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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1915, p. 3

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LÂKECOUTY II)EENDET. RIDA. . UNE25.1915 J.age .5-Im TOTAL LOANS IN MANY CAPIASES ISSUED. Few Entered a Plea of Guilty, WE K $29M IN But Majorty Pleaded 'Not GOUN Y 0F LAKE Guilty' to the Charges. COUN Y Of LAKEWaukessaus tJune- 17. ______ Several o!flire usesnagalust sbom Ninety-Nine Instruments FiIed Indlelments were rcmsrnci b> tise and 85 Transfers.Were Re- 'grand Jurysa few da> s ago were- ar- corded in the Period. Edwards thié moruing A tew of them Business o! the recorders office for entered pleas of guiîts but the ma- ths wsek eudiug Jue 19, 1915: Jorits- pleaded "001 gulItv" sud viii Number o! trausters, s5. stand triai. Tbere are a nuinier whoê Number o! boans, 14. are not yet lu COtody and capiase Total number If instrumients fled, for tireta ere ordered. 99 The arraIgnunent sas as follows: Total amount o! bcans. $24.900. Business bas been very quiet lu the - realty market during the week sud icans are belov the average. The mors Important deais doriug the week are the !ollawing: luI Antloch township, Augusta Sex- * ton bought trous Florence sud Geo. jW. Sexton, 60 acres in southwest quar- ter section 15 snd sotheast quarter * section 16, for $5.500. IHarold F. MeMalon bougbî 3 lots, lu BurnettCs addition to Lake Villa tram Paulinse'îieMahon for s nominal P cousideratlon. lu Grant township Charles IL. sud World rilm Corporation 1N 1 eerbugt__mTomsD prset Llie R» nw ILDFrIR* dit iien for $3400. By George Broadhurst and Geo, V. Hobart. With »an Inta t.ilertyville îownsîp, J. Ogden ail star supporting cast. A Shubert feature in 5 acts. Armour bouglit a susaît triangle o! :and lus southeasl iquarter nartbuast I siarter section 31, uaab o! railroad LIBERTYI THEATRE trous Teresa Redmnond tor a nominal TUESDAY, JUNE 29 ÂLL BEATU 10 CENT SPIEEDWAY PARK I 2th Street and Despiainea River CHICAGO'S fIRSI 500 Mile International Auto Derby Saturday, June 26th Starts 10. A. M. Wortd" Greatest Drivers to Make World'a Greatest Speed Records on World'a Greatest Board Track Illinois Cenrtral' trains heave Raudolph Streert Stationi vvery few minute@~, beginunrg at f; a. mt. Speeidway Park Association Headquartitrý, '201 Mar-- quette Building. Open Daily froiîî M a. mi. to 10 p. in., fur sale of oeats until D)erby Day, â mî e 2&th.Mm Letter Ileads --- that lead Business Cards --- that bring "biz" Bill leads--that tickle "Bill" Envelopes--that can't be beat We use good quait stock Our prces are on the square iouaiderabion, and F. Edsoa XWhite I ddcd Io bissoldîigs t acres la soutli wet quarter section 12 trous George L.utkenbagen for $900s. la Shiida tuswaship, AbrahamsR jBaldwin itougbt part ot the old Wyun CH1ARlLES OMIS I1,turghary and larceny. Eutered the home of Mm. Francis Acker o! Oras sake sud alole a bax contalning $33- Defendaut plesd goilty to the chsarge. Dr. Broya was celle dto makte an examination of a swslliug behind the' lrisoners est He dlagnosed it as a nsasîoid abseest% sud said that If Susîtiss lite vas 10 be savsd ho vould lias e 10 be operat- ed on inside of 48 boucs. UnléesaIbis vers dons. ho satd, au aliscess o! the bralu vouid resit. Tise court saId be would laietehie rusWn5sibiity 0f ssnding Smith to thP couaty bospitai wbere lie viii bu këpt four or flve weuks. Smith prons'd net ta ruu awaY but 10 returu ms court afler bo recosers Hisaliait Sa tfixcd at $5.500. Se far as known iiiss la the OirsI tinte lithe histori ,! l.mke ceunty wtsure a prisouer lis, - su placet] uls on lus bonor tô retsirs ansi seccive a çphuteace, especials sj, stiese, mal est sentence tbat cas. b, gis un for the crsime unos icb buhais -asti-sigîulit>' us a tertn ln prison. lis isosu sbated lisaI there la a dêelosn rossus t the bositai but said bu vssuid nel care ils assume the rssss llyo! se farusilasuctlssîs17 trous loba A.lisck- iîsg IaIthe prisous.m sidt uîiescape tord for $4,00. as sie said there ai, ni) gîsards ai InLu ake Forest, Hareiy t.evlu thle boapîtai. Tise ps-eIsîer salid the I iougbt trom PFrudurick Green for a court neud have ne fss o srlise sould ! nominal conalderation a lot on Oai- rture wben bu regasslms ts-battb. wood aveniue sind Lake Forest tee JOHN ZANN P1icîrs-clsargud ('o. beugbt tram the ustate o!f.John W . wit5s baving brokeus son,,a box car on linn for $3,21M(, a lot on Western the St. Paul railessîsi Zan irst ja% unuu. Walter SI. Bll iougbt a lot pteaded gulity but ss otd wbat la Ferry l"ield's subsdivisioni luat Soutirtise penalty for the crsmss- sa., pleaded o! Lake Bluff for $8,000~. "net guilty." Attormm s ,itay Fowler lu Deerlieid towshsip, Arthur E . was appoinied b>' tise sssorm to defeud Bingliau bougbt for a nominal cou- ýhlm.Hu was usaced sîicdr a bond sideratioii part o! tie Micehael Rydur farauinl soutbwest quarter section 21. lui Fremont township, Thebdore Zersuts bouglistframt Wm. Kaigge, 4 lots; lu Owner's subdivision In.village o! Ares for a nominal coosideration. lu Iligblaud 'ark. Carl Hourmannu bouglît tront Arthur C. Thomsson for $1,725 a lot oui Cedar avenue. lu Wlaukegan, Ruthven T. Shade bougbt at masters sale tor $5,0(s)ù the Peck proîserty Sheridan, road and Franklinu treet. LEÀDS F16UIT VS. SELLNÛ AUL 6À«M Springfieid. 1ni.. juta. 17. - The House. lu a uoisy, sometimes Iumonrtu- eus session, toulght, pagoed legiela- Uion of large Importance. Il cbnsid- ered only senate bis, ail House bille baviug gone by the board lait ntgbt. The long-deiayed senate iBah and game bill, the best measuare ever ob- tained by the sportsmen of the state. passed by a vote o! 113 bo 7. The bill prohibits the sale of games lu Illinois at any time, no malter vhere caught or shot. If signed by the gov- erno, î-Il en sd merchandising o! gamte lsb sud birds. Tihe bill also prohibits the ues o! the fish kllliug lrameual net sud gives the state gamne conservation commission ivider powers 10 establiir ah epreserves. HunIers are permitied to ship game Snuder certain licenso restrictions. The Illinois iihing Interests. however. are permitted ta continue the ose of lb. 1.000yard seins. Repres....tatIve Poster, lunvirose district are mosl of the market fishermen, opposed tse bill. saying: unpopular meaeuve." Reiuesentative T. E. Graham,. of Ingieside. led the figbt for the bill. HIENRY W. SAVAGE 011r. the 8100,000.00 Motion Wonder Pictures * ;Work Ba"o on thé inspiring book HTE 1 5 ICAI 1019R -NIRiT", kBy Fredorto J. Haskin rLYRIC TDEATRE ---LIRTYILLE 'Saturdayj id Sunday, jUNr. 26dm and 27dà Viret Shoir 2:» P. ILu. 'Adulte2oc, Oildren 1. Oc et $1.000. CARI, KRUEGER l..srsfýny-Hu la rlsargud sith basiusg smolcn a waîcr frous a famiiy living smich South Side la W'aukegau. Krtsg- r s-as working fer Rtobert Dady st thu time. The comurt weutd not inspss.e sentence un- tiI bhe rutur eft bise probation officer sue lsaaa'v at b-rusent. Kruger was placed undes bonds o! $1,000. NORMAN InORTON. HERMAN WINKEL ANIS ELMER SCHUL7- iiurglary-cssarged with breaklng Into freigbt cars oethbe St. Faut railroad, They rlinscd an alibi sud piesded "*not guilte-,,.XVere given until July le to Recsure s ounsel sud lu tbe mean- l ime tîteir pli-a sili lie disregardsd. Piaced under $21000 bond eacit sud ru- manded ta jal IRVIN PFESTER-18 years oId-is charged wiihb hurglary aud larceny. Aceused o!fsea'iag money trous John 1Nader of L.ak, \'ils., Said be boit the mouey aîsd might just as wel plsad guilts'. .'dmitted he had been lu trouble iwice buiore sud had served timte aIt heSt. Cbarles Reforun school. The boy's parcunbs witt appear lu court usaI Tbursdav te beip decidu visaI shail bu doue witlsiFilm. Piaced uder $1,500 bail anst rcmanded to jait. CHARLES ('ARPENTER AND WILLIAM CAlFITEFR-Larcen --'ar- penter In cssurt snd pieaded *"nat guil- Iy." Bonds lixud at $1,000 sud lie vas remnaudusite jail. Captas ordured for Carier s ho sasîlill ailarge. EDWARD l'UNNINGHAM-Asssult with Inteuit to kill. Captas ordered t ud bond fixed at $3.000. JA'MES MAI' tAGAN-Wife aban- daument-capias ordered sud bail fix- ed ai $1.000. JASPAR OIDNELLO AN!D KUNJA GIDNELLO -Receiving stoien prap- arty. Capias ordered sud bonds Ouxed aI $1OOOq, uach. CIFTON ROZELLE-Assul it ll adeadiy seapon. Captas ordered and bond fixed su $1.000. PETER LEtST-Burglary, etc. Cap tas ordered and bond fixed at $1,500. WOJCIEK PIKUL AND JOHN BAUM.%-Asamslt wibt Intent tu Injure -escpias ordercd sud bail fixed at $500' JOHN COL.ENAN, ALBERT COLE- MAN. JOHN C'OUSINS AND EU- GENE GRAHAM-Murder. Capiases ordered sud to lebeied vithout bail. VIADUATE FROM CiIICA60 UNI VERSITY Among the bundreds of graduates frona the University o! Ohicago Ibis l- eek. vers tbe fahhovlng froun Laite county. together vit the degrees-or tilles tbey von. Waukegan: Lors Grace Perrîn (Ph.B.). Zion City: Clara Eunice Dietrich ("~.); Heisu Deane Innes (Two-Year Certificats lu Kindergarten); Eieanoa Miartha Wesuer (A.B,). year o! service as a teacher, provided lhst sucrtannuities shali ual exceed $400 lu any one year. Equilabie provisions laeumade for the teachers who retire before serving full 25 yesrs and for teachers vbo relire t emporariiy sud returu to teaclhung serv ice. i CONTRACTS WILL BE AWARDEI> FOR 2 NEWIII6lIWAYS' Both Stretches of Roads Are te Be Laid in the Vicinity of Highland Park. Wsuitegan Jue 22. Bide ws-ltbu opsned sud contracta awarded for 15e stretches o! fine bard roads la the office o! the lowu cierk et Highhand Park Tbursday aitt ernoon ai 3:20 o'clock. Charles Rus- sell, ceuuty sîperintendeut o! roade, bas lisd chsarge o! the work o! drav- ing tbe plan-s and outliiing tise vont. He witt bu preseut vben the bide are otsened The ta-o strelehes of roads wili be: FIRST -Ons-haif mile o! concrets rond, 18 fuel lu wldth an Green Bay road southi of Highland Park. Il wtIh connect two exsting stretches af cou- crute rond sud will maire anunobroken concrets hlghvay for severai miles. SECOND-Three-!ourths o! a mule cf aRphalt-mau!auim, 18 fest aide onu tise Deeriiehd rond weet o! Highland Parlisud exteudiug lu the direction o! Deerfieid. Bath o! these stretches o! ronds arej being put In by the township sud shos. lte pragrese that les being made lu good ronde in tbe southeru part o! tus couuty. The work o! resorfacing Belvidere strsst fraus the Wsukegsn city limita tô tirs lImita o! Warren township laj progressiug lunfâne shape under the1 direction -o! Mesars. Blanchard sudi Christian, township highrway- commis-'i abuns o! Waukegan. The wet weatber1 sud lie bad ronde fouud h1à,ade thei city limits bas deiayed the work asl It bas been difficuit ta haut crushsd atone sud gravai to the portion o! the road vbich le beiug resnrfsced. i re-arrested wheu he compietes bIs terus. He bas admllted the theft o! s sum of money lu Chicago. Btraun iras oon!eesed thal ire vaa smphoyed at anse time Iu a disorderhy bouse lu Chicago. He vas 10 reelve $25 s monîh. together vith hie board sud rouru, for hie services. Titres montha passed. he saye, anad no salary was forthcamiug. Then ons day the proprietor o!flthe establishrment sutrusted hlm vitb $6250 vilh vhicir 1 psy lire rent for a month. Brauin naya ha pockteci Iis mousy sud proceeded to put as niach distance betveeW imsesf sn& hie ptlace o! emtloyment ase possible. The affair wae reported inte Police and s warrant wss evoru out fou hie ar. rest. This charge stihI bangs overý hlm. The bulle! seema tes prevailithat Braun yl l e pardoued trous prison alter lie bas servaed onu or îwo years. Il Io claimed that bis phading guiltty ta the charge silI coont lu bis favor. Mali goad bebaviar lu prison aiea vihi help much. Judge Edwards bas taken qulle an Intereat lu Brauns case. Bs la lu- c 11usd ta, thiuk the young man la re- pentent sud sssured bina vhen pro- uîouuciug sentence that he vauhd une bIs Influence ta get hlm pardoned ait- er he had served À part of hie tenra. provtdlng hie record bas been good. The youug tsliow seema ta possess a lot o! goo4 suse. He declared tiraI atter he bas couspleled the ssu'ving a! bis sentence be Iuleuds ta reture ta bis aId home lu Gernîany vhere be Intends te abart tIfs anev. Tise sorkmun's compensation set Isý materialiy ausendsd by a btlvhicls passed botb bouses o! tihe recent legis hature. Uuîder ts provisions transpor- tation companies are lncl.uded In the act. The amuont o! compensation lia.- bie to tujured persèns la inereased. The InduetrIal iboard la required 10 ru- view the decelon 01 the board o! arbi- tration ou ail Questions o! haw. sud tire ruview by the circuit court by cen- itorari la provIded for. Salaries o!. 01008e at Beiemu. BLCAUCTION111114 Ai Moindi borms, * barmoleor r sz"ï;ho il â - rPHIONE 1140-M Violinist, Planist and TOEW Mf CORY AVE. WAUKIÈA% VL 'Durand & Duretid' REAL ESTATE SNtS UR A NC E COLLECTIONS Triggs BIag., LIb.rtyvMls and ou club"s ANY SIZE Vt J»x l. t@ I2x1fi For partculasw ie eor ml em ePATRICK CROWe 1$ A PREACHER %IIKIS. Grand RaPids. MiOI. m Crowe. kidumper of B4g'arl m4j who operaied a "boa ue icéir Highwood for rears. boa ISsu erhtYI. ed ta Chrtatlaitr Ige "dntl1W fpu'eaehln. The conversion vuas the membersaoLUujeissdatxial hoard bjy Xesly-W Trtter, eupetlatd are lflcreaaed tram 814,000 ta $5,00 teCII>' RamsMission. vIsa 14 sud permanent boards of arbîtration diropped lun b aloun bis cliÀtho are provided, escir member ta rucelve "ItWbe sap%Érrlag wyu li a salat aof 1.800 a year.- life cmli1 Cage ber@, ths" a haimaber m11pat uséfi. Walit, ForelS. ste &de ln t he IN. on is v ade mo." Crore to *,-lm ýDEPEN DENT resch 15.000pesons.todai. But should you want a cheaper paper for a cheaper job we'II do that too-as cheap a« anyone-but aur specialty i.' The Better Kind of Printing WIIICII DO VOLJ WANT? W! CAN DO 80111 KINDS JO -. RTMNTi Lake County Independent TEACIIERS' PENSION !BRAUJNTO SERVE DLoans.F.AUSTIN4 BILL WAS PASSED; INDETERMINATE fi.nKasrBok AFFECTSLAKE CO. TERM IN PRISON ELANA W. LB Attorney-at-Law Does Not Apply in Full to Coun- «'ontiueI Fromt Page Osse. Office ab Homne. Cook Ave. Phoele" tiesOve 65000 ut akeLIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOI3. tie ueru~uuuBu Lke asked the î,awrlroker wbat i a Is Within It. worth. LYELL HL MORRIS - Gis e me tilty (entsibnd l'il ex. ATTOREY-AT-LÂW Lake countv teachers are deeply 1in-amiet"aothfeiwLbryvi Ilns terested and concerned over the artc t *siuî id toahe fewmoent ibert aild in oi Il e y ohbossn the legis- later the feliow returned and toid Ss Phone 12-o.omne. Phone.III lature recentiy and shicli Ûow goes to him Tt waa worth about $150 to $7. MARTIN C.-DEiCER the goveror for signing. The act. 'wVIII you lut me have $20 on It" .&TTO3NETy-AT-LAW reiating t0 teachurs' pensions, Io de- Braun asked. 1 want Tt only fer a Uttice Opp. Ifitu St. Electrie suo sIgned In care for the public sehool few days." icePoe88 e.Poe160 teahes n al ars o te tat ot- The dealer did so eagerly for it NORITH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Bide of Chicago. For the purpose of was a perfect atone. Before bu tfotr! PAUL MAC GUFIN. classification section 36 of the act pro- Braun had pawned a goid watch 'for vides that ail ciles and achool dis- $9ATTORNET A? LAW. tricts of the state baving a populatoin With ihis money he went Imme- Ubeftyvili., llinote in exceas of 65,000 as shown by the diately to the depot and too'i a train ns federal ceusus of 1910 and operating for Philadelphia. He visited a pawn at the lime the law takes effeet under sboli sud might have been able ta oeil DR. O. F. DUTTHRF MW. any statute providing for the estab- one or more pieces of the stolen VETER110ARY sufloif. iiahment of a teacbers' pension sud jewsiry bad be not made the fatal è.M1TÂNT 8TATI U ~TBMuMA. retiremneut fund shal not lbe subjeet mistake of dispiaying to mauy pieces Ub.ruilue.. Obole. to the provisions of ibis set. (L.akte or il. The pawnbroker became sus- conuty bas legs than 65,000.) piclous aud summoned the Police. DR. E. V. SEITE The new pension set appliies (o 'any WVhen Blraun was searched hie lied PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON teacher. lechers secretary, principal, nearly ail of the stoien jeweiry in bis Hiors 8t ains 2 in 4and 7to 9p. m supervisor, assistant supervisor, su- possession. The two Chicago pawu Ofce over Riav5umniure Store lprintendeut or assistant superinten- itickets gave the police a cîew aud LIBERTYVOLLE. ILLINOIS eut, wbo shall ieacb or bue emploved tbey communicatedl witb the police lu DR. N. W. SIIELLENBERGER lu tbe publie c sools of tbis state, or the latter city. The resuit was that OSTEOPA-ralu PHYSICIAN ln any auy normal, university, model the jewelry was Ideutified. lid Triggm BIdz. Libertyvilie, 111. or reformaîory sibool or anY other' Word -asment to Sberiff GriMu nfo! Ulies Houre 10util 5 scbool sijsported by the public mone.> W1aiçuao ad lie hastened ta Spring- Tuesdayesud Frideje only raised under the sutborit>- of any law field sucre lie secured extradition of Ibis siate, and ans' county or city paliers, lie tisen went to Philadeiphia Dl?. 1. L. TAYLOR ,iuperintendeust or assistant superin sbut encountered several delsys. BraunOfcei raNtialBk8idi tendent o! tbe public sebools' ' ,uly,,d ans attorney and wass nint- ' :" n The lpension and retirement fond ed to fight extradition. Tbe attor- heldeh't -iu Broadway. opposite Para provided for lu tise Srt Is made up of Tiey sougbt to briag the case up for - _etvti.dufoi sums automnaticaiiv deducted by tbe triaila Philadeplhia in whicb eveus.t Dit GOLDING scisool autborities from the salaries o!, i wouid bave been necessary for the DENTIST tihe teachiers ais dtransmittefi to tlseI Aidi. family te bave gone there 10 Blour. 8 %o 12 a.m.-1 bo 5 P.M. stale trea.murY togetber with sucb do- aispear as witnesses. But the Jewelry Over Fluet National Bank nation., as shahli e made in the fond jail was idestiied so completely that Othle Phone 19-J. 8ten. Phone 14.. and sucb suas as sbalt bu setlaside, the Philadelîshia court did uot deem Libertylile. IU1laoie annualir by tbe auditor o! public se- it necessary 10 have the case tried DR. L. H. SMITIFL conts under suthtority of tihe îaw there. ISENTIST. front tbe commun scbooi fond of the When Biraun pleaded guilty here 3VEE LAIL COSISTT hATIOSEAL BAM state as shah libe suffcient t0 muet ail Ibis morning he savedl the couuty H0u--bte 12 a. mn. and 1 -*o 6 . m. the demnanda made upon sucli pension the exîsense o! a trial which probabiy DAILY. and retiremeut fond is accordance would have lasted iwo or ibree dsys. Ltbortyvhile Iliitolm witb the sel, wbicb amount until oiber- Tt aise wouid bave been uecessary te CHAS. N. STEPIIIENS. M. 0. wisu provided by law glial l be quai bring wlîuesses bers fromn Philadel- O OPTI ta oeetnlio! 1 Miii upon eacb dol-tba Asi s ru s ae t rs PHYSICIAIf and SURGEONf lar of the assessudl valuation of ail the on" immedisteiy and wiii start the Phouis 10 Office ove, Ga& Ce. taxable property of tbe state exclu- serviug of bis sentence without delay. Liberiyvilie, 111. sive o! cities and school districts not1 By plesding guiit y itlai believed that coming sînder the provisions o! the: ha wil l be pardoned In two or Ibree DR. VICTOR C. I'OEFUSR a tis. srloe!dtrmnn yesrs. ;rovidlng bis conduet wbiie OSTEOPATHIC PHYOICIAN For b tiertaempa. 215 Madison St.. Wanke«M ,II. beneitsto e pad tachrs aclasi.Office Houri benlit t bupai taclersa lasi- Subsequcuit confessions lîy Freder- 9.12 A. M.; 1-4 p K.; 1-S p. I. fication as te tbe lenglis o! service la ick Braoun. the man wbo wss sentene- Suudays by Appoitfent 0mW made. Ttse coatrîbutiour to tise fund!ed to serve an iadeterminatê numbes- Tolepluoe . range fromt $1 to $6 per month foro er nJutpnînlr.so tive iuontbis of tise sebool yesr, wbite 1thaI bu la wanted by tbe Chicago po- J. L. REDOINO, D.V.M. lu bnfis nthe bshape of annuitiesj lice upon anothur charge sud rmay be VWVWINARV aUaUONu LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRMAY, J U S E 25,1915. - 1 w

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