Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1915, p. 2

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I LJ oe ae ofmeawho are-80 proud M ho'im. d achzary yet ,aqloelta, put up goed gaths.. We have just receivedla big shipment cf Iowa Gates te lhan moi m hbr d,*J just te, show you that these steel gates add value te your fam -d ave yen time, trouble. andannoyauce-wltM i ssermm. h e exhibition ai onr store rquht seu1 Note the big, heavy fnme-the largeno. lac ltae sie look mii. Thecut 9 ultes amd hou stromg the gaileh ulit. gSW« you on Ides cf th uortb of tisbfacMoe by Iowa Gate Co.. lenere la the tie. Se. hou adjustahie Ihins raies o ci gaiehumes.Salkisa» a s*w lobaiructions: Iois bots dpnhydfs m a,, ge .etr aetalgso g. uaieaaati,. k ~ trge.stoc Iee . o gsxmw m oues * Yeu or. IIITINLE LUIDERCG Doua hy the Oid De"i. BooM the"e 20 pORMs Phia. 47 EL A. Biehop, Mgr. HayigMachinery Dfeimo ad McCormnick Mowers and Rakes. Osborne and Dain Side Dellverg Routes. Kegstone and, Dain Loaders. ROPÉ. CARRIERS, FORKS, ETC. GOOD STOCK FROM ANCI I'S oc0 S Schanck Hardware Company Llbertyville. Mme. Stephen's Beautyj Parlors Manicring. Shampooing, MiritDressiog lracial ilMosage MWd Scalp Treatmnent. CRfAMS, LOTIONS. SKIN CLEAN!RS. Ê'I!AE THE VERY LATEST. 1MiK CULS.JTHEU F 0 VMEG Switdhe. Pullts end Transformations. Good quallty hait end cao save gou unof. :-: .: - :-: :. 0. -: farlors over Gus Offie Phone 1001 OU>R FINE BREAD GOES FARTIIEST Our fine sireet and uholesome bread le rel uorth uaiting for. But you don't have te irait. Our baking is doue in larçe quantities and at regulai houri. Begin norw-aak for Libertyville bread next lime yen order fromn your grocer, or gel it every day aI lthe home of the. best bread made-the IENU3:TYVILLE BAKEIRY N'EU» IEEKWPré>. fL C. Durridge & Son Nursery Stockli TRANSMPANTIED- Obbarge )Ullfoer ________2ld T&t Pat ,i rhoîns Garden& HARDY PEINNELSI for autumu R Phone 102. R IiAX O0~TYINDREUDNTFMUDÂ, 3UNE 2, 1915. .Cu~erts.yvi//e .*ems- xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx iým lilas Hasel Erickeon or Chicago, vaa entertalned aI the home oh the hases Elvirae'and Jeanette Mondes severai dope of lasi week. W. E. Davis of ibertyville tatea that Ibm leglelature bas appropnl.ateil $100,000 for the county faire for the coding yeai. lir@. Harry Buîterflld oh Bsraiboo, Wis., anrived ber. Weduesdap la @pend a ueek uith ber aunl. lire. J. B. Morse aud ather relatives. (lmnnnd mas brokan Ibis us.k or lb. ev honne uhlcb Tom Cole ulli erect ou hie lot onHBlgh etrîet recently purcbased oh lire. Julia Frics. The Prembyterla LadIes' Aid wIl mess ulth lire. C. F. Wright ou Thurday aternoon. 1uly 8, Iuatead of usat ue9k Tbursday Cenoon. Quito a number of local people uent to Wauanon Mondai to @et the hal game betusen the Chicago Cube and McCauu's tbam aI licCan'epark. Mire@. B . Paddock hat returned tu ber home. ln LaValle. Win. She uas accompanlod hp luo maies., Catherine Mores and Margaret Pger. Proparallons have heinuinade for the orection of a new honte for Albers Faulkner on the lot he rec.ntly purobaasd Irom B. Grimes on MKlnhlî Ave. Mieurs. HRwold Currie, J. Jobmsouti John Graiey andi Waltsr lghlhody of Chicago, speat Bnnday ullh lb. latter'. parents, Mr. and lir. F. Liglthody. A surprise parti uas beld ti a l home of MisesGracosBond Isel Wdnesdlay nlght hi her fionde lu honor of beu binlhdal. refubmsnta ver. emvàd. lins. B. T. Fram of S anaond, lad., le endlng Ivo me.esvitihoa iter, lire. J. LCdipandl amily. Mn. Promo spent over Bondal aI lhe Cooyhome. C. L. Pur, &. W. Larmon, C. Tester oh lb. Great Lake@ Naval Trelnlng station, vited ti h. former'@sontuIandi uàcls, J. E. Rond and famllî, aturdSî asd Buadai. About thirty.five Rebeccahe afl th Wankean oabdge slteaded th. eguar meeting al tbe local lodge oh that aider on Y'iday nigbt. The visitons came lu a - petial car. JA long. numben f ru. boe. ttende t he graduation exerclée.e of lb.Deeffsît. Shields lgb seh ool vilci ver. held 41t lb. "lvnla Park theâtr. lait ýéeok Tiuraday nlgbl. Toeiur Publicatidet ln tiie ndepan.- dont. copy must b. in the office no later than Trueedav of ceci, wook. Adver- tisers,epeclally are asked te take particular notice te this affect. (Additionai Local Noe on Page 4) D. Reuse.of Chicago, la vitlng hls..on Jo@. Bouse and famUy.. % Mils Anna lUtiner la spendlng the week in Chcago with relativee. A new bouse la helog butît ou Elli avenue for Durand & Durand. Uri. Berha rye uept to the Mercy houpîtal, Chicago, Mondai for un opera- tion. Chas. a. Magon of Chicago, spent Sun- da" hers wltbhbi@ son Chas. E. and famli. lire. Win. Phillp and daughter Helen of Graîslake, vlslted friends bere last Thursday. Mir. and lire. H. A. Itoyshave gone te houeekeeping In the Protine house.on Hlgh etreet. The Mises Olga. Eleue and Aile Huas spent Saturday and Suuday with Chîlca- go relatives. lire. Wm. Loehr of! (ormal, Il]., le viâitlng her mother, lir@. Ailes Price and other relatives ber.. The Presbytkrlau Ladies' Aid ilil give a bakery sae at Paul Ray'@ next Satur- day afternoon et 2:30. Bai ph P. Colby on Tueeday moved hi@ lamlly te Camp Lake, Wis., where they wîll make thelr future home. L. 0. Allenu. he agélated at Lovel'a drug @tore for uwo weeke. returned te hi@ home lu Oak Park Wedneday. The village board pontponed the ad- journed meeting whlch vras met for lest Friday nght te Friday of thle week. Mir. and Mire. Henry Boyee entertalned tbe ýttere parente.,1Mr. and lire. George Naas ofHEighland Park, over Sunday. MWla Elvîra Mundee, who bas been teacblug at the Chaddock'e Boys fichool at Qulucy, Ill., bas returned to her home ber.. lire. George leaacs returned bere let wý'k frotn Grandi lùlpicJs. Mirh . wbere î!ý., býd *p.iut -% a ut lier uld home. Attorney R. W. Churchill and famlly fI Grayslake, spent Sunday wltb the former'% parents, Mr. and Mir@. 0. E. Churchill. lila Myrtle Luce of Park City, Mont., hue arrived ber. for au Indeflulte stay wlth her grandpareuts. lir. and lire. 0. 1. Luce. Mason'a Jubiles fSinger@eofahe lb.Lncon Chatauàqu Bureau, gave an enlertan menI la the Auditorium boe. lu Frday evenlmg. A fairli large croud ott.nded. The singer. came bore under tble aupice of hé kW. lcal autauqua ora goalsalh The songe of tbe entertoliters uer. eld southevu ballade and melodise and the progpatu iadeclared ta bave heen fine. )The management of heii LirtYvIllO AuOlIolum announce. laI a mou ao.ssdglscifroutai prices whil wm make theu hall avaîlahle for smalA parties and eataIgnmmeis t matagll isduesd rabs wll bocome elaclvo JUIFlotaI They Invite lie lmqou isof clubs, soioti sud ladividuale daslring Oiral cties 0- commodatione and svice for parties ad nt nertaininente. Ain, Hspie bad bie right band cl quise hadkv Mondai etornoon uhili attxnpting 10 open on. of lhe uludous lu aslr»earom Ibe Lbertyille divio. The vîndoir eash vas brokon and lu lrylug 10 raie.s apie..01foastglas. feli doun on hie ha.id eudac-Il aroas tbe palm. As aab aube r.achod Wauko. gau he had hie baud altended 10 hi a physician. lin. Hapte endi a nuushr nof otier laibertyvîllo people more on th.ir uale b fln curd yt Waukegaa 10 attend a bail EOUO 1-i f e - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - "MEUE~OF TMI FEDERAL Lake Couatii National Service Every year for more <han twenty yeArs <is 6ai' bas been servng more and more people each year. liwr. s«à mm Wasn Bovoe are enter. tainlng ivo o! lire. Boyoeseleces, Eva and Theresa Forbee of lMadison, Wl.. The Uitile girls expect ta siaî Ibre. irese. Libertyville Lodge No. 492 A. F. & A. M., tated m,@tlng of Saturdai, lbe 26, 8 P. m. l'IraIt iegre. work. Speclal meeting Thunedar. Juli 1, ut 7 p. m. Thîrd degee. udît. lir. and lire. E. W. Botterlield veut ta Elgin lu their auto Weduesday mornlng- and returued lu th.e.eçenlng ulîh lin. and Mire. Corbin of Ihat ciîy, evho ilîl remain boe for a viei. Chairman H. B. Eger of Libertyvîlle, and nearly ail th.eniembers of the Lake County Board of Supervîsore weut 10 Wauconda Frday to attend thée huneral of Engene Brooke uho uas a member of the board», *tly. and lMre. Paul thacGuffID are eutertainlng lire. liocOuflinsmother,1 lira.F. B.Peck and lister, Norma, Lee, o! Otava. Kaname. Her faiber @pent several days herehbut returned to Ottawa an Tuedai. rhe drill teani af the local camp of B. N. A, did the tnlotori, vont on candi. datee for the Wlnnptka Camp o! that onder ai Wlnnetka ou faet Thuredai srening, about fifleen ladies going ou the 7:15 car. Mr@.Elnlon Clarke, whoha& bas eu oerioualy fil for the paut feu veste, la again ahi. 110be about. Ber oietr,Ulrs. J. W. St.afford, uho bail been alending ber, retunned ta ber home lu Cincnnati Tueoday evenlng. Edwin Austin, A. C. Murry and 1). lieuse, tb. latter vlsltlng hie son Joseph and famili. uent ta Grayelake Tueeday vitb an automobile load ai adverileing posters for the Lincoln Chautauqua ta h. h.ld hore Joli 21 ta 26. The baud stand in tbe village part bas been torn dam as l bad ben found 10 bo lu an unsafe condition. As Libertv- ville bas no baud et preeut the board declded ta remove the stand rather than go ta the expnas of repalring l. The Prest'yterian Ladies' AId eociety n-a. entertained ut the home of 11, preeldini, ira. liable Woairidge, on Thuredai ahiernoon of fast ueek. The event use as 'Timble Party" br the ladies. Refreihuiente were served ta 1f fty gueste. lir. and Mira. J. J. Wileon are the parente oh a luttle eau boru 10 theni on Fridai, Jue 181h, ai thelr home ai Waterloo, lova,.tire. Wilson iras form.rly Miss Viola Raid. Ber mather, lire. S. J. Yauug oh thie etty, Ila pending solde lIme ullb ber. T. A. Beynoidi, Rermonce Wheeier. 0. E. Churchill, John McConmick and John Bollard uere in Waukegan Tueeday ta attend a meeting oh the connty G. A. R. Poste uhich uas held to decide on tb. date and place for thbsannuai saldlere' and eallore' reunian. A delalled accunt oflb. ee»ting mil he found lu anotber coinnin. The Ramarea Base Balil club wlil glve a dance at the Libertyiîlie Auditorium on Friday evenlng of tIisueek. t la r.ported that Hapke'e orchestra of sax pees ulil furuisb tb, music. Tbe baye uould Hire 10 se s large crovd lu ettendauce as they have mode prepara- lions for a pleaeant Mime. Tickets are 75e per couple., S. D. Neleon lefi last ussk for th. Weesl uher. h.ouil @pend the naît Ibree niesîh. Be vl visil hoth expoaltio»e, @pouding the mil of the lime ai Los Angeles, behor. bis retura. tir. Neleon hormerli ouUed th. barber *hop ou comducted hi Chas. Macon and bas hein principal oh lb, Deorfieid Graxumar ochool the point Yeor. ljlal servie. uoe.condueted last Saccdey at the M. E. church hi lis MisaileOliphant, the evangsHet uho wu as duriap two wuek* InMarîb, at umichtlime ab@ comductid epeclal service every eveulng at the chnrch. lils OlIphant dliered a pousrhul lecture nand tonchng songe ai hotb uoran an d ovenlug ervies. Both serviesuwrve y largely atlended. The Junior Boy Scouts of the Preebi. terlau Sundai sehool, gave a drilli&fier the'regular feson lent Sunday moruing. The youngera huli a peaee ladder placlmg the flog of the churcb and the fisa of the United States upon the top, givimg the synmhole 0f eacb round as thui bnllded It. lin. (Gertrude Ofendoit gave a short talk of the wark of the RoY Scouta and of the Lîbertiville Bird Club folloulmg the drill. Mondai afternnon an automobile atruck an electrlc ight poleon Milwauke avenue lu front of B. B. Eger's resîdence ulîb auoh force tbat the pole broke lu tuo about eîght fest froni the top. TW crash vas hoard about a block. People ruelg ont of their home, eau lhe automobile hock auay from the shatter. ad polo aad go ou lia uay apparaatiy umdamaged. The Publie Service Co. emploie* set a neir pale Tueeday morn. lng. Wuî. GeHInge reporte that a pear tree on his property on North avenue is pan- onming a fr.salhstunt. The tree bas qut, a number of hall grown pears ai prosmut uhile Ittg saiea blossaming for the second time this saon. Mir. GaHinge belleves that durlmg the r9ceni cold epe!Iloalv part of the buda uer. killed and that the peare noir grawing are natural resutoft itbooe le!ft. Tb@ portions oh tb. ires now lu blossoffi are apparanîli so far the second lime tbie iear. Seven pears agoair. Geinge had a cherry ire. that had ripe and green cerlem and blasome ail at the came time. Several ueeke ago tbe St. Faui rail. road gave LIbertyville a theatre train for Baturday i nl hîeoniy, uih a promise thal ehonld thie added service ho a profitable one for the raiiroad the cani- pany uould extend thie service la erery nlghi cfithe ueek. Lîbertyvîlle people n doubt greatly appreciate tis con. alderation on the part of tbe raliroad and a gond many are maklug ume of hii train. ÀA utie booeting wunld do some god ln %bis respect, as every added train arrivlug at and departing from the Libertiville atation@ viii h. a financil gain in lime ta corne. lmproved train service advertios.the town as a good place ta lIve in. Mir. and lire. Warren C. Moite aud eoup, R. W. idoon d amli and Mir. and Mre. George Wrght ofHiBghland Park, attend- ed the uneral oh ia. John Bell ai Ringwood Wedueaday. lire. Seul vas the only ieteroh MreW. C. Mom@ and dled a!lter a severe Iluefi, oh several vaste duration, total poralî yils being the cause oi deaib. A particuiornacd fetur. la that ber moiher, Mire. letabella Neîeb. uba lires boe. itb lire. Warren C. Mans ie on ber oint b.d and uat ex- pected ta live. r. Nelsh haq been help- les for many monthe. Sbehe a asmed ber 89th irthday. Janmes Neiab aieu oh Libertyrville, Is aiea a brother oh the de- ceaeed. liarehal Lîmberri venftotaGagea Lake Tueadaî and arresied o man bY th. nom, o> Vaudermarkaud hieseaon complaint oh Ar. Vanderpooleof Liberty- ville. VanderPoole declared he traded haree ullh Veudermark and ihat b. gat tua borse..for tb. one he owued, but thal $15 lu cash,.w hlcb he vas to have, ual ual forlbcoming. According. ly ounlMondai b. vent ta th. Vauder. mark home near Gages Lake and before he letkot a tbrashing at the bande of Vanderinart and hie son luetead of receving tb. $15. The. Van3derinanke had a bearlng belote Justice Morris aud each uere Boned $8 snd conta. Not havlng the mouey both men uere alloir- id to returu home afler prOmSIalug ta appear Weduesday eveulug aud pai their finse. 1 N Buiader's Material HAR BAU GH-M ILLER LUMBER COMPANY TELEPIIONE 50 132 Sprague S., Libertyville, 1 block tast of Schanck's Hardware CHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTS, VEGffl'BLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & FREDERICý<SI j hono 30. IBERTYVILLE, ILIL MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS We-have a large aesortment uf Ladies' Spring and Sommer 1la~ at reasonable prices. Hâa ematde to order a epecialty. W. c arly nic. line of Ladies' Underirear, Waiets, (,loves, Hosiery and No- tiouaat lowrprioea. Parisas Corset froin SI.00 to $3.00. A. W. LINDROTH For the Hot Weather to' Corne WHITE DRESS GOODS--SPECIAL VALUES Lawns at 10c mand 16c r asn, severlpttrat -25c Piusa!- 25c, 30e and 35c Voile, fine c#at a 40c WbjtP.plc at -- e Sadw oie2tc2 And in the Colored Waah Goods w~ e n ssros «~sui and Voe. one in stripas, mre in umall figured pettee nud plaincalors. NEW UNE 0F HAMMOCKS at 90c, $ 1.50, $g.25 and $4.00. Best on the .ma"k at these puace.. MP.TQ.ATE CORSETS -in many qualites. Arneriçan Lady neié models at $1.OO, *1.50 and $3.00. Nens. Corsets at $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50. W.Wfilo1 Su o HOE29 NORTH STORE ~~*1PUKI u ~il4igM& Open a Checking Account to.dayj lsn't it about tinse you opened a check. ing Account and paid your bisl with checks? W. will be pIeased to serve YOD. Lake County National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profitas Sl0,00oo Total Remoure«, - 750,000.00 ss:u u:- --------ss- - ----------- a - WÀ 1 Az- " 1 ,E VE RTHI-NG.

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