! cd because lincse of accIdept the eer et the state blgh*ay commission : town and county would priluflaly te nl.)ar Sir: dboItable. and as the peei4 are 1 wisb te adelse yen that conalder- beglnning te te strenuous la their oh- able'discussion was helit by the board Ijections te the conditions. t la their of supervisors ai their laet meeting ides that some tbing s)renuOus ought *a 'thursday, Atiril 29, In reféi'ence <to e itne In tse matter. to the state nid wonk on the Lake The rosit andt bridge com5nittee andl SVila ronit, whicb la being dene by myseif were dlredit t procoedi witî IL. C. Golitz & Ce., by tontract the werk et once andIt f there was any ?immw ws considerable marked eh.ee -l charge teuIle objeetiqps witlb lectloa made to the condition O!fte-thIo ai l ny ether way -jessible, rondt andi the way the work le sot b-te otmeactontebuluhi ar Isg bandipi ait the delay in getting!along. starteit ibis Sprlng. Persenally 1 feel that thep commis- *AttRer conditions bave been iteal Sien shoulit know of lthe meutimént for liat work for thse put month andt bers as II, in spate leai t t, unfavor- cîsomon-hurs tii. whole City ap~Ibe itself to a îwift, recoyery from an abbolutÉe tieup of ail surface and el, vateit Unes whlch bai prevalleit fer 63 heurs. The welcome thunuler of elevatoit trains reeounded in the loop. trolley carsrmade "pieneer" tripis unid cheers and every one of the 1.0 striking eihplo>es returneit ta würc cbeerfully conscious that ant abitra- tien. witb Mayor Willinm Hâle 1'bomp. son as ulupire. lKenld soos tslËi a; the mot questions or honte rusel wages ait working conditions. The commiiLee preuictea vnat the*iArsyAgef pn lât. nihitby, 1 ý 1O FTR ALNII~'jThis rnch, wbieh gave lubtant satis- CONFEIàENCE IN MAYOR fau-?thte motormen anat eonituctoemi hq#t been agreoit upon between tbe Apnouncinci th-e Arrivsl. TIIOMPSON'S OFFICE - leaders. according toaI.. D. lilanit, the rbree-year-cld Arthur's mother te. unulotispokernnan: cently co-rn0enced taktng piano les- ME Tl sons. Arthur wv,-r.-'.h înterested ln M N RT R TO WORK The "trippgr" sy.tem tatatolbe aboi- everythIng the tencher salat and it ti, isheit. ait whcn ho saw lier comîng tihe sec- AND C014PLETE SERVICE Wag-e au be arbitrateil upwarit eil timte ho ran loto the bouse an- A but mya net bo reduccd from the pres- nouscing, -Oh, mamma. bere. corne. WAS.,#ÊTORED A NOON ont scale. that one, twvo, threc." 'there tan hoe no bsclcward ste; hl!1 -BOTH SIDES GIVE WAY working conditions. Arbitration ou, Keep Mice Fr-em Guswlug Pact. * iis will lie on points favorable to the, Scr.iiooks nnd wall paper are fre- CERTAIN POINTS. men. i Que.tlY eut to pieces by mice trylngTh tenofctrt l bfr zo est the peste, or as ts often theTh temocnraiwlbifr Case, BPParenllY for no rmason than the two years, unîes hie emplyneo destree plessure cf gnawlcg. A little cayenne Chicago., zune 16.-A delail of ]-,a- a tîîrOeý-yenr agreement. pepper put lei the ;aste ausea soon t llice cailed tat guard the doors of bis Te Arbtrate Heurs snd Wages. la mode will prove effective lu keeping Ofceta.ti#. toi y enableit Mayor- The quemtion for arbîlratlon to bc tb, miean.d nuckrozcbcs trai l when Thompsot lterally te force arbitratton talcen up early Doit week by Mayor applileilta the ptpcr andithte endlng of the great car strike Thompson. one roepresentaktive front upon the tnlfeitlng union andi transît the cmployers and oe, frontflice work-. Net Hard te Pieas..omplisny leaders. iinprisonc(d and with men. Inclue te matter ot heure. the' tail~ tan dat lîkes ta bear Messit! the menace O! "Martial law", over their wsgeei and "swlrî runs." Tbe quest- tshk.' ait Uncle ilben, "le mos' ai- bads, tho embattled fraction and ion of Iheure perlie to 60 per-rent o! 19qye mighty esy lntere.ted.11 Union chiefs ag'eod ta arbitrgtiofl. wlat la known ln carme' Paranue. à, -The ta vr Wrail running by neom as stritghVt-rns, grades. nlght case Modicine@sIlu the Tropce. on bath elevite andt surface lince. and straigbt hour-hour rtons. là the enter named, quinine, cela. Te mrc' raet ot Itwl eaottreiashfr mel. castor ail, tînciure o! Iran, opium hn Aeia raet Mot Iwl baoutredysefe anit brandy ar-e the mqdiqiDes moat poaceful andt mont festive street car eltber side announce is choice for , qSei n the troffice. truke came te an end. repregentative on tho aritrationt Tbrough thlMsReoon anit early aft- board. lu -Il Trhe *,eTa z- Thi.$Store]1 HRoýMe Vn Bringiug N E_ w PRESSES, Charmiiug in Style, Levv'ini Price' A magniicent colletion of beautif ni dresses that far eurnass ail previous sfuwings. Theniany styles are so stî'ikiîg and varied that everv'"vish can be gratified. You 'Il agree, wvhen you sec these dresses that the priee83 arcel'e-1 niarkably iow-so mueji so that you wI1 not resitt the price temptation. The iateriais are Voile, Taffeta aud Voile Gombluam atons FlueOrgaudy, Llne~, et a&ra, 8lk~ Batiste, etc., ini embroidcred, stripeg, checkf;\and fan- ey dýmg The Store Thot Savon Yeu Money easMuch, To u, redsof the Chiièe to flgy-Stylish Thirts- at Lower Prices We eau eonceive of uo better servive that tiîis store eau render than to hring to yen Iigh-c-la.,s, desirablie w- ehandsic, at prices lower titan sueh mierchaîîdise is tisiv. alIy soid for-and do this as often as possible-thuts making it possible to lower the cost of living. UTere aie manv occasions throtughouit tic year wIîen we are able to d;o this, but nuîst proîninent and import- ant of them ail are the wonderful offerings that are here tomnorrow, Friday and Saturday. On the whôle, there neyer bas , een a tiine wheuîiwîh splendid Merchandiae, se mueli of it, or sncb great sav- ingut have ) een possible. BERE ARE NEW COAUS Worth $6.98 te $15 at $3.5 $5.00 $6-95 Nev belted modl that are iin such great deniandc, higli %vaised and yoke *effects as weli as the very fashionable b are styles. llandsorn checks, stripes andî iîovelty muixtures in the wanted col- ors, also îiavy and black. Sonie of thte greate8t values to be hiad are ini this great thiree-day sale start- ing toîuxrrow. *TELOWEST SUIT'PuICES OF TUE SÈA30N ~ Yoix whlo know% the true style hunes wi'l upp'e- ciate the muagnitude of this great suit uîffii-, and will qîîiekly seek to ac(Iuire these beauti- fui garmlelîts at the veîy low Prime. iMany late ar'îivals are iricluded in Vhis big Sulte formerly prlced Suits formerly priced te 18.50, te $35, 95 no5 MEW WASH DRESS. lE tJITTLÈ FOLKS Y UNDERPRIC[U,, Much eau lie said oif the unusîîal (aiportuhity for' muothers that fuis eveîît presents. Thereare seores o)f t's in dressés of gîîîglîaîîîi, erepe, cliallie, chamibras', ail imst daintily trrnmed. Real $2.00 values, ad in this sale .....90 c AilWhhte Dresss I28042.95 t"' mhadoomiy trîi- SM~*~ ~W We'e Rad~wth -the GreatestSale Charmingai New Blouses We' ve Lver'. Had -Styles such as we have never had befox e-all of them priced away below reguiar. Beautiful modeis in G(eorgette erepe, erepe de chine, wash silk, fine'voiles, crepe, 4heer organdies and dozons1 of haudeoiue figured and striped combinations. Blouses that ordinarliy seil nt $3.50 to $5.00 Are in this offer- ing at .~id Hundreds of clevr 20w stylos ln regular $1.50 ud 10 $2.00. Lingerie vwaimat-pecla....' .......10 Walots of tehutmaterlals, 1»cludln¶1waak .11k;and sllk batistes l In rul styles and o mbna; m'- Po- 4 cil at ....................... ý An Important Sale Event NEW WASH SEIRTS (25 styles) 14001L49 198 2.990 IJntisual value every onle of theni, for tliîose sanie garitents ar-e always sold at hilier Prices. Hlandsoine models in novelty weaves, ratine, popÏlin, cotton gaberdine, linen and every fab- ria~ that is fttshionable for suminer wear. Sane have yoke tops, with button trinnning; others have stylish front pockets. Other dain- ty niodels have row buttons down front. Ail sizes. Flower,r hoet of i a- ~' I14~ <3 I~A5~I

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